Dsap Updated
Dsap Updated
Dsap Updated
1. Define even and odd type discrete time signals with the signal
x[-2n+3] where x[n] : ll,2,A, -1, -3, -4]. 12+31
5. Draw the pole-zero in the z-plane for a system with poles at 0.45 t j 1 .06 and zeroes at
0.581j2.05. Also plot the magnitude respoilse (not to the scale) of the systern. [2+6]
6. Compute Lattice and Ladder coefficients and Draw lattice-ladder structure for given IiR
systern H{z): (0.5 - \z-t + Zzzlltt- 0.52-t - a.7z'2 + 0.32-3). [6+4]
7. Reaiize the given system in Cascade fonn of 2nd order section in signal flow graph
representqtion. t4l
H(z): {( 1-o.sz'l;1i +0.:sz-i)(1 -0.3d2'nr5z-rxi - 93"-l2n:xt5r-t)} r {(t -0.6d""/32"11
{ i -0. 6e-jna:z-t ; 1 i
+0. sdlnx/7 r't 1 tr 1
+0. 5 e-j2nnr7z-l ;
8. Design the FIR filter using suitable window for the specifications: t6l
0.899 < IH(d*) | s 1, for |c'rl <A.Zn
( (;r
i H (d') | < 0.0i, for 0.4rc rD
9. What is optimum filter? Show mathematical expression of Remez exchange algcrithm for
FIR filrer ciesign. [1+s]
i0. Ilesign a digitai low pass Butterrvorth filter by applying bilinear transfonnation
techniques far the given specificaticns: [10]
Passband peak to peak ripple < idB
Passband edge frequenc]i '= 1.211112
Stopband Allenuaticn > 40dll
Stopband edge frequency:2.5 KF{z
Sample rate = EKHz
ll.Find 8-point DFT of sequencs x[n] = 1I,2,3,3,5, A,4,6] using Decimation in
frequency Fast Fourier Transform (DIFFFT) algorithm. U1
12. Find x3[n] if DFT of x3[n] is given by X3ft): Xr(k) * Xz(k) where XrG) and X2(k) are
4-paint DFT of x1[n]*{ I , 2, -2) and x2[n] : {1,2,3, -1} respectively. t5]
Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far
Attempt All questions.
Thefigures in the margin indicate Fu4 Maf,kp.
Assume suitable data if necessary.
1. Explain Fourier transform multipiication property for two sequences. Write Drichlet,s
conditions for Fourier series,
2. Find convolution between two signals x[n] = 2'4[-n], 0 < a <1 andh[n] = 4[n] t6l
3. state convolution property of Z-transform. Find inverse Z-transform of
X(z) = z / {(z- 0.6)(z + 0.5)2}, ROC: lzl > 0.6
4,. Describe st4lility and causality characteristics of LTI system in terms of Impulse
' Responss and Roc of its transfer function with suitable examples.
'5,; : Compule- I,.a.!ti9? and Ladder coefficients and Draw lattice.ladder structure for given IIR
' system H(z): (0.7 - l.Sza + 0.52'2y / (1 - 0.52'r *0.72'2 + 0.3;i)
6- For the system described by the following difference equation:
y[n] = 0.67x[n] * 0,3x[n -l)+2,7 Sy[n - l]
Map the poles and zero in the z-plane and plot the phase response of the system.
7, Design a low pass discrete IIR filter by Bilinear Transformation method to an
approximate Butterworth filter having specifications as below:
Pass bandedge frequency (op) :0.22 n radians
Stop bandedge frequency (0)r) = 0.54 n radians
Passband ripple (50) 0.11
Stopband ripple (6r) = 0.22, Consider sampling frequency 0.5 Hz.
8. why we need DFT? Find 8-point DFT of sequence x[n] = {1, 2,.3,3, s, l, 4,2} using
Decimation in frequency Fast Fourier Transform (DIFFFT) algorithm. -
g. In which case do we choose FIR filter and IIR filter? Design a Kaiser Window to
the following specifications, tZ+4+:41
o.ee <
lrQ, )s r.or, for0Sw30.16n
IIe qe-t"sits-
$ ttli ss! : :" Picitel $ tslul $s slv$s *n.{ -(9!.ry9"
,/ Candidates are required to give their answers in their own r.vords as
/ Attempt 4ll questions.
