2015 Iccopr Research and Technology Plan
2015 Iccopr Research and Technology Plan
2015 Iccopr Research and Technology Plan
September 2015
Final Oil Pollution Research & Technology Plan – Approved September 29, 2015
This Oil Pollution Research and Technology Plan (OPRTP) presents the collective
opinion of the 15 departments and agencies that constitute the members of Interagency
Coordinating Committee on Oil Pollution Research (ICCOPR), regarding the status and
current focus of the federal oil pollution research, development, and demonstration
program (established pursuant to section 7001(c) of the Oil Pollution Act of 1990 (33
U.S.C. 2761(c))). The statements, positions, and research priorities contained in this
OPRTP may not necessarily reflect the views or policies of an individual department or
agency, including any component of a department or agency that is a member of
ICCOPR. This OPRTP does not establish any regulatory requirement or interpretation,
nor implies the need to establish a new regulatory requirement or modify an existing
regulatory requirement.
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TABLE OF CONTENTS ..................................................................................................................III
LIST OF FIGURES ......................................................................................................................... XI
LIST OF TABLES .......................................................................................................................... XII
LIST OF ACRONYMS .................................................................................................................. XIII
DEFINITIONS ............................................................................................................................... XXI
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ................................................................................................................. 1
INTRODUCTION.............................................................................................................................. 3
Background ................................................................................................................................. 3
Purpose of the Plan ..................................................................................................................... 4
Scope and Use of the Plan .......................................................................................................... 4
PART ONE – OIL POLLUTION RESEARCH .................................................................................. 7
1. The Need for Oil Pollution Research .............................................................................. 7
1.1 U.S. Oil Production ......................................................................................................... 8
1.2 History of Oil Spills in the U.S. .......................................................................................12
1.3 Analysis of the Oil Spill System .....................................................................................15
1.4 Exploration and Production Facilities .............................................................................16
1.5 Onshore and Offshore Pipelines .........................................................................................17
1.6 Railroads ...........................................................................................................................19
1.7 Refining and Storage Operations...................................................................................21
1.8 Maritime and Riverine Transport - Tank Vessels (Ships & Barges) and Non-Tank
Vessels ..........................................................................................................................22
1.9 Oil Tankers ....................................................................................................................24
1.10 Regional and Geographic Areas of Interest ...................................................................25
2. Federal Oil Pollution Research ......................................................................................27
2.1 ICCOPR ....................................................................................................................27
2.1.1. Origin .........................................................................................................................27
2.1.2. ICCOPR Membership ................................................................................................27 U.S. Coast Guard (USCG) ..............................................................................29 National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)............................29 National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) ..................................30 U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) ..................................................................31
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Figure 1-1: The start of the commercial oil industry in the U.S. – Oil Creek, PA, 1859 (Source:
Drake Wells Museum) ............................................................................................ 7
Figure 1-2: The Lakeview Gusher, CA; the US’s single largest well blowout, 1910. (Source: San
Joaquin Valley Geology) ........................................................................................ 7
Figure 1-3. Petroleum and other Liquid Estimated Consumption, Production and Net Imports (in
million bpd) for 1949 – 2014 in the U.S. Source: EIA, 2015. ................................. 9
Figure 1-4 Domestic Shale gas plays. Source: EIA 2015 ................................................................10
Figure 1-5: Location of U.S. Refineries and Refining Capacity. EIA 2015. ......................................11
Figure 1-6 Movement of crude oil (MBBL) by pipeline, tanker barge and rail tor refinery areas.
Source: EIA 2015. .................................................................................................11
Figure 1-7 A comparison of crude oil movements by rail from 2010 and 2014. Source EIA 2015...12
Figure 1-8: Average Annual Oil Spillage from Petroleum Industry Sources by Decade. Etkin, 2009.
Figure 1-10 Barrels of Oil Spilled by Pipelines (1995-2014) ............................................................18
Table 1-6: U.S. Oil spills from vessels 2001-2010. (USCG, 2012) .................................................23
Figure 1-11: Seaborne oil trade and oil spill trends .........................................................................24
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Average Annual Oil Spillage from Petroleum Industry Sources, bbls. Modified From Etkin, 2009 .14
U.S. Gross Inputs to Refineries (Thousands of Barrels per Day) ....................................................21
Spill Events that Occurred in the Path of Hurricane Katrina (2005).................................................22
U.S. Oil Spills from Vessels – 2001 - 2010. From: USCG, 2012 ....................................................23
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A-CORE Arctic Center for Oil-Spill Research & Education
AAR After Action Review
AC Area Committee
ACP Area Committee Plan
ADEC Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation
ADEQ Arkansas Division of Environmental Quality
AESC Arctic Executive Steering Committee
AIP Australian Institute of Petroleum
AMOSC Australian Marine Oil Spill Centre
AMSA Australian Maritime Safety Authority
API American Petroleum Institute
APICOM Association of Petroleum Industry Co-op Managers
ARTES Alternative Response Technologies Evaluation System
BAST Best Available and Safest Technology
bbl (s) Barrel (equals 42 U.S. Gallons)
DFO Canada’s Bedford Institute of Oceanography Center for Offshore Oil, Gas and
Energy Research
BOEM Bureau of Ocean Energy Management
BOEMRE [former] Bureau of Ocean Energy Management, Regulation and Enforcement
BP British Petroleum
Bpd Barrels per day
BSEE Bureau of Safety & Environmental Enforcement
CAOSPR California Office of Oil Spill Prevention and Response
CASP Center for Arctic Study & Policy
CEC CEDRE Experimentation Column
CEDRE Centre of Documentation, Research and Experimentation on Accidental Water Pollution
CEQ Council on Environmental Quality
CERCLA Comprehensive Environmental Resource, Compensation, and Liability Act
CFR Code of Federal Regulations
CGHQ Coast Guard Headquarters
CIRCAC Cook Inlet Regional Citizen’s Advisory Committee
CMR Center of Excellence for Maritime Research
COP Common Operating Picture
CPF Coastal Protection Fund
CRADA Cooperative Research and Development Agreement
CRRC Coastal Response Research Center
CRREL Cold Regions Research and Engineering Laboratory
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ICCOPR uses the following definitions solely for purposes of this Oil Pollution Research
and Technology Plan (OPRTP). These definitions do not reflect all existing/relevant
statutory and/or regulatory definitions and do not supersede any statutory or regulatory
Allision is the running of one vessel against another vessel or structure that is stationary.
An allision is different from a collision in that a collision is the running of two
moving vessels against each other.
Applied Research is any systematic study to gain knowledge or understanding necessary
to determine the means by which a recognized and specific need may be met, in
this case related to advancing knowledge about oil spill prevention, preparedness,
response, mitigation, and restoration/recovery.
Basic Research is any systematic study directed toward fuller knowledge or
understanding of the fundamental aspects of phenomena and of observable facts
without specific applications towards processes or products in mind.
Baseline Study refers to studies conducted to gather a set of critical observations or data
that provide a basis for comparing conditions before and after an action or event.
Baseline studies document the ecological and socioeconomic conditions of an
area before an oil system activity or potential spill occurs. These studies provide
a basis for assessing changes or damages that occur as a result of the activities or
a spill.
Collision means the running of two vessels against each other (both under power). A
collision is different from an allision where only a single vessel is underway and
strikes a stationary vessel or structure.
Damages means injury to natural resources, to real or personal property, loss of
subsistence use of natural resources, loss of governmental revenues, loss of profits
or earning capacity, and increased cost of additional public services. Damages
also include the cost of assessing these injuries. Removal costs and damages
covered by OPA 90 are defined in 33 U.S.C § 2702(b)(2).
Demonstration refers to activities that are part of research or development (i.e., that are
intended to prove or to test whether a technology or method does, in fact, work).
Demonstrations intended primarily to make information available about new
technologies or methods should not be included in this definition (NSF, 2009).
Development is any systematic application of knowledge or understanding, directed
toward the production of useful materials, devices, and systems or methods,
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The Oil Pollution Act of 1990 (OPA 90), codified at 33 U.S.C § 2701 et seq., is a law
that amended the Clean Water Act (CWA) and addressed the wide range of
problems associated with preventing, responding to, and paying for oil pollution
incidents in navigable waters of the United States. Title VII of OPA 90
established ICCOPR.
An Oil Spill is a non-permitted occurrence or series of occurrences having the same
origin, involving one or more vessels, facilities, or any combination thereof,
resulting in the discharge or substantial threat of discharge of oil into or upon
navigable waters of the United States, adjoining shorelines, or the exclusive
economic zone (e.g., oil spill in coastal waters from a tanker). This term also
includes discharges of oil on land with the potential to reach any waters of the
United States.
Oil Spill Response Organizations (OSROs) are companies that specialize in cleaning up
oil spills. They often serve as contractors or subcontractors for spill response
An On-Scene Coordinator (OSC) is the federal official pre-designated by EPA or the
USCG to coordinate and direct responses under Subpart D of the NCP. It also
refers to a designated representative of a lead Federal agency to coordinate and
direct removal actions under Subpart E of the NCP. General responsibilities of
OSCs are found in 40 CFR 300.120. OSCs are sometimes referred to as Federal
On-Scene Coordinators (FOSCs).
The Ports and Waterways Safety Act (PWSA) 1972, as amended by the Port and Tanker
Safety Act of 1978 (PTSA), and the Oil Pollution Act of 1990 (OPA), is designed
to promote navigation, vessel safety, and protection of the marine environment.
The PWSA authorizes the U.S. Coast Guard (USCG) to establish vessel traffic
service/separation (VTSS) schemes for ports, harbors, and other waters subject to
congested vessel traffic.
The Ports and Tanker Safety Act (PTSA) of 1978 amended the PWSA. Under the PTSA,
Congress found that navigation and vessel safety and protection of the marine
environment are matters of major national importance and that increased vessel
traffic in the nation's ports and waterways creates substantial hazard to life,
property or the marine environment. In addition, increased supervision of vessel
and port operations was deemed necessary.
Preparedness is an activity, program, or system developed prior to an oil spill to support
and enhance the ability of personnel and organizations to prevent, respond to, and
recover from an oil spill or other adverse event.
Prevention is an on-going activity to minimize the likelihood of discharges of oil into the
environment. Prevention may be a long-term approach to looking at the
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fundamentals of minimizing the potential of oil spills with the goal to identify,
minimize, and mitigate risks.
Release means any spilling, leaking, pumping, pouring, emptying, discharging, injecting,
escaping, leaching, dumping, or disposing of oil into the environment.
Research is the systematic study directed toward fuller scientific knowledge or
understanding of the subject studied. (NSF, 2009)
Response includes all activities involved in containing and cleaning up oil in order to: 1:
maintain safety of human life; 2: stabilize a situation to preclude it from
worsening, and; 3: minimize adverse environmental and socioeconomic impacts
by coordinating all containment and removal activities to carry out a timely,
effective response.
The Responsible Party (RP) of an incident is the person, business, or entity that has been
identified as owning or operating a vessel or facility that caused an oil spill. The
OPA definition of responsible party is codified at 33 U.S.C. § 2701 et seq.
Restoration is the process of restoring an affected area or resource to its pre-incident
state. Restoration can take several months to many years and may require
technical and financial assistance from a variety of sources. Restoration efforts
are primarily concerned with actions that involve rebuilding destroyed property,
re-employment of effected stakeholders, rehabilitating, replacing, or acquiring the
equivalent of injured natural resources and the services they provided prior to the
damage being inflicted and the repair of other essential infrastructure.
Submerged and subsurface oil refers to oil that is not floating on the water surface.
Surface Washing Agent is any product that removes oil from solid surfaces, such as
beaches and rocks, through a detergency mechanism and does not involve
dispersing or solubilizing the oil into the water column.
Technology is the study, development, and application of devices, machines and
techniques for manufacturing and productive processes. Technology also
includes tools, equipment, and methods or methodologies that apply scientific
knowledge or tools. For purposes of this plan, technology represents the
application of knowledge or widgets to the development and/or usage of
equipment, systems and organizational capabilities for oil spill prevention,
preparedness, response, and restoration.
Vessel means every description of watercraft or other artificial contrivance used, or
capable of being used, as a means of transportation on water.
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Title VII of the Oil Pollution Act of 1990 (OPA 90) established the Interagency Coordinating
Committee on Oil Pollution Research (ICCOPR) to coordinate a comprehensive program of oil
pollution research, technology development, and demonstration. Pursuant to Section 7001(b) of
OPA 90, ICCOPR developed the Oil Pollution Research and Technology Plan (OPRTP) to
implement the Federal research and development program.
ICCOPR published its first version of the OPRTP in 1992 and published a revised version in
1997. These two versions provided an initial baseline assessment and analysis of: agency roles
and responsibilities; status of knowledge of oil pollution prevention, response, and mitigation
technologies; priority research and development needs; and an estimate of resources and time
needed to implement the program.
The purpose of the FY 2015-2021 version of the OPRTP, and subsequent revisions, is to provide
current assessments of the oil pollution research needs and priorities. ICCOPR intends to update
this OPRTP every six years to reflect advancements in oil pollution technology and changing
research needs. This ongoing planning process will capitalize on the unique roles and
responsibilities of member agencies to address oil pollution research and development needs and
maintain awareness of research needs.
This version of the OPRTP includes two parts. Part One, Oil Pollution Research, explains why
oil pollution research is needed, the parties that are involved in the research, and presents
ICCOPR’s Oil Pollution Research Categorization Framework for tracking research activities and
successes. Part Two, Establishing Research Priorities, presents ICCOPR’s priority Research
Needs. It also explains the process that ICCOPR used to identify the research gaps and
priorities, noteworthy oil spill events, and the current state of oil pollution knowledge. In future
versions, Part One will remain relatively static; however, Part Two is expected to change
significantly as research advances the state of knowledge and priority Research Needs are
successfully addressed.
The Introduction and Chapter 1, The Need for Oil Pollution Research, describes the historical
basis for oil pollution research and reviews trends in oil spills from different sources. ICCOPR
member agencies share responsibilities to monitor changes in the oil spill system and find
opportunities to improve technologies to meet changing needs. ICCOPR recognizes that
activities in the Arctic and Alaska, the Gulf of Mexico, inland areas, and the Atlantic Outer
Continental Shelf are all of high importance at this time.
Chapter 2, Federal Oil Pollution Research, describes the Federal entities involved in oil pollution
research including the ICCOPR member agencies, other Federal research organizations and
facilities. Similarly, Chapter 3, Non-Federal Oil Pollution Research Entities, describes state,
industry, independent organizations, academia, and international oil pollution research entities.
Final Oil Pollution Research & Technology Plan – Approved September 29, 2015
Chapter 4, Structuring Oil Pollution Research, presents ICCOPR’s Oil Pollution Research
Categorization Framework, which provides a common language and planning framework that
would enable researchers and interested parties to identify and track research in each topic area.
The Framework groups research into four broad Classes: Prevention, Preparedness, Response,
and Injury Assessment and Restoration. ICCOPR further classified research within each Class
into 25 Standing Research Areas (SRAs), which represent the most common research themes
encountered for oil spills.
Chapter 5, Knowledge Transfer and Advancement, describes ICCOPR’s efforts to promote
continuous improvement in the nation’s ability to address oil pollution by monitoring the state of
knowledge and adjusting the program to meet changing needs. The R&T planning process
emphasizes and strengthens the roles and responsibilities of the member agencies to assure that
research advances the capabilities to reduce oil pollution.
Chapter 6, Oil Pollution Research Needs Identification and Prioritization Process, documents the
process ICCOPR employed to establish the research priorities. ICCOPR established an R&T
Working Group that identified more than 900 research gaps, consolidated them into 570 unique
Research Needs, and evaluated them with the assistance of the results from a survey of 280
subject matter experts.
Chapter 7, Noteworthy Oil Spill Incidents, describes important oil spill events and lists the oil
pollution research gaps that they illuminated. Spills associated with vessels, drilling operations,
on-shore pipelines, facilities, and railroads are included.
Chapter 8, Current State of Oil Pollution Knowledge, describes the sources and mechanisms that
ICCOPR uses to obtain and share information on research needs and accomplishments.
Chapter 9, Oil Spill Research and Technology Research Priorities, presents ICCOPR’s priority
Research Needs. ICCOPR identified three top priorities for each SRA. For SRAs with a large
number of Research Needs (i.e., Dispersants), ICCOPR established subcategories of similar
research. Three priority Research Needs were assigned to each subcategory.
There are eight SRAs and 33 priorities within the Prevention Class. Two SRAs and 12 priorities
are in the Preparedness Class. The Response Class has the largest number of priorities with 72 in
11 SRAs. The four SRAs in the Injury Assessment and Restoration Class have 33 priorities.
Final Oil Pollution Research & Technology Plan – Approved September 29, 2015
Title VII of the Oil Pollution Act of 1990 (OPA 90) established the Interagency Coordinating
Committee on Oil Pollution Research (ICCOPR) to “… coordinate a comprehensive program of
oil pollution research, technology development, and demonstration among the Federal agencies,
in cooperation and coordination with industry, universities, research institutions, State
governments, and other nations, as appropriate, and shall foster cost-effective research
mechanisms, including the joint funding of research.” Section 7001(c) of OPA 90 required
ICCOPR to establish a Federal oil pollution research and development (R&D) program. Pursuant
to Section 7001(b) of OPA 90, ICCOPR developed the Oil Pollution Research and Technology
Plan (OPRTP) to implement the Federal research and development program.
Federal oil pollution research efforts began to take shape in the late 1960s following the Torrey
Canyon oil spill off the coast of England. At that time, the U.S. had neither the technical or
operational capacity to deal with a large oil spill in the marine environment (EOP-OST, 1969).
The Federal government developed the first National Contingency Plan (FWPCA, 1968) to
address oil spills and began extensive oil pollution research over the next 20 years. Coordination
of the Federal research efforts was informal and on an ad hoc basis through conferences,
workshops, and committees of researchers scheduling their projects at the Ohmsett facility. The
challenges posed by the response to the Exxon Valdez oil spill in 1989 revealed the need for
Federal agencies to better coordinate their research. Efforts to coordinate the research resulted in
Title VII of OPA 90 and the first requirement for a comprehensive and coordinated research and
technology plan.
ICCOPR submitted the original OPRTP to Congress in April 1992. As directed by OPA 90,
ICCOPR provided the OPRTP to the National Research Council’s (NRC’s) Committee on Oil
Spill Research and Development for review. Using input from the NRC’s Marine Board,
ICCOPR started a revision of the plan in May 1993 to include topics related to spill prevention,
human factors, and the field testing/demonstration of developed response technologies. ICCOPR
released a revised version in April 1997, which identified 21 research areas divided into three
levels of priority and served as a strategic planning document for ICCOPR to communicate and
coordinate research needs.
This version of the OPRTP is the first in a new series of revisions covering six-year planning
cycles, and presents ICCOPR’s coordinated research and technology plan for FY 2015-2021.
This ongoing planning process will capitalize on the unique roles and responsibilities of member
agencies to address oil pollution research and development needs and maintain awareness of
research needs.
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Final Oil Pollution Research & Technology Plan – Approved September 29, 2015
interprets this to mean studies to advance knowledge about oil spill prevention,
preparedness, response, mitigation, and restoration/recovery.
• Development is any systematic application of knowledge or understanding, directed
toward the production of useful materials, devices, and systems or methods, including
design, development, and improvement of prototypes and new processes to meet specific
• Technology is defined as making, usage, and knowledge of tools, machines, techniques,
crafts, systems or methods of organization in order to solve a problem or perform a
specific function. ICCOPR believes this definition represents the application of
knowledge as well as the development and usage of the equipment, systems and
organizational capabilities concerning oil spill prevention, preparedness, response,
mitigation, and restoration/recovery.
At the federal level, this OPRTP provides information that can be used as a basis to conduct
interagency coordination and track progress toward addressing the nation’s research needs. It can
also help Federal agencies:
1. identify high-priority research emphasis areas;
2. promote needed research based on priorities; and
3. synchronize and collaborate research activities to avoid overlapping research efforts.
4. track progress of key efforts to aid implementation of needed improvements.
ICCOPR recognizes that there are a large number of oil pollution research programs conducted
by non-Federal organizations and the private sector. This OPRTP provides these entities with
ICCOPR’s recommendations on research areas that will best address the nation’s oil pollution
research needs.
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Final Oil Pollution Research & Technology Plan – Approved September 29, 2015
Contingency Plan in the Federal Register at 35 FR 8508 (CEQ, 1970). In 1969, a well blowout
and undersea faults spilled an estimated 42 million gallons of oil into the Santa Barbara Channel,
one of the largest environmental disasters in the U.S. (NOAA, 2014). This spill increased
awareness of oil pollution problems and contributed to creation of the U.S. Environmental
Protection Agency, the National Environmental Policy Act, and the National Marine Sanctuaries
system. It also prompted several federal agencies to begin oil pollution research programs.
Oil pollution research must continually evolve to keep pace with new oil spill risks and
environments where they occur. The process by which oil is produced, processed, and delivered
to consumers is ever evolving. The oil industry opens new areas for exploration and production
as technological advances make the ventures profitable. In turn, the location and methods of
transporting that oil to markets shifts, affecting the potential locations and types of oil spills. For
example, the opening of the Alaska North Slope and the Trans-Alaska Pipeline necessitated
transportation of crude oil by tanker through Prince William Sound, site of the Exxon Valdez oil
spill. Similarly, the technological advances that allow deep water oil exploration and production
also pose new hazards and risks as evidenced by the British Petroleum (BP) Deepwater Horizon
oil spill. Those spills posed new response challenges and revealed the need for additional oil
pollution research.
There will continue to be a need for oil pollution research as long as there is a demand for oil-
based products. Human errors, mechanical failures, natural events, and accidents all have the
potential to cause spills. This chapter examines the oil production system and patterns of oil
spills that affect the oil pollution research needs addressed in this OPRTP.
Final Oil Pollution Research & Technology Plan – Approved September 29, 2015
Figure 1-3. Petroleum and other Liquid Estimated Consumption, Production and Net Imports (in
million bpd) for 1949 – 2014 in the U.S. Source: EIA, 2015.
Of particular note was the discovery of the Bakken field in North Dakota, Montana and in
Canada (Figure 1-4). Significant increases in domestic production from these discoveries
resulted in a decrease in net oil imports as shown in Figure 1-3. The increase in production of
natural gas has also led to a decrease in net imports. The application of hydraulic fracturing and
horizontal drilling technologies caused a significant increase in Bakken production since 2000.
By the end of 2010, oil production rates had reached 458,000 bbls per day, outstripping the
pipeline capacity to ship oil out of the Bakken. The result was an expansion of rail transportation
to move the crude oil to refineries or ports for export.
Shale oil and natural gas resources are found in shale formations that contain significant
accumulations of natural gas and/or oil (Figure 1-4). The Barnett Shale in Texas has been
producing natural gas for more than a decade. Information gained from developing the Barnett
Shale provided the initial technology template for developing other shale plays in the U. S.
Another important shale gas play is the Marcellus Shale in the eastern U. S. While the Barnett
and Marcellus formations are well-known shale gas plays in the United States, more than 30 U.S.
states overlie shale formations. The Marcellus natural gas trend, which encompasses 104,000
square miles and stretches across Pennsylvania and West Virginia, and into southeast Ohio and
upstate New York, is the largest source of natural gas in the United States, and production was
still growing rapidly as of 2014.
Final Oil Pollution Research & Technology Plan – Approved September 29, 2015
Figure 1-5 shows the location of refineries in the U.S. Figure 1-6 shows the substantial increase
in transportation of petroleum from the Midwest to other parts of the country where the refinery
capacity exists. The greatest overall volumes were transported to the Gulf coast. The 2010 to
2014 period reflects the increase in U.S. production in the shale-producing locations.
The significant increase in petroleum being transported within the U.S. has taxed the available
pipeline capacity significantly. In order to meet some of the increased demand, there has been a
significant increase in rail transportation of crude oil.
The large increase in U.S. and North American petroleum production has resulted in a significant
change in the transportation patterns. The production from the Bakken field and the Canadian oil
sands products (OSP) areas have resulted in a significant change in the number trains and tank
cars carrying petroleum. The Association of American Railroads (2015) reports that the number
of rail tankers carrying crude oil and petroleum products in the U.S. increased from just under
19,000 carloads in 2008 to more than 1,033,000 carloads in 2014. Figure 1-7 shows the change
in the number of rail cars and the change in train movements between 2010 and 2014; this
represents the time period when the development of Bakken oil began to be significant.
Final Oil Pollution Research & Technology Plan – Approved September 29, 2015
Figure 1-5: Location of U.S. Refineries and Refining Capacity. EIA 2015.
Figure 1-6 Movement of crude oil (MBBL) by pipeline, tanker barge and rail tor refinery areas. Source: EIA 2015.
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Figure 1-7 A comparison of crude oil movements by rail from 2010 and 2014. Source EIA 2015.
Final Oil Pollution Research & Technology Plan – Approved September 29, 2015
sources, including: spillage related to oil exploration and production platforms and offshore
pipelines; spillage from coastal and inland pipelines, tank vessels, railroads, and tanker trucks;
spillage from oil refineries; and spillage at gas stations. By multiplying the average annual spill
volumes for each decade by 10, the total volume spilled (as recorded) from 1969 to 2007 would
approximately equal 17.5 million bbls. (See Table 1-1.)
Figure 1-8: Average Annual Oil Spillage from Petroleum Industry Sources by Decade. Etkin, 2009.
These figures do not address any other significant spillage events in the U.S. after 2007, which
would include the 2010 Macondo/Deepwater Horizon (DWH) well blowout and oil spill and the
2010 Enbridge Pipeline release in the Kalamazoo River in Michigan or any other significant
spillage events in the U.S. after 2007. The 4.9 million bbls spilled during the Deepwater Horizon
oil spill (USCG, 2011b) would reverse this downward trend and increase the total volume spilled
between 1969 and 2007 by nearly 1400 percent; this incident represents nearly 95% of the total
volume spilled from all oil platforms in the last 42 years. In general, the very largest spills,
which constitute only 0.4% of the total spills, comprise 90.6% of the total volume spilled in the
U.S. for the period 1988 – 2007.
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Average Annual Oil Spillage from Petroleum Industry Sources, bbls. Modified From Etkin, 2009
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Final Oil Pollution Research & Technology Plan – Approved September 29, 2015
For planning R&D activities, the oil supply chain for petroleum oils consists of five subsystems
(Figure 1-9):
• Subsystem 1-Exploration and Production Facilities - This is the origination point of crude
oil and includes onshore and offshore exploration and production facilities.
• Subsystem 2-Transportation - This is the transportation of foreign and domestic oil
products (generally crude oil) to refineries in the U.S. either by tank vessel (ship and barge),
pipeline (offshore and onshore), tank railcar (unit trains), or tanker trucks.
• Subsystem 3- Refining - Refining of crude oil into petroleum products including the storage
of crude oil, actual refining operations, storage of refined products, and the loading of
refined products on tank vessels (ship and barge), tank railcars, and tanker trucks. In
addition, refining would also encompass those activities that produce biofuels or vegetable
oils. The latter products present many common and novel challenges compared to their
traditional petroleum counterparts.
• Subsystem 4- Transport / Storage/Distribution - This subsystem involves the
transportation of refined products to a bulk distribution storage facility by various modes of
transportation, (e.g., product pipeline, tank vessel (ship and barge), tanker truck, tank
railcars). Imported refined products would enter the U.S. system, as well as exported refined
products would leave the U.S. system at this point. Tanker trucks may also deliver direct
from refinery storage to the end user, e.g., residence or retail gas station.
• Subsystem 5-Consumption/Consumer/Retail/Industrial - This subsystem includes the
retail gas station and the residential home heating oil segments of the oil system as well as
industrial users (e.g. electric generation facilities).
There are available historic data to support claims that the improved safety and operating
procedures implemented have generally reduced the risk of a spill at any point along the system.
However, because accidents cannot be completely eliminated, efforts to improve pollution
prevention and response must be sustained. In the following section, five potential high risk spill
sources (exploration & production, vessels, onshore and offshore pipelines, railroads and
refineries / bulk terminals) are examined to highlight existing weaknesses and concerns, and the
efforts being made to address them.
Final Oil Pollution Research & Technology Plan – Approved September 29, 2015
Due to the rising energy demands in developed economies and dramatically rising levels of
consumption in emerging economies, the world’s appetite for oil and other fuels will continue
growing for the foreseeable future. This demand will increase pressure for continued and new
oil and gas exploration in challenging environments including in the Arctic and in deep and
ultra-deep waters. It will also encourage exploration and production of unconventional resources
(e.g., oil sands) and the increased use of advanced technologies (e.g., hydraulic fracturing and
horizontal drilling).
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In the 49 year period between 1964 and 2012, there were 79 oil spills from pipelines on the
Outer Continental Shelf according to BSEE (2015) statistics, or about 1.6 per year. However, 25
of those spills were caused by damage from a series of hurricanes in the Gulf of Mexico in 2004,
2005, and 2008. Otherwise, spills from offshore pipelines occur at a rate of about one per year.
Both government and industry have taken numerous steps to improve pipeline safety over the
last 10 years such as improved corrosion resistance, integrity testing, and requirements to
identify pipelines before digging. According to PHMSA, pipelines are extremely safe when
compared to other modes of energy transportation relative to the volumes of products transported
(PHMSA, 2007). The trend is down, however, major pipeline incidents in 2010 and 2011
suggest that more work is needed. Figure 1-10 and Table 1-2 provide information from PHMSA
on pipeline oil spills over the past 20 years.
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1.6 Railroads
New technologies and high global oil prices have made it economical for energy companies to
develop shale oil and oil sands petroleum reserves in the United States and Canada. The
challenge is getting the oil from the oil fields to the appropriate refineries across North America
so they can process the oil. That has created an opportunity for railroads to fulfill the
transportation demand. In 2011, railroads and other facility and transportation businesses began
building loading facilities and adding tank cars to compete with pipelines for a piece of this
transportation demand.
The movement of Bakken oil and OSP occurs via unit trains, which can be composed of more
than 100 tank cars, all carrying the same cargo. Tank cars are typically double-lined and made
of hardened steel to survive a derailment. With the increased use of unit trains there has been an
increase in the number of significant spills from derailments.
The American Petroleum Institute’s Analysis of U.S. Oil Spillage (Etkin, 2009), which tracks oil
spill statistics up through 2007 data, stated that railroads spilled 1,400 bbl of oil annually as
cargo in tank cars and as fuel. This was a 34% reduction from the previous decade (1990s). The
Association of American Railroads (2015a,b) reports that the number of rail tankers carrying
Final Oil Pollution Research & Technology Plan – Approved September 29, 2015
crude oil and petroleum products in the U.S. increased from just under 19,000 carloads in 2008
to more than 1,033,000 carloads in 2014. The Federal Railroad Administration (FRA) statistics
indicate number of train accidents has continued to decrease from 2005-2014 (Table 1-3). The
number of hazmat releases has decreased also over this time period, although the level of
damages over $1 million dollars has remained constant. However, the increased transportation
of crude oil resulted in a number of significant rail accidents that resulted in damages and deaths.
(See section 7.1.5)
In 2014, the U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) began a comprehensive rulemaking
proposal to improve the safe transportation of large quantities of flammable materials by rail -
particularly crude oil, denatured alcohol, and ethanol/gasoline mixtures - because of the concern
for the quantity of Bakken crude transported by rail and the increase in number of accidents.
DOT proposed enhanced tank car standards, a classification and testing program for mined gases
and liquids, and new operational requirements for high-hazard flammable trains that include
braking controls and speed restrictions. Within two years it proposes the phase out of the use of
older DOT 111 tank cars for the shipment of packing group I flammable liquids, including most
Bakken crude oil, unless the tank cars are retrofitted to comply with new tank car design
Category(1) CY05 CY06 CY07 CY08 CY09 CY10 CY11 CY12 CY13 CY14
Freight 3266 2998 2693 2481 1912 1902 2022 1760 1822 1736
Hazmat 915 1041 1056 750 743 708 665 671 822 779
Damaged or
Derailed (3)
Hazmat 39 30 46 21 22 21 21 26 18 15
Cars 52 71 76 37 44 40 66 50 78 26
Damages 526 571 540 481 385 423 407 347 406 381
Damages 57 59 69 52 52 57 53 43 66 58
Deaths 33 6 9 27 4 8 6 9 11 2
(1) Calendar years
(2) Not including crossing collisions and other accidents with death
(3) Total hazard material cars damaged
(4) Accidents with hazard material releases
Table 1-3: Number of Train Accidents and Hazmat Releases 2005-2014. (FRA 2015)
Final Oil Pollution Research & Technology Plan – Approved September 29, 2015
Decade Year 0 Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Year 6 Year 7 Year 8 Year 9
Table 1-4: U.S. Gross Inputs to Refineries (Thousands of Barrels per Day)
Thousands of above ground crude oil and refined product storage tanks are in service at
refineries and other oil/product handling/storage facilities. Buried pipelines within refinery
boundaries represent another source of leaks. Aging domestic refinery infrastructure increases
the risk of spillage and better systems are needed to detect potential problems. Another possible
source of leakage is the refinery process line.
On June 19, 2006, a violent rain storm compromised a waste oil tank at the CITGO Refinery on
the Calcasieu River, near Sulfur, Louisiana. Oil booms initially contained the spilled oil but
subsequently failed and oil spread down the Calcasieu River and into Calcasieu Lake. The spill
released up to an estimated 71,000 bbls (approximately 3 million gallons) of waste oil into the
environment. The exact amount of oil spilled and the amount reaching the water is still
unknown. Hurricane Katrina also caused considerable damage and oil spills from the refineries
and bulk storage terminals in the storm’s path (Table 1-5).
Final Oil Pollution Research & Technology Plan – Approved September 29, 2015
1.8 Maritime and Riverine Transport - Tank Vessels (Ships & Barges)
and Non-Tank Vessels
A combination of Federal, State, and international authorities are responsible for regulating oil
spills from vessels in the U.S. They are collectively responsible for creating and implementing
legislation to prevent oil spills and handling the decisions and procedures that follow in the
There has been a reduction of operational and accidental oil spillage in the U.S. that can largely
be attributed to the domestic and international regulations that have improved shipping safety
and increased limits of liability for oil spills. These regulations required the phase-out of single
hull tank vessels (ships and barges) and development of new tank vessels designs for double
hulls to reduce accidental discharges in the event of grounding, collision, and allisions.
Operational preventative measures including mandatory tug escorts for tank ships transiting
through environmentally-sensitive areas in ports may also have contributed to the downward
spillage trend by ensuring immediate assistance to a vessel experiencing a loss of propulsion or
Section 703 of the Coast Guard Authorization Act of 2010 directed the USCG to conduct a study
of oil spills involving commercial vessel sources between 2001 through 2010 (Table 1-6). The
Coast Guard released the study in May 2012 and reported that a small number of vessel
casualties resulted in the greatest percentage of the overall spill volume. The data also show that
most spills do not involve vessel casualties. These non-casualty spills are termed “operational”
Final Oil Pollution Research & Technology Plan – Approved September 29, 2015
spills. The report addressed casualty and non-casualty groupings separately in order to identify
their respective causal factors. The report defined a non-casualty spill as one in which the only
reported occurrence is an oil spill (i.e., the incident did not involve an allision or collision).
U.S. Oil Spills from Vessels – 2001 - 2010. From: USCG, 2012
The study concluded that the most frequently reported human factors were inattention,
procedural errors and situational awareness. However, while the study focused on human
factors, it found that more than half of all discharges were the result of material failure. Vessel
casualty statistics showed that the combination of material failure and loss of vessel control led
to some of the largest oil spill volumes from 2001 through 2010. Material failure was a
significant factor for propulsion and steering problems. The potential for damage due to allision,
collision, or grounding is significant when such failures occur on large vessels, (e.g. tank ships,
freight ships). According to industry feedback, material failures are also a significant factor in
near-miss incidents.
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Figure 1-12: Number of Large Spills (>5,000 bbls) from 1970-2014 (ITOPF, 2014)
Final Oil Pollution Research & Technology Plan – Approved September 29, 2015
challenges of responding to an oil spill in the Arctic region is a major focus of ICCOPR member
research planning. This focus is reflected in the number of research priorities (see Chapter 9)
that apply directly to Arctic conditions.
Gulf of Mexico – The Gulf of Mexico has abundant oil and gas resources, which results in
extensive exploration and production activity. Advances in drilling technology have enabled
industry to expand operations into progressively deeper areas of the Gulf. It is also the site of
two of the largest oil spills from well blowouts, Macondo/Deepwater Horizon and Ixtoc, as well
as numerous other spills. Federal and state agencies are continuing to conduct studies to
determine the short- and long-term effects of the Deepwater Horizon oil spill. Both Federal and
non-Federal Gulf of Mexico research programs established because of the Deepwater Horizon
oil spill will continue through the next several years.
Inland Areas – As discussed in Section 1.1, the production of oil and gas from the shale plays in
the U.S. and tar sand regions in Canada has dramatically increased over the past five years. The
resulting increase in oil shipments by rail and pipeline has elevated the importance of research to
prevent and prepare for oil spills from train accidents or pipeline breaks. In addition, the
potential for these spills to affect freshwater rivers and lakes necessitates greater emphasis on
research into non-marine response techniques.
Atlantic Outer Continental Shelf (OCS) – At present, there are no active oil and gas leases in any
of the four Atlantic OCS planning areas. However, the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management
(BOEM) Draft Proposed Plan for 2017-2022 proposes one lease sale in the Atlantic in 2021.
Preparation for leasing in the Atlantic will involve pre-spill baseline studies to document
environmental conditions prior to exploration and drilling.
Final Oil Pollution Research & Technology Plan – Approved September 29, 2015
2.1.1. Origin
Congress created ICCOPR in the Oil Pollution Act of 1990 (OPA 90). The Committee’s
membership, roles, and responsibilities are outlined in the original Public Law (P.L.) that
mandated its creation, as amended and codified in the United States Code. Consequently, when
referencing ICCOPR, it is generally cited with: Oil Pollution Act of 1990, § 7001, 104 Stat. 484,
559-564 (1990) (33 U.S.C. 2761).
ICCOPR is charged with two general responsibilities: (1) to prepare a comprehensive,
coordinated federal oil pollution research and development plan; and (2) to promote cooperation
with industry, universities, research institutions, state governments, and other nations through
information sharing, coordinated planning, and joint funding of projects. ICCOPR reports on its
activities to Congress every two years.
Final Oil Pollution Research & Technology Plan – Approved September 29, 2015
Hazardous Materials Safety Administration (PHMSA). In 2013, ICCOPR welcomed its newest
member, the U.S. Arctic Research Commission (USARC), to help address emerging issues
associated with the Arctic and cold weather environments.
ICCOPR membership may continue to evolve to fully address new research challenges when
agency missions change or there are changes in patterns of oil exploration, production, and
transportation. OPA 90 provides that the President may designate other agencies as members of
ICCOPR. The President delegated this power to the Secretary of the “Department in which the
Coast Guard (USCG) operates” through Executive Order 12777 (October 18, 1991) Section 8 (h)
and as amended by Executive Order 13286 (March 5, 2003). The Secretary of Homeland
Security delegated this power to the USCG Commandant in DHS Delegation No. 0170.1, II.80.
ICCOPR may also invite other federal agencies to participate in a non-voting observer role.
Currently the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) is participating in ICCOPR as a non-voting
Final Oil Pollution Research & Technology Plan – Approved September 29, 2015
The diversity of ICCOPR’s membership reflects Congress’ intent to adequately address the full
spectrum of oil spill preparedness, response, and restoration research. Each organization in
ICCOPR bears unique regulatory responsibilities, research capabilities, and/or technical
expertise that collectively give ICCOPR its knowledge and networks for tackling varying oil
pollution research and technology issues. The following sections briefly discuss each of
ICCOPR’s member organizations and their connections to oil pollution research. Some
organizations directly oversee oil pollution research programs while others provide guidance and
resource support or specialized expertise.
The USCG serves as the Chair of ICCOPR in accordance with OPA 90. It also serves as the
vice-chair of the National Response Team (NRT) and a co-chair of Regional Response Teams
(RRTs). The USCG, together with the EPA, has the primary responsibility for federal oil spill
response activities. In accordance with the National Contingency Plan (NCP), the USCG is the
lead agency for response to spills in the U.S. coastal zone as defined in 40 CFR 300.5.
The USCG provides pre-designated Federal On-Scene Coordinators (FOSCs) for spills in the
coastal zone (all United States waters). In addition to spill response, the Coast Guard also has
statutory and operational responsibility for oversight of ship design and construction, periodic
vessel inspections, investigation of marine casualties, waterway management and port safety and
security (including the regulation of hazardous cargoes). These activities all help the USCG
improve pollution prevention and response capabilities.
Since 1969, the USCG Research & Development Center (RDC) in New London, Connecticut,
has been the Coast Guard’s sole facility performing applied oil pollution research, development,
test, and evaluation (RDT&E) experimentation and demonstrations.
The USCG also hosts the National Response Center (NRC), which serves as the NRT
communications center and the official federal point of contact for pollution incident reports.
The National Contingency Plan (40 CFR Part 300) requires that the NRC be notified in the event
of an oil spill into navigable water. The U.S. Coast Guard’s National Pollution Funds Center
(NPFC) administers the Oil Spill Liability Trust Fund (OSLTF) and provides funding from the
OSLTF Emergency Fund for responses, compensates claimants for cleanup costs and damages,
and takes action to recover costs from responsible parties. The NPFC also provides funding
from the OSLTF Principal Fund for operations and for research and development.
NOAA serves as a rotating Vice Chair of ICCOPR. NOAA provides science, service and
stewardship for the oceans and atmosphere; with a goal of healthy ecosystems, communities and
economies that are resilient in the face of change. Many components of NOAA may support
response to a major oil spill (including the National Ocean Service, National Weather Service;
Final Oil Pollution Research & Technology Plan – Approved September 29, 2015
the National Marine Fisheries Service; the National Environmental Satellite, Data and
Information Service; and the Office of Marine and Aviation Operations). A core component of
the support is NOAA’s Office of Response and Restoration (OR&R) and its network of
Scientific Support Coordinators (SSCs) who respond to approximately 120 oil spills annually,
primarily in the coastal zone. These SSCs serve as the primary scientific advisors to Federal On-
Scene Coordinators (FOSCs), coordinating scientific expertise from federal and State agencies,
academia, industry and the local community (40 CFR 300.145). NOAA support includes
assessments of hazards, predictions of fate and behavior (trajectories), recommendations on
cleanup and mitigation methods and endpoints, emergency consultations on protected resources,
environmental information and data management, wildlife operations, meteorological,
hydrological and oceanographic observations and forecasts and satellite imagery access and
NOAA supports the NRT and RRTs as delegated Department of Commerce representatives and
serves on workgroups and area committees on activities associated with preparedness,
assessment and restoration. NOAA applies and develops tools for emergency response support,
transitioning research into operations. In coordination with states and other federal agencies,
NOAA produces environmental sensitivity maps, which rank coastal areas by sensitivity to oil
and identify priority locations to be protected in a spill. Federal, State and local agencies use
these maps to plan and respond to oil spills.
As a Federal Natural Resource Trustee for living marine resources and their habitat, NOAA is
required to assess the injuries that result from an oil spill, to determine and recover monetary
compensation and, using those sums, to restore, rehabilitate or recover the equivalent of the
damaged resources. NOAA is also responsible for the issuance and implementation of
regulations governing oil spill damage assessment.
Founded in 1901, NIST is a non-regulatory federal agency within the U.S. Department of
Commerce. NIST's mission is to promote U.S. innovation and industrial competitiveness by
advancing measurement science, standards, and technology in ways that enhance economic
security and improve our quality of life. NIST has a long history of scientific, technical and
measurement support to other federal agencies and U.S. industry on a reimbursable basis.
NIST maintains unique measurement facilities and has an experienced technical staff able to
assist with oil spill response and oil pollution research providing a wide variety of scientific and
measurement services. NIST’s most recent activities relating to oil spills include developing
protocols for sampling of protected species, providing for archival for marine animal specimens
associated with oil spills, conducting interlaboratory comparison exercises for laboratories
involved in assessing oil contamination, providing measurements of contamination in archived
marine mammals and seabirds, and assisting with measuring oil flow from well blow-outs.
NIST develops Standard Reference Materials (SRMs) for crude oil and other fossil-fuel materials
Final Oil Pollution Research & Technology Plan – Approved September 29, 2015
and additionally has groups involved with research in Fire and Pipeline Safety. NIST maintains
and manages the Marine Environmental Specimen Bank (ESB) that contains marine mammal
samples dating back as far as the Exxon Valdez oil spill damage assessment and includes marine
organism samples from the Pacific Islands, Alaska, and coastal regions of the lower 48 states.
NIST has worked more than 30 years developing environmental specimen banking technology so
that samples can be used to understand environmental exposure and effects from oil and other
contaminants. Because samples have been collected continuously from many locations they
provide a resource in the event of a spill to establish pre-spill baseline conditions.
The DOE works to ensure America's energy security and prosperity by addressing energy and
environmental challenges with research and technology solutions. This includes ensuring the
prudent development of America's oil and natural gas resources through R&D that improves the
safety and environmental performance of oil and natural gas exploration and production.
In its offshore research program, DOE works toward mitigating the risks and challenges
associated with drilling and production operations through a research portfolio dedicated to oil
spill prevention. Completed and ongoing research focus on the following areas: geologic
uncertainty; drilling and completions; surface systems and umbilicals; and subsea systems
reliability/automated safety systems.
Onshore DOE focuses on prudent development of unconventional oil and gas resources with
emphasis on resource characterization, protecting water quality, increasing water availability,
protecting air quality, and reducing induced seismicity associated with waste water injection.
The advent of shale gas development also brings a host of safety and environmental issues,
including: 1) demand for water for use in hydraulic fracturing; 2) protection of drinking water
aquifers; 3) evaluation of the safety of chemicals used in fracturing; 4) environmental impacts
resulting from the treatment and/or disposal of produced or fracturing flowback water; 5) air
quality impacts; and 6) community safety issues.
DOE's National Energy Technology Laboratory (NETL) conducts laboratory, field, and
modeling-based research on offshore oil spill prevention, focusing on reducing the risk and
mitigating the risk of a loss of well control that leads to spills. Onshore modeling includes life
cycle analysis of natural gas, and modeling of methane emissions.
The DOI’s BSEE serves as a rotating Vice Chair of ICCOPR. The Bureau works to promote
safety, protect the environment, and conserve energy resources offshore through vigorous
regulatory oversight and enforcement. The BSEE develops standards and regulations to enhance
operational safety and environmental protection in connection with the exploration and
development of offshore oil, natural gas, and renewable energy sources on the U.S. Outer
Final Oil Pollution Research & Technology Plan – Approved September 29, 2015
Continental Shelf (OCS); and undertakes actions to ensure compliance with those standards and
regulations. BSEE has two research programs that support its mission. The Technology
Assessment Program supports research regarding operational safety and pollution prevention
related to offshore oil and natural gas and renewable energy exploration and development. The
Oil Spill Response Research Program is dedicated to improving oil spill response options. The
major focus of the program is to support BSEE’s mission of ensuring offshore operators are
prepared to respond to any potential oil spill. Research is conducted to improve the methods and
technologies used for oil spill detection, containment, treatment, recovery and cleanup.
As part of ensuring that offshore operators are prepared to respond to an oil spill BSEE conducts
oil spill response plan reviews, government-initiated unannounced exercises, equipment
inspections, and audits of oil spill removal organizations and spill management training. Risks
identified through these activities are mitigated by directed changes to plans, training programs,
equipment, response strategies, and BSEE-funded research projects.
The BSEE also manages the operation of the national Oil Spill Response Research & Renewable
Energy Test Facility (Ohmsett), the only facility where full-scale oil spill response equipment
testing, research, and training can be conducted in a marine environment with oil under
controlled environmental conditions (waves and oil types). OPA 90 mandated continued
operation of Ohmsett. (See Section 2.3.1.)
The DOI’s BOEM manages the exploration and development of the nation's offshore resources
on the U.S. Outer Continental Shelf (OCS). It seeks to appropriately balance economic
development, energy independence, and environmental protection through oil and gas leases,
renewable energy development and environmental reviews and studies. BOEM conducts studies
to improve pre-spill baseline information and estimates of oil-spill transport, fate, and impacts to
the environment. BOEM manages an Environmental Studies Program (ESP), which, since 1973,
has included: development and use of oil transport and weathering models; measurement of oil
effects in laboratory and field conditions on marine organisms including birds, fish, and
mammals; identification of sensitive biological resources; and assessment of the social and
economic impacts of oil development. While some of the ESP consists of in-house
investigations, BOEM manages a substantially larger program that is conducted by contractors,
industry, universities, and other federal agencies. Interagency coordination of this program is
overseen by the National Ocean Pollution Policy Board and the Interagency Arctic Research
Policy Committee, in addition to review provided by the OCS Scientific Committee.
