ROKTO-a Blood Doner Managment Apps
ROKTO-a Blood Doner Managment Apps
ROKTO-a Blood Doner Managment Apps
There are many develop country who are already work on blood bank
and blood donation management system on on-line basis application.
Too many works have been also done by our neighbour country India
and China. But as a under development country Bangladesh, there are
very limited work have been done on this on-line basis blood
management system. Some work done on only android base platform.
But none of these is worked on multi-platform like
ISO/Linux/windows and also web. So we proposed to work for making
such a blood management application system which is totally free for
everyone and it can be accessed any type on flat-form at any time. We
also add server so that it can updated on real time.
Application making steps:
1) Generate an app idea
We generate an application idea which helps people find blood when they need it.we
naming this app “ROKTO” an emergency blood donor finder app in Bangladesh.
“Rokto” is an on-line platform where the people is need of blood can find blood donors any
time and anywhere in Bangladesh.
There is no such apps running in this feature on play-store and on-line market.So if we
develop this and run on the on-line market we will get positive feedback from the blood
finding people and the donors.
3) Write out the features for your app
We are collect user feedback so that we can imorove our apps to user frendly.
At first we setup the environment. We are building this apps on a cross plat-from
“Flutter”which is published by google.
For access and writing this code we need some development apps.we use “visual studio code”
and Android studio for writing and building our apps.
Fig:Running a basic apps building code on vs code
Fig: Adding Flutter and dart extension on vs code
4. Rohit S. Remelln ,Shubham Tomer, Saurav Tomer “A Review Paper on Blood Bank Management