,/ The figures in the margin indicate Fryll Mqrlg;
/ Assurne suitable data if necess(try).
l. Define Power and Energy type discrete time signal with suitabf. "**p-ir. Differentiate
Fourier Series and Fourier Transform.
between [3+4]
Find the output of LTI system having impulse fesponse h[n] with h[-21 : 3, h[0]
: 2.
h[1] : 1 and input signal x[nJ : (2)n, for -1 < n <3. Also check the answer. [5+2]
3. plot the pole,zero in z-plane and draw rnagnitude response (not to scale) of the system
described by differential equation
6. List out the properties- of Region of convergencei and locate the ROC of the following
xlnf = (0.1)'ufn)+ (0.3)'uf-n-ll [4+6'|
Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as
Attempt All questions.
The/igures in the margin indicate Full Malks.
Assurne suitable data if necessary.
a) y[n] = x'[n]
(sn n\
\ fn+
Ylnl=cosl .
E 4) I
Find the output of LTI system having impulse response h[n] = 2" {u[n] - uln - 3] ] and
input signal x[n] = 6lnl + 6[n - 1] + 6[r'-2] . tsl
3. List out the properties of Region of convergence and locate the ROC of the following
signal. [3+6]
5. Draw the Lattice structure from the following system function: [7+3]
^ 39 --,
--z +3 z-3
8 9
And represent
s 5.
-U t" sign magnitude, I's complement and 2's complement format.
6. Design a digital low-pass filter with the following specification: UZI
i) Pass-band magnitude constant to 0.7 dB below the frequency of 0.15 n
il; Stop-band attenuation at least 14 dB for the frequencies between A.6nta n
method to
Use Butterworth approximation as a prototype and use bilinear transformation
obtain the digital filter.
7. Design a ,linear Phase FIR filter using Kaiser Window to meet the following
specificatiohs: [8+4]
for 0<w<0.19n
o.ee < l"(r'" )l< t.or,
< o.ol, for 0.21n(w(n
Draw the flow chart for Optimum filter design
8. Horv fast is FFT compare to DFT? Draw the butterfly diagram of 8-point DFT of a
sequenceas x[n]=n+i usingDecimationinTimeFFTalgorithm. 13+71
t PlottheSequencex[n]=u[n]-u[n-3]+56[n_47=nu[n_6].Listoutthepropertiesof
LTI system 13+21
H(z) '96-
= Ar{z) =1+?'-' **'-'
specification: 1121
7. Design a digital low-pass filter with the following
frequency of 0'l5n
i) Pass-band magnitude constant to 0.7 dB below the
between 0'6n to n
ii;Stop-Uand attJnuation at least 14 dB for the frequencies
impulse invariance
Use Butter worth approximation as a prototype and use
method to obtain the digital filter'
Design a FIR linear phase filter using Kaiser window
that meets the following
8. [e+3]
g. Why do we need DFT? Draw the butterfly structure.to compute the DFT of the following
signal using Radix-2 DIFFFT and compute X(2) and X(1) only
x[n] = {1.5,-1,1.8, A.6,3,1'7}
through circular con'olution with
Define zero padding. Find the linear convorution
x[n] = {1,1,1,1} and h[n]{2'3}.
padding of zeros foril,e following r.q*rr"".,
9. Computethe8-pointDFToftheseq..^-^ -rr = [t I I I
uence x[nJ I
lr' t'i'i'0,0,0,0] using Decimation in
Frequency Fast Fourier Transform (DIF-FFT)
argorithm. t7l
l0' what is a zero padding? If xrG) and XzG) are
DFT of sequence xr[n] =
and x2[n] = {1, 0j-r, 1,2} respectively
tir"n find the r"qu"n",
{r,2,0, r, -2}
given by X:(k): Xr(k), Xz(k). Yev'vv xr[n];
A3urJ' If
u rrr
DFT of x3[nJ is
Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as
Attempt All questions.
