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Response Spectrum Analysis of A G4 Building With M

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IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering


Response spectrum analysis of a G+4 building with mass irregularity on

a sloped surface
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ICRIET 2020 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 1070 (2021) 012043 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/1070/1/012043

Response spectrum analysis of a G+4 building with mass

irregularity on a sloped surface

Anirudh Raajan V*, Balaji G C and Vasavi V

School of Civil Engineering, SASTRA Deemed University, Thanjavur – 613 401.

*Corresponding author: [email protected]

Abstract: The behaviour and stability of a multi-storey building in a sloped region depends on
structural configuration. Irregularities in the structure are recognized as one of the chief
sources of its failure. Structures commonly have a grouping of irregularities such as vertical
irregularity, mass regularity, stiffness irregularity etc. Also, for the analysis of such a structure,
it is necessary to carry out dynamic analysis to determine the maximum peak response of the
building with respect to the natural time period. Since it would be difficult to get the time
history record for all the places, it is feasible to go with Response Spectrum Analysis. In this
paper, a G+4 RCC building having each storey of height 3.5m placed in the sloping ground
with horizontal angle of inclination 20° for the purpose of dwelling of people during disaster
with one of the storey to be used for storage of food and water which induces Mass irregularity.
The structure is modelled in ETABS software. Here the mass irregularity is induced at every
storey by inducing on one storey at a time for 3 different zones (III, IV, V) and the same has
been analysed by inducing gravity loads and seismic load cases using Response Spectrum
Analysis. The response of the structure with respect to variation in the Storey Drift and Storey
displacement has been recorded and will be discussed elaborately.

Keywords: Seismic Analysis, mass irregularity, Response Spectrum Analysis, Storey Drift,
Storey displacement.

1. Introduction
Rapid urbanization in hilly areas has led to the modification and redefining the building style, optimal
usage of construction materials and different types of construction methods. Owing to the lack of the
flat surfaced land on slopes, houses constructed on slopes, would need a unique structural design and
would encounter certain construction inconveniences. Reinforced concrete framed structures built on
hill slopes illustrate dissimilar structural performance compared to the one on flat surface. Buildings
are generally constructed in step-back configuration at the steep sided slopes. Different configurations
of the centre of mass and stiffness at all storeys causes eccentricity. The position of the setbacks has
led to the concentration of stress; once the structure is supported by seismic activity has also been
reported from the study. Earthquakes in the recent years have proved that buildings at the sloping
ground have varying mass and stiffness along the vertical and horizontal planes, ensuing in the centre
of mass and centre of rigidity does not overlap on all storey levels. A noteworthy quantum of
investigation was carried out relating structures constructed in hilly region. Preceding researches have
illustrated a variety of inconveniences and recommended diverse methods about mathematical
modelling formulation and the analysis of step-back and setback buildings under lateral loads.

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ICRIET 2020 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 1070 (2021) 012043 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/1070/1/012043

Mindala Rohini and Venkat Das [1] studied that the value of story displacement in Zone-V is greater
than Zone- III at the topmost story and the storey shear in both response spectrum method and time
history technique at the ground is maximum. Shaik Akhil Ahamad and Pratap [2] studies that the
structure with shear walls provided at all edges gave enhanced outcome by means of maximum
displacement, storey drift and base shear and concluded that building with uniform stiffness gives
more suitable results. Nagargoje and K.S.Sable [3] suggested that Step-back-Setback building may be
more favourable on sloping. Birajdar and Nalawade [4] investigated diverse arrangements of step-
back and setback structures, and examined that in step-back structures a shorter frame on the uphill
side draws added base shear force compared to the other frames of the structure. Anvesh et al. [5]
examined that drifts in buildings exclusive of mass irregularity are more compared to the structures
inclusive of mass irregularity. Satish Kumar and Paul [6] have carried out the seismic analysis of
structures on varying slope angles and the results were evaluated with the structures on the flat
surface. It is observed from the study that the footing column of shorter height attracts more forces and
this increases the horizontal force and the bending moment significantly. Himanshu Bansal [7] the
storey shear force was inversely proportional to the storey taken into account (i.e) the storey shear
force was found to be minimum for the top storey and it was the maximum for the first storey in all the
cases. Valmundsson and Nau [8]show that the building and structure rested on sloped ground have
higher degree of displacement and base shear compared to the other buildings constructed in flat
surfaces and showed that the earth quake actuated load on the building(or structure) can be narrowed
down to notable amount by use of isolated system. Also, the response of low to medium rise buildings
is affected by the method of analysis. Vinod Sadashiva [9] concluded that there is a maximum
displacement response at the combination of vertical and stiffness irregularities when compared to
vertical irregularities.

