Advanced Mathematical Thinking at Any Age
Advanced Mathematical Thinking at Any Age
Advanced Mathematical Thinking at Any Age
Advanced Mathematical-Thinking
at Any Age: Its Nature
and Its Development
Guershon Harel
Department of Mathematics
University of California, San Diego
Larry Sowder
Department of Mathematics and Statistics
San Diego State University
This article argues that advanced mathematical thinking, usually conceived as think-
ing in advanced mathematics, might profitably be viewed as advanced thinking in
mathematics (advanced mathematical-thinking). Hence, advanced mathemati-
cal-thinking can properly be viewed as potentially starting in elementary school. The
definition of mathematical thinking entails considering the epistemological and
didactical obstacles to a particular way of thinking. The interplay between ways of
thinking and ways of understanding gives a contrast between the two, to make clearer
the broader view of mathematical thinking and to suggest implications for instruc-
tional practices. The latter are summarized with a description of the DNR system
(Duality, Necessity, and Repeated Reasoning). Certain common assumptions about
instruction are criticized (in an effort to be provocative) by suggesting that they can
interfere with growth in mathematical thinking.
The reader may have noticed the unusual location of the hyphen in the title of this
article. We relocated the hyphen in “advanced-mathematical thinking” (i.e., think-
ing in advanced mathematics) so that the phrase reads, “advanced mathemati-
cal-thinking” (i.e., mathematical thinking of an advanced nature). This change in
emphasis is to argue that a student’s growth in mathematical thinking is an evolv-
ing process, and that the nature of mathematical thinking should be studied so as to
Requests for reprints should be sent to Guershon Harel, Department of Mathematics, University of
California, San Diego, San Diego, CA 92093–0112. E-mail: [email protected]
We address these questions, in turn, in the four sections comprising this article.
Our earlier research necessitated these questions in the context of mathematical
proof (cf. Harel, 2001; Harel & Sowder, 1998). In this article, however, we do not
restrict our discussion to the process of proving. Rather, we demonstrate our
claims in a range of mathematical contexts across the grade-level spectrum, to
demonstrate that advanced mathematical-thinking is not bound by ad-
vanced-mathematical thinking.
1We use the terms mathematical thinking, a way of mathematical thinking, or just a way of thinking
Underlying the analysis presented in this article is the fundamental premise that
humans’ mental actions, observable or inferred, are induced and governed by their
general views of the world, and, conversely, humans’ general views of the world
are formed by these actions. Our probe into the above four questions through the
lenses of this duality led to a distinction between two categories of knowledge:
ways of thinking and ways of understanding.
The particular meaning students give to a term, sentence, or text, the solution
they provide to a problem, or the justification they use to validate or refute an asser-
tion—are ways of understanding, whereas students’ general theories—implicit or
explicit—underlying such actions are ways of thinking. This distinction, to be
elaborated upon shortly, has been both essential and valuable for our research and
for its instructional implications. We have observed that teachers often form, at
least implicitly, cognitive objectives in terms of ways of thinking, but their efforts
to these teach ways of thinking are often counterproductive because their efforts do
not build on ways of understanding. Conversely, teachers often focus on ways of
understanding but overlook the goal of helping students construct effective ways of
thinking from these ways of understanding. This observation is the basis for the
Duality Principle, one of the fundamental principles that underlie the instructional
treatment employed in our teaching experiments (see Harel, 1998, 2001). We re-
turn to the Duality Principle in the third section of this article.
Problem 1: A pool is connected to 2 pipes. One pipe can fill the pool in 20
hours, and the other in 30 hours. Assuming the water is flowing at a constant
rate, how long will it take the 2 pipes together to fill the pool?
Among the different solutions provided by the students, there were the following
four—each represents a different way of understanding.
Solution 1.1: In 12 hours the first pipe would fill 3/5 of the pool and the sec-
ond pipe the remaining 2/5. (The student who provided this solution accom-
panied it with a sketch similar to Figure 1. We return to this solution later in
the article).
Solution 1.2: It will take the 2 pipes 50 hours to fill the pool.
Solution 1.3: It will take the 2 pipes 10 hours to fill the pool.
Solution 1.4: It would take x hours. In one hour the first pipe will fill 1/20 of
the pool, whereas the second will fill 1/30. In x hours the first pipe would fill
x/20 and the second, x/30. Thus, x/20 + x/30 = 1. (The student then solved
this equation to obtain x = 12.)
Problem 2: Prove that log(a1 · a2 … an) = log a1 + log a2 + … + log an for all
positive integers n.