The DOI’s USFWS has trustee responsibility for migratory birds, threatened and endangered
species, certain marine mammals, anadromous and catadromous fish, and national wildlife
refuge lands. The USFWS is the primary DOI Bureau that responds to oil spills, provides
Final Oil Pollution Research & Technology Plan – Approved September 29, 2015
information and advice on safeguarding sensitive habitats and protected species (including
advice on use of dispersants and other chemicals), and oversees the rescue and the rehabilitation
of oiled birds and certain marine mammals. It works closely with state fish and wildlife agencies
to ensure the protection of potentially affected fish and wildlife and takes an active role in
protecting USFWS lands, such as national wildlife refuges. USFWS, in its role as trustee, is also
the most active DOI bureau in natural resource damage assessment and restorations (NRDAR).
In addition to civil actions, USFWS may also pursue criminal violations of the Migratory Bird
Treaty Act, Marine Mammal Protection Act, and the Endangered Species Act.
The USFWS R&D efforts are focused on identifying chemical pollutants and their metabolites in
biological tissues; defining and mapping wetlands, other critical habitats and natural resources;
inventorying species of particular concern, including threatened and endangered species;
developing biological indicators and economic tools for damage assessment; and determining
biological requirements for sustaining viable populations and habitats and identifying factors
contributing to their demise. The USFWS R&D efforts support the needs of the DOI in meeting
the operational needs and the requirements of OPA 90.
The DOT’s MARAD is tasked with promoting the use of waterborne transportation and its
seamless integration with other segments of the transportation system, and the viability of the
U.S. merchant marine. MARAD’s role in maritime transportation spans many areas involving
ships and shipping, shipbuilding, port operations, vessel operations, national security,
environment, and safety. MARAD supports the Maritime Environmental and Technical
Assistance (META) program, which focuses on environmental research and demonstration
projects. The Maritime Administration collaborates extensively with stakeholders from all
transportation sectors and modes in order to accomplish its mission to improve and strengthen
the U.S. marine transportation system. Through long range planning and analysis, the Maritime
Administration’s Office of Policy and Plans looks ahead and develops plans for integrating the
Maritime Administration’s activities with those of other appropriate government agencies, as
well as private sector marine transportation stakeholders.
The mission of DOT’s PHMSA is to protect people and the environment from the risks of
hazardous materials transportation by establishing national policy, setting and enforcing
standards, providing education, and conducting research to prevent oil spills and hazardous
materials incidents. PHMSA's Office of Pipeline Safety promulgates and enforces regulations
addressing the design, construction, operation and maintenance of pipeline systems. PHMSA's
Pipeline Safety Research Program supports the PHMSA mission by: 1) funding technology
development research; and 2) generating and sharing new technical knowledge with decision
makers in support of planning, evaluating, and implementing pipeline safety programs. This
Final Oil Pollution Research & Technology Plan – Approved September 29, 2015
research focus is providing near-term solutions that will increase the safety, reduce
environmental impact and improve reliability of the Nation's pipeline system.
PHMSA, via its Office of Hazardous Materials Safety, also provides support to federal agencies
in oil spill related areas such as logistics management, transportation infrastructure,
telecommunications, command and control systems, expert computer systems, facilities
maintenance management, mobilization preparedness and hazardous materials transportation by
any mode.
The USACE has specialized equipment and personnel that can be used in oil spill response
activities. The Corps has responsibilities for maintaining navigation channels, removing
obstructions, performing structural repairs, and maintaining hydropower electric generating
equipment. Their Engineer Research and Development Center (ERDC) conducts research and
development (R&D) in support of the Soldier, military installations and civil works projects
(water resources, environmental missions, etc.) as well as for other federal agencies, state and
municipal authorities, and with U.S. industry through innovative work agreements. USACE
ERDC has seven laboratories in four states: Construction and Engineering Research laboratory
in Champaign, Illinois; Cold Regions Research and Engineering Laboratory (CRREL) in
Hanover, New Hampshire; Geospatial Research Laboratory in Alexandria, Virginia; and the
Coastal and Hydraulics, Geotechnical and Structures, Environmental, and Information
Technology Laboratories in Vicksburg, Mississippi. CRREL, maintains unique cold facilities to
conduct research on oil spill detection and response in Arctic and other ice covered waters.
Other USACE research with applicability to oil pollution issues include providing technical
support on wind and wave effects, diffusion, remote sensing, satellite imaging, image
enhancement systems, alternative methods for removing oil, shoreline cleanup and
environmental evaluation, effects and mitigation.
The Corps also assists in design and construction and, on a reimbursable basis, provides
technical manpower and support for any federal agency involved in any aspect of research and
development described in this Plan. Special note should be made of USACE capabilities for
assisting in the engineering aspects of conducting various research projects. As the nation’s
environmental engineer, the USACE manages one of the largest federal environmental missions:
restoring degraded ecosystems; constructing sustainable facilities; regulating waterways;
managing natural resources; and cleaning up contaminated sites from past military activities.
Final Oil Pollution Research & Technology Plan – Approved September 29, 2015
since the 1970s, as required by the Federal Water Pollution Control Act. The USN has expertise
in preventing and responding to oil spills from ships. Upon the request of an On-Scene
Coordinator, the USN may provide technical assistance in the ocean engineering disciplines of
marine salvage, shipboard damage control, pollution abatement, diving, diving system
certification, and underwater ship husbandry. The USN also owns specialized containment,
collection, and removal equipment designed for salvage-related and near shore to open-sea
pollution incidents. The equipment design and systems make it transportable and sustainable in
the field. The USN has successfully deployed and operated its equipment at almost every major
oil spill in the past 35 years.
As an entity of FEMA, USFA provides national leadership to foster a solid foundation for fire
and emergency services stakeholders in prevention, preparedness, and response. The Agency
was established by Public Law 93-498, the Federal Fire Prevention and Control Act of 1974,
which called for: 1) the establishment of a National Fire Academy to advance the professional
development of the fire service personnel and of other persons engaged in fire prevention and
control activities; 2) a technology program of development, testing, and evaluation of equipment
for use by the Nation’s fire, rescue, and civil defense services; and 3) the operation of a National
Fire Data Center for the selection, analysis, publication, and dissemination of information related
to the prevention, occurrence, control and results of fires of all types; and ; 4) education of the
public to overcome public indifference toward fire and fire prevention. USFA focuses on
supplementing, not duplicating, existing programs of training, technology and research, data
collection and analysis, and public education. While USFA does not directly conduct oil spill
pollution research, it provides valuable emergency service expertise and connectivity to a
number of emergency management programs.
The EPA serves as the Chair of the National Response Team (NRT), as co-chair of all the
Regional Response Teams (RRTs), and as a rotating Vice Chair for ICCOPR. EPA works
closely with the USCG in coastal spill response activities. In accordance with the National
Contingency Plan (NCP), the EPA is the lead agency for response to spills in the U.S. inland
zone. The EPA provides pre-designated On-Scene Coordinators (OSCs) for the inland zone, and
maintains assets that can be used for command, control, and surveillance of oil spills. EPA also
provides legal expertise on the interpretation of applicable environmental statutes.
The EPA issues and implements federal regulations regarding oil spills under the Clean Water
Act, including the NCP. It implements spill prevention regulations for non-transportation-related
facilities. Also, through Subpart J of the NCP, EPA maintains a Product Schedule of dispersants
and other oil spill mitigating substances and regulates their use during spill response.
Final Oil Pollution Research & Technology Plan – Approved September 29, 2015
The EPA provides expertise on cleanup technologies and the environmental effects of oil spills.
Its Environmental Response Team (ERT) is a group of highly trained scientists and engineers
whose capabilities include multimedia sampling and analysis, hazard evaluation, contamination
monitoring, cleanup techniques, and overall technical support to the OSCs. The EPA's R&D
activities include the development of test protocols to evaluate the efficacy and toxicity of spill
mitigating agents (e.g., dispersants), and research to determine the fate and effects of oil
following a spill.
NASA develops and maintains several technologically advanced airborne and satellite systems
suitable for spill observation and mapping. The agency's multi-disciplinary team of scientists,
engineers and computer modelers also analyzes vast archives of data for insights into Earth's
interconnected systems -- atmosphere, ocean, ice, land, and biosphere; and openly provides that
data to the global community. They design and deploy airborne, ground-based and ocean-going
field campaigns to study the earth from the heights of the stratosphere to the depths of the ocean
to the remote ice caps at the poles. NASA also works with other government agencies and
partner organizations to apply NASA data and computer models to improve decision-making and
problem solving.
The USARC is an independent federal agency created by the Arctic Research and Policy Act of
1984, as amended. It consists of a nonpartisan advisory body of scientists, physicians,
indigenous leaders, and industry representatives appointed by the President of the U.S. and
supported by staff located in Washington, D.C. and Anchorage, AK. The Commission sets U.S.
Arctic research policy and builds cooperative links in Arctic research including: 1) the U.S.
Arctic research program; 2) to international research partners, and; 3) Alaska. The law requires
the Commission to comment to Congress on the progress of the executive branch in reaching
goals set by the Commission and on their adoption by the Interagency Arctic Research and
Policy Committee. The Commission plays an active role in the work of several interagency
committees, including the Arctic Policy Group, chaired by the U.S. Department of State, which
oversees U.S. participation in the eight-nation Arctic Council. The Commission is a statutory
member of: the North Pacific Research Board and the North Slope Science Initiative. USARC is
also a member of: various committees of the National Ocean Governance Structure; the
interagency Extended Continental Shelf Task Force; the Scientific Ice Expeditions Interagency
Committee, involving U.S. Navy nuclear submarines in the Arctic; the Alaska Ocean Observing
System; the International Permafrost Association; and the Consortium for Ocean Leadership.
Final Oil Pollution Research & Technology Plan – Approved September 29, 2015
Several Federal stakeholders and organizations also conduct research or affect oil pollution
research. These include Federal independent organizations (i.e., committees, councils), agencies
not currently members of ICCOPR, and ICCOPR member components that do not actively
participate within ICCOPR. Other entities set Federal policies that guide or focus research
initiatives on specific topics. ICCOPR maintains awareness of these stakeholders and works
with them to coordinate research efforts.
The AESC was formed in 2015 by Executive Order to provide guidance to executive
departments and agencies (agencies) and enhance coordination of Federal Arctic policies across
agencies and offices, and, where applicable, with State, local, and Alaska Native tribal
governments and similar Alaska Native organizations, academic and research institutions, and
the private and nonprofit sectors. The AESC provides guidance and coordinate efforts to
implement the priorities, objectives, activities, and responsibilities identified in National Security
Presidential Directive 66/Homeland Security Presidential Directive 25, Arctic Region Policy, the
National Strategy for the Arctic Region (NSAR), the NSAR Implementation Plan (NSAR-IP),
and related agency plans. The AESC does not conduct oil pollution research but can influence
the policies guiding research in the Arctic.
2.2.2 Federal Oil Spill Team for Emergency Response Remote Sensing (FOSTERRS)
The Federal Oil Spill Team for Emergency Response Remote Sensing (FOSTERRS) is an
interagency working group organized in 2015 to facilitate the sharing of remote sensing
capabilities and to discuss improvements in disaster response using remote sensing. Specifically,
FOSTERRS seeks to connect agency information on airborne and space borne asset’s
availability, limitations, capabilities and performance, and ancillary data needs to stake holders
and responders. FOSTERRS includes members from agencies (NOAA, NASA, and USGS) with
remote sensing assets and key end users. It also reaches out to the larger community involved in
marine disaster response and the development and implementation of remote sensing best
The Department of Transportation Act of 1966 created the FRA with a mission to enable the
safe, reliable, and efficient movement of people and goods for a strong America, now and in the
future. It is one of ten agencies within the DOT concerned with intermodal transportation.
FRA's Office of Railroad Safety promotes and regulates safety throughout the Nation's railroad
industry. The office executes its regulatory and inspection responsibilities through a diverse staff
Final Oil Pollution Research & Technology Plan – Approved September 29, 2015
of railroad safety experts who are responsible for five safety disciplines focusing on compliance
and enforcement in:
• Hazardous Materials;
• Motive Power and Equipment;
• Operating Practices;
• Signal and Train Control; and
• Track.
The USGS supports an array of scientific capabilities and assets that address many elements of
oil pollution research. As a science agency for DOI, the USGS provides science leadership and
collaborations with other federal agencies during oil spill response. USGS research capabilities
related to oil pollution include the development of objective and reliable scientific information
needed to inform policies and practices that help avoid exposure to toxic substances, mitigate
environmental deterioration from contaminants, provide cost-effective cleanup and waste-
disposal strategies, and reduce future risk of contamination. USGS science primarily focuses on
inland area but also includes near-shore and off-shore environments.
USGS oil pollution related capabilities include long-term monitoring of the Exxon Valdez,
Deepwater Horizon, and inland oil spills. Also, the USGS Patuxent Wildlife Research Center
has been studying the effects of crude oil and petroleum products on birds since the late 1970's.
The USGS Coastal and Marine Program develops 3-D hydrodynamic models that can predict the
nearshore sources, transport, and fate of oil. The USGS Energy Program provides capabilities to
characterize chemical fingerprints of oil to identify sources of tar balls and support post-spill
shoreline assessments.
The RESTORE Act established a Gulf Coast Ecosystem Restoration Council (the Council),
which is comprised of governors from the five affected Gulf States, the Secretaries from the U.S.
Departments of the Interior, Commerce, Agriculture, and Homeland Security as well as the
Secretary of the Army and the Administrator of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. The
Gulf States recommended and President Obama appointed the Secretary of Commerce as the
Council’s Chair.
The GMFMC is one of eight regional Fishery Management Councils established by the Fishery
Conservation and Management Act of 1976. The Council prepares fishery management plans
designed to manage fishery resources from where state waters end, out to the 200-mile limit of
the Gulf of Mexico. These waters are also known as the Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ). The
Final Oil Pollution Research & Technology Plan – Approved September 29, 2015
Council consists of voting members from the NMFS, the five Gulf state marine resource
management agencies, and nominees by the State governors. In addition, there are four
nonvoting members representing the USCG, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Department of
State, and the Gulf States Marine Fisheries Commission. The GMFMC provides an advisory
role in directing scientists on where to focus their research. Current priorities include research
on species recovering from the Deepwater Horizon oil spill and broad research on long-term
fisheries data.
The MMC is an independent agency of the U.S. government established under Title II of the
Marine Mammal Protection Act (MMPA). The Commission provides independent oversight of
the marine mammal conservation policies and programs of federal agencies. The Commission's
main roles with respect to oil spills are oversight of the agencies charged with response,
assessment, and restoration activities, and convening of interagency working groups to
coordinate those activities.
The Commission, in consultation with its Committee of Scientific Advisors on Marine
Mammals, has prepared a report “Assessing the Long-term Effects of the BP Deepwater Horizon
Oil Spill on Marine Mammals in the Gulf of Mexico: A Statement of Research Needs” (2011).
The objectives of the report were to (1) guide assessment of the long-term effects of the Gulf
spill and associated risk factors on marine mammals, (2) guide mitigation and restoration efforts
for Gulf marine mammal populations, (3) help track the changes in the Gulf ecosystem,
including recovery and restoration, and (4) help guide assessment of future spills in the Gulf and
The Commission administers a small annual grant program that supports projects aimed at
meeting the conservation and protection goals of the MMPA. In addition, the Commission has
initiated an annual survey of federally funded research on marine mammals to determine the
nature of research conducted or supported by each agency. Information from the survey is used
to assess ways to target and enhance specific marine mammal research and conservation
NIEHS is one of 27 research institutes and centers that comprise the National Institutes of Health
(NIH) of the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS). The mission of the NIEHS is
to reduce the burden of human illness and disability by understanding how the environment
influences the development and progression of human disease. The NIEHS, part of the NIH,
activated programs throughout the institute to provide timely and responsive services following
the DWH oil spill.
In June 2010, NIEHS initiated the GuLF STUDY to conduct research on the health of the
workers and volunteers most directly involved in responding to the Deepwater Horizon oil spill.
Final Oil Pollution Research & Technology Plan – Approved September 29, 2015
The GuLF STUDY will help determine if oil spills and the exposure to crude oil and dispersants,
affects physical and mental health. Almost 33,000 cleanup workers are enrolled in the 10-year
health study, making a significant contribution to their communities and to answering important
public health questions.
2.2.9 U.S. National Response Team (NRT) - Science and Technology (S&T) Committee
The NRT is an organization of 15 federal departments and agencies responsible for coordinating
emergency preparedness and response to oil and hazardous substance pollution incidents. The
EPA and the USCG serve as Chair and Vice Chair respectively. The NCP and the Code of
Federal Regulations (40 CFR part 300) outline the role of the NRT and Regional Response
Teams (RRTs). Various federal statutes cite the NRT and RRTs including the Superfund
Amendments and Reauthorization Act - Title III and the Hazardous Materials Transportation Act
The NRT's S&T Committee provides a forum to fulfill the NRT’s NCP delegated responsibilities
in R&D. Specifically, NCP regulation 40 CFR 300.110(h)(6) lists as one of the NRT's
responsibilities "Monitoring response-related research and development, testing, and evaluation
activities of NRT agencies to enhance coordination, avoid duplication of effort, and facilitate
research in support of response activities." Additionally, 40 CFR 300.110(g) states, "the NRT
may consider and make recommendations to appropriate agencies on ... necessary research,
development, demonstration, and evaluation to improve response capabilities."
The NSF is an independent federal agency created by Congress in 1950 "to promote the progress
of science; to advance the national health, prosperity, and welfare; to secure the national
defense…" The NSF is the funding source for approximately 24 percent of all federally
supported basic research conducted by America’s colleges and universities. NSF fulfills their
mission chiefly by issuing limited-term grants to fund specific research proposals judged to be
the most promising by a rigorous and objective merit-review system. Currently, they issue about
11,000 new awards per year, with an average duration of three years. NSF-funded research
addresses a number of scientific areas with applications to oil pollution research including
engineering, materials science, biology, and the Arctic. NSF also has a Rapid Response
Research (RAPID) mechanism that enables research on unanticipated events such as the
Deepwater Horizon oil spill.
In 2012, the U.S. Congress passed (P.L. 112-141) the “Resources and Ecosystem Sustainability,
Tourist Opportunities, and Revived Economies of the Gulf Coast States Act” (RESTORE Act).
The RESTORE Act transfers 80% of all administrative and civil penalties paid by responsible
parties in connection with the Deepwater Horizon incident to a Gulf Coast Restoration Trust
Final Oil Pollution Research & Technology Plan – Approved September 29, 2015
Fund. The RESTORE Act also establishes several programs, funded by the Trust Fund, to aid in
the ecological and economic recovery of the Gulf Coast states. Under Section 1604 of the
RESTORE Act directed NOAA to establish a Gulf Coast Ecosystem Restoration Science,
Observation, Monitoring, and Technology Program (NOAA RESTORE Act Science Program).
This program is to be funded by 2.5 percent of the Gulf Coast Ecosystem Restoration Trust Fund
plus 25 percent of the Trust Fund accrued interest. The Program can expend funds for marine
and estuarine research; marine and estuarine ecosystem monitoring and ocean observation; data
collection and stock assessments; pilot programs for fishery independent data and reduction of
exploitation of spawning aggregations; and cooperative research.
2.2.12 North American Wetlands Conservation Act (NAWCA) Gulf of Mexico Funds
The NAWCA provides matching grants from the North American Wetlands Conservation Fund
to organizations and individuals who have developed partnerships to carry out wetlands
conservation projects in the United States, Canada, and Mexico for the benefit of wetlands-
associated migratory birds and other wildlife. As part of their criminal settlement agreement, BP
paid $100 million to the Fund for the purpose of wetlands restoration and conservation located in
states bordering the Gulf of Mexico or otherwise designed to benefit migratory bird species and
other wildlife affected by the Macondo oil spill. The USFWS administers the Fund. The
restoration projects include research to monitor and evaluate restoration success.
Several federal facilities and locations provide opportunities for both federal and non-federal oil
pollution research.
2.3.1 Ohmsett
Ohmsett, located at the Naval Weapons Station Earle Waterfront in Leonardo, New Jersey, is
managed by BSEE. The facility includes an above ground concrete test tank that is one of the
largest of its kind, measuring 203 meters long by 20 meters wide by 3.4 meters deep. The tank
holds with 2.6 million gallons of crystal clear saltwater.
The Ohmsett test tank allows testing of full-scale oil pollution response equipment. The tank
includes a wave generator that creates realistic sea environments, while state-of-the-art data
collection and video systems record test results. The facility has proven to be ideal for testing
equipment, evaluating acquisition options, and validating research findings.
Government agencies, academia, public and private companies use Ohmsett as a research center
to test oil spill containment/clean-up equipment and techniques, to test new designs in response
equipment, and to conduct training with actual oil spill response technologies.
Final Oil Pollution Research & Technology Plan – Approved September 29, 2015
The RDC, located in New London, Conn. is the USCG's sole facility performing research,
development, and test and evaluation in support of the service's major missions. The RDC is
responsible for evaluating the feasibility and affordability of mission execution solutions and
providing operational and risk-management analysis at all stages of the acquisition process.
At any given time, the RDT&E program is working on more than 80 projects that support USCG
requirements across all mission areas. The program also provides Coast Guard leadership with
knowledge necessary for making strategic decisions. The RDT&E program leverages
partnerships with academia and other government agencies. The RDC also leverages
Cooperative Research and Development Agreements (CRADAs) under the Technology Transfer
Act to work with private industry to anticipate and research solutions to current and future
technological challenges.
The USCG RDC's Joint Maritime Test Facility In Situ Burn Pan is working in conjunction with
the Naval Research Laboratory and the BSEE to refurbish its in-situ burn test pan located on
Little Sand Island in Mobile, Alabama. The burn pan is the nation's only permitted open air in-
situ burn pan for fire boom research. Once refurbished, this burn pan will help the RDC's Joint
Maritime Test Facility meet its mission to support the maritime safety efforts by providing full-
scale tests and evaluation under close to actual operating and environmental conditions.
The USCG Marine Safety Laboratory (MSL) provides forensic oil analysis and expert testimony
in support of the oil pollution law enforcement efforts for Marine Investigators, Districts,
Hearing Officers, National Pollution Funds Center, Department of Justice, and other federal
agencies. The MSL is the USCG's sole facility for performing forensic oil analysis.
The NRMRL is EPA’s premiere laboratory for risk management research. It conducts research at
the basic level, as well as bench-scale and pilot-scale levels, to explore innovative solutions to
pollution problems. Environmental risk management seeks to determine what environmental
risks exist and how to manage those risk in a way best suited to protect human health and the
environment. Its mission is to advance scientific and engineering solutions to manage current and
future environmental risk.
NRMRL’s research directly supports efforts to manage chemical risks, clean up hazardous waste
sites, protect water, reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and improve air quality.
Final Oil Pollution Research & Technology Plan – Approved September 29, 2015
CRREL, located in Hanover, New Hampshire is one of seven US Army Corps of Engineers
(USACE) Engineering Research and Development Center (ERDC) laboratories. The
laboratory’s mission is to solve interdisciplinary and strategically important problems by
advancing and applying science and engineering to complex environments, materials and
processes in all seasons and climates, with unique core competencies related to the Earth's cold
regions. CRREL maintains several unique and specialized research facilities at its Hanover,
New Hampshire location, to include: 26 low-temperature research cold rooms; a refrigerated Ice
Engineering Facility comprised of a 12,800 square foot research area, a 3,600 square foot by 8
foot deep test basin, and a 120 foot long water flume with tilting bed; a 1,320 square foot by 7
foot deep outdoor Geophysical Research Facility; a 40 foot working length portable wave tank
that can be located indoors within a cold facility for year round cold research or outdoors to
support in situ burn tests; and a 29,000 square foot environmentally controlled Frost Effects
Research Facility. CRREL also maintains a research permafrost tunnel in Fox, Alaska, a 135-
acre permafrost research site near Fairbanks, Alaska, and has project offices in Anchorage and
Fairbanks, Alaska. CRREL works with partners from industry, government agencies, and
educational institutions, to develop scientific tools that can aid in effective oil spill response, and
provides unique facilities and cold region expertise to stake-holders to create effective spill
response techniques for ice covered environments.
The ERDC is the world’s largest laboratory primarily devoted to civil engineering and
environmental sciences research, development, test, and evaluation. The ERDC, which includes
seven laboratories located in four geographic locations, provides a broad array of services
ranging from basic research to test and evaluation. The ERDC Laboratories maintain state of the
art modeling and experimentation facilities which support a broad array of capabilities in oil spill
response from modeling impacts to remediation techniques.
ERDC capabilities to support Oil Spill efforts are categorized into three phases. Phase 1,
Emergency Response/Mitigation, includes those activities that that enhance the ability to conduct
emergency response and mitigation. Phase 2, Remediation, includes activities designed to
support tasks such as active intervention to ameliorate the oil contamination. Phase 3,
Recovery/Long Term Monitoring/Assessment, includes activities supporting the monitoring and
assessment of long term environmental impacts associate with the spill.
The Hollings Marine Laboratory is located in Charleston, SC and was established as a joint
facility combining partners from NOAA, NIST, the Medical University of South Carolina, the
College of Charleston, and the South Carolina Department of Natural Resources. The laboratory
is operated by the NOAA National Ocean Service and houses NIST’s Environmental Specimen
Final Oil Pollution Research & Technology Plan – Approved September 29, 2015
Bank, NIST and NOAA environmental chemistry laboratories, as well as NOAA personnel and
facilities for assessing the health of living marine resources. Immediately after the Deepwater
Horizon oil spill, the co-location of NOAA and NIST personnel was instrumental in planning
and mounting NOAA’s response to the event with regard to, sample archival, monitoring
protected species and evaluating data quality being produced by different laboratories providing
chemistry data related to the spill. Oil spill-related research continues at the HML with projects
including aiming to understand biomarkers of oil exposure in protected species and exploring the
effects of dispersants on marine organisms and humans.
The NRL detachment at Stennis Space Center focuses on marine geosciences, oceanography, and
underwater acoustics. The Oceanography Division and the Marine Geosciences Division
conduct studies applicable to oil pollution research.
The Oceanography Division is known for its combination of theoretical, numerical, and
experimental approaches to oceanographic problems. The Division numerically models the
ocean on the world's most powerful supercomputers and operates a number of highly
sophisticated graphics systems to visualize ocean model results. The Division maintains two
satellite receiving systems, a computer network with automated processing capabilities for ocean
color and advanced optical instrumentation and calibration facilities.
The Marine Geosciences Division conducts a broadly-based, multidisciplinary program of
scientific research and advanced technology development directed towards maritime and other
national applications of geosciences, geospatial information and related technologies. Research
includes investigations of basic processes within ocean basins and littoral regions. The Division
develops models, sensors, techniques and systems to exploit this knowledge for applications to
enhance Navy and Marine Corps systems, plans and operations
The PNNL’s Marine Sciences Laboratory (MSL), located in Sequim, Washington on the Strait of
Juan de Fuca, provides a platform for marine and freshwater ecological research, instrument and
method development, and biotechnology research. The laboratory has regional access to oceans
and rivers that have experienced human impacts ranging from the uninhabited and protected
coastlines of Olympic National Park to heavily developed shores around Seattle and Tacoma.
The Marine Research Operations’ Wet Laboratory provides a large space in which to perform
innovative, water-oriented research. A variety of indoor and outdoor tank configurations provide
capacity for bench-scale tests through large-scale outdoor mesocosm systems and for other
studies using aquatic plants and animals.
Final Oil Pollution Research & Technology Plan – Approved September 29, 2015
The USCG’s cutter Healy is designed to conduct a wide range of research activities, providing
more than 4,200 square feet of scientific laboratory space, numerous electronic sensor systems,
and accommodations for up to 50 scientists. HEALY is designed to break 4½ feet of ice
continuously at three knots and can operate in temperatures as low as -50 oF. Healy substantially
enhances the U.S. Arctic research capability. It serves as a platform for research activities as
part of the Arctic Shield demonstrations where components of an Arctic oil spill response are
tested. Healy is also a capable platform for supporting other potential missions in the polar
regions, including logistics, search and rescue, ship escort, environmental protection, and
enforcement of laws and treaties.
The EPA operates two ships that monitor and assess impacts from ecological disturbances and
ocean-based human activities on the ocean, Great Lakes, and coastal waters. EPA’s Ocean
Survey Vessel (OSV) Bold operates under the statutory requirement to monitor the deposition of
dredged materials under the Marine Protection, Research, and Sanctuaries Act of 1972. This Act
regulates intentional ocean disposal of materials, authorizes any related research and provides for
the designation and regulation of marine sanctuaries. OSV Bold operates in the Atlantic and
Pacific Oceans and the Caribbean Sea to monitor water quality, effects of dredged material, coral
reef health, and other special assessments.
EPA’s Great Lakes National Program Office based in Chicago, Illinois operates R/V Lake
Guardian, which conducts monitoring programs that sample the water, aquatic life, sediments,
and air in order to assess the health of the Great Lakes ecosystem.
MARAD operates the National Defense Reserve Fleet (NDRF) of 100 ships that are available for
use during oil spill exercises, providing housing during a spill response, or for education and
training. The NDRF is available to support emergency shipping operations during war and
national emergencies. The fleet has anchorages in Fort Eustis, Virginia; Beaumont, Texas;
Suisun Bay in Benicia, California; and at designated port facility berths.
NOAA's Office of Marine and Aviation Operations (OMAO) operates a wide assortment
of hydrographic survey, oceanographic research, and fisheries survey vessels. Five ships located
in the Pacific are managed by the Marine Operations Center, Pacific (MOC-P) in Newport,
Oregon. Nine ships located in the Atlantic are managed by the Marine Operations Center,
Final Oil Pollution Research & Technology Plan – Approved September 29, 2015
Atlantic (MOC-A) in Norfolk, Virginia. Two ships located in Hawaii are managed by
the Marine Operations Center, Pacific Islands (MOC-PI).
NOAA’s research and survey ships compose the largest fleet of federal research ships in the
nation. The fleet ranges from large oceanographic research vessels capable of exploring the
world’s deepest ocean, to smaller ships responsible for charting the shallow bays and inlets of the
United States. The fleet supports a wide range of marine activities including fisheries research,
nautical charting, and ocean and climate studies.
The OMAO’s aircrafts operate throughout the world providing a wide range of capabilities
including hurricane reconnaissance and research, marine mammal and fisheries assessment, and
coastal mapping.
Federal oil pollution research is not limited to research facilities and laboratories. Oil spills can
provide opportunities for federal agencies to conduct research on the fate, effects, and physical
and chemical behavior of the spilled oil and the responses to the spills in the natural
environment. NOAA and USGS have ongoing research projects to study the long-term fate and
effects of the Exxon Valdez oil spill. The Deepwater Horizon oil spill is also providing many
opportunities to study both the near-term and long-term effects of the spill and response. Other
potential research locations include the Santa Barbara oil seeps off the California coast and the
submerged Taylor Energy platform in the Gulf of Mexico, which is a continuing source of
Intentional releases have been used by many countries, most notably Norway, to demonstrate the
effectiveness of spill control equipment or processes. Under controlled circumstances, these
releases may provide an opportunity to conduct tests under actual spill conditions.
Final Oil Pollution Research & Technology Plan – Approved September 29, 2015
Several coastal states have established oil pollution research programs. These programs are in
states affected by previous oil spills or where there are active oil exploration and production
activities. Increasing shale oil production has prompted other states to study the risks of
hydraulic fracturing and transporting oil by rail and pipeline. This section describes on-going
state research programs.
Judgments entered in the criminal cases for the Exxon Valdez oil spill resulted in appropriation of
funds to the State of Alaska to enhance the ability of the State and industry to respond to oil
spills. A total of $2,500,000 was made available to ADEC for projects under this program. The
funds are used for research programs directed toward the prevention, containment, cleanup and
amelioration of oil spills in Alaska. In cooperation with other stakeholders, ADEC has
developed a list of more than 30 R&D projects dealing with such subjects as cleanup technology,
non-mechanical response techniques, the fate and effects of spilled oil, oil-spill contingency
planning and preparedness, spill response training, incident-management systems and spill
prevention. Alaskan oil-spill response cooperatives, private consultants, universities, and other
state and federal agencies have conducted research under the program.
As both a prevention and response organization, CAOSPR has the Department of Fish and
Wildlife's public trustee and custodial responsibilities for protecting, managing and restoring the
state's fish, wildlife, and plants. It is one of the few state agencies in the nation with both major
pollution response authority and public trustee authority for wildlife and habitat. This mandate
ensures that prevention, preparedness, restoration and response will provide the best protection
for California's natural resources.
In 2014 California expanded the CAOSPR program to cover all state surface waters at risk of oil
spills from any source, including pipelines, production facilities, and the increasing shipments of
oil transported by railroads. This expansion provided critical administrative funding for industry
preparedness, spill response, and continued coordination with local, state and federal government
along with industry and non-governmental organizations.
Final Oil Pollution Research & Technology Plan – Approved September 29, 2015
3.1.3 Florida
The Oil Spill Academic Task Force (OSATF) is a consortium of scientists and scholars from
institutions in the State University System as well as from five of Florida's private universities
and two marine laboratories working in collaboration with the Florida Department of
Environmental Protection (DEP). The OSATF brings together expertise and resources to assist
the state of Florida and the Gulf region in responding to and studying the Deepwater Horizon oil
The Fish and Wildlife Research Institute's work includes assessment and restoration of
ecosystems and studies of freshwater and marine fisheries, aquatic and terrestrial wildlife,
imperiled species, and red tides. The institute develops the information science required to
analyze and disseminate research products, and engages in outreach activities to complement all
The Florida Marine Spill Analysis System (FMSAS) is a powerful geographic information
system (GIS) application that allows users to conduct oil spill planning activities and manage
response and mitigation efforts during an actual spill. Spill planning and response activities have
always relied on maps and charts to display information. From simple notes on nautical charts to
specialized maps showing the location of sensitive resources or the location of an oil slick, many
of the essential information components of planning and response actions require geospatial data.
The FMSAS is designed to address five aspects of oil spill management:
• Contingency planning;
• On-scene spill tracking and “Resources At Risk” (RAR) analysis;
• Long-term monitoring;
• Damage assessment; and
• General oil spill GIS data management.
3.1.4 Louisiana Applied and Educational Oil Spill Research and Development Program (OSRADP)
The Louisiana OSRADP provided oil spill planners and response personnel with practical,
scientifically-sound and cost effective spill prevention, management and mitigation tools for two
decades until 2011 when OSRADP became part of the Center for Energy Studies.
The Gulf States Marine Fisheries Commission was established by an act of Congress (P.L. 81-
66) in 1949 as a compact of the five Gulf States with a charge to: “to promote better utilization
of the fisheries, marine, shell and anadromous, of the seaboard of the Gulf of Mexico, by the
development of a joint program for the promotion and protection of such fisheries and the
prevention of the physical waste of the fisheries from any cause."
The GSMFC Oil Disaster Recovery Program (ODRP) evolved from the receipt of $15 million
dollars in October of 2010 and aims to improve the public perception and confidence in Gulf of
Final Oil Pollution Research & Technology Plan – Approved September 29, 2015
Mexico seafood following the 2010 Deepwater Horizon oil disaster. Funding for this program,
like that of the post-Katrina Emergency Disaster Recovery Program (EDRP), came from the U.S.
Congress following fishery disaster declarations by the U.S. Secretary of Commerce. Scheduled
to be completed in September of 2015, the activities under the program are identified through an
ad-hoc advisory committee consisting of the marine resource directors from each of the five Gulf
of Mexico states. Under this component, multiple post-disaster recovery elements were executed
to address issues relative to improving both the perception of and confidence in Gulf of Mexico
seafood products.
3.1.6 Minnesota National Crude Oil Spill Fate and Natural Attenuation Site
The Minnesota National Crude Oil Spill Fate and Natural Attenuation Site dates back to 1979,
when a dramatic pipeline rupture released 10,000 bbl of crude petroleum to the land surface and
shallow subsurface. In 1983, research began at the site through the support of the USGS’ Toxic
Substances Hydrology Program. Continuing USGS support has allowed hundreds of scientists
from across the globe to visit this "underground observatory" and study the effects of a terrestrial
crude oil spill including the physical, chemical and biological processes driving the degradation
and transport of crude petroleum. Research from the site has been included in more than 200
scientific papers.
In 2008 and 2009, the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency, Enbridge Energy LLC, the USGS
and Beltrami County created several agreements to formally establish the "National Crude Oil
Spill Research Site in Bemidji, Minn." The objective of these agreements is to create a self-
sustaining research facility that brings academic researchers and practitioners (e.g., consultants,
petroleum and pipeline industry representatives and pollution control officials) together thereby
linking novel ideas to practical, on-the-ground applications.
In 1989, following the Nestucca and Exxon Valdez oil spills, the Governors of Alaska,
Washington, Oregon, and California, and the Premier of British Columbia, signed a
Memorandum of Agreement that authorized PSBCOSTF. These events highlighted their
common concerns regarding oil spill risks and the need for cooperation across shared borders. In
June 2001, a revised Memorandum of Cooperation was adopted to include the State of Hawaii
and expand the focus to spill preparedness and prevention needs of the 21st century. Now in its
third decade, the PSBCOSTF provides a forum where its members can work with stakeholders
from the Western US and Canada to implement regional initiatives that protect 56,660 miles of
coastline from Alaska to California and the Hawaiian archipelago.
The TXGLO is a national leader in oil spill research. The TXGLO R&D program has funded
groundbreaking work on oil dispersants, shoreline cleaners, bioremediation and high-frequency
Final Oil Pollution Research & Technology Plan – Approved September 29, 2015
radar. The R&D program is improving response technology and developing alternative methods
for removing oil from coastal waters.
Over the years, the TXGLO has coordinated with other state agencies, the state’s higher
education institutions and private industry to establish viable research projects for oil spill
prevention and response. Funded projects have involved preventive technologies, spill detection,
environmental data collection, chemical countermeasures, recovered materials management and
in situ burning
The TXGLO, as a NRDA Trustee, acts on behalf of the public to identify the injured natural
resources and determine the extent of the impact. They also recover damages from the
responsible party to plan and carry out restoration activities. In addition to the TXGLO, two
other state agencies are designated as NRDA trustees: the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department
(TPWD) and the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ).
The WADOE has program offices for oil pollution prevention, preparedness, and response,
which include resource damage assessments and recovery. The Department conducts studies on
the risks of oil transportation through the state and provides guidance to industry and the public
on oil pollution issues. WADOE also manages a Coastal Protection Fund (CPF) that collects
monies from oil and hazardous materials spill damage assessments and penalties. The CPF uses
the money to fund projects to: restore or enhance public natural resources; investigate long-term
effects of oil spills; and develop and implement aquatic land geographic information systems.
Funds may also be allocated for R&D on the causes, effects, and removal of pollution caused by
the discharge of oil.
3.2 Industry
The oil industry plays an important part in oil pollution research. Industry approaches to
exploration, production, transportation, and spill prevention evolve as new techniques are
identified or new resources are found. Industry has several research programs to improve their
practices to prevent oil spills and to better respond to spills when they occur.
3.2.1 American Petroleum Institute Joint Industry Task Force (API JITF)
In the wake of the Deepwater Horizon oil spill of 2010, the petroleum industry launched four
JITFs to critically assess capabilities and performance. Each JITF used subject matter experts to
identify best practices in offshore drilling operations and oil spill response and to share that
knowledge across industry with the goal of ensuring environmental protection through enhanced
Final Oil Pollution Research & Technology Plan – Approved September 29, 2015
The Oil Spill Preparedness and Response JITF examined industry’s ability to respond to a “Spill
of National Significance (SONS)” and the actual response to the Deepwater Horizon oil spill.
This program covers:
• Spill Response Planning
• Oils Sensing and Tracking
• Dispersant
• In Situ Burning
• Mechanical recovery
• Shoreline protection
• Alternate response technologies
The industry has also has also begun to improve public outreach in a number of focus areas
• Oil spill preparedness and response framework;
• Net environmental benefit analysis (NEBA);
• Role of dispersants in oil spill response;
• Tiered preparedness and response framework;
• Incident management system; and
• Regulatory approval and use of dispersants.
The JITF also initiated subcommittees to address response issues related to inland spills
including railroad spills and pipeline emergency response.
The ASA was created in 2000 as an association of professional salvors dedicated to improving
marine casualty response in North American coastal and inland waters. The ASA promotes
cooperation among its members and works with Federal and state agencies to identify ways to
improve salvage and firefighting response capabilities. The ASA encourages research to identify
risks from sunken vessels and uses its members’ experience to identify areas for additional
research or technology development.
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The ITAC includes members from the oil spill response community within the oil industry, and
other organizations that have oil pollution preparedness and response as their principal goal.
ITAC acts as a focal point for technical issues and as a forum for exchanging information on
preparedness, oil spill response operations, response technology and response training.
The IMO is a specialized agency of the United Nations, which is responsible for measures to
improve the safety and security of international shipping and to prevent marine pollution from
ships. It is also involved in legal matters, including liability and compensation issues and the
facilitation of international maritime traffic. IMO's governing body is the assembly, made up of
all 170 Member States, which meets once every two years. The Maritime Safety, Marine
Environment Protection, Legal, Technical Co-operation and Facilitation Committees, and a
number of sub-committees carry out the main technical work. Since 1967, the IMO has adopted
a series of conventions covering prevention of marine pollution by ships, preparedness and
response to incidents involving oil and hazardous and noxious substances, prevention of use of
harmful anti-fouling systems and the international convention on ballast water management to
prevent the spread of harmful aquatic organisms in ballast water.
IPIECA is the global oil and gas industry association for environmental and social issues. It
develops, shares, and promotes good practices and knowledge to help the industry improve its
environmental and social performance. It is the industry’s principal channel of communication
with the United Nations.
IPIECA’s Oil Spill Working Group (OSWG) was established in 1987 and serves as a key
international industry forum to help improve oil spill contingency planning and response around
the world. The OSWG aims to improve oil spill preparedness and response around the world by:
Final Oil Pollution Research & Technology Plan – Approved September 29, 2015
ITOPF is a not-for-profit organization established on behalf of the world’s ship owners and their
insurers to promote effective response to marine spills of oil, chemicals, and other hazardous
substances. ITOPF provides a range of technical services including emergency response, advice
on clean up techniques, pollution damage assessment, assistance with spill response planning,
and training. It is recognized and respected globally as a source of objective technical expertise
in the area of accidental spills of oil and chemicals from ships and ITOPF is a source of
comprehensive information on marine pollution. Investing in R&D is one way ITOPF meets this
objective. ITOPF invests in R&D to help fulfill their mission of promoting effective response to
marine spills of oil, chemicals and other substances.
The OSR JIP is an initiative of the Oil and Gas Producers (OGP) to address issues related to the
Macondo well blowout. In response to the incident, the OGP formed the Global Industry
Response Group (GIRG), which was tasked to identify the key issues that could prevent
recurrence of such an incident and identify learning opportunities on both the causation, and the
subsequent response to the incident. The OSR JIP has initiated discreet projects or supported
projects of other groups in many oil spill related subject areas resulting from the OGP GIRG-
OSR studies.
The PERF is a research and development joint venture, formed to provide a stimulus to and
forum for the collection, exchange, and analysis of research information relating to the
development of technology for health, environment and safety, waste reduction and system
security in the petroleum industry. PERF is a non-profit organization of member corporations in
the petroleum industry. PERF does not itself participate in research projects but provides a
forum for members to collect, exchange, and research information relating to practical and
Final Oil Pollution Research & Technology Plan – Approved September 29, 2015
theoretical science and technology concerning the petroleum industry and a mechanism to
establish joint research projects in the field.
The PRCI was established in 1952 as the Pipeline Research Committee of the American Gas
Association to address the problem of long-running brittle fractures in natural gas transmission
pipelines. In substantially solving that problem within two years, the committee demonstrated
the benefit of industry collaboration and leveraging voluntary industry funding. Unique among
all pipeline research organizations, the mission of PRCI is to be the global leader in collaborative
energy pipeline research that provides safe, reliable, environmentally conscious and efficient
means of energy delivery. The committee will be used to improve current inspection and
integrity assessment technologies, and to promote the development of new technologies for
pipeline integrity management.
Some of PRCI’s recent research has addressed:
SCAA organized in 1973 to actively promote the interests of all groups within the spill response
community. They represent spill response contractors, manufacturers, distributors, consultants,
instructors, government and training institutions and corporations working in the industry.
SCAA partners with the USCG and the Association of Petroleum Industry Co-op Managers
(APICOM) in the quality partnership for marine safety and environmental protection, which was
created to improve the effectiveness of spill response and to promote sound risk management
among/between private and governmental response organizations.
Several independent organizations conduct or manage oil pollution research programs. These
include non-governmental organizations, non-profit organizations, and committees with a mix of
memberships including citizens, industry, and government organizations.
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OPA 90 established CIRCAC to create an avenue for public participation in the oversight of the
Cook Inlet oil industry. Since its inception, the CIRCAC has formed environmental monitoring
and oil spill prevention programs to promote safe production and transportation of oil in Cook
Inlet. These programs seek to develop an understanding of efficacy, fate, transport, and effects
of oil and oil treated by various response methods likely to be used on oil spills in the area of
concern. It also monitors the biological and chemical environment in Cook Inlet and nearby
areas to detect effects of oil industry operations. The CIRCAC also has a Coastal Habitat
Mapping Program to assess coastal habitats with an oil spill prevention and response tool that
incorporates detailed coastal habitat data.
The Gulf State Governors established the Gulf of Mexico Alliance (GOMA) in 2004 in response
to the President’s Ocean Action Plan. GOMA’s mission is to enhance the ecological and
economic health of the Gulf region by encouraging collaboration among government agencies,
businesses, education providers and non-governmental organizations. It is a state-led network of
partners working together on projects related to the priority issues identified by the Governors in
early discussions. The GOMA structure allows federal and state agency partners to focus
funding priorities on the needs of the Gulf, and it provides a forum to share knowledge,
expertise, and collaborate to reduce duplication of efforts.
On May 24, 2010, shortly after the Deepwater Horizon oil spill, BP announced a $500 million
commitment to fund a Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative (GoMRI), a 10-year independent
research program designed to study the effects of the oil spill and its associated response on the
environment and public health in the Gulf of Mexico. GoMRI awards funds competitively for
scientists to investigate the impacts of the oil, dispersed oil, and dispersants on the ecosystems of
the Gulf of Mexico and affected coastal States in a broad context of improving fundamental
understanding of the dynamics of such events and their environmental stresses and public health
implications. GoMRI also seeks to develop improved spill mitigation, oil and gas detection,
characterization and remediation technologies.
As directed by an independent 20-member Research Board, GoMRI issues grants for
independent scientific research conducted primarily at academic institutions in the U.S. Gulf
Coast States. However, institutions from outside the Gulf region, as well as for-profit entities,
can participate. The funds are distributed using peer evaluations (National Science Board
Process) and are used strictly for research activities such as sampling, modeling and studies, but
not acquisition of infrastructure. Researchers are required to publish their results in peer-
reviewed scientific journals with no requirement for BP approval.
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The ultimate goal of GoMRI is to improve society's ability to understand, respond to and
mitigate the impacts of petroleum pollution and related stressors of the marine and coastal
ecosystems, with an emphasis on conditions found in the Gulf of Mexico. Knowledge accrued
will be applied to restoration and to improving the long-term environmental health of the Gulf of
The Gulf Restoration Science Programs Ad Hoc Coordination Forum serves to provide regular
communication and coordination on Gulf of Mexico restoration related science between the
ecological sciences programs funded from criminal penalties, settlement agreements, and
programs funded due to the Deepwater Horizon oil spill.
As part of the criminal settlement agreements following the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill, the
federal government asked the National Academy of Sciences (NAS) to establish a new program
to fund and conduct activities to enhance oil system safety, human health, and environmental
resources in the Gulf of Mexico and other U.S. outer continental shelf regions that support oil
and gas production. The settlement agreements provide a total of $500 million over the first five
years of the 30-year program. The Gulf Research Program works to enhance oil system safety
and the protection of human health and the environment in the Gulf of Mexico and other U.S.
outer continental shelf areas by seeking to improve understanding of the region’s interconnecting
human, environmental, and energy systems and fostering application of these insights to benefit
Gulf communities, ecosystems, and the Nation. Initial funding of projects began in 2015.
Congress created NFWF in 1984. They serve as a non-profit agency to aid in the protection and
restoration of fish and wildlife and their habitats. The BP and Transocean Settlement
Agreements with the United States established NFWF’s Gulf Environmental Benefit Fund to
support projects that remedy harm to natural resources (habitats, species) where there has been
injury to, or destruction of, loss of, or loss of use of those resources resulting from the Deepwater
Horizon oil spill. The Fund will distribute $2.544 billion for projects that contribute significantly
to restoring and maintaining the ecological functions of landscape-scale coastal habitats,
ensuring long-term viability and resilience of habitats, restoring and maintaining the ecological
integrity of priority coastal bays and estuaries, and replenishing and protecting living resources.
The OESI was established under BSEE sponsorship to facilitate research and development,
training of Federal workers to remain current on state-of the art technology associated with oil
and gas development. It provides recommendations and technical assistance on the
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OPA 90 established OSRI (http://pws-osri.org/) in response to the 1989 Exxon Valdez oil spill.
