1 Using The Visual Editor
1 Using The Visual Editor
1 Using The Visual Editor
1 Using the Visual Editor
An editor is the program that is used to edit source code. There are many text editors
available for Linux, but the two most widely used are Visual Editor Improved (VIM) and
Emacs. Here we discuss VIM editor.
1.1 Creating and opening file
• $ vi <filename> - opens file if it is already exist, otherwise creates new file.
• $ vi - opens VIM editors, without filename.
1 Introduction
• 7h - Move 7 character to the left.
• 17j - Move 17 lines down.
• 4k - Move 4 lines up.
• 0 - Go to the first character in the line.
• $ - Go to the last character in the line.
• G - Go to the last line in the file.
• nG – Go to line n in the file.
• w - Move to the beginning of the next word.
• 5e – Move to the end of 5th word from the current position.
• Ctrl+F – Scroll forwards (down).
• Ctrl+B – Scroll backwards (up).
Deleting Text
- Must be in Normal mode to delete text using commands.
Delete Commands
x - Deletes one character.
dw - Deletes word by word.
d$ - Deletes from cursor to the end of the line.
dd - Deletes the entire line.
nx - Delete n characters, beginning with the character at the cursor.
n+Delete Key – Same as nx.
ndw - Delete n number of words.
ndd - Delete n number of lines.
u - undo the last edit.
U - undoes the all edits in the current line.
Ctrl+r - redo
Replace text mode
-new text is inserted into the old text into the cursor.
Replace commands
r - replace the character under the cursor.
nr - replace the n number of characters.
cw - replace the rest of the word.
c$ - replace the rest of the line.
R - enter Replace mode to make unlimited overwrites (press Esc go back to
the Normal mode)
Change, Delete (cut) and yank(copy)
change delete yank
line cc dd yy
Character ch dl yl
Word cw dw yw
2 Introduction
Paragraph above c{ d{ y{
Paragraph below c} d} y}
Sentence back c( d( y(
Sentence forward c) d) y)
p - Paste after the cursor.
P - Paste before the cursor.
Finding Text
normal mode operation.
/searchtext - Search the string from the cursor to the end of the file.
?searchtext - Search the string from the cursor to the beginning of the file.
n - Continue search in the same direction.
N - Continue search in opposite direction.
Save Changes and Exit the Visual Editor
normal mode operation.
:w - write (save) the file.
:q - quit if saved.
:wq - save and quit. Or :x or ZZ
:wq filename - save file with filename.
:q! - Quit without saving any changes.
:e! - Abandon the changes and reload the last saved file.
Getting Help
:help - Opens the help window
:help <command> - open help window for the command.
Ctrl+] - jump to the help topic.
:q - quit from help window.
3 Introduction
2. Compiling with GCC
A compiler turns human-readable code into machine readable object code that can actually
run. The compilers of choice on Linux systems are all part of the GNU compiler collection,
usually known as gcc. gcc supports the ANSI standard syntax for C.
4 Introduction