Research involved in the past has afford a enhanced examination on structural behaviour of building
constructed in hilly area but the performance in diverse arrangements has not been investigated
comprehensively. Also, IS 1893 [10] recommends that the structures with geometric irregularity and
or comprising unbalanced sharing of mass and stiffness can be analysed by modal analysis. Therefore,
a 3D modelling of structure is essential, taking into consideration of genuine structural behaviour of
beams/columns, rigid slabs, infill masonry walls and RC shear walls, etc, to get the realistic behaviour
of building in slope, subjected to seismic load. In the present study, mass irregularity has been induced
for a G+4 building using ETABS software, as per the building codes -IS 875 for dead load [11] and
live load [12] and lateral stability checks depending on story drifts and displacements are discussed.

2. Methodology
The assumed plan of a G+4 RCC building (for purpose of dwellings of people during disaster with one
of the 5 storeys to be used as a store room for food and water, is placed in the sloped surface with an
inclination of 20° with the horizontal. Due to this inclination, the height of columns at the bottom
storey varies as follows. 0.7 m, 2.43 m, 4.4 m, 6.6 m and 8 m from left to right. The height of the
columns in the rest of the storeys is given as 3.5m. The 2D plan and elevation was drafted using
Autodesk CAD as shown in figure1 and the 3D, as shown in figure2 has been modelled using ETABS
software for 3 different zones i.e, Zone III, IV and V. The concrete with grade M30 and
reinforcements of grade HYSD500 and Mild steel 250 were defined. The sizes of both beams and
columns were defined using the auto select option in ETABS, so that the software would start to
design members with a dimension having least area in the defined properties and if the member
happens to fail, the software would automatically assign the next dimension for the member with
respect to area and the process repeats until the all members are designed with suitable dimension to
sustain the load. The beam sizes were taken as 230mm X 300mm, 300mm X 300mm and 450mm X
350mm and for columns, the sizes were taken as 300 mm x 300 mm, 300 mm x 450 mm, 450 mm x
450 mm, 600 mm x 600 mm and 700 mm x 700 mm by the software. The inner walls and outer walls
with respective thickness of 230mm and 115mm are assumed to be built with Common burnt clay

ICRIET 2020 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 1070 (2021) 012043 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/1070/1/012043

bricks and so the respective wall loads calculated by considering the unit weight of brick as 15.7
kN/m3 as per IS : 875 as shown in Table 1.

The calculated load has been applied as a UDL to the respective beams. As one of the storeys is to be
used for storage, the mass irregularity would be induced in that particular storey of the building. So the
building model is applied with extra mass in each storey, one at a time to find the suitable storey to be
used for storage. For this purpose, the mass irregularity in the structure i.e., the change of mass due to
storage of food and water were applied at one storey, whereas the other storeys are induced with
normal loadings. The storey with mass irregularity is denoted as MR along with the storey number, i.e
if the first storey is induced with mass irregularity then it is indicated as MR1. The dead load for food
& floor finish is taken as 7.35 kN/m2 and 1.47 kN/m2 (extra dead load of 2 kN/m2 is taken as building
is to be used for dwellings) respectively as per IS 875 Part 1 and The live load for storage area and
living area is taken as 5 kN/m2 and 2 kN/m2 respectively as per IS 875 Part 2. Likewise the mass
irregularity has been applied as mentioned above for all the three zones.

Table1: load calculations

Purpose Height (m) Thickness(m) Unit Weight Dead Load Live Load
of Brick
Outer Wall Load 3.5 0.23 15.7 12.64 kN/m -
Inner Wall Load 3.5 0.115 15.7 6.32 kN/m -
Parapet Wall 1 0.23 15.7 3.61 kN/m -
Slab Load - - - 3.47 kN/m2 2 kN/m2
(Normal Case)
Slab Load (For - - - 8.82 kN/m2 5 kN/m2
Mass Irregularity)

Then the seismic loads are assigned to the model with considering the Zone as III having the Zone
factor of 0.16 assuming Type II soil. Also, the importance factor of 1.2 is taken as the building to be
designed is a dwelling place assumed to have more than 200 people and the Reduction factor of 5 is
assigned considering the Building possesses a Special Moment Resisting Frame (SMRF). Then the
Response Spectrum function is assigned to the building model with predefined period and values in
ETABS software. Then, building is analysed and the Storey Displacement and Storey Drift values
both along and across the surface of the slope.