{ Theligures in the margin indicate Full Ma$s
Assume suitable data if necessary-
T. State linear constant coefficient difference equation and corresponding system function.
Determine the output sequence of the system with impulse resporuie h[n]=(1/2)"u[n]
when the input signal is x[n] = l0-5sin(nnl2)+20cos?rn -oo < n < co. [3+7]
and Lattice Structure implementation of the above filter. [3+7]
6. Explain in detail about how rcctangular window is used in FIR filter design. How Gibb's
oscillations arise in this process. t6l
7. Explain about Remaz exchange algorithm with suitable derivation and flow chart. t9I
8. Using bilinear transformation, design a butterworth low pass filter which satisfies the
folloiving Magnitude Response. Il2l
a.8gl25<[n1ei*l<r for0< a<a.2n
)l< o.tfzs: for o.3n co n
( (
g. Explain briefly about bilinear transformation method of IIR filter design. t3l
10. Why do we need DFT? Find 8-point DFT of sequence x[n]= {1,-1,2,2,1,1,2,2} using Fast
Fourier Transform algorithm. [2+6]
r' Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable.
{ Attempt All questions.
{ Thefigures in the margin indicate Full Marks.
./ Assume suitable data if necesscry.
7 . Compute the lattice coefficients and draw the lattice structure of following FIR system. t5]
H(z) = l+22-t +z-2
8. Describe how digital FIR filter can be design by window method. Why Kaiser window is
better than other fixed windows in FIR filter design? [5+3]
9. tfr/hat is an optimum filter? Show mathematical expression of Remez exchange algorithm
for FIR filter design. [1+6]
10. Explain about the advantages of selecting bilinear transformation method over impulse
invariance method (I I M). Design a digital low pass Butterworth filter using impluse
invariant transformation with pass band and stop band frequencies 200H2 and 500FIz
respectively. The pass band and stop band attenuation are -5dB and -12d8 respectively.
The sampling frequency is 5kHz. Use IIM method. [3+r2l
11. Find the fFT of the signal x[n]{1,1,2,4,3,1,2,11using DIT-FFT algorithm. t8l
12. Compute Circular Convolution of h(n) : {1,2,1, -1, 1} and x[n] : {1,2,3, I }. t7t
Plot Magnitude Response (not to the scale) of tiie system describecl by clifference
equation. t6:i
l .j !r;,1i1i,':
output of
r{. j', I
B pl
36 TRJBHUVA}IUNTVERSITY Exam. l(t 1-,rtl;l
Examination Control Division Programme BCT Pass Mrrkr 32
2070 Chaitra Year lPart Iv/I Time 3 hrs.
l. Determine which of the following signals are periodic and compute their fundamental
period: t3l
i) Coslzun2/8)
ii) Cos(r/2) cos(znl4)
2. Find output, y(n) when: h(n) = {5,4,3,2} and x(n) : {1,0,3,2) t6I
3. List out the properties of Region of Convergence. Find the Z-transform and locate the
/ ROC of the signal. L2+41
5. Plot Magnitude Response (not to the scale) of the system described by difference
equation. ylnl - 0.3 y[n-1]+0.225y1n-21= xlnl + 0.5x[n-l] t6I
6. Determine the Cascadp Form realization of the following system. t4l
2l x[n]- 2x[n -
irtn - -
vtnl - 1l +
iytn -
1] = Q
(7 . Compute the lattice coefficients and draw the lattice structure of following FIR system
H(z) = l+3.12-t +5.52-2 +4.22-t +2.32a t6I
8. Describe how FIR filter can be designed by window method. Discuss the characteristics
of differentffie of window function. [4+4J
4r rrusi{uvnN uNrvERsrry Exam. Resular / Back. '
r' Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable.
/ Attempt All questions.
r' Theligures in the margin indicate Full Marks.
{ Assume suttable data if necessary.
7. Write about the sign magnitude and 2's complement representation of binary
tractional number. Write about truncation error and rounding error. t6I
.8. Describe digital Butterworth filter design using impulse invariance technique. What
are the limitations of impulse invariance technique? n5I
9. Derive the expression for frequency response of symmetric linear phase filter of
length M, where M is odd. t6I
10. Use the'Flanning window to design a digital low-pass FIR filter with Pass band
frequency (CIp) = O,25rand Stop band frequency (a4) = O,3rc. t8I
t l. Perform circular convolution of the sequences xlnf = t1 0 U and h[n] = [1 0 2 1]. tsI
12. Write about multiplication and convolution property of Discrete Fourier Transform. t6I
13. Draw the flow diagram of four point decimation in time Fast Fourier Transform
algorithm. t4l
* *:F
4I TRIBHUVAN UNIVERSIry Exam. Regular / Back
Examination Control Division Programme BCT PassMarks 32
2068 Bhadra Year / Part rv/II Time 3 h,rs.
Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicirble.