Solution 2.1:
log(4 · 3 · 7) = log 84 = 1.924
log 4 + log 3 + log 7 = 1.924
log(4 · 3 · 6) = log 72 = 1.857
log 4 + log 3 + log 6= 1.857
Because these work, then log(a1 · a2 … an) = log a1 + log a2 + … + log an.
Solution 2.2:
i. log (a1a2) = log a1 + log a2 by definition
log (a1a2a3) = log a1 + log a2a3. Similar to log (ax) as in step (i), where this
time x = a2a3.
In our usage, the phrase way of understanding, conveys the reasoning one ap-
plies in a local, particular mathematical situation. The phrase way of thinking, on
the other hand, refers to what governs one’s ways of understanding, and thus ex-
presses reasoning that is not specific to one particular situation but to a multitude
of situations. A person’s ways of thinking involve at least three interrelated catego-
ries: beliefs, problem-solving approaches, and proof schemes.
“Formal mathematics has little or nothing to do with real thinking or problem solv-
ing,” and “The solution of a problem should not take more than five minutes” are
detrimental common beliefs among students (Schoenfeld, 1985, p. 43). On the
other hand, in our work with undergraduate mathematics students, we found that
enabling beliefs such as “A concept can have multiple interpretations” and “It is
advantageous to possess multiple interpretations of a concept,” although essential
in courses such as linear algebra, are often absent from the students’ repertoires of
reasoning. The development of these ways of thinking should not wait until stu-
dents take advanced-mathematics courses, such as linear algebra. Elementary
school mathematics and secondary school mathematics are rich with opportunities
for students to develop these ways of thinking. For example, the different ways of
understanding fractions we just presented should provide such an opportunity to
develop the above ways of thinking for all elementary-grade students; likewise the
(correct) different ways of understanding derivatives should provide such an op-
portunity for secondary-school students who take calculus.
2We chose not to use the term “heuristics” here because, although every heuristic is a general ap-
proach to solving problems, the converse is not true. Heuristics are defined as “rules of thumb for effec-
tive problem solving” (Schoenfeld, 1985, p. 23); students’ approaches to solving mathematical prob-
lems—needless to say—are not always heuristics in this sense.
Proving is defined in Harel and Sowder (1998) as the process employed by a per-
son to remove or create doubts about the truth of an observation, and a distinction
is made there between ascertaining for oneself and persuading others. A person’s
proof scheme consists of what constitutes ascertaining and persuading for that per-
son. Thus, proof schemes include one’s methods of justification. In this sense,
“proving” and “justification” are used interchangeably in this article. One of the
most ubiquitous proof schemes held by students is the inductive proof scheme,
where students ascertain for themselves and persuade others about the truth of a
conjecture by direct measurements of quantities, numerical computations, substi-
tutions of specific numbers in algebraic expressions, etc. (Harel & Sowder, 1998).
We found that this way of thinking governed the way of understanding expressed
in Solution 2.1 (Harel, 2001). The way of understanding expressed in Solution 2.2,
on the other hand, was found to be a manifestation of a different way of thinking,
called transformational proof scheme. In Harel (2001) it is shown why Solution
2.1 contains the three essential elements that characterize the transformational
proof scheme: (a) consideration of the generality aspects of the conjecture, (b) ap-
plication of mental operations that are goal oriented and anticipatory—an attempt
to predict outcomes on the basis of general principles—and (c) transformations of
images that govern the deduction in the evidencing process.3
It is clear that some ways of thinking are flawed (e.g., relying solely on empirical
observations to justify mathematical arguments, as we have seen in Solution 2.1;
over-generalizing mathematical ideas, as in the common inference students make:
“since 2(a + b) = 2a +2b is valid, then (a + b)2 = a2 + b2 must also be valid” [Matz,
1980]), although others are sound (e.g., looking for elegant solutions to problems;
generalizing mathematical ideas). But in what sense is “mathematical thinking”
advanced? Does “advanced” imply “effective,” “efficient,” or “elegant”? Is
nonadvanced mathematical thinking necessarily lacking or faulty? “Advanced”
implies there is also an “elementary.” If so, in what sense is “mathematical think-
ing” elementary? It is extremely difficult to characterize these properties, even if
we share an intuitive understanding of their meaning, and it is even more difficult
to build a taxonomy that differentiates among properties of mathematical thinking.
