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S Um Lincom V1.9.1

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SS-056-UM-010 LINCOM VER 1.9.

Signals and Systems (India) Private Ltd.


Document No. SS-056-UM-010

Version: 1.9.1
SS-056-UM-010 LINCOM VER 1.9.1

Table of Contents

1 INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................................................................. 5

2 SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS ............................................................................................................................................ 5

2.1 PC SOFTWARE ............................................................................................................................................................... 5

2.1.1 Hardware Requirements ......................................................................................................................................... 5
2.1.2 Software Requirements ........................................................................................................................................... 5
2.2 CMRI SOFTWARE .......................................................................................................................................................... 5
2.2.1 Hardware Requirements ......................................................................................................................................... 5
2.2.2 Software Requirements ........................................................................................................................................... 5


3.1 DATA DOWNLOADING SOFTWARE NAVIGATION ............................................................................................................... 6

4 ETHERNET MEDIA OPERATING PROCEDURE: ...................................................................................................... 6

4.1 PORT INITIALIZING:........................................................................................................................................................ 6

4.2 SEND A FILE FROM PC TO CMRI (EXPORT): ........................................................................................................... 7
4.2.1 Export Single File: ................................................................................................................................................. 7 Export Single file from PC to CMRI Default Location (/home/):........................................................................................... 7 Export Single file from PC to CMRI Sub Folder: ................................................................................................................. 8
4.2.2 Export Multiple File: .............................................................................................................................................. 9 Export multiple files from PC to CMRI Default Location (/B/): ............................................................................................ 9 Export multiple files from PC to CMRI Sub Folder: ............................................................................................................. 9
4.3 RECEIVE A FILE FROM CMRI TO PC (IMPORT): ................................................................................................... 10
4.3.1 Import Single File: ............................................................................................................................................... 10 Import single file from CMRI Default Location (/B/) to PC: ............................................................................................... 10 Import single file from CMRI Sub Folder to PC: ................................................................................................................ 11
4.3.2 Import Multiple File: ............................................................................................................................................ 12 Import Multiple Files from CMRI Default Location (/B/) to PC: ......................................................................................... 12 Import Multiple Files from CMRI Sub Folder to PC: .......................................................................................................... 13
4.4 GET THE FILE LIST PRESENT IN CMRI: ................................................................................................................. 13
4.4.1 GET FILE LIST: ................................................................................................................................................... 13 Getfilelist from CMRI Default Location (/B/):.................................................................................................................... 13
4.4.2 Import Selected Files from the List: ...................................................................................................................... 14 Import Selected Files from CMRI Default Location (/B/) to PC: ......................................................................................... 14
4.5 DELETE FILE FROM CMRI: ..................................................................................................................................... 16
4.5.1 Delete Single File in CMRI: .................................................................................................................................. 16
SS-056-UM-010 LINCOM VER 1.9.1 Delete Single File in CMRI Default Location (/B/): ............................................................................................................ 16 Delete Single File in Sub Folder: ....................................................................................................................................... 17 Delete Single File From File List: ...................................................................................................................................... 18
4.5.2 Delete Multiple Files in CMRI: ............................................................................................................................. 18 Delete Multiple Files in CMRI Default Location (/B/): ....................................................................................................... 18 Delete Multiple Files in CMRI Sub Folder: ........................................................................................................................ 19 Delete Multiple File From List:.......................................................................................................................................... 20
4.6 VIEW DATE AND TIME IN CMRI: ........................................................................................................................... 20
4.6.1 Set Date and Time in CMRI: ................................................................................................................................. 21
4.7 GET SERIAL NUMBER IN CMRI:............................................................................................................................. 22
4.8 HHT FORMAT: .......................................................................................................................................................... 23

5 CONTACT US ................................................................................................................................................................. 30

List of Figures

FIGURE 3-3.1-1 LINCOM ICON .................................................................................................................................................. 6