The Prince William Sound Science Center, a non-profit research and education organization
located in Cordova, Alaska, administers and houses OSRI. The Congressional mandate given to
OSRI is to: 1) identify and develop the best available techniques, equipment and materials for
dealing with oil spills in the Arctic and sub-Arctic marine environment; 2) complement federal
Final Oil Pollution Research & Technology Plan – Approved September 29, 2015
and state damage assessment efforts and determine, document, assess and understand the long-
range effects of Arctic and sub-Arctic oil spills on the natural resources of Prince William
Sound; and, 3) understand and document the effects to the environment, the economy and the
lifestyle and well-being of the people who are dependent on those resources. Subsequent
legislation has provided OSRI with a funding mechanism to assure the research continues as long
as oil exploration and development occurs in Alaska. Since 1998, OSRI has awarded
approximately one million dollars a year to support a wide range of projects.
The PCT’s Arctic Science Program engages in numerous scientific activities to support
conservation campaigns throughout the Arctic. These efforts include original fieldwork,
analyses of existing data, and the sharing of scientific findings with a range of audiences.
Scientists provide expertise on marine conservation-related issues to the U.S., Canada,
Greenland, and elsewhere.
OPA 90 established the PWSRCAC to promote partnership and cooperation among local
citizens, industry and government. The PWSRCAC conducts long-term environmental
monitoring program and oil spill prevention programs to promote safe production and
transportation of oil in Prince William Sound. Its programs include a hydrocarbon toxicity
project to study and address the gaps in knowledge regarding chronic toxic effects of oil,
dispersed oil, and in-situ burn residue under study conditions similar to the cold marine Alaskan
Since its inception in 1943, the Ship Structure Committee has sponsored and coordinated R&D
projects to improve ship design, construction, operation, inspection, maintenance, and repair
methodologies. The Committee’s mission is to enhance the safety of life at sea, promote
technology and education advancements in marine transportation, and to protect the marine
environment. This is done through advocating, participating in, and supporting cooperative
R&D in structural design, life cycle risk management of marine structures, and production
technologies. The Committee includes representatives from the USCG, Navy, MARAD,
American Bureau of Shipping, Transport Canada, Defense Research and Development Canada
Atlantic, and the Society of Naval Architects and Engineers.
3.4 Academia
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Several university research consortia have been created to study the effects of the Deepwater
Horizon oil spill. These consortia bring together researchers from universities, research institutes
and other academic entities to collaborate on scientific studies in the Gulf of Mexico. The
consortia activities combine research with scientific knowledge of the ecosystems of the Gulf of
Mexico to advance the understanding of interactions that occurred and continue to occur among
the marine and coastal ecosystems, oil, and dispersants produced by the oil spill.
GoMRI (see Section 3.3.3) provides funding for these consortia or their individual studies. To
date, GoMRI issued four one-year block grants in 2010 followed by a series of Request for
Proposals (RFPs) for academic consortia and individual investigators to propose research ideas.
To date, GoMRI funded 15 different consortia in two rounds of grants, as shown on Table 3-1.
In their funding decisions, GoMRI emphasizes: interdisciplinary science and technology
involving experts in physical, chemical, geological, and biological oceanography; marine
biology; coastal and reef ecosystems, fisheries and wildlife ecology; public health; and
associated development of physical, chemical, and biological instrumentation, advanced
modeling, and informatics. The activities combine research with scientific knowledge of the
ecosystems of the Gulf of Mexico to advance the understanding of interactions that occurred and
continue to occur among the marine and coastal ecosystems, oil, and dispersants produced by the
oil spill.
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Universities across five U.S. Gulf of Mexico states initiated several marine research consortia
over the past decades. GOMURC’s region-wide alliance of these consortia promotes large-scale,
long-term research initiatives required to address Gulf ecosystem-wide stressors such as oil
spills, hurricanes, and climate change. GOMURC’s mission goals and objectives include
advocating for science and education activities that support science-based policies to restore and
sustain Gulf natural resources and economy. The following five university consortia members of
GOMURC represent 80 universities in the Gulf States:
• Alabama Marine Environmental Sciences Consortium, led by Dauphin Island Sea Lab;
• Florida Institute of Oceanography (FIO), led by University of South Florida;
• Louisiana Universities Gulf Research Collaborative, led by Louisiana State University;
• Mississippi Research Consortium, led by University of Southern Mississippi; and
• Texas Research Consortium, led by the Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi
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The Harte Research Institute, an endowed research component of Texas A&M University-
Corpus Christi, is dedicated to advancing the long-term sustainable use and conservation of the
Gulf of Mexico. The Institute serves as a research center of excellence in generating and
disseminating knowledge about the Gulf of Mexico ecosystem and its critical role in the
economies of the North American region. The Institute’s ecosystems group focuses on
environmental flows and the effects of deep sea oil and gas activities.
NOAA’s National Sea Grant College Program is a network of 33 individual programs located in
universities in every coastal and Great Lakes state, Puerto Rico, Lake Champlain and Guam.
These programs serve as the core of a dynamic, national university-based network of over 300
institutions involving more than 3,000 scientists, engineers, educators, students and outreach
experts. The network engages the power of academia and a wide variety of partners to address
issues such as coastal hazards, sustainable coastal development, and seafood safety.
In January 2012, the U.S. Department of Transportation awarded a grant of $3.5 million to a
multi-university consortium led by University of Illinois Urbana (UIUC) to establish a rail
transportation and engineering research center. Headquartered within the Department of Civil
and Environmental Engineering at UICC, NURail is a consortium of seven partner colleges and
universities with a combination of strengths in railway transportation engineering research and
education in North America. The NURail is the first University Transportation Center (UTC)
focused solely on rail and concentrates on rail education and research to improve railroad safety,
efficiency and reliability. Particular focus is on challenges associated with rail corridors in
which higher-speed passenger trains share infrastructure with freight trains.
The NURail has identified six thematic research topics that will be the subject of strategic
development planning and ongoing technical research:
• Integrated railroad vehicle/track interaction and dynamic;
• Railroad safety and risk;
• Rail network capacity analysis and planning,
• Urban, regional and high-speed passenger rail implementation
• Multimodal freight transportation; and
• Funding, finance, community and economic development.
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The Oil Spill Academic Task Force (OSATF) is a consortium of scientists and scholars from
institutions in Florida’s State University System as well as from five of Florida's private
universities and two marine laboratories working in collaboration with the Florida Department of
Environmental Protection (DEP). The OSATF brings together expertise and resources to assist
the state of Florida and the Gulf region in responding to and studying the Deepwater Horizon oil
SIO, a department of the University of California San Diego, is one of the oldest and largest
centers for ocean, earth and atmospheric science research, education, and public service in the
world. Research at Scripps encompasses physical, chemical, biological, geological, and
geophysical studies of the oceans, earth, and planets. Researchers at SIO engage in basic
research to expand our knowledge and understanding of natural hazards, including earthquakes,
volcanoes, tsunamis, storm waves, floods, erosion, hurricanes, tornadoes, wildfires, and harmful
algal blooms, as well as their impacts.
Some important programs include: the Southern California Coastal Ocean Observing System's
real-time surface current mapping network for tracking and mitigating response to oil spills and
improving search and rescue operations and safe boating; and the ANZA Seismic Network,
providing real-time seismic information for Southern California.
The DHS Science and Technology (S&T) Directorate selected the University of Alaska
Anchorage (UAA) and the Stevens Institute of Technology (SIT) as co-leads for a Center of
Excellence for Maritime Research (CMR). The CMR will provide research to identify better
ways to create transparency in the maritime domain along coastal regions and inland waterways,
while integrating information and intelligence among stakeholders. DHS charged the CMR to
develop new ideas to address these challenges, provide a scientific basis, and develop new
approaches for USCG and other DHS maritime missions.
3.4.9 UAF Arctic Center for Oil-Spill Research & Education (A-CORE)
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year sea ice and is the only ice-capable vessel in the U.S. academic research fleet. The ship is
outfitted with state-of-the-art equipment to bring scientists to previously inaccessible ice-choked
polar regions of the globe. The Sikuliaq will advance polar and sub-polar research. Sikuliaq can
accommodate up to 24 scientists and students, including those with disabilities.
The United States Coast Guard Academy is the Department of Homeland Security’s only
institution of higher education. Academy cadets as well as faculty continue to undertake
academic research in oil spill science, policy, and in marine engineering. The Academy also
provides education to cadets in these fields.
The United States Coast Guard established a Center for Arctic Study & Policy (CASP) at the
Academy to promote academic research on Arctic policy and strategy by facilitating
collaboration, partnerships, and dialogue among specialists from academia, government, tribal
organizations, non-governmental organizations (NGOs), industry, and the USCG. CASP serves
as an operationally-focused academic think tank to promote research, broaden partnerships, and
educate future leaders about the complexities of this unique region. Through collaborative
efforts, the Center will promote effective solutions to address present and future Arctic maritime
challenges as the Coast Guard increases its Arctic presence.
UNH in Durham, NH, administers the Coastal Response Research Center (CRRC) and the
Center for Spills in the Environment (CSE). CRRC was established in 2004 as a partnership
between the NOAA Office of Response and Restoration (OR&R) and UNH. The CRRC
partnership stimulates innovation in spill preparedness, response, assessment, and recovery
strategies. The primary purpose of the CRRC is to bring together the resources of non-
governmental scientists and the field expertise of OR&R to conduct and oversee basic and
applied research, conduct outreach, and encourage strategic partnerships in spill response,
assessment and restoration.
The CSE expands the scope of interaction and cooperation with the private sector, other
governmental agencies and universities. The CSE involves individuals and institutions, public
and private, at local, regional, national and international levels in identifying needs, evaluating
and demonstrating promising technologies, and fostering their use as part of new, integrative
approaches to response and restoration.
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global ocean and its fundamental importance to other planetary systems. WHOI research
provides information of value to a wide range of ICCOPR research areas including pre-spill
baseline studies, injury assessment and restoration, and multiple response research areas.
Oil pollution is a global issue and requires international cooperation and research to address.
ICCOPR and its members work cooperatively with other nations and international entities to
conduct research and to better respond to oil spills.
The Ottawa Declaration of 1996 formally established the Arctic Council as a high level
intergovernmental forum to provide a means for promoting cooperation, coordination and
interaction among the Arctic States, with the involvement of the Arctic indigenous communities
and other Arctic inhabitants on common issues, in particular issues of sustainable development
and environmental protection. Arctic Council member states are: Canada, Denmark (including
Greenland and the Faroe Islands), Finland, Iceland, Norway, Russian Federation, Sweden, and
the United States.
The Council established a series of guidelines intended to define a set of recommended practices
and outline strategic actions for consideration by those responsible for regulation of offshore oil
and gas activities (including transportation and related onshore activities) in the Arctic. The goal
is for regulators to identify the key aspects related to protection of human health and safety and
protection of the environment for the management of offshore activities, remaining sufficiently
flexible in the application of these regimes to permit alternative regulatory approaches. In May,
2013, all member agencies of the Arctic Council signed the “Agreement on Cooperation on
Marine Oil Pollution Preparedness and Response in the Arctic,” providing support for
interactions between all eight parties relative to response and preparedness. The eight Arctic
nations have different systems with different emphases on the division of responsibility between
the operator and the regulator. The Council’s goal is to assist regulators in developing standards
that are consistently applied and enforced for all offshore Arctic oil and gas operators.
The Council established an Emergency Prevention, Preparedness and Response Working Group
(EPPR) to addresses various aspects of prevention, preparedness and response to environmental
emergencies in the Arctic. The goal of the EPPR Working Group is to contribute to the
protection of the Arctic environment from the threat or impact that may result from an accidental
release of pollutants or radionuclides. In addition, the Working Group considers questions
related to the consequences of natural disasters.
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3.5.2 Australia
The Australian Maritime Safety Authority (AMSA), a federal government self-funded maritime
safety agency established in 1990, is responsible for providing a national response capability for
marine pollution. The AMSA administers the “National Plan to Combat Pollution of the Sea by
Oil and other Noxious and Hazardous Substances”, a cooperative arrangement between the
federal, state and northern territory (NT) Governments and the shipping, oil exploration and
chemical industries, emergency services, and fire brigades.
The oil industry maintains resources for spills occurring at their facilities. For incidents that may
require beyond individual company capabilities, the Australian Institute of Petroleum (AIP)
through its Australian Marine Oil Spill Centre (AMOSC) subsidiary has established the AMOS
Plan formalizing mutual aid arrangements among member companies.
3.5.3 Canada
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seven storm prediction centers, and 32 water survey offices. The EC has worked with EPA,
MMS (now BSEE), and the Navy to conduct oil pollution research at the Ohmsett facility since
the early 1970s.
The Department of Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO) has Canada’s most complex and
comprehensive science programs, in terms of function and geography. Its program areas
applicable to oil pollution research address ecosystem effects of energy production and
operational oceanography. The DFO’s research on ecosystem effects addresses expanded energy
development in Canada, mainly offshore oil and gas, hydroelectricity, and oil sands. The DFO’s
operational oceanography programs study oceanic processes and circulation patterns to predict
the ocean’s present and future state, and include ocean modeling, ecosystem modeling, and near-
shore processes.
CEDRE is a not-for-profit association created as part of the measures taken in the aftermath of
the Amoco Cadiz oil spill. CEDRE’s headquarters, technical facilities and the majority of its
personnel are based in Brest, Brittany, France. It provides advice and expertise to the authorities
responsible for oil spill response for marine waters and inland surface waters. CEDRE's advice
and expertise is available to foreign authorities or private companies. CEDRE conducts its own
research projects and contributes to French and international research programs. Their main
research and development activities focus on themes of: enhancing knowledge in the field of
spill response; fate of oil and chemicals on the surface and in the water column; response
equipment and product assessments; and spill impact and post-spill monitoring.
3.5.5 China
The China Maritime Safety Administration (MSA), part of the Ministry of Transport, has the
mandate to investigate and respond to marine pollution incidents in Chinese waters. The China
MSA headquarters in Beijing provides central control with 14 subordinate bureaus and about 100
local branches along the coast and the Yangtze River. In recent years, China promulgated a
series of new pollution regulations relating to ships, which progressively came into force in the
period 2010-12. These cover a wide range of issues, including oil pollution response planning,
pre-spill clean-up arrangements, and the emergency handling of pollution accidents. Regulations
have also introduced a domestic ship-source oil pollution compensation fund.
Since 1978, the EU has played a vital role in the response to marine pollution and today its role
has become even greater with the response coordination ensured by its European Response
Final Oil Pollution Research & Technology Plan – Approved September 29, 2015
Coordination Center (ERRC) and with marine pollution preparedness and response services
provided by the European Maritime Safety Agency (EMSA).
EMSA assumes the leading role in ensuring a uniform and effective level of maritime safety,
maritime security, prevention of and response to pollution caused by ships as well as response to
marine pollution caused by oil and gas installations, and provide technical and scientific
assistance to the European Commission and member states. EMSA manages a network of
standby at-sea oil spill recovery vessels based in all the regional seas of Europe. These normally
commercial vessels that cease their normal activities and quickly move to the scene of the oil
spill upon request. The agency also provides satellite imagery for detection and monitoring of
oil spills, pollution response experts to give operational and technical assistance, and information
service for chemical spills at sea.
In September 2008, the European Commission, the EU’s executive body, issued their
Communication on ‘A European Strategy for Marine and Maritime Research’ delineated an
action plan for better integration of research between the maritime and marine communities in
order to address the problems of marine degradation caused by human activities and develop new
technologies for sustainable development of maritime activities.
The European Commission is currently funding projects aimed at developing new technologies
to mitigate the effects of pollution in the seas and oceans. The 'Argomarine' project ('Automatic
oil spill recognition and geopositioning integrated in a marine monitoring network') is one
3.5.7 France
Oil represents approximately one-third of France's total primary energy consumption and that
share has been falling over the past 10 years. France imports crude oil through three major sea
ports (Marseille, Le Havre, and Saint-Nazaire). France has very little domestic natural gas
production, and since the French government banned the use of hydraulic fracturing, France
imports natural gas through a variety of cross-border pipelines from the Netherlands, Norway,
and Russia. France also imports liquefied natural gas (LNG) from countries around the world,
notably Algeria , Nigeria, Qatar, and Egypt.
Response arrangements are governed by the “at sea pollution response” section of ORSEC
MARITIME (Organisation de la Réponse de SÉcurité Civile), France’s civil defense plan.
Responsibility for preparing for and conducting clean-up operations at sea lies with one of three
Maritime Préfets (one for the Mediterranean Sea, one for the Atlantic and one for the North
Sea/Channel). The Maritime Préfet will work in cooperation with the Secrétariat Général de la
Mer who has the authority to access the various stockpiles of equipment. Coordination of sea
and shoreline clean-up would be supervised locally by a permanent conference with
representatives of the Maritime Préfet and the Préfet of the particular Department concerned.
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3.5.8 Kill-Spill
Kill-Spill is an EU-funded research program with the mission to develop highly efficient,
economically- and environmentally-viable biotechnological solutions for the clean-up of oil
spills caused by maritime transport or offshore oil exploration and related processes. The
program will deliver innovative biotechnological tools for oil spills remediation.
3.5.9 Mexico
A National Contingency Plan was developed in 1981 by a sub-committee of the Mexican Inter-
Departmental Commission for Environmental Health. It aims to establish a national response
network and provide overall coordination of resources in the event of a spill. The Mexican navy
maintains a regional and local organizational structure to implement the National Plan at these
levels. Under the General Law of Ecological Equilibrium and Environmental Protection
(LEGEEPA), overall responsibility for oil pollution matters in Mexican ports and territorial
waters rests with the Mexican navy. Response to a spill is likely to be initiated through the
Navy’s Marine Environment Protection Division (PROMAM). Assistance is also likely to be
sought from the national oil company, Petróleos Mexicanos (PEMEX).
3.5.10 Norway
As a major energy nation, Norway has a particular responsibility to ensure an adequate energy
supply and to develop knowledge and technology for efficient and sustainable energy systems.
Norway has significant expertise in petroleum and hydropower science and engineering. In
addition, Norway is conducting important research efforts in the field of environment and
climate research. Despite extensive recovery of petroleum resources during the past 30 years,
the petroleum industry still represents a large potential for future value creation in Norway.
Research and technological innovation, combined with strict environmental regulations and other
policy instruments, are needed to make the environmental impact of the exploration and
production of oil and gas as small as possible.
Final Oil Pollution Research & Technology Plan – Approved September 29, 2015
and diversity of the area’s ecosystems. Norway utilizes its major universities to conduct major
research programs with respect to oil and gas.
3.5.11 Russia
The Federal Agency of Maritime and River Transport, part of the Ministry of Transport, is the
federal executive body with responsibility for preparedness and response for oil spill incidents in
Russia. Oil pollution response is assigned to the State Marine Pollution Control, Salvage and
Rescue Administration (MPCSA). The MPCSA is responsible for the Marine Rescue
Coordination Centres (MRCC), which serves as the focal point for communication during marine
spill incidents at the regional level. The “Federal Contingency Plan on Oil Spill Prevention and
Response at Sea“ was adopted by the Ministry of Transport, the Ministry of Natural Resources
and the Ministry of Civil Defense, Emergencies and Disaster Response (EMERCOM) in July
2003. The Plan complies with IMO Guidelines on contingency planning. There are three levels
of planning: local, regional and federal. Ports, oil terminals, and harbors have local contingency
plans and capabilities which, if exceeded, can be supplemented by regional plans and resources.
3.5.12 SINTEF
The Department of Energy and Climate Change (DECC) works to insure that the UK has secure,
clean, affordable energy supplies and promotes international action to mitigate climate change.
DECC is a ministerial department, supported by nine agencies and public bodies. The Oil and
Gas Authority, an executive office of the DECC, works with government and industry to make
sure that the UK gets the maximum economic benefit from its oil and gas reserves. The Oil and
Final Oil Pollution Research & Technology Plan – Approved September 29, 2015
Gas Authority is responsible for regulating offshore and onshore oil and gas operations in the
UK including:
• Oil and gas licensing;
• Oil and gas exploration and production;
• Oil and gas fields and wells;
• Oil and gas infrastructure; and
• Carbon capture and storage (CCS) licensing.
The Maritime and Coastguard Agency (MCA) is the UK’s authority responsible for the provision
of response procedures designed to deal with any emergency at sea that threatens or causes
actual pollution. The national contingency plan for marine pollution from shipping and offshore
installations sets out revised procedures for incident response. The national contingency plan
(“National Contingency Plan for Marine Pollution from Shipping and Offshore Installations”)
underwent a major review in 2000, was revised again in 2006 to take advantage of lessons
learned during actual incidents and major exercises, and is currently under review. MCA
develops and participates in maritime exercises designed to maintain the operational readiness of
its staff and equipment. The Counter Pollution and Response Branch also organizes training
courses for local authorities to prepare their staff when responding to shoreline pollution.
3.6.1 Bedford Institute of Oceanography Center for Offshore Oil, Gas and Energy Research (BIO
The DFO Canada’s BIO COOGER, located in Dartmouth, Nova Scotia, maintains a wave tank
facility for oil pollution research. Each tank measures 32 m long, 0.6 m wide, and 2 m high (1.5
m water depth; 28,800 L volume). Water from the Bedford Basin of Halifax Harbor is pumped
into the tanks through a coarse (25 µm pore size) and fine (5 µm pore size) serial filtration
system. The tanks are capable of generating various types of wave energies in either static or
flow-through mode. Breaking and non-breaking waves (computer-controlled flat-type wave
maker) provide mixing energies to achieve dispersant effectiveness similar to that of field
conditions. The tanks are equipped with subsea injection systems from pressurized, heated
canisters. Experiments benefit from the ability of the tanks to be drained and cleaned (tank
walls, bottom, wave maker and absorbers) after each experiment to remove all oil and
CEDRE’s technical facilities cover 300 acres and constitute a completely watertight area, which
includes a man-made beach, water body, and a deep-water basin. These facilities allow full scale
Final Oil Pollution Research & Technology Plan – Approved September 29, 2015
The National Research Council of Canada’s OCRE assists industry and government to develop
solutions to engineering challenges within ocean, coastal and river environments with a
particular focus on harsh and extreme conditions. The approach includes physical and numerical
modeling, engineering analysis, technology development, as well as full scale experiments and
field work conducted with the support of a comprehensive suite of world-class model test basins
and tanks capable of reproducing a wide range of ice, wave, current and wind conditions. OCRE
provides technology and facilities to support problems related to: the Arctic; marine
infrastructure, and; marine vehicles. OCRE maintains several testing facilities that provide real
world conditions:
The Pipeline Research Council International (PRCI) opened its new Technology Development
Center (TDC) in Houston, Texas in July 2015. The TDC covers eight acres, including a state-of-
the-art pull test facility, an over 20,000 sq. ft. workshop, and test facility with an additional 9,000
sq. ft. of office and meeting space. The TDC will provide the industry with an independent third
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party site to fully understand the capabilities of current pipeline tools and to guide the
development of new technologies needed to push toward that goal.
SINTEF Sealab is a cooperative effort of SINTEF Fisheries and Aquaculture and the Norwegian
University of Science and Technology (NTNU) and offers a variety of experimental facilities
covering the key elements of marine food webs. The emphasis is on developing experimental
systems that simulate natural processes and mimic the fate, behavior and effects of pollutants in
the recipient.
3.6.8 Texas A&M Corpus Christi Center for Coastal Studies (CCS)
The CCS comprises 10,000 square feet of office and laboratory space within the Carlos F. Truan
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Final Oil Pollution Research & Technology Plan – Approved September 29, 2015
The Categorization Framework provides a hierarchy of terms to classify, discuss, and prioritize
oil pollution research. It is analogous to the taxonomic classification of organisms (i.e.,
Kingdom, Phylum, Class, Order, Family, Genus, and Species). ICCOPR’s oil pollution research
classification scheme contains four elements:
Research Classes and Standing Research Areas (SRAs) are generally fixed while the Research
Needs and Projects assigned to the SRAs will vary over time. Each of these categorization terms
is defined later in this chapter. The following example shows how this new classification
scheme works for one project:
Class: Prevention
SRA: Pipeline Systems
Need: Develop advanced pipeline break sensing technologies
Project: Smart Pipeline Network – Seal Sensor System (PHMSA DTRT57-12-C-10050)
Chapter 9 of this OPRTP provides a prioritized list of current Research Needs suggested for
2015-2012 for each SRA. Throughout the six-year life of this Plan, ICCOPR will monitor
relevant planned, ongoing, and completed Projects to gauge how government, NGOs, industry,
Final Oil Pollution Research & Technology Plan – Approved September 29, 2015
and academia are addressing the published priority Research Needs. ICCOPR will use this
information to provide updates on research progress in the Biennial Reports to Congress and to
modify or replace existing Research Needs. At the end of the 6-year cycle, ICCOPR will revise
the OPRTP for the next 6-year cycle and include a summary of the previous version’s
accomplishments and a new set of prioritized Research Needs.
4.2 Classes
The overarching Oil Pollution Research Categorization Framework includes four Classes that
represent the general groupings of oil spill research: Preparedness, Prevention, Response, and
Injury Assessment and Restoration. Figure 4-1 depicts this framework of Classes. It shows that
the research in each Class can inform and support the research from other Classes and that the
Preparedness Class plays a central role in supporting the others. ICCOPR’s member
organizations may conduct or support research across one or multiple Classes depending on their
specific mission, regulatory responsibilities, and/or expertise.
Final Oil Pollution Research & Technology Plan – Approved September 29, 2015
The backbone of ICCOPR’s oil pollution research categorization scheme is the SRAs that exist
within the four Classes. The SRAs represent the most common research themes encountered for
oil spills – many of which have been studied over several decades. Their topical content
supports the themes of the Classes for which they are assigned. For this OPRTP, ICCOPR
identified 25 SRAs within the four Classes. The number of SRAs will, for the most part, remain
consistent; however, changes may occur based on emerging research themes. Specifically,
ICCOPR is monitoring on-going activities to determine whether the current SRA structure
adequately addresses worker exposure and hydraulic fracturing issues. If not, ICCOPR may add
additional SRAs.
Table 4.1 lists the current SRAs by Research Class. ICCOPR uses a numbering scheme to
facilitate tracking of research within each SRA (1000 – 4400). The numbering series associated
with each SRA is included in the SRA descriptions in the subsections below and in Appendix A.
Final Oil Pollution Research & Technology Plan – Approved September 29, 2015
Table 4-1. Standing Research Areas assigned within the four research Classes.
Injury Assessment
Prevention Preparedness Response
& Restoration
• Human Error Factors • Pre-spill Baseline • Structural Damage • Environmental
• Offshore Facilities Studies Assessment and Impacts and
and Systems • Response Salvage Ecosystem Recovery
• Onshore Facilities Management Systems • At Source Control • Environmental
and Systems and Containment Restoration Methods
• Chemical and and Technologies
• Waterways
Management Physical Behavior • Human Safety and
Modeling Health
• Vessel Design
• Oil Spill Detection • Sociological and
• Drilling
and Surveillance Economic Impacts
• Rail & Truck
• In- and On-water
Containment and
• Pipeline Systems Recovery
• Shore Containment
and Recovery
• Dispersants
• In-situ Burning
• Alternative
• Oily and Oil Waste
• Bioremediation
ICCOPR has identified eight SRAs that address development of practices and technologies
designed to reduce or eliminate the likelihood of oil discharges into the environment and to
reduce the potential for consequences of any oil discharges on life, property, and the
Description: This SRA focuses on how human performance and factors contribute to accidents
in the oil production/transportation system. It includes the development of advanced methods
and systems for training operational personnel, basic research on operating personnel
performance in preventing oil spills (safe navigation on vessels, proper oil transfer practices,
analysis/evaluation of equipment monitoring systems, decision-making processes), and the
Final Oil Pollution Research & Technology Plan – Approved September 29, 2015
development of methods and technologies to evaluate the ability and knowledge of operating
personnel in performing their duties. This may extend to evaluation of the overall management
culture and its ability to foster the appropriate organizational safety, preparedness and response
operating environment.
Importance: A significant proportion of accidents in oil production/transportation and related
industries are attributed to “human errors.” A Coast Guard analysis of oil spill causes found that
human error factors were responsible for more than one third of non-casualty discharges from
ships (USCG, 2012). Non-casualty spills typically include spills from actions such as overfilling
of tanks and equipment failures not related to a vessel accident. More than half of these human
errors were due to inattention, but also resulted from inadequate training, management and
organizational culture. Identifying and solving various human error factors can significantly
reduce oil spills at far less cost than more expensive technology-based solutions once the oil is
discharged into the environment.
Description: This SRA includes: offshore exploration and development wells, platforms, and
well control systems; the methods, techniques, and equipment for system reliability inspections;
systems to detect, prevent, and mitigate oil and gas discharges; and equipment to regain control
of a well blowout or any other accidental discharge. It also includes transfer equipment, storage
units, and piping used to transfer oil within the offshore system and connect the system to
transfer pipelines. This technology is relevant for the multiple operating environments of
exploration and production activities (e.g., Arctic, shallow, deep and ultra-deep waters).
Importance: Offshore oil and gas facilities are responsible for a significant percentage of oil and
natural gas production in the U.S. Globally, three of the ten largest oil spills came from offshore
facilities, including the Deepwater Horizon oil spill, the largest marine oil spill in U.S. history.
(Oil & Gas IQ, 2015) Important new and potential offshore discoveries will continue to be made
in frontier environments of increasingly deeper waters and arctic conditions, creating new
technical challenges. Research is needed to determine the effects of deepwater conditions, ice
forces, and increasingly severe weather conditions (hurricanes, blizzards, etc.) on offshore
structures built in these environments. Research is also needed to address issues due to the aging
of existing offshore facility infrastructure. Older well spills result from both internal damage
(chemical/mechanical corrosion) and external damage (e.g., electrochemical corrosion,
mechanical damage, and structural failures). Advanced system designs and the effective
application of improved inspection technologies have the potential to detect problems before
failures occur, while improved leak detection and well control systems have the ability to
identify leaks when they are still small and can be quickly isolated and mitigated to minimize
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Description: This SRA includes designs, techniques, operational procedures and equipment for
fixed onshore facilities including wells. It covers inspections and systems to detect, prevent, and
mitigate oil and gas discharges from the facilities and their systems, including transfer
equipment, storage, and piping.
Importance: A significant number of discharges occur from onshore facilities, coastal bunkering
facilities, and cargo transfer operations. Studies conducted by industry estimate that almost a
third of oil discharges between 1998 and 2007 occurred at inland facilities subject to EPA’s Spill
Prevention, Control, and Countermeasures (SPCC) program (API, 2009). Advanced system
designs and the effective application of improved inspection technology have the potential to
detect, or predict the likelihood of potential failures before they occur. Improved leak detection
systems have the ability to identify leaks quickly, potentially reducing the size and impacts of the
discharge. It is also important to understand the ability of onshore structures to withstand
changes in soil bearing capacity caused by changes in the climate and other factors.
Description: This SRA includes methods, equipment, and integrated systems designed to
improve navigation at sea and in ports, rivers, and inland waterways. It includes on-board
navigation systems, such as integrated navigation and bridge systems and collision avoidance
systems. It also includes systems external to the vessel, such as vessel traffic and tracking
systems, navigational aids and piloting systems, as well as includes general research into
navigation risks, the effects of navigational safety programs, and the development of decision
support tools for waterways management efforts. This SRA includes development of
navigational channel maintenance programs and analysis of voyage pre-planning processes.
Importance: A navigation-related marine casualty, such as a collision, allision, or grounding,
causes most major spills from vessels underway. Collisions are when two moving vessels run
into each other. Allisions are when a moving vessel strikes a stationary object such as a bridge
abutment or an anchored ship. Groundings occur when a vessel runs ashore or strikes the
bottom. According to ITOPF (2015), these causes accounted for 59 percent of large tanker spills
in open waters and about 99 percent of tanker spills in restricted or inland waters. Improving
navigation and waterways management, particularly in congested port areas and the approaches
to ports, can prevent many of these accidents. In addition, improved waterways management can
facilitate safe navigation through the Arctic and other ice-infested waterways as shipping
increases in these areas.
Description: This SRA includes the development, physical and numerical modeling, and testing
of advanced tanker and barge designs to make these vessels less susceptible to damage and less
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likely to spill their cargoes into the waterways if an accidental grounding, collision or structural
failure occurs. This SRA also includes research on non-tank vessel designs (e.g., double-hulled
fuel and lube oil tanks) to minimize the possibility of spillage from collisions, allisions, and
Importance: OPA 90 required a phased in double-hull program for all tank vessels entering U.S.
ports with all remaining tank barges having double hulls by January 1, 2014. Additional
research and development is needed to verify these design approaches and investigate other
measures to reduce oil spillage from tank vessel damage. IMO Regulation 12A established
double-hull fuel tank construction for certain vessels. Congress has likewise considered double-
hull fuel tank requirements for non-tank vessels to minimize the possibility of discharges from
groundings, collisions, and allisions. In addition, the anticipated increase in shipping in the
Arctic seas has created a need to evaluate and develop new vessel designs to ensure safe
operations under arctic conditions where ice filled waters and icing conditions around ships and
structures create additional structural stresses and corrosion hazards.
Description: This SRA focuses on: the design, construction, and placement of wells (shallow,
deepwater and ultra-deepwater, and onshore); materials, sensors, and systems needed for
offshore drilling and production platforms, and well heads/risers; and techniques and equipment
for well and facility monitoring and inspection under extreme pressure and temperature
environments. Also included are efforts aimed at understanding the chemical and physical
characteristics for the full range of petroleum oils under varying conditions of pressure and
temperature; predicting their phase/state, behavior and their physical interaction with other
materials in the environment (e.g., rock and sediments); and their impact on engineered systems.
Example issues include: early kick detection; systems for communicating and responding to
changes in downhole parameters; strategies and methods for training operational personnel on
the use of advanced technology; systems to detect and prevent oil and gas discharges; and well-
head systems and equipment to control wild wells and cap well blowouts.
Importance: The trend toward drilling in deep- and ultra-deepwater and Arctic conditions
increases the difficulty in responding to a well blowout and oil spill. Systems to improve safe
drilling operations and prevent loss of well control need to adjust as drilling operations advance
into deeper waters and the Arctic. Of key importance is the ability to detect changes in rock and
fluid properties at the bit-rock interface or even in the rock and fluids ahead of the bit so that
measures can be taken to bring the well under control. Advanced system designs and materials,
and the effective application of improved sensors, monitoring systems, and more in depth
inspection technology have the potential to detect and measure well integrity and prevent
failures, while improved leak detection and other systems have the ability to identify leaks while
they are still small and can be quickly isolated and mitigated to prevent or minimize spillage. A
fundamental understanding of the chemical and phase behavior, especially under extreme
Final Oil Pollution Research & Technology Plan – Approved September 29, 2015
conditions of pressure and temperature and effects on engineered systems is critical to effective
well construction planning, long-term monitoring, and long-term well integrity.
Description: This SRA includes the development and testing of rail and truck transport system
designs, operations, and infrastructure to make oil tanks less susceptible to damage and loss of
cargo during normal operations, train accidents and derailments, or truck accidents. This SRA
includes evaluation of vehicle designs, construction materials, spill prevention devices, and
loading/unloading systems and equipment. It also includes evaluations of: the physical and
chemical characteristics and behavior of the crude oils being shipped, the effects of those
characteristics on the tanks during operations and under accident conditions, and systems to
control these characteristics. This SRA also includes evaluations of safety systems and processes
to: manage the movement and composition of trains and trucks carrying crude oil, prevent
accidents and derailments, select preferred shipping routes, and respond safely to an oil spill
Importance: North America has experienced a rapid expansion in crude oil supply due to the
growing non-conventional oil production activities such as the oil sands products (OSP) from
Canada and shale oil from the Bakken fields in North Dakota and Montana as well as the Eagle
Ford and Permian Basins in Texas. This expansion in supply resulted in a four-fold increase in
the number of crude oil rail car shipments in the past five years. Similarly, crude oil imports
from Canada have increased more than 20-fold since 2011. A series of major US crude oil unit
train accidents and the Lac Mégantic, Quebec disaster, which resulted in 47 deaths and destroyed
much of the town, have underscored the need for safe rail transport of crude oil. The DOT has
issued a safety warning that the crude oils being shipped by rail from the Bakken region may be
more flammable than traditional heavy crude oil. In May 2015, the DOT issued a final rule to
strengthen safety of tank cars transporting flammable liquids.
Description: This SRA includes the development, operation, monitoring, and inspection of
offshore and onshore pipeline systems used to transport oil between facilities. It covers the
pipeline system design, procedures, and equipment for pipeline operations and inspection
protocols to prevent, detect, and mitigate oil discharges. Pipeline research under this SRA also
includes technologies to prevent (detection/characterization and repair of anomalies before
failure) and detect failures, as well as monitor/control systems that can rapidly isolate and shut
down operations in order to minimize spillage when failures occur.
Importance: A significant number of oil discharges occur from the more than 182,000 miles of
hazardous liquid pipelines in the U.S. PHMSA (2015) pipeline spill statistics document that
between 1995 and 2014, there were 2,694 significant hazardous liquid pipeline incidents, 2,614
(97 percent) were onshore. These incidents accounted for the discharge of about 2.2 million
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barrels and more than three billion dollars in property damages. Several major pipeline spills
have occurred causing significant damage to aquatic environments and residential areas. Other
pipeline spills in remote areas have gone undetected for long periods of time. Advanced system
designs and the effective application of improved inspection technology have the potential to
detect potential failures before they occur, while improved detection systems have the ability to
identify leaks quickly, potentially reducing the size and effects of the discharge.
The two SRAs under the Preparedness Class cover research that: 1) supports the collection of
baseline data needed to assess the effects of oil spills under the Injury Assessment and
Restoration Class, and 2) develops information management tools and systems to improve the
ability of response organizations and responders to collect and analyze information during an
Description: This SRA includes research to characterize and analyze baseline data on the natural
environment, human health, and socio-economic characteristics in areas at risk for oil spills.
Research includes risk assessments conducted in areas involved in the oil production and
transportation systems to identify locations most at risk from pollution events and therefore
priority candidates for baseline studies. Baseline information and studies may include: location
and population data on species and their habitats, especially ecologically sensitive species; the
epidemiology/human health characteristics of people in potential impact areas; and potential
community and economic impacts in these areas (e.g., tourism, commercial/recreational fishing,
and seafood industry).
Importance: Having baseline information and data enables scientists to compare pre-and post-
oil spill changes in natural, human health, and socio-economic systems to support response
decision-making and post-spill damage assessments and restoration activities. It is common to
conduct a credible post-spill environmental and economic damage assessment without pre-spill
baseline information, using reference sites that were not contaminated for comparative studies.
However, the availability of pre-spill baseline information makes the post-spill natural and socio-
economic damage assessment task much easier, accurate, and more defensible. Essentially, the
better environmental and economic systems are understood before a pollution event, the easier it
will be to assess changes to those systems, estimate damage and develop appropriate restoration
strategies afterward.
Description: This SRA includes analysis and development of systems to manage how data and
information are collected, analyzed, documented, and shared between and among, the
planning/preparedness and response communities, the Incident Command System (ICS), and the
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public. These systems are used to integrate diverse sets of narrative, graphic, and video
information and many sets and types of raw and analyzed data. Examples of oil spill information
systems include: ICS forms; computer systems; data management software and databases;
Geographic Information Systems (GIS); routing, spill and incident management tracking
systems; electronic mail and web content; documents, photographs, and video management and
archiving systems; communication systems; public information messages and protocols; and
graphical displays.
Importance: Information management and decision-making tools are critical to successfully
planning for and managing a response and meeting external demands for information about an
incident. These systems provide a tool for the incident command to obtain a common operating
picture of an incident, to make resource management decisions, and to share appropriate
information with all relevant parties. Improving the accuracy and timeliness of the data
increases the ability of the incident command to stay abreast of changing situations. Efficient
information systems also provide personnel with timely information to give to the public and
media, which have a high demand for information to support the 24-hour news cycle.
The Response Class of research includes 11 SRAs that support improvements to the activities,
technologies, techniques, and equipment used during response operations. These SRAs cover all
areas from oil detection, behavior modeling, cleanup, and waste disposal.
Description: This SRA includes the development of methodologies and equipment to assess the
extent of damage to a stricken vessel caused by collision, allision, grounding, or improper hull
stresses during cargo transfers or explosion. This area also includes development of methods
and technology to graphically present the implications of various measures that can be
implemented to stabilize the vessel’s condition, reduce the potential for further pollution, and
allow it to be moved safely for repairs or disposal.
Importance: A critical consideration in responding to a casualty is stabilizing the condition of
the vessel to prevent loss of life, minimize loss of property, and prevent or minimize discharges
of oil. To accomplish this, on-scene personnel must be able to rapidly assess the overall
structural integrity and hydrodynamic stability of the vessel to determine the appropriate
response measures.
Description: This SRA includes the development of methods, systems, and equipment for
containing and recovering the oil at or from the source and for mitigating oil flow from a
damaged vessel, onshore/offshore pipeline, and an exploration or production platform,
Final Oil Pollution Research & Technology Plan – Approved September 29, 2015
temporarily abandoned (plugged) well, or well head once the spill has begun. Such technologies
include well-head capping systems, remotely operated vehicles (ROVs) for subsea containment
activities, and patching, plugging and sealing systems. This technology is applicable to all
geographic/environmental areas (Arctic, terrestrial, water surface, subsurface shallow, and deep
and ultra-deep water).
Importance: The logistical difficulties, enormous costs, and limited success experienced during
on-water and shoreline cleanup operations make clear the advantages of containing or recovering
oil within, or at least near, the source of the oil flow. Recent technological breakthroughs arose
from experiences acquired during the 2010 Deepwater Horizon oil spill incident. Additional
advances in this area could provide substantial return on R&D investment to contain/recover oil
at the source and thereby reduce the extent of contamination and ecological and socio-economic
impacts if a spill occurs.
Description: This SRA includes laboratory and theoretical research and field studies aimed at
understanding the behavior and characteristics of the full range of petroleum oils including:
behavior and transport in the environment, partitioning of hydrocarbon constituents, and physical
interaction with other materials in the environment (rock, sediments, and ice). It includes studies
of oil behavior and changes throughout the water column from deepwater blowouts. There is
particular interest in non-conventional oils such as those produced in the Bakken and Canadian
Tars sands (diluted bitumen (dilbit) and synthetic bitumen (synbit)). It also includes the
development and verification of numerical models to predict the surface and subsurface
movement and weathering (i.e., spreading, evaporation, dispersion, and dissolution) of oil spills.
This SRA also includes methodologies to provide accurate model input data to verify model
outputs. This SRA includes development of user-friendly programs to enhance contingency
planning and to serve as training aides for spill response teams. Models should be available for
various spill scenarios at specific locations for different tidal, current, and weather conditions to
pre-plan potential boom deployment strategies and estimate response resource needs.
Importance: Predicting the trajectory (movement) and the weathering of spilled oil, its resultant
physical properties and behavior in the water, and the extent of contamination are all critical to
identifying the appropriate mix of spill response equipment and countermeasures. A
fundamental understanding of the fate (chemical behavior and transport) and effects of oil in the
environment is critical to effective contingency planning, response operations management,
long-term monitoring, and restoration. In addition, knowledge of longer-term fractionation and
transport of hydrocarbons, coupled with potential effects on aquatic resources, provide valuable
information to help focus monitoring efforts and develop environmentally-relevant restoration
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Description: This SRA principally refers to methods and equipment for characterizing and
monitoring oil pre- and post-implementation of response options, and the detection of unknown
discharges. This SRA includes surface and subsurface oil spill surveillance including devices,
sensors, and systems for detecting and tracking oil spills, determining the area and thickness of
the oil slick, and measuring the physical properties of the oil. Examples of equipment
considered in this area are: surface oil spill tracking buoys; airborne remote sensors and data
analysis systems; fluorometers and light-scattering sensors; and satellite remote sensing data and
on/in-water oil detection devices with the ability to conduct nighttime and low light recovery
operations. It includes research that provides information to support development of monitoring
protocols for subsea and surface responses or improvements to existing ones such as the NRT
Atypical guidance or the SMART guidance, as applicable. This SRA also includes evaluation of
techniques for autonomous sensing operations and reporting from remote locations where
logistical challenges limit human accessibility.
Importance: Finding and characterizing areas of subsurface or submerged oil in onshore
(inland) and offshore waters remains a significant research and technology need. Surveillance
technologies provide opportunities to locate spills and their source, determine their extent and
volume, provide important data to support response operations, and determine the effectiveness
of response. The ability to locate concentrations of oil and track slick movements for
countermeasures and cleanup planning supports response operations. Thickness and physical
properties measurement allow responders to determine the feasibility of mechanical recovery, in
situ burning and dispersant use. The data obtained from the surveillance can facilitate the
efficient deployment of resources for response operations. Surveillance data from response
operations can also be useful for improving and validating spill behavior models.
Description: This SRA includes the development of methods, equipment, and materials for
physically containing and removing oil from the surface of the water, the water column, or on the
bottom of the sea/river bed. This SRA focuses on improving traditional equipment such as
booms, skimmers, and sorbent materials, as well as developing new approaches to surface
containment, and equipment and systems specific to containment and recovery of subsurface
Importance: Mechanical recovery is often the preferred option to physically remove oil from the
environment because the use of these devices to respond to oil spills generally does not pose the
potential for additional environmental harm. Containment booms are subject to entrainment and
splash over when they encounter certain current velocities or wave heights, thereby reducing
their containment effectiveness. Developing new boom designs could improve oil containment
across a wider range of environmental conditions, including ice-infested and brash-ice infested
Final Oil Pollution Research & Technology Plan – Approved September 29, 2015
waters. Mechanical recovery is often the most viable recovery option since it is not subject to
agency pre-approval requirements (as are the use of dispersant and in situ burning (ISB)). The
total average on-water recovery effectiveness for larger spills ranges from 5-30 percent of the oil
spilled depending upon the type of oil spilled, ambient conditions, and available equipment.
Improvements in the speed of skimmer advance and encounter rates, onboard
separation/decanting, and enhanced skimming abilities at higher speeds and wave heights, and
rapid systems for temporary oil storage of skimmers could significantly improve mechanical
recovery efficiencies. Existing technologies have limited success in recovering oil suspended in
the water column or located on the sea/river bed.
Description: This SRA covers new methods, treating agents, and equipment for removing oil
from shorelines, as well as mitigating the environmental impact of oil that cannot be removed.
Specifically, this SRA includes water washing and flooding techniques, the use of chemical
treating agents, and novel applications of mechanical removal techniques and equipment. It also
includes analysis, evaluation and decision-making (risk and benefits) for the use of active
shoreline oil removal techniques versus passive naturally-occurring processes.
Importance: Oil spills that impact shorelines often result in oiling of natural resources (e.g.,
beaches, marshes, coral reefs, mangroves) and man-made structures (e.g., breakwaters, seawalls,
piers, vessels). Removing the oil or mitigating the impacts of the oil requires a range of viable
technologies that can remove/mitigate the oil while minimizing environmental damage from the
technology. Implementing technologies also requires knowledge of the relative benefits of
foregoing cleanup activities and allowing natural processes to remove the oil.
Description: This SRA addresses the use of chemical products designed to interact with marine
oil slicks by reducing the oil/water interfacial tension and breaking up the slick into tiny droplets
with the aid of wave or other energy sources. Research areas for dispersants include: developing
appropriate dispersant applications for cold weather and deep sea environments; increasing
dispersant effectiveness for water surface and subsurface applications (e.g., effective on a wider
viscosity and emulsification range, and calm sea conditions); reducing ecological effects of
individual dispersant components and combined components in the water column; refining
vessel, aircraft, and subsurface application methodologies and equipment; developing enhanced
monitoring methods and systems for determining the effectiveness of surface and subsurface
application of dispersants; determining how to distinguish physically versus chemically
dispersed oil; studying the distribution and impact of the chemicals and dispersed oil in the
environment; and understanding regional variations in dispersant performance and
environmental effects. This SRA may include characterization to enhance the ability to predict
dispersant effectiveness on various oil types and at varying application rates, including the
Final Oil Pollution Research & Technology Plan – Approved September 29, 2015
Description: This SRA includes equipment and techniques required to ignite and sustain
combustion of oil spills on the water, along shorelines, and on land. A source of ignition must be
present for the mix of fuel (e.g., oil) and oxidant (e.g. oxygen) in a slick to burn. Because slick
thickness is a key variable in determining whether the oil will burn, this research area includes
development of equipment such as fire-resistant booms and herders to concentrate the slick
thickness, and improved ignition devices. This SRA also includes developing knowledge of the
conditions under which this equipment and technique can be applied effectively, including
evaluation of use in frigid (i.e., Arctic) environments, where cold conditions and ice limit
operational effectiveness of mechanical containment and recovery of spilled oil. This SRA also
includes research to develop new methods to enhance burn efficiency and burn weathered,
emulsified, and more viscous oils. Research into the production of residuals including soot and
other ISB residues, and the techniques and equipment to recover these residues is also included
in this SRA.