The above step for Seismic analysis and Response Spectrum analysis are carried out for Zone IV and
Zone V having Zone factor of 0.24 and 0.36 respectively, with all other details remaining the same.

ICRIET 2020 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 1070 (2021) 012043 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/1070/1/012043

Plan Elevation
all dimensions in ‘m’

Figure 1 2D draft and mass irregularities induced in the building

ICRIET 2020 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 1070 (2021) 012043 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/1070/1/012043

Figure 2: 3D Model

3. Resuts and discussions

The mass irregularity was induced as mentioned and the corresponding storey drift and storey
displacement for each storey, for both along and across the slope was obtained from ETABS.The
values were noted for drift and displacement for each storey.Thus five sets of values were noted for
each zone, that is fifteen sets in total. Graphs were drawn with storey in x-direction and storey
displacement in y direction, for all the five cases. Separate graphs were drawn for across and along the
slope. The same was followed for storey drift.Thus each zone has four graphs, which sums up to a
total of tweleve graphs for all the three zones together.

MR1 7 MR1
7 MR2 MR2
6 MR3 MR3
5 MR4 MR4

4 MR5 4 MR5

3 3
2 2
1 1
0 5 10
0 5 10 15

Figure 3: displacement along the slope Figure 4: displacement across the slope
(zone III) (zone III)

ICRIET 2020 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 1070 (2021) 012043 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/1070/1/012043

7 MR1
MR2 7
6 MR2
MR3 6
5 5
4 4 MR5
2 1
1 0
0 5 10 15 20
0 5 10 15

Figure 5: displacement along the slope Figure 6: displacement across the slope
(zone IV) (zone IV)
7 MR1 MR1
MR2 6 MR2
6 MR3
5 MR4 MR4
MR5 4 MR5
3 3

2 2
1 1
0 0
0 10 20 30 0 10 20 30

Figure 7: displacement along the slope Figure 8: displacement across the slope
(zone V) (zone V)

From figures 3 and 4,for zone III, it is observed that the displacements in one direction, say along the
slope, for all the five cases(i.e MR1 MR2 MR3 MR4 MR5) shows only a minimal variation and when
plotted, with a similar path for all the five cases. For storey displacement across the slope, the values
for all the five cases were more or less the same when plotted as that of along the slope..The
displacement in both the directions were minimum at the bottom storey and maximum at the top
storey. Also the values of storey displacements increased as the zones increased.

From figures 5,6,7,8, ie for zones IV and V, the similarity was observed.In general,the variation
between two cases (say MR1 and MR2) at one particular direction and for one particular zone, was not
less than 0.00573mm and not more than 1.84234mm.This was same for all the cases in both the
directions for all the three zones.

ICRIET 2020 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 1070 (2021) 012043 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/1070/1/012043

7 7

6 MR2
6 MR2
MR3 5
4 4 MR5

3 3

2 2

1 1

0 0
0 2 4 6 8 0 2 4 6 8

Figure 9: drift along the slope Figure 10: drift across the slope
(zone III) (zone III)
MR1 7
6 MR2
6 MR2
5 MR3
MR4 5
4 MR5
4 MR5

0 5 10 15 0
0 5 10 15

Figure 11: drift along the slope Figure 12: drift across the slope
(zone IV) (zone IV)
7 7
6 MR2 6 MR2
MR3 5
5 MR3
4 4
3 3

2 2

1 1
0 5 10 15 20
0 5 10 15 20

Figure 13: drift along the slope Figure 14: drift across the slope
(zone V) (zone V)

ICRIET 2020 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 1070 (2021) 012043 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/1070/1/012043

Figure 9-14 shows the storey drift both across and along the slope, for all the three zones. Like Storey
displacements in each zones, the storey drifts also increases with the increase of zones. From the
figure 9 -14, though the zone varies, the maximum drift of particular case of mass irregularity occurs
at the same storey for all the three zones. For example, the maximum drift due to mass irregularity at
5th storey is maximum at storey 3 for all three zones along the slope and is maximum at storey 4
across the slope. Also, it can be found that, though the mass irregularity was induced at different
storeys in all three zones, the storey drift along the slope is maximum at either Storey 3 or Storey 5
and the storey drift across the slope is maximum at storey 4. So, the drift between the storeys doesn’t
change irrespect of the mass irregularity induced at different levels.

