Weekly Home Learning Plan in General Chemistry 2: Write Your

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Division of Rizal
Teresa, Rizal
Grade 11


1. Write your answer in a whole sheet of paper.

2. Write your answers clearly.
3. Show your solutions:
4. Don’t leave any items unanswered.
5. Do not post your answers on social media.
6. Do not cheat:
7. Accomplish the module/ activity as indicated in the weekly home learning plan.

Note: Self Learning Module is intended to all students to guide them in their learnings in Physical Science. After doing
the assigned tasks for the day, kindly check your learning task and refer to the key to corrections found at the back
page of the SLM. Write your score at the upper right of your paper.

Grading System: Written Works 40% Performance Tasks 60%

Week Competency Task

Do the following:

1 Describe and Quarter 3- Module 1

Properties of differentiate the types of
Liquids and intermolecular forces Answer the following learning tasks:
Solids to the STEM_GC11IMFIIIa-c-100  Learning task 1 K-W-L chart, p. 1
Nature of  Learning task 2 Kinetic Molecular Model, p. 1
Forces Describe the following  Learning task 3 Properties Kinetic Molecular Model, p. 5 (Written
Between properties of liquids, and work)
Particles explain the effect of  Learning task 4 Types of Intermolecular Forces, p. 5
intermolecular forces on  Learning task 5 Intermolecular Forces, p. 5 (Written work)
these properties: surface  Learning task 6 Marble Race p. 7 (Performance task)
tension, viscosity, vapor  Reflection, p.8 (Written work)
pressure, boiling point,
and molar heat of Check Learning Tasks 1-7. Refer to the answer key on page 9

2 Interpret the phase Quarter 3- Module 1

Properties of diagram of water and
Water and carbon dioxide Answer the following learning tasks:
Structure of STEM_GC11IMFIIIa-c-107  Learning task 1 K-W-L chart, p. 10
Solid  Learning task 2 True or False, p. 10
Perform stoichiometric  Learning task 3 Traveling Water, p. 11-12 (Performance task)
calculations for  Learning task 4 Venn diagram, p. 14 (Written work)
reactions in solution  Learning task 5 Type of Crystalline & Type of Interaction, p. 16
STEM_GC11PPIIId-f-112  Learning task 6 Rock Candy Sticks, p. 18-19 (Performance task)
Note: You can watch video for this experiment
 Learning task 7 p. 19
 Reflection, p.19 (Written work)

Check Learning Tasks 1-5. Refer to the answer key on page 20

3 Differentiate the Quarter 3- Module 1
Phase colligative properties of
Changes in nonelectrolyte solutions Answer the following learning tasks:
Terms of the and of electrolyte  Learning task 1 Recall: Phases Change, p. 22-23
Accompanyin solutions  Learning task 2 p. 24
g Changes in STEM_GC11PPIIId-f-116  Learning task 3 Phase Diagram of H2O, p. 24-25 (Written work)
Energy  Learning task 4 Phase Diagram of CO2, p. 25-26 (Written work)
and Forces  Learning task 5 Fill-out the Table, p. 26 (Performance task)
Between  Learning task 6 Graph of Heating Curve, p. 28
Particles  Learning task 7 p. 29-30
 Reflection, p. 30 (Written work)

Check Learning Tasks 1-7. Refer to the answer key on page 31

4 Quarter 3- Module 1
Properties of Describe how various Properties of Solutions, Solubility and the Stoichiometry of
Solutions, factors influence the Reactions in Solutions
Solubility and rate of a reaction
the STEM_GC11CKIIIi-j-130 Answer the following learning tasks:
Stoichiometry  Learning task 1 Solute-Solvent, p. 32
of Explain reactions  Learning task 2-8 Computation, p. 41(Performance task)
Reactions in qualitatively in terms of Note: Show the Solution in your answer sheet
Solutions molecular collisions  Learning task 9, p. 42
STEM_GC11CKIIIi-j-136  Reflection, p. 42 (Written work)

Check Learning Tasks 1-9. Refer to the answer key on page 43

5 Explain chemical Quarter 3 – Module 2

Physical equilibrium in terms of
Properties of the reaction rates of the Answer the following learning tasks:
Solutions forward and the reverse  Learning task 1 K-W-L chart, p. 4
reaction  Learning task 2 p. 4
STEM_GC11CEIVb-e-145  Learning task 3-5 Read and analyze the following material,
p. 5-12 (Read with comprehension)
 Learning task 6 Classify the Substances, p. 12
 Learning task 7, p. 13 (Written work)
State the Le Chatelier’s  Learning task 8 Choose three (3) problems to solve. Show the
principle and apply it complete solution, p. 13 (Performance task)
qualitatively to describe  Learning task 9 Matching Type, p. 14
the effect of changes in  Reflection, p. 30 (Written work)
pressure, concentration
and temperature on a Check Learning Tasks 6, 7 & 9. Refer to the answer key on page 15
system at equilibrium

6 Define Bronsted acids Quarter 3 – Module 2

Thermochemistry and bases
STEM_GC11ABIVf-g-153 Answer the following learning tasks:
 Learning task 1 K-W-L chart, p. 16
Discuss the acid-base  Learning task 2 p. 16
property of water  Learning task 3-5 Read and analyze the following material,
STEM_GC11ABIVf-g-154 p. 17-24 (Read with comprehension)
 Learning task 6 Comic Strip, p. 25 (Performance task)
Calculate ph from the  Learning task 7 True or False, p. 25
concentration of  Learning task 11 Try to solve the Problem, p. 26
hydrogen ion or  Reflection, p. 26 (Written work)
hydroxide ions in
aqueous solutions Check Learning Tasks 7 & 8. Refer to the answer key on page 27
7-8 Define oxidation and Quarter 3 – Module 2
Chemical reduction reactions
Kinetics STEM_GC11ABIVf-g-169 Answer the following learning tasks:
• Learning task 1 K-W-L chart, p. 28
Balance redox reactions • Learning task 2-6 Read and analyze the following material,
using the change in p. 28-34 (Read with comprehension)
oxidation number • Learning task 7, p. 35 (Performance task)
method • Learning Task Factors Affect Reaction Rates., p. 35 (Written work)
STEM_GC11ABIVf-g-170 • Learning task 9 Concept Map, p. 35 (Performance task)
 Learning task 10 p. 36
Identify the reaction • Reflection, p. 36 (Written work)
occurring in the different
parts of the cell Check Learning Tasks 7. Refer to the answer key on page 37

Define reduction
potential, oxidation
and cell potential

Mode of Delivery: (Option)

 Have the parent hand-in the output to the teacher in the identified Kiosk.
 IF you have Internet connection:
Take pictures of your answers and upload it to our portal at vkiosk.rf.gd
 IF you do not have Internet connection:
Submit your answers on a separate sheet of paper which will be sent by you or your parents or guardians
on the day of retrieval.
 Send your output via google classroom or google drive or virtual kiosk assigned to your section. Keep your
answer sheets then compile it in a long envelop to be submitted at the end of the quarter.

Prepared by:


Subject Teacher

Checked by:

STEM Coordinator

Approved by:

Head Teacher I

Noted by:

School Head II

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