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Humss 12-n. Joaquin Chapter 1-3 (Group 4)

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Eusebio High School

C. Raymundo Avenue, Rosario, Pasig City



A Research Proposal Presented to:

Michael John M. Lopez

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement for the Course

Practical Research 2

Proponents of the Research:

Bo, Maria Monica

Deguit, Kate Justine

Delos Santos, Noreen

Embuestro, Paula Nicole

Estopalla, Jascha

Lopina, Gly Ann Mae

Chapter 1



The research aims to analyze the effect of child labor on students. Specifically, to find out

its impact on the health and academic performance of the students. This research will assess

whether the practice of child labor will be beneficial or not to the student.

Education plays a vital role in a person’s life. People views it as a key for success and a

torch that would light up the path for a better future. According to The Education School (2018),

Education is an important aspect that plays a huge role in the modern industrialized world.

People need good education to be able to survive in this competitive world. Modern society is

based on people who have high living standards and knowledge which allows them to implement

better solutions to their problems.

However, education is not free. Although the government offers public schools which are

free from tuition fees, the cost of miscellaneous fees is still hard to keep up with, especially now

that poverty is widespread. As stated by UNICEF (n.d.), Economic hardship exacts a toll on

millions of families worldwide – and in some places, it comes at the price of a child’s physical

safety. Nearly 1 in 10 children across the globe (around 152 million) are subjected to child

labour, almost half of whom are in hazardous forms of work. Children may be driven into work
for various reasons. Most often, child labour occurs when families face financial challenges or

uncertainty – whether due to poverty, sudden illness of a caregiver, or job loss of a primary wage


These circumstance caused some of the students to practice child labor. The proponents

of the research noticed that some of the students in Eusebio High School are practicing child

labour and also witnessed their attitude towards academic activities.

The term “child labour” is often defined as work that deprives children of their

childhood, their potential and their dignity, and that it is harmful to physical and mental

development. It refers to work that is mentally, physically, socially or morally dangerous and

harmful to children; and/or interferes with their schooling by; depriving them of the opportunity

to attend school; obliging them to leave school prematurely; or requiring them to attempt to

combine school attendance with excessively long and heavy work. (International Labour

Organization, n.d.)

The Department of Labor and Employment (2012) “Child labor” refers to any work or

economic activity performed by a child that subjects him/her to any form of exploitation or is

harmful to his/her health and safety or physical, mental or psychosocial development.

And as for Their World Organization, Child labour is a global issue that prevents children

from fulfilling their potential. Child labour is a violation of children's rights - the work can harm

them mentally or physically, expose them to hazardous situations or stop them from going to


According to the National Statistics Office (2014), Philippines has a huge labour force at

approximately 61,775 thousand people, with a labour force participation rate of 63.8 percent.
This enormous human capital potential carries a high functional literacy rate of 86.4 percent, as

of 2008. Nevertheless, countless of people are still unemployment and poverty is still present.

This economic problem is causing more children to practice child labour.

Child labour is one of the practices that deprives a child to enjoy his/her youth. And since

they are consequently engaged in hazardous and dangerous employment, they are often

vulnerable to mental and physical illness. And not but not the least, it takes away the prospect of

proper education from the child. Hence, the researchers view this as a thing that is need to be

addressed and eradicated permanently.

The proponents of the research observed that not much research work has been carried

out in Eusebio High School to address this problem. Therefore, the researchers will conduct a

study to assess the impact of Child Labour to the grade 11 Humanities and Social Science’s

student of the stated school.

Theoretical Framework

This study based on the endogenous growth theory advocated by Lucas (1988) in his

third economic development model which puts emphasis on human capital investment through

schooling to attain economic development.

In this essence, the government needs to invest in the education of its human capital for

economic development to come by. Human capital is defined to be the “stock of competencies,

knowledge, habits, social and personality attributes, including creativity, cognitive abilities,

embodied in the ability to perform labour so as to produce economic value”. (Simkovic, 2013)
Endogenous Growth Theory

The child labour according to the past researchers is mostly caused by the poverty. And

since poverty is something that is addressed by the local government, the theory of endogenous

growth is directly inclined to child labour. Endogenous growth theory is an economic theory

which argues that economic growth is generated from within a system as a direct result of

internal processes. More specifically, the theory notes that the enhancement of a nation's human

capital will lead to economic growth by means of the development of new forms of technology

and efficient and effective means of production (Liberto, 2019).

