Critical Analysis of The Operation and Present Situation of The Judicial System of Bangladesh From Supreme Court To Subordinate Court
Critical Analysis of The Operation and Present Situation of The Judicial System of Bangladesh From Supreme Court To Subordinate Court
Critical Analysis of The Operation and Present Situation of The Judicial System of Bangladesh From Supreme Court To Subordinate Court
University of Dhaka
Mid Term on
Critical analysis of the operation and present situation of the judicial system of
Bangladesh from Supreme Court to Subordinate Court.
Course No: Pa-314: Civil Rights, Judicial and Regulatory Administration in Bangladesh
Submitted To
Dr. Musleh Uddin Ahmed
Department of Public Administration
University of Dhaka
Submitted By
MD. Sakib Hasan
Roll: 042-052
Session: 2017-2018
3rd Year, 5th Semester
Department of Public Administration
University of Dhaka