Importance: The Deepwater Horizon incident demonstrated that ISB is a very promising
technique for removing large amounts of oil from the surface of the water. For example, on a
single day (on June 18, 2010), 16 on-water ISBs resulted in removal of approximately 60,000
barrels of oil from the Gulf of Mexico (USCG, 2011). Another benefit of this technology is that
it also reduces the extent of onshore disposal of recovered oil. In addition it can be an effective
method of mitigating spills on land and in coastal areas by removing the spilled oil from the
surface in lieu of the potential for damage caused by certain mechanical removal techniques or
Final Oil Pollution Research & Technology Plan – Approved September 29, 2015
Description: This SRA includes the development and use of various spill response chemicals to
treat oil slicks on the surface of the water making the oil more amenable to other recovery
techniques, such as mechanical recovery and ISB. These chemicals include solidifiers, herding
agents, elasticity modifiers, shoreline pre-treatment agents, and emulsion treating agents
(demulsifiers). Development activities include improving chemical formulations, refining
application techniques, and conducting studies of effectiveness and environmental effects.
Importance: Alternative countermeasure employing chemicals to treat oil slicks are not
frequently used but, in certain cases, can be very effective in improving oil recovery and oil
impact mitigation. At present, the countermeasures included in this SRA would typically be
used on smaller spills close to shore due to the logistics involved in using them. Their use for
larger spills is currently limited. However, development of new formulations of these agents has
the potential to increase their utility. Emulsion breakers used on recovered oil could decrease the
amount of material for disposal.
Description: This SRA includes study and development of analytical methods, procedures,
equipment and techniques to manage and dispose of oil, oily water, oiled soils, and oiled debris
recovered during both on-water and on land oil pollution incidents. Specific technologies
include, but are not limited to, waste segregation, temporary storage, solidification and
stabilization prior to landfill disposal or recycling, oil reclamation, incineration, and biological
treatment (i.e., land farming and composting). It also includes techniques and equipment for
onsite oil-water separation, filtration, and decanting operations that would reduce the volumes of
oil/water material that would need to be handled, transported, and disposed.
Importance: Disposal of oil and oiled debris can be a significant problem during major spills,
particularly in remote areas. Oil in water tends to emulsify (wave action results in water
becoming incorporated into the oil forming “mousse”). Emulsified oil generally occupies a
larger volume than the same amount of fresh oil, making waste disposal a significant issue
during spill response. In addition to waste recovered during the active response, waste is also
generated by decontamination activities, such as cleaning of oiled vessels, hard booms and
skimmers, and mechanical shoreline cleanup equipment. Disposal of decontamination waste will
likely include the oil, water, and cleaning agents, which further complicates waste disposal
options. Research is needed to advance recycling opportunities and disposal treatment
technologies for recovered oil waste and reduce the overall waste following a significant oil spill.
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Description: This SRA includes research and technology to exploit the capabilities of
microorganisms and plants to accelerate the rate of degradation of oil typically through aerobic
degradation, but also through anaerobic degradation processes. Bioremediation is largely an in-
situ technology as ex-situ use requires excavation and further manipulations that may have a
greater potential for environmental harm. Research and development opportunities include the
development of methodologies for the use of nutrient enrichment and possibly microbes to
accelerate the biodegradation process on land, a process called bio-augmentation. This topic
area also covers research to understand the conditions needed for effective bioremediation in the
presence or absence of dispersants, herders, and other chemical agents. In areas such as coastal
wetlands, where stranded oil may have penetrated into the anaerobic subsurface, this research
area would include studies to wick the oil up to the surface where aerobic conditions and nutrient
enrichment may result in enhanced biodegradation. This SRA also includes development of
methodologies to apply bioremediation for more effective response and restoration efforts. For
purposes of this OPRTP, bioremediation includes phytoremediation (remediation using plants), a
longer-term restoration technique.
Importance: Bioremediation in many cases is used as a polishing step to follow mechanical
recovery or other ex-situ treatment strategies. Bioremediation is a less-intrusive alternative to
mechanical recovery techniques. This is especially important in environmental habitats and
sensitive areas that could be seriously damaged by the use of mechanical recovery techniques
The four SRAs in the Injury Assessment and Restoration Class address the development of
strategies to recovery from the effects of an oil spill by determining the level of effects and the
implications of those effects on the environmental and sociological resources of the affected
area. These SRAs primarily support the Natural Resource Damage Assessment (NRDA) process
as well as the need to improve restoration techniques and determine ways to minimize the
adverse effects of response activities.
Description: This SRA includes laboratory research, field studies, and modeling efforts to better
understand and predict the short- and long-term effects of oil spills at the ecosystem level. It
includes research into the short- and long-term recovery of various types of environments and the
chronic effects of oil spills on habitat, species, recovery and rehabilitation of wildlife, and
community structures. This SRA includes the effects of the oil and the countermeasures and
cleanup techniques used to remove the oil. It also includes research to determine the rate of
ecosystem recovery both with and without countermeasures and cleanup.
Final Oil Pollution Research & Technology Plan – Approved September 29, 2015
Importance: This research provides important feedback on the effectiveness of past responses,
forms the basis for future decision-making during spill response, and provides input for damage
assessment, restoration planning, and development of decision support tools. Knowledge of the
environmental and ecosystem effects of different response measures provides decision-makers
the opportunity to identify and select methods that maximize recovery and reduce the adverse
effects of response.
Description: This SRA includes development of methods and technologies to facilitate and
accelerate the recovery of resources following an oil spill. It includes research into the
effectiveness of approaches for environmental restoration. It also includes evaluations and
comparisons of the factors affecting success of the restoration methods and technologies. It also
involves studying previous restoration efforts, as well as natural recovery, to better understand
ways to improve or enhance future recovery from oil spills.
Importance: OPA 90 mandated restoration activities and specifically required that funds
obtained through damage assessment and compensation litigation be expended on restoration
activities. However, very few proven methods, technologies, or monitoring protocols exist to
support restoration activities. Knowing the conditions affecting the success of the methods and
technologies provides decision makers with tools for selecting the approaches that would
enhance the chance for successful restoration.
Description: This SRA includes studies on the effects of spilled oil and oil spill response
activities on human health and safety for both workers and the public. It includes the study of oil
weathering throughout the water column and the potential concerns relative to worker health and
safety. It focuses on the development of monitoring instruments, procedures, and processes to
inform personnel engaged in oil spill response activities, as well as the general public, who could
be affected by the oil spill and response options. It also includes studies of the safety of fish and
shellfish in a spill area to determine if they are safe to market and consume. Research on
seafood safety may include petrochemical toxicology and profiling, risk analysis, sampling and
testing methodology development, and risk communications.
Importance: Protecting the health and safety of responders and the public is the highest priority
during a response. Potential hazards in dealing with oil include fire and explosion, vapor toxicity,
and danger from dermal exposure. Physical health hazards can be acute or chronic. There are
processes and procedures that can be implemented to reduce these potential hazards. However,
some hazards require a further understanding of how oil behaves to inform the potential concerns
relative to worker health and safety. Benzene, for example, can present a potential for chronic
health hazards such as leukemia, for which an understanding of oil weathering would inform the
needed levels of protection. Response operations conducted on the water or shoreline present
Final Oil Pollution Research & Technology Plan – Approved September 29, 2015
inherent dangers to personnel health and safety ranging from trips, falls, and cuts; injuries from
equipment accidents; working in extreme weather conditions (e.g., heat stroke and freezing); and
working around environmental hazards. Some response options present additional health
concerns such as: the chemicals in dispersants and oil, other chemical countermeasures;
bioremediation; and ISB fires. An additional aspect of human health and safety is seafood
safety, which is a complex topic involving sampling and analytical plans, equipment and
methods, and data interpretation to assess the potential effects on the health of consumers.
Development of health and safety techniques and equipment to mitigate these hazards helps the
incident command meet its fundamental responsibility to safeguard both responders and the
Description: This SRA includes studies on how oil spills and the response to oil spills affect the
sociological fabric of communities and their economies. Disciplines encompassed in this
research area include sociology, economics, behavioral sciences, political science, and law. It
also involves studies on risk communication and community resilience.
Importance: Research is needed to improve communication of risk, decrease scientific
uncertainty, and address socioeconomic concerns associated with oil spills. Oil spills and spill
response may cause high levels of stress and psychological trauma, including post-traumatic
stress. These effects may begin at the individual level and frequently spread to other members of
families, and communities whose culture and livelihood are dependent upon the waters and
shorelines near an oil spill. Unemployment and loss of income are additional stressors on
peoples’ lives. Oil spills can also adversely affect social relationships and have disastrous effects
on specific individuals and communities in areas where livelihoods depend on use of renewable
resources (e.g., fishing). An oil spill can affect the economic livelihood and aspirations of a
family as well as an entire community. Typically, the commercial and recreational fisheries and
tourism industries experience the greatest economic effects, although a significant number of
other economic sectors also may be affected. Research that supplies a broad understanding of
the human dimensions of oil spill hazards and identifies better ways to engage and share
information using risk communication principles could enhance future decisions concerning
sociological and economic effects on community stakeholders and assist those communities in
successfully overcoming these obstacles.
This category represents the research gaps that ICCOPR identified within the SRAs. ICCOPR
identifies oil pollution Research Needs during the OPRTP planning cycle through a number of
means, including:
• Reports on research programs and results;
Final Oil Pollution Research & Technology Plan – Approved September 29, 2015
4.5 Projects
Projects are the specific research experiments and studies conducted by a primary investigator
that addresses a Research Need. Projects involve a methodological study or technology
development with assigned budgets, resources, and personnel. ICCOPR tracks projects
conducted by any entity, not just those conducted specifically by ICCOPR member
organizations. ICCOPR recognizes the value of research projects by other entities and
encourages its partners from industry, NGOs, state research programs, research institutions,
academia, and international organizations to identify and pursue projects that address the needs.
ICCOPR will monitor oil pollution research projects from any identified source and classify
identified needs within the Research Categorization Framework by SRA. ICCOPR will use the
lists of projects and information on the research results as a basis for assessing how well the
Research Needs were addressed.
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Final Oil Pollution Research & Technology Plan – Approved September 29, 2015
The success of the federal oil pollution R&T program depends on several factors: 1) funding; 2)
continuity of research; 3) field testing; 4) regional issues; 5) development of new researchers;
and, 6) public perception. The importance of these factors to the success of the federal program
is discussed below.
5.1.1 Funding
A steady funding stream at appropriate levels is a primary factor to support a successful R&T
program. Funding for oil pollution research has been a recognized challenge since the passage of
OPA 90. In their review of the 1992 OPRTP, the NAS Marine Board (1993) acknowledged the
need for steady funding:
“An important unresolved issue is funding. The continued evolution and effectiveness of
the (OPRTP) plan is in doubt because the additional funding authorized by Congress has not
been appropriated. Moreover, little funding under OPA 90 is expected. This short term
funding approach poses a significant barrier to most multi-year research. For example,
scientists cannot undertake basic research dealing with the nature of oil and sea water
mixtures and their response to mechanical and chemical treatment, oceanic environments,
and time, because several years of laboratory work and additional time for field testing
would be required.” (NAS, Marine Board Commission on Engineering Technical Systems, 1993)
The Marine Board also noted the problems caused by the boom and bust cycle of research and
funding efforts for oil spill cleanup technology:
“Research and development (R&D) related to oil spills follows a boom-and-bust cycle.
After catastrophic spills, when the acute effects of oiled beaches, polluted waterways,
and dying wildlife are featured in all the media, there is public outcry and political
interest, accompanied by calls for action, for more research, and for better prevention
and control measures. Later, as acute effects fade, but longer term and less obvious
Final Oil Pollution Research & Technology Plan – Approved September 29, 2015
problems may continue, public interest-and with it political interest-fade. By the time
the calls for action are translated into R&D plans, the interest is gone, and the plans
typically are neither supported nor funded. When the next catastrophe occurs, everyone
wonders why no one has learned more about how to deal with the problem since the last
spill. The phenomenon of cyclical attention and lack of sustained interest and resources,
coupled with the natural distribution of research assignments among a group of agencies
with different underlying responsibilities, has made it difficult to create a coherently
planned R&D program.” (NAS, Marine Board Commission on Engineering Technical
Systems, 1993)
Similarly, the National Commission on the BP Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill and Offshore
Drilling (2011) discussed the continued need for funding at an appropriate level:
“The technology available for cleaning up oil spills has improved only incrementally
since 1990. Federal research and development programs in this area are underfunded: In
fact, Congress has never appropriated even half the full amount authorized by the Oil
Pollution Act of 1990 for oil spill research and development. In addition, the major oil
companies have committed minimal resources to in-house research and development
related to spill response technology. Oil spill removal organizations are underfunded in
general and dedicate few if any resources to research and development…”
“Recommendation: Congress should provide mandatory funding for oil spill response
research and development and provide incentives for private-sector research and
development.” (National Commission on the BP Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill and Offshore
Drilling, 2011)
The oil production and distribution system is constantly changing, posing new challenges to
managing oil pollution. Wells are being drilled at increasingly greater water depths and in more
challenging environments. A warming Arctic Ocean is expected to lead to greater activity there,
both in exploration and transportation. Exploration of onshore shale oils and oil sands products,
along with transportation by rail and pipeline is also increasing. The ability of research and
technology efforts to keep pace with the challenges will be affected by long-term funding levels.
ICCOPR does not receive funding for research. Instead, ICCOPR members fund research using
their agency’s annual budget appropriations or the Oil Spill Liability Trust Fund (OSLTF) R&T
funds. At this time, ICCOPR agencies with access to the OSLTF R&T funds are the USCG,
EPA, BSEE, and PHMSA. However, federal budgetary rules count any funds withdrawn from
the OSLTF for research purposes against an agency’s overall budget, which means that oil
pollution research initiatives still must compete against other agency missions to obtain funding.
The National Commission on the BP Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill and Offshore Drilling (2011)
made the following comment on the funding levels for oil pollution research:
Final Oil Pollution Research & Technology Plan – Approved September 29, 2015
“Specifically, Congress should provide mandatory funding (i.e. funding not subject to
the annual appropriations process) at a level equal to or greater than the amount
authorized by the Oil Pollution Act of 1990 to increase federal funding for oil spill
response research by agencies such as Interior, the Coast Guard, EPA, and NOAA—
including NOAA’s Office of Response and Restoration.”
While mandatory funding, not subject to appropriations, may be impractical, Federal funding for
coordinated Federal research, presumably through ICCOPR, is generally recognized as beneficial
to the goal of improved prevention of and response to oil spills.
ICCOPR initially used Regional Research Grants authorized by Section 7001(c)(8) of OPA 90 to
address regional oil spill issues. The objective of the Regional Research Program was to
“coordinate a program of competitive grants to universities or other research institutions, or
groups of universities or research institutions, for the purposes of conducting a coordinated
research program related to the regional aspects of oil pollution, such as prevention, removal,
mitigation, and the effects of discharged oil on regional environments.” Congress authorized
funding for the program for the fiscal years 1991 through 1995 but not for subsequent years.
ICCOPR will consider additional Regional Research Grants if Congress authorizes funding in
the future.
ICCOPR recognizes that field testing is a valuable tool to validate laboratory results and to study
techniques, treatments and equipment in situ. In 1993, the NAS Marine Board recommended
that the federal R&T program include controlled field experiments that involve a deliberate,
limited discharge of oil to advance research areas (i.e., oil dispersants, ISB, incineration, and
bioremediation). The NAS Marine Board noted that laboratory experiments alone cannot
replicate real-world process interactions and variables, and accidental spills provide limited
learning opportunities because data on pre-spill conditions and/or spill volume usually are
lacking. An independent report, “Responding to Oil Spill in the U.S. Arctic Marine
Environment”, also echoed the need for field testing (NRC, 2014). The report noted that
Final Oil Pollution Research & Technology Plan – Approved September 29, 2015
countries such as Norway have consistently supported this type of research by permitting
controlled spills when clear research needs, methods, and goals have been identified, and
responsible cleanup and monitoring plans have been established.
Field tests may be justified when laboratory or other simulated settings (e.g., test tanks) cannot
address specific Research Needs and no other open water research projects have addressed them.
Experiments in large test tanks (i.e., Ohmsett) provide opportunities to simulate real
environmental conditions and bridge the gap between laboratory and actual field experiments;
however, they cannot completely replicate actual field conditions. ICCOPR will continue
working with policy makers and permitting authorities to explore field testing opportunities.
Field tests may be justified when laboratory or other simulated settings (e.g., test tanks) cannot
address specific Research Needs and no other open water research projects have addressed them.
The federal oil pollution R&T program needs an adequate pool of researchers and policy makers
interested in oil pollution research to replace those that are retiring or leaving for other
opportunities. College students need to view the oil pollution management and research fields as
a viable career path. Interest in pursuing these areas is strongest in the years following a major
spill (i.e. Exxon Valdez, Deepwater Horizon) and decreases as events fade from national
consciousness. Thus, generating and maintaining interest by college students about to enter the
workforce in oil spill R&T careers is an important element of ICCOPR’s efforts.
Several of the ICCOPR member agencies have programs to encourage students to become
interested in oil pollution research or management. NOAA and the University of New
Hampshire’s Coastal Response Research Center (CRRC), educate students on issues related to
oil spills and response and works with other university programs to encourage academic interest
in the field. The U.S. Coast Guard Academy includes environmental protection and marine
safety topics across its curriculum in many forms ranging from drilling technology and
petroleum chemistry to the history of spills of national significance. In particular the Marine and
Environmental Science major includes specific courses in geochemistry, analytical chemistry,
and petroleum and oil spill science, and the Engineering Department offers marine engineering
courses focused on the needs of the prevention community. Cadet research projects, which are
part of their curriculum, from the Science and Engineering Departments often address oil spill
NASA’s DEVELOP National Program fosters an interdisciplinary research environment for
students, where applied science research projects are conducted under the guidance of the agency
and its partner science advisors. DEVELOP is unique in that young professionals lead projects
that utilize NASA Earth observations to address community concerns and public policy issues,
including oil pollution research.
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The International Oil Spill Conference (IOSC) Executive Committee, which includes several
ICCOPR members, offers a scholarship program and student awards to promote interest in oil
pollution research.
ICCOPR also provides annual advice to the NAS GRP on the direction of the GRP program,
which includes education and training. A key program objective of the GRP is to support the
development of future professionals and leaders in science, industry, health, policy, and
education who can apply cross-boundary approaches to critical issues that span oil system safety,
human health, and environmental resources.
The DOI’s Youth Initiative includes outreach to students at the Ohmsett facility and at the annual
Clean Gulf Conference. At the 2014 Clean Gulf Conference several ICCOPR members
participated in a day-long outreach session with a local high school’s Advanced Placement
environmental science class.
The NAS Marine Board observed that public reactions and perceptions can play a significant part
in making oil spill response decisions, regardless of their scientific validity. Adverse reactions to
the use of a technology can lead to political pressures to limit its use. In 2010, public concerns
about the use of dispersants during the Deepwater Horizon oil spill response prompted interest
groups and state agencies to oppose the use of dispersants. Such opposition may increase the
need for research to provide additional validation of dispersant safety and efficacy before
approval as a response option. The ICCOPR agencies’ research programs need to recognize
public perceptions about different technologies and factor them into decisions about research
Researchers must effectively communicate their results to the broader oil spill research and
response communities to provide the greatest benefit from their efforts. There are many avenues
for transferring research knowledge (i.e., meetings, conferences, workshop, seminars, papers,
presentations, journal publications, consensus-based best practice reports, and websites of
organizations involved or interested in spill response). ICCOPR views communication as a two-
way street and uses a variety of mechanisms, discussed below, to transfer research knowledge to
stakeholders and to learn of advances by non-federal researchers.
OPA 90 established the ICCOPR OPRTP as the mechanism to inform Congress and the public
on the status of oil pollution technologies, research needs and priorities, and agency roles and
responsibilities. The 1992 and 1997 versions of the OPRTP provided ICCOPR’s assessments of
the state of knowledge at that time. This 2015 version updates the assessment of oil pollution
Final Oil Pollution Research & Technology Plan – Approved September 29, 2015
R&T. ICCOPR intends for future versions of the OPRTP to serve as information sharing
documents that provide the current federal perspective on oil pollution research. ICCOPR plans
to update the OPRTP every six years to maintain timely information and may publish
supplements if warranted.
Section 7001(e) of OPA 90 requires that ICCOPR submit a report biennially on its activities and
those of its members during the previous two fiscal years and the anticipated activities for the
next two fiscal years. The ICCOPR Biennial Reports to Congress serve as a reference document
on ICCOPR activities, member initiatives, and planned activities. Appendices to the reports
provide listings of publications by ICCOPR member agencies and descriptions of their research
ICCOPR conducts quarterly membership meetings and special meetings with interested
stakeholders. The quarterly meetings include a session for agencies to present updates and share
results of their research and development efforts. These sessions promotes coordination and
collaboration among member agencies. The quarterly meetings also include time for
presentations from invited speakers to discuss subjects of interest to the membership.
ICCOPR conducts public and other special meetings with outside organizations to discuss their
issues and share oil pollution related information. ICCOPR conducted public meetings to gather
input as part of efforts to revitalize ICCOPR and to identify areas of concern for future oil
pollution research.
Section 7001(c)(6) of OPA 90 directed that ICCOPR conduct Port Oil Pollution Minimization
Demonstration Projects in New York, New Orleans, and Los Angeles/Long Beach. The Great
Lakes Oil Pollution Research and Development Act of 1990 amended OPA 90 to include a
fourth demonstration in ports of the Great Lakes. ICCOPR conducted two demonstration
projects in New Orleans (December 1994) and New York (October 1995). After these first two
projects were completed, the USCG determined that they were cost prohibitive and ICCOPR
Final Oil Pollution Research & Technology Plan – Approved September 29, 2015
agreed that the objectives for the demonstration projects requirement could be met through other
means (ICCOPR, 2003). Since 1995, ICCOPR has addressed the objectives through interagency
participation in, and support for, regularly scheduled domestic and international oil spill
conferences (i.e., IOSC, Interspill, Spillcon).
In 2014, BSEE sponsored a demonstration of oil spill response processes at the 2014 IOSC in
Savannah, Georgia. The theme of the On Water and Aerial Technical Demonstration was “A
Complete Spill Response System.” The objective is to demonstrate oil spill response resources
involving new and existing technology configured to increase the response effectiveness through
improved detection, tracking and increased encounter and recovery rates.
The 45-minute demonstration on the Savannah River followed a scripted, simulated spill
scenario that included: a remote oil detection device that initiated an oil spill alert message with
coordinates to the responsible party, spill management team, identified OSROs, and USCG
Sector or Captain of the Port and interested parties. Surface oil spill response vessels, unmanned
aerial vehicles and submersible response equipment all participated in the joint response effort.
A mobile command center managed the demonstration and broadcast information via a live feed
to conference participants.
ICCOPR and its member agencies will consider future demonstrations of response technologies
within budgetary considerations.
5.2.6 Conferences
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Workshops and seminars are widely used in the oil pollution control community to bring
together professionals to discuss specific topics and challenges. ICCOPR member agencies
sponsor workshops on a wide variety of topics that address priority research issues.
5.2.8 Publications
The researchers funded by ICCOPR are encouraged to publish their research in peer reviewed
journals, conference proceedings, books, special reports, and other publications. Literature
generated from research could be from researchers within the traditional oil spill community or
from academic scientists and engineers. Research published in peer-review journals, especially
ones with high impact factors have value in oil spill litigation cases.
Examples of high impact factor peer-review journals and publications that address marine
pollution topics include:
• Applied and Environmental Microbiology,
• Environmental Science & Technology (SETAC),
• Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry,
• Human and Environmental Risk Assessment,
• Journal of the American Medical Association,
• Journal of Petroleum Technology
• Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health,
• Marine Pollution Bulletin,
• Microbial Ecology Journal of Environmental Monitoring,
• Nature,
• Science, and
• Water Research.
Final Oil Pollution Research & Technology Plan – Approved September 29, 2015
5.2.9 Newsletters
ICCOPR monitors newsletters published by many organizations that announce news of their
activities, highlight specific programs or initiatives, or summarize advancements in R&T. In
addition, several of the ICCOPR member agencies also publish newsletters addressing elements
of their oil pollution research missions.
ICCOPR and the member agencies use the internet as a tool to provide oil spill research results
and news to stakeholders and other users. ICCOPR maintains an internet site
(www.uscg.mil/iccopr) to: share documents, provide links to other programs and resources,
distribute research reports, announce conferences and other events, and provide news about
research developments.
Some of the ICCOPR member agencies maintain websites and are using blogs and social media
platforms (i.e., Facebook and Twitter) to share information with the public and researchers.
The 2015-2021 version of the OPRTP marks a new baseline in ICCOPR’s oil pollution research
planning efforts, documenting the status of oil pollution Research Needs at the start of the
planning process. Future OPRTP revisions, to be issued every six years, will include revised
assessments of the status of oil pollution R&T.
Throughout each six-year planning cycle, ICCOPR will track newly identified Research Needs
conducted by members, federal partners, NGOs, academia, and industry. ICCOPR will use the
Oil Pollution Research Characterization Framework and research protocol described in Chapter 6
of this OPRTP, to compile information on studies that address future priority Research Needs.
ICCOPR will also assess the compiled information to determine the degree to which the priority
Research Needs from the previous plan were addressed and then develop a new set of research
priorities for the subsequent planning period. ICCOPR may also issue supplements to the
OPRTP during a planning cycle to address emerging Research Needs that increase in priority.
ICCOPR may periodically review after action reports, GAO reports, and other sources of
identified gaps to inform the Oil Pollution Research Characterization Framework for future
research needs
Final Oil Pollution Research & Technology Plan – Approved September 29, 2015
Final Oil Pollution Research & Technology Plan – Approved September 29, 2015
Figure 6-1. Major steps in the Research Needs Identification and Prioritization
Research Needs Identification Process Research Needs Prioritization Process
(Section 6.1) (Section 6.2)
Administer Identify
Idenitify Extract and Assign Develop Survey to Top
Sources of Consolidate R&D Needs R&D Needs Experts and R&D Needs
R&D Needs R&D Needs to SRA Survey Process for Each
Results SRA
Final Oil Pollution Research & Technology Plan – Approved September 29, 2015
Coastal Response Research Center - Research and Development Priorities: An Oil Spill
Workshop (November 2003)
Final Oil Pollution Research & Technology Plan – Approved September 29, 2015
Coastal Response Research Center – Workshop: Research & Development Needs For
Making Decisions Regarding Dispersing Oil (September 2005)
National Research Council. Oil Spill Dispersants: Efficacy and Effects. Washington, DC:
The National Academies Press (2005)
Potentially Polluting Wrecks in Marine Waters: An Issue Paper Prepared for the 2005
International Oil Spill Conference (2005)
EPA Act 2005 Section 999A(b)(4) DOE National Energy Technology Laboratory
Complementary Research Program (2005)
Coastal Response Research Center – Workshop: R&D Needs for Addressing the Human
Dimensions of Oil Spills (June 2006)
Coastal Response Research Center - Submerged Oil Workshop Report (December
DOE 2007 Annual Plan Ultra-Deepwater and Unconventional Natural Gas and Other
Petroleum Resources Research and Development Program, Report (January 2008)
DOE 2009 Annual Plan Ultra-Deepwater and Unconventional Natural Gas and Other
Petroleum Resources Research and Development Program, Report (December 2008)
Coastal Response Research Center - R&D Priorities: Oil Spill Workshop (March 2009)
House of Representatives, Committee on Science & Technology "A New Direction for
Federal Oil Spill Research & Development" (June 2009)
DOE 2010 Annual Plan Ultra-Deepwater and Unconventional Natural Gas and Other
Petroleum Resources Research and Development Program, Report (December 2009)
Prince William Sound Oil Spill Recovery Institute Research Plan 2011-2015 (February
Pacific States/British Columbia Oil Spill Task Force Letter to Interagency Coordinating
Committee on Oil Pollution Research (May 2010)
Final Oil Pollution Research & Technology Plan – Approved September 29, 2015
National Science and Technology Council Joint Subcommittee on Ocean Science and
Technology - DWH Oil Spill Principal Investigator Conference Report (October 2010)
Environmental Protection Agency Draft Oil Spill Research Strategy (January 2011)
Coastal Response Research Center - Coordinating R&D on Oil Spill Response In the
Wake of Deepwater Horizon (July 2011)
Assessing the Long-term Effects of the BP Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill on Marine
Mammals in the Gulf of Mexico: A Statement of Research Needs (August 2011)
DOE 2011 Annual Plan Ultra-Deepwater and Unconventional Natural Gas and Other
Petroleum Resources Research and Development Program, Report To Congress
(August 2011)
Science Advisory Board Review of Environmental Protection Agency's Draft Oil Spill
Research Strategy (September 2011)
Final Oil Pollution Research & Technology Plan – Approved September 29, 2015
National Science and Technology Council's Joint Subcommittee on Ocean Science and
Technology - Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill Principal Investigator Conference Final
Report (October 2011)
Oil Spill Preparedness and Response Joint Industry Task Force (November 2011)
Coastal Response Research Center - The Future of Dispersant Use in Oil Spill Response
Initiative (March 2012)
DOE 2012 Annual Plan Ultra-Deepwater and Unconventional Natural Gas and Other
Petroleum Resources Research and Development Program, Report To Congress
(August 2012)
Center for Spills in the Environment Alberta Oil Sands Workshop for Maine DEP and
U.S. EPA Region 1 (December 2012)
Bureau of Safety and Environmental Enforcement - BAA Proposed Research on Oil Spill
Response Operations (2012)
Final Oil Pollution Research & Technology Plan – Approved September 29, 2015
Center for Spills in the Environment Oil Spill Dispersant Research Workshop Report
(March 2013)
University of Washington Transporting Alberta Oil Sands Products: Defining the Issues
and Assessing the Risks (March 2013)
Center for Spills in the Environment Alberta Oil Sands Workshop for Washington State
Department of Ecology, the Regional Response Team 10 and the Pacific States/British
Columbia Oil Spill Task Force (April 2013)
DOE 2013 Annual Plan Ultra-Deepwater and Unconventional Natural Gas and Other
Petroleum Resources Research and Development Program, Report To Congress (June
NRC An Ecosystem Approach to Assessing the Impact of the Deepwater Horizon Spill in
the Gulf of Mexico (2013)
TRB Effect of Diluted Bitumen on Crude Oil Transmission Pipelines Special Report 311
During the Prioritization Process, the R&T Workgroup increased the number of SRAs to
25 by adding a new “Rail and Truck Transport” SRA and redefining the Onshore and
Offshore facilities SRAs to create a new “Pipeline” SRA. The R&T Workgroup reviewed
the new and revised SRAs and determined that additional review of sources for the Rail
and Truck Transport SRA and the Onshore Facilities SRA were needed. The R&T
Workgroup used experts at PHMSA and the EPA to obtain information on potential
missing needs for these two SRAs. Table 6-2 lists the supplemental sources reviewed to
determine additional Research Needs.
Table 6-2. List of Supplemental Sources Reviewed for Research Needs
Supplemental Sources Reviewed for the ICCOPR Research Needs (by date)
Final Oil Pollution Research & Technology Plan – Approved September 29, 2015
A searchable Excel database was created to record information on the source, the
applicable environment and the frequency the Research Need was mentioned in the
sources reviewed. Initially, more than 900 Research Needs were identified from the
source material. After elimination of duplicated Research Needs, the final list consisted
of 570 separate Research Needs. This list of 570 Research Needs is located in Appendix
B. The original list of more than 900 Research Needs was archived for future use.
The last step in the Needs Identification Process involved assigning each of the 570
Research Needs to one of the 25 SRAs described in Chapter 4 of this based on the
definition of each SRA. Some SRAs had a much larger number of Research Needs than
others. SRAs with a large number of needs were further divided into SRA subcategories.
The rationale for using subcategories is described in Section 6.2. Figure 6-2 shows an
example of the column headings for a typical entry in the Research Needs database.
Figure 6-2 Sample from the Research Needs Database
Research Need
Standing Sources
SRA and Key
Research Physical Sources
Subcategory Research
Area (SRA) Location
CRRC - The
Constituents -
Future of
Study chemistry Marine 1
data for individual and
Use in Oil
Dispersants Behavior dispersant Estuarine
components in the
oil droplets during
the DWH spill.
The ICCOPR R&T Workgroup determined that the most effective Needs prioritization
process for this OPRTP was to develop a survey (Figure 6-1) that could be distributed to
Subject Matter Experts (SMEs) (e.g., scientists, policy makers) familiar with current oil
spill research needs. In some areas, there was a need to include state agency, academic,
or industry experts in order to find the right expertise to address the R&D Needs
Final Oil Pollution Research & Technology Plan – Approved September 29, 2015
The R&T Workgroup developed and debated a series of key questions that reflected the
various aspects of the research process and selected the following questions for the
Question 1 - How important is this Research Need in improving any or all of the
following: spill prevention, preparedness, response, and/or impact
assessment/restoration? (Via sliding scale)
Question 2 - Some research is designed to answer a small detail which refines our
understanding of a research problem while other research answers key questions that
become the building blocks for further advancements. Please estimate where this
Research Need fits in this spectrum of oil pollution research (Via sliding scale)
Question 3 - What would be the estimated cost of the research to answer this
Research Need? (Via text box)
Final Oil Pollution Research & Technology Plan – Approved September 29, 2015
Question 4 - How soon would the results of this specific Research Need improve any or
all of the following: spill prevention, preparedness, response, or impact
assessment/restoration? (Via sliding scale)
Question 5 - Solving research problems can require multiple steps. Some research
projects take the initial steps while others will be the final step. Please estimate
where this Research Need fits in the lifespan of solving a research problem. (Via
sliding scale)
Questions 1-5 were designed to refer to a specific Research Need within the SRA or SRA
subcategory that a SME was assigned. Questions 6 and 7 were designed to be asked at
the end of the survey and refer to all of the Research Needs evaluated by an SME.
Question 6 - Of the research needs that you reviewed today, which rise to the top?
For each, list (up to 3) impediments (other than cost or time to completion) for these
top research Needs you identified. (Answers via text box)
Question 7 - Are there any research needs related to this subject area that you feel
need to be addressed, but were not on this list? (Answers via text box)
In addition to the questions described above, the R&T Workgroup decided to ask each
SME to provide a range of dollar values that they would expect for research projects
associated with their assigned SRA or SRA subcategory. This information was intended
to allow the R&T Workgroup to calibrate the difference in project costs between SMEs
with different backgrounds and different types of research experience. Unfortunately, the
number of responses to the inquiry on potential costs were limited and too variable to be
Final Oil Pollution Research & Technology Plan – Approved September 29, 2015
The R&T Workgroup recruited 285 SMEs to provide at least five SMEs for each of the
SRAs and SRA subcategories. These SMEs were selected for their knowledge and
expertise in particular SRAs. Responses were received from 223 of these experts; 185
federal employees and 38 non-federal personnel. Survey groups were designed to
include a majority of federal employees to avoid Federal Advisory Committee Act
(FACA) issues. The UNH Survey Center administered the confidential survey and
tabulated the scores.
In order to determine the highest priority Research Needs, the Survey Center calculated a
mean and standard deviation for each of the questions using the answers provided by the
SMEs. Questions #3 about costs could not be used in the final scoring because many
SMEs did not answer it. The R&T Workgroup weighted the remaining questions based
on its knowledge of their importance.
1. How important is this Research Need in improving any or all of the following:
spill prevention, preparedness, response, and/or impact assessment/restoration?
Weighting 55%
2. Some research is designed to answer a small detail which refines our
understanding of a research problem while other research answers key questions
that become the building blocks for further advancements. Weighting 30%
3. What would be the estimated cost of the research to answer this Research Need?
Weighting 0%
4. How soon would the results of this specific Research Need improve any or all of
the following: spill prevention, preparedness, response, or impact
assessment/restoration? Weighting 15%
The priority Research Needs were established based on a review and vote by ICCOPR on
the recommended priorities selected by the R&T Workgroup during a series of working
sessions during the summer of 2014. The R&T Workgroup’s iterative process to select
Final Oil Pollution Research & Technology Plan – Approved September 29, 2015
Develop the final description of each recommended priority Research Need. The
R&T Workgroup reviewed the language of each SRA and the associated priority
Research Needs to ensure each description was clearly articulated and consistent
with the SRA definition.
Obtain ICCOPR member feedback. The R&T Workgroup sent its draft list of
priorities to the full ICCOPR membership for review and comment. The R&T
Workgroup adjudicated the comments through discussions with commenting
members and a meeting of the R&T Workgroup.
Final Oil Pollution Research & Technology Plan – Approved September 29, 2015
Finalize recommended priorities. The R&T Workgroup made its final edits to the
recommendations based on the comment adjudication process and met on August
19, 2014 to formally vote on a final set of recommended priorities. The
recommendations were sent to the full ICCOPR membership for consideration
and adoption.
The full ICCOPR membership discussed the proposed SRA descriptions and the priority
Research Needs at the Quarterly Meeting on September 17, 2014. Minor wording
changes were made to two Research Needs based on the discussions, and by unanimous
vote, ICCOPR adopted the top three priority Needs for each SRA and SRA subcategory
as presented in Chapter 9.
Final Oil Pollution Research & Technology Plan – Approved September 29, 2015
Information on the spill and response measures described in the case studies was acquired
from various sources including: NOAA’s Office of Response and Restoration’s
IncidentNews (www.incidentnews.noaa.gov) for open water spills; the EPA’s OSC
website (www.epaosc.gov) for inland spills; and State agency information and DOT
reports. The Research Needs listed below the incident summaries were taken from
Incident Specific Preparedness Reviews (ISPRs), NOAA OR&R reports; and contracted
After Action Reviews (AARs) where available. In cases where specific no Research
Needs were identified, the R&T Workgroup reviewed the case study information for
applicable Research Needs.
Major spills from tankers have been declining globally for several decades according to
ITOPF (2015). However, Spills from all vessels remain an on-going concern. The
USCG (2012) reported that between 2001 and 2010 there were 20,710 spills from vessels
responsible for more than 6.6 million gallons of oil. Tank barges accounted for more than
60 percent of the volume spilled.
TB Penn
In July 2000, the Tank Barge Penn 460 ruptured and released ~12,600 gallons of No. 6
fuel oil into Narragansett Bay, Rhode Island, an active fishing and lobstering location.
The spill oiled two miles of shoreline and numerous birds. Response measures included:
the booming of heavily contaminated areas and surface skimming; low pressure flushing
of shoreline and sediments; the use of sorbents and snares (passive collection) near the
McAllister Hazardous Waste Landfill; a bird capture program for oiled birds;
Final Oil Pollution Research & Technology Plan – Approved September 29, 2015
informational handouts on tar balls to the public; and fishery closures in the immediate
This incident is an example of a barge tank rupture that leaked heavy fuel oil into an
estuary important for fishing and recreation. There were no specific research
recommendations following the spill; however, the response action emphasized the need
for further research in the following SRA areas:
• In- and On-water Containment and Recovery (SRA 3400) - improve boom
and surface skimming equipment.
• Shore Containment and Recovery (SRA 3500) - develop improved methods for
shoreline cleanup.
• Environmental Impacts and Recovery (SRA 4100) - develop improved
methods of impact assessment and recovery (for fisheries and avian species).
• Sociological and Human Impacts (SRA 4400) - determine impacts to humans
related to estuarine spills.
T/V Athos I
In November 2004, the single hull tanker T/V Athos I struck a submerged object and
spilled approximately 264,000 gallons of heavy Venezuelan crude oil into the Delaware
River creating a 20-mile slick that affected 214 miles of shoreline across four states
(Pennsylvania, Delaware, New Jersey, and Maryland), with some of the oil submerged
below the surface. The investigation by the USCG concluded that the vessel struck a
submerged U-shaped pipeline while maneuvering en-route to its berth. The pipeline
punctured the vessel’s bottom plating in the ballast and cargo tanks.
Response included vessel stabilization and prevention of further discharge; facilitation of
vessel traffic, as needed; deployment of protective booms and snares; skimming,
collection and recovery of floating oil; enforcement of a safety zone; and collection and
rehabilitation of injured wildlife. Economic losses were incurred due to delays in
transportation on the Delaware River. The Salem Nuclear Power Plant shut down two
reactors because submerged oil was identified in the sediment below some water intakes.
The Plant shutdown affected regional electrical generation.
This incident was important for its identification of needed technology improvements
including: subsurface object detection and the detection, tracking, mapping and recovery
of subsurface and submerged oil. Although there were no specific recommendations for
future research as a result of the spill and response actions, this spill highlighted the need
for research in the following SRAs:
Final Oil Pollution Research & Technology Plan – Approved September 29, 2015
Final Oil Pollution Research & Technology Plan – Approved September 29, 2015
and exploded and the ship sank about 45 nautical miles east of Virginia. Twenty-one
men died in the incident and all the cargo was lost. The vessel was carrying 3,188,711
gallons of ethanol, 192,904 gallons of No. 6 fuel oil, and 48,266 gallons of diesel, which
were all released during the incident. An ignition of a fuel/air mixture, either on deck or
in the cargo tanks, caused this casualty; the precise source was not determined. The
ethanol, which is miscible in water and diesel oil were dispersed rapidly. The fuel oil
created an oil slick that required mechanical recovery. Response actions included fishery
closures, and mechanical recovery using skimmers; the vessel was not salvaged. Corexit
9527 was tested for dispersants; however, it was not used due to the cold temperatures
and the degree of oil weathering.
A significant contributing factor to this casualty was the failure of the operator, Ceres
Hellenic Enterprises, Ltd., and the senior officers of the Bow Mariner, to properly
implement the company and vessel Safety, Quality and Environmental Protection
Management System (USCG, 2005). Although specific R&D Needs were not identified,
this incident highlighted the need for research in key SRAs:
• Human Error Factors (SRA 1000) - study explosion hazards related to tank
cleaning operations
• Human Error Factors (SRA 1000) - develop manuals for safe tank cleaning
• Human Error Factors (SRA 1000) - develop adequate training on tank cleaning
procedures for crews of vessels carrying explosive materials.
• Human Error Factors (SRA 1000) - develop adequate training for multicultural
crew cohesiveness.
• In- and On-water Containment and Recovery (SRA 3400) - study methods of
containment and recovery of ethanol and alternative fuels.
• Dispersants (SRA 3600) - study the effectiveness of dispersants in cold water
and with weathered oil.
Final Oil Pollution Research & Technology Plan – Approved September 29, 2015
The master of the M/V Cosco Busan did not implement several procedures found in the
company safety management system related to safe vessel operations, which placed the
vessel, crew and environment at risk.
The spill oiled about 200 miles of coastline. The near shore location, the type of oil, and
proximity to sensitive and valuable coastal resources resulted in a substantial response.
Response activities included: deployment of containment boom; mechanical collection
and removal; natural attenuation; beach closures due to health and safety concerns with
the fuel oil and; and oiled bird capture and cleaning programs.
This incident was an important driver for research needs involving human error, crew
fitness, and waterways management because of the potential to prevent this incident and
others like it had these needs been addressed. The ISPR for the M/V Cosco Busan
(USCG, 2008a,b) noted these specific R&D Needs:
• Human Error Factor (SRA 1000) - develop protocols to report changes in crew
fitness to the USCG, in a timely manner, including any substantive changes in
their medical status or medications.
• Waterways Management (SRA 1300) - develop technology improvements to
improve vessel traffic monitoring and communications.
• Response Management Systems (SRA 2100) - develop improvements to
information management systems that provide timely and accurate information
for the Federal On-scene Coordinator about the extent of the spill.
• Environmental Impacts and Recovery (SRA 4100) - develop improvements to
aid in effective bird capture techniques and identify priorities and resources
needed to provide the most effective wildlife rescue.
• Environmental Impacts and Recovery (SRA 4100) - develop a framework to
make beach closure and reopening decisions and incorporate those into local
government plans (coordinated through the Area Contingency Plan (ACP)).
• Human Health and Safety (SRA 4300) - develop protocols needed to close,
open or restrict fisheries after a spill that are written into emergency plans and
develop expedited tests to check whether impacted fish are a health risk.
• Sociological and Economic Impacts (SRA 4400) - evaluate proper use of and
methods to monitor the use of social media during and after spills.
The explosion and collapse of the Deepwater Horizon drilling platform resulted in the
largest marine oil spill in history and revealed several Research Needs associated with
offshore drilling operations.
Final Oil Pollution Research & Technology Plan – Approved September 29, 2015
• Pre-Baseline (SRA 2000) - ensure minimum standards and consistency for Gulf
of Mexico Area Contingency Plans (ACPs).
• Pre-Baseline (SRA 2000) - identify Environmentally Sensitive Areas (ESAs).
• Source Control and Containment (SRA 3100) - develop improved technology
and response protocols for well blowouts.
• Response Management Systems (SRA 2100) - develop systems to better meet
the needs of oil spill response organizations.
• Response Management Systems (SRA 2100) - establish standards and processes
for rapid collection, processing, correlation, analysis and distribution of satellite
imagery and oil thickness sensors to direct spill response operations with real-
time data.
Final Oil Pollution Research & Technology Plan – Approved September 29, 2015
• Oil Spill Detection and Surveillance (SRA 3300) - develop improvements for
subsea oil detection.
• Oil Spill Detection and Surveillance (SRA 3300) - develop and use enhanced
SMART monitoring technologies and protocols in offshore environments.
• Oil Spill Detection and Surveillance (SRA 3300) - develop technology to
determine oil slick thickness.
• In- and On-water Containment and Recovery (SRA 3400) - develop improved
and more efficient skimmers and mechanical recovery equipment.
• In- and On-water Containment and Recovery (SRA 3400) - use a fully
operational Common Operating Picture (COP) available during drills, exercises,
and actual events.
• In- and On-water Containment and Recovery (SRA 3400) - develop protocols
for thorough, independent testing and evaluation of response technologies prior to
being used on a spill.
• Dispersants (SRA 3600) - study the toxicity of dispersants as a function of oil
and dispersant types, and different environments.
• Dispersants (SRA 3600) - study dispersant efficacy including volumetric
limitations of applications.
• Dispersants (SRA 3600) - study dispersant efficacy in mitigation of
environmental impacts.
• Dispersants (SRA 3600) - develop methods and programs to monitor and track
large, dispersed oil plumes.
• Dispersants (SRA 3600) - conduct a case study analysis of all aspects of
dispersant use including environmental effects of dispersants and dispersed oil.
• Dispersants (SRA 3600) - study the effectiveness of dispersants under different
environmental conditions (e.g., subsea).
• ISB (SRA 3700) - study where ISB can be used as a response option and areas
where it can be subject to expedited approval.
• ISB (SRA 3700) - study the performance of various fire boom designs and
improve technologies for water-cooled and reusable booms.
• Sociological and Economic Impacts (SRA 4400) - develop outreach programs
for, and incorporate state and local emergency managers into, spill preparedness
and response.
• Sociological and Economic Impacts (SRA 4400) - Spill of National Significance
(SONS) doctrine should be adapted to be more inclusive of state, local and tribal
governments in a response.
Final Oil Pollution Research & Technology Plan – Approved September 29, 2015
There are more than 300 oil and hazardous liquid spills annually along the more than
199,000 miles of hazardous liquid pipelines in the U.S. according to PHMSA statistics.
Three such spills illustrate the types of Research Needs for pipeline spills.
Enbridge Pipeline
In July 2010, an Enbridge Energy Partners LLP pipeline (30-in. diameter) ruptured near
Marshall, Michigan and spilled an estimated 843,000 gallons of crude oil produced from
bitumen sands, also known as oil sands products (OSP). The rupture released the oil into
Talmadge Creek and it then flowed into the Kalamazoo River, a Lake Michigan tributary.
Heavy rains at the time of the incident affected spill behavior and transport causing the
river to overtop existing dams and carry the OSP downstream contaminating 35 miles of
the Kalamazoo River. The rains resulted during a 25-year flood event that also carried the
OSP into the adjacent floodplain.
At the height of the response, more than 2,500 people were working along the impacted
river and shoreline. Response measures for this spill included: fish advisories, river
closure for dredging operations to remove sunken oil and oil in sediments, and
deployment of sediment traps for oil that was not removed during dredging. A
significant portion of the oil submerged in the river making detection and recovery
difficult. Numerous methods were tried to recover the submerged oil because globules
continued to rise from the bottom when bottom sediments were disturbed. Identification
of submerged oil was determined by manually disturbing the sediments with a pole. Oil
sheens would form where there was submerged oil. Vacuums or passive methods
removed the oil. Passive methods of recovery in place continued for a long period after
the spill.
Research Needs influenced by this spill included submerged oil detection and recovery
for large areas, and cleanup methods for OSP in floodplains. Additional research needs
identified by the NRDA team included:
• Pipeline Systems (SRA 1700) - develop new advanced technology for sensing
pipeline leaks that will reduce leak detection false alarms for new construction
and existing pipelines.
• Pipeline Systems (SRA 1700) - improve and develop in-line inspection (ILI) to
locate and size defects in girth welds and for long seam defects including cracks
in electric resistance welded pipe (ERW).
• Chemical and Physical Modeling and Behavior (SRA 3200) - study the
behavior of OSP when spilled into rivers including weathering and interactions
with sediments.
Final Oil Pollution Research & Technology Plan – Approved September 29, 2015
• Oil Spill Detection and Surveillance (SRA 3300) - improve technology for
detection of submerged oil in rivers.
• Environmental Impacts and Recovery (SRA 4100) - study the lethal and
sublethal impacts of OSP on biota.
• Environmental Impacts and Recovery (SRA 4100) - study the impacts of
cleanup activity on subtidal and floodplain habitats.
• Human Health and Safety (SRA 4300) - study the impacts of air quality on the
community and responders from OSP spills.