Yet it is of paramount importance to characterize qualities of mathematical think-
ing to
3For the full taxonomy of proof schemes, see Harel and Sowder (1998) and Harel (in press).
translate them into essential cognitive objectives—objectives that would position el-
ementary mathematics content for the successful subsequent learning of advanced
mathematical content. But what is the complete set of such ways of thinking? Is the
set a mere list, or does it have an underlying structure and is it guided by a small num-
ber of principles? Advanced mathematical-thinking research can and should take the
lead in answering these critical questions. (Heid, Harel, Ferrini-Mundy, & Graham,
2000, p. 35)
This consideration is discussed in the context of Problems 3–5 below, about a stu-
dent who can do proportional reasoning but is not yet able to reason in terms of
functional representation, and hence does not work in a mathematically efficient
In a secondary mathematics lesson on exponential decay, the homework in-
cluded the problem:
Problem 3: The annual rate of inflation in a certain year is 8%. How much
will the dollar lose of its purchasing power during this year?
Solution 3:
H: What costs $1 at the beginning of the year will cost $1.08 at the end of the
year. If a product costs $1 at the beginning of the year, that product would
cost $1.08 at the end of the year. We want to know how much of the product
we can buy for $1 at the end of the year. We are not going to be able to buy
the whole product for one dollar, only a portion of it. Let’s say we can buy x
of it for $1. Then [reasoning proportionally] 1/1.08 = x/1. x = 1/1.08 = 1/(1
+ 8/100) = 100/108. We can buy only 100/108 = 92.6% of the product. The
dollar lost about 7.4% of its purchasing power.
Following H’s presentation of her solution, the teacher introduced the following
generalization (without labeling it so):
Problem 4: The annual rate of inflation in a certain year is a%. How much
will the dollar lose of its purchasing power during this year?
Solution 4:
Teacher: As H said, a product that costs $1 at the beginning of the year
would cost $(1 = a/100) at the end of the year. Our goal is to find out how
much of the product we can buy for $1 at the end of the year. If x is the frac-
tion of the product we can buy for $1, then, as H did, x can be obtained from
the equation: 1/(1 + a/100) = x/1. Solving for x, we get: x = 1/(1 + a/100) =
100/(100 + a), or 100(100/(100 + a))%. Thus, if the annual inflation rate is
a%, then the dollar loses (100 – 10000/(100 + a))% of its purchasing power.
Following this work, the teacher discussed with the students the graph of the
function f(a) = 100 – 10000/(100 + a), and its physical (economic) meaning. Spe-
cifically, he discussed these questions: What are the roots of the function? Where is
it defined? What is the behavior of the graph of the function, and what is the eco-
nomic meaning of these behaviors (e.g., the economic meaning of a = –100, or an
annual rate of 100% deflation)?
The next set of homework included the following problem.
Problem 5: During one year, the dollar lost 12.7% of its value. What was the
annual rate of inflation during that year?
Solution 5: At the end of the year, with $1 I can buy only (100 – 12.7)% =
87.3/100 of the product. The whole product would cost $y. y/1 =
1/(87.3/100). y = 100/87.3 ≈ 1.145. The annual rate of inflation is about
a possible development of proportional thinking, and Cai and Sun (2002) have de-
scribed the carefully planned development of proportion in a Chinese curriculum.
Arriving at a level of thinking that might be called genuine proportional thinking is
not just a matter of telling students about cross-multiplication.
Problem 6. Find a point on the number line whose distance from 1 is half its
distance from –4.
L writes x + 4.
L writes (x + 4)/2.
Teacher: How else can you express the distance between x and 1?
At this point L was unable to express the distance between x and 1 in a differ-
ent way from (x + 4)/2.
Clearly, one’s ways of thinking, both good and bad, influence one’s further
ways of understanding. A student whose way of thinking involves believing that a
mathematics story problem should be solved quickly by looking for a key word
and then waiting for a teacher’s reaction to the answer will certainly derive a differ-
ent way of understanding for story problems (i.e., will solve them differently) than
a student willing to spend several minutes making a drawing, looking for relation-
ships, and then striving for some sort of self-verification. The Duality Principle
asserts that the converse is also true, and so teachers and curriculum developers in
all grade levels should structure their instruction in a way that provides students
with opportunities to construct advanced mathematical-thinking from ways of
There are powerful examples of the relationship of advanced mathemati-
cal-thinking in school mathematics to advanced-mathematical thinking. Consider
again the “multiple ways of understanding” we mentioned earlier.
