Jesus, The Prophet Powerful in Words and Deeds

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Liturgical Leaflet for an Active Participation in the Celebration of the Eucharist

31 January 2021 4th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year B



esus proclaimed the Gospel of God with unique power and urgency.
His words touched the hearts of his audience and changed their lives.
His deeds matched his words.
The power of Jesus’ words and deeds has not abated after two thou-
sand years. It is perfectly effective today, in the era of information technol-
ogy and space exploration. Jesus’ words can still set our hearts on fire. His
actions in the sacraments can still set us free from the slavery of Satan and make the Kingdom of God
present in the lives of individuals and society. So can His word! Happy are those who listen to God’s word
and let the power of His grace bear fruit in their lives!
Just as the words of Jesus reveal the wisdom of God, so does the miracle reported in today’s Gos-
pel excerpt reveal God’s holiness. He is the anti-evil in all its manifestations.
The mission assigned to him by the Father is to set mankind free from every form of enslavement
and oppression. Blessed are those whose lives are touched by Jesus’ holy power!

we may offer this Eucharist with All – Glory to God in the high-
a purified heart. (Pause) est, and on earth peace to people
P –Lord Jesus, you taught us of good will. We praise you,
that all that really matters we bless you, we adore you, we
Entrance Antiphon glorify you, we give you thanks
(To be recited only when no Entrance in life is to love as you did.
Hymn is sung.) Lord, have mercy! for your great glory, Lord God,
All – Lord, have mercy! heavenly King, O God, almighty
Save us, O Lord our God! Father.
And gather us from the na- P – Lord Jesus, you are the sign
tions, to give thanks to your and instrument of the Fa- Lord Jesus Christ, Only
holy name, and make it our ther’s healing love. Christ, Begotten Son, Lord God, Lamb
glory to praise you. have mercy! of God, Son of the Father, you
All – Christ, have mercy! take away the sins of the world,
Greeting P –Lord Jesus, you are the ful- have mercy on us; you take away
P –The grace and peace of God fillment of the prophecies of the sins of the world, receive our
our Father and the Lord Jesus old. Lord, have mercy! prayer; you are seated at the
Christ be with you! All – Lord, have mercy! right hand of the Father, have
All – And with your spirit! P – May almighty God have mercy on us. For you alone are
mercy on us, forgive us our sins, the Holy One, you alone are the
Penitential Act and bring us to everlasting life. Lord, you alone are the Most
P –Coming together as God’s All – Amen! High, Jesus Christ, with the
family, with confidence let us Holy Spirit, in the glory of God
ask the Lord’s forgiveness, that Gloria the Father. Amen!

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Collect (Opening Prayer) Responsorial Psalm Ps 95 I am telling you this for
your own benefit, not to im-
P – Grant us, Lord our God, R –If today you hear his voice,
pose a restraint upon you, but
that we may honor you with all harden not your hearts!
for the sake of propriety and
our mind, and love everyone in adherence to the Lord without
truth of heart. distraction.
Through our Lord Jesus
Christ, your Son, who lives and The Word of the Lord!
reigns with you in the unity of All – Thanks be to God!
the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever
Gospel Acclamation Mt 4:16
and ever.
All – Amen! All – Alleluia! Alleluia!
The people who sit in
darkness have seen a great
* Come, let us sing joyfully light; on those dwelling in
a land overshadowed by
to the Lord; let us acclaim the death, light has arisen.
rock of our salvation. Let us Alleluia! Alleluia!
1st Reading Dt 18:15-20 come into his presence with
In today’s passage, Moses thanksgiving; let us joyfully Gospel Mk 1:21-28
reveals that, after his death, God sing psalms to him. R. Today’s Gospel passage
will raise up from among His * Come, let us bow down in portrays Jesus in action in the
people someone who will fulfill worship; let us kneel before village of Capernaum. He teach-
his role as prophet and media- the Lord who made us. For es with authority and acts with
tor. Such a promise will be ful- he is our God, and we are the power by setting a man free from
filled in Jesus Christ. people he shepherds, the flock the devil’s influence.
he guides. R. P –The Lord be with you!
R – A proclamation from the * Oh, that today you would All –And with your spirit!
Book of Deuteronomy hear his voice: “Harden not P – A proclamation from the
Moses spoke to the people, your hearts as at Meribah, as holy Gospel according to
saying: “A prophet like me will in the day of Massah in the des- Mark
the Lord, your God, raise up ert, where your fathers tempt- All – Glory to you, O Lord!
for you from among your own ed me; they tested me though They came to Caper-
kin; to him you shall listen. they had seen my works.” R. naum, and on the sabbath Je-
This is exactly what you re- sus entered the synagogue and
quested of the Lord, your God, 2nd Reading 1 Cor 7:32-35 taught. The people were as-
at Horeb on the day of the as- Here is a simple presenta- tonished at his teaching, for he
sembly, when you said, ‘Let us tion of St. Paul’s reflection on taught them as one having au-
not again hear the voice of the the proper attitude of a Christian thority and not as the scribes.
Lord, our God, nor see this concerning the two basic states In their synagogue was a
great fire any more, lest we of life: married life and virginity. man with an unclean spirit. He
die.’ R – A proclamation from the cried out, “What have you to
And the Lord said to me, First Letter of Paul to the do with us, Jesus of Nazareth?
‘This was well said. I will raise Corinthians Have you come to destroy us?
up for them a prophet like you Brothers and sisters: I know who you are – the Holy
from among their kin, and will I should like you to be free One of God!” Jesus rebuked
put my words into his mouth; of anxieties. An unmarried him and said, “Quiet! Come
he shall tell them all that I com- man is anxious about the things out of him!” The unclean spirit
mand him. of the Lord, how he may please convulsed the man and with a
Whoever will not listen to the Lord. But a married man is loud cry came out of him.
my words which he speaks in anxious about the things of the All were amazed and asked
my name, I myself will make world, how he may please his one another, “What is this? A
him answer for it. But if a wife, and he is divided. An un- new teaching with authority!
prophet presumes to speak in married woman or a virgin is He commands even the unclean
anxious about the things of the spirits and they obey him.”
my name an oracle that I have
Lord, so that she may be holy Jesus’ fame spread everywhere
not commanded him to speak, throughout the whole region of
or speaks in the name of other in both body and spirit. A mar-
ried woman, on the other hand, Galilee.
gods, he shall die.’ ”
is anxious about the things of The Gospel of the Lord!
The Word of the Lord! the world, how she may please All – Praise to you, Lord Jesus
All – Thanks be to God! her husband. Christ!