• Sociological and Economic Impacts (SRA 4400) - study the impacts related to
lost recreational opportunities from spills.
• Human Error Factor (SRA 1000) - better training and coordination for
• Pipeline Systems (SRA 1700) - research on methods of inspection of buried
pipelines for erosion.
• Pipeline Systems (SRA 1700) - improve existing leak detection technology and
health monitoring sensors that are miniaturized, automatic, and robust enough to
withstand harsh environments.
Final Oil Pollution Research & Technology Plan – Approved September 29, 2015
Pegasus Pipeline
ExxonMobil's Pegasus pipeline carries 3,990,000 gallons per day of crude oil a distance
of 850 miles from Patoka, Illinois to Nederland, Texas. The spill occurred on March 29,
2013, when the pipeline carrying Canadian Wabasca heavy crude from the Athabasca oil
sands ruptured in Mayflower, Arkansas, about 25 miles northwest of Little Rock. A
reported 210,000 - 294,000 gallons of crude were spilled. Approximately 3,990,000
gallons of oil mixed with water were recovered by March 31. Twenty-two homes were
evacuated. The EPA classified the leak as a major spill.
The crude oil entered a suburban neighborhood through a leak in the 20 in. pipeline,
which was buried an average of two feet below ground. The oil flowed into storm drains
leading to nearby Lake Conway, used for recreational fishing. First responders, including
fire fighters, city employees, county road crews and police built dikes to block culverts
and stop the crude from further fouling the lake. ExxonMobil deployed 3,600 feet
of containment boom around the lake. By early morning on March 30, there was no more
oil spilling from the pipeline.
The EPA and ExxonMobil conducted air quality monitoring. Overall, air emissions in the
community were below levels likely to cause health effects to the public. The Arkansas
Division of Environmental Quality (ADEQ) closely reviewed the cleanup, continued to
monitor the surface water in the affected areas, and posted regular updates. Although
reports identified no specific Research Needs, those that were evident from the
Mayflower pipeline spill are similar to Research Needs from the Enbridge Kalamazoo
OSP spill:
• Pipeline Systems (SRA 1700) - improve and develop in-line inspection (ILI) to
locate and size defects in girth welds and long seam defects including cracks in
electric resistance welded pipe (ERW).
• Chemical and Physical Modeling and Behavior (SRA 3200) - research on OSP
weathering and interactions with sediments.
• Environmental Impacts and Recovery (SRA 4100) - more research on the
impacts of cleanup on habitats.
• Health and Safety (SRA 4300) - research on air quality monitoring protocols for
OSP spills.
Final Oil Pollution Research & Technology Plan – Approved September 29, 2015
Severe weather events, most notably hurricanes in the Gulf of Mexico and the East Coast,
were responsible for several spills from facilities in the inland areas in recent years.
Final Oil Pollution Research & Technology Plan – Approved September 29, 2015
storm surge lifted a storage tank and it ruptured. The USCG reported that a secondary
containment tank caught most of the oil and that the liquid that escaped moved into the
Arthur Kill where booms contained the oil. Two hundred responders were on scene to
contain the spill. Initially, an acrid stench filled the air. Air samples collected by the
USCG at Arthur Kill showed levels within acceptable thresholds within two days. On the
adjacent land, a vacuum truck removed a diesel-and-water mixture next to a local park
along the Arthur Kill. Although not specifically identified, the response to this type of
storm reflected the research needs for:
• Response Management Systems (SRA 2100) - ability to rapidly respond to
multiple spills during natural disasters.
• In- and On-water Containment and Recovery (SRA 3400) - establish pre-
placed equipment to respond to onshore facility spills.
Increased oil production of Bakken crude and Canadian Tar Sands along with limitations
on pipeline capacity has resulted in a four-fold increase in rail shipments of crude oil
between 2010 and 2014. Two derailments illustrate the types of issues that arise with
spills from railroad accidents.
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Final Oil Pollution Research & Technology Plan – Approved September 29, 2015
Final Oil Pollution Research & Technology Plan – Approved September 29, 2015
8.1 National Research Council - Oil Spill Dispersants: Efficacy and Effects
In 2005, the MMS, NOAA, USCG, and API funded the National Research Council
(NRC) to convene a committee of experts to review the state of knowledge on the use of
dispersants as a response technology for oil spills. They asked NRC to identify the
adequacy of existing information and ongoing research regarding the efficacy and effects
of dispersants. The study focused on: understanding the limitations imposed by the
various methods used in previous studies; recommending steps to better understand the
efficacy of dispersant use; and the effect of dispersed oil on freshwater, estuarine, and
marine environments. The NRC completed the report well before the Deepwater
Horizon oil spill and therefore did not envision the extensive use of dispersants during
that response.
The NRC Committee emphasized the need to conduct bench-scale and meso-scale testing
in order to be able to better control the environmental factors that are present in large-
scale field experiments. They specifically recommended:
• Studies to better predict the effectiveness of dispersants for different oil types and
environmental conditions;
• Bench-scale experiments to test effectiveness over a wide range of operating
• Investigations of the kinetics and transformation products of dispersed oil
biodegradation at conditions that represent those that follow significant dilution of
the dispersed oil plume;
• Toxicity studies to determine the mechanisms of acute and sublethal toxicity to
key organisms from exposure to dispersed oil;
• Wave-tank studies that specifically address the chemical treatment of weathered
oil emulsions; and
• Studies to quantify the weathering rates and final fate of chemically dispersed oil
droplets compared with undispersed oil.
Final Oil Pollution Research & Technology Plan – Approved September 29, 2015
The Coastal Response Research Center (CRRC) was established as a partnership between
the NOAA OR&R, and the University of New Hampshire (UNH) in 2003. The CRRC’s
complementary organization is the Center for Spills in the Environment (CSE). CSE
receives funding from sources other than NOAA.
The primary purpose of the CRRC and CSE is to bring together the resources of a
research-oriented university and the expertise of governmental agencies, NGOs,
academia and industry to conduct and oversee basic and applied research, conduct
outreach, and encourage strategic partnerships in spill response, assessment and
restoration. The CRRC and CSE hosted numerous workshops that brought together
national and international oil spill experts to discuss future R&D Needs. The following
workshops identified Research Needs that are important to the improvement of oil spill
response and the understanding of potential effects:
• Research & Development Priorities: An Oil Spill Workshop (November 2003)
• Research & Development Needs For Making Decisions Regarding Dispersing Oil
(September 2005)
• R&D Needs for Addressing the Human Dimensions of Oil Spills (June 2006)
• Submerged Oil Workshop Report (December 2006)
• R&D Priorities: Oil Spill Workshop (March 2009)
• Coordinating R&D on Oil Spill Response In the Wake of Deepwater Horizon
(July 2011)
• A Forum – Oil Spill Research (January 2012)
• The Future of Dispersant Use in Oil Spill Response Initiative (March 2012)
• Oil Spill Dispersant Research Forum (March 2013)
• Alberta Oil Sands Workshop (April 2013) Washington State Department of
Ecology, the Regional Response Team 10 and Pacific States/British Columbia Oil
Spill Task Force (April 2013)
• Environmental Disaster Data Management Workshop (September 2014)
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Research & Development Needs For Making Decisions Regarding Dispersing Oil
(September 2005)
This CRRC workshop used the major topic recommendations from the 2005 NRC study
on dispersant efficacy and effects to serve as the basis for the workshop discussion. The
NRC report provided recommendations for major research topic areas within six R&D
• chemical effectiveness of dispersant formulations;
• operational effectiveness parameters;
• hydrodynamics and integration of data needed to develop modeling capabilities to
predict and evaluate dispersant effectiveness;
• short- and long-term toxicity of dispersants and dispersed oil;
• long-term fate of dispersants and dispersed oil, including biodegradation; and
• development of relevant exposure regimes.
R&D Needs for Addressing the Human Dimensions of Oil Spills (June 2006)
The goal of the CRRC Human Dimensions of Oil Spills Workshop was to bring together
a broad spectrum of human dimensions researchers and oil spill practitioners, including
industry representatives and regulators, to develop a list of research needs on human
dimensions that the Center could use in Request for Proposals (RFPs) and
announcements from other funding entities. CRRC specifically designed the workshop to
gather holistic perspectives and feedback from all stakeholder groups involved in oil spill
response and restoration.
Six research topics were noted as critical components to incorporate into NRDA and
other spill response processes. They were:
• Human Use Dimensions;
• Risk Communication;
• Valuing Natural Resources;
• Social Impacts;
• Subsistence;
Final Oil Pollution Research & Technology Plan – Approved September 29, 2015
• Human Dimensions - This research topic addressed the human dimension as part
of a response, including: 1) minimizing social impacts and subsequent response
activities; 2) developing strategies to address the long-term socioeconomic effects
oil spills have on a region’s culture and vitality; 3) translating and incorporating
social science research, methodologies, and initiatives into individual and
collective response plans; and 4) assessing where social science research “fits”
into the spill management structure.
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• Ecological Effects of Oil Spills – This topic addressed issues around the long-
term effects of residual oil in the environment, including the levels and types of
adverse effects resulting when oil remains, and the effects of an oil spill that may
be magnified by the clean-up technologies.
Coordinating R&D on Oil Spill Response in the Wake of Deepwater Horizon (April
The CSE organized this workshop to bring together experts from across a broad spectrum
of organizations to address the state of future oil spill response research and practices.
The overarching goals were to: (1) develop an updated list of Research Needs for
response related to dispersant efficacy and effects, spill trajectory modeling, detection of
surface and subsurface oil, human dimensions in spill response, seafood safety
monitoring and information management; and (2) create a dialogue between researchers
and responders in order to ensure translation of research results into practice.
The objectives of this forum were to review previous and on-going R&D conducted by
academic, governmental agencies and industry; present newly funded projects so that
everyone is aware of what types of research are being conducted; and evaluate
mechanisms for scientific exchange and coordination of oil spill response R&D efforts
going forward.
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As defined for this forum, oil spill response R&D encompassed any of the following
The Future of Dispersant Use in Oil Spill Response Initiative (March 2012)
CRRC convened this workshop with the goal of bringing together federal and state
representatives, academic scientists, responders, and other stakeholders to discuss the
future of dispersant use in spill response in the United States. The overall goals for the
workshop were to:
• Build a fact-based consensus on the trade-offs associated with dispersant use;
• Evaluate the current state-of-knowledge on the monitoring, behavior, effects, and
fate of dispersants;
• Identify information gaps; and
• Recommend R&D topics to help inform dispersant use in future spill response.
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establish best practices for orderly collection, storage, and retrieval of data. The
objectives of the EDDM project are to:
• Engage the community of data users, data managers, and data collectors to foster
a culture of applying consistent terms and concepts, data flow, and quality
assurance and control;
• Provide oversight in the establishment and integration of foundational, baseline
data collected prior to an environmental event;
• Provide best‐practice guidance for data and metadata management
• Suggest infrastructure design elements to facilitate quick and efficient search,
discovery, and retrieval of data; and
• Define the characteristics of a “gold standard” data management plan for
appropriate data sampling, formatting, reliability, and retrievability.
DOE’s ongoing research within the Office of Fossil Energy is focused on the prudent
development of domestic oil and gas resources. Onshore research is coordinated with the
USEPA and the Department of the Interior (DOI)/US Geological Survey (USGS). The
three agencies jointly developed a framework for Federal research that addresses how to
safely and prudently develop the Nation’s unconventional oil and gas resources. The
unique and specific core research competencies of each agency underpin the synergy of
this research effort. This multiagency research strategy includes key research questions
the agencies will address in a coordinated fashion. These research questions focus on
protecting groundwater and air quality, reducing, reusing, and recycling water used in
upstream exploration and production operations, reducing the surface and subsurface
impacts of oil and gas exploration and production activities, and improve the
understanding for the purpose of mitigating induced seismicity.
Offshore research is coordinated with the DOI/Bureau of Safety and Environmental
Enforcement (BSEE). Prior to the BP Deepwater Horizon oil spill, DOE’s offshore
research had been directed at maximizing the value of the Nation’s offshore oil and gas
resources while protecting the environment. A recommendation of the President’s
National Commission on the BP Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill and Offshore Drilling was
that DOE should refocus its offshore research activities. In working with the DOI/BSEE
Ocean Energy Safety Advisory Committee, DOE refocused its offshore research program
on oil spill prevention. DOE’s focus has since been on assessment and mitigation of the
risk of loss of well control so as to prevent oil spills. Research pathways include:
identification of geologic hazards, well control during the drilling and completion
process, integrity of the surface facilities and umbilicals, and subsea reliability and
Final Oil Pollution Research & Technology Plan – Approved September 29, 2015
The Ultra-Deepwater Advisory Committee (UDAC) was formed in 2007 to advise the
Secretary of Energy on the development and implementation of programs related to ultra-
deepwater (UDW). The Committee, sunset in 2013, provided recommendations for
incorporation into DOE’s annual plan of research.
In 2011, the UDAC suggested that, because of the Deepwater Horizon accident, there
should be projects aimed at placing additional measuring instruments in the well and/or at
the wellhead to determine the nature of the well fluids, pressures, and their flow status in
real time. They recommended that this work be combined with development of secure
methods for transmitting the data to the surface and providing timely interpretation.
Analysis of the Deepwater Horizon incident indicated that a lack of reliable information
hampered control efforts from the initial blowout to the final capping of the well. The
UDAC also recommended conducting studies of current subsea containment and capture
technologies (hardware), including gap analyses and needs for future technologies with
emphasis on subsea capture systems that are independent of surface facilities. Because a
number of behavioral factors associated with operations, maintenance, and training
contributed to the Deepwater Horizon incident, the UDAC recommended research aimed
at discovering the fundamental attitudes of rig personnel and associated groups to health
and safety issues.
In the 2012 review of the DOE offshore research plan, the UDAC indicated that there
was a strong emphasis on the engineering aspects of increasing safety, but little attention
was given to the aspects of human behavior regarding safety. However, given the causal
factors in the Deepwater Horizon incident, research into how to conduct the human
aspect of operations safety and how to use advanced decision support and backup
systems is not only prudent, but also mandatory.
The UDAC indicated that information is limited regarding methods to prevent and
respond to catastrophic events, and mitigate the negative impacts of spills in remote,
harsh and sensitive environments. Environmental protection and personnel health and
safety working in harsh, unique and sensitive marine habitats, such as Arctic waters and
tropical coral reef areas, requires additional focus. To accomplish this, the UDAC
recommended that a gap analysis be conducted to catalog and characterize the salient
differences between operations in the Gulf of Mexico and those environments
encountered in drilling and completion in unique and sensitive marine habitats, such as
Arctic waters and tropical coral reef environments, to assess the risks that demand more
Finally to further improve safety, the UDAC recommended the present scope of expert
(case-based) systems be determined, and then benefits and limitations be identified, as
Final Oil Pollution Research & Technology Plan – Approved September 29, 2015
well as other applications (e.g., cementing, completions, wellbore design), that would
reduce the risk when operating in deepwater.
The Deepwater Horizon oil spill focused unprecedented attention on the Gulf of Mexico
ecosystem. During the response to the Deepwater Horizon event, resource managers and
researchers from across the country collaborated to conduct science, monitoring, and
response activities to understand impacts from the spill. The data and information
collected from those efforts have since been used to make progress towards the long-term
goal of protecting and restoring public health and natural resources in the Gulf of
In 2010 and 2011, the National Science and Technology Council’s Joint Subcommittee
on Ocean Science and Technology (NSTC JSOST) convened two major workshops in St.
Petersburg, Florida of Principal Investigators (PIs) actively involved in research,
sampling, and monitoring activities in response to the Deepwater Horizon incident. Each
of the workshops was an opportunity for PIs to foster new collaborations, compare initial
results, interact with federal agencies, and discuss recommendations for longer-term
research activities.
The October 2010 Conference had six breakout groups. Five groups addressed
oil/dispersant: fate and extent; impacts and mitigation in the offshore; impacts and
mitigation in coastal areas; impacts and mitigation on living marine resources;
and impacts and mitigation on human health and socio‐economic systems. The
sixth group addressed the use of in situ and remote sensors, sampling, and
systems for assessing the extent, fate, impacts, and mitigation of oil/dispersant.
The follow‐on workshop in October 2011 was an opportunity for researchers to present
results of studies that were in progress during the first conference in October 2010. The
second conference provided a significant amount of information regarding the spill
impacts, early recovery, and the scientific efforts to capture that information.
Researchers presented numerous potential research needs going forward. As in the initial
2010 conference, the participants identified a series of overall recommendations and
observations about gaps and needs for continued research and ways to improve scientific
understanding of Gulf of Mexico science issues.
In January 2011, the USCG Commandant chartered the Incident Specific Preparedness
Review (ISPR) for the response to the Deepwater Horizon oil spill in 2010 to examine
the implementation and effectiveness of the preparedness and response to the incident as
Final Oil Pollution Research & Technology Plan – Approved September 29, 2015
it related to the National Contingency Plan, Area Contingency Plans, and other oil spill
response plans. The report was divided into three main chapters: Planning and Plan
Execution, Organization, and Resources and Readiness. The ISRP also provided a list of
lessons learned and recommendations.
• Planning and Preparedness - There was a general weakness in the USCG’s
ability to respond to this type of large spill. The problems were the result of
budget reductions organizational structure. The agency needs to reassess its
readiness programmatically and reinvest to the extent that Marine Environmental
Response (MER) is, once again, firmly established as one of the USCG’s core
• Area Contingency Plans - The ISPR found these plans to be inadequate for this
size of incident. The USCG needs to provide service-wide direction to all Area
Committees, develop minimum standards for contingency plans, and establish an
oversight, review, and compliance program.
• Environmentally Sensitive Areas - In some planning areas, the ESAs were not
identified. In some plans where the areas were listed, they were not prioritized.
In a few instances, ESAs did have protection strategies for the heavily affected
areas. There must be a national planning process that identifies ESAs and ensures
that there are trained personnel, equipment, and strategies adequate to protect
these resources.
• Alternative Response Technologies - The use of two alternative response
technologies, dispersants and ISB, proved critical to preventing wholesale impacts
to ESAs. This was possible because the spill characteristics, location, and
distribution of ESAs were favorable to the use of these technologies. However,
important concerns and questions remain about their impacts on the environment,
and more research is necessary before bringing them into the mainstream of spill
response options. The use of dispersants during the Deepwater Horizon incident
identified a need for a thorough review of this response option, its efficacy in
minimizing environmental impacts, its overall effect on the environment, and
conditions under which they are most effective. Dispersant protocols and
authorization procedures should be established and articulated in ACPs. The
National Response Team should require that all RRTs establish ISB guidelines as
a viable response option in their area of responsibility, consistent with public
health and safety issues.
• Effective Daily Recovery Capacity (EDRC) - EDRC is the planning standard
used to estimate the rate at which mechanical means (e.g., skimmers) can recover
an amount of oil and rate capabilities of oil spill removal organizations (OSROs).
Revised EDRC requirements could stimulate OSROs to invest in response
research and development, with the goal of developing skimmers and other
recovery equipment that are more efficient.
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In January 2011, the National Commission on the BP Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill and
Offshore Drilling (Commission) issued their Report to the President – Deepwater: The
Gulf Oil Disaster and the Future of Offshore Drilling. The Commission’s complete
recommendations in the report reflect the government’s sweeping sovereign authority as
owner of the seabed and water column and, as the regulator of activities there, with the
overriding responsibility to manage and protect the valuable resources of the outer
continental shelf (OCS) on behalf of current and future generations. The Commission’s
report grouped recommendations in nine distinct areas:
• Improving the safety of offshore operations through greater government oversight
and control including a new regulatory organizational structure;
• Improving the safety of offshore operations by industry through greater emphasis
on a more risk based approach to operations and safety;
• Safeguarding the environment;
• Strengthening oil spill response, planning, and capacity;
• Advancing well-containment capabilities;
• Overcoming the impacts of the Deepwater Horizon spill and restoring the Gulf;
• Ensuring financial responsibility;
• Promoting Congressional engagement to ensure responsible offshore drilling; and
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Within each of the major categories, the Commission had additional specific actions and
recommendations to improve offshore drilling prevention, preparedness, response and
environmental protection and restoration.
The Commission Staff Working Paper No. 7, “Response/Clean-up Technology Research
& Development and the BP Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill,” documented the state of
research and development by the private sector and federal government specific to
containment and well-control technology. The paper was provided to the full
Commission for consideration as it deliberated it report to the President. The paper
discussed three basic questions:
• Does the private sector invest less than the socially optimal amount in
response/cleanup technology?
• Do federal agencies lack adequate long-term funding to maintain
response/cleanup preparedness?
• Can the federal government and industry create a set of incentive for private
companies and government agencies that would optimize levels of investment in
response/cleanup technology?
The paper concluded that there was a response R&D gap. The paper suggested that the
National Commission consider:
• Recommending language in OPA 90 to guarantee the full oil spill research
authorization provided in the Act as originally intended.
• Recommending OPA 90 be amended to guarantee sustained and additional
funding for Ohmsett.
• Recommending ways to stimulate the cleanup technology market and incentivize
related R&D,
• Recommending that the EDRC regulations be revised to give an incentive for
response companies to employ the most efficient recovery equipment.
• Recommending that EPA streamline the permitting process for open-water testing
and that EPA loosen its oiled-water discharge requirements for technology testing
As part of the R&T planning process, ICCOPR held three public meetings in 2010 to
solicit input on future oil pollution research needs. ICOCPR advertised the public
meetings in the Federal Register and conducted them on the West, East, and Gulf Coasts
to obtain different regional interests and perspectives.
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In addition to the public meetings, ICCOPR also received letters from the Pacific
States/British Columbia Oil Spill Task Force, the U.S. Arctic Research Commission, and
the Marine Mammal Commission and a report entitled “Assessing the Long-term Effects
of the BP Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill on Marine Mammals in the Gulf of Mexico: A
Statement of Research Needs.”
8.9 National Research Council: Responding to Oil Spills in the U.S. Arctic
Marine Environment
A group of organizations requested that the National Research Council of the National
Academy of Sciences conduct a study of the current capabilities to respond to oil spills in
the Arctic. ICCOPR sponsors included the USCG, BSEE, BOEM, NOAA, and USARC.
Other sponsors included API, Marine Mammal Commission, and OSRI. The report had
four main sections: 1) Environmental Conditions and Natural Resources in the U.S.
Arctic; 2) Arctic Oil Spill Response Research; 3) Operations, Logistics, and Coordination
in an Arctic Oil Spill; and, 4) Strategies for Response and Mitigation. Each section
described the current state of knowledge or capabilities of the U.S. response
organizations and made recommendations for an effective prevention, preparedness, and
response system.
NRC released the report after ICCOPR had completed the Research Needs Identification
Process (see section 6.1) and was in the Needs Prioritization Process (see section 6.2).
The R&T Plan Workgroup reviewed the NRC report and determined that the
recommendations were consistent with the Research Needs already under consideration.
The Workgroup used the NRC recommendations as a factor in selecting priority Research
In 2013, the Secretary of Energy commissioned the National Petroleum Council (NPC) to
conduct a comprehensive study considering the research and technology opportunities to
enable prudent development of U.S. Arctic oil and gas resources. The study included an
in-depth assessment of available offshore oil and gas technology, ongoing research, and
research opportunities, in six areas:
• Ice characterization
• Oil and gas exploration and development
• Logistics and infrastructure
• Oil spill prevention and response
• Ecology, and
• Human environment.
Final Oil Pollution Research & Technology Plan – Approved September 29, 2015
The oil and gas industry convened the Joint Industry Oil Spill Preparedness and Response
(OSPR) Task Force (JITF) in June 2010 to evaluate procedures and lessons learned
during the Deepwater Horizon oil spill response. The initial focus of the JITF was to
identify potential opportunities for improvement to oil spill response systems in the areas
of planning and coordination, optimization of each response tool, R&D, technology
advancement, and training/education of all parties preparing for or responding to an oil
spill. The JITF spent several months developing and prioritizing project plans to address
each preliminary recommendation, and subsequently received approval and Industry
funding for a multi-year work program. The JITF divided its recommendations into
seven categories, or work streams:
• Planning;
• Dispersants;
• Shoreline protection and cleanup;
• Oil sensing and tracking;
• In-situ burning;
• Mechanical recovery; and
• Alternative technologies.
Nine oil and gas companies established the Arctic Oil Spill Response Technology Oil
Joint Industry Programme (JIP) to further build on existing research and improve the
technologies and methodologies for Arctic oil spill response. The goal of the JIP was to
advance Arctic oil spill response strategies, improve equipment and increase
understanding of potential impacts of oil on the Arctic marine environment. There were
seven key areas of research addressed by the JIP specifically for the Arctic:
• Dispersants;
• Environmental effects;
• Trajectory modeling;
• Remote sensing;
Final Oil Pollution Research & Technology Plan – Approved September 29, 2015
• Mechanical recovery;
• In-situ burning; and
• Field research.
8.12 Prince William Sound Oil Spill Recovery Institute (OSRI) Research Plan
2011-2015 (February 2010)
The Prince William Sound (PWS) Oil Spill Recovery Institute (OSRI) was authorized in
1990 by the United States Congress to “identify and develop the best available
techniques, equipment, and materials for dealing with oil spills in the Arctic and sub-
Arctic marine environments” (Title V, Section 5001, Oil Pollution Act of 1990). OPA 90
amendments in 1996 and 2005expanded the area of emphasis and extended the life of
OSRI programs until one year after the completion of oil exploration and development
efforts in Alaska.
OSRI sponsors research programs on physical oceanography and meteorology designed
to improve the ability to forecast weather and ocean conditions. OSRI works with a wide
array of industry and agency organizations to sponsor technological improvements for oil
spill response. This includes contributing to the testing of new skimmer technologies,
sensitivity index maps, and sponsoring workshops to identify best practices and research
needs. It supports K-12 classroom programs and recently worked to include more
technology in the education programs. With the increased desire by industry to develop
offshore regions of the Arctic, there is greater emphasis on improving technologies for oil
spill response in ice-laden waters.
OSRI’s 2011-2015 Research Plan outlines the priority research areas that it will be
• Interdisciplinary approaches to understanding the fate and effects of an oil spill in
the Arctic and the recovery of that oil;
• Development of response tools to assist responders to mitigate the impact of spills
in the Arctic; and
• Communication and education of the public on the issues related to oil spills in
the Arctic.
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Final Oil Pollution Research & Technology Plan – Approved September 29, 2015
Injury Assessment
Prevention Preparedness Response
& Restoration
• Human Error • Pre-spill Baseline • Structural • Environmental
Factors Studies Damage Impacts and
• Offshore Facility • Response Assessment and Ecosystem
and Systems Management Salvage Recovery
• Onshore Facilities Systems • At Source • Environmental
and Systems Control and Restoration
Containment Methods and
• Waterways
• Chemical and Technologies
Physical • Human Safety and
• Vessel Design Behavior Health
• Drilling Modeling • Sociological and
• Rail & Truck • Oil Spill Economic Impacts
Transportation Detection and
• Pipeline Systems Surveillance
• In- and On-water
Containment and
• Shore
Containment and
• Dispersants
• In-situ Burning
• Alternative
• Oily and Oil
Waste Disposal
• Bioremediation
Final Oil Pollution Research & Technology Plan – Approved September 29, 2015
This SRA focuses on how human performance and factors contribute to accidents in the
oil production/transportation system. It includes the development of advanced methods
and systems for training operational personnel, basic research on operating personnel
performance in preventing oil spills (safe navigation on vessels, proper oil transfer
practices, analysis/evaluation of equipment monitoring systems, decision-making
processes), and the development of methods and technologies to evaluate the ability and
knowledge of operating personnel in performing their duties. This may extend to
evaluation of the overall management culture and its ability to foster the appropriate
organizational safety, preparedness and response operating environment.
The priorities selected focus on improving the performance of individuals to reduce
potential spills through better technology and improved training methods. ICCOPR
selected Research Needs that emphasized development of innovative training methods by
using simulations and gaming. At the operational level, improvements in instrumentation
and data interpretation technology are essential to allow better decisions to be made on
vessels, in ports, and on railway and pipeline transportation systems.
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This SRA includes: offshore exploration and development wells, platforms, and well
control systems; the methods, techniques, and equipment for system reliability
inspections; systems to detect, prevent, and mitigate oil and gas discharges; and
equipment to regain control of a well blowout or any other accidental discharge. It also
includes transfer equipment, storage units, and piping used to transfer oil within the
offshore system and connect the system to transfer pipelines. This technology is relevant
for the multiple operating environments of exploration and production activities (e.g.,
Arctic, shallow, deep and ultra-deep waters).
One of the selected priorities acknowledges the special conditions that occur in the
Arctic. Another priority recognizes the need to address material integrity in deepwater,
the Arctic and other frontier drilling locations.
Evaluate corrosion and corrosion mitigation processes at the splash zone for
offshore platforms.
Study effects of ice forces, scour and gouging with respect to prevention of oil
spills from offshore facilities.
Conduct studies related to the longevity and integrity of metallic materials used
under extreme conditions in relation to new surface treatments and alloys.
This SRA includes designs, techniques, operational procedures and equipment for fixed
onshore facilities including wells. It covers inspections and systems to detect, prevent,
and mitigate oil and gas discharges from the facilities and their systems, including
transfer equipment, storage, and piping.
The priorities for this SRA emphasize the need to improve the integrity and operations of
onshore facilities. As in other SRAs, the priorities for Onshore Facilities recognize the
need to address the effects of emerging crude and Arctic environments on facility
infrastructure. There are two subcategories under this SRA: 1) Tank and Piping
Inspection, Operations, Design, and Data; and, 2) Emerging Issues.
Evaluate the efficacy of sorbent and similar technologies used as oil spill control
measures for storm water filtration and secondary containment shut-off drains.
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Assess the effects of emerging crude oils and alternative fuels on tanks,
appurtenances and piping.
Assess the effects of Arctic and cold weather environments on the operation and
maintenance of tanks, appurtenances, and associated piping.
This SRA includes methods, equipment, and integrated systems designed to improve
navigation at sea and in ports, rivers, and inland waterways. It includes on-board
navigation systems, such as integrated navigation and bridge systems and collision
avoidance systems. It also includes systems external to the vessel, such as vessel traffic
and tracking systems, navigational aids and piloting systems, as well as includes general
research into navigation risks, the effects of navigational safety programs, and the
development of decision support tools for waterways management efforts. This SRA
includes development of navigational channel maintenance programs and analysis of
voyage pre-planning processes.
The priorities selected recognize the special nature of operations and navigation in ice-
infested waters of the Arctic. They also focus on the need to improve technology on
ships and in ports for traffic control.
This SRA includes the development, physical and numerical modeling, and testing of
advanced tanker and barge designs to make these vessels less susceptible to damage and
less likely to spill their cargoes into the waterways if an accidental grounding, collision or
structural failure occurs. This SRA also includes research on non-tank vessel designs
Final Oil Pollution Research & Technology Plan – Approved September 29, 2015
(e.g., double-hulled fuel and lube oil tanks) to minimize the possibility of spillage from
collisions, allisions, and groundings.
The selection of priorities recognizes the significant progress made because of the double
hull tanker design mandated by OPA ’90. The priorities in this SRA emphasize the
design of vessels for survivability during accidents and the tools and models necessary to
assess the effectiveness of ship structures to estimate spill potential. ICCOPR recognizes
the need for design improvements for operating in the extreme environments of the
This SRA focuses on: the design, construction, and placement of wells (deepwater and
ultra-deepwater, and onshore); materials, sensors, and systems needed for offshore
drilling and production platforms, and well heads/risers; and techniques and equipment
for well and facility monitoring and inspection under extreme pressure and temperature
environments. Also included are efforts aimed at understanding the chemical and
physical characteristics for the full range of petroleum oils under varying conditions of
pressure and temperature; predicting their phase/state, behavior and their physical
interaction with other materials in the environment (e.g., rock and sediments); and their
impact on engineered systems. Example issues include: early kick detection; systems for
communicating and responding to changes in downhole parameters; strategies and
methods for training operational personnel on the use of advanced technology; systems to
detect and prevent oil and gas discharges; and well-head systems and equipment to
control wild wells and cap well blowouts.
ICCOPR again recognizes the need to prioritize research that focuses on operational
differences in the Arctic. Other research priorities focus on improving drilling systems
and the knowledge of complex reservoir conditions to better assess potential incidents
related to stratigraphy and hydrocarbon pathways. There are two subcategories to this
SRA: Deepwater Drilling and Technology and Reservoir Characterization.
Final Oil Pollution Research & Technology Plan – Approved September 29, 2015
Study the interaction and potential for failure at the interface of each system
(formation - cement - instrumentation) and develop advanced downhole tools to
assess the integrity of the system in situ.
Characterize reservoir conditions associated with offshore Arctic oil and gas
provinces to identify potential issues in areas of offshore clathrates, sea ice, and
other effects.
Final Oil Pollution Research & Technology Plan – Approved September 29, 2015
Canada. ICCOPR also recognizes the unique characteristics of the crude oils transported
by rail and trucks and the hazards they pose under accident conditions.
Evaluate accident and incident trends to identify ways to minimize the incident
rate of leaks, spills, and damage to the environment due to oil spills.
Develop new advanced technology for sensing pipeline leaks that will reduce leak
detection false alarms for new construction and existing pipelines.
Improve existing leak detection technology and health monitoring sensors so that
they are miniaturized, automatic, robust and withstand harsh environments.
Develop technology that detects the presence, location and separation between
multiple utilities (underground, through various soil conditions) in a common
Final Oil Pollution Research & Technology Plan – Approved September 29, 2015
Improve and develop in-line inspection (ILI) to locate and size defects in girth
welds and long seam defects including cracks in electric resistance welded
(ERW) pipe.
Assess the remaining integrity of pipelines that have multiple different anomalies
in proximity.
Final Oil Pollution Research & Technology Plan – Approved September 29, 2015
Study ecological structure and population of key Arctic indicator species and
protected species (including those with subsistence and ecosystem importance)
particularly in areas that are likely to be explored/developed for oil and gas
extraction in the near to mid‐ term.
Final Oil Pollution Research & Technology Plan – Approved September 29, 2015
Study and synthesize existing information for intertidal habitats (i.e., sand
beaches, rocky and cobble habitats) regarding productivity, species diversity,
community structure, and the effects of oil on these parameters, including
recovery time, with consideration for regional variation.
Study ecological structure and population of key indicator and protected species
in deepwater and ultra-deepwater (including those with subsistence and
ecosystem importance), particularly in areas that are likely to be
explored/developed for oil and gas extraction in the near to mid‐term.
Develop methodologies for using baseline flow characteristic data (such as tidal
energy mapping and other energy sources) to support shallow water inlet
protection strategies during oil spills.
This SRA includes analysis and development of systems to manage how data and
information are collected, analyzed, documented, and shared between and among, the
planning/preparedness and response communities, the Incident Command System (ICS),
and the public. These systems are used to integrate diverse sets of narrative, graphic, and
Final Oil Pollution Research & Technology Plan – Approved September 29, 2015
video information and many sets and types of raw and analyzed data. Examples of oil
spill information systems include: ICS forms; computer systems; data management
software and databases; Geographic Information Systems (GIS); routing, spill and
incident management tracking systems; electronic mail and web content; documents,
photographs, and video management and archiving systems; communication systems;
public information messages and protocols; and graphical displays.
ICCOPR priorities under this SRA recognize the need to upgrade information
management systems, develop more rapid methods of incorporating data prior to and
during a spill, and improve spill response planning tools. Improved pre-spill planning,
development of information management tools, and incorporation of baseline data from
current oil and gas extraction areas and potential frontier areas will greatly enhance
response should an incident occur.
Develop spill planning and response tools based on gap analysis of the availability
of countermeasures in different Arctic locations and seasons.
Final Oil Pollution Research & Technology Plan – Approved September 29, 2015
This SRA includes the development of methodologies and equipment to assess the extent
of damage to a stricken vessel caused by collision, allision, grounding, or improper hull
stresses during cargo transfers or explosion. This area also includes development of
methods and technology to graphically present the implications of various measures that
can be implemented to stabilize the vessel’s condition, reduce the potential for further
pollution, and allow it to be moved safely for repairs or disposal.
The priorities in this SRA include the need to improve technology to determine the oil
and water interface in tanks and develop remote vehicles capable of assessing external
integrity of vessel hulls. Another important priority is to evaluate existing wrecks that
have the potential to leak petroleum products into marine water.
Study methods for remotely and rapidly determining whether a cargo tank
contains sea water and the extent of the water bottom (height of the oil/water
interface from the bottom of the tank).
Develop technologies and techniques to better determine the presence of oil and
the probability of its release from specific sunken vessels.
This SRA includes the development of methods, systems, and equipment for containing
and recovering the oil at or from the source and for mitigating oil flow from a damaged
vessel, onshore/offshore pipeline, and an exploration or production platform, temporarily
abandoned (plugged) well, or well head once the spill has begun. Such technologies
include well-head capping systems, remotely operated vehicles (ROVs) for subsea
Final Oil Pollution Research & Technology Plan – Approved September 29, 2015
containment activities, and patching, plugging and sealing systems. This technology is
applicable to all geographic/environmental areas (Arctic, terrestrial, water surface,
subsurface shallow, and deep and ultra-deep water).
ICCOPR selected priorities that reflect the difficulties in containing the well during the
Deepwater Horizon oil spill. The priorities also reflect an anticipated need to provide at
source containment in more extreme environments.
Study the range of failure states and flow rates for which subsea containment may
be required.
This SRA includes laboratory and theoretical research and field studies aimed at
understanding the behavior and characteristics of the full range of petroleum oils
including: behavior and transport in the environment, partitioning of hydrocarbon
constituents, and physical interaction with other materials in the environment (rock,
sediments, and ice). It includes studies of oil behavior and changes throughout the water
column from deepwater blowouts. There is particular interest in non-conventional oils
such as those produced in the Bakken and Canadian Tars sands (diluted bitumen (dilbit)
and synthetic bitumen (synbit)). It also includes the development and verification of
numerical models to predict the surface and subsurface movement and weathering (i.e.,
spreading, evaporation, dispersion, and dissolution) of oil spills. This SRA also includes
methodologies to provide accurate model input data to verify model outputs. This SRA
includes development of user-friendly programs to enhance contingency planning and to
serve as training aides for spill response teams. Models should be available for various
spill scenarios at specific locations for different tidal, current, and weather conditions to
pre-plan potential boom deployment strategies and estimate response resource needs.
ICCOPR recognized the importance of addressing research needs related to
understanding how oil behaves under differing conditions in both fresh and saltwater, and
developing models to use during oil spills. ICCOPR specifically identified priority
Research Needs to improve the understanding of how oil behaves in the Arctic and how
new emerging oils such as oil sands products and Bakken crude oils behave in the
environment. There are five subcategories for this SRA: 1) Arctic Behavior and
Final Oil Pollution Research & Technology Plan – Approved September 29, 2015
Study the fate of oil in Arctic conditions; including open water, ice infested water
and oil trapped in ice, particularly as it relates to the effectiveness of spill
response countermeasures and the potential for ecosystem exposure.
Study the oil droplet size from deepwater blowouts, the thickness of surfacing oil
and the behavior of dissolvable components.
Study bottom substrate dynamics that might affect submerged oil fate and
Study how oil degrades in intertidal and shallow subtidal habitats (e.g., cobble,
pebble, sand, mud, mussel beds, mangrove, and marsh).
Use best available scientific data on oil weathering and fate to develop and
improve transport model parameters (e.g., volatilization, solubilization,
emulsification, biodegradation).
Develop/improve oil trajectory and fate models that can be used during spill
response to predict the behavior and transport of dispersed oil and verify/validate
them in an appropriately designed experimental setting or during actual spills.
Final Oil Pollution Research & Technology Plan – Approved September 29, 2015
EMERGING CRUDE (including oil sands products (OSP) and Bakken, etc.)
Conduct research on the fate and transport of oil sands products in freshwater and
marine environments.
This SRA principally refers to methods and equipment for characterizing and monitoring
oil pre- and post-implementation of response options, and the detection of unknown
discharges. This SRA includes surface and subsurface oil spill surveillance including
devices, sensors, and systems for detecting and tracking oil spills, determining the area
and thickness of the oil slick, and measuring the physical properties of the oil. Examples
of equipment considered in this area are: surface oil spill tracking buoys; airborne remote
sensors and data analysis systems; fluorometers and light-scattering sensors; and satellite
remote sensing data and on/in-water oil detection devices with the ability to conduct
nighttime and low light recovery operations. It includes research that provides
information to support development of monitoring protocols for subsea and surface
responses or improvements to existing ones such as the NRT Atypical guidance or the
SMART guidance, as applicable. This SRA also includes evaluation of techniques for
autonomous sensing operations and reporting from remote locations where logistical
challenges limit human accessibility.
The priorities for this SRA focus on the development of improved technologies that can
more rapidly and effectively identify the presence and the characteristics of oil in the
water column and on the seafloor. These priorities would address some of the issues that
arose from the Deepwater Horizon spill and may assist responders to react more
effectively to future incidents. There are three subcategories for this SRA: Remote
Detection, Monitoring, and Submerged Oil Detection.
Final Oil Pollution Research & Technology Plan – Approved September 29, 2015
Develop technologies that enable remote oil spill detection and mapping in low
visibility conditions (e.g., night, fog).
Develop enhanced technology for detecting oil under ice, encapsulated in ice, and
floating within broken ice fields.
Study the potential of acoustic systems and Light Detection and Ranging
(LiDAR), both individually and as packaged suites, to detect submerged oil on the
seafloor and in the water column.
Develop new or improve existing chemical sensors for detecting submerged oil.
Develop methods to calibrate the degree of oiling on snare sampling systems with
the amount of oil on the seafloor or in the water column.
9.3.5 In- and On-water Containment and Recovery Priorities (Section
This SRA includes the development of methods, equipment, and materials for physically
containing and removing oil from the surface of the water, the water column, or on the
bottom of the sea/river bed. This SRA focuses on improving traditional equipment such
as booms, skimmers, and sorbent materials, as well as developing new approaches to
surface containment, and equipment and systems specific to containment and recovery of
subsurface oils.
The priority Research Needs in this SRA focus on the Arctic and other northern areas
where cold water and ice will require innovative methods and technologies. There was
Final Oil Pollution Research & Technology Plan – Approved September 29, 2015
also recognition of the need for better technologies to control and recover submerged oil
given the greater emphasis on deep and ultra-deep water drilling. ICCOPR
acknowledged the need for better testing protocols for new technologies and methods and
identified research priorities that could improve laboratory and field testing. ICCOPR
identified priorities in two subcategories: Control and Recovery Technology, and
Recovery Operations and Testing.
Develop new tools to control and recover oil that is submerged, suspended in the
water column, or on the seafloor.
Develop control and recovery capabilities for oil in river conditions with pack ice
and ice flows.
Conduct field tests of cleanup techniques and create protocols for various habitats
and conditions, including Arctic conditions.
Develop surrogates for different types of oil to be used for training and for
research and development testing.
This SRA covers new methods, treating agents, and equipment for removing oil from
shorelines, as well as mitigating the environmental impact of oil that cannot be removed.
Specifically, this SRA includes water washing and flooding techniques, the use of
chemical treating agents, and novel applications of mechanical removal techniques and
equipment. It also includes analysis, evaluation and decision-making (risk and benefits)
for the use of active shoreline oil removal techniques versus passive naturally-occurring
ICCOPR recognizes the difficulty of relying solely on physical recovery on shorelines.
Therefore, priorities in this SRA focus on developing chemicals that prevent shoreline
Final Oil Pollution Research & Technology Plan – Approved September 29, 2015
Study the effectiveness of surface washing for shoreline cleanup and develop
standards for surface washing.
Conduct research to assess the ability of chemicals to prevent oil from reaching or
sticking to shorelines.
This SRA addresses the use of chemical products designed to interact with marine oil
slicks by reducing the oil/water interfacial tension and breaking up the slick into tiny
droplets with the aid of wave or other energy sources. Research areas for dispersants
include: developing appropriate dispersant applications for cold weather and deep sea
environments; increasing dispersant effectiveness for water surface and subsurface
applications (e.g., effective on a wider viscosity and emulsification range, and calm sea
conditions); reducing ecological effects of individual dispersant components and
combined components in the water column; refining vessel, aircraft, and subsurface
application methodologies and equipment; developing enhanced monitoring methods and
systems for determining the effectiveness of surface and subsurface application of
dispersants; determining how to distinguish physically versus chemically dispersed oil;
studying the distribution and impact of the chemicals and dispersed oil in the
environment; and understanding regional variations in dispersant performance and
environmental effects. This SRA may include characterization to enhance the ability to
predict dispersant effectiveness on various oil types and at varying application rates,
including the effectiveness of dispersants on weathered/emulsified oils and in a range of
water salinities. This SRA also encompasses studies to determine the suitability of
subsea application of dispersants in the Arctic region where the unique conditions (e.g.,
shallow depths, water salinity, ice-infested water, under-ice discharges) could influence
their fate and effects. An important supporting activity is the development of an
information database on dispersant product effectiveness, application procedures, and
effects. Since dispersants shift the risk from the surface to the water column, additional
research is needed to address questions about the potential acute and chronic effects of
dispersants on water column organisms and populations at various depths.
The Deepwater Horizon spill resulted in a very widespread use of dispersants and the
first application of subsurface dispersants near the well head. This use of dispersants
resulted in a significant interest in the effectiveness of dispersant use and its potential
impacts. The importance of this SRA to future oil response is demonstrated by the large
Final Oil Pollution Research & Technology Plan – Approved September 29, 2015
Study the best dispersants for different types of crude oil over a range of
environmental conditions, including ice infested waters.
Study the fate and effects of subsea application of dispersants in Arctic waters,
including in ice infested water and under ice.
Study the transport and detection of oil, dispersants, and oil/dispersants in surface
and subsurface environments, including deepwater.
Improve protocols for testing toxicity of dispersants and other chemical agents to
better represent real world exposure scenarios.
Study and evaluate dispersant and dispersed oil chronic and sub-lethal effects on
key species, and subsequent long-term ecological effects for varying real world
exposure scenarios and durations.
Collect existing dispersed oil toxicity data and studies to aid in risk-based
decision-making regarding use of dispersants at spills.
Final Oil Pollution Research & Technology Plan – Approved September 29, 2015
Develop methods and quantify the factors needed to scale results of laboratory
and wave tank experiments so that they become more accurate indicators of real
world effectiveness.
Develop studies to quantify the weathering rates and final fate of chemically
dispersed vs. physically-dispersed oil droplets under different scenarios.
Develop conditions of operability for dispersant use in the subsea, including the
characteristics of the most effective dispersant, application methods, and
dispersant to oil ratios.
This SRA includes equipment and techniques required to ignite and sustain combustion
of oil spills on the water, along shorelines, and on land. A source of ignition must be
present for the mix of fuel (e.g., oil) and oxidant (e.g. oxygen) in a slick to burn. Because
slick thickness is a key variable in determining whether the oil will burn, this research
area includes development of equipment such as fire-resistant booms and herders to
concentrate the slick thickness, and improved ignition devices. This SRA also includes
developing knowledge of the conditions under which this equipment and technique can
Final Oil Pollution Research & Technology Plan – Approved September 29, 2015
Develop enhanced designs for containment of burning oil, such as reusable and
high seas capable booms.
This SRA includes the development and use of various spill response chemicals to treat
oil slicks on the surface of the water making the oil more amenable to other recovery
techniques, such as mechanical recovery and ISB. These chemicals include solidifiers,
herding agents, elasticity modifiers, shoreline pre-treatment agents, and emulsion treating
agents (demulsifiers). Development activities include improving chemical formulations,
Final Oil Pollution Research & Technology Plan – Approved September 29, 2015
Study the value and impact of chemical herders with respect to the timing for
deployment of various countermeasures, particularly with respect to a second-
stage recovery effort during ice melt to target oil that had previously been
entrained in sea ice.
Conduct laboratory and field tests of chemical agents for breaking or inhibiting
This SRA includes study and development of analytical methods, procedures, equipment
and techniques to manage and dispose of oil, oily water, oiled soils, and oiled debris
recovered during both on-water and on land oil pollution incidents. Specific technologies
include, but are not limited to, waste segregation, temporary storage, solidification and
stabilization prior to landfill disposal or recycling, oil reclamation, incineration, and
biological treatment (i.e., land farming and composting). It also includes techniques and
equipment for onsite oil-water separation, filtration, and decanting operations that would
reduce the volumes of oil/water material that would need to be handled, transported, and
ICCOPR priorities for this SRA focus on storage, waste issues and recycling.
Develop methods to recycle sorbents and reduce the waste created by using
sorbents as a recovery option.
Final Oil Pollution Research & Technology Plan – Approved September 29, 2015
This SRA includes research and technology to exploit the capabilities of microorganisms
and plants to accelerate the rate of degradation of oil typically through aerobic
degradation, but also through anaerobic degradation processes. Bioremediation is largely
an in-situ technology as ex-situ use requires excavation and further manipulations that
may have a greater potential for environmental harm. Research and development
opportunities include the development of methodologies for the use of nutrient
enrichment and possibly microbes to accelerate the biodegradation process on land, a
process called bio-augmentation. This topic area also covers research to understand the
conditions needed for effective bioremediation in the presence or absence of dispersants,
herders, and other chemical agents. In areas such as coastal wetlands, where stranded oil
may have penetrated into the anaerobic subsurface, this research area would include
studies to wick the oil up to the surface where aerobic conditions and nutrient enrichment
may result in enhanced biodegradation. This SRA also includes development of
methodologies to apply bioremediation for more effective response and restoration
efforts. For purposes of this OPRTP, bioremediation includes phytoremediation
(remediation using plants), a longer-term restoration technique.
