Level 4 Quiz 2 EMPOWER. Calderón Blanco, Marco Vinicio
Level 4 Quiz 2 EMPOWER. Calderón Blanco, Marco Vinicio
Level 4 Quiz 2 EMPOWER. Calderón Blanco, Marco Vinicio
2. A. Are you ready to order? B. Where would you like to C. Would you like bread
sit? with that?
3. A. Yes, thank you. B. Certainly. This one is free. C. I’m sorry, I can’t.
4. A. We have a reservation for B. This way, please. C. I’ll have the chicken
two people. soup.
II. VOCABULARY: Read the following food and cooking descriptions. Write
the words they describe next to each sentence. (5 points)
1. ______Boil_____ You do this when you cook by immersing in the maximum hot
water temperature and it bubbles.
2. ______Fry_______ You do this when you cook food in hot fat or oil, typically in
a shallow pan.
3. ______Cheese_______ This comes from milk and some people like to eat it for
their breakfast.
4. ______roast_______ When you cook meat in the oven you do this.
5. ________bake_____ To make bread you need to do this to it in a very hot
1. Erick don’t like computers; actually, he hates them and prefers outdoor
_Erick don´t like computers; actually, he hates its and prefers outdoor
4. My brother use technology for almost every activity, even for cooking.
Are the following sentences true (T) or false (F)? Mark the correct one.
supermarket .
V. WRITING: Use the vocabulary and structures studied in class to write a five-
sentence paragraph about one of the following options: (5 points)
Technology is very important in my life because I work from my apartment and I need
Facebook and WhatsApp) to chat with my friends and family. My favorite meal is the
Rice and Beans because I really like the flavor of habanero peppers and coconut milk.