FIGURE 3.1-1 LINCOM ETHERNET MAIN SCREEN ...................................................................................................................... 7
FIGURE 4.2-1 EXPORT SINGLE FILE .......................................................................................................................................... 8
FIGURE 4.2-2 ENTER CMRI SAVE LOCATION ........................................................................................................................... 8
FIGURE 4.2-3 SUCCESSFUL COMPLETION – PC END .................................................................................................................. 9
FIGURE 4.2-4 EXPORT SINGLE FILE – CMRI SUBFOLDER ........................................................................................................... 9
FIGURE 4.2-5 SELECT MULTIPLE FILES FROM PC .................................................................................................................... 10
FIGURE 4.2-6 MULTIPLE EXPORT FILES SELECTION SCREEN ................................................................................................... 11
FIGURE 4.2-7 SUBFOLDER SELECTION IN EXPORT ................................................................................................................... 11
FIGURE 4.2-8 TRANSFER COMPLETED MESSAGE ..................................................................................................................... 12
FIGURE 4.3-1-ENTER CMRI FILE NAME ................................................................................................................................. 12
FIGURE 4.3-2 SELECT SAVE LOCATION IN PC ......................................................................................................................... 13
FIGURE 4.3-3- IMPORT PROCESS COMPLETION IN PC END ....................................................................................................... 13
FIGURE 4.3-4-ENTER CMRI SUB FOLDER FILE NAME ............................................................................................................. 14
FIGURE 4.4-1 GET FILE LIST – DISPLAY AVAILABLE FILE AND FOLDER ..................................................................................... 15
FIGURE 4.4-2 RIGHT PANE – IMPORT BUTTON ...................................................................................................................... 15
FIGURE 4.4-3 RIGHT PANE – IMPORT BUTTON FUNCTIONALITY TEST ........................................................................................ 16
FIGURE 4.5-1 DELETE – ENTER FILE NAME ............................................................................................................................. 16
FIGURE 4.5-2 ENTER PASSWORD FOR FILE DELETE IN CMRI .................................................................................................. 17
FIGURE 4.5-3 USER AUTHENTICATION SCREEN ........................................................................................................................ 17
FIGURE 4.5-4 DELETE – CMRI END SUBFOLDER PATH............................................................................................................. 18
FIGURE 4.5-5 DELETE SINGLE FILE FROM LIST. ...................................................................................................................... 19
SS-056-UM-010 LINCOM VER 1.9.1

FIGURE 4.5-6 DELETE MULTIPLE FILE FROM LIST.. ................................................................................................................. 19

FIGURE 4.6-1 VIEW DATE AND TIME WINDOW ......................................................................................................................... 20
FIGURE 4.6-2 SET DATE AND TIME.......................................................................................................................................... 21
FIGURE 4.6-3 UPDATE DATE AND TIME ................................................................................................................................... 21
FIGURE 4.7-1 GET SERIAL NUMBER ........................................................................................................................................ 23
FIGURE 4.8-1 HHT FORMAT ............................................................................................................................................... 23
FIGURE 4.8-2 ENTER PASSWORD FOR FORMAT CMRI ............................................................................................................. 24
FIGURE 4.8-3 USER AUTHENTICATION FOR FORMAT HHT ....................................................................................................... 24
FIGURE 4.8-4 MRI FORMATTED SUCCESSFULLY ..................................................................................................................... 25
FIGURE 4.9-1 ZIP PROCESS ................................................................................................................................................. 26
FIGURE 4.9-2 ZIP FILE NAME ............................................................................................................................................. 26
FIGURE 4.9-3 ZIP SUCCESSFUL LIST ....................................................................................................................................... 27
FIGURE 4.9-4 ZIP SUCCESSFUL LIST ....................................................................................................................................... 27
FIGURE 4.10-1 UNZIP WINDOW ............................................................................................................................................... 28
FIGURE 4.10-2 UNZIP COMPLETED WINDOW ............................................................................................................................ 28
FIGURE 4.11-1 ADMIN AUTHENTICATION ............................................................................................................................... 29
FIGURE 4.11-2 ADMIN MODE ................................................................................................................................................. 29
FIGURE 4.11-3 FILE SELECTION WINDOW ................................................................................................................................ 30
FIGURE 4.11-4 TRANSFER COMPLETE WINDOWS ...................................................................................................................... 30

List of Tables

TABLE 2-1-HARDWARE REQUIREMENTS FOR PC ...................................................................................................................... 5