ICOCPR priorities under this SRA focus on gaining a better understanding of the
bioremediation process and the factors associated with its use in oil spill remediation.
Final Oil Pollution Research & Technology Plan – Approved September 29, 2015
This SRA includes laboratory research, field studies, and modeling efforts to better
understand and predict the short- and long-term effects of oil spills at the ecosystem
level. It includes research into the short- and long-term recovery of various types of
environments and the chronic effects of oil spills on habitat, species, recovery and
rehabilitation of wildlife, and community structures. This SRA includes the effects of the
oil and the countermeasures and cleanup techniques used to remove the oil. It also
includes research to determine the rate of ecosystem recovery both with and without
countermeasures and cleanup.
The priorities selected by ICCOPR reflect the continued need to assess the short- and
long-term effects of the Deepwater Horizon oil spill through the NRDA process.
ICCOIPR identified priorities within six subcategories for this SRA due to the large
number of identified Research Needs: 1) Species Impacts; 2) Toxicological and Sub-
lethal Impacts; 3) Submerged and Submerged Oil Impacts; 4) Ecosystem and Habitat
Impacts; 5) Recovery; and 6) Risk Assessment and Impact Metrics.
Conduct research that examines the state of knowledge of specific NRDA metrics
that would help identify specific population, physiological, habitat, and exposure
data to support future NRDA activities in Arctic areas that are likely to be
explored/developed for oil and gas extraction in the near to mid-term.
Final Oil Pollution Research & Technology Plan – Approved September 29, 2015
Develop relevant biological markers of exposure and guidelines for their use.
Study the bioavailability and toxicity of oil sands products in freshwater and
marine environments.
Study recovery rates of injured habitats using different types of oils and methods
(e.g., previous spills, mesocosm, field studies).
Develop conceptual models of service loss and recovery from key habitats, and
gather the information necessary to parameterize recovery models.
Final Oil Pollution Research & Technology Plan – Approved September 29, 2015
Conduct research to determine the best metrics for assessing injury and damages
to natural resources.
Conduct single species toxicity research to assess population effects and help risk-
based decision-making during an event.
This SRA includes development of methods and technologies to facilitate and accelerate
the recovery of resources following an oil spill. It includes research into the effectiveness
of approaches for environmental restoration. It also includes evaluations and
comparisons of the factors affecting success of the restoration methods and technologies.
It also involves studying previous restoration efforts, as well as natural recovery, to better
understand ways to improve or enhance future recovery from oil spills.
ICCOPR recognized that the Deepwater Horizon oil spill, as well as other marine and
onshore spills, offer opportunities to assess restoration techniques and improve the state
of the art.
This SRA includes studies on the effects of spilled oil and oil spill response activities on
human health and safety for both workers and the public. It includes the study of oil
weathering throughout the water column and the potential concerns relative to worker
health and safety. It focuses on the development of monitoring instruments, procedures,
and processes to inform personnel engaged in oil spill response activities, as well as the
general public, who could be affected by the oil spill and response options. It also
includes studies of the safety of fish and shellfish in a spill area to determine if they are
safe to market and consume. Research on seafood safety may include petrochemical
Final Oil Pollution Research & Technology Plan – Approved September 29, 2015
toxicology and profiling, risk analysis, sampling and testing methodology development,
and risk communications.
The research priorities focus on worker safety and human exposure, as well as on seafood
safety. The Deepwater Horizon spill has provided opportunities for short- and long-term
monitoring of workers and the public related to these topics. There are two subcategories
to this SRA: Safety and Human Exposure.
Conduct research on the short- and long-term safety of seafood following a spill
or fisheries closure and develop methods to communicate these to the public.
Study the short- and long-term impacts to humans from exposure to contaminants
from oil spills (e.g., dermal, oral (through seafood), and respiratory).
Study the toxicological effects and the causal or correlative relationships between
chemical (i.e., oil and dispersants) exposure and human health.
This SRA includes studies on how oil spills and the response to oil spills affect the
sociological fabric of communities and their economies. Disciplines encompassed in this
research area include sociology, economics, behavioral sciences, political science, and
law. It also involves studies on risk communication and community resilience.
The priorities in this SRA identify the need for improving communication methods and
understanding the human and community impacts of a spill, particularly by improving
Final Oil Pollution Research & Technology Plan – Approved September 29, 2015
research frameworks and studying previous spills. There are two subcategories in this
SRA: Community and Economic Impacts, and Human Impacts.
Study the effects of media and community groups in shaping individual and
public perceptions of a spill's impact.
Final Oil Pollution Research & Technology Plan – Approved September 29, 2015
American Petroleum Institute (API). 2012. API 2012 Oil and Gas Overview webpage.
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Association of American Railroads. 2015b. Moving Crude Oil Safely by Rail. June 2015.
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Final Oil Pollution Research & Technology Plan – Approved September 29, 2015
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Final Oil Pollution Research & Technology Plan – Approved September 29, 2015
Final Oil Pollution Research & Technology Plan – Approved September 29, 2015
Appendix A
Numbered List of
Standing Research
Areas (SRA)
RESPONSE (3000 Series)
Revised # SRA Name Subtopic Name
3000 Structural Damage Assessment and Salvage
3100 At‐Source Control and Containment
3201 Chemical and Physical Modeling and Behavior Arctic Behavior and Modeling
3202 Chemical and Physical Modeling and Behavior Oil Behavior Models
3203 Chemical and Physical Modeling and Behavior Transport Models
3204 Chemical and Physical Modeling and Behavior Oceanographic Models
3205 Emerging Crude (including oil sands products (OSP) and Bakken etc.)
3301 Oil Spill Detection and Surveillance Remote Detection
3302 Oil Spill Detection and Surveillance Monitoring
3303 Oil Spill Detection and Surveillance Submerged Oil Detection
3401 In and On‐water Containment and Recovery Control and Recovery Technology
3402 In and On‐water Containment and Recovery Recovery Operations and Testing
3500 Shore Containment and Recovery
3601 Dispersants Cold Water and Ice Conditions
3602 Dispersants Behavior
3603 Dispersants Impacts
3604 Dispersants Efficacy and Effectiveness
3605 Dispersants Fate
3606 Dispersants Subsurface
3701 In situ Burning Effectiveness and Impacts
3702 In situ Burning Planning and Technology
3800 Alternative Chemical Countermeasures
3900 Oily and Oil Waste Disposal
Revised # SRA Name Subtopic Name
4000 Bioremediation and Biodegradation
4101 Environmental Impacts and Ecosystem Recovery Species Impacts
4102 Environmental Impacts and Ecosystem Recovery Toxicological and Sublethal Impacts
4103 Environmental Impacts and Ecosystem Recovery Sunken and Submerged Oil Impacts
4104 Environmental Impacts and Ecosystem Recovery Ecosystem and Habitat Impacts
4105 Environmental Impacts and Ecosystem Recovery Recovery
4106 Environmental Impacts and Ecosystem Recovery Risk Assessment and Impact Metrics
4200 Environmental Restoration Methods and Technologies
4301 Human Safety and Health Safety
4302 Human Safety and Health Human Exposure
4401 Sociological and Economic Impacts Community and Economic Impacts
4402 Sociological and Economic Impacts Human Impacts
Number system
1000 Major Category ‐SRA Framework Page 193 of 270
100 SRA number
001 Subcategory for SME breakdown
Page 194 of 270
Appendix B
ICCOPR Standing
Research Areas
2014 Database
1201-Onshore Facility Tank/Piping TANK INSPECTION - Evaluate and improve of risk-based inspections, similar service protocols and in- US EPA OSWER OEM Personnal Terrestrial 1
and Systems Inspection, service non-destructive tank testing technologies. Communication (2014)
Operations, Design,
and Data
1201-Onshore Facility Tank/Piping TANK/PIPELINE OPERATIONS- Evaluate the efficacy of oleophilic materials used as an oil spill US EPA OSWER OEM Personnal All 1
and Systems Inspection, control technology. Communication (2014)
Operations, Design,
and Data
1201-Onshore Facility Tank/Piping TANK/PIPELINE OPERATIONS - Develop improved methods and protocols used to determine the US EPA OSWER OEM Personnal Terrestrial 1
and Systems Inspection, imperviousness of secondary containment structures. Communication (2014)
Operations, Design,
and Data
1201-Onshore Facility Tank/Piping TANK/PIPELINE OPERATIONS - Conduct a comparative analysis of overfill prevention US EPA OSWER OEM Personnal Terrestrial 1
and Systems Inspection, equipment/procedures to identify technology gaps/limitations. Communication (2014)
Operations, Design,
and Data
1201-Onshore Facility Tank/Piping TANK/PIPELINE OPERATIONS - Evaluate the cost effective security and safety measures for US EPA OSWER OEM Personnal Terrestrial 1
and Systems Inspection, unmanned upstream production facilities. Communication (2014)
Operations, Design,
and Data
1201-Onshore Facility Tank/Piping DATABASE DEVELOPMENT- Develop a consolidated database and GIS platform of aboveground oil US EPA OSWER OEM Personnal Terrestrial 1
and Systems Inspection, storage tanks based on federal, tribal, state and local data sources and analyze the data gaps. Communication (2014)
Operations, Design,
and Data
1201-Onshore Facility Tank/Piping DATABASE DEVELOPMENT- Develop a consolidated database and corresponding GIS platform of oil US EPA OSWER OEM Personnal Terrstrial 1
and Systems Inspection, discharges from onshore facilities. Communication (2014)
Operations, Design,
and Data
1201-Onshore Facility Tank/Piping TANK/PIPELINE OPERATIONS - Analyze upstream and/or downstream causes of discharges, US EPA OSWER OEM Personnal Terrestrial 1
and Systems Inspection, including an analysis of the tanks, appurtenances and associated piping. Communication (2014)
Operations, Design,
and Data
1202-Onshore Facility Emerging Issues EMERGING ISSUES FOR TANKS AND PIPING OPERATIONS - Identify the impacts of an aging oil US EPA OSWER OEM Personnal Terrestrial 1
and Systems storage infrastructure (tanks, appurtenances and piping systems) and develop methodologies/protocols to Communication (2014)
predict/minimize failures.
1202-Onshore Facility Emerging Issues EMERGING ISSUES FOR TANKS AND PIPING OPERATIONS - Evaluate the impacts of emerging US EPA OSWER OEM Personnal All 1
and Systems crude oils and alternative fuels on tanks, appurtenances and piping. Communication (2014)
1202-Onshore Facility Emerging Issues EMERGING ISSUES FOR TANKS AND PIPING OPERATIONS - Assess the impacts of Arctic and US EPA OSWER OEM Personnal All 1
and Systems cold weather environments on the operation and maintenance of tanks, appurtenances, and associated Communication (2014)
1300-Waterways No Subcategory PORT FACILITES DESIGN - New designs needed to improve facilities and vessel traffic infrastructure ICCOPR R&T Plan (1992) Marine/Estuarine/Freshwater 1
Management (e.g., storage tanks, pipes, pumps, channels).
1300-Waterways No Subcategory SHIPBOARD EXPERT PILOTING SYSTEMS (SEPS) - Improved piloting systems, electronic chart ICCOPR R&T Plan (1997) te 1
Management display and information systems (ECDIS) integration development needed to improve navigation.
1300-Waterways No Subcategory TANK VESSEL ALTERNATIVES ASSESSMENT - Research needed on the level of risk for various ICCOPR R&T Plan (1992) Marine/Estuarine/Freshwater 1
Management sizes of vessels, numbers of vessels in operation, types of ports, terminals, probability of accidents and the
rate of production to improve vessel assessment.
1300-Waterways No Subcategory TRAINING SIMULATOR - Simulator development needed for port operations. ICCOPR R&T Plan (1992) Marine/Estuarine/Freshwater 1
1300-Waterways No Subcategory VESSEL TRAFFIC SYSTEMS - Systems needed for control in ports, including surveillance of vessel ICCOPR R&T Plan (1992) Marine/Estuarine/Freshwater 1
Management traffic.
1400-Vessel Design No Subcategory LIQUID CARGO SAFETY SYSTEMS - Develop and test passive onboard countermeasures to minimize ICCOPR R&T Plan (1997) Marine/Estuarine/Freshwater 1
the discharge of oil from damaged vessels prior to arrival of outside response equipment.
1400-Vessel Design No Subcategory LIQUID CARGO SAFETY SYSTEMS - Develop improved liquid cargo systems to minimize spilled oil ICCOPR R&T Plan (1992) Marine/Estuarine/Freshwater 1
from damaged tanks.
1400-Vessel Design No Subcategory LIQUID CARGO SAFETY SYSTEMS - Develop technologies to measure prevention of discharges from Title 33 Chapter 40 Subchapter IV 2761 (OPA Marine/Estuarine/Freshwater 1
tanks on vessels, discharges from tank vents, discharges during lightering and bunkering operations, 1990)
discharges on the deck of a vessel, discharges through the use of vacuums in tanks.
1400-Vessel Design No Subcategory LIQUID CARGO SAFETY SYSTEMS - Study capabilities of product off-loading and onboard ICCOPR R&T Plan (1992) Marine/Estuarine/Freshwater 1
1400-Vessel Design No Subcategory TANKER DESIGN - Develop advanced models for evaluating tanker designs. ICCOPR R&T Plan (1997) Marine/Estuarine/Freshwater 1
1400-Vessel Design No Subcategory TANKER DESIGN - Develop improved vessel designs and various alternative vessel designs. ICCOPR R&T Plan (1992) Marine/Estuarine/Freshwater 1
1400-Vessel Design No Subcategory TANKER DESIGN - Develop, test and evaluate alternatives to double hulls. ICCOPR R&T Plan (1997) Marine/Estuarine/Freshwater 1
1501-Drilling Deepwater DEEPWATER FLUIDS DATABASE - Expand the experimental database on critical fluid properties for EPAct 2005 Section 999A(b)(4) DOE National Marine 1
Drilling/Technology hydrocarbons at high pressure and temperature, extending the current work to multi-phase and multi- Energy Technology Laboratory
component fluids (hydrocarbons, etc), which is key to predicting their behavior in situ conditions in the deep Complementary Research Program
1501-Drilling Deepwater DEEPWATER TECHNOLOGY - Characterize experimentally the properties and behavior of foam EPAct 2005 Section 999A(b)(4) DOE National Marine 1
Drilling/Technology cement samples at in situ conditions to improve the safe use and emplacement of these barriers in deep Energy Technology Laboratory
offshore settings. Complementary Research Program
1501-Drilling Deepwater DEEPWATER TECHNOLOGY - Conduct research on complex fluid phase behaviors that occur under DOE 2012 Annual Plan Ultra-Deepwater and Marine 1
Drilling/Technology conditions of extreme pressure and temperature, and develop advanced models of hydrocarbon behavior. Unconventional Natural Gas and Other
Petroleum Resources Research and
Development Program, Report To Congress
(August 2012)
1501-Drilling Deepwater DEEPWATER TECHNOLOGY - Conduct research on methods of Managed Pressure Drilling (MPD) Ultra-Deepwater Advisory Committee 2012 Marine 1
Drilling/Technology and, in particular, Dual Gradient Drilling. Conduct a gap analysis to identify future critical needs. Plan: Comments, Findings and
Recommendations (March 2012)
1501-Drilling Deepwater DEEPWATER TECHNOLOGY - Conduct research on the viability of activation of BOPs and other OESC Letter Recommendations to BSEE Marine 1
Drilling/Technology submerged well-control equipment in the deepwater, including the feasibility and viability of integrating the Department of Interior (August 2012)
use of acoustics and ROV technology.
1501-Drilling Deepwater DEEPWATER TECHNOLOGY - Conduct research related to the containment of hydrocarbons Ultra-Deepwater Advisory Committee 2013 Marine 1
Drilling/Technology throughout the entire lifecycle of an oil or gas field to include mitigating leakage in and around the boreholesDraft Plan: Findings and Recommendations
from reservoir fluids and gas as well as any injected liquids and materials; long term borehole stability; (November 2012)
plugging and abandoning technology for long term containment of hydrocarbons; and long term monitoring
systems (i.e. down hole and well head pressure sensors, time lapse seismic surveying, sea bed monitoring,
1501-Drilling Deepwater DEEPWATER TECHNOLOGY - Develop an ROV to rapidly determine hydrocarbon composition and EPAct 2005 Section 999A(b)(4) DOE National Marine 1
Drilling/Technology volume of leaks at high pressures and low temperatures (UDW seafloor conditions) in order to improve Energy Technology Laboratory
deepwater drilling safety and spill response efficacy. Complementary Research Program
1501-Drilling Deepwater DEEPWATER TECHNOLOGY - Develop design criteria to address and mitigate the impact of storms on Ultra-Deepwater Advisory Committee 2013 Marine 1
Drilling/Technology deepwater operations identifying suitable vessel designs for drilling and production, including FPSOs. Draft Plan: Findings and Recommendations
(November 2012)
1501-Drilling Deepwater DEEPWATER TECHNOLOGY - Develop enhanced shearing technologies to completely cut drill pipe, OESC Letter Recommendations to BSEE Marine 1
Drilling/Technology tool joints, and casing strings, and to assure that the blind shear rams installed in the blowout preventer Department of Interior (August 2012)
(BOP) stack are capable of shearing the pipe and/or sealing the wellbore under maximum anticipated
1501-Drilling Deepwater DEEPWATER TECHNOLOGY - Develop geophysical imaging techniques (e.g., seismic reflection OESC Letter Recommendations to BSEE Marine 1
Drilling/Technology surveys, and possibly passive microseismic monitoring) for remotely monitoring oil and gas leakage rates Department of Interior (January 2013)
and upward migration below the sea floor and external to the wellbore.
1501-Drilling Deepwater DEEPWATER TECHNOLOGY - Develop improved casing and cementing design for ultra-deepwater DOE - Ultra-Deepwater and Unconventional Marine/Estuarine 1
Drilling/Technology wells. Natural Gas and Other Petroleum Resources
R&D Program (2011)
1501-Drilling Deepwater DEEPWATER TECHNOLOGY - Develop improved quantitative models for reservoir response and cross OESC Letter Recommendations to BSEE Marine 1
Drilling/Technology flow during blowouts to better understand subsurface behavior in a cross-flow situation. Department of Interior (January 2013)
1501-Drilling Deepwater DEEPWATER TECHNOLOGY - Develop improved subsea ultra-deepwater measurement and DOE - Ultra-Deepwater and Unconventional Marine 1
Drilling/Technology monitoring instrumentation, including technologies for "seeing" through the casing via downhole tools to Natural Gas and Other Petroleum Resources
gauge the cement top and in-situ cement characteristics (thickness, channeling, density (gas or liquid R&D Program (2012)
pockets), etc.) to better determine potential failure pathways.
1501-Drilling Deepwater DEEPWATER TECHNOLOGY - Evaluate the feasibility of using existing geophysical measurements for EPAct 2005 Section 999A(b)(4) DOE National Marine 1
Drilling/Technology rapid identification of fluid influx into the borehole near the bit to reduce loss of control risks associated withEnergy Technology Laboratory
drilling into over-pressured intervals Complementary Research Program
1501-Drilling Deepwater DEEPWATER TECHNOLOGY - Research sensors; instrumentation; command electronics; and 1) DOE 2013 Annual Plan Ultra-Deepwater Marine 3
Drilling/Technology advanced data interpretation technologies and alert systems to improve decision-making capabilities. Includeand Unconventional Natural Gas and Other
data analysis and expert systems. Petroleum Resources Research and
Development Program, Report To Congress
(June 2013)
2) Ultra-Deepwater Advisory Committee 2013
Draft Plan: Findings and Recommendations
(November 2012) ;DOE - Ultra-Deepwater
and Unconventional Natural Gas and Other
Petroleum Resources R&D Program (2012) 3)
OESC Letter Recommendations to BSEE
Department of Interior (January 2013)
1501-Drilling Deepwater DEEPWATER TECHNOLOGY - Study expert (case based) systems, and then identify benefits and 1) Ultra-Deepwater Advisory Committee 2013 Marine 2
Drilling/Technology limitations as well as other applications (such as cementing, completions, wellbore design, etc.) that would Draft Plan: Findings and Recommendations
reduce the risk when operating in deepwater. (November 2012)
2) Ultra-Deepwater Advisory Committee 2012
Plan: Comments, Findings and
Recommendations (March 2012)
1501-Drilling Deepwater DEEPWATER TECHNOLOGY - Study the interaction and potential for failure between the in situ EPAct 2005 Section 999A(b)(4) DOE National Marine 1
Drilling/Technology formation (and fluids), cement, and casing, including the physical, chemical, and temporal integrity of Energy Technology Laboratory
formation, cement and casing systems. Complementary Research Program
1501-Drilling Deepwater DEEPWATER TECHNOLOGY - Evaluate subsea blowout preventercontrol pod batteries includding DOE personal communication Marine 1
Drilling/Technology assessments of battery design, life expectancy, performance and reliability with respect to different
1501-Drilling Deepwater GOM DRILLING - Conduct a gap analysis to characterize the salient differences Ultra-Deepwater Advisory Committee 2012 Marine
Drilling/Technology between operations in the GOM environment and those to be encountered in drilling and Plan: Comments, Findings and
completion in unique and sensitive marine habitats, such as arctic waters and tropical coral reef areas to Recommendations (March 2012)
assess the risks that demand more research.
1501-Drilling Deepwater WELL FLOW - Develop improved flow assurance, expediting the completion of well control efforts, and DOE - Ultra-Deepwater and Unconventional Marine/Estuarine 1
Drilling/Technology reduce the risk of environmental impacts from hydrate plugging related ruptures during producing Natural Gas and Other Petroleum Resources
operations. R&D Program (2011)
1502-Drilling Reservoir DEEPWATER CHARACTERIZATION - Conduct research on the conditions (e.g., in-situ stress, OESC Letter Recommendations to BSEE Marine 1
Characterization sediment rheology, fluid pressure, flow rate and blowout duration) where hydrocarbon pathways to the sea Department of Interior (January 2013)
floor established through hydraulic fractures and reactivated natural faults can heal
1502-Drilling Reservoir DEEPWATER CHARACTERIZATION - Conduct research on the physical processes controlling OESC Letter Recommendations to BSEE Marine 1
Characterization upward propagation and arrest of two-phase (oil/gas) hydraulic fractures in poorly consolidated marine Department of Interior (January 2013)
sediments, leading to improved numerical models for leakage volumes required for a sea-floor broach under
different geological settings.
1502-Drilling Reservoir DEEPWATER CHARACTERIZATION - Conduct reservoir characterization research, including DOE 2013 Annual Plan Ultra-Deepwater and Marine 1
Characterization bounding strata to ensure hydrocarbon containment within the geologic and engineered system. Unconventional Natural Gas and Other
Petroleum Resources Research and
Development Program, Report To Congress
(June 2013)
1502-Drilling Reservoir DEEPWATER CHARACTERIZATION - Expand the research on reservoir characterization to include Ultra-Deepwater Advisory Committee 2013 Marine 1
Characterization overburden characterization with emphasis on technology and methods for geological and geomechanical Draft Plan: Findings and Recommendations
characterization of the subsurface from sea bed to the reservoir. (November 2012)
1502-Drilling Reservoir OFFSHORE DRILLING DATABASE - Develop consistent global dataset for offshore drilling incidents National Commission on BP DWH - Final Marine/Estuarine 1
Characterization to help prevent future incidents. Report (2011)
1502-Drilling Reservoir OIL SANDS PRODUCTS EXTRACTION - Conduct research on improving setting times of fines in Center for Spills in the Environment Alberta Terrestrial 1
Characterization process water to enhance water reuse and reduce settling pond restoration time. Oil Sands Workshop for Washington State
Department of Ecology, the Regional Response
Team 10 and the Pacific States/British
Columbia Oil Spill Task Force (April 2013)
1502-Drilling Reservoir OIL SANDS PRODUCTS EXTRACTION - Conduct research to develop insitu OSP extraction Center for Spills in the Environment Alberta Terrestrial 1
Characterization processes that use less water. Oil Sands Workshop for Washington State
Department of Ecology, the Regional Response
Team 10 and the Pacific States/British
Columbia Oil Spill Task Force (April 2013)
1502-Drilling Reservoir OIL SANDS PRODUCTS EXTRACTION - Conduct research to improve the efficiency and reduce Center for Spills in the Environment Alberta Terrestrial 1
Characterization energy use from insitu extraction processes. Oil Sands Workshop for Washington State
Department of Ecology, the Regional Response
Team 10 and the Pacific States/British
Columbia Oil Spill Task Force (April 2013)
1502-Drilling Reservoir RESERVOIR CHARACTERIZATION - Develop better reservoir characterization which results in lower DOE - Ultra-Deepwater and Unconventional Marine 1
Characterization dependence on new field developments and new wells, thus reducing the physical and environmental Natural Gas and Other Petroleum Resources
footprint. R&D Program (2012)
1502-Drilling Reservoir RESERVOIR CHARACTEIZATION - Characterize reservoir conditions associated with offshore Arctic DOE personal communication Marine
Characterization oil and gas provinces to identify potental issues in areas of offshore cathates, sea ice and other effects.
1502-Drilling Reservoir SITE IMPACTS - Study methods for reducing the site impact of drilling individual wells and increasing theDOE - Ultra-Deepwater and Unconventional Terrestrial/Freshwater 1
Characterization reach associated with multiple wells drilled from a single pad. Natural Gas and Other Petroleum Resources
R&D Program (2012)
1600-Rail and Truck No Subcategory HEADSPACE GAS RISKS - Evaluate methods to reduce the volatility of headspace gas in rail cars. PHMSA - Personal Communication (2014) Terrestrial/Freshwater 1
1600-Rail and Truck No Subcategory HEADSPACE GAS CHARACTERISTICS - Determine the volume and characteristics of headspace gas PHMSA - Personal Communication (2014) Terrestrial/Freshwater 1
Transportation during transport and the factors affecting these characteristics.
1600-Rail and Truck No Subcategory TANK CAR INTEGRITY - Evaluate the potential for different oil sands-derived crude oils (i.e., dilbit, PHMSA - Personal Communication (2014) Terrestrial/Freshwater 1
Transportation synbit, and Bakken crudes) to cause corrosion or other failure mechanisms for rail tanker car operating
parameters (e.g., temperature) and physical standards (e.g., wall thickness).
1600-Rail and Truck No Subcategory TANK CAR SAFETY - Evaluate alternative designs and modifications to minimize risk of oil spills during PHMSA - Personal Communication (2014) Terrestrial/Freshwater 1
Transportation accidents.
1600-Rail and Truck No Subcategory ACCIDENT ANALYSES - Evaluate accident and incident trends to identify ways to minimize the incident FRA Objectives Terrestrial/Freshwater 1
Transportation rate of leaks, spills, and damage to the environment due to oil spills. (http://www.fra.dot.gov/Page/P0151)
1600-Rail and Truck No Subcategory TANK CAR INTEGRITY TESTING - Investigate non-destructive detection technologies to improve FRA Objectives Terrestrial/Freshwater 1
Transportation methods to inspect tank cars for damage. (http://www.fra.dot.gov/Page/P0151)
1600-Rail and Truck No Subcategory OIL CLASSIFICATION - Determine the chemical and other characteristics of crude oils for proper PHMSA, Safety Alert-January 2, 2014. All 1
Transportation classification before shipping by rail or truck, including gas content, corrosivity, toxicity, flammabilitye, Preliminary Guidance from OPERATION
Reid Vapor Pressure, hydrogen sulfide content and composition/concentration of entrained gases. CLASSIFICATION.
1600-Rail and Truck No Subcategory CREW SIZE - Evaluate and determine minimum operating requirements for safe operation of unit trains 78 Federal Register 48224, FRA, PHMSA, Lac-Terrestrial/Freshwater 1
Transportation transporting crude oil. Megantic Railroad Accident Discussion and
DOT Safety Recommendations.
1701 Pipeline Systems Materials PIPELINE MATERIALS - Research needed on strain based design and assessment of segments of Government and Industry Pipeline Forum Terrestrial 1
pipelines with and without fittings. (2012)
1701 Pipeline Systems Materials PIPELINE MATERIALS - Research needed on the effects of hydrocarbon permeation on plastic pipe Government and Industry Pipeline Forum Terrestrial 1
strength and fusion performance. (2012)
1701 Pipeline Systems Materials PIPELINE MATERIALS - Research needed on the fatigue of steels and welds in a hydrogen Government and Industry Pipeline Forum Terrestrial 1
environment. (2012)
1701 Pipeline Systems Materials PIPELINE MATERIALS - Research needed on the interaction of high longitudinal strain and anomalies Government and Industry Pipeline Forum Terrestrial 1
from corrosion and mechanical damage. (2012)
1701 Pipeline Systems Materials PIPELINE MATERIALS - Research required on high toughness steels to characterize line pipe toughness Government and Industry Pipeline Forum Terrestrial 1
for fracture arrest assessment. (2012)
1701 Pipeline Systems Materials PIPELINE THREAT/ANOMALY MITIGATION PROCESS - Research needed to improve the Government and Industry Pipeline Forum Terrestrial 1
decision making process. (2012)
1701 Pipeline Systems Materials WELL CONSTRUCTION MATERIAL TESTING - Research needed to improve cement evaluation DOE - Ultra-Deepwater and Unconventional Terrestrial 1
and pressure testing wireline tools to assure casing and cementing integrity. Natural Gas and Other Petroleum Resources
R&D Program (2012)
1701 Pipeline Systems Materials PIPELINE LEAK DETECTION TECHNOLOGY - Advanced technology needed for sensing pipeline Government and Industry Pipeline Forum Terrestrial 1
breaks. (2012)
1701 Pipeline Systems Materials PIPELINE LEAK DETECTION TECHNOLOGY - Develop improvements to mobile based LDS (leak Government and Industry Pipeline Forum Terrestrial 1
detection systems) that are tested for accuracy on moving platforms (e.g., aerial, mobile vehicles). (2012)
1701 Pipeline Systems Materials PIPELINE LEAK DETECTION TECHNOLOGY - Leak detection technology and health monitoring Government and Industry Pipeline Forum Terrestrial 1
sensors needed that are miniaturized, automatic, robust and withstand harsh environments. (2012)
1701 Pipeline Systems Materials PIPELINE LEAK DETECTION TECHNOLOGY - Technology improvements needed to reduce leak Government and Industry Pipeline Forum Terrestrial 1
detection false alarms. (2012)
1702 Pipeline Systems Integrity PIPELINE INDUSTRY DATABASE - Consolidated database needed for pipelines installed in the Government and Industry Pipeline Forum Terrestrial 1
ground. (2012)
1702 Pipeline Systems Integrity PIPELINE TECHNOLOGY - Technology needed to effectively locate plastic pipe. Government and Industry Pipeline Forum Terrestrial 1
1702 Pipeline Systems Integrity PIPELINE TECHNOLOGY - Develop trenchless renewal/rehabilitation methods for piping systems. Government and Industry Pipeline Forum Terrestrial 1
1702 Pipeline Systems Integrity PIPELINE TECHNOLOGY - Investigate aerial surveillance technology (manned and unmanned) for Government and Industry Pipeline Forum Terrestrial 1
pipelines with ROW encroachment. (2012)
1702 Pipeline Systems Integrity PIPELINE TECHNOLOGY - Technology needed for documenting the type of pipe materials installed in Government and Industry Pipeline Forum Terrestrial 1
the ground. (2012)
1702 Pipeline Systems Integrity PIPELINE TECHNOLOGY - Technology needed that detects the presence and location of multiple Government and Industry Pipeline Forum Terrestrial 1
utilities (underground, through various soil conditions) in a given area. (2012)
2001-Pre-spill Baseline Habitats and species ARCTIC BASELINE STUDIES - Collect baseline data specifically for ESA's in underrepresented 1) NSTC JSOST - DWH Oil Spill PI Marine/Estuarine 4
Studies baselines environments including the Arctic (Chukchi Sea, Bristol Bay), particularly in areas that are likely to be Conference Report (2011)
developed for oil and gas extraction in the near to mid‐ term. 2) National Commission on BP DWH - Final
Report (2011)
3) ICCOPR R&T Plan (1992)
4) ICCOPR Public Meeting - East (2010)
2001-Pre-spill Baseline Habitats and species ARCTIC BASELINE STUDIES - Collect species and habitat inter-annual variability data in the Arctic PWS OSRI - Research Plan 2011-2015 (2010) Marine/Estuarine 1
Studies baselines nearshore zone and create high-resolution maps.
2001-Pre-spill Baseline Habitats and species ARCTIC BASELINE STUDIES - Conduct fundamental scientific research on regional living marine US Arctic Research Commission White Paper Marine/Estuarine 1
Studies baselines resources, ecology, spatial habitat of flora and fauna. (2010)
2001-Pre-spill Baseline Habitats and species ARCTIC BASELINE STUDIES - Develop integrated information about the composition, structure and ICCOPR Public Meeting - West (2010) Marine/Estuarine 1
Studies baselines functioning of the arctic ring ecosystem.
2001-Pre-spill Baseline Habitats and species ARCTIC BASELINE STUDIES - Develop maps of sub-tidal habitats in Arctic. PWS OSRI - Research Plan 2011-2015 (2010) Marine/Estuarine 1
Studies baselines
2001-Pre-spill Baseline Habitats and species ARCTIC BASELINE STUDIES - Study ecological structure and population of Arctic key indicator US Arctic Research Commission White Paper Marine/Estuarine 1
Studies baselines species (include subsistence & ecosystem importance). (2010)
2001-Pre-spill Baseline Habitats and species ARCTIC BASELINE STUDIES - Study living marine resources and their vulnerability to oil spills, ICCOPR Public Meeting - East (2010) Marine/Estuarine 1
Studies baselines including consideration of the nature and potential severity of worst case scenarios [in the Arctic].
2001-Pre-spill Baseline Habitats and species AVIAN BASELINE STUDIES - Develop a better understanding of bird beaching rates including seasonal CRRC - R&D Priorities: Oil Spill Workshop Marine/Estuarine 1
Studies baselines variabilities. (2009)
2001-Pre-spill Baseline Habitats and species AVIAN BASELINE STUDIES - Study the feasibility of using genetic labeling (DNA) to identify local ICCOPR R&T Plan (1992) Marine/Estuarine/Freshwater 1
Studies baselines populations of colonial seabirds at risk from oil spills.
2001-Pre-spill Baseline Habitats and species BASELINE HABITAT STUDIES - Collect baseline data on species abundance in key habitats (e.g., CRRC - R&D Priorities: An Oil Spill Marine/Estuarine/Freshwater 1
Studies baselines mangroves, corals). Workshop (2003)
2001-Pre-spill Baseline Habitats and species BASELINE HABITAT STUDIES - Collect data to fill data gaps on living marine resources and their Marine Mammal Commission Letter to Marine/Estuarine 1
Studies baselines habitats including (phytoplankton, invertebrates, fish stocks, waterfowl, and marine mammals). ICCOPR (2010)
2001-Pre-spill Baseline Habitats and species BASELINE HABITAT STUDIES - Study bacterial communities inhabiting natural seeps, and the role of CRRC - R&D Priorities: An Oil Spill Marine/Estuarine/Freshwater 1
Studies baselines deep natural seeps in the ecological communities. Workshop (2003)
2001-Pre-spill Baseline Habitats and species BASELINE HABITAT STUDIES - Study location, intensity, frequency of convergence zones both as CRRC - R&D Priorities: An Oil Spill Marine/Estuarine 1
Studies baselines sentinels for otherwise undetectable oil and as high risk sites for biota. Workshop (2003)
2001-Pre-spill Baseline Habitats and species ECOTOXICITY BASELINES - Develop ecotoxicity benchmarks for benthic organisms. EPA Draft Oil Spill Research Strategy (2011) Marine/Estuarine/Freshwater 1
Studies baselines
2001-Pre-spill Baseline Habitats and species
GOM BASELINE HABITAT STUDIES - Develop benthic mapping of sensitive/important habitats in the NSTC JSOST - DWH Oil Spill PI Conference Marine/Estuarine 1
Studies baselines GOM. Report (2011)
2001-Pre-spill Baseline Habitats and species
GOM FISHERIES BASELINE STUDIES - Develop improved understanding of GOM fisheries NSTC JSOST - DWH Oil Spill PI Conference Marine/Estuarine 1
Studies baselines especially migratory species and habitat use characteristics. Report (2011)
2001-Pre-spill Baseline Habitats and species
INTERTIDAL BASELINE STUDIES - Study and synthesize existing information for rocky and cobble CRRC - R&D Priorities: Oil Spill Workshop Marine/Estuarine 1
Studies baselines habitats regarding productivity, species diversity, and community structure. Study the effects of oil on these (2009)
parameters, including recovery time with consideration for regional variation
2001-Pre-spill Baseline Habitats and species INTERTIDAL BASELINE STUDIES - Study and synthesize existing information for sand beaches CRRC - R&D Priorities: Oil Spill Workshop Marine/Estuarine 1
Studies baselines regarding productivity, species diversity, and community structure, and the effects of oil on these (2009)
parameters, including recovery time with consideration for regional variation.
2002-Pre-spill Baseline Oceanographic/geolo ARCTIC BASELINE STUDIES - Develop a redundant meteorological sensor system to enhance Arctic USGS An Evaluation of the Science Needs to Marine/Estuarine 1
Studies gical Baselines coast-wide spill response goals and a series of large-scale studies of oceanographic exchanges, shelf-basin Inform Decisions on Outer Continental Shelf
exchanges via wind and eddies, coastal boundary, under-ice river plumes, and sea-ice boundary to better Energy Development in the Chukchi and
inform pre- and post-spill modeling and response Beaufort Seas (2011)
2002-Pre-spill Baseline Oceanographic/geolo ARCTIC BASELINE STUDIES - Investigate ice hazards associated with operations in Arctic ICCOPR R&T Plan (1997) Marine/Estuarine 1
Studies gical Baselines environment.
2002-Pre-spill Baseline Oceanographic/geolo BASELINE GEOLOGICAL STUDIES - Collect info on bathymetry and shoreline conditions and natural Marine Mammal Commission Letter to Marine/Estuarine 1
Studies gical Baselines and human hazards. ICCOPR (2010)
2002-Pre-spill Baseline Oceanographic/geolo GOM GEOLOGIC BASELINE STUDIES - Develop a better understanding of how coasts naturally National Commission on BP DWH - Final Marine/Estuarine 1
Studies gical Baselines work (relationship between floods breaching natural levees and the health of marshland and barrier islands Report (2011)
fed by the sediment).
2002-Pre-spill Baseline Oceanographic/geolo GULF OF MEXICO SUSPENDED SEDIMENTS - Conduct research on the baseline sediment loads in Center for Spills in the Environment Oil Spill Marine 1
Studies gical Baselines the GOM. Dispersant Research Workshop Report (March
2002-Pre-spill Baseline Oceanographic/geolo OCEANOGRAPHIC BASELINE STUDIES - Develop tidal and current flow baselines and scientifically Oil Spill Preparedness and Response JITF Shoreline 1
Studies gical Baselines based strategies focused on determining shallow water inlet flow characteristics. (2011)
2002-Pre-spill Baseline Oceanographic/geolo OCEANOGRAPHIC BASELINE STUDIES - Study climactic/oceanic conditions, ice conditions, and Marine Mammal Commission Letter to Marine/Estuarine 1
Studies gical Baselines their variations. ICCOPR (2010)
2002-Pre-spill Baseline Oceanographic/geolo OCEANOGRAPHIC/ATMOSPHERIC BASELINE STUDIES - Develop a better understanding of NSTC JSOST - DWH Oil Spill PI Conference Marine/Estuarine 1
Studies gical Baselines cloud and ice coverage in various environments, GOM and Arctic Report (2011)
2002-Pre-spill Baseline Oceanographic/geolo OCEANOGRAPHIC/ATMOSPHERIC BASELINE STUDIES - Study atmospheric baselines to NSTC JSOST - DWH Oil Spill PI Conference All 1
Studies gical Baselines examine the exchange with the water surface. There is natural variability, e.g., how much methane is Report (2011)
released from marsh systems. There is a need for the active monitoring of volatiles (e.g., H2S)
2003-Pre-spill Baseline Environmental BASELINE PLANNING - Conduct comprehensive, ecosystem-based scientific reviews of OCS areas that National Commission on BP DWH - Final All 1
Studies Baseline Planning are currently or will likely be open for oil and gas leasing. Focus on (1) decision-making related to future Report (2011)
leasing, exploration, and development; (2) measuring and monitoring impacts on ecological resources; and
(3) providing necessary data for natural resource damage assessment should an oil spill occur.
2003-Pre-spill Baseline Environmental BASELINE PLANNING - Conduct research to improve the understanding of the potential for DOE - Ultra-Deepwater and Unconventional Marine/Estuarine 1
Studies Baseline Planning environmental impacts in frontier ultra-deepwater areas where a well-established infrastructure for spill Natural Gas and Other Petroleum Resources
containment does not exist (e.g., Alaskan Arctic offshore and Eastern GOM). R&D Program (2011)
2003-Pre-spill Baseline Environmental BASELINE PLANNING - Develop statistics for strategically planning for different risks, their location CRRC - R&D Priorities: An Oil Spill Marine/Estuarine 1
Studies Baseline Planning and therefore who has what stake; develop stats for risk profiles and pre-position equipment. Workshop (2003)
2003-Pre-spill Baseline Environmental ENVIRONMENTAL BASELINE STUDIES - Collect data on prevailing environmental conditions on a National Commission on BP DWH - Final All 1
Studies Baseline Planning broad geographic scale, not just at individual lease sites. Report (2011)
2003-Pre-spill Baseline Environmental ENVIRONMENTAL BASELINE STUDIES - Collect ecological baseline information and construct a 1) National Commission on BP DWH - Final All 2
Studies Baseline Planning long term dataset of condition of relevant ecosystems prior to spill incidents. Report (2011)
2) CRRC - Dispersant Workshop (2013)
2003-Pre-spill Baseline Environmental ENVIRONMENTAL BASELINE STUDIES - Collect environmental baseline data in ecologically Title 33 Chapter 40 Subchapter IV 2761 (OPA All 1
Studies Baseline Planning sensitive areas at particular risk to oil discharges where such data are insufficient 1990)
2003-Pre-spill Baseline Environmental ENVIRONMENTAL BASELINE STUDIE S - Develop baseline data by conducting long-term monitoring SAB Review of EPA Research Strategy (2011) All 1
Studies Baseline Planning and an integrated natural system research approach at a variety of spatial scales. Develop a broad suite of
indicators that can be used to evaluate an ecosystem's response and recovery.
2003-Pre-spill Baseline Environmental ENVIRONMENTAL BASELINE STUDIES - Study linkages between systems, including life history NSTC JSOST - DWH Oil Spill PI Conference Marine/Estuarine 1
Studies Baseline Planning information and trophic linkages. Take a holistic perspective Report (2011)
2003-Pre-spill Baseline Environmental ENVIRONMENTAL BASELINE STUDIES - Study the signal‐to‐background‐noise ratio in various NSTC JSOST - DWH Oil Spill PI Conference All 1
Studies Baseline Planning environments so that the impacts from oil or other stressor(s) can be delineated from natural variation. This Report (2011)
requires adequate sampling.
2003-Pre-spill Baseline Environmental GOM BASELINE HABITAT STUDIES - Conduct baseline studies for critical habitats in Texas and ICCOPR R&T Plan (1992) Marine/Estuarine/Freshwater 1
Studies Baseline Planning Louisiana.
2003-Pre-spill Baseline Environmental GREAT LAKES BASELINE STUDIES - Study the potential impacts from oil discharged into the Great ICCOPR R&T Plan (1992) Freshwater 1
Studies Baseline Planning Lakes near shore habitats, including potential bioaccumulation of petroleum products and byproducts, early
life history stages of Great Lakes fish, wetland vegetation, aquatic biota risk assessment.
2100-Information No Subcategory DATA COLLECTION AND ANALYSIS - Collect and synthesize existing data in a format useful for CRRC - R&D Priorities: An Oil Spill All 1
Management and making decisions during spill events. Workshop (2003)
Decision Systems
2100-Information No Subcategory DATA COLLECTION AND ANALYSIS - Collect spill data, re-examine statistical approaches used in USGS An Evaluation of the Science Needs to Marine/Estuarine 1
Management and the application of non-Arctic analogs (see Eschenbach and others, 2010), and develop and incorporate Inform Decisions on Outer Continental Shelf
Decision Systems climate influenced forecasts on factors such as storms, vessel traffic, or other fault-tree model adjustments Energy Development in the Chukchi and
that would provide improved understanding of and confidence in spill risk estimates over the proposed Beaufort Seas (2011)
project life.
2100-Information No Subcategory DATA COLLECTION AND ANALYSIS - Develop standards and processes for the expedited collection, DWH ISPR (2011) All 1
Management and processing, correlation, analysis, and distribution of satellite imagery and oil thickness sensors to provide for
Decision Systems real-time data.
2100-Information No Subcategory DATA COLLECTION METHODS - Develop methods for automatically transferring collected data into a NSTC JSOST - DWH Oil Spill PI Conference Marine/Estuarine 1
Management and usable format. Report (2011)
Decision Systems
2100-Information No Subcategory DATA COLLECTION METHODS - Develop new information tools to have easier access to individual PWS OSRI - Research Plan 2011-2015 (2010) Marine/Estuarine 1
Management and response teams (e.g., SCAT team, skimming crews, disposal crews) in Arctic spill response.
Decision Systems
2100-Information No Subcategory DECISION SUPPORT SYSTEMS - Develop a coordinated platform to allow for the rapid evaluation and EPAct 2005 Section 999A(b)(4) DOE National Marine 1
Management and assessment of risks and potential impacts associated with offshore deepwater operations for the GOM to Energy Technology Laboratory
Decision Systems produce science-based predictions, and evaluate potential future adaptation for application to other areas of Complementary Research Program
the Outer Continental Shelf.
2100-Information No Subcategory DECISION SUPPORT SYSTEMS - Develop data repositories to be more user friendly/intuitive. NSTC JSOST - DWH Oil Spill PI Conference Marine/Estuarine 1
Management and Report (2011)
Decision Systems
2100-Information No Subcategory DECISION SUPPORT SYSTEMS - Develop decision support and data systems, such as the Arctic USGS An Evaluation of the Science Needs to Marine/Estuarine 1
Management and Emergency Response Management Application, the Alaska Ocean Observing System, and the State-Federal Inform Decisions on Outer Continental Shelf
Decision Systems Alaska Data Integration Working Group. Field testing of assets and data systems as was done in the 2009 Energy Development in the Chukchi and
“Sound Predictions” experiment in Prince William Sound, Alaska, that could significantly improve Beaufort Seas (2011)
preparedness by highlighting significant data and operational needs
2100-Information No Subcategory DECISION SUPPORT SYSTEMS - Develop improved information systems for decision-making, Title 33 Chapter 40 Subchapter IV 2761 (OPA Marine/Estuarine 1
Management and including the use of data from coastal mapping, baseline data, and other data related to the environmental 1990)
Decision Systems effects of oil discharges, and cleanup technologies.
2100-Information No Subcategory DECISION SUPPORT SYSTEMS - Develop Structured Decision Making and supporting tools to spill USGS An Evaluation of the Science Needs to Marine/Estuarine 1
Management and response to provide a more transparent and quantitative discipline to technical or value based deliberations. Inform Decisions on Outer Continental Shelf
Decision Systems Energy Development in the Chukchi and
Beaufort Seas (2011)
2100-Information No Subcategory GOM DATA - Develop a unified structure of all data sets and approaches within GOMRI so all data are Center for Spills in the Environment Oil Spill Marine 1
Management and consistent and have documentation that is available to other researchers. Dispersant Research Workshop Report (March
Decision Systems 2013)
2100-Information No Subcategory ICE DYNAMICS - Develop short-term ice dynamics forecasts to inform windows for mechanical recovery USGS An Evaluation of the Science Needs to Marine/Estuarine 1
Management and operations and to improve recovery technologies in the “ice gap” (about 30 to 70 percent ice coverage). Inform Decisions on Outer Continental Shelf
Decision Systems Energy Development in the Chukchi and
Beaufort Seas (2011)
2100-Information No Subcategory SPATIAL PLANNING - Study potential for using marine spatial planning for ocean uses including National Commission on BP DWH - Final Marine/Estuarine 1
Management and offshore drilling, shipping, national defense, sustainable fisheries, and conservation. Report (2011)
Decision Systems
2100-Information No Subcategory SPILL PLANNING - Develop spill planning and response based on Response Gap analysis of USGS An Evaluation of the Science Needs to Marine/Estuarine 1
Management and countermeasures, a rigorous analysis of the likelihood of the availability of a multi-countermeasure suite in Inform Decisions on Outer Continental Shelf
Decision Systems different Arctic locations and seasons, and the forecasting of climate change influences on the Response Energy Development in the Chukchi and
Gap. Beaufort Seas (2011)
3000-Structural Damage No Subcategory REMOTE DAMAGE ASSESSMEN T - Develop improved remotely operated vehicles (ROV) for ICCOPR R&T Plan (1997) Marine/Estuarine/Freshwater 1
Assessment and Salvage underwater assessment of hull damage.
