Best-in-Class Pharma Marketers : Concepts Methods Tools
Best-in-Class Pharma Marketers : Concepts Methods Tools
Best-in-Class Pharma Marketers : Concepts Methods Tools
… apply the
Concepts Brand Booster Program
Brand Preference Strategy
Tools Behavioral Segmentation
Smart Pharma Individual Prescriber Plans
Table of Contents
Brand Booster Program – Introduction p.3 Smart Pharma – Marketing Services p.28
− Training p.32
Brand Booster Program – Presentation p.8
→ Seminar
− Brand Preference Mix p.8 • Pharma Strategy & Marketing Program
→ Masterclasses
− Behavioral Prescriber Segmentation p.15
• Strategic Marketing Excellence
− Individual Prescriber Plan p.20 • Tactical Marketing Excellence
• Market Analysis & Forecasting Excellence
Brand Booster Program – Conclusion p.26
− Publishing p.37
− Value of the Brand Booster Program p.26 → Pharma Marketing Tool Box (Book)
Best-in-Class Pharma Marketers must apply the Brand Booster Program 2 March 2017 Smart Pharma Consulting
Brand Booster Program – Introduction
The Brand Booster Program includes specific concepts, methods and tools which
have been designed to develop Pharma Marketers competence and performance
Over the past decade, pharma marketing functions have decreased in importance due to:
− External factors:
→ Health authorities have raised regulatory barriers restricting the scope of possible marketing
→ Healthcare professionals have reduced the number of interactions with marketing and sales
people and have become less and less sensitive to operational1 investment
− Internal factors:
→ Marketing decisions are more and more shifting from affiliates to headquarters, losing insight
into their customers
→ Marketers have more and more difficulties in differentiating their brands
Smart Pharma Consulting has set up the innovative Brand Booster Program to help
Marketers strengthen their competence, improve the performance of their brands and
become Best-in-Class Pharma Marketers
Best-in-Class Pharma Marketers must apply the Brand Booster Program 3 March 2017 Smart Pharma Consulting
Brand Booster Program – Introduction
The Brand Booster Program helps Pharma Marketers optimize the performance of
their brands by giving the priority to strategies that increase their market shares
Best-in-Class Pharma Marketers must apply the Brand Booster Program 4 March 2017 Smart Pharma Consulting
Brand Booster Program – Introduction
The Brand Booster Program relies on three simple, logical and complementary
frameworks that can be advantageously combined for a faster and higher impact
Executive Summary – Frameworks
Economical style
Relational style Preference
Brand Service
attributes quality
Prescriber’s experiences
Low Moderate High
The share of brand prescription is The Behavioral Prescriber The cornerstone of the Individual
driven by physicians’ preference level Segmentation is built on 3 dimensions: Prescriber Plan is the individual
This level can be enhanced by acting – Factors that drive the dynamics of prescriber-centric strategy
on the Brand Preference Mix (BPM), prescribers’ prescriptions1 This strategy is about building positive
i.e. brand attributes, service quality and – Prescribers’ personalities experience with the company, the brand
corporate reputation – Prescribers’ permeability to investments2 and the services to boost preference
Sources: Smart Pharma Consulting 1 By market (competitors + brand) and by brand – 2 Medico-marketing-sales investments
Best-in-Class Pharma Marketers must apply the Brand Booster Program 5 March 2017 Smart Pharma Consulting
Brand Booster Program – Introduction
The tools supporting the Brand Booster Program are pragmatic and user-friendly,
which facilitates their use by pharma marketers
Executive Summary – Tools
Brand Preference Mix Index Individual Prescriber Portrait Prescriber-Centric Brand Plan
Service Evolution Permeability to Personality
quality Market/Brand calls/marketing dominance
BPMI High/
(71% x 7.8) + (20% x 7.9) + (9% x 7.5) = 7.8 E Low/Low Relational
calculation Meetings
The Brand Preference Mix Index is a The Behavioral Prescriber Segmentation The Individual Prescriber Plan
practical measurement tool that can be tracks by prescriber: describes, on a brand and client basis:
used at national level, at hospital/ – The evolution of its prescriptions – Qualitative & quantitative objectives