It explains that education and poverty alleviation are among the government’s top

priorities. The government plays an important role to deliver and provide a quality education

environment as a long-run economic investment on its human capital resource beginning from

children to adult education mechanisms. This theory says, that education is an action of

investment of both family and government to build and increase the human capital and the value

of the children. When children improve their cognitive abilities, competencies and knowledge,

they are bound to contribute a good output of great economic value upon their participation in

the labour force.

Conceptual Framework

This diagram shows the whole concept of the study or the process of the research, the

impact of Child Labour to the academic performance of grade 11 Humanities and Social

Sciences Students in Eusebio High School.

Input Process Output

Demographic Profile of the  Data Gathering Assessment on the impact of
Procedure child labour to the students

 Grade 11 HUMSS students

 Test Questionnaire Assessment whether it is or it is
Student’s Academic Profile not a beneficial to the:
 Interviews
Figure 1. Conceptual Paradigm of the Study on the Impact of Child Labour to the Students

The figure 1 shows the conceptual framework of the study wherein the input is consisted

of three parts. The first one includes the demographic profile of the respondents, the second part

contains the student’s Academic Profile in terms of Attendance (Absences and tardiness) and

Grades, and the third part includes the Mental health (student’s behavior towards other students,

teachers and studying) and Physical Health (Student’s Illness report).

The process includes the analysis, interpretation and conclusion of data through

interviews and answering test questionnaires. The data gathered will be processed using

statistical treatments in order to come up with an analysis, interpretation and conclusion. After

the analyzation the output box is expected to come up with: Assessment of the impact of child

labour to the Humanities and Social Sciences students and assessment whether it is or it is not

beneficial to the (1) students, (2) teacher, (3) parents and (4) society.

For the purpose of this study, the output box is made to gather data on the respondent’s

experience and current academic, physical and behavioral profile and inform the readers how

child labour affect the students.

Statement of the Problem

The proponents of the research attempts to find the impact of child labour to the Grade 11

Humanities and Social Sciences’ Student of Eusebio High School. More specifically it seeks to

find answers to the following questions:

1. What are the effects of the child labour to the Grade 11 Humanities and Social Sciences’

student of Eusebio High School in terms of:

1.1. Academic Performance?

1.2. Health?

2. What is the current academic performance of the Grade 11 students Humanities and

Social Sciences in terms of:

2.1. Grades?

2.2. Attendance?

3. Is there a significant relationship between the impact of child labour to the Grade 11

HUMSS students in terms of their academic performance and their health?

There is no significant relationship between the impact of child labour to the Grade 11

Humanities and Social Sciences students in terms of their academic performance and their


Significance of the Study

The result of the study will be beneficial to the following:

Students. The result of the research will provide knowledge to the students who are and

who will practice child labouring. The study will help the children first and foremost to know

their natural rights as a child along with their rights as a labourer. Second, it will help them to

know what other things can they possibly choose rather than working. And lastly, the conducted

research will help the students to know whether the child labouring is beneficial or not.

Parents. The research will be beneficial to the parents for it will give them knowledge of

what cases can be filed against them if they will let their children practice child labouring. In

addition, this study will let them be aware of the possible effects of child labouring to their

children, so they will stop or prevent their children to be exposed to this kind of practices.

Teachers. The study will be helpful for the teacher to be aware of their student’s current

status. It will help them be more considerate and sympathetic to those students who are

practicing child labour. If possible, teachers may conduct counselling for the student and their

parents to help them.

Government. The collected data for the research will be an eye opener for those who are

currently in the position so that the implemented laws for this practice will be revised for

improvement. It may make it more aware of the possible effects of the child labouring and how it

will affect the country if not taken seriously.

Future Researchers. The informations that will be gathered and formulated by this

research will eventually be added to the body of knowledge with regards to the impact of child

labouring. This will serve as a guide for other researchers where they can get ideas and

references if they are planning to conduct the same study.

Definition of Terms

The following is a list of terms that will provide meaning in order to understand the

contents of this study:

Academic Performance. the measurement of student achievement across various

academic subjects.

Assessment. The evaluation or estimation of the nature, quality, or ability of someone or


Attendance. The action or state of going regularly to or being present at a place or event.

Child. A young human being below the age of puberty or below the legal age of


Child labour. A work that deprives children of their childhood, their potential and their

dignity, and that is harmful to physical and mental development.

Department of Labor and Employment. The national government agency mandated to

formulate policies, implement programs, and serve as the policy-coordinating arm of the

Executive Branch in the field of labor and employment.

Health. A person's mental or physical condition.

Humanities and Social Sciences (HUMMS).   An academic tracks of senior high school

in the Philippines that focuses on oral communication, media and information, and enhancing

your reading and writing skills.

Impact. The 'influence' or the 'effect’ of an individual or a situation to other individual,

community, or development of policy.

