This Section Explains The Drive Circuit Design

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Chapter 7

Gate Drive circuit Design


1 IGBT drive conditions and main characteristics …………… 7-2

2 Drive current …………… 7-5

3 Setting dead-time …………… 7-7

4 Concrete examples of drive circuits …………… 7-9

5 Drive circuit setting and actual implementation …………… 7-10

This section explains the drive circuit design.

In order to maximaize the performance of an IGBT, it is important to properly set the drive circuit

Chapter 7 Gate Drive circuit Design

1 IGBT drive conditions and main characteristics

IGBT drive conditions and main characteristics are shown below. An IGBT’s main characteristics
change according to the values of VGE and RG, so it is important to use settings appropriate for the
intended use of the equipment in which it will be installed.

Table 7-1 IGBT drive conditions and main characteristics

Main characteristics +VGE rise –VGE rise RG(ON) rise RG(oFF) rise
VCE(sat) Fall - - -
ton Fall - Rise -
toff - Fall Rise Rise
Turn-on surge voltage Rise - Fall -
Turn-off surge voltage - Rise - Fall
dv/dt malfunction Rise Fall Fall Fall
Current limit value Rise - - -
Short circuit withstand Fall - - -
Radiational EMI noise Rise - Fall Fall
*1: Dependence of surge voltage on gate resistance is different for each series

1.1 +VGE (On state)

A recommended the gate on state voltage value (+ VGE) is +15V. Notes when + VGE is designed are
shown as follows.
(1) Set +VGE so that is remains under the maximum rated G-E voltage, VGES =±20V.
(2) It is recommended that supply voltage fluctuations are kept to within ±10%.
(3) The on-state C-E saturation voltage VGE(sat) is inversely dependent on +VGE, so the greater the
+VGE the smaller the VGE(sat).
(4) Turn-on switching time and switching loss grow smaller as +VGE rises.
(5) At turn-on (at FWD reverse recovery), the higher the +VGE the greater the likelihood of surge
voltages in opposing arms.
(6) Even while the IGBT is in the off-state, there may be malfunctions caused by the dv/dt of the
FWD’s reverse recovery and a pulse collector current may cause unnecessary heat generation.
This phenomenon is called a dv/dt shoot through and becomes more likely to occur as +VGE rises.
(7) In V and U series IGBTs, the higher the +VGE, the higher the current limit becomes.
(8) The greater the +VGE the smaller the short circuit withstand capability.

Chapter 7 Gate Drive circuit Design

1.2 -VGE (Off state)

A recommended the gate reverse bias voltage value (-VGE) is –5 to -15V. Notes when -VGE is
designed are shown as follows.
(1) Set -VGE so that it remains under the maximum rated G-E voltage, VGES =±20V .
(2) It is recommended that supply voltage fluctuations are kept to within ±10%.
(3) IGBT turn-off characteristics are heavily dependent on -VGE, especially when the collector current
is just beginning to switch off. Consequently, the greater the -VGE the shorter, the switching time
and the switching loss become smaller.
(4) If the -VGE is too small, dv/dt shoot through currents may occur, so at least set it to a value greater
than –5V. If the gate wiring is long, then it is especially important to pay attention to this.

1.3 RG (Gate resistance)

Gate resistance RG listed in the product specification sheets is the value on the condition so as to
decrease the switching losses. So, you must select the optimal RG according to the circuit or operating
condition. Notes when RG is designed are shown as follows.
(1) The switching characteristics of both turn-on and turn-off are dependent on the value of RG, and
therefore the greater the RG the longer the longer the switching time and the greater the switching
loss. Also, as RG increases, the surge voltage during switching becomes smaller.
(2) The greater the RG the more unlikely a dv/dt shoot through current becomes.
(3) Various switching characteristics are varied for stray inductance. Especially, spike voltages when
IGBTs are turned off or FWDs are recovered reversibly are influenced on the stray inductance.
Therefore, RG need to be designed on the lower stray inductance condition.

Select the most suitable gate drive conditions while paying attention to the above points of

1.4 avoid the unexpected turn-on by recovery dv/dt

In this section, the way to avoid the unexpected

IGBT turn-on by dv/dt at the FWD’s reverse
recovery will be described. IGBT1 FWD1
Fig.7-1 shows the principle of unexpected
turn-on caused by dv/dt at reverse recovery. In
this figure, it is assumed that IGBT1 is turned off Rg
to on and gate to emitter voltage VGE of IGBT2 is
negative biased. In this condition, when IGBT1
get turned on from off-state, FWD on its opposite I=Cres x dV/dt
arm, that is, reverse recovery of FWD2 is
occurred. At same time, voltage of IGBT2 and
FWD2 with off-state is raised. This causes the
dV/dt according to switching time of IGBT1.
Because IGBT1 and 2 have the mirror
capacitance CGC, Current is generated by dV/dt
through CGC. This current is expressed by CGC x Rg
dV/dt. This current is flowed through the gate Off state IGBT2
resistance RG, results in increasing the gate
potential. So, VGE is generated between gate to Fig.7-1 Principle of unexpected turn-on
emitter. If VGE is excess the sum of reverse biased