department level, or at individual – Strategic levers & corresponding
– The dominant traits of its personality
prescriber level through face-to-face or medico-marketing-sales initiatives to
– Its permeability (accessibility + meet these objectives
phone interviews sensitivity) to operational1 investments – Monitoring tools (KEIs2 – KPIs3)
Sources: Smart Pharma Consulting 1 Medico-marketing-sales – 2 Key Execution Indicators – 3 Key Performance Indicators
Best-in-Class Pharma Marketers must apply the Brand Booster Program 6 March 2017 Smart Pharma Consulting
Brand Booster Program – Introduction
The Brand Booster Program helps to determine the optimal level and nature
(channel, message, tone) of operational1 resources to be allocated per physician
Executive Summary – Benefits
Brand Preference Map Individual Prescriber Operational1 Mix Operational Performance Matrix
Operational efficiency
A 12 2 0 4 Services
Index = 7.8 B 8 5 0 0 Scientific KEIs
C 6 1 2 0 Scientific
In addition to providing the necessary The Behavioral Prescriber The Individual Prescriber Plan improves
data to measure the Brand Preference Segmentation provides a behavioral operational efficacy/efficiency through:
Mix Index, interviews will provide portrait for each prescriber, allowing a – A rigorous planning of operational
information to identify the strategic more effective/efficient targeting and a activities
levers and the key initiatives to customized allocation of operational1 – A systematic monitoring of the execution
implement to reinforce the three resources for each prescriber and impact of activities1 with specific
dimensions of the Brand Preference Mix indicators (KEIs2 – KPIs3)
Sources: Smart Pharma Consulting 1 Medico-marketing-sales – 2 Key Execution Indicators – 3 Key Performance Indicators
Best-in-Class Pharma Marketers must apply the Brand Booster Program 7 March 2017 Smart Pharma Consulting
Brand Booster Program – Presentation Brand Preference Mix
The Brand Preference Mix determines the key drivers that can be activated to
enhance prescribers preference and ensure maximum market share
Framework (1/2)
Source: “Building prescriber loyalty”, J.-M. Peny et al., SCRIP Magazine, September 1993 – Smart
Pharma Consulting
Best-in-Class Pharma Marketers must apply the Brand Booster Program 8 March 2017 Smart Pharma Consulting
Brand Booster Program – Presentation Brand Preference Mix
To boost the preference of physicians for their marketed brands, Pharma Marketers
can leverage the three components of their Brand Preference Mix (BPM)
Framework (2/2)
Levers to be activated
Convey an appealing corporate Deliver services…
… that are highly valued
Maintain a high corporate Corporate based on their level of:
reputation that induces preference reputation → Interest
→ Utility
→ Practicality
Highlight attributes in a Brand → Quality of execution
way that generates Preference
Mix Select and design
services that will lead to
Create a perception of Brand Service corporate and / or brand
attributes quality preference
Leverage corporate Make sure services are
reputation & service related to the company
offering and / or the brand
Source: “Building prescriber loyalty”, J.-M. Peny et al., SCRIP Magazine, September 1993 – Smart
Pharma Consulting
Best-in-Class Pharma Marketers must apply the Brand Booster Program 9 March 2017 Smart Pharma Consulting
Brand Booster Program – Presentation Brand Preference Mix
The Brand Preference Mix Index (BPMI) enables to evaluate the brand performance
on each of its preference components, over time and compared to its competitors
Visual Analog Scale The BPMI scores the customer perception at a given
point in time, making possible to track the evolution
0 5 7.8 10 of this perception over time and to compare it to
x xx competitors, considering:
7.5 7.9
– External events (i.e. related to health authorities,
competitors and customers’ behaviors)
(71% x 7.8) + (20% x 7.9) + (9% x 7.5) = 7.8 – Internal events (i.e. related to operational activities2,
calculation quality of services offered, communication strategy, etc.)
Source: “Building prescriber loyalty”, J.-M. Peny et al., SCRIP Magazine, September 1993 – Smart 1 Physicians, patients, pharmacists, nurses, payers, health authorities, etc.