3000-Structural Damage No Subcategory REMOTE DAMAGE ASSESSMENT - Study methods for remotely determining whether a cargo tank ICCOPR R&T Plan (1992) Marine/Estuarine/Freshwater 1
Assessment and Salvage contains sea water and the height of the oil/water interface from the bottom of the tank.
3000-Structural Damage No Subcategory WRECK POLLUTION - Collect baseline data on the potentially polluting wrecks in marine waters. Potentially Polluting Wrecks in Marine Waters: Marine/Estuarine 1
Assessment and Salvage An Issue Paper for the International Oil Spill
Conference (2005)
3000-Structural Damage No Subcategory WRECK POLLUTION - Conduct a wreck identification, evaluation and risk assessment. Wreck Oil Removal Program Overview (2009) Marine/Estuarine 1
Assessment and Salvage
3100-At-Source Control No Subcategory SHIP CONTAINMENT TECHNOLOGY - Test plugging and patching vessel leak technologies. ICCOPR R&T Plan (1992) Marine/Estuarine/Freshwater 1
and Containment
3100-At-Source Control No Subcategory WELL CONTAINMENT TECHNOLOGY - Develop and integrate subsea containment equipment DWH ISPR (2011) Marine/Estuarine 1
and Containment including relevant procedures and training of skilled personnel.
3100-At-Source Control No Subcategory WELL CONTAINMENT TECHNOLOGY - Develop capping and containment options to contain National Commission on BP DWH - Final Marine/Estuarine 1
and Containment blowouts from platform wells. Report (2011)
3100-At-Source Control No Subcategory WELL CONTAINMENT TECHNOLOGY - Develop containment technology that is compatible with National Commission on BP DWH - Final Marine/Estuarine 1
and Containment deepwater wells. Report (2011)
3100-At-Source Control No Subcategory WELL CONTAINMENT TECHNOLOGY - Develop improved technology and response protocols to DWH ISPR (2011) Marine/Estuarine 1
and Containment adequately address source control and containment objectives arising from an uncontrolled well blowout.
3100-At-Source Control No Subcategory WELL CONTAINMENT TECHNOLOGY - Develop subsea containment equipment, vessels, personnel, DWH ISPR (2011) Marine/Estuarine 1
and Containment & capabilities for collecting flow from pipelines, risers, blowout preventers, flanges, & other subsea
equipment at any water depth at which exploration and development activities are taking place.
3100-At-Source Control No Subcategory WELL CONTAINMENT TECHNOLOGY - Study the range of failure states under which blowout DOE - Ultra-Deepwater and Unconventional Marine/Estuarine 1
and Containment preventers (BOPs) must perform. Natural Gas and Other Petroleum Resources
R&D Program (2011)
3201-Chemical and Arctic ARCTIC OCEANOGRAPHIC DATA - Investigate surface circulation using HF radar and satellite track PWS OSRI - Research Plan 2011-2015 (2010) Marine/Estuarine 1
Physical Behavior Behavior/Modeling drifters in the Arctic.
3201-Chemical and Arctic ARCTIC OCEANOGRAPHIC MODELS - Develop and validate hydrologic model for Prince William PWS OSRI - Research Plan 2011-2015 (2010) Marine/Estuarine 1
Physical Behavior Behavior/Modeling Sound.
3201-Chemical and Arctic ARCTIC OCEANOGRAPHIC MODELS - Develop improved modeling tools and trajectory models in ICCOPR Public Meeting - West (2010) Marine/Estuarine/Freshwater 1
Physical Behavior Behavior/Modeling order to predict spreading of oil in different ice conditions.
3201-Chemical and Arctic ARCTIC OCEANOGRAPHIC MODELS - Develop spill trajectory and weather models based on Arctic National Commission on BP DWH - Final Marine/Estuarine 1
Physical Behavior Behavior/Modeling conditions. Report (2011)
3201-Chemical and Arctic ARCTIC OIL BEHAVIOR - Identify fate of specific oils in ice conditions if left in the environment until Marine Mammal Commission Letter to Marine/Estuarine/Freshwater 1
Physical Behavior Behavior/Modeling open water season. ICCOPR (2010)
3201-Chemical and Arctic ARCTIC OIL BEHAVIOR - Study oil-in-ice weathering, particularly as it relates to the effectiveness of USGS An Evaluation of the Science Needs to Marine/Estuarine 1
Physical Behavior Behavior/Modeling spill response countermeasures and the potential for ecosystem exposure. Oil-water partitioning is Inform Decisions on Outer Continental Shelf
Modeling recognized as needing further study, especially the potential toxicity of the partitioned phases. Energy Development in the Chukchi and
Beaufort Seas (2011)
3201-Chemical and Arctic ARCTIC OIL BEHAVIOR - Study the fate and behavior of oil in broken ice. 1) PWS OSRI - Research Plan 2011-2015 Marine/Estuarine/Freshwater 2
Physical Behavior Behavior/Modeling (2010)
Modeling 2) ICCOPR Public Meeting - East (2010)
3201-Chemical and Arctic ARCTIC OIL WEATHERING - Study Arctic-based indigenous microbial populations in the water USGS An Evaluation of the Science Needs to Marine/Estuarine 1
Physical Behavior Behavior/Modeling column and benthic sediment, and define rates of microbial processes. This will ultimately allow for the full Inform Decisions on Outer Continental Shelf
Modeling characterization of the role such communities have in the oil weathering process. Energy Development in the Chukchi and
Beaufort Seas (2011)
3202-Chemical and Oil Behavior Models BIODEGRADATION MODELS - Develop biodegradation models for incorporation into ADIOS3. Center for Spills in the Environment Oil Spill Marine 1
Physical Behavior Dispersant Research Workshop Report (March
Modeling 2013)
3202-Chemical and Oil Behavior Models DEEPWATER OIL BEHAVIOR - Develop improved capability to develop accurate flow rate estimates National Commission on BP DWH - Final Marine/Estuarine 1
Physical Behavior from uncontrolled well blowouts. Report (2011)
3202-Chemical and Oil Behavior Models DEEPWATER OIL BEHAVIOR - Study the complex fluid phase behaviors that occur under conditions DOE - Ultra-Deepwater and Unconventional Marine/Estuarine 1
Physical Behavior of extreme pressure and temperature, and develop advanced models of hydrocarbon behavior under these Natural Gas and Other Petroleum Resources
Modeling conditions. R&D Program (2011)
3202-Chemical and Oil Behavior Models INTERTIDAL OIL WEATHERING - Study how oil degrades in intertidal and shallow subtidal habitats CRRC - R&D Priorities: An Oil Spill Marine/Estuarine/Freshwater 1
Physical Behavior (e.g., cobble, pebbles, sands, mud, mussel beds, mangroves, marshes). Workshop (2003)
3202-Chemical and Oil Behavior Models MARINE SNOW - Study the formation of marine snow and its role in oil spills using different oils and Center for Spills in the Environment Oil Spill Marine 1
Physical Behavior utilizing field experiments. Dispersant Research Workshop Report (March
Modeling 2013)
3202-Chemical and Oil Behavior Models OCEANOGRAPHIC MODELS - Study the upper sea-surface turbulence with particular emphasis on NRC Oil Spill Dispersants: Efficacy and Marine/Estuarine 1
Physical Behavior quantifying horizontal and vertical diffusivities and the rate of energy dissipation. Effects (2005)
3202-Chemical and Oil Behavior Models OIL BEHAVIOR - Develop conceptual model of the "life history of an oil droplet". CRRC - R&D Priorities: An Oil Spill Marine/Estuarine/Freshwater 1
Physical Behavior Workshop (2003)
3202-Chemical and Oil Behavior Models OIL BEHAVIOR - Develop improved methods to determine rates of microbial degradation in different NSTC JSOST - DWH Oil Spill PI Conference Marine/Estuarine 1
Physical Behavior environments, both in preparation for a response and during response (e.g., temperature-dependent rates, Report (2011)
Modeling bioassays, and prioritized methods).
3202-Chemical and Oil Behavior Models OIL BEHAVIOR - Study bottom substrate dynamics that might affect submerged oil behavior and fate. CRRC - Submerged Oil Workshop Report Marine/Estuarine/Freshwater 1
Physical Behavior (2006)
3202-Chemical and Oil Behavior Models OIL BEHAVIOR - Study droplet size of deepwater blowouts, thickness of surfacing oil and behavior of CRRC - R&D Priorities: An Oil Spill Marine/Estuarine/Freshwater 1
Physical Behavior dissolvable components. Workshop (2003)
3202-Chemical and Oil Behavior Models OIL BEHAVIOR - Study the fate and transport of heavy oil releases from land. CRRC - Submerged Oil Workshop Report Marine/Estuarine/Freshwater 1
Physical Behavior (2006)
3202-Chemical and Oil Behavior Models OIL WEATHERING - Study how oil grounding processes both physical and biological, affect oil CRRC - R&D Priorities: An Oil Spill Marine/Estuarine/Freshwater 1
Physical Behavior degradation, persistence, and toxicity. Workshop (2003)
3202-Chemical and Oil Behavior Models OIL WEATHERING - Study how the properties of oil impact emulsification. CRRC - R&D Priorities: An Oil Spill Marine/Estuarine/Freshwater 1
Physical Behavior Workshop (2003)
3202-Chemical and Oil Behavior Models OIL WEATHERING - Study the long term fate of chemically and/or naturally dispersed oil including its CRRC - R&D Priorities: An Oil Spill Marine/Estuarine/Freshwater 1
Physical Behavior interactions with fine suspended or bottom sediments, and biological and chemical degradation. Workshop (2003)
3202-Chemical and Oil Behavior Models OIL WEATHERING - Study the long term fate of oil in various conditions in the environment (e.g., tar 1) CRRC - R&D Priorities: An Oil Spill Marine/Estuarine/Freshwater 2
Physical Behavior balls, solution, micells) including photolysis and biodegradation, use results to inform models. Workshop (2003)
Modeling 2) Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative (2010)
3203-Chemical and Transport models GOM OIL TRANSPORT - Conduct research to improve understanding of vertical movement of NSTC JSOST - DWH Oil Spill PI Conference Marine/Estuarine 1
Physical Behavior hydrocarbon in order to advance ability to predict diffusivity. Report (2011)
3203-Chemical and Transport models GOM OIL TRANSPORT - Study the fate and transport of contaminants associated with the DWH spill. Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative (2010) Marine/Estuarine 1
Physical Behavior
3203-Chemical and Transport models GOM OIL TRANSPORT - Study the interactions of dispersed and non-dispersed oil components with NSTC JSOST - DWH Oil Spill PI Conference Marine/Estuarine 1
Physical Behavior marine snow particles and resuspended sediments. Report (2011)
3203-Chemical and Transport models GOM OIL TRANSPORT - Study the long-term fate of sunken oil including hydrocarbons and metals. NSTC JSOST - DWH Oil Spill PI Conference Marine/Estuarine/Freshwater 1
Physical Behavior Report (2011)
3203-Chemical and Transport models GOM OIL TRANSPORT - Study the remobilization of oil after storm events. NSTC JSOST - DWH Oil Spill PI Conference 1
Physical Behavior Report (2011)
3203-Chemical and Transport models IMPROVED DISPERSANT MODELS - Study the integration of fate and toxicity models with populationCRRC - R&D Needs for Making Decisions Marine/Estuarine 1
Physical Behavior models to predict short- and long-term effects of dispersant application. Regarding Dispersing Oil (2005)
3203-Chemical and Transport models IMPROVED OIL TRANSPORT MODELS - Develop data/method needs to improve trajectory CRRC - R&D Priorities: An Oil Spill Marine/Estuarine 1
Physical Behavior modeling, 2D, 3D (surface and subsurface), real time comparison/validation, integrate surface and fate Workshop (2003)
Modeling modeling. Include checklists of monitoring needs
3203-Chemical and Transport models IMPROVED OIL TRANSPORT MODELS - Develop improved evaporation models to include a wider CRRC - R&D Priorities: An Oil Spill Marine/Estuarine 1
Physical Behavior range of temperatures and wind speeds and other conditions. Workshop (2003)
3203-Chemical and Transport models IMPROVED OIL TRANSPORT MODELS - Develop improved models predicting dispersability using BSEE BAA Proposed Research on Oil Spill Marine/Estuarine 1
Physical Behavior information on the physiochemical properties of oil. Response Operations (2012)
3203-Chemical and Transport models IMPROVED OIL TRANSPORT MODELS - Develop improved oil weathering and fate information for CRRC - Coordinating R&D on Oil Spill Marine/Estuarine/Freshwater 1
Physical Behavior models (e.g., volatilization, solubilization, emulsification, biodegradation). Research in the Wake of DWH (2011)
3203-Chemical and Transport models IMPROVED OIL TRANSPORT MODEL S - Develop improved physical transport models to CRRC - R&D Priorities: An Oil Spill Marine/Estuarine 1
Physical Behavior accommodate different oil types, oil interactions with suspended particulates, 3-D capabilities, differential Workshop (2003)
Modeling spatial scales, calibration and validation in the field, and intercomparisons with other existing modeling
3203-Chemical and Transport models IMPROVED OIL TRANSPORT MODELS - Develop models for: shoreline cleanup, near shore and ICCOPR R&T Plan (1992) Shoreline 1
Physical Behavior ocean transport, emulsions in water.
3203-Chemical and Transport models IMPROVED OIL TRANSPORT MODELS - Develop oil trajectory and fate models used during spill NRC Oil Spill Dispersants: Efficacy and Marine/Estuarine 1
Physical Behavior response to predict the behavior of dispersed oil and verify and validate them in an appropriately designed Effects (2005)
Modeling experimental setting or during actual spills
3203-Chemical and Transport models IMPROVED OIL TRANSPORT MODELS - Develop standards to validate trajectory models to improve CRRC - R&D Priorities: An Oil Spill Marine/Estuarine 1
Physical Behavior site specific models. Workshop (2003)
3203-Chemical and Transport models IMPROVED OIL TRANSPORT MODELS - Develop understanding of the size, composition, and CRRC - Submerged Oil Workshop Report Marine/Estuarine/Freshwater 1
Physical Behavior distribution of particles, both oil and sediment, which are key to developing better models for forecasting, (2006)
Modeling observing, understanding, and hindcasting submerged oil behavior
3203-Chemical and Transport models IMPROVED OIL TRANSPORT MODELS - Improve oil trajectory models by conducting a directed CRRC - R&D Priorities: An Oil Spill Marine/Estuarine 1
Physical Behavior synthesis and sensitivity analysis on spreading, advection, evaporation, mixing, etc. Workshop (2003)
3203-Chemical and Transport models IMPROVED OIL TRANSPORT MODELS - Study how dispersed oil transport mechanisms relate to an CRRC - Coordinating R&D on Oil Spill Marine/Estuarine/Freshwater 1
Physical Behavior oil’s migration to the benthic environment. Research in the Wake of DWH (2011)
3203-Chemical and Transport models SUBSURFACE OIL TRANSPORT MODELS - Develop a decision template or conceptual model of the CRRC - Submerged Oil Workshop Report Marine/Estuarine/Freshwater 1
Physical Behavior conditions under which oil might become submerged that includes oil properties and environmental (2006)
Modeling characteristics.
3203-Chemical and Transport models SUBSURFACE OIL TRANSPORT MODELS - Study technologies to model subsurface oil trajectory. SAB Review of EPA Research Strategy (2011) Marine/Estuarine/Freshwater 1
Physical Behavior
3204-Chemical and Oceanographic NEARSHORE MODELING - Develop high resolution nearshore models. Center for Spills in the Environment Oil Spill Marine/Freshwater 1
Physical Behavior models Dispersant Research Workshop Report (March
Modeling 2013)
3204-Chemical and Oceanographic OCEAN CIRCULATION MODELS - Determine the sensitivity of large General Circulation Models to ICCOPR R&T Plan (1992) Marine/Estuarine 1
Physical Behavior models variations in the boundary conditions and forcing.
3204-Chemical and Oceanographic OCEAN CIRCULATION MODELS - Develop new 4D numerical circulation models that can be used to CRRC - R&D Priorities: Oil Spill Workshop Marine/Estuarine/Freshwater 1
Physical Behavior models map oil tracking. (2009)
3204-Chemical and Oceanographic OCEAN CIRCULATION MODELS - Develop optimal methods for stitching together small-scale and CRRC - Coordinating R&D on Oil Spill All 1
Physical Behavior models large-scale hydrodynamic models. Research in the Wake of DWH (2011)
3204-Chemical and Oceanographic OCEAN CIRCULATION MODELS - Link models to observation to incorporate real-time data and ocean CRRC - R&D Priorities: An Oil Spill Marine/Estuarine 1
Physical Behavior models state. Workshop (2003)
3204-Chemical and Oceanographic OCEAN CIRCULATION MODELS - Study and validate ocean circulation models for use in spill NSTC JSOST - DWH Oil Spill PI Conference Marine/Estuarine 1
Physical Behavior models transport models. Report (2011)
3204-Chemical and Oceanographic OCEANOGRAPHIC DATA STUDIES - Study forecasting ability with new technology - feasibility study CRRC - R&D Priorities: An Oil Spill Marine/Estuarine 1
Physical Behavior models of circulation mapping using drift buoys, LIDAR, Doppler radar. Workshop (2003)
3204-Chemical and Oceanographic OCEANOGRAPHIC MODELS - Develop improved capacity to model in 3D. NSTC JSOST - DWH Oil Spill PI Conference Marine/Estuarine 1
Physical Behavior models Report (2011)
3204-Chemical and Oceanographic OCEANOGRAPHIC MODELS - Develop updated Parameter-elevation Regressions on Independent PWS OSRI - Research Plan 2011-2015 (2010) Marine/Estuarine 1
Physical Behavior models Slopes Model (PRISM).
3205-Chemical and Emerging Crude OIL SANDS PRODUCTS CHARACTERISTICS - Conduct research on the chemical and physical Center for Spills in the Environment Alberta Marine/Estuarine/Freshwater
Physical Behavior characteristics of various blends of dilbit and synbit to better understand how to address spills. Oil Sands Workshop for Washington State
Modeling Department of Ecology, the Regional Response
Team 10 and the Pacific States/British
Columbia Oil Spill Task Force (April 2013)
3205-Chemical and Emerging Crude OIL SANDS PRODUCTS DISPERSION - Conduct research on OSP-sediment interactions and Center for Spills in the Environment Alberta Marine/Estuarine/Freshwater
Physical Behavior dispersion. Oil Sands Workshop for Washington State
Modeling Department of Ecology, the Regional Response
Team 10 and the Pacific States/British
Columbia Oil Spill Task Force (April 2013)
3205-Chemical and Emerging Crude OIL SANDS PRODUCTS DISPERSION - Conduct research on the dispersion of OSP in water (droplet Center for Spills in the Environment Alberta Marine/Estuarine/Freshwater
Physical Behavior size, coalesence, rise time). Oil Sands Workshop for Washington State
Modeling Department of Ecology, the Regional Response
Team 10 and the Pacific States/British
Columbia Oil Spill Task Force (April 2013)
3205-Chemical and Emerging Crude OIL SANDS PRODUCTS DISPERSION - Conduct research on the resuspension and remobilization Center for Spills in the Environment Alberta Marine/Estuarine/Freshwater
Physical Behavior potential of OSP in freshwater and marine environments. Oil Sands Workshop for Washington State
Modeling Department of Ecology, the Regional Response
Team 10 and the Pacific States/British
Columbia Oil Spill Task Force (April 2013)
3205-Chemical and Emerging Crude OIL SANDS PRODUCTS WEATHERING - Conduct research and develop models of the changes in Center for Spills in the Environment Alberta Marine/Estuarine/Freshwater
Physical Behavior dilbit chemistry due to evaporation. Oil Sands Workshop for Washington State
Modeling Department of Ecology, the Regional Response
Team 10 and the Pacific States/British
Columbia Oil Spill Task Force (April 2013)
3205-Chemical and Emerging Crude OIL SANDS PRODUCTS WEATHERING - Develop models for the photooxidation of OSP. Center for Spills in the Environment Alberta Marine/Estuarine/Freshwater
Physical Behavior Oil Sands Workshop for Washington State
Modeling Department of Ecology, the Regional Response
Team 10 and the Pacific States/British
Columbia Oil Spill Task Force (April 2013)
3205-Chemical and Emerging Crude OIL SANDS PRODUCTS WEATHERING - Develop models of water uptake and retention by OSP. Center for Spills in the Environment Alberta Marine/Estuarine/Freshwater
Physical Behavior Oil Sands Workshop for Washington State
Modeling Department of Ecology, the Regional Response
Team 10 and the Pacific States/British
Columbia Oil Spill Task Force (April 2013)
3205-Chemical and Emerging Crude OIL SANDS PRODUCTS WEATHERING - Study the persistence of OSP in the marine and freshwater Center for Spills in the Environment Alberta Marine/Estuarine/Freshwater
Physical Behavior environments. Oil Sands Workshop for Washington State
Modeling Department of Ecology, the Regional Response
Team 10 and the Pacific States/British
Columbia Oil Spill Task Force (April 2013)
3301-Oil Spill Detection Remote Detection ALTERNATIVE TECHNOLOGIES - Develop improved methods for detecting thick oil (i.e., large 1) CRRC - Coordinating R&D on Oil Spill Marine/Estuarine/Freshwater 2
and Surveillance collections of oil) to assist in recovery operations (alternative sensor technologies, improved acoustic survey Research in the Wake of DWH (2011)
cost effective laser fluorometers and hyper spectral systems). 2) DWH ISPR (2011)
3301-Oil Spill Detection Remote Detection ALTERNATIVE TECHNOLOGIES - Develop refined frequency scanning radiometer. ICCOPR R&T Plan (1997) Marine/Estuarine/Freshwater 1
and Surveillance
3301-Oil Spill Detection Remote Detection ALTERNATIVE TECHNOLOGIES - Further develop and test laser fluorosensor. ICCOPR R&T Plan (1997) Marine/Estuarine/Freshwater 1
and Surveillance
3301-Oil Spill Detection Remote Detection ICE/OIL DETECTION - Develop airborne systems for detecting oil in ice. PWS OSRI - Research Plan 2011-2015 (2010) Marine/Estuarine/Freshwater 1
and Surveillance
3301-Oil Spill Detection Remote Detection ICE/OIL DETECTION - Develop AUV mounted sensors for detection of oil under ice. PWS OSRI - Research Plan 2011-2015 (2010) Marine/Estuarine/Freshwater 1
and Surveillance
3301-Oil Spill Detection Remote Detection ICE/OIL DETECTION - Develop enhanced technology for oil detection under ice and in broken ice and ICCOPR Public Meeting - East (2010) Marine/Estuarine/Freshwater 1
and Surveillance in low visibility.
3301-Oil Spill Detection Remote Detection ICE/OIL DETECTION - Develop the use of laser fluorosensor, given its potential to detect oil in the USGS An Evaluation of the Science Needs to Marine/Estuarine 1
and Surveillance presence of ice and snow. However, to facilitate broader use of this sensor and its incorporation into multi- Inform Decisions on Outer Continental Shelf
sensory packages that can be deployed from a variety of platforms, a reduction in the size and energy Energy Development in the Chukchi and
consumption is needed. Beaufort Seas (2011)
3301-Oil Spill Detection Remote Detection ICE/OIL DETECTION - Study enhanced satellite remote sensing and surface validation capabilities, USGS An Evaluation of the Science Needs to Marine/Estuarine 1
and Surveillance including development and (or) refinement of satellite-based oil detection algorithms for ice-covered areas. Inform Decisions on Outer Continental Shelf
Energy Development in the Chukchi and
Beaufort Seas (2011)
3301-Oil Spill Detection Remote Detection ICE/OIL DETECTION - Test latest evolution of acoustic system over a realistic mix of first year sea ice USGS An Evaluation of the Science Needs to Marine/Estuarine 1
and Surveillance under field conditions, and at the same time test the capabilities of the latest generation of ground- Inform Decisions on Outer Continental Shelf
penetrating radars in areas of bottom-fast ice where the interface is ice to frozen sediment rather than ice to Energy Development in the Chukchi and
water. Beaufort Seas (2011)
3301-Oil Spill Detection Remote Detection REMOTE TECHNOLOGIES - Develop and test multi-sensor systems to inform remote-sensing USGS An Evaluation of the Science Needs to Marine/Estuarine 1
and Surveillance operations for spill response. In particular, expanded testing of unmanned aircraft systems is needed to Inform Decisions on Outer Continental Shelf
augment observations from trained observers. Energy Development in the Chukchi and
Beaufort Seas (2011)
3301-Oil Spill Detection Remote Detection REMOTE TECHNOLOGIES - Develop enhanced aerial detection sensor capability to locate DWH ISPR (2011) All 1
and Surveillance concentrations of oil necessary for ISB operations.
3301-Oil Spill Detection Remote Detection REMOTE TECHNOLOGIES - Develop improved aerial surveillance for identifying thick oil. 1) CRRC - The Future of Dispersant Use in Oil Marine/Estuarine/Freshwater 2
and Surveillance Spill Response Initiative (2012)
2) DWH ISPR (2011)
3301-Oil Spill Detection Remote Detection REMOTE TECHNOLOGIES - Develop improved satellite tracking of ice movement and divergence PWS OSRI - Research Plan 2011-2015 (2010) Marine/Estuarine 1
and Surveillance (National Ice Center Purview).
3301-Oil Spill Detection Remote Detection REMOTE TECHNOLOGIES - Develop improvements to our ability to track oil at night consistently on a ICCOPR Public Meeting - Gulf (2010) Marine/Estuarine/Freshwater 1
and Surveillance local and global level 24/7.
3301-Oil Spill Detection Remote Detection REMOTE TECHNOLOGIES - Develop improvements to remote sensing technologies that facilitate the BSEE BAA Proposed Research on Oil Spill Marine/Estuarine 1
and Surveillance efficiency of various response countermeasures. Response Operations (2012)
3301-Oil Spill Detection Remote Detection REMOTE TECHNOLOGIES - Develop methods for oil spill detection and mapping in low visibility and 1) OGP - JIP Solicitation for Expression of Marine/Estuarine/Freshwater 2
and Surveillance ice conditions. Interest (EOI) on Arctic Oil Spills (2012)
2) US Arctic Research Commission White
Paper (2010)
3301-Oil Spill Detection Remote Detection REMOTE TECHNOLOGIES - Develop programs to monitor and track large dispersed oil plumes. DWH ISPR (2011) Marine/Estuarine 1
and Surveillance
3301-Oil Spill Detection Remote Detection REMOTE TECHNOLOGIES - Develop remote “survey” technologies for rapid and accurate detection of Oil Spill Preparedness and Response JITF Marine/Estuarine 1
and Surveillance oil and plumes in deep- and mid-water over larger distances. (2011)
3302-Oil Spill Detection Monitoring ALTERNATIVE TECHNOLOGIES - Study the quality of data from new detection/monitoring NSTC JSOST - DWH Oil Spill PI Conference Marine/Estuarine 1
and Surveillance technology/instruments. Report (2011)
3302-Oil Spill Detection Monitoring ALTERNATIVE TECHNOLOGIES - Develop high resolution microwave sensor research for oil spill NSTC JSOST - DWH Oil Spill PI Conference Marine/Estuarine 1
and Surveillance detection and monitoring. Report (2011)
3302-Oil Spill Detection Monitoring CHEMICAL MONITORING - Develop advanced field monitoring techniques and rapid chemical CRRC - R&D Priorities: Oil Spill Workshop All 1
and Surveillance analysis. (2009)
3302-Oil Spill Detection Monitoring CHEMICAL MONITORING - Develop fine-scale plume sampling and analytical methodologies that Oil Spill Preparedness and Response JITF Marine/Estuarine/Freshwater 1
and Surveillance accurately characterize the plume, e.g. Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbon (PAH), TPH, water- (2011)
accommodated fraction, with respect to chemical constituents of concern that are directly relevant for
ecological risk assessments.
3302-Oil Spill Detection Monitoring CHEMICAL MONITORING - Develop improved methods for in situ monitoring of biological and 1) NSTC JSOST - DWH Oil Spill PI Marine/Estuarine 2
and Surveillance chemical data (e.g., dissolved oxygen). Conference Report (2011)
2) ICCOPR R&T Plan (1992)
3302-Oil Spill Detection Monitoring CHEMICAL MONITORING - Develop technology to rapidly analyze physio-chemical properties of ICCOPR R&T Plan (1992) Marine/Estuarine/Freshwater 1
and Surveillance spilled oil.
3302-Oil Spill Detection Monitoring CONTAMINATED SEDIMENT MONITORING - Develop improved techniques for locating and CRRC - Coordinating R&D on Oil Spill Marine/Estuarine/Freshwater 1
and Surveillance sampling contaminated sediments, including both onshore and offshore. Research in the Wake of DWH (2011)
3302-Oil Spill Detection Monitoring CONTROLLED SPILL - Study system performance under real-world conditions during a future offshore USGS An Evaluation of the Science Needs to Marine/Estuarine 1
and Surveillance controlled spill exercise. Such an exercise would provide information essential to refining these capabilities Inform Decisions on Outer Continental Shelf
from an operational standpoint. Energy Development in the Chukchi and
Beaufort Seas (2011)
3302-Oil Spill Detection Monitoring DISPERSANT MONITORING - Develop new technologies for monitoring dispersant effectiveness in the CRRC - R&D Needs for Making Decisions Marine/Estuarine 1
and Surveillance field. Regarding Dispersing Oil (2005)
3302-Oil Spill Detection Monitoring DISPERSANT MONITORING - Develop technologies to improve oil and dispersant detection in the 1) Oil Spill Preparedness and Response JITF Marine/Estuarine 2
and Surveillance water column and seafloor. (2011)
2) DWH ISPR (2011)
3302-Oil Spill Detection Monitoring IN-SITU TECHNOLOGY - Study the use of in-situ measuring instruments or synthetic materials for CRRC - R&D Priorities: An Oil Spill 1
and Surveillance monitoring exposure of specific contaminants over time. Workshop (2003)
3302-Oil Spill Detection Monitoring MONITORING PLATFORMS - Develop improved longevity of marine measurement platforms (i.e., NSTC JSOST - DWH Oil Spill PI Conference Marine/Estuarine 1
and Surveillance monitoring vessels). Report (2011)
3302-Oil Spill Detection Monitoring MONITORING PLATFORMS - Develop shallow water gliders that can transit large vertical density NSTC JSOST - DWH Oil Spill PI Conference Marine/Estuarine 1
and Surveillance gradients. Report (2011)
3302-Oil Spill Detection Monitoring SENSOR INTEGRATION - Develop sensor integration and data analysis techniques. ICCOPR R&T Plan (1997) Marine/Estuarine/Freshwater 1
and Surveillance
3302-Oil Spill Detection Monitoring SMART PROTOCOL - Develop a refined SMART protocol and operational need/value during subsea and 1) CRRC - The Future of Dispersant Use in Oil Marine/Estuarine 3
and Surveillance surface response based on recent experiences. Spill Response Initiative (2012)
2) DWH ISPR (2011)
3) EPA Draft Oil Spill Research Strategy
3303-Oil Spill Detection Submerged Oil SUBMERGED OIL DETECTION - Develop capability to determine the presence or absence of CRRC - Submerged Oil Workshop Report Marine/Estuarine/Freshwater 1
and Surveillance Detection submerged oil over a large area (on the seafloor or in the water column) on a coarse scale. (Although focus (2006)
was on sonar and laser fluorosensor technologies, all potential technologies across the spectral range should
be considered.).
3303-Oil Spill Detection Submerged Oil SUBMERGED OIL DETECTION - Develop improved confidence in ability to estimate the areal extent CRRC - Submerged Oil Workshop Report Marine/Estuarine/Freshwater 1
and Surveillance Detection and amount of submerged oil since actual locations and amounts are not visible. (2006)
3303-Oil Spill Detection Submerged Oil SUBMERGED OIL DETECTION - Develop method to calibrate the degree of oiling on snare sampling CRRC - Submerged Oil Workshop Report Marine/Estuarine/Freshwater 1
and Surveillance Detection systems with the amount of oil on the seafloor or in the water column. (2006)
3303-Oil Spill Detection Submerged Oil SUBMERGED OIL DETECTION - Develop observation systems that can be deployed on scene at spills CRRC - Submerged Oil Workshop Report Marine/Estuarine/Freshwater 1
and Surveillance Detection of submerged oil to help validate or calibrate models and direct sampling and monitoring. (2006)
3303-Oil Spill Detection Submerged Oil SUBMERGED OIL DETECTION - Develop surrogates for different types of submerged oil to be used CRRC - Submerged Oil Workshop Report Marine/Estuarine/Freshwater 1
and Surveillance Detection for testing and training. (2006)
3303-Oil Spill Detection Submerged Oil SUBMERGED OIL DETECTION - Develop the capability to confirm and refine the location and CRRC - Submerged Oil Workshop Report Marine/Estuarine/Freshwater 1
and Surveillance Detection quantity of submerged oil detected on a coarse scale. (2006)
3303-Oil Spill Detection Submerged Oil SUBMERGED OIL DETECTION - Develop understanding of when and which in-water chemical sensors CRRC - Submerged Oil Workshop Report Marine/Estuarine/Freshwater 1
and Surveillance Detection would be useful for detecting submerged oil. (2006)
3303-Oil Spill Detection Submerged Oil SUBMERGED OIL DETECTION - Study the potential of acoustic systems and LiDAR, both individuallyCRRC - Submerged Oil Workshop Report Marine/Estuarine/Freshwater 1
and Surveillance Detection and as packaged suites, to detect submerged oil on the seafloor and in the water column. (2006)
3303-Oil Spill Detection Submerged Oil SUBSURFACE OIL DETECTION - Develop improved methods for sampling and monitoring the NSTC JSOST - DWH Oil Spill PI Conference Marine/Estuarine 1
and Surveillance Detection transport of subsurface oil. Report (2011)
3303-Oil Spill Detection Submerged Oil SUBSURFACE OIL DETECTION - Study the use of acoustics for tracking subsurface oil plumes. NSTC JSOST - DWH Oil Spill PI Conference Marine/Estuarine 1
and Surveillance Detection Report (2011)
3401-In and On-water Control/Recovery ALCOHOL FUEL RECOVERY - Develop new types of mechanical recovery technologies and CTAs to SAB Review of EPA Research Strategy (2011) Marine/Estuarine/Freshwater 1
Containment and Technology more effectively respond to alcohol based fuel spills.
3401-In and On-water Control/Recovery ARCTIC CONTROL AND RECOVERY TECHNOLOGIES - Develop control and recovery ICCOPR R&T Plan (1992) Marine/Estuarine/Freshwater 1
Containment and Technology capabilities for icy river conditions with pack ice and ice flows.
3401-In and On-water Control/Recovery ARCTIC CONTROL AND RECOVERY TECHNOLOGIES - Develop improved ice processing PWS OSRI - Research Plan 2011-2015 (2010) Marine/Estuarine/Freshwater 1
Containment and Technology capabilities of skimmers.
3401-In and On-water Control/Recovery ARCTIC CONTROL AND RECOVERY TECHNOLOGIES - Develop improved methods of 1) BSEE BAA Proposed Research on Oil Spill Marine/Estuarine/Freshwater 9
Containment and Technology mechanical recovery in arctic conditions (e.g., cold water, ice, broken ice). Response Operations (2012)
Recovery 2) OGP-JIP Solicitation for Expression of
Interest on Arctic Oil Spills (2012)
3) ICCOPR R&T Plan (1992)
4) ICCOPR Public Meeting - East (2010)
5) ICCOPR Public Meeting - West (2010)
6) USGS An Evaluation of the Science Needs
to Inform Decisions on Outer Continental Shelf
Energy Development in the Chukchi and
Beaufort Seas (2011)
7) PWS OSRI Research Plan 2011-2015
8) National Commission on BP DWH - Final
Report (2011)
9) US Arctic Research Commission White
Paper (2010)
3401-In and On-water Control/Recovery ARCTIC CONTROL AND RECOVERY TECHNOLOGIES - Develop techniques to artificially ICCOPR R&T Plan (1992) Marine/Estuarine/Freshwater 1
Containment and Technology thicken ice to increase its oil retention capabilities.
3401-In and On-water Control/Recovery ARCTIC CONTROL AND RECOVERY TECHNOLOGIES - Further develop mechanical recovery USGS An Evaluation of the Science Needs to Marine/Estuarine 1
Containment and Technology systems to recover oil accumulated under ice. Inform Decisions on Outer Continental Shelf
Recovery Energy Development in the Chukchi and
Beaufort Seas (2011)
3401-In and On-water Control/Recovery ARCTIC CONTROL AND RECOVERY TECHNOLOGIES - Need to develop mechanical recovery ICCOPR Public Meeting - West (2010) Marine/Estuarine/Freshwater 1
Containment and Technology equipment and documentation of this capacity in different ice scenarios.
3401-In and On-water Control/Recovery ARCTIC CONTROL AND RECOVERY TECHNOLOGIES - Study Arctic-specific response US Arctic Research Commission White Paper Marine/Estuarine 1
Containment and Technology (environmental baseline, unique conditions/logistics). (2010)
3401-In and On-water Control/Recovery CONTROL AND RECOVERY TECHNOLOGIES - Develop improved high seas containment devices 1) ICCOPR R&T Plan (1992) Marine/Estuarine/Freshwater 2
Containment and Technology including booms and skimmers. 2) ICCOPR R&T Plan (1997)
3401-In and On-water Control/Recovery CONTROL AND RECOVERY TECHNOLOGIES - Develop improved large volume skimming Oil Spill Preparedness and Response JITF Marine/Estuarine 1
Containment and Technology platforms. (2011)
3401-In and On-water Control/Recovery CONTROL AND RECOVERY TECHNOLOGIES - Develop improved mechanical recovery to increase DOE - Ultra-Deepwater and Unconventional Marine/Estuarine/Freshwater 1
Containment and Technology capture rate and capacity. Natural Gas and Other Petroleum Resources
Recovery R&D Program (2011)
3401-In and On-water Control/Recovery CONTROL AND RECOVERY TECHNOLOGIES - Develop improved strategies for removal of CRRC - Submerged Oil Workshop Report Marine/Estuarine/Freshwater 1
Containment and Technology suspended oil from the water column using trawling systems. (2006)
3401-In and On-water Control/Recovery CONTROL AND RECOVERY TECHNOLOGIES - Develop innovative techniques for containment. EPA Draft Oil Spill Research Strategy (2011) Marine/Estuarine/Freshwater 1
Containment and Technology
3401-In and On-water Control/Recovery CONTROL AND RECOVERY TECHNOLOGIES - Develop methods to increase the encounter rate of 1) BSEE BAA Proposed Research on Oil Spill Marine/Estuarine/Freshwater 3
Containment and Technology skimming and in situ burning operations, by increasing amount/thickness of oil on the surface (methods Response Operations (2012)
Recovery could involve use of chemicals, innovative mechanical systems, new operational procedures). 2) ICCOPR R&T Plan (1992)
3) CRRC - R&D Priorities: Oil Spill Workshop
3401-In and On-water Control/Recovery CONTROL AND RECOVERY TECHNOLOGIES - Develop new tools to recover submerged oil, both CRRC - Submerged Oil Workshop Report Marine/Estuarine/Freshwater 1
Containment and Technology suspended and on the seafloor. (2006)
3401-In and On-water Control/Recovery CONTROL AND RECOVERY TECHNOLOGIES - Develop, test and evaluate containment booms and ICCOPR R&T Plan (1992) Marine/Estuarine/Freshwater 1
Containment and Technology recovery systems.
3401-In and On-water Control/Recovery SUBSEA OIL RECOVERY - Conduct research to evaluate new or innovative mechanical technologies BSEE BAA Proposed Research on Oil Spill Marine/Estuarine 1
Containment and Technology that contain or remove subsea oil releases. Response Operations (2012)
3401-In and On-water Control/Recovery SUBSEA OIL RECOVERY - Refine techniques for removal of subsurface oil. ICCOPR R&T Plan (1997) Marine/Estuarine/Freshwater 1
Containment and Technology
3402-In and On-water Recovery Operations ARCTIC CONTROL AND RECOVERY TECHNOLOGIES - Study the presence or lack of USGS An Evaluation of the Science Needs to Marine/Estuarine 1
Containment and and Testing standardized testing approaches (especially wave tanks), the cross-comparability of results, and Inform Decisions on Outer Continental Shelf
Recovery collaborative development of protocols that would establish the practical recovery limits that are achievable Energy Development in the Chukchi and
during response operations, and refine our understanding of the appropriate setting and scale at which these Beaufort Seas (2011)
devices could be effectively deployed.
3402-In and On-water Recovery Operations ARCTIC CONTROL AND RECOVERY TECHNOLOGIES - Test response equipment in Arctic. ICCOPR Public Meeting - East (2010) Marine/Estuarine 1
Containment and and Testing
3402-In and On-water Recovery Operations CONTROL AND RECOVERY TECHNOLOGIES - Study response options and determine which were EPA Draft Oil Spill Research Strategy (2011) Marine/Estuarine 1
Containment and and Testing most successful during DWH.
3402-In and On-water Recovery Operations CONTROL TECHNOLOGY FIELD TESTING - Conduct field test of cleanup techniques and create ICCOPR R&T Plan (1992) All 1
Containment and and Testing protocols for various habitats and conditions.
3402-In and On-water Recovery Operations CONTROL TECHNOLOGY FIELD TESTING - Control technology field testing. Title 33 Chapter 40 Subchapter IV 2761 (OPA Marine/Estuarine 1
Containment and and Testing 1990)
3402-In and On-water Recovery Operations OIL SIMULANTS - Conduct simulant toxicity testing for wildlife, fish and ESA species. Oil Spill Simulants Materials: Workshop Marine/Estuarine 1
Containment and and Testing Proceedings (March 2013)
3402-In and On-water Recovery Operations OIL SIMULANTS - Develop a decision-making framework regarding potential risks for all types of Oil Spill Simulants Materials: Workshop Marine/Estuarine 1
Containment and and Testing simulants. Proceedings (March 2013)
3402-In and On-water Recovery Operations OIL SIMULANTS - Identify case histories of the use of simulants in field exercises to identify potential Oil Spill Simulants Materials: Workshop Marine/Estuarine 1
Containment and and Testing environmental impacts. Proceedings (March 2013)
3402-In and On-water Recovery Operations SORBENT USAGE - Study the use of sorbents for smaller spills under various conditions and oil types. ICCOPR R&T Plan (1992) All 1
Containment and and Testing
3402-In and On-water Recovery Operations SPILL RESPONSE CAPACITY - Develop improved capability to do 24/7 spill response. Pacific States/BC OSTF Letter to ICCOPR All 1
Containment and and Testing (2010)
3500- Shore No Subcategory NATURAL ATTENUATION - Study natural attenuation as an option for spill response using spills of CRRC - R&D Priorities: Oil Spill Workshop All 1
Containment and opportunity and field trials. (2009)
3500- Shore No Subcategory SHORELINE CLEANUP METHODOLOGIES - Develop technologies to improve "sandy" beach Oil Spill Preparedness and Response JITF Shoreline 1
Containment and mechanized, mechanical cleanup. (2011)
3500- Shore No Subcategory SHORELINE CLEANUP METHODOLOGIES - Conduct research to assess the ability of chemicals to ICCOPR R&T Plan (1992) Marine/Estuarine 1
Containment and prevent oil impact on shorelines.
3500- Shore No Subcategory SHORELINE CLEANUP METHODOLOGIES - Study the effectiveness of surface washing and CRRC - R&D Priorities: Oil Spill Workshop Shoreline 1
Containment and develop standards. (2009)
3500- Shore No Subcategory SHORELINE CLEANUP METHODOLOGIES - Study the use of dispersants vs. shoreline cleaners vs. CRRC - R&D Priorities: An Oil Spill 1
Containment and mechanical recovery in near-shore and shoreline zones. Workshop (2003)
3500- Shore No Subcategory SHORELINE IMPACTS - Study impacts of foot traffic on shoreline cleanup. CRRC - R&D Priorities: An Oil Spill Marine/Estuarine/Freshwater 1
Containment and Workshop (2003)
3601-Dispersants Cold weather and Ice ARCTIC APPLICATION - Study the understanding of the “window of opportunity” for potential USGS An Evaluation of the Science Needs to Marine/Estuarine 1
Conditions deployment of all dispersants in the Arctic. Inform Decisions on Outer Continental Shelf
Energy Development in the Chukchi and
Beaufort Seas (2011)
3601-Dispersants Cold Weather and ARCTIC EFFECTIVENESS - Study best dispersant for different environmental conditions including ice. Marine Mammal Commission Letter to Marine/Estuarine 1
Ice Conditions ICCOPR (2010)
3601-Dispersants Cold Weather and ARCTIC EFFECTIVENESS - Study dispersant fate and effectiveness in open water versus ice conditions. Marine Mammal Commission Letter to Marine/Estuarine 1
Ice Conditions ICCOPR (2010)
3602-Dispersants Behavior BIODEGRADATION - Develop a detailed investigation on the kinetics of dispersed oil biodegradation at NRC Oil Spill Dispersants: Efficacy and Marine/Estuarine 1
low oil-water ratios to simulate conditions that represent those that follow significant dilution of the Effects (2005)
dispersed oil plume.
3602-Dispersants Behavior BIODEGRADATION - Develop biotransformation products of high-molecular-weight PAH using NRC Oil Spill Dispersants: Efficacy and Marine/Estuarine 1
indigenous microbial communities from seawater Effects (2005)
3602-Dispersants Behavior BIODEGRADATION - Develop droplet-scale models of biodegradation kinetics and estimate the NRC Oil Spill Dispersants: Efficacy and Marine/Estuarine 1
appropriate kinetic parameters. Effects (2005)
3602-Dispersants Behavior BIODEGRADATION - Study and quantify biodegradation kinetics of dispersed oil. CRRC - R&D Needs for Making Decisions Marine/Estuarine 1
Regarding Dispersing Oil (2005)
3602-Dispersants Behavior BIODEGRADATION - Study the toxic and sub-lethal effects and ramifications for microbial communities USGS An Evaluation of the Science Needs to Marine/Estuarine 1
(and the natural biodegradation of oil). Inform Decisions on Outer Continental Shelf
Energy Development in the Chukchi and
Beaufort Seas (2011)
3602-Dispersants Behavior CONSTITUENTS - Conduct a literature review of dispersant constituents for dispersants listed on the NCP CRRC - The Future of Dispersant Use in Oil Marine/Estuarine 1
product schedule to determine relevant information such as chemical makeup, environmental fate, kinetics, Spill Response Initiative (2012)
toxicity, bioconcentration factor, and bioaccumulation factor (BCF/BAF) in order to identify constituents of
concerns or chemical markers.
3602-Dispersants Behavior CONSTITUENTS - Develop appropriate chemical (analytical) methods for detecting and quantifying CRRC - Coordinating R&D on Oil Spill Marine/Estuarine/Freshwater 1
dispersant constituents in environmental samples to assess biodegradation and bioaccumulation. Research in the Wake of DWH (2011)
3602-Dispersants Behavior CONSTITUENTS - Study chemistry data for individual dispersant components in the oil droplets during CRRC - The Future of Dispersant Use in Oil Marine/Estuarine 1
the DWH spill. Spill Response Initiative (2012)
3602-Dispersants Behavior DISPERSED OIL ANALYSIS - Develop methods for collection and analysis of samples of dissolved CRRC - R&D Needs for Making Decisions Marine/Estuarine 1
phase and particulate/oil-droplet phase PAH in environmental samples Regarding Dispersing Oil (2005)
3602-Dispersants Behavior DISPERSED OIL BEHAVIOR - Conduct field trials with dispersants that include tracking and monitoringCRRC - R&D Priorities: Oil Spill Workshop Marine/Estuarine 1
concentrations. (2009)
3602-Dispersants Behavior DISPERSED OIL BEHAVIOR - Study the behavior of chemically treated oil in terms of vertical ICCOPR R&T Plan (1992) Marine/Estuarine/Freshwater 1
movements in interstitial spaces.
3602-Dispersants Behavior DISPERSED OIL BEHAVIOR - Study the degree, rate, and consequence of surfactant leaching from CRRC - The Future of Dispersant Use in Oil Marine/Estuarine 1
chemically dispersed oil droplets. Spill Response Initiative (2012)
3602-Dispersants Behavior DISPERSED OIL BEHAVIOR - Study the degree, rate, and consequences of surfactant leaching from CRRC - R&D Needs for Making Decisions Marine/Estuarine 1
surface slicks and chemically dispersed oil droplets. Regarding Dispersing Oil (2005)
3602-Dispersants Behavior DISPERSED OIL BEHAVIOR - Study the fate and transport of dispersed oil and dispersants in the EPA Draft Oil Spill Research Strategy (2011) Marine/Estuarine 1
surface, subsurface and deep water.