Chapter 7 Gate Drive circuit Design

voltage and VGE(th), IGBT2 is turned on. Once IGBT2 is turned on, the short-circuit condition is
happened, because both IGBT1 and 2 is under turned-on state.
From this principle, the methods to avoid the unexpected turn-on are shown in Fig.7-0-2. There are
three methods, which are the CGE addition, increase of reverse bias voltage and increase of RG.

-VGE High-RG

(a) additional Cge (b) increase of -Vge (c) increase of RG

Fig. 7-2 Methods to avoid unexpected turn-on

The method to add the CGE is the way to the decrease of unexpected turn-on current by sharing to
CGE. Sharing current charges and/or discharges the additional CGE. In order to charge and/or
discharge the additional CGE, switching speed gets lower. Just only adding the CGE results in the
increase switching losses. However, lower Rg adding CGE at the same time can control switching
speed. In other words, both adding the CGE and decreasing the RG can avoid the unexpected turn-on
without increasing switching losses.
Driving higher RG can decrease dV/dt, results in soft-switching. However, it has the disadvantage of
increase switching losses as well. Moreover, although the method to enlarge the reverse bias is also
effective to avoid the unexpected turn-on, the quantity of the gate charge becomes larger.
From these viewpoints, adding the CGE is recommended to avoid unexpected turn-on.
Recommended CGE is two times value on the specification sheet and Recommended RG is the half
before adding CGE. In this case, you must confirm the various characteristics.

Chapter 7 Gate Drive circuit Design

2 Drive current
Since an IGBT has a MOS gate structure, to charge and discharge this gate when switching, it is
necessary to make gate current (drive current) flow. Fig.7-3 shows the gate charge (dynamic input)
characteristics. These gate charge dynamic input characteristics show the electric load necessary to
drive the IGBT and are used to calculate values like average drive voltage and the driving electric
power. Fig.7-4 shows the circuit schematic as well as the voltage and current waveforms. In principle,
a drive circuit has a forward bias power supply alternately switching back and forth using switch S1 and
S2. During this switching, the current used to charge and discharge the gate, is the driven current. In
Fig. 7-4, the area showing the current waveform (the hatched area) is equivalent to the gate charge
from Fig.7-3.


+VGE (V)

-Qg +Qg : Gate charge


-VGE (V)

Fig. 7-3 Schematic waveform of gate charge characteristics (Dynamic input characteristics).


vGE Vth +VGE


+ ig IGP

Gate charge Gate charge

Fig. 7-4 Drive circuit schematic as well as voltage and current waveforms.

Chapter 7 Gate Drive circuit Design

The drive current peak value IGP can be approximately calculated as follows:

+V GE + −V GE
I GP =
RG + R g
+VGE: Forward bias supply voltage
–VGE: Reverse bias supply voltage
RG : Drive circuit gate resistance
Rg : Module’s internal resistance

Internal gate resistance Rg is various for each typename or series. Therefore, refer to application
manual for application manual or technical data.

On the there hand, the average value of the drive current IG, using the gate charge characteristics
(Fig.7-3), can be calculated as follows:

+ I G = − I G = fc × + Q g + − Q g )
fc : Carrier frequency
Qg : Gate charge from 0V to +VGE
-Qg : Gate charge from -VGE to 0V

Consequently, it is important to set the output stage of the drive circuit in order to conduct this
approximate current flow (IGP, as well as ±IG).
Furthermore, if the power dissipation loss of the drive circuit is completely consumed by the gate
resistance, then the drive power (Pd) necessary to drive the IGBT is shown in the following formula:

( ) 
Pd (on) = fc •  + Q g + − Q g • ( + VGE + − VGE )
2 

Pd (off ) = Pd (on)
Pd = Pd (off ) + Pd (on)
( )
= fc • + Q g + − Q g • ( + VGE + − VGE )

Accordingly, a gate resistance is necessary that can charge this approximate capacity.
Be sure to design the drive circuit so that the above-mentioned drive current and drive power can be
properly supplied.