Pharma Consulting – 2 Medico-marketing-sales
Best-in-Class Pharma Marketers must apply the Brand Booster Program 10 March 2017 Smart Pharma Consulting
Brand Booster Program – Presentation Brand Preference Mix
The BPM Index can be assessed at national level through market research studies
and at hospital/department and individual levels through interviews by sales forces
Method (1/2)
The Brand Preference Mix Index The BPM Index can also be The BPM Index should be measured
(BPM Index) should be measured, at measured at a hospital or a hospital at the level of each targeted
the national level, through face-to- department level (i.e. cardiology, prescriber through face-to-face
face or phone interviews by an oncology, etc.) through interviews interviews carried out by medical reps
external agency carried out by the field forces (i.e. or other field force collaborators
The number of interviewees should medical reps, KAMs, MSLs, etc.) of Prescribers should be interviewed at
be approximately 30 for specialists pharmaceutical companies1 least once a year, but ideally twice a
and 60 for GPs, in medium to large Interviews can be either concentrated year
markets such as France, Germany, on key hospitals and/or departments Medical reps should carefully and
Italy, Spain, the UK, etc. or carried out on all those that have precisely identify the reasons that
The rationale behind the scores been targeted motivate the marks granted by the
obtained for each dimension of the The reasons that support the prescribers for their brands and those
BPM Index must be investigated evaluation should be captured of their most important competitors
Source: Smart Pharma Consulting 1 Can be alternatively carried out by an external agency in a limited number of hospitals and/or medical departments
Best-in-Class Pharma Marketers must apply the Brand Booster Program 11 March 2017 Smart Pharma Consulting
Brand Booster Program – Presentation Brand Preference Mix
Med reps can monitor the brand performance with the “Brand Preference Mix Index”
while calling upon their targeted physicians and thus, fine-tune their activities
Method (2/2)
Assessment guide for medical reps Recent experiences have shown that:
5. Dans le cadre de la prise en charge du patient, quel degré d’importance accordez-vous à la prise en charge de la maladie :
– >95% of physicians accept to be questioned
élevée moyenne
basse on the three components of the BPM
– >80% of physicians consider that the BPM
9. Comment évaluez-vous les services associés au produit en termes… [0= opinion très négative et 10= opinion très positive)]
6. Comment évaluez-vous le produit en termes… Date: [0= opinion très négative et 10= opinion très positive)]
a) …de quantité ?
a) …d’efficacité
b) …d’intérêt ?
b) …de tolérance Nom : Etablissement :
c) …de qualité d’exécution ?
c) …de facilité d’utilisation – sa forme galénique – ses dosages
Globalement Globalement ?
ABC vient de lancer un programme pour améliorer la qualité de ses interactions avec les néphrologues.
Pour ce faire, je souhaiterais faire un point avec vous :
approach conveys a positive image
Sur votre appréciation : du laboratoire – du produit – des services associés au produit
- = +
1 2
= 2
Sur vos recommandations pour nous améliorer sur ces 3 dimensions
+ 7
9 10 >85% of medical reps say that the BPM helps
10. Sur chacune de ces dimensions, estimez-vous
1. Comment que
que ceux associés à ses concurrents, en termes…
les servicesl’image
évaluez-vous associés
duau produit sont
7. Sur chacune de ces dimensions, estimez-vous que le produit est : meilleur – identique – moins bien que ses concurrents ?
a) …de quantité ?
: meilleurs
? [0=
– identiques
opinion très négative et –10=
Globalement ?
Meilleur Identique
Moins bien
Identiques Moins bien
2. Pour quelles raisons ? 3. Estimez-vous que l’image du laboratoire est :
11. Que nous recommandez-vous de faire pour améliorer la qualité du produit ?
8. Que nous recommandez-vous de faire pour améliorer la qualité du produit ? Meilleure Identique Moins bonne
que les autres laboratoires en néphrologie
brand with the BPM, they are asked:
recommandez-vous ETaméliorer
de faire pour DES SERVICES
Smart Pharma Consulting
notre image ?
