Adventures in Antarctica

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gngllsh Gulde Book 63


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t. Choose t.l1c correct option.
It was n rnost unusual December for the two children because
a) it was a hot and sunny Christmas in the Southern Hemisphere
2. Answer the following questions briefly:
a) What was the super surprise that greeted them on Christmas day?
Ans: On Christmas n1orning, instead of the usual present under the tree, they
found white envelopes which contained an invitation to travel to
b) Pick out the expressions in the text which tells us .that th.e children
could not believe their eyes.
Ans: Expressions like 'Are we hallucinating?', 'Are they kidding us?' show
that the children could not believe their eyes.
c) Why did you think .Antarctica was named Terra Incognita?
Ans: Terra Incognita which means the unknown land was the ancient name of
Antarctica. it was given the nan1e because the continent was very difficult
to reach as it was covered in ice and snow throughout the year. Due to
this, it was largely unexplored.
d) In the map given below you can see the sailing route taken by their
ship. The places on the route have been numbered and some of
them have been named in the key. Fill in the names of the remaining
1 - Pun ta Arenas
2 - Strait of Magellan
3 - Beagle Channel
4 - ·wo11aston Island
5 - Cape Horn
6 - Drake Passage
7 - Antarc;tic Peninsula
English Gulde I\..
64 . ·•
, . ~
whY An tar ctic a was
. n reason
e) The Drake Is said to be th e ~~ at were the I. l\1ji
difficu ties that 811
discovered for a long time. .
farers faced? b t seas on ear th. It is cover
Ans: The Drake Passage is one ofthe mo st tur .u1en O . . ~
. . . h' h made nav1ga
tion diff icu lt. ne is likely ♦,
with ice, snow and mis t w 1c . . dible win d and . t·
g1gan 1c waves. I.\
encounter fearsome storms with 1ncre ·
, called?
f) Why is the Antarctic C~nvergenc e sothe chu rni ng of the waters -
Ans: The Antarctic Convergence 1s formed b\
· h
the Pacific Atlantic and Indian oceans w ic r esults in a windy stofllllj-
· ' ,
g) Was this the first attempt made by et · th. ·r shi p to ent er the Dra
Passage? Bo w can you tell?
Ans: We can tell that this was the first attempt mad - h ·· h'1 tO t ·.
~ by t eir s · P en er .
Drake Passage when the narrator said that all of
the m had not expe
the full wind of 90 knots that hit their ship wh
en the y ent er the Dra ·
Passage and -took them all by surprise.
h) What we re the effects of the Big Dra ke Sha
ke on the narraton
and their parents?
Ans: The Big Drake shake made the narrators and
their par ent s stayed in th :
cabins and firmly clung to their berth as the shi
p roc ked so violently
The y gave up trying to sleep. They got -bru ise
on the ir ski n and thi -
muscle strained as they slid from one end of the
ber th to the other. J ·
get ting from their bunks to the bathroom wa
s· a risk y bus ine ss. Th
narrator's father w~s thrown clear across _the · cab
in. He wa s so lucky n
to have cracked his head. ·
_ i) When they reached Antarctica their fiirs
. t em ·t•
and gra titu .
de. Explain why. ' o ion s we re of relie
·· ·
Ans: To rea ch the mysterious continent of An
had to go through one of the most • tar f h h
c tea,
1ent seas on th 1t ey fou nd that t ey
past unnamed island. The crossinv10g of th D k e P ane t and skinun _.
raising experience with howling wi·nd e ra e :wa
s a nail-biting, ~
enormous waves tossing and spinn· s zer o v181'b•1·
' 1 1ty mis t an d 10
r g
washing machine. They were relieveingd h
around ' th h.
e s 1p like clothes 1n . a
such experience and grateful to land on ~he n they
Were able to overc~I11e
• 'I
e fabled continent of Antarctica,
I .

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