/. Attempt.'Altqqestions. - -*<- ' :'
AssumO buitable data if necess:dry.
1. Find the.n.rgy and power of the signal x[n] : u[n]. i5l
2. Find the period of the signal *trrl :Ii=-- 5[, 2 -3m]. Find the-Fourier series
| "-'l
,-, ,, , -\,',0 - I "tI ,-')
H(z) = ,(
4 -r)(r- |
(1- '-L
5 7'"iiru
x,-1,-')o-; e 7
z-l )
In terms of direct from I and direbt from II structures. Drau' the corresponding block
diagrams of direct from I and direct frorn IT strtr-cft.tres.
7: I-{o'*. tlre .spectrum of eoirtinuous tirne sigiral is relateC to'specttum of cariespondiiig
discrete time signal obtained by sampling the continuous time'signal? Explain. Discuss -
what is aliasing and howit occurs. t8l
8. If passband cDp:0.25n, stopband edge frequency co, = 0.45n, passband
edge frequency
ripple 6p -0.17 and stopband ripple 6, : 0.27 then design a digital lowpass Butter*orth
. fi lter using b ilinear transform ation techni que. [ 18]
9. Use Blackman window method to design a digital low-pass FIR frlter rvith passband edge
ttq"ii'"ei to give their airs*ers in their own words as far is practicable.
,/ Assume suitable data
l. xlnl,
, ,*1={l
Find the even and gdd part of signal [3] , ',,,,,
,,,., for-4Sn<0
forl <n<4
2. Illustrate the siguificance of cortvolution sunmation in digital signal inatpis. Compute
the convolution of the following sigr1a!-.s: h(n) ={1,0,1} and x(n)
,,4, Given H(z) for a system with the following difference equation: .
How fast is FFT? Draw the butterfly diagram and compute the value of x(7) using 8 pt
Level BE I'uil Marlis 80
(CT70a,) :
# - ::: ::
- Digital Signat Analysis and Processlng ,
I Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as -far as practicable.
questions. ' .
./ AttemptAll .t
,,+:r.,, . . .i,:-r,
/ The.figtresin:tftgmmginindicqteEullMarks. ... qr .:"
- T Assitiiiuttabfr'drtai\n"rrttiiry.l,;il'
''i I
l. Defme- Energy and Power tlpe lsigoal. with suitabte example., Check the signal
-Define LTI system. .Find thd output of LTI system having .impulse responie
i. .:
h [n] =2u [n] - 2u.[n.4] and input signal x [n] (1i3)" ur.nl.
.: ..:,, 1. =
[1+4] ,
,4, !!y do we need Differenci: Eqr.ntion? Draw'Polq-zero in Z-Plane and plot pagdlude _ ..
respoirse (nolto the scal.e) of the system described by difference equation , , .' , t 12+2+61
5. Determine the Direct Eorm II realization of the fgllowing system
, y(n)=-0.1y(n-l) +0.72y (o-2)+0.7x(n) -0-252x(n-2) ,
6, .Compu-te the latticq coefficients and draw the lattice shucture of follgwing FIR system
, H(z): l+2tr -32'2 + 4z'3
, 'l
7. .Design digital FIR filter for the design of the trow. pass filtsr having
op=0.1z,cor=0.5n,crs:40dB.u.singsuitablewindowfunctign.' .,..' .,
S. .,1Vhat is optimirm filter? Descr.ibe Remez exchange algorittrm for fIR filter design with
f Wnut is the advantage of bilinear tansfonnation? Design a low pass discrete time
... .
. .- ,. .