– What is the rationale supporting these
12. Lorsque vous décidez de prescrire la marque XYZ, quel est le poids relatif - sur une base 100% :
a) de l’image du laboratoire % b) des caractéristiques du produit % c) des services associés % scores?
Smart Pharma Consulting
Best-in-Class Pharma Marketers must apply the Brand Booster Program 12 March 2017 Smart Pharma Consulting
Brand Booster Program – Presentation Brand Preference Mix
The Brand Preference Mix Index permits to track the performance of each brand on
the three dimensions of the Brand Preference Mix, down to the individual prescriber
Benefits (1/2)
Index = 7.8 Index = 7.6
0 0
BPM Index
(71% x 7.8) + (20% x 7.9) + (9% x 7.5) = 7.8 (71% x 7.8) + (20% x 7.1) + (9% x 7.0) = 7.6
Best-in-Class Pharma Marketers must apply the Brand Booster Program 13 March 2017 Smart Pharma Consulting
Brand Booster Program – Presentation Brand Preference Mix
It is possible to identify the rationale behind the scores of the brands for each
component of the Brand Preference Mix and then to find solutions to improve them
Benefits (2/2)
Best-in-Class Pharma Marketers must apply the Brand Booster Program 14 March 2017 Smart Pharma Consulting
Brand Booster Program – Presentation Behavioral Prescriber Segmentation
General environment
Personality of physicians
Conditions of practices
Low Moderate High
Low Moderate High
Source: “Pharma Marketing Tool box”, J.-M. Peny, Smart Pharma Consulting, 2015, 246 p.
Best-in-Class Pharma Marketers must apply the Brand Booster Program 15 March 2017 Smart Pharma Consulting
Brand Booster Program – Presentation Behavioral Prescriber Segmentation
– The evolution of market2 and brand
prescriptions by physician
– The key factors determining that
evolution (environment, personality
and medical practice)*
– The permeability (accessibility and
Best-in-Class Pharma Marketers must apply the Brand Booster Program 16 March 2017 Smart Pharma Consulting
Brand Booster Program – Presentation Behavioral Prescriber Segmentation
The Individual Prescriber Portrait keeps a track record of sales potential dynamics,
permeability to operational1 activities and personality dominance for each prescriber
Source: “Pharma Marketing Tool box”, J.-M. Peny, Smart Pharma Consulting, 2015, 246 p. 1 Medico-marketing-sales – 2 Marketing meaning other channels than medical calls
Best-in-Class Pharma Marketers must apply the Brand Booster Program 17 March 2017 Smart Pharma Consulting
Brand Booster Program – Presentation Behavioral Prescriber Segmentation
The level and mix of operational1 activities for each prescriber depend on his specific
profile which should be mainly documented by medical representatives2
Best-in-Class Pharma Marketers must apply the Brand Booster Program 18 March 2017 Smart Pharma Consulting
Brand Booster Program – Presentation Behavioral Prescriber Segmentation
Source: “Pharma Marketing Tool box”, J.-M. Peny, Smart Pharma Consulting, 2008, 213 p.