International Labour Organization. A United Nations agency whose mandate is to

advance social and economic justice through setting international labour standards.

Labour. The services performed by workers for wages as distinguished from those

rendered by entrepreneurs for profits.

School Activities. A wide range of skill-based games, strategies and

interactive activities that support students' educational development.

Chapter 2


This chapter presents the related literature and studies after the thorough and in

depths searches done by both local and foreign researchers. Synthesis also includes to this

chapter to identify the past and current studies conducted by different researchers for a

clearly understanding to this study. These will be operationally defined for the clarity of

the study being conducted.

Child Labor

According to Ibtisam Ibrahim (2015) she expressed strong resistance to child labour

because it can damage the children’s chances to learn and developed their future; she

argued on the children in streets of Khartoum, where she studied, needed to work. Simply

to make them stop from working so that their life will not be difficult on the future and

for their families.

According to Gankam Tambo (Tambo 2014,) he points out that child labour who

are working outside of their homes and their families, it’s not easily to fit in the notion of

employment even if they are embedded in forms of socializing Children needs a

protection from abusing.

According to the 2015 report of the International Labor Organization (ILO) 2015,

Child labour is a work that takes away the children from their childhood that deprive the

young ones for the freedom to be a normal child. Their ability, dignity, and their potential

to become a successful child. Detrimentally happens to the physical and mental

development of the children. In the Philippines, there are 2.1 million child workers aged
5-17 years old. Palatino (2015) states that 900,000 children dropped out of school to work

from the 2011 Philippine National Statistical Offices.

Ibrahim ET. Al. (2018) says that working student's is one of the most important

global issue that associated, poverty and gender inequality. They also stated that not all

kinds of work is a child labour. Also, children adolescents in work with no health issues

and schooling is usually regarded positive.

Based on (GPE Secretariat, 2016) Child labour lowers net primary enrolment ratios.

There is a strong negative effect of child labour on school attendance for children who

manage to combine work and education, performance at school often suffers.

According to estimates from the International Labor Organization (ILO) (2017),

there are about 152 million child labourers aged 5 to 17 in the world, 73 million of whom

are working in what are referred to as the worst forms of child labour, often involving

hazardous conditions. Among 152 million children in child labour, 88 million are boys

and 64 million are girls. 58% of all children in child labour and 62% of all children in

hazardous work are boys. Boys appear to face a greater risk of child labour than girls, but

this may also be a reflection of an under-reporting of girls’ work, particularly in domestic

child labour.

According to (DOLE, 2015), "child labour refers to the employment of children

who are below 18 years old that deprives them of their childhood, interferes with their

ability to attend regular school, and that is mentally, physically, socially, or morally

dangerous and harmful." Based on this study child labour at the very high risky to those

young labourers that working at the young age.

Based on the (Child Labour and Education 2015) The Progress, challenges, and

future directions the ILO analyzes the role of child labor in keeping children away from

school, as well as the lack of accessible, affordable and good quality schooling as a factor

for children to enter the workforce.

According to Labor Secretary Marianito Roque, said that the Philippines and the

department have set up programs aimed heading preventing child labor and eliminating

its worst forms (Barcelo, 2014). Child labor is a big problem here in our country and

many organizations and institutions are aware of the problem. They know that there are

risks that children at an early age will be exposed to work because of their poverty, rather

than going to school.

There are different ways to deal with problems and we have 4 consequently, in Manila, to

improve our knowledge of how different organizations handle the problem, how they

work and in what level they working.

Academic Performance

According to triventi (2014), Darolia (2014) and Body et al (2014) they focused

on how relevant is working intensity on academic performance, when a students has a

full time job they found out that it has a negative impact, while a part-timer student are

less significant impact on academic achievement.

According to Triventi (2014), Darolia (2014) and Body et al. (2014) have

focused on the relevance of work intensity on academic performance, showing that a

negative impact is found when students are employed in full-time jobs, while part-time
jobs do not seem to have a significant impact on academic achievements. As for labour

market outcomes the literature has not generally focused on this dimension.

According to (Theme 2015, Darolia, 2014, Body et al. 2014, Avdic and Gartell,

2015, wenz, and Yu, 2010, Stinebrickner and Stinebricker, 2013). Their result show that

academic achievements is dampened especially when students performed full-time jobs,

while the impact of part-time or low-intensity jobs seems to only marginally affect

student’s academic achievements. Consistent evidence has been obtained also from

studies considering the amount of working hours, which highlight that the negative

impact on academic performance increases changes work intensity.