Most students’ repertoires of reasoning do not include the way of thinking that
“A concept can be understood in different ways,” and that “It is often advantageous
to change ways of understanding of a concept when attempting to solve a prob-
lem.” The learning of linear algebra, an advanced-mathematical thinking topic, re-
quires multiple ways of understanding, for one must realize, for example, that
problems about systems of linear equations are equivalent to problems about ma-
trices, which, in turn, are equivalent to problems about linear transformations. Stu-
dents who are not equipped with these ways of thinking are doomed to encounter
difficulties. At the precollege level, there are various opportunities to help students
think in these ways. The list of ways of understanding fractions mentioned earlier
provides one such opportunity. Students should learn, for example, that the frac-
tion 3/4 can be understood in different ways: 3 individual objects, each of quantity
1/4; the result when 3 objects of the same size are shared among 4 individuals; the
portion of the quantity 4 that equals the quantity 3; and 3/4 as a mathematical ob-
ject, a conceptual entity, a number. Similarly, students should become comfortable
with the different ways in which many functions can be represented—table, graph,
equation, for example—and translations among these representations. Students
should also learn that depending on the nature of the problem, some interpretations
or representations are more advantageous than others. We believe that it is from
these kinds of ways of understanding that students construct the aforementioned
ways of thinking.
Research has shown that repeated experience, or practice, is a critical factor in en-
hancing, organizing, and abstracting knowledge (Cooper, 1991). The question is
not whether students need to remember facts and master procedures but how they
should come to know facts and procedures and how they should practice them.
This is the basis for the Repeated Reasoning Principle: “Students must practice
reasoning internalize and interiorize specific ways of thinking and ways of under-
standing” (Harel, 2001).
Consider again two important ways of thinking we mentioned earlier: “mathe-
matical efficiency” and “transformational proof scheme.”
Two elementary school children, S and T, were taught division of fractions. S
was taught in a typical method, where he was presented with the rule (a/b) ÷ (c/d) =
(a/b) ⋅ (d/c). The rule was introduced to him in a meaningful context and with a
mathematically correct justification that he understood, but was asked to repeat. T,
on the other hand, was presented with no rule but consistent with the duality princi-
ple and the repeated reasoning principle, she was always encouraged to justify her
mathematical actions. Each time she encountered a division of fractions problem,
she explained its meaning using her understanding of division of whole numbers as
the rationale for her solution. S and T were assigned homework problems to com-
pute divisions of fractions. S solved all the problems correctly, and gained, as a re-
sult, a good mastery of the division rule. It took T a much longer time to do her
homework. Here is what T—a real third-grader—said when she worked on (4/5) ÷
How many 2/3s in 4/5? I need to find what goes into both [meaning: a
unit-fraction that divides 4/5 and 2/3 with no remainders]. 1/15 goes into
both. It goes 3 times into 1/5 and 5 times into 1/3, so it would go 12 times into
4/5 and 10 times into 2/3. [She writes: 4/5 = 12/15; 2/3 = 10/15; (4/5) ÷ (2/3)
= (12/15) ÷ (10/15)]. How many times does 10/15 go into 12/15? How many
times do 10 things go into 12 things? One time and 2/10 of a time, which is 1
and 1/5.
At first it is not always wise or useful to present a new mathematical concept in its
simplest form …. It has been found that, at least in some cases, it is far better to intro-
duce the new structure at a more difficult level, relying upon the child to discover the
less complex sections within the whole structure. (1971, p. 57)
Myth 2. The best mental model is a simple one, preferably one quite fa-
miliar to the students. For example, instruction in linear algebra often uses co-
ordinate 2-D and 3-D geometry as the first examples of a vector space. Harel
(1999) argued that these examples constrain students’ understanding, so that they
think vector space ideas are just ideas about geometry: Linear algebra “=” geome-
try. Consequently they have difficulty dealing with nongeometric vector spaces.
He suggests that using systems of linear equations as a first way of understanding
vectors at least keeps the students’ thinking in an algebraic domain.
Here is another instance in which starting with the simplest situations may cre-
ate a didactical obstacle. Multiplication is always introduced as repeated addition;
this natural but confining approach seems to lead almost inexorably to the errone-
ous “multiplication makes bigger” idea (e.g., Fischbein, Deri, Nello, & Marino,
1985; Greer, 1987). Perhaps introducing multiplication as meaning “copies of”
would serve the students better (Thompson & Saldanha, 2003): 2 × 4 tells you how
many are in 2 copies of 4, and 2/3 × 6 tells you how many are in 2/3 of a copy of 6—
thus enveloping repeated-addition and fractional-part-of-an-amount interpreta-
tions into one way of thinking about multiplication. We do recognize that other
ways of understanding multiplication should also, and usually do, come up in the
mathematics curriculum. Such an instructional approach is needed to advance the
ways of thinking “a concept can have multiple interpretations” and “it is advanta-
geous to have multiple ways of understanding.”