Best-in-Class Pharma Marketers must apply the Brand Booster Program 19 March 2017 Smart Pharma Consulting
Brand Booster Program – Presentation Individual Prescriber Plan
Prescriber-Centric Strategy
The Individual Prescriber Plan (IPP) is built around
prescribers who represent the most important customer
category for Rx-driven brands of pharma companies
EXTERNAL INFLUENCERS Depending on the type of products, physicians, nurses,
pharmacists and even patients can all be considered as
reputation “prescribers”
External influencers, such as health authorities, politicians,
sick funds, private health insurance, patient advocacy
groups, professional associations, pharmaceutical
companies, key opinion leaders, etc., may also play an
essential role by modifying the behavior of prescribers
Brand Service
attributes quality Prescriber-centricity requires going that extra mile to please
the prescriber and ensure that he enjoys the experience of
Prescriber’s experiences being:
– A prescriber of the company and of its brand(s)
– A beneficiary of the associated services
Long-term prescriber engagement Positive experiences are essential to create sustainable
prescriber preference to brands and to induce their long-
term engagement (active loyalty)
Best-in-Class Pharma Marketers must apply the Brand Booster Program 20 March 2017 Smart Pharma Consulting
Brand Booster Program – Presentation Individual Prescriber Plan
Source: Smart Pharma Consulting 1 Key execution indicators – 2 Key performance indicators
Best-in-Class Pharma Marketers must apply the Brand Booster Program 21 March 2017 Smart Pharma Consulting
Brand Booster Program – Presentation Individual Prescriber Plan
Create / reinforce awareness % of the target covered by the Brand Preference Mix index
action Preference Ladder step
Generate interest
% of the target exposed to the Key message memorization rate
Develop brand preference action
Share of prescription
% of the target impacted by the
Increase share of prescription Sales evolution
Increase compliance % of the target having a positive Variation in the number of
opinion of the action (usefulness, treatment initiations
Limit substitution rate Interest, practicality, quality of Profit evolution in euros
Get the brand listed execution)
% of hospitals having listed the
Implementation time required vs. brand
Fine tune the profile of the planned
prescriber or of other customers Return on investment
Actual vs. budgeted cost
Source: “Pharma Marketing Tool box”, J.-M. Peny, Smart Pharma Consulting, 2008, 213 p 1 Medico-marketing-sales activities – 2 Key execution indicators – 3 Key performance indicators
Best-in-Class Pharma Marketers must apply the Brand Booster Program 22 March 2017 Smart Pharma Consulting
Brand Booster Program – Presentation Individual Prescriber Plan
The a priori and a posteriori assessment tools help objectivize that planned or
existing activities will significantly contribute to reinforce the Brand Preference Mix
Interest 1 2 3 4 5 • •
Total Magnitude
Usefulness 1 2 3 4 5
Convenience 1 2 3 4 5 Partial •
1 2 3 4 5
1 2 3 4 5
Sustainability A posteriori assessment tool
Barriers Rationale Decision Target
(Key performance (Key execution Description Objective (HCPs, patients)
indicators) indicators)
• •
Technical • Implementation Perceived value by the target Exclusivity Link to the product
Evaluation* Rationale Evaluation Rationale Evaluation** Rationale
Regulatory • Compliance
No GO Interest 12345
Economic • Estimated cost and return Total
Magnitude f–M-F
Usefulness 12345
High 1
Moderate 2
Low 3
None 4
Best-in-Class Pharma Marketers must apply the Brand Booster Program 23 March 2017 Smart Pharma Consulting
Brand Booster Program – Presentation Individual Prescriber Plan
– The brand
KEIs1 – The services related to the brand
– The pharmaceutical company
are captured and analyzed with the help of the Brand
Preference Mix Index (BPMI)
Low High The Behavioral Prescriber Segmentation (BPS)
Operational efficacy
provides an accurate knowledge of each prescriber:
Key Execution Indicators (KEIs1) Key Performance Indicators (KPIs2) – Prescription potential for the market and the brand
Level and mix of operational activities
(medico-marketing-sales) vs. plan
Impact on performance:
– Level of sales and evolution (in euros, units,
– Permeability to operational3 channels, messages and
Quality of execution of activities: prescriptions, patients) communication styles