From the graphs it can be found that the storey induced with mass irregularity is not experiencing the
maximum storey drift. For example in Figure 10,the mass irregularity was induced in storey 4(MR4),
but the maximum storey drift occurred at storey three, while the maximum drift due to mass
irregularity at 4th storey occurred at Storey 5. In most case, the maximum drift for any particular
storey, induced with mass irregularity occurred at its adjacent storey. For example, from figure 9 & 10,
the maximum drift for MR3 occurred at storey 4 in both the direction. There has been a maximum
change in the storey drifts between storey 1 and storey 2 all 5 cases in each zone as the relative
displacement between the first and second storey is maximum.

Now, the percentage difference between values of storey displacement along the slope and across the
slope was found out for all the five cases, MR1, MR2, MR3, MR4 and MR5.(formula for finding the
percentage difference is higher value minus lower value divided by lower value and multiplied by
hundred). Each case would contain 6 values, onc for each storey.The corresponding storey values from
the five cases were added and the average for a particular storey was found. This was followed for all
the three zones. A graph plotted with storey in x-axis and the percentage difference in y-axis as shown
in figure15.



Percentage of Change

30 Zone 3
Zone 4
Zone 5


1 2 3 4 5 6

Figure 15: Change in Storey Displacement between Along and across the Slope

From figure15, it is observed that percentage change decreases as the zone increases. Also the change
in percentage is maximum in storey one, about fifty percentange and the values decreases drastically

ICRIET 2020 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 1070 (2021) 012043 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/1070/1/012043

from storey two to storey six for all the three zones( the values lies between 10%-25%). The percent

4. Conclusions
A G+4 RCC building in a sloped region was modelled using ETABS and mass irregularity was
induced in each storey to identify which storey is suitable for storage of food and water. The mass
irregularites were induced in all the storeis and coressponding storey displacements and sdrifts were
obtained, the conclusions were drawn.

 Though the mass irregularites were applied at different stories,the values of storey
displacement was more or less the same in both across and along the slopes ie, the application
of the mass irregularites at different storeys as no significant effect on the displacement of the
 When mass irregularity is induced in a building on a sloped surface, storey one experiences a
maxinum percentage change in displacement between the slopes in both the directions.
 The storey induced with mass irregularity does not experience the maximum storey drift,
whereas it occurs at its adjacent storey.
 Though the zone varies, the maximum drift of particular case of mass irregularity occurs at the
same storey for all the three zones.

 The maximum storey drift experienced by MR5 in all the zones, in both the directions is less
when compared to other cases(MR1 MR2 MR3 MR4).So it is safer to provide storage for food
and water at fifth storey in all the three zones.

5. References

[1] Mindala Rohini, Venkat Das T (2019) Seismic Analysis of Residential Building for Different
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[2] Shaik Akhil Ahamad, Pratap K V (2020) Dynamic analysis of G + 20 multi storied building
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Today Proceedings In Press.
[3] Nagargoje S M, Sable K S (2012) Seismic performance of multi-storeyed building on sloping
ground Elixir Elec. Engg. 53 11980.
[4] Birajdar B G, Nalawade S S (2004) seismic analysis of buildings resting on sloping ground
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[5] Anvesh N, Shaik Yajdani, Pavan Kumar K (2015) Effect of Mass Irregularity on Reinforced
Concrete Structure Using Etabs Int. J. Innovative Res. Sci. Eng. Technol. 4 10091.
[6] Satish Kumar & Paul D K (1999) Hill buildings configurations from seismic considerations,
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[7] Himanshu Bansal (2014) Seismic analysis and design of vertically irregular RC building
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[8] Valmundsson E V, Nau J M (1997) Seismic response of building frames with vertical
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[9] Vinod Sadashiva K (2009) Determination of structural irregularity limits – Mass irregularity
example Bulletin of the New Zealand society for earthquake engineering, 42.
[10] IS 1893- 1 (2016) Criteria for Earthquake Resistant Design of Structures, Part 1: General
Provisions and Buildings, Bureau of Indian Standards, India.

ICRIET 2020 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 1070 (2021) 012043 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/1070/1/012043

[11] IS 875-1 (1987) Code of Practice for Design Loads (Other than Earthquake) for Buildings and
Structures, Part 1: Dead Loads - Unit Weights of Building Material and Stored Materials,
Bureau of Indian Standards, India.
[12] IS 875-2 (1987) Code of Practice for Design Loads (Other than Earthquake) For Buildings and
Structures, Part 2: Imposed Loads, Bureau of Indian Standards, India.


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