In general, instruction that uses examples limited in some irrelevant or confin-
ing way runs the risk of over-generalization, with the irrelevant characteristic per-
haps becoming a part of the concept—everyone knows what to draw when asked to
draw an “upside-down” trapezoid (cf. Sowder, 1980). The first choices of exam-
ples may be crucial, as Marshall’s work (1995) with schemas for story problems
in their proofs—What is the key to the result? Or, does a slight modification in the
proof suggest another result? Rav (1999) even claimed that mathematical knowl-
edge is embedded in the proofs, with the theorem only a “headline” (p. 20). But, to
repeat an earlier point, we have noticed that a proof for many students is either
something to ignore in favor of studying the result, or something only to be duti-
fully memorized for purposes of repetition on an examination. Indeed, labeling a
result with “theorem”—and that labeling alone—often means that the result is cer-
tain and requires nothing more, as we noted earlier.
We hypothesize that it is better to emphasize the reasoning, perhaps in several
examples, that a proof generalizes. The earlier example in which the child continu-
ally utilized a meaning-based argument for calculating divisions by fractions illus-
trates our point. Brownell (1956) emphasized that the quality of practice, rather
than just practice itself, was most important. Carefully planned practice could
guide the student’s thinking to a higher level. For example, the exercises in Figure
2 could precede, indeed could generate, the result about the relation between the
measures of vertical angles, at the same time they are providing practice with the
angle sum for a linear pair.
Here is another example of practice paving the way to a result. Suppose the tar-
get is one version of the fundamental theorem of calculus: Under certain condi-
tions on f, with F an antiderivative of F, ∫ f ( x) dx = F( b) − F( a). A common start-
ing point for this version is another version of the fundamental theorem:
d x
dx ∫a
f (t) dt = f ( x), again with conditions on f. Paraphrasing the latter gives that
the integral is an antiderivative of f(x). Hence, for example, ∫ (cos t) dt is the
Opportunity to Learn
The most serious didactical obstacle is a lack of opportunity to learn. In particular,
we have in mind the (good) ways of thinking and understanding mentioned earlier,
and the “habits of mind” of Cuoco, Goldenberg, and Marks (1996). Instruction (or
a curriculum) that ignores sense-making, for example, can scarcely be expected to
produce sense-making students. Computational shortcuts like “move the decimal
point” or “cross-multiply” or “invert and multiply” given as rules without any at-
tention as to why these work turns elementary school mathematics into what is de-
servedly called a bag of tricks. Also, students who never have a chance to make
conjectures cannot become more skilled at conjecturing—and it may be hypothe-
sized that students who have never conjectured do not see any need for mathemati-
cal proof. And so on.
Not an Exclusive Or
Whether a particular obstacle to learning is didactical or epistemological, in an
exclusive-or sense, is, we believe, too limiting. Harel (in press) offers the view
that an obstacle may be partly didactical and partly epistemological. Consider,
for example, “multiplication makes bigger” (MMB), the well-documented mis-
conception mentioned earlier that is an obstacle for many students (through col-
lege) in choosing an operation for solving a story problem (Greer, 1987). MMB
clearly meets Duroux’s partially-valid and obstinacy criteria, and one might ar-
gue that it also has historical roots, with multiplication probably first formalized
with whole numbers. Yet, MMB could perhaps have its influence allayed, if not
nullified, by some instructional modification like some more-inclusive view, say
the “copies of” interpretation mentioned earlier, or perhaps by exploring “what it
would be” via a calculator calculation of something like 0.2 × 15 or (1/2)x24 at
an age before extensive experience with whole numbers leads to MMB. Hence,
MMB might be positioned on a didactical versus epistemological set of axes as
in Figure 3.
In a similar way, one can conjecture difficulties with proportional reasoning,
with understanding (–1)(–1) = +1, with linear independence, or with some nota-
tional conventions like sin–1 x, as being both didactical and epistemological in na-
ture, as we have speculated in Figure 4.
Our view is that the roots of mathematical thinking for advanced mathematics
must be fostered during the study of elementary mathematics. General ways of
thinking, built on rich ways of understanding in elementary mathematics, can then
symbiotically support further ways of understanding and of thinking in advanced
Some of the ideas presented in this article are the result of National Science Foun-
dation Project 9355861; opinions expressed here, of course, are those of the au-
thors and are not necessarily those of the Foundation. We also acknowledge with
gratitude the clarifying conversations with Alfred Manaster, and the suggestions
from the Advanced Mathematical Thinking Group of PME–NA, particularly those
at the Tucson meeting: Stacy Brown, Walter Houston, Kathy Ivey, Barbara Loud,
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