, Also, convert the obtaingd digital low-pass filter to high-pass filter with new pass band
frequency (wi) = 0.45rt using dlgital domain tr:ansformation. : . ,' ,
10. Why do we need FFT? Find 8-point DFT of sequence x [nJ = {1,1,2,2,1,1,2,1} using
Decimation in frequency FFT (DIFFT) algorithm. l2+71
11. :
Find x3[n] if DFT of x3[n] is given by XrG] Xr(k) Xr(k) where X1ft) and X2G) are
4-poin! DFT of x1[n): .11,2,-2] and x2[n] : {n,2,3,-l } respectively. r : , :'
,s ect: - Di and
Candidates.aranequired to give their answers in their own words as far as oracticable
,/ Attempi All questions.
Thefig.tres tn the margin indicate Full Marks.
Assitme suitable data if n:ecessary.
1. Compute and plot even and odd component of the sequence x(n) =- ,2u[n] - 2u[n - a]
-where u[n] is unit step sequence. t2)
?. Vlrite whether or not the following sequences are periodic and write the period. t4l
a) x[n]=sss(+r)
: '.' .(r* n)
- ,i; .b) 'x[n]=t*ff *t,J
3. Find tlre discrete Fourier coefficients of the peribdic sequence with period N : 11 defined
9. Find the system function for digital filter using impulsive invariance technique from the
analog Butterworth filter transfer function H(s) = .2x .2rc
(s+1.3)(s-1.3e 'T X, - 1.3:-'T )
T = 1 second, and draw the block diagram of the system frrnction, H(z), realized in terms
nf ca^n-rl arAa- na^+i^-^ )J
is a iinear phase filter. t6l
11. Use the window method to design a digital low-pass FIR filter with Pass band. frequency
(<op) : 0,35n, Stop band 'frequency (<o.) : 0:45n with stop-betnd attenuation of at least
54d8, r91
12. Perform circular convoiution of the sequences xr[n] .= [1,2,1], 0 < n < 2 and
13. The duality pioperty of Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT) is, if. x[n]---E+X[k] then
Xt"]-!I5nx[[-k]lN. Foi input sequence x[nJ an algorithm can compute DFT using
the formula x[k]=!x1rr1e-'**. ,o* can this same formula be used to find inverse
discrete Fourier transform (IDFT) of input sequence as X[k] with output sequence as x[n]
(use duility property)? t8l
tt* ri
tal s and
./ Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable.
/ AuenzPt Alt:que;tions-
./ The /igures in the marqin indicate Full Marks.
/ Assunte suitable data if necessary.
1. Plot the sequence x(n) =u(n)- u(n -5) + 56(n - 6) + nu(n- 7) -nu(n- 9) where u(n) is
the.unit step sequence and 6(n) is unit sample iequence. 12)
2. Write whether or ncit the foliowing sequences are periodic and write the period. t4I
3. Find the expression for disciete Fourier series of the sequence t4l
x(n)= Ia(n-4m).
4. Show whether or not the following systems are (a) linear; (b) time invariant, (c) bausal,
a) y(n) = 2tos2(x(n)) * 2log2(x(n))
b) y(n):sin{x(n)-1(n-l)} ,
2-" 3
f* 15 -l +-z'+- z-7.
9. For the first orderdlter, y(n) = Q{a y(n - 1)) + x(n), the product terrn "a y(n - 1)" has
been quantized by rounding it to 3 bits. y(-l) = 0, x(n) = 0.8756(n), a = -0.5. Shbrv
whether the filter goes into limit cycle. What is the period of limit cycle? t4l
' l0.Design a digital low-pass Butterworth filter.using Billinear transformation. Filter
--'r- specifications are as follows: Pass band frequency (<op) : 0.3n, Stop banlfftequency
(ro,) = O.An,Pass band ripple (6r) = 0.1l, Stop band ripple (6,) = 0.21. ll sl
. -
a) Find the order of lilter (N)
b) Find the cutoff frequency (oc)
c) Find the poles (s1,; br tn. squared magrr,iiurir r"sponsc of analog Qurto-r,n1t! filtAr
d) Find H(s)
e) Find the digital Buttenvdrth Iilter H(z)
ll.Design a digital low-pass FIR filter with the following specilications using. Kaiser
Window. PasS band ftequency (rop) = 0.25n, stop band'frequency (cor) = 0.65n, Pass b-and
" di
' e)
Find Kiiser wiirdow frnt"l) i -