TABLE 2-2-SOFTWARE REQUIREMENTS FOR PC ........................................................................................................................ 5
TABLE 2-3- SOFTWARE REQUIREMENTS FOR CMRI .................................................................................................................. 5

List of Appendix

I. APPENDIX A DATE AND TIME SET FOR PC ...................................................................................................................... 31

SS-056-UM-010 LINCOM VER 1.9.1

1. Introduction
We developed application software for transfer files between PC to CMRI and Vice versa through Ethernet
and RS-232 serial Port communication

2. System Requirements

2.1. PC Software
This Software is implemented using C# and .NET languages.

2.1.1. Hardware Requirements

Processor Dual Core , Core 2 Duo or Later

RAM 1GB RAM or Higher

Table 2-1-Hardware Requirements for PC

2.1.2. Software Requirements

Operating System Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7,

Windows 8.
Supporting Software Dot Net Framework2.0 or Higher
Installer Windows Installer 3.1 or Higher

Table 2-2-Software Requirements for PC

2.2. CMRI Software

This Software is implemented using GCC.

2.2.1. Hardware Requirements

Sands Make LINCOM Compatible High-Speed CMRI.

2.2.2. Software Requirements

Operating System Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7,

Windows 8.
Supporting Software GCC 4.6.3 or Higher

Table 2-3- Software Requirements for CMRI

SS-056-UM-010 LINCOM VER 1.9.1

3. Data Downloading and Uploading Software Operating Procedure

Note: Version may change “LINCOM-V1.1<latest Version>”

3.1. Data downloading software navigation

I. In Desktop double click the icon “LINCOM-V1.9.1“the following window will be opened.

Figure 3-3.1-1 Lincom Icon

4. Ethernet Media Operating Procedure:

I. After Select Media automatically time synchronization operation will performed, get the connected CMRI time and
check with PC time if time is less than 5 minutes difference means automatically update PC date/time to connected
II. In case more than 5 Minutes difference alert box will appeared which is given below (figure 4.1.1).

Figure 3.1-1 Lincom Time synchronization Warning message.

III. After that message Lincom Ethernet main screen appeared the following Window.
SS-056-UM-010 LINCOM VER 1.9.1

Figure 3.1-2 Lincom Ethernet Main Screen

4.1. Port Initializing:

In CMRI end, All Process will run in background, after port Initialized in CMRI end, it will wait for PC request.


4.2.1. Export Single File: Export Single file from PC to CMRI Default Location (/home/):

I. Click on Export button the open dialog box will appear, now select the file which you want to upload into
CMRI (eg.S-Linmas-V3.1) and then click open button.
SS-056-UM-010 LINCOM VER 1.9.1

Figure 4.2-1 Export Single File

II. After click open button Enter CMRI End Destination Path window will be opened. It will show the
default CMRI Location (/B/). If user press OK button, selected file will start storing into (/B/) location.

Figure 4.2-2 Enter CMRI Save Location

III. In CMRI end,

a) It will export single file from PC to CMRI.

b) After Transfer completed it shows Reception ok Message in background.
IV. Refer found for successful completion of single file transfer from pc to CMRI.
SS-056-UM-010 LINCOM VER 1.9.1

Figure 4.2-3 Successful Completion – PC End Export Single file from PC to CMRI Sub Folder:

I. Click on Export button the open dialog box will appear, now select the file which you want to upload into
the CMRI (eg6.DAT) and then click open button. Refer Figure 4-2 for choosing file from PC.

II. After Click Open Button the following window will be shown. Enter the Path in Destination text
box. And then click OK button.

Figure 4.2-4 Export single file – CMRI Subfolder

SS-056-UM-010 LINCOM VER 1.9.1


a) It will export single file from PC to CMRI subfolder

b) After Transfer completed it shows Reception ok Message in background.

IV. Refer Error! Reference source not found. for successful completion of single file transfer from pc
to CMRI.

4.2.2. Export Multiple File: Export multiple files from PC to CMRI Default Location (/B/):

I. Click on Export button the open dialog box will appear, now select multiple files which you want to upload
into CMRI and then click open button.