3602-Dispersants Behavior DISPERSED OIL BEHAVIOR - Study the impact of chemical dispersants on the dissolution/degradation CRRC - The Future of Dispersant Use in Oil Marine/Estuarine 1
of water soluble hydrocarbons including VOCs from subsea releases Spill Response Initiative (2012)
3602-Dispersants Behavior DISPERSED OIL BEHAVIOR - Study the interactions of chemically dispersed oil droplets with CRRC - R&D Needs for Making Decisions Marine/Estuarine 1
suspended particulate matter (SPM) and how these processes affect the rate of oil biodegradation and Regarding Dispersing Oil (2005)
ultimate fate of dispersed oil.
3602-Dispersants Behavior DISPERSED OIL BEHAVIOR - Study the role of dispersants on the dissolution process (short and long CRRC - The Future of Dispersant Use in Oil Marine/Estuarine 1
term). Spill Response Initiative (2012)
3602-Dispersants Behavior DISPERSED OIL BEHAVIOR - Study the variables affecting coalescence and resurfacing of dispersed EPA Draft Oil Spill Research Strategy (2011) Marine/Estuarine 1
oil droplets to develop models for tracking movement at surface, subsurface and deepwater.
3602-Dispersants Behavior DISPERSED OIL BEHAVIOR- Study the quantification of degradation rates of chemically dispersed, CRRC - The Future of Dispersant Use in Oil Marine/Estuarine 1
physically dispersed, and undispersed oil. Spill Response Initiative (2012)
3603-Dispersants Impacts DISPERSANT INTERACTIONS - Conduct research on benthic species interactions with oil, Center for Spills in the Environment Oil Spill Marine/Freshwater 1
oil/dispersants and dispersant contaminated sediments. Dispersant Research Workshop Report (March
3603-Dispersants Impacts DISPERSANT INTERACTIONS - Conduct research on dispersants, oil only, and dispersed oil Center for Spills in the Environment Oil Spill Marine 1
interactions with algae, sediments and particles. Dispersant Research Workshop Report (March
3603-Dispersants Impacts DISPERSANT WEATHERING - Study the impact of flocculation on oil and dispersants. Center for Spills in the Environment Oil Spill Marine/Freshwater 1
Dispersant Research Workshop Report (March
3603-Dispersants Impacts DISPERSED OIL FATE - Collect available data on dispersant bioaccumulation and assess whether more EPA Draft Oil Spill Research Strategy (2011) Marine/Estuarine 1
info is needed.
3603-Dispersants Impacts DISPERSED OIL FATE - Gain better understanding of long term impact of dispersants on fisheries etc. ICCOPR Public Meeting - Gulf (2010) Marine/Estuarine 1
3603-Dispersants Impacts DISPERSED OIL FATE - Study and evaluate dispersant and dispersed oil chronic and sub-lethal effects CRRC - Coordinating R&D on Oil Spill Marine/Estuarine 1
on key species for varying, real world exposure scenarios and durations. Research in the Wake of DWH (2011)
3603-Dispersants Impacts DISPERSED OIL FATE - Study and improve understanding of long-term ecological effects of dispersed CRRC - R&D Priorities: Oil Spill Workshop Marine/Estuarine 1
oil. (2009)
3603-Dispersants Impacts DISPERSED OIL FATE - Study whether dispersants or changes in oil chemistry are effective in reducing EPA Draft Oil Spill Research Strategy (2011) Marine/Estuarine 1
marine species' exposure to oil and its constituents.
3603-Dispersants Impacts DISPERSED OIL FATE - Study worldwide, synthesis, and analysis of biological effects from dispersed CRRC - The Future of Dispersant Use in Oil Marine/Estuarine 1
oil under controlled and uncontrolled oil spills Spill Response Initiative (2012)
3603-Dispersants Impacts DISPERSED OIL TOXICITY - Develop and implement focused toxicity studies to: (1) provide data that NRC Oil Spill Dispersants: Efficacy and Marine/Estuarine 1
can be used to parameterize models to predict photo-enhanced toxicity; (2) estimate the relative contribution Effects (2005)
of dissolved and particulate oil phases to toxicity with representative species, including sensitive species and
life stages; and (3) expand toxicity tests to include an evaluation of delayed effects.
3603-Dispersants Impacts DISPERSED OIL TOXICITY - Develop focused toxicity studies to determine the mechanisms of both NRC Oil Spill Dispersants: Efficacy and Marine/Estuarine 1
acute and sub lethal toxicity to key organisms from exposure to dispersed oil Effects (2005)
3603-Dispersants Impacts DISPERSED OIL TOXICITY - Develop standard methods for toxicity testing of dispersed oil appropriate CRRC - R&D Needs for Making Decisions Marine/Estuarine 1
for coastal regimes. Regarding Dispersing Oil (2005)
3603-Dispersants Impacts DISPERSED OIL TOXICITY - Study chronic testing, testing of indigenous species, and testing of DWH ISPR (2011) Marine/Estuarine/Freshwater 1
specific oil types in combination with specific dispersant types with specific water bodies and set
appropriate temporal, spatial, and volumetric standards.
3603-Dispersants Impacts DISPERSED OIL TOXICITY - Study the ecotoxicological effects of oil dispersant products and 1)EPA Draft Oil Spill Research Strategy Marine/Estuarine 1
dispersed oil on surface and deep sea species. (2011) 2)Center for Spills in the Environment
Oil Spill Dispersant Research Workshop
Report (March 2013)
3603-Dispersants Impacts DISPERSED OIL TOXICITY - Study whether dispersants increase bioavailability of toxic oil NSTC JSOST - DWH Oil Spill PI Conference Marine/Estuarine 1
compounds. Report (2011)
3603-Dispersants Impacts RISK-BASED DECISION MAKING - Collect existing dispersed oil toxicity data and studies to support CRRC - R&D Needs for Making Decisions Marine/Estuarine 1
risk-based decision making for use of dispersants at spills. Regarding Dispersing Oil (2005)
3603-Dispersants Impacts RISK-BASED DECISION MAKING - Conduct research to improve understanding of the efficiency of CRRC - Coordinating R&D on Oil Spill Marine/Estuarine 1
dispersion into the water column and plume transport dynamics to inform exposure and risk assumptions. Research in the Wake of DWH (2011)
3603-Dispersants Impacts RISK-BASED DECISION MAKING - Develop an ecosystem consequence analysis (ECA) for dispersant CRRC - The Future of Dispersant Use in Oil Marine/Estuarine 1
usage that considers key populations at risk, recovery rates, and food web consequences, using population Spill Response Initiative (2012)
sensitivity tables that inform many decisions (e.g., ecological to economic), identify data gaps and identify
key species that drive tradeoff decisions.
3603-Dispersants Impacts RISK-BASED DECISION MAKING - Develop localized integrative models and decision support tools CRRC - The Future of Dispersant Use in Oil Marine/Estuarine 1
for dispersant planning and response. Spill Response Initiative (2012)
3603-Dispersants Impacts TOXICITY - Conduct toxicological studies of sub-chronic and chronic exposures to the variable complex SAB Review of EPA Research Strategy (2011) Marine/Estuarine 1
dispersant mixtures.
3603-Dispersants Impacts TOXICITY - Develop protocols for testing efficacy and toxicity of commercially available dispersants and ICCOPR R&T Plan (1992) Marine/Estuarine 1
other chemical agents which may become commercially available
3603-Dispersants Impacts WILDLIFE EFFECTS - Study long-term effects of short-term exposures to dispersed oil on wildlife. SAB Review of EPA Research Strategy (2011) All 1
3604-Dispersants Efficacy and ALCOHOL-HYDROCARBON SPILLS - Study the use of dispersants on blended alcohol-hydrocarbon SAB Review of EPA Research Strategy (2011) Marine/Estuarine 1
Effectiveness fuel spills.
3604-Dispersants Efficacy and ALTERNATIVE FORMULATIONS - Develop alternative dispersant products that have a "lighter" EPA Draft Oil Spill Research Strategy (2011) Marine/Estuarine 1
Effectiveness environmental footprint than petroleum based products
3604-Dispersants Efficacy and ALTERNATIVE FORMULATIONS - Develop innovative "next generation" dispersants. Oil Spill Preparedness and Response JITF Marine/Estuarine 1
Effectiveness (2011)
3604-Dispersants Efficacy and ALTERNATIVE FORMULATIONS - Develop new highly effective dispersants for use in different CRRC - The Future of Dispersant Use in Oil Marine/Estuarine 1
Effectiveness extremes. Spill Response Initiative (2012)
3604-Dispersants Efficacy and ALTERNATIVE FORMULATIONS - Study and evaluate the efficacy of dispersant alternatives solvent- CRRC - Coordinating R&D on Oil Spill Marine/Estuarine 1
Effectiveness free formulations. Research in the Wake of DWH (2011)
3604-Dispersants Efficacy and ALTERNATIVE FORMULATIONS - Study availability and effectiveness of alternative dispersants. PWS OSRI - Research Plan 2011-2015 (2010) Marine/Estuarine 1
3604-Dispersants Efficacy and WEATHERED OIL EMULSIONS - Develop a detailed investigation of wave-tank studies that NRC Oil Spill Dispersants: Efficacy and Marine/Estuarine 1
Effectiveness specifically address the chemical treatment of weathered oil emulsions Effects (2005)
3604-Dispersants Efficacy and EFFECTIVENESS - Conduct a comparison study on various oil types and their dispersability. CRRC - R&D Needs for Making Decisions Marine/Estuarine 1
Effectiveness Regarding Dispersing Oil (2005)
3604-Dispersants Efficacy and EFFECTIVENESS - Conduct a study comparing methods for measuring droplet size distribution and CRRC - R&D Needs for Making Decisions Marine/Estuarine 1
Effectiveness energy dissipation rate in different dispersant effectiveness test systems Regarding Dispersing Oil (2005)
3604-Dispersants Efficacy and EFFECTIVENESS - Develop and implement focused series studies to better predict the effectiveness of NRC Oil Spill Dispersants: Efficacy and Marine/Estuarine 1
Effectiveness dispersants for different oil types and environmental conditions based on climatology data supplemented Effects (2005)
with real-time in situ observations.
3604-Dispersants Efficacy and EFFECTIVENESS - Develop experimental systems for bench-scale effectiveness to: 1) determine the NRC Oil Spill Dispersants: Efficacy and Marine/Estuarine 1
Effectiveness energy dissipation rates that prevail over a wide range of operating conditions; 2) measure chemical Effects (2005)
effectiveness over a range of energy dissipation rates to characterize the relationship between these
variables; and 3) include measurement of the droplet-size distribution of the dispersed oil.
3604-Dispersants Efficacy and EFFECTIVENESS - Develop improved instrumentation for measuring dispersant effectiveness on the CRRC - The Future of Dispersant Use in Oil Marine/Estuarine 1
Effectiveness surface and subsurface. Spill Response Initiative (2012)
3604-Dispersants Efficacy and EFFECTIVENESS - Develop improved models to predict dispersant effectiveness and oil fate. CRRC - R&D Needs for Making Decisions Marine/Estuarine 1
Effectiveness Regarding Dispersing Oil (2005)
3604-Dispersants Efficacy and EFFECTIVENESS - Develop optimal operational effectiveness of dispersant applications. CRRC - R&D Needs for Making Decisions Marine/Estuarine 1
Effectiveness Regarding Dispersing Oil (2005)
3604-Dispersants Efficacy and EFFECTIVENESS - Study best dispersant for crude oil. Marine Mammal Commission Letter to Marine/Estuarine 1
Effectiveness ICCOPR (2010)
3604-Dispersants Efficacy and EFFECTIVENESS - Study dispersant use in calm sea surface conditions. Oil Spill Preparedness and Response JITF Marine/Estuarine 1
Effectiveness (2011)
3604-Dispersants Efficacy and EFFECTIVENESS - Study the effect of dispersants on droplet size/bubble size distribution and the CRRC - The Future of Dispersant Use in Oil Marine/Estuarine 1
Effectiveness trapping height of plumes. Spill Response Initiative (2012)
3604-Dispersants Efficacy and EFFECTIVENESS - Study the effectiveness and net environmental benefits of subsea dispersant DWH ISPR (2011) Marine/Estuarine 1
Effectiveness application.
3604-Dispersants Efficacy and EFFECTIVENESS - Study the physical and chemical properties of oils that determine the overall CRRC - R&D Needs for Making Decisions Marine/Estuarine 1
Effectiveness effectiveness of dispersant application. Regarding Dispersing Oil (2005)
3605-Dispersants Fate DISPERSED OIL FATE - Conduct transport and fate studies with the CTAs in conjunction with the SAB Review of EPA Research Strategy (2011) Marine/Estuarine 1
particular oils with which they would most likely be used (address important conditions: high pressure to
model under ice and deep sea).
3605-Dispersants Fate DISPERSED OIL FATE - Develop and implement steps to ensure that future wave-tank or spill-of- NRC Oil Spill Dispersants: Efficacy and Marine/Estuarine 1
opportunity studies implement a field program to measure both dissolved-phase PAH and particulate/oil- Effects (2005)
droplet phase PAH concentrations for comparison to PAH thresholds measured in toxicity tests and
predicted by computer models for oil spill fate and behavior
3605-Dispersants Fate DISPERSED OIL FATE - Develop studies to quantify the weathering rates and final fate of chemically NRC Oil Spill Dispersants: Efficacy and Marine/Estuarine 1
dispersed oil droplets compared with undispersed oil. Effects (2005)
3605-Dispersants Fate DISPERSED OIL FATE - Study anticipated fate of spilled oil dispersants and dispersed oil from different ICCOPR Public Meeting - East (2010) Marine/Estuarine 1
operations in geographical locations.
3605-Dispersants Fate DISPERSED OIL FATE - Study the differences in the effects of photolysis on chemically and physically CRRC - The Future of Dispersant Use in Oil Marine/Estuarine 1
dispersed oil droplets. Spill Response Initiative (2012)
3605-Dispersants Fate DISPERSED OIL FATE - Study the interactions of chemically dispersed oil droplets with suspended CRRC - The Future of Dispersant Use in Oil Marine/Estuarine 1
particulate matter and the effect of these processes on the rate of oil biodegradation and fate. Spill Response Initiative (2012)
3605-Dispersants Fate FATE AND EFFECTS - Study the long-term fate and effects of dispersant applications. Pacific States/BC OSTF Letter to ICCOPR Marine/Estuarine 1
3606-Dispersants Subsurface SUBSURFACE APPLICATION - Study how subsurface application of dispersants affects characteristics CRRC - The Future of Dispersant Use in Oil Marine/Estuarine 1
of that oil at the surface. Spill Response Initiative (2012)
3606-Dispersants Subsurface SUBSURFACE BEHAVIOR - Study the effect of dispersant on deposition, partitioning, toxicity and NSTC JSOST - DWH Oil Spill PI Conference Marine/Estuarine 1
degradation (deep sea and in presence of high flow rates). Report (2011)
3606-Dispersants Subsurface SUBSURFACE DISPERSANTS - Conduct research involving the application of dispersants at high Center for Spills in the Environment Oil Spill Marine 1
pressure and low temperatures with the potential for significant turbidity. Dispersant Research Workshop Report (March
3606-Dispersants Subsurface SUBSURFACE EFFECTIVENESS - Develop conditions of operability for dispersant use in the subsea, CRRC - The Future of Dispersant Use in Oil Marine/Estuarine 1
including characteristics of most effective dispersant, physical parameters of when to apply, consideringSpill Response Initiative (2012)
flow rate.
3606-Dispersants Subsurface SUBSURFACE EFFECTIVENESS - Develop confirmation of volatile organic compound reduction at the CRRC - The Future of Dispersant Use in Oil Marine/Estuarine 1
surface from subsurface dispersant use. Spill Response Initiative (2012)
3606-Dispersants Subsurface SUBSURFACE EFFECTIVENESS - Study and correlate quantitative info on subsurface dispersant Marine/Estuarine 1
effectiveness and dispersant application time series.
3606-Dispersants Subsurface SUBSURFACE EFFECTIVENESS - Study dispersant use in the subsea. Oil Spill Preparedness and Response JITF Marine/Estuarine 1
3606-Dispersants Subsurface SUBSURFACE EFFECTIVENESS - Study the correlation of the subsurface injection with emulsification CRRC - The Future of Dispersant Use in Oil Marine/Estuarine 1
at the surface. Spill Response Initiative (2012)
3606-Dispersants Subsurface SUBSURFACE EFFICACY - Develop improved capacity to measure the efficacy of dispersants injected NSTC JSOST - DWH Oil Spill PI Conference Marine/Estuarine 1
at subsurface. Report (2011)
3606-Dispersants Subsurface SUBSURFACE EFFICACY - Study the subsea application of dispersants, including methods, application BSEE BAA Proposed Research on Oil Spill Marine/Estuarine 1
ratios, injection nozzle design, location of nozzle. Response Operations (2012)
3606-Dispersants Subsurface SUBSURFACE FORMULATIONS - Study the need for separate subsea specific dispersant. CRRC - The Future of Dispersant Use in Oil Marine/Estuarine 1
Spill Response Initiative (2012)
3606-Dispersants Subsurface SUBSURFACE TANK TESTING - Study the feasibility of conducting subsea dispersant research at BSEE BAA Proposed Research on Oil Spill Marine/Estuarine 1
Ohmsett. Response Operations (2012)
3701-In Situ Burning Effectiveness and AERIAL PLUME IMPACTS - Develop methods to mitigate airborne pollutants during burning. ICCOPR R&T Plan (1992) All 1
3701-In Situ Burning Effectiveness and AERIAL PLUME IMPACTS - Develop simplified air plume models. ICCOPR R&T Plan (1997) All 1
3701-In Situ Burning Effectiveness and AERIAL PLUME IMPACTS - Develop soot reduction techniques. ICCOPR R&T Plan (1997) All 1
3701-In Situ Burning Effectiveness and AERIAL PLUME IMPACTS - Study the impact of volatile plumes from in-situ burning on natural CRRC - R&D Priorities: Oil Spill Workshop All 1
Impacts resources (e.g., birds). (2009)
3701-In Situ Burning Effectiveness and ARCTIC ISB - Conduct additional research to improve ISB effectiveness in the Arctic and better define the USGS An Evaluation of the Science Needs to Marine/Estuarine 1
Impacts applicability of ISB under various conditions. Inform Decisions on Outer Continental Shelf
Energy Development in the Chukchi and
Beaufort Seas (2011)
3701-In Situ Burning Effectiveness and ARCTIC ISB - Develop improved pre- and post-spill plume modeling to inform whether or not an ISB USGS An Evaluation of the Science Needs to Marine/Estuarine 1
Impacts should be conducted and would facilitate decisions on measures to protect local populations, including Inform Decisions on Outer Continental Shelf
potential effect of "fall-out" from a smoke plume that goes over land based subsistence resources. Energy Development in the Chukchi and
Beaufort Seas (2011)
3701-In Situ Burning Effectiveness and ARCTIC ISB - Develop improved understanding of in situ burn operations in ice. PWS OSRI - Research Plan 2011-2015 (2010) Marine/Estuarine/Freshwater 1
3701-In Situ Burning Effectiveness and ARCTIC ISB - Conduct additional research to better define the applicability of ISB under various USGS An Evaluation of the Science Needs to Marine/Estuarine 1
Impacts conditions in the Arctic. Inform Decisions on Outer Continental Shelf
Energy Development in the Chukchi and
Beaufort Seas (2011)
3701-In Situ Burning Effectiveness and ISB BIOAVAILABILITY - Study ISB residues, especially toxicity, physical properties, and bioavailabilityUSGS An Evaluation of the Science Needs to Marine/Estuarine 1
Impacts of contaminants contained within the residue matrix; especially with potential benthic community effects. Inform Decisions on Outer Continental Shelf
Energy Development in the Chukchi and
Beaufort Seas (2011)
3701-In Situ Burning Effectiveness and ISB EFFECTIVENESS - Develop better means of quantifying ISB effectiveness. Unburned oil or other DWH ISPR (2011) All 1
Impacts residue from burning operations should be recovered and accounted for when evaluating the effectiveness of
in situ burning.
3702-In Situ Burning Planning and ISB CONTAINMENT TECHNOLOGY - Conduct research and development programs on ISB to DWH ISPR (2011) Marine/Estuarine/Freshwater 1
Technology develop more robust booming systems with greater oil encounter rates and expand the weather/sea state of
opportunity in which ISB can effectively be used.
3702-In Situ Burning Planning and ISB CONTAINMENT TECHNOLOGY - Develop enhanced designs for containment and burning oil. BSEE BAA Proposed Research on Oil Spill Marine/Estuarine/Freshwater 1
Technology Response Operations (2012)
3702-In Situ Burning Planning and ISB CONTAINMENT TECHNOLOGY - Develop improved fire boom design and materials, develop test NSTC JSOST - DWH Oil Spill PI Conference Marine/Estuarine/Freshwater 1
Technology protocols and test. Report (2010)
3702-In Situ Burning Planning and ISB CONTAINMENT TECHNOLOGY - Develop more efficient fire boom for high sea states and faster Oil Spill Preparedness and Response JITF Marine/Estuarine/Freshwater 1
Technology advancing speeds. (2011)
3702-In Situ Burning Planning and ISB CONTAINMENT TECHNOLOGY - Study the performance of various fire boom designs and DWH ISPR (2011) Marine/Estuarine/Freshwater 1
Technology improve technologies for water-cooled and reusable boom types
3702-In Situ Burning Planning and ISB PLANNING - Develop improved procedures for in-situ burning under various conditions, develop ICCOPR R&T Plan (1992) All 1
Technology protocols, improve field verification of airborne constituent behaviors
3702-In Situ Burning Planning and ISB PLANNING - Study appropriate level of ISB equipment for responding to worst case spills and to DWH ISPR (2011) All 1
Technology determine the means of enhancing equipment stockpiles of ISB equipment
3702-In Situ Burning Planning and ISB TECHNOLOGY - Develop methods to improve and sustain combustion of emulsions. ICCOPR R&T Plan (1992) All 1
3702-In Situ Burning Planning and ISB TECHNOLOGY - Develop new technology for recovering sunken burn residue. BSEE BAA Proposed Research on Oil Spill Marine/Estuarine/Freshwater 1
Technology Response Operations (2012)
3702-In Situ Burning Planning and ISB TECHNOLOGY - Study aerial ignition techniques for in situ burns far offshore. ICCOPR Public Meeting - East (2010) Marine/Estuarine 1
3800-Alternative No Subcategory ALTERNATIVE FUELS - Study usability of current response technologies on alternative fuels. EPA Draft Oil Spill Research Strategy (2011) All 1
3800-Alternative No Subcategory ARCTIC CHEMICAL HERDERS - Develop toxicological data for Arctic species of interest that would USGS An Evaluation of the Science Needs to Marine/Estuarine 1
Chemical better define the relative value and impact of chemical herders within the countermeasure suite of available Inform Decisions on Outer Continental Shelf
Countermeasures tools. Energy Development in the Chukchi and
Beaufort Seas (2011)
3800-Alternative No Subcategory ARCTIC CHEMICAL HERDERS - Study the value and impact of chemical herders to improve oil-spill USGS An Evaluation of the Science Needs to Marine/Estuarine 1
Chemical response scenarios and the timing for deployment of various countermeasures, particularly given the Inform Decisions on Outer Continental Shelf
Countermeasures potential for a second-stage recovery effort during ice melt to target oil that had previously been entrained in Energy Development in the Chukchi and
sea ice. Beaufort Seas (2011)
3800-Alternative No Subcategory ARCTIC CHEMICAL HERDERS - Study use of oil herders to enhance response capability for in situ ICCOPR Public Meeting - East (2010) Marine/Estuarine/Freshwater 1
Chemical burning and other uses.
3800-Alternative No Subcategory BIOFUEL RECOVERY - Study the recovery of biofuels using chemical methods. CRRC - R&D Priorities: Oil Spill Workshop All 1
Chemical (2009)
3800-Alternative No Subcategory BIOFUEL RECOVERY - Study the recovery of biofuels using mechanical methods. CRRC - R&D Priorities: Oil Spill Workshop All 1
Chemical (2009)
3800-Alternative No Subcategory CHEMICAL HERDERS - Study and characterize chemical herders and potential areas of use. CRRC - R&D Priorities: Oil Spill Workshop Marine/Estuarine/Freshwater 1
Chemical (2009)
3800-Alternative No Subcategory EMULSION AGENTS - Field test emulsion treating agents. ICCOPR R&T Plan (1997) Marine/Estuarine/Freshwater 1
3800-Alternative No Subcategory ISB AND CHEMICAL HERDERS - Study the potential for enhancing burn operations with the use of DWH ISPR (2011) Marine/Estuarine/Freshwater 1
Chemical herding agents and demulsifiers.
3800-Alternative No Subcategory NEW TECHNOLOGIES - Determine if trenching is a feasible response option. CRRC - Submerged Oil Workshop Report Marine/Estuarine/Freshwater 1
Chemical (2006)
3800-Alternative No Subcategory NEW TECHNOLOGIES - Develop innovative techniques for remediation/cleanup. EPA Draft Oil Spill Research Strategy (2011) All 1
3800-Alternative No Subcategory NEW TECHNOLOGIES - Study and develop techniques for recovery of submerged oils and emulsions. ICCOPR R&T Plan (1997) Marine/Estuarine/Freshwater 1
3800-Alternative No Subcategory NEW TECHNOLOGIES - Study emerging technologies for use in 24 hour operations. CRRC - Coordinating R&D on Oil Spill All 1
Chemical Research in the Wake of DWH (2011)
3800-Alternative No Subcategory OIL SOLIDIFIER - Study solidifiers and their effectiveness in various conditions and a full range of oils. CRRC - R&D Priorities: Oil Spill Workshop All 1
Chemical (2009)
3800-Alternative No Subcategory OIL/MINERAL AGGREGATES - Conduct research to improve understanding of oil mineral aggregate CRRC - R&D Priorities: Oil Spill Workshop Marine/Estuarine 1
Chemical (OMA) use including in cold climates. (2009)
3800-Alternative No Subcategory SUBMERGED OIL - Develop enhanced recovery of submerged oil by changing its properties. CRRC - Submerged Oil Workshop Report Marine/Estuarine/Freshwater 1
Chemical (2006)
3800-Alternative No Subcategory SUBMERGED OIL - Study potential use of chemical countermeasures to improve response to submerged CRRC - Submerged Oil Workshop Report Marine/Estuarine/Freshwater 1
Chemical oil spills. (2006)
3900-Oily and Oil No Subcategory OIL AND WATER SEPARATION - Develop innovative techniques for oil/water separation decanting 1) ICCOPR R&T Plan (1992) All 2
Waste Disposal systems for various oil types. 2) CRRC - Submerged Oil Workshop Report
3900-Oily and Oil No Subcategory SORBENTS - Develop methods to recycle sorbents and reduce the waste created by using sorbents as a CRRC - R&D Priorities: Oil Spill Workshop All 1
Waste Disposal recovery option. (2009)
3900-Oily and Oil No Subcategory WATER TREATMENT - Develop improved best practices for oil and gas field water treatment and water DOE - Ultra-Deepwater and Unconventional Terrestrial/Freshwater 1
Waste Disposal management. Natural Gas and Other Petroleum Resources
R&D Program (2012)
4000-Bioremediation No Subcategory BIOAVAILABILITY - Study the factors controlling bioavailability of petroleum hydrocarbons in estuarineICCOPR R&T Plan (1992) Marine/Estuarine/Freshwater 1
and Biodegradation and freshwater sediments.
4000-Bioremediation No Subcategory BIOREMEDIATION EFFECTIVENESS - Develop an improved understanding of bioremediation 1) CRRC - R&D Priorities: Oil Spill Workshop Marine/Estuarine/Freshwater 2
and Biodegradation processes with a wider range of conditions/environments (e.g., cold water), and multiple types of oil, (2009)
nutrient enrichment, and toxicity and eutrophication 2) ICCOPR R&T Plan (1992)
4000-Bioremediation No Subcategory BIOREMEDIATION EFFECTIVENESS - Study the recovery of biofuels using biological methods. CRRC - R&D Priorities: Oil Spill Workshop All 1
and Biodegradation (2009)
4000-Bioremediation No Subcategory BIOREMEDIATION EFFECTIVENESS - Study the relative effectiveness and environmental impacts of Title 33 Chapter 40 Subchapter IV 2761 (OPA Marine/Estuarine/Freshwater 1
and Biodegradation bioremediation technologies. 1990)
4000-Bioremediation No Subcategory SHORELINE CLEANUP - Conduct research to improve understanding of nutrient enrichment as a Oil Spill Preparedness and Response JITF Marine/Estuarine 1
and Biodegradation shoreline cleanup method. (2011)
4000-Bioremediation No Subcategory SHORELINE CLEANUP - Study microbial usage in bioremediation as a shoreline cleanup method. Oil Spill Preparedness and Response JITF Shoreline 1
and Biodegradation (2011)
4101-Environmental Species Impacts ARCTIC IMPACTS - Conduct research of the present Environment Resource Area OSRA that would USGS An Evaluation of the Science Needs to Marine/Estuarine 1
Impacts and Ecosystem examine the state of knowledge of specific NRDA metrics could help identify specific population, Inform Decisions on Outer Continental Shelf
Recovery physiological, habitat, and exposure data for future NRDA activities. Energy Development in the Chukchi and
Beaufort Seas (2011)
4101-Environmental Species Impacts ARCTIC IMPACTS - Develop a Response Gap Analysis framework to assess the impacts of response US Arctic Research Commission White Paper All 1
Impacts and Ecosystem actions in the Arctic. (2010)
4101-Environmental Species Impacts ARCTIC IMPACTS - Develop an increased understanding of environmental effects of in situ burning, 1) US Arctic Research Commission White Marine/Estuarine 2
Impacts and Ecosystem chemical dispersants and herding agents on Arctic ecology. Paper (2010)
Recovery 2) DWH ISPR (2011)
4101-Environmental Species Impacts ARCTIC IMPACTS - Develop response guide and restoration guide for oil in ice. CRRC - R&D Priorities: An Oil Spill Marine/Estuarine 1
Impacts and Ecosystem Workshop (2003)
4101-Environmental Species Impacts ARCTIC SHORELINE IMPACTS - Study the hydrocarbon impacts and recovery to intertidal species in PWS OSRI - Research Plan 2011-2015 (2010) Marine/Estuarine 1
Impacts and Ecosystem Arctic environments.
4101-Environmental Species Impacts ARCTIC WILDLIFE IMPACTS - Study effects of oil on wildlife and effective response intervention in 1) US Arctic Research Commission White All 2
Impacts and Ecosystem Arctic environment. Paper (2010)
Recovery 2) OGP-JIP Solicitation for Expression of
Interest on Arctic Oil Spills (2012)
4101-Environmental Species Impacts AVIAN IMPACTS - Study the long-term effects of oil on birds, including toxicology and food web 1) ICCOPR R&T Plan (1992) All 2
Impacts and Ecosystem accumulation. 2) CRRC - R&D Priorities: Oil Spill Workshop
Recovery (2009)
4101-Environmental Species Impacts FISHERIES IMPACTS - Study metabolism/depuration/relay of oil contaminants in fish. ICCOPR R&T Plan (1992) Marine/Estuarine/Freshwater 1
Impacts and Ecosystem
4101-Environmental Species Impacts FISHERIES IMPACTS - Study the pathological effects of water soluble fractions of oil on fishes. ICCOPR R&T Plan (1992) Marine/Estuarine/Freshwater 1
Impacts and Ecosystem
4101-Environmental Species Impacts MAMMALIAN IMPACTS - Determine the biological effects in mammalian systems of dispersant oil CRRC - The Future of Dispersant Use in Oil Marine/Estuarine/Freshwater 1
Impacts and Ecosystem mixtures and compare to those predicted of measured by exposure to individual components alone. Spill Response Initiative (2012)
4101-Environmental Species Impacts MAMMALIAN IMPACTS - Study the long-term effects of oil on mammals. ICCOPR R&T Plan (1992) All 1
Impacts and Ecosystem
4101-Environmental Species Impacts MARINE MAMMAL IMPACTS - Conduct research on how oil and/or response activities may have led Marine Mammal Commission: Assessing the Marine 1
Impacts and Ecosystem to ecosystem changes that are harmful to marine mammals (e.g., harmful algal blooms, hypoxia or anoxia). Long-Term Effects of the BP Deepwater
Recovery Horizon Oil Spill on Marine Mammals in the
Gulf of Mexico: A Statement of Research
Needs (2011)
4101-Environmental Species Impacts MARINE MAMMAL IMPACTS - Conduct research on the extent to which exposure to oil and/or Marine Mammal Commission: Assessing the Marine 1
Impacts and Ecosystem response activities leads to a reduction in status of marine mammal populations involving individual fitness, Long-Term Effects of the BP Deepwater
Recovery population vitality rates (survival and reproduction), and population abundance and trends. Horizon Oil Spill on Marine Mammals in the
Gulf of Mexico: A Statement of Research
Needs (2011)
4101-Environmental Species Impacts MARINE MAMMAL IMPACTS - Study oil and/or response-related changes in the ecosystem resulting Marine Mammal Commission: Assessing the Marine 1
Impacts and Ecosystem in a reduction in prey availability for marine mammals, including looking for changes in diet and prey Long-Term Effects of the BP Deepwater
Recovery surveys over space and time. Horizon Oil Spill on Marine Mammals in the
Gulf of Mexico: A Statement of Research
Needs (2011)
4101-Environmental Species Impacts MARINE MAMMAL IMPACTS - Study the effect of exposure to oil or dispersant-related contaminants Marine Mammal Commission: Assessing the Marine 1
Impacts and Ecosystem on physiological functions (immune, reproductive, and other vital systems), including assessing the health Long-Term Effects of the BP Deepwater
Recovery status and contaminant loads of stranded or live-captured animals. Horizon Oil Spill on Marine Mammals in the
Gulf of Mexico: A Statement of Research
Needs (2011)
4101-Environmental Species Impacts MICROBES - Study the effects of oil discharges on microbial communities. ICCOPR R&T Plan (1992) Marine/Estuarine/Freshwater 1
Impacts and Ecosystem
4101-Environmental Species Impacts MICROBES - Study the value of microbial services. CRRC - R&D Priorities: An Oil Spill Marine/Estuarine/Freshwater 1
Impacts and Ecosystem Workshop (2003)
4101-Environmental Species Impacts PLANKTONIC IMPACTS - Study the impact on neuston organisms from spilled oil. NSTC JSOST - DWH Oil Spill PI Conference Marine/Estuarine 1
Impacts and Ecosystem Report (2011)
4101-Environmental Species Impacts PLANKTONIC IMPACTS - Study the impact on plankton communities including young squid from NSTC JSOST - DWH Oil Spill PI Conference Marine/Estuarine 1
Impacts and Ecosystem spilled oil. Report (2011)
4101-Environmental Species Impacts REPTILE AND AMPHIBIAN IMPACTS - Study the effects of oil on amphibians and reptiles. ICCOPR R&T Plan (1992) Freshwater/Terrestrial 1
Impacts and Ecosystem
4101-Environmental Species Impacts REPTILE IMPACTS - Develop research on acute and chronic effects of oil exposure to turtles and other CRRC - R&D Priorities: An Oil Spill Marine/Estuarine/Freshwater 1
Impacts and Ecosystem reptiles. Workshop (2003)
4101-Environmental Species Impacts WILDLIFE IMPACTS - Conduct research for oiled wildlife response and practices, including laboratory- ICCOPR Public Meeting - West (2010) All 1
Impacts and Ecosystem based R&D for spill response tactics.
4101-Environmental Species Impacts WILDLIFE IMPACTS - Study the effects of oil on physiological and immunological processes in wildlife.ICCOPR R&T Plan (1992) All 1
Impacts and Ecosystem
4101-Environmental Species Impacts WILDLIFE IMPACTS - Study the transport and fate of marine wildlife carcasses to assist in NRDA. PWS OSRI - Research Plan 2011-2015 (2010) Marine/Estuarine 1
Impacts and Ecosystem
4102-Environmental Toxicological/ CHEMICAL ANALYSIS - Develop more sensitive analytical tests to assess damage. CRRC - R&D Priorities: An Oil Spill Marine/Estuarine/Freshwater 1
Impacts and Ecosystem Sublethal Impacts Workshop (2003)
4102-Environmental Toxicological/ CHEMICAL ANALYSIS - Study the TPH hump in chemical analysis. CRRC - R&D Priorities: An Oil Spill Marine/Estuarine/Freshwater 1
Impacts and Ecosystem Sublethal Impacts Workshop (2003)
4102-Environmental Toxicological/ EXPOSURE METHODOLOGIES - Develop DNA fingerprinting of fish and mammals to assess long- ICCOPR R&T Plan (1992) Marine/Estuarine/Freshwater 1
Impacts and Ecosystem Sublethal Impacts term effects.
4102-Environmental Toxicological/ EXPOSURE METHODOLOGIES - Develop relevant biological markers of exposure and guidelines for CRRC - The Future of Dispersant Use in Oil Marine/Estuarine/Freshwater 1
Impacts and Ecosystem Sublethal Impacts responsible use of biomarkers. Spill Response Initiative (2012)
4102-Environmental Toxicological/ EXPOSURE METHODOLOGIES - Study genomic signatures to different oil types and weathering states EPA Draft Oil Spill Research Strategy (2011) Marine/Estuarine/Freshwater 1
Impacts and Ecosystem Sublethal Impacts as a way of monitoring for exposure to aquatic life.
4102-Environmental Toxicological/ OIL SANDS PRODUCTS IMPACTS - Conduct research on the disolution in water and the bioavailablity Center for Spills in the Environment Alberta Marine/Estuarine/Freshwater 1
Impacts and Ecosystem Sublethal Impacts of OSP. Oil Sands Workshop for Washington State
Recovery Department of Ecology, the Regional Response
Team 10 and the Pacific States/British
Columbia Oil Spill Task Force (April 2013)
4102-Environmental Toxicological/ OIL SANDS PRODUCTS IMPACTS - Study the toxicity of OSP in freshwater and marine environments. Center for Spills in the Environment Alberta Marine/Estuarine/Freshwater 1
Impacts and Ecosystem Sublethal Impacts Oil Sands Workshop for Washington State
Recovery Department of Ecology, the Regional Response
Team 10 and the Pacific States/British
Columbia Oil Spill Task Force (April 2013)
4102-Environmental Toxicological/ SUBLETHAL IMPACTS - Study relevant endpoints (e.g., growth, behavior, inhibit reproduction, CRRC - R&D Priorities: An Oil Spill Marine/Estuarine/Freshwater 1
Impacts and Ecosystem Sublethal Impacts physiological aberrations) and appropriate organisms to use as indicators for different habitats. Workshop (2003)
4102-Environmental Toxicological/ SUBLETHAL IMPACTS - Study the sub-lethal effects for various habitats and organisms from 1ppb oil. CRRC - R&D Priorities: An Oil Spill Marine/Estuarine/Freshwater 1
Impacts and Ecosystem Sublethal Impacts Workshop (2003)
4102-Environmental Toxicological/ SUBLETHAL METHODOLOGIES - Develop assay for measuring effects on reproduction, fecundity, CRRC - R&D Priorities: An Oil Spill Marine/Estuarine/Freshwater 1
Impacts and Ecosystem Sublethal Impacts lifespan, biomarkers more sensitive than Microtox. Workshop (2003)
4102-Environmental Toxicological/ SUBLETHAL METHODOLOGIES - Study, develop and validate robust markers of petroleum impacts. CRRC - R&D Priorities: An Oil Spill Marine/Estuarine/Freshwater 1
Impacts and Ecosystem Sublethal Impacts Workshop (2003)
4102-Environmental Toxicological/ TOXICOLOGICAL IMPACTS - Conduct research to identify toxicologically-relevant analytes by habitat CRRC - R&D Priorities: An Oil Spill Marine/Estuarine/Freshwater 1
Impacts and Ecosystem Sublethal Impacts and organism. Workshop (2003)
4102-Environmental Toxicological/ TOXICOLOGICAL IMPACTS - Develop correlation of spilled oil (regardless of the degree of CRRC - R&D Priorities: Oil Spill Workshop Marine/Estuarine/Freshwater 1
Impacts and Ecosystem Sublethal Impacts weathering) to residues in biological matrices to assist in establishing a direct link to exposure levels. (2009)
4102-Environmental Toxicological/ TOXICOLOGICAL IMPACTS - Develop rapid screening methods to assess the toxicological potency of ICCOPR R&T Plan (1992) Marine/Estuarine/Freshwater 1
Impacts and Ecosystem Sublethal Impacts complex oil mixtures.
4102-Environmental Toxicological/ TOXICOLOGICAL IMPACTS - Study the effects of oil on vertebrate species using tissue culture assay. ICCOPR R&T Plan (1992) Marine/Estuarine/Freshwater 1
Impacts and Ecosystem Sublethal Impacts
4102-Environmental Toxicological/ TOXICOLOGICAL IMPACTS - Study the fate and toxicity of chemically treated oils. ICCOPR R&T Plan (1992) Marine/Estuarine 1
Impacts and Ecosystem Sublethal Impacts
4102-Environmental Toxicological/ TOXICOLOGICAL IMPACTS - Study the genotoxicity of petroleum hydrocarbons in sediments ICCOPR R&T Plan (1992) All 1
Impacts and Ecosystem Sublethal Impacts following an oil spill.
4102-Environmental Toxicological/ TOXICOLOGICAL IMPACTS - Study the toxicity of oil constituents of non-aqueous phase oil to benthicEPA Draft Oil Spill Research Strategy (2011) Marine/Estuarine/Freshwater 1
Impacts and Ecosystem Sublethal Impacts organisms.
4103-Environmental Submerged DEEPWATER ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT S - Study and quantify the risks of environmental impacts DOE - Ultra-Deepwater and Unconventional Marine/Estuarine 1
Impacts and Ecosystem oil/Dispersed Oil from deepwater oil and gas exploration, drilling, and production activity, to include modeling and evaluation Natural Gas and Other Petroleum Resources
Recovery Impacts of industry systems, based on newly developed technologies R&D Program (2012)
4103-Environmental Submerged DISPERSED OIL IMPACTS - Conduct research to evaluate the long-term/chronic impacts of 1) CRRC - R&D Priorities: An Oil Spill Marine/Estuarine/Freshwater 2
Impacts and Ecosystem oil/Dispersed Oil chemically/naturally dispersed oil on invertebrates, anadromous fish, corals, etc. - focus on long exposures Workshop (2003)
Recovery Impacts to low concentrations, environmentally relevant exposure scenarios. 2) Pacific States/BC OSTF Letter to ICCOPR
4103-Environmental Submerged DISPERSED OIL IMPACTS - Study the adhesiveness of physically and chemically dispersed oil to fur, CRRC - R&D Priorities: An Oil Spill Marine/Estuarine/Freshwater 1
Impacts and Ecosystem oil/Dispersed Oil feathers and other biological substrates - how adhesion changes over time. Workshop (2003)
Recovery Impacts
4103-Environmental Submerged DISPERSED OIL IMPACTS - Study the impact of dispersed oil on organisms, how it is taken up, end CRRC - R&D Priorities: An Oil Spill Marine/Estuarine/Freshwater 1
Impacts and Ecosystem oil/Dispersed Oil products, effects on benthic primary production. Workshop (2003)
Recovery Impacts
4103-Environmental Submerged SUBMERGED OIL IMPACTS - Develop approaches for long-term monitoring of the impacts of CRRC - Submerged Oil Workshop Report Marine/Estuarine/Freshwater 1
Impacts and Ecosystem oil/Dispersed Oil submerged oil spills after termination of cleanup efforts. (2006)
Recovery Impacts
4103-Environmental Submerged SUBMERGED OIL IMPACTS - Develop effective rapid-assessment protocols to determine impacts of CRRC - Submerged Oil Workshop Report Marine/Estuarine/Freshwater 1
Impacts and Ecosystem oil/Dispersed Oil submerged oil spills. (2006)
Recovery Impacts
4103-Environmental Submerged SUBMERGED OIL IMPACTS - Develop understanding of oil interaction, impacts, and cleanup options 1) CRRC - Submerged Oil Workshop Report Marine/Estuarine/Freshwater 2
Impacts and Ecosystem oil/Dispersed Oil for different seafloor habitats, similar to the sensitivity ranking of intertidal habitats. (2006)
Recovery Impacts 2) ICCOPR R&T Plan (1992)
4103-Environmental Submerged SUBMERGED OIL IMPACTS - Develop understanding of the chronic toxicity and pathways of exposure CRRC - Submerged Oil Workshop Report Marine/Estuarine/Freshwater 1
Impacts and Ecosystem oil/Dispersed Oil leading to toxicity of submerged oil to benthic resources. (2006)
Recovery Impacts
4103-Environmental Submerged SUBMERGED OIL IMPACTS - Develop understanding of the potential threats of chronic releases from CRRC - Submerged Oil Workshop Report Marine/Estuarine/Freshwater 1
Impacts and Ecosystem oil/Dispersed Oil oiled sediments and oily residues. (2006)
Recovery Impacts
4103-Environmental Submerged SUBMERGED OIL IMPACTS - Study data from past submerged oil spills to understand potential effects CRRC - Submerged Oil Workshop Report Marine/Estuarine/Freshwater 1
Impacts and Ecosystem oil/Dispersed Oil and identify data gaps. (2006)
Recovery Impacts
4103-Environmental Submerged SUBMERGED OIL IMPACTS - Study the non-PAH in submerged oils that have toxicity implications. CRRC - Submerged Oil Workshop Report Marine/Estuarine/Freshwater 1
Impacts and Ecosystem oil/Dispersed Oil (2006)
Recovery Impacts
4103-Environmental Submerged SUBMERGED OIL IMPACT S - Study the specific polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) in CRRC - Submerged Oil Workshop Report Marine/Estuarine/Freshwater 1
Impacts and Ecosystem oil/Dispersed Oil submerged oils that have toxicity implications. (2006)
Recovery Impacts
4104-Environmental Ecosystem/Habitat ECOSYSTEM IMPACTS - Collect data and evaluate long-term environmental effects of oil discharges Title 33 Chapter 40 Subchapter IV 2761 (OPA All 1
Impacts and Ecosystem Impacts larger than 250,000 gallons or if the discharged occurred after Jan 1, 1989. 1990)
4104-Environmental Ecosystem/Habitat ECOSYSTEM IMPACTS - Collect data on ecological impacts that occurred in sensitive coastal EPA Draft Oil Spill Research Strategy (2011) Marine/Estuarine 1
Impacts and Ecosystem Impacts ecosystems due to the DWH spill.
4104-Environmental Ecosystem/Habitat ECOSYSTEM IMPACTS - Conduct laboratory research and mesoscale studies of impact and recovery ICCOPR R&T Plan (1997) All 1
Impacts and Ecosystem Impacts from different oil types.
4104-Environmental Ecosystem/Habitat ECOSYSTEM IMPACTS - Develop detailed exposure conditions (spatially and temporally) and SAB Review of EPA Research Strategy (2011) Marine/Estuarine/Freshwater 1
Impacts and Ecosystem Impacts connections between exposure and ecological effects.
4104-Environmental Ecosystem/Habitat ECOSYSTEM IMPACTS - Develop methods to assess oil spill injury to wetland communities, submerged ICCOPR R&T Plan (1992) Marine/Estuarine/Freshwater 1
Impacts and Ecosystem Impacts vegetation, benthic invertebrates, and waterfowl.
4104-Environmental Ecosystem/Habitat ECOSYSTEM IMPACTS - Develop understanding of the difference between oil effects and natural CRRC - R&D Priorities: An Oil Spill Marine/Estuarine/Freshwater 1
Impacts and Ecosystem Impacts stressors by assessing community structure and function for different habitats. Workshop (2003)
4104-Environmental Ecosystem/Habitat ECOSYSTEM IMPACTS - Develop understanding of trophic and habitat linkages among organisms to CRRC - R&D Priorities: An Oil Spill Marine/Estuarine/Freshwater 1
Impacts and Ecosystem Impacts incorporate into models looking at cascading indirect effects. Workshop (2003)
4104-Environmental Ecosystem/Habitat LONG-TERM ECOSYSTEM IMPACTS - Collect data with sustained sampling to assess long-term NSTC JSOST - DWH Oil Spill PI Conference All 1
Impacts and Ecosystem impacts impacts. Report (2010)
4104-Environmental Ecosystem/Habitat LONG-TERM ECOSYSTEM IMPACTS - Conduct long-term comprehensive study of selected oil spills ICCOPR R&T Plan (1992) All 1
Impacts and Ecosystem impacts to determine the environmental effects independent of the mandated NRDA studies.
4104-Environmental Ecosystem/Habitat LONG-TERM ECOSYSTEM IMPACTS - Study long-term chronic exposure direct and indirect impacts CRRC - R&D Priorities: An Oil Spill Marine/Estuarine/Freshwater 1
Impacts and Ecosystem Impacts on the food chain - fish eggs, bottom feeders, birds, mammals. Workshop (2003)
4104-Environmental Ecosystem/Habitat SHORELINE IMPACTS - Study sampling methodologies for determining oil spill effects on intertidal ICCOPR R&T Plan (1992) Marine/Estuarine/Freshwater 1
Impacts and Ecosystem Impacts communities.
4104-Environmental Ecosystem/Habitat SHORELINE IMPACTS - Study the persistence of oil in mudflats including research on physical, CRRC - R&D Priorities: Oil Spill Workshop Terrestrial/Estuarