Description and Identification of Soils (Visual-Manual Procedure)
Description and Identification of Soils (Visual-Manual Procedure)
Description and Identification of Soils (Visual-Manual Procedure)
NOTE 1—Percentages are based on estimating amounts of fines, sand, and gravel to the nearest 5 %.
FIG. 1a Flow Chart for Identifying Inorganic Fine-Grained Soil (50 % or more fines)
NOTE 1—Percentages are based on estimating amounts of fines, sand, and gravel to the nearest 5 %.
FIG. 1 b Flow Chart for Identifying Organic Fine-Grained Soil (50 % or more fines)
NOTE 1—Percentages are based on estimating amounts of fines, sand, and gravel to the nearest 5 %.
FIG. 2 Flow Chart for Identifying Coarse-Grained Soils (less than 50 % fines)
8.2 Caution—Do not add water to acid. NOTE 8—If random isolated particles are encountered that are signifi-
cantly larger than the particles in the soil matrix, the soil matrix can be
accurately described and identified in accordance with the preceeding
9. Sampling schedule.
9.1 The sample shall be considered to be representative of 9.4 If the field sample or specimen being examined is
the stratum from which it was obtained by an appropriate, smaller than the minimum recommended amount, the report
accepted, or standard procedure. shall include an appropriate remark.
NOTE 6—Preferably, the sampling procedure should be identified as 10. Descriptive Information for Soils
having been conducted in accordance with Practices D1452, D1587, or
D2113, or Test Method D1586. 10.1 Angularity—Describe the angularity of the sand
9.2 The sample shall be carefully identified as to origin. (coarse sizes only), gravel, cobbles, and boulders, as angular,
subangular, subrounded, or rounded in accordance with the
NOTE 7—Remarks as to the origin may take the form of a boring criteria in Table 1 and Fig. 3. A range of angularity may be
number and sample number in conjunction with a job number, a geologic
stratum, a pedologic horizon or a location description with respect to a
stated, such as: subrounded to rounded.
permanent monument, a grid system or a station number and offset with 10.2 Shape—Describe the shape of the gravel, cobbles, and
respect to a stated centerline and a depth or elevation. boulders as flat, elongated, or flat and elongated if they meet
9.3 For accurate description and identification, the mini- the criteria in Table 2 and Fig. 4. Otherwise, do not mention the
mum amount of the specimen to be examined shall be in shape. Indicate the fraction of the particles that have the shape,
accordance with the following schedule: such as: one-third of the gravel particles are flat.
samples. If the color represents a dry condition, this shall be 10.15 A classification or identification of the soil in accor-
stated in the report. dance with other classification systems may be added if
10.4 Odor—Describe the odor if organic or unusual. Soils identified as such.
containing a significant amount of organic material usually
have a distinctive odor of decaying vegetation. This is espe- 11. Identification of Peat
cially apparent in fresh samples, but if the samples are dried, 11.1 A sample composed primarily of vegetable tissue in
the odor may often be revived by heating a moistened sample. various stages of decomposition that has a fibrous to amor-
If the odor is unusual (petroleum product, chemical, and the phous texture, usually a dark brown to black color, and an
like), it shall be described. organic odor, shall be designated as a highly organic soil and
10.5 Moisture Condition—Describe the moisture condition shall be identified as peat, PT, and not subjected to the
as dry, moist, or wet, in accordance with the criteria in Table 3. identification procedures described hereafter.
10.6 HCl Reaction—Describe the reaction with HCl as
none, weak, or strong, in accordance with the critera in Table 12. Preparation for Identification
4. Since calcium carbonate is a common cementing agent, a 12.1 The soil identification portion of this practice is based
report of its presence on the basis of the reaction with dilute on the portion of the soil sample that will pass a 3-in. (75-mm)
hydrochloric acid is important. sieve. The larger than 3-in. (75-mm) particles must be
10.7 Consistency—For intact fine-grained soil, describe the removed, manually, for a loose sample, or mentally, for an
consistency as very soft, soft, firm, hard, or very hard, in intact sample before classifying the soil.
accordance with the criteria in Table 5. This observation is 12.2 Estimate and note the percentage of cobbles and the
inappropriate for soils with significant amounts of gravel. percentage of boulders. Performed visually, these estimates
10.8 Cementation—Describe the cementation of intact will be on the basis of volume percentage.
coarse-grained soils as weak, moderate, or strong, in accor- NOTE 9—Since the percentages of the particle-size distribution in Test
dance with the criteria in Table 6. Method D2487 are by dry weight, and the estimates of percentages for
gravel, sand, and fines in this practice are by dry weight, it is recom-
10.9 Structure—Describe the structure of intact soils in mended that the report state that the percentages of cobbles and boulders
accordance with the criteria in Table 7. are by volume.
10.10 Range of Particle Sizes—For gravel and sand 12.3 Of the fraction of the soil smaller than 3 in. (75 mm),
components, describe the range of particle sizes within each estimate and note the percentage, by dry weight, of the gravel,
component as defined in 3.1.2 and 3.1.6. For example, about sand, and fines (see Appendix X4 for suggested procedures).
20 % fine to coarse gravel, about 40 % fine to coarse sand.
NOTE 10—Since the particle-size components appear visually on the
10.11 Maximum Particle Size—Describe the maximum par- basis of volume, considerable experience is required to estimate the
ticle size found in the sample in accordance with the following percentages on the basis of dry weight. Frequent comparisons with
information: laboratory particle-size analyses should be made.
10.11.1 Sand Size—If the maximum particle size is a sand 12.3.1 The percentages shall be estimated to the closest 5 %.
size, describe as fine, medium, or coarse as defined in 3.1.6. The percentages of gravel, sand, and fines must add up to
For example: maximum particle size, medium sand. 100 %.
10.11.2 Gravel Size—If the maximum particle size is a 12.3.2 If one of the components is present but not in
gravel size, describe the maximum particle size as the smallest sufficient quantity to be considered 5 % of the smaller than
sieve opening that the particle will pass. For example, maxi- 3-in. (75-mm) portion, indicate its presence by the term trace,
that are about 1⁄2 in. (12 mm) in diameter may be used in place low, medium, or high in accordance with the criteria in Table
of the molded balls. 10.
NOTE 11—The process of molding and drying usually produces higher
strengths than are found in natural dry lumps of soil.
14.2.4 Test the strength of the dry balls or lumps by TABLE 9 Criteria for Describing Dilatancy
crushing between the fingers. Note the strength as none, low,
Description Criteria
medium, high, or very high in accorance with the criteria in
None No visible change in the specimen
Table 8. If natural dry lumps are used, do not use the results of Slow Water appears slowly on the surface of the specimen during
any of the lumps that are found to contain particles of coarse shaking and does not disappear or disappears slowly upon
sand. squeezing
Rapid Water appears quickly on the surface of the specimen during
14.2.5 The presence of high-strength water-soluble cement- shaking and disappears quickly upon squeezing
ing materials, such as calcium carbonate, may cause excep-
Nonplastic A 1⁄8-in. (3-mm) thread cannot be rolled at any water content procedures in Section 14.
Low The thread can barely be rolled and the lump cannot be 15.4.2 Identify the soil as a silty gravel, GM, or a silty sand,
formed when drier than the plastic limit
Medium The thread is easy to roll and not much time is required to
SM, if the fines are silty as determined by the procedures in
reach the plastic limit. The thread cannot be rerolled after Section 14.
reaching the plastic limit. The lump crumbles when drier
than the plastic limit 15.5 If the soil is estimated to contain 10 % fines, give the
High It takes considerable time rolling and kneading to reach the soil a dual identification using two group symbols.
plastic limit. The thread can be rerolled several times after 15.5.1 The first group symbol shall correspond to a clean
reaching the plastic limit. The lump can be formed without
crumbling when drier than the plastic limit gravel or sand (GW, GP, SW, SP) and the second symbol shall
correspond to a gravel or sand with fines (GC, GM, SC, SM).
(Nonmandatory Information)
X1.1 The following examples show how the information fractured with hammer blow; maximum size, 25 mm; no
required in 16.1 can be reported. The information that is reaction with HCl (Note—Field sample size smaller than
X2.1 The identification procedure may be used as a descrip- X2.4.1 Shale Chunks—Retrieved as 2 to 4-in. (50 to 100-
tive system applied to materials that exist in-situ as shale, mm) pieces of shale from power auger hole, dry, brown, no
claystone, sandstone, siltstone, mudstone, etc., but convert to reaction with HCl. After slaking in water for 24 h, material
soils after field or laboratory processing (crushing, slaking, and identified as “Sandy Lean Clay (CL)”; about 60 % fines with
the like). medium plasticity, high dry strength, no dilatancy, and medium
toughness; about 35 % fine to medium, hard sand; about 5 %
X2.2 Materials such as shells, crushed rock, slag, and the gravel-size pieces of shale.
like, should be identified as such. However, the procedures
used in this practice for describing the particle size and X2.4.2 Crushed Sandstone—Product of commercial crush-
plasticity characteristics may be used in the description of the ing operation; “Poorly Graded Sand with Silt (SP-SM)”; about
material. If desired, an identification using a group name and 90 % fine to medium sand; about 10 % nonplastic fines; dry,
symbol according to this practice may be assigned to aid in reddish-brown.
describing the material. X2.4.3 Broken Shells—About 60 % uniformly graded
gravel-size broken shells; about 30 % sand and sand-size shell
X2.3 The group symbol(s) and group names should be pieces; about 10 % nonplastic fines; “Poorly Graded Gravel
placed in quotation marks or noted with some type of distin- with Silt and Sand (GP-GM).”
guishing symbol. See examples.