Figure 4.2-5 Select Multiple Files from PC

II. After click open button Enter CMRI End Destination Path window will be opened. Refer Error!
Reference source not found.for CMRI end destination path. It will show the default CMRI Location (/B/)
Selected file will start storing into (/B/) location.
III. In CMRI end,
a) Exporting multiple file from PC to CMRI main drive

b) After Transfer completed it shows Reception ok Message in background.

IV. Refer found for successful completion of data transfer from PC to CMRI.
SS-056-UM-010 LINCOM VER 1.9.1 Export multiple files from PC to CMRI Sub Folder:

I. Click on Export button the open dialog box will appear, now select multiple files which you want to upload
into CMRI and then click open button. Refer Error! Reference source not found. for multiple file

Figure 4.2-6 Multiple Export Files Selection Screen

II. After Click Open Button the following window will be shown. Enter the Path in Destination text
box. (For example you store and then click OK button. Refer Error! Reference source not found. for
subfolder location in CMRI end path

Figure 4.2-7 Subfolder Selection in Export

SS-056-UM-010 LINCOM VER 1.9.1

III. In CMRI end,

a. Exporting multiple file from PC to CMRI Sub Folder
b. After Transfer completed it shows Reception ok Message in background.
IV. Refer Figure4- for successful completion of data transfer from PC to CMRI.

Figure 4.2-8 Transfer Completed Message


4.3.1. Import Single File: Import single file from CMRI Default Location (/B/) to PC:

I. Click on Import Button the following dialog box will be shown .Enter File Name in Destination path. And
then click Ok Button.

Figure 4.3-1-Enter CMRI File Name

SS-056-UM-010 LINCOM VER 1.9.1

II. After click OK button Save as dialog will be shown and select the PC destination path and then
click save button to save imported file.

Figure 4.3-2 Select Save Location in PC

III. IMPORT Process at CMRI end

a. It will send file from CMRI to PC

b. After Transfer completed it shows Transfer ok Message in background.

IV. It will download data files from CMRI and stored files in pc end destination path. Refer found for
Import process completion at CMRI end

Figure 4.3-3- Import Process Completion in PC End

SS-056-UM-010 LINCOM VER 1.9.1 Import single file from CMRI Sub Folder to PC:

I. Click on Import Button the following dialog box will be shown .If user want to download Specific DAT
file from a subfolder means Enter (/B/test/1.DAT)) and then click OK button.

Figure 4.3-4-Enter CMRI Sub Folder File Name

II. After Click on OK button Save as dialog will be shown and select the PC destination path and click
save button to save imported file. Refer Error! Reference source not found. for SAVE location in PC end

III. IMPORT process at CMRI end

a) It will send file from CMRI to PC
b) After Transfer completed it shows Transfer ok Message in background.
IV. It will download data file from CMRI subfolder and stored in pc end destination path. Refer Error!
Reference source not found.for Import process completion at CMRI end


4.4.1. GET FILE LIST: Getfilelist from CMRI Default Location (/B/):

I. When user press Getfilelist button it will display (/B/) all the available files and folder present in the CMRI
main drive.
SS-056-UM-010 LINCOM VER 1.9.1

Figure 4.4-1 Get file list – Display available file and folder

4.4.2. Import Selected Files from the List: Import Selected Files from CMRI Default Location (/B/) to PC:
I. Right pane IMPORT button allows the user to select particular file from the list for performing IMPORT

Figure 4.4-2 Right pane – IMPORT button

II. When User press OK button, save as dialogue will be opened in PC end. Refer Error! Reference
source not found. for Select save location in PC end
III. In CMRI end,
a) When user press ok button, the particular files are stored in desired location
b) After Transfer completed it shows Transfer ok Message in background.
IV. After successful download the following window will be shown below
SS-056-UM-010 LINCOM VER 1.9.1

Figure 4.4-3 Right pane – Import button functionality test


4.5.1. Delete Single File in CMRI: Delete Single File in CMRI Default Location (/B/):

I. Click the delete button. The following dialogue will be shown

Figure 4.5-1 Delete – Enter file name

SS-056-UM-010 LINCOM VER 1.9.1

II. If the user press OK button, the following screen will be displayed.
III. Enter the Default password as “signal” or “SIGNAL”. (Not Case Sensitive).