GLOSSARY: • Sabbath: The day of the week when the Jews are forbidden to do any type of work, and are expected to attend the worship
service held in the synagogue. • Synagogue: A building where a Jewish community assembles for worship and instruction. • Galilee: A
region in the northern part of Palestine. One of its towns was Nazareth, where Jesus was reared and lived for about thirty years.

31 January 2021
Homily derstandings and lack of imme- our duty and our salvation, al-
diate response, let us pray! R. ways and everywhere to give
Profession of Faith you thanks, Lord, holy Father, al-
C –That those who have been mighty and eternal God, through
(Nicene-Constantinopolitan Creed) enslaved by the devil through a Christ our Lord.
All –I believe in one God, the Fa- life of sin and perversion may For by his birth he brought re-
ther almighty, maker of heaven find in the Catholic community newal to humanity’s fallen state,
and earth, of all things visible a help to salvation, let us pray!R. and by his suffering, canceled
and invisible. C –That the youth of today out our sins; by his rising from
I believe in one Lord Jesus may reject without hesitation the dead, he has opened the way
Christ, the Only Begotten Son those attitudes and ways of life to eternal life, and by ascending
of God, born of the Father be- which are incompatible with to you, O Father, he has unlocked
fore all ages. God from God, the teaching of the Gospel, let the gates of heaven.
Light from Light, true God from us pray! R. And so, with the company of
true God, begotten, not made, C –That all of us may reject Angels and Saints, we sing the
consubstantial with the Father; the devil’s ploys and become hymn of your praise, as without
through him all things were instruments of salvation to our end we acclaim:
made. For us men and for our brothers and sisters in need, let All – Holy, holy, holy Lord,
salvation he came down from us pray! R. God of hosts. Heaven and
heaven, (bow)* and by the Holy earth are full of your glory.
Spirit was incarnate of the Vir- C –Let us pray in silence for our Hosanna in the highest!
gin Mary, and became man.* personal intentions. (Pause) Blessed is he who comes in
For our sake he was crucified Let us pray! R. the name of the Lord. Hosan-
under Pontius Pilate, he suf- P –Lord God, as we continually na in the highest!
fered death and was buried, and experience the difficulty of be-
rose again on the third day in ing prophets in words and deeds, Memorial Acclamation
accordance with the Scriptures. we humbly ask for the help of
He ascended into heaven and is Your grace. May we become P –The mystery of faith!
seated at the right hand of the faithful heralds of the Gospel All –Save us, Savior of the
Father. He will come again in and brave witnesses to its mes- world, for by your Cross
glory to judge the living and the sage. Through Christ our Lord. and Resurrection you
dead and his kingdom will have All – Amen! have set us free.
no end.
I believe in the Holy Spirit,
the Lord, the giver of life, who
proceeds from the Father and the
Son, who with the Father and the
Son is adored and glorified, who Preparation of the Gifts All – Our Father . . .
has spoken through the prophets. P –Pray, brethren . . . P –Deliver us, Lord . . .
I believe in one, holy, catholic All – May the Lord accept the All –For the kingdom, the
and apostolic Church. I confess sacrifice at your hands, for the power, and the glory are
praise and glory of his name, yours, now and for ever.
one Baptism for the forgiveness
of sins and I look forward to the for our good and the good of all
resurrection of the dead and the his holy Church. Sign of Peace
life of the world to come. Amen!
Prayer over the Offerings Breaking of the Bread
Prayer of the Faithful P –O Lord, we bring to your al- All – Lamb of God, you take
P –Every Christian shares in tar these offerings of our service: away the sins of the world: have
the prophetic and liberating mis- be pleased to receive them, we mercy on us. (2x)
sion of Jesus. But every day we pray, and transform them into the Lamb of God, you take