– Disease, competition and brand knowledge – Level of prescription share and evolution (in
– Management of health economics issues euros, units, prescriptions, patients) Thus, it is possible to design a fine-tuned “business
– Ability to handle questions and objections
– Knowledge and understanding of prescriber’s
– Level of initiations and evolution
– Level of prescription switches and evolution
plan” for each (key) prescriber, in such a way that
profile (of prescriptions, patients) operational efficacy and efficiency are optimized
– Adjustment of communication style and of Impact on behavior:
message content to the prescriber’s profile
– Ability to trigger multi-channel initiatives
– Level of prescriber interest The quality of execution will be tracked with KEIs and
– Product memorization rating
– % of calls carried out with an iPad – Intention to prescribe rating the performance measured with KPIs
Source: Smart Pharma Consulting 1 Key execution indicators – 2 Key performance indicators – 3 Medico-marketing-sales activities
Best-in-Class Pharma Marketers must apply the Brand Booster Program 24 March 2017 Smart Pharma Consulting
Brand Booster Program – Presentation Individual Prescriber Plan
Key questions to be answered: Prescriber insight must be translated Each prescriber plan should be built
– Who are the most critical prescribers to into effective operational4 activities by a “prescriber team” which includes
focus on to develop brand growth? likely to reinforce brand preference the collaborators who interact with the
prescriber and know him best
– What will drive their brand preference? When there is a potential to create
Ongoing exploration and discovery of high reciprocal value for the prescriber The strategy and the corresponding
and the company, a one-on-one tactics are supported by Individual
individual prescriber insight are key to
customized program should be built Prescriber Portraits, which should be
answering these two questions
according to the following steps: fine-tuned and updated by the team
Prescriber-related insight collected by: 1. Evaluate the level of potential value for Before deciding to implement any
– Medical representatives the prescriber and the company operational activity, the following key
– Medical Scientific Liaisons (MSLs) 2. Understand individual prescriber questions should be answered:
needs, brand preferences, behaviors
– Other collaborators like Key Account – What is the objective?
Managers who meet prescribers or 3. Create a “business plan” including
influencers services, communication styles, – How should it be implemented?
message contents and operational
– What is the cost?
Data should be stored in a shared channels adjusted to each prescriber
database, opened to medical, 4. Track prescriber experiences and all – What is the expected impact?
marketing and sales collaborators that aspects of his satisfaction to ensure
high level of brand preference
An individual action plan should be set
interact with prescribers3
1 Can be a part of the “Individual Prescriber Plan” when other customers have to be considered, such as: pharmacists, patients, health authorities, etc.
Source: Smart Pharma Consulting – 2 Insight corresponds to the knowledge and understanding of customers’ needs, preferences and behaviors based on analyses of qualitative and
quantitative data – 3 If permitted by local regulations and internal company compliance policy – 4 Medico-marketing-sales activities
Best-in-Class Pharma Marketers must apply the Brand Booster Program 25 March 2017 Smart Pharma Consulting
Brand Booster Program – Conclusion
The Brand Preference Mix is the central pillar of the Brand Booster Program developed by Smart
Pharma Consulting
To create a strong and sustainable brand preference, marketers can identify the root causes of
prescribers brand valuation with the help of the Brand Preference Mix Index
The Behavioral Prescriber Segmentation approach makes it possible to get deeper insight
regarding prescribers’ needs, motivation, behavior and experience that are all essential to target
the most attractive prescribers:
– Those who have a high potential of prescription growth for the market1 and the brand
– Those who are the most permeable to medico-marketing-sales activities
The Individual Prescriber Plan is a key element to help pharmaceutical companies express their
strategic priorities and tactics in terms of value creation per prescriber and to align their resources