X2.4.4 Crushed Rock—Processed from gravel and cobbles
X2.4 Examples of how group names and symbols can be in Pit No. 7; “Poorly Graded Gravel (GP)”; about 90 % fine,
incororated into a descriptive system for materials that are not hard, angular gravel-size particles; about 10 % coarse, hard,
naturally occurring soils are as follows: angular sand-size particles; dry, tan; no reaction with HCl.
X3.1 Since this practice is based on estimates of particle X3.1.5 A borderline symbol may be used when a fine-
size distribution and plasticity characteristics, it may be diffi- grained soil has properties that indicate that it is at the
cult to clearly identify the soil as belonging to one category. To boundary between a soil of low compressibility and a soil of
indicate that the soil may fall into one of two possible basic high compressibility. For example: CL/CH, MH/ML.
groups, a borderline symbol may be used with the two symbols
separated by a slash. For example: SC/CL or CL/CH. X3.2 The order of the borderline symbols should reflect
X3.1.1 A borderline symbol may be used when the percent- similarity to surrounding or adjacent soils. For example: soils
age of fines is estimated to be between 45 and 55 %. One in a borrow area have been identified as CH. One sample is
symbol should be for a coarse-grained soil with fines and the considered to have a borderline symbol of CL and CH. To
other for a fine-grained soil. For example: GM/ML or CL/SC. show similarity, the borderline symbol should be CH/CL.
X3.1.2 A borderline symbol may be used when the percent-
X3.3 The group name for a soil with a borderline symbol
age of sand and the percentage of gravel are estimated to be
should be the group name for the first symbol, except for:
about the same. For example: GP/SP, SC/GC, GM/SM. It is
practically impossible to have a soil that would have a CL/CH lean to fat clay
borderline symbol of GW/SW.
ML/CL clayey silt
X3.1.3 A borderline symbol may be used when the soil CL/ML silty clay
could be either well graded or poorly graded. For example:
GW/GP, SW/SP. X3.4 The use of a borderline symbol should not be used
X3.1.4 A borderline symbol may be used when the soil indiscriminately. Every effort shall be made to first place the
could either be a silt or a clay. For example: CL/ML, CH/MH, soil into a single group.
X4.1 Jar Method—The relative percentage of coarse- and The percentages of sand and fines in the minus sieve size No.
fine-grained material may be estimated by thoroughly shaking 4 material can then be estimated from the wash test (X4.3).
a mixture of soil and water in a test tube or jar, and then
allowing the mixture to settle. The coarse particles will fall to X4.3 Wash Test (for relative percentages of sand and
the bottom and successively finer particles will be deposited fines)—Select and moisten enough minus No. 4 sieve size
with increasing time; the sand sizes will fall out of suspension material to form a 1-in (25-mm) cube of soil. Cut the cube in
in 20 to 30 s. The relative proportions can be estimated from half, set one-half to the side, and place the other half in a small
the relative volume of each size separate. This method should dish. Wash and decant the fines out of the material in the dish
be correlated to particle-size laboratory determinations. until the wash water is clear and then compare the two samples
and estimate the percentage of sand and fines. Remember that
X4.2 Visual Method—Mentally visualize the gravel size the percentage is based on weight, not volume. However, the
volume comparison will provide a reasonable indication of
X5.1 In some cases, because of lack of space, an abbrevi- X5.4 The soil classification symbol is to be enclosed in
ated system may be useful to indicate the soil classification parenthesis. Some examples would be:
symbol and name. Examples of such cases would be graphical Group Symbol and Full Name Abbreviated
logs, databases, tables, etc.
CL, Sandy lean clay s(CL)
X5.2 This abbreviated system is not a substitute for the full SP-SM, Poorly graded sand with silt and gravel (SP-SM)g
GP, poorly graded gravel with sand, cobbles, and (GP)scb
name and descriptive information but can be used in supple- boulders
mentary presentations when the complete description is refer- ML, gravelly silt with sand and cobbles g(ML)sc
X5.3 The abbreviated system should consist of the soil
classification symbol based on this standard with appropriate
lower case letter prefixes and suffixes as:
Prefix: Suffix:
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