Figure 4.5-2 Enter Password for File Delete in CMRI

IV. If the user press OK button, the following screen will be displayed

Figure 4.5-3 User authentication screen

V. If the user press Ok button, delete process will be start .If the user press the cancel button
Authentication from closed.
VI. If the user press OK button, delete process will be started. If file is present, the particular file from
corresponding location will be deleted and status message will be updated. If file is not present “No file
found” dialogue will be displayed
VII. In CMRI end the number of deleted files will be displayed in background.
VIII. After performing delete operation status message has been updated as “Deleted successfully.
SS-056-UM-010 LINCOM VER 1.9.1 Delete Single File in Sub Folder:

I. Refer steps I to V common steps from for performing delete operation in subfolder
II. After user click OK button the following screen will displayed. Enter the Path and file name and
then click OK button.

Figure 4.5-4 Delete – CMRI end subfolder path

III. When user press OK button, the corresponding file from subfolder will be deleted
IV. If the user press CANCEL button , delete process will be cancelled
V. After performing delete operation status message has been updated as “Deleted successfully”. Delete Single File From File List:

I. Select File From list to DELETE.

II. Refer steps I to V common steps from for performing delete operation.
III. After user click OK button the following screen will displayed.
SS-056-UM-010 LINCOM VER 1.9.1

Figure 4.5-5 Delete Single File from List.

IV. When user press OK button, the corresponding file from list will be deleted
V. If the user press CANCEL button, delete process will be cancelled after performing delete operation
status message has been updated as “Deleted successfully”.

4.5.2. Delete Multiple Files in CMRI: Delete Multiple File From List:

I. Select multiple lists to DELETE.

II. Refer steps I to V common steps from for performing delete operation.

Figure 4.5-6 Delete Multiple File from List..

III. After user click OK button the following screen will displayed
IV. When user press OK button, the corresponding file from List will be deleted
SS-056-UM-010 LINCOM VER 1.9.1

V. If the user press CANCEL button, delete process will be cancelled after performing delete operation
status message has been updated as “Deleted successfully”.


I. If the user press “Date and Time” button time to synchronization process performed in background, get the
connecter CMRI date/Time to check with PC Date/Time the difference is more than 5 minutes means update PC
Date/Time to CMRI and then displayed Date Time Setting screen, IF Not more 5 minutes means following
screen will be displayed with current date and time from CMRI unit
II. By default “View date and time” radio button is in enabled state

Figure 4.6-1 View date and time window

I. for changing Data/Time Format.

II. In CMRI end, the date time sent will be displayed in background.

4.6.1. Set Date and Time in CMRI:

I. If user wants to change date and time press “Set date and Time” radio button

II. The following screen will be displayed when user press “Set date and time” radio button
SS-056-UM-010 LINCOM VER 1.9.1

Figure 4.6-1.1 Set Manual date and time

III. Select date and time and press “Set” button. The following dialogue will be displayed

Figure 4.6-1.2 Update date and time

IV. In CMRI end after set date and time transfer ok message will be displayed in background.

4.6.2. Set PC RTC Date and Time in CMRI:

V. If user wants to change date and time press “Set PC RTC date and Time” radio button

VI. The following screen will be displayed when user press “Set PC RTC date and time” radio button
SS-056-UM-010 LINCOM VER 1.9.1

Figure 4.6-2.1 Set PC RTC date and time

VII. In the lable time will automatically running system date/time

VIII. Select date and time and press “Set” button. The following dialogue will be displayed

Figure 4.6-3.2 Update date and time

IX. In CMRI end after set date and time transfer ok message will be displayed in background.


I. The following screen will be displayed when user press “Get Serial Number” button
II. When user press “Get serial number” button, after displaying serial number status message has been
updated as “Serial number collected”
SS-056-UM-010 LINCOM VER 1.9.1

Figure 4.7-1 Get Serial number

III. In CMRI end, the serial number will be displayed in background.


i. To format the HHT, click HHT FORMAT button the following screen will be displayed.