accordingly to create a sustainable brand preference in an effective and efficient way
Source: Smart Pharma Consulting 1 Market includes the brand of the pharmaceutical company and the competitors‘ ones
Best-in-Class Pharma Marketers must apply the Brand Booster Program 26 March 2017 Smart Pharma Consulting
Brand Booster Program – Conclusion
By measuring the performance The BPS enables marketers to fine- To make their brands preferred,
of their brand with the BPM tune operational1 investments per marketers must develop:
Index, marketers will be able to: prescriber… − A prescriber-centric strategy/tactics
− Define their strategic priorities to … by identifying: − A prescriber-centric brand plan
strengthen prescribers preference − His capability/willingness to prescribe Prescriber-centric strategy is
− Evaluate the impact of their the competing brands about creating positive
strategies and of the corresponding − The driving forces influencing his experiences through the three
tactics prescribing behavior
components of the BPM
− His permeability2 to operations
The BPM Index should be − Acceptable/convincing messages This requires deeper insight to
calculated for each targeted − Appropriate style of communication develop strategies and tactics to
client once or twice a year intensify their positive perception
The BPS success requires:
Based on the analyzed results, a − The implementation of a simple and
A prescriber-centric brand plan
systematic process to collect data captures the prescriber
series of customized actions will
− The development of operational tools
perspective and estimates his
be defined and implemented at
that take into account the diversity of real perception of the company,
individual prescriber level
prescribers’ behaviors and permeability its products and its services
Source: Smart Pharma Consulting 1 Medico-marketing-sales activities – 2 Accessibility and sensitivity to different channels)
Best-in-Class Pharma Marketers must apply the Brand Booster Program 27 March 2017 Smart Pharma Consulting
Smart Pharma Consulting – Marketing Services
Best-in-Class Pharma Marketers must apply the Brand Booster Program 28 March 2017 Smart Pharma Consulting
Smart Pharma Consulting – Marketing Services Consulting
As the author of the Brand Booster Program, Smart Pharma Consulting is the best
positioned to ensure its smooth and efficient implementation by pharma companies
Brand Booster Program Implementation
Presentation and training of the medico-marketing- Design of a an Individual Prescriber Plan structure,
sales departments to learn how to: including monitoring tools
– Collect prescriber insight to define an Individual Training of marketers and other collaborators to
Prescriber Portrait correctly prepare Individual Prescriber Plans
– Quantitatively and qualitatively adjust operational Challenge of teams involved in the preparation and
efforts for each targeted prescriber development of Individual Prescriber Plans
Best-in-Class Pharma Marketers must apply the Brand Booster Program 29 March 2017 Smart Pharma Consulting
Smart Pharma Consulting – Marketing Services Consulting
1Marketing, sales, medical, business excellence, market access, etc. – 2 Medico-marketing and sales activities – 3 Key execution indicators and Key
Source: Smart Pharma Consulting
performance indicators – 4 See Smart Pharma Tool Box – 5 See Masterclass “Market Analysis & Forecasting” proposed by Smart Pharma Consulting
Best-in-Class Pharma Marketers must apply the Brand Booster Program 30 March 2017 Smart Pharma Consulting
Smart Pharma Consulting – Marketing Services Consulting
Best-in-Class Pharma Marketers must apply the Brand Booster Program 31 March 2017 Smart Pharma Consulting
Smart Pharma Consulting – Marketing Services Training
Smart Pharma Consulting proposes a 5-day seminar for high potential and seasoned
Marketers who want to reinforce their strategic and operational marketing skills
Seminar: Pharma Strategy & Marketing1
Day 1: Strategic thinking applied to companies Day 4: Specialized market segment analysis
– Worldwide Pharma and Biotech sectors – Marketing of generics and biosimilar products
– Evolution of the Pharma business model by 2020 – Marketing of OTC products and Rx-to-OTC switches
– Strategic management of Pharma companies – Management of mature products
– Marketing of niche and hospital products
Day 2: Marketing strategic thinking
Day 5: Development of managerial skills
– Optimization of brand value: Brand Preference Mix, etc.