Sacrament of our redemption. away the sins of the world:
also experience the difficulty of
Through Christ our Lord. grant us peace.
being another Christ. Let us then
ask for God’s help, saying: All – Amen!
All – Lord, graciously hear us! Communion
Preface IV
P –Behold the Lamb of God,
C –That the whole Church may P –The Lord be with you! behold him who takes away the
always be open to and proclaim All –And with your spirit! sins of the world. Blessed are
the message of the prophets as a P –Lift up your hearts! those called to the Supper of the
manifestation of God’s will, let All – We lift them up to the Lord! Lamb.
us pray! R. P –Let us give thanks to the All –Lord, I am not worthy
C –That the Holy Father and Lord our God! that you should enter under
the other prophets of today may All –It is right and just! my roof, but only say the word
never be discouraged by misun- P – It is truly right and just, and my soul shall be healed.
4th Sunday in Ordinary Time (B)
Communion Antiphon
(To be recited only when no
Communion Hymn is sung.) Jesus, the Conqueror of All Evil
Let your face shine on your • Jess P. Balon
servant. Save me in your merci-
ful love. O Lord, let me never be
put to shame, for I call on you. J esus had just started his apostolic ministry and was already
making quite an impact with what he said and the way he said
it. He had real good news for the people, especially the poor,
Prayer after Communion the sick, and the outcasts. He spoke with all the authority that
P –Nourished by these redeem- divine wisdom and truth possess. He was not one of the many
ing gifts, we pray, O Lord, that “commentators” of the law who could be found throughout
through this help to eternal sal- Palestine. He was showing himself to be a “Master.” He
vation, true faith may ever in- showed himself to be “The Teacher.”
crease. Authority and majesty radiated from all over Jesus’ person.
Through Christ our Lord. In him was the moral power of the Holy One, God’s Anointed. He
All – Amen! commanded respect even by the devil, and with good reason.
For the first time in human history, Satan was afraid of man – of
that Man.
Things had been different up to that moment. Men had
been living in continuous dread of “evil spirits.” Not a few
had become their victims, “possessed” and tortured by
P –The Lord be with you! them in frightful ways. Out of fear, entire nations had tried
All –And with your spirit! to keep demons quiet through sacrificial offerings. That was
P –Bow your heads and pray the tragedy of idolatry that had sadly marked the history of
for God’s blessing. (Pause) mankind.
– May the God of all consola- Jesus has come to wage a war of liberation against the devil
tion bless you in every way and his allies. With Jesus, fear of Satan and compromise with
and grant you peace all the him are over. Jesus has come to proclaim that the Reign of God
days of your life. is at hand and that the reign of Satan is done.
All – Amen! Today’s account of the liberation of the possessed
man spells out who is going to be the winner in this most
P –May He free you from all “unconventional war.” Satan knows this very well. Powerful in
anxiety and strengthen your his words, Jesus is also powerful in his deeds, unlike the people
hearts with His love. of his time; indeed, unlike the people of all time, unlike all of
All – Amen!
us. He is braver and more powerful than any simple man can
P –May He enrich you with be, for the saving power of God is at work in his words and in
His gifts of faith, hope and his actions.
love, and purify you with As followers of his, we share in Jesus’ prophetic and
His grace. liberating mission. We also share in his strength if we cling to
All – Amen! him in our struggle against Satan. Knowing who will be the
P –May almighty God bless winner, shall we still wonder on whose side we shall stand and
you: the Father, and the fight?
Son, and the Holy Spirit.
All – Amen!
P –Go in peace and live in the
presence of the Lord.
All – Thanks be to God!
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and be blessed!
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