Chapter 7 Gate Drive circuit Design

3 Setting dead-time

For inverter circuits and the like, it is necessary to set an on-off timing “delay” (dead time) in order to
prevent short circuits. During the dead time, both the upper and lower arms are in the “off” state.
Basically, the dead time (see Fig.7-5) needs to be set longer than the IGBT switching time (toff max.).
For example, if RG is increased, switching time also becomes longer, so it would be necessary to
lengthen dead time as well. Also, it is necessary to consider other drive conditions and the temperature
It is important to be careful with dead times that are too short, because in the event of a short circuit
in the upper or lower arms, the heat generated by the short circuit current may destroy the module.
Therefore, the dead time of more than 3usec would be recommended for IGBT modules. However,
appropriate dead time should be settled by the confirmation of practical machine.

Upper arm H
Gate signal ON OFF ON

Lower arm H
Gate signal OFF ON OFF

Dead time Dead time

Fig. 7-5 Dead time timing chart.

Chapter 7 Gate Drive circuit Design

One method of judging whether or not the dead time setting is sufficient or not, is to check the
current of a no-load DC supply line.
In the case of a 3-phase inverter (as shown in Fig.7-4), set the inverter’s outputs to open, then apply
a normal input signal, and finally measures the DC line current. A very small pulse current (dv/dt
current leaving out the module’s Miller Capacitance: about 5% of the normal rated current) will be
observed, even if the dead time is long enough.
However, if the date time is insufficient, then there will be a short circuit current flow much larger than
this. In this case, keep increasing the dead time until the short circuit current disappears. Also, for the
same reasons stated above, we recommend testing at high temperatures.

Current detection

+ U, V, W

Insufficient dead time makes short circuit

current much larger than dv/dt current.

Fig. 7-6 Current detection methods for short circuit cased by insufficient dead time.

Chapter 7 Gate Drive circuit Design

4 Concrete examples of drive circuits

For inverter circuits and the like, it is necessary to electrically isolate the IGBT from the control circuit.
An example of a drive circuit using this principle, is shown below.
Fig.7-7 shows an example of a drive circuit using a high speed opto-coupler. By using the
opto-coupler, the input signal and the module are isolated from each other. Also, since the opto-coupler
does not limit the output pulse width, it is suitable for changing pulse widths or PWM controllers, to
wide ranges. It is currently the most widely used.
Furthermore, this way the turn-on and
turn-off characteristics determined by gate
resistance can be set separately, so it VCC
commonly used to ensure the best
Aside from the above, there is also a +
signal isolation method using a pulse
transformer. With this method the signal as
well as the gate drive power can both be
supplied simultaneously from the signal
side, thereby allowing circuit simplification.
However, this method has the limitations of
an on/(off+on) time ratio of max. 50%, and
reverse bias cannot be set, so its
usefulness as a control method and Fig. 7-7 Example of drive circuit using high speed
switching frequency regulator is limited. opto-coupler.

Chapter 7 Gate Drive circuit Design

5 Drive circuit setting and actual implementation

5.1 Opto-coupler noise ruggedness

As IGBTs are high speed switching elements, it is necessary to select a opto-coupler for drive circuit
that has a high noise ruggedness (e.g. HCPL4504). Also, to prevent malfunctions, make sure that the
wiring from different sides doesn’t cross. Furthermore, in order to make full use of the IGBT’s a high
speed switching capabilities, we recommend using a opto-coupler with a short signal transmission

5.2 Wiring between drive circuit and IGBT

If the wiring between the drive circuit and the IGBT is long, the IGBT may malfunction due to gate
signal oscillation or induced noise. A countermeasure for this is shown below in Fig.7-8.

(1) Make the drive circuit wiring as short as

possible and finely twist the gate and emitter
wiring. (Twist wiring) Stray inductance
(2) Increase RG. However, pay attention to
switching time and switching loss.
(3) Separate the gate wiring and IGBT control RG
circuit wiring as much as possible, and set
the layout so that they cross each other (in Drive
order to avoid mutual induction). circuit
(4) Do not bundle together the gate wiring or RGE*1
other phases.

*1 RGE
If the gate circuit is bad or if the gate circuit is
not operating (gate in open state)*2 and a voltage
is applied to the power circuit, the IGBT may be
destroyed. In order to prevent this destruction, we
Fig. 7-8 Gate signal oscillation countermeasure
recommend placing a 10kΩ resistance RGE
between the gate and emitter.
*2 Switch-on
When powering up, first switch on the gate circuit power supply and then when it is fully operational,
switch on the main circuit power supply.

5.3 Gate overvoltage protection C(Collector)

It is necessary that IGBT modules, like
other MOS based elements, are sufficiently
protected against static electricity. Also, since
the G-E absolute maximum rated voltage is
±20V, if there is a possibility that a voltage
greater than this may be applied, then as a
protective measure it is necessary to connect
a zenner diode between the gate and emitter
as shown in Fig.7-9. E(Axially Emitter)

Fig. 7-9 G-E overvoltage protection circuit example.

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