According to (Baldoz, 2016) Teachers have a vital role in bringing children back to

school, keep working children in school, and help children complete school (sic),

stressing the role of education in lowering the number of children forced to live adult

lives. Child labor "interferes with a child’s right to education, as well as risks a child’s

health, safety, and development.


According to Child Fund International (2014.) states that millions of children in the

Philippines are forced to work at an early age because of poverty. Childbirth is one of the

fastest and worsened causes of child labour in the Philippines because pregnancy is out of

control and comes from a range of social factors. Unless anything is done to stop child

labour, the issue will continue to affect the lives of many families across the country.
This study explained why students forcing to work at the young age cause of the lack of

source of incomes.

According to The Center for Trade Union and Human Rights (CTUHR) (2014),

released a survey showing that one in four workers at palm oil plantations in North

Eastern Mindanao region are children under 18 years of age. The main causes of child

labour are due to their poverty, lack of protection from the government, unemployment,

and overpopulation. Among all these, poverty is the primary cause of child labour. Poor

families have a greater number of 3-5 or more of their offspring, in most cases, they

enable their children to ensure the financial support for the survival of their family as

stated on the Problems of Youth in the Philippines.

According to Emebet Mulugeta (2015) says that children working on the streets of

Addis Ababa were many children forced to work because of poverty so that their family

has a source of income. Based on researchers they find out that most of the child has

experience working is experiencing poverty, and worse they provide their own needs.

Synthesis of the Reviewed Related Literature and Studies

The past related literature and studies helped the researchers to understand more

regarding the impact of Child labor to the academic performance, life and health of the


Several past studies and literatures, mentioned that child labor is an important

global issue associated with poverty, inadequate educational opportunities, and a range of

health risks. Child labor continues to be negatively associated with the physical and
psychological health of children involved. Although no cause–effect relation can be

established, as all studies and literatures in this proponent documented higher prevalence

of health issues, and negative effect in academic performance of a child. In the

Philippines children force to work at the young age because of lack of income, poverty

kills the dreams of every students and their ambitions in life. In the conclusion, working

at the young age can be dangerous for health and mental development of the child

according to the different researchers conducted study about this issue. The health and

wellbeing of child laborers risk, and they can end up being trapped in a cycle of poverty.

This study helps the researchers to recognize the impact of child labor to the

lives, health, and academic performance of the students in Eusebio High School.

Chapter 3

This chapter will present the researcher the methodology and the procedure engaged in the

study. The following part includes the research design used in the conduct of the study, the

research instrument, the participants, procedure followed and techniques.

Methods of Research

A Descriptive-Quantitative Research Method such as percentage computation, analysis of

variance and analysis is used to describe the general findings of the study. A survey instrument

was too utilized to gather data. This survey identify the impact of child labor to the Grade 11

Humanities and Social Sciences’ Student of Eusebio High School.

Population, Sample Size and Technique

Selected Grade 11 Humanities and Social Sciences’ Student of Eusebio High School are

the participants of the study. The respondent consists of 40 students 10 students each from

different sections in grade 11 Humanities and Social Sciences in Eusebio High School. We used

the Purposive method to find the appropriate respondents in accordance to our study. The

students chosen are the one who need the most to find out the effect of child labor as a student.

Descriptions of Respondents
The chosen research respondents from the study are the officially enrolled Grade 11 students in

Eusebio High School under Humanities and Social Sciences for the school year 2019 – 2020.

There are four sections under this strand excluding the section where the researchers belong. The

researchers chosen the said respondents as for they are the ones who are most likely to have a

part time job under the standard age. They have greater potential, knowledge and exposure to

bring out the best responses for the said research.

Research Instrument

For this study, the researchers conducted Rating Survey Scale/Questionnaire to achieve the

important objective of the revision. A self-administered question was distributed to the selected

grade, 11 students. The questionnaire given to the grade 11 students aimed to assess their

knowledge about the effect of child work on school activities, attendance or the health of the


Data Gathering Procedure

The researchers collected information to what is the most convenient time for the

respondents to conduct the research. This the researcher’s way of giving consideration and

respect to the respondent’s time. The questionnaire consisting different questions about the effect

of child labor in Grade 11 Humanities and Social Sciences’ students was virtually distributed and

the answers was virtually retrieved as well following the standards of the new normal due to the

sudden COVID – 19 outbreak.

Statistical Treatment

Selected student respondents have been listed in the tally sheet before the data were fixed

in the table form set for the statistical treatment. To provide a significant description of the

respondents' preferences of the impact of child labor in Grade 11 humss, the percentage

distribution held obtained. The formula for percentage is:

% = f/Nx100


% = percentage

f = frequency

N = total number of Frequency

P = f/Nx100.

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