– Sales force effectiveness
– Dynamic prescribers segmentation: Behavioral Prescribers
Segmentation (BPS) approach – Team leadership
– Sales forecasting and performance objectives setting – Corporate behavior
– Brand Planning: Advanced SWOT, Strategy Card, etc. – Communication principles
1 Inter-company program proposed both in English and in French. Since 2005, 133 experienced
Source: Smart Pharma Consulting
executives from 32 pharma companies have attended this seminar
Best-in-Class Pharma Marketers must apply the Brand Booster Program 32 March 2017 Smart Pharma Consulting
Smart Pharma Consulting – Marketing Services Training
Concept Organization
Best-in-Class Pharma Marketers must apply the Brand Booster Program 33 March 2017 Smart Pharma Consulting
Smart Pharma Consulting – Marketing Services Training
Day 1 Day 2
9:00 Introduction to the masterclass 9:00 Introduction to the 2nd day
9:10 Review and discussion of conventional and 9:10 Case study #2: Development and implementation of
innovative strategic marketing concepts, methods and an optimized customer segmentation applied to:
tools sent to participants as a pre-read - Individual prescribers (working group C)
10:30 Lecture by and discussion with an expert: - Individual hospital departments (working group D)3
“How to create a sustainably attractive brand – 11:10 Break
Lessons from non-pharma industries?“ 11:30 Presentation of the working groups C & D outputs,
11:45 Break discussion and agreement on key learnings
12:00 Case study #1: Development and implementation of a 13:00 Lunch
Brand Preference strategy for: 14:00 Case study #3: Development and implementation of
- A secondary care brand (working group A) an Individual Prescriber Plan for:
- A primary care brand (working group B)2 - Individual prescribers (working group E)
13:00 Lunch - Individual hospital departments (working group F)3
14:00 Case study #1: cont. 15:30 Break
16:00 Break 15:45 Presentation of the working groups E & F outputs,
16:15 Presentation of the working groups A & B outputs, discussion and agreement on key learnings
discussion and agreement on key learnings 16:45 Co-development with participants of key learnings
17:45 End of the 1st day 17:45 End of the masterclass
Day 1 Day 2
9:00 Introduction to the masterclass 9:00 Introduction to the 2nd day
9:10 Review and discussion of conventional and 9:10 Case study #2: Marketing sensitivity to investment
innovative strategic marketing concepts, methods and and resource allocation optimization at:
tools sent to participants as a pre-read - Individual prescribers (working group C)
10:30 Lecture by and discussion with an expert: - Individual hospital departments (working group D)2
“What is the real value of digital marketing initiatives? 11:10 Break
– Lessons from best-in-class pharma companies“ 11:30 Presentation of the working groups C & D outputs,
11:45 Break discussion and agreement on key learnings
12:00 Case study #1: Development and implementation of 13:00 Lunch
conventional and digital multichannel initiatives to: 14:00 Case study #3: Development and implementation of
- Individual prescribers (working group A) action plans and monitoring tools (KEIs3 & KPIs4) for:
- Individual hospital departments (working group B)2 - Individual prescribers (working group E)
13:00 Lunch - Individual hospital departments (working group F)2
14:00 Case study #1: cont. 15:30 Break
16:00 Break 15:45 Presentation of the working groups E & F outputs,
16:15 Presentation of the working groups A & B outputs, discussion and agreement on key learnings
discussion and agreement on key learnings 16:45 Co-development with participants of key learnings
17:45 End of the 1st day 17:45 End of the masterclass
1 Inter-company programs proposed both in English and in French – 2 According to the attendees individual retail
Source: Smart Pharma Consulting pharmacists and/or purchasing groups could be studied as well – 3 Key execution indicators to measure the quality of
execution – 4 Key performance indicators to measure the impact of the tactics (medico-marketing and sales activities)
Best-in-Class Pharma Marketers must apply the Brand Booster Program 35 March 2017 Smart Pharma Consulting
Smart Pharma Consulting – Marketing Services Training
The “Market Analysis & Forecasting” Masterclass has been designed for participants
looking for robust and simple tools and wishing to strengthen their analytical skills
Masterclass1: Market Analysis & Forecasting Excellence
1 Inter-company programs proposed both in English and in French – 2 Health authorities, payers, physicians, pharmacists,
Source: Smart Pharma Consulting
patients, patients advocacy groups, competitors, etc. – 3 Medico-marketing and sales
Best-in-Class Pharma Marketers must apply the Brand Booster Program 36 March 2017 Smart Pharma Consulting
Smart Pharma Consulting – Marketing Services Publishing
Smart Pharma Consulting has recently published a 2nd edition of the “Pharma
Marketing Tool Box” which has been specifically designed for Pharma Marketers
Pharma Marketing Tool Box
Best-in-Class Pharma Marketers must apply the Brand Booster Program 37 March 2017 Smart Pharma Consulting
Smart Pharma Consulting
Consulting company dedicated to Strategy, Management and Organization services in the pharmaceutical sector
Core capabilities
1 Strategy 2 Management
3 Organization
1, rue Houdart de Lamotte – 75015 Paris – France • Tel.: +33 6 11 96 33 78 • E-mail: [email protected] • Website:
Smart Pharma Consulting