Figure 4.8-1 HHT FORMAT

ii. Enter the default password as “signal@123” or SIGNAL@123 (Not case sensitive).
SS-056-UM-010 LINCOM VER 1.9.1

Figure 4.8-2 Enter Password for Format CMRI

iii. After enter the password the following confirmation screen will be displayed.

Figure 4.8-3 user Authentication for format HHT

IV. If click ok the HHT will be formatted and the following message displayed in the screen.
SS-056-UM-010 LINCOM VER 1.9.1

Figure 4.8-4 MRI Formatted Successfully

V. If user click cancel the authentication window will be closed.

4.9. Zip process

I. For Zip process select the files from Listed files are available in folder present in the CMRI main
drive.the screen appear as follows
SS-056-UM-010 LINCOM VER 1.9.1

Figure 4.9-1 ZIP PROCESS

I. After selecting Files, The Zip name Windows will be open as follows

Figure 4.9-2 ZIP FILE NAME

II. Once the Zip process Completed Successfully the Following Screen Appear like this:
SS-056-UM-010 LINCOM VER 1.9.1

Figure 4.9-3 Zip Successful List

III. The Below Screen represents Successful list of selected files for Zip process

Figure 4.9-4 Zip Successful List

SS-056-UM-010 LINCOM VER 1.9.1

4.10. Unzip Process

I. For Unzip process select .zip file from listed cmri main drive,The screen appear as follows

Figure 4.10-1 unzip window

II. After Successful Unzip Process the Status Message will be Appearing like this;

Figure 4.10-2 unzip completed window

SS-056-UM-010 LINCOM VER 1.9.1

4.11. Admin
I. Admin Control used for Exported data saves to Cmri home drive. Click on Admin button the
Authentication window showing as follows. The Default Authentication Password is

Figure 4.11-1 admin Authentication

II. After Successful Authentication, Export option enabled, Remaining Function will be in
Disabled mode, The screen Appearing as follows:

Figure 4.11-2 Admin mode

SS-056-UM-010 LINCOM VER 1.9.1

III. Click on Export option the file selection Window appearing as follows:

Figure 4.11-3 file selection window

IV. After Successful Export the window appearing as follows

Figure 4.11-4 transfer complete windows

SS-056-UM-010 LINCOM VER 1.9.1

I. Appendix A Date and Time Set for PC

1. Windows XP

For DATE/TIME SETTINGS user has to check the Date format in PC. These are the following steps to check
the correct Date format in PC.
Go to control panel select Customize Regional options and the screen will show below.

Select Customized option button and then select Date menu from the following screen as shown below.
SS-056-UM-010 LINCOM VER 1.9.1

By default date format is show in dropdown as shown below user has to change the date format.

User has to enter the Date format manually in the dropdown option the date format is dd/MM/yyyy and click
Apply to save the settings as shown below

Now the current format of the settings is saved in PC.

SS-056-UM-010 LINCOM VER 1.9.1

2. Windows 7 PC

For DATE/TIME SETTINGS user has to check the Date format in PC. These are the following steps to check
the correct Date format in PC.


Go to Control Panel Click on Clock Language and Regional the following screen will be displayed.


Select Regional and Language.

SS-056-UM-010 LINCOM VER 1.9.1

By default date format is shown in dropdown as shown below user has to change the date format.


User has to select the ddMMyyyy option from dropdown and select Apply and click Ok button to save the settings.
SS-056-UM-010 LINCOM VER 1.9.1

3. Windows 8 PC

For DATE/TIME SETTINGS user has to check the Date format in PC. These are the following steps to check the
correct Date format in PC.


Go to Control Panel Click on Clock, Language and Regional the following screen will be displayed.

Select change date/time or number formats then the following screen will be shown. By default date format is
shown in the dropdown.
SS-056-UM-010 LINCOM VER 1.9.1


User has to select the dd-MM-yyyy option from dropdown and select Apply and Ok button to save the settings.

5. Contact us
Technical or customer support

You can access SANDS support by the following contacts:

Visit our website at www.sandsindia.com
Email questions to [email protected]
Phone questions to +91 44 27470002, 3029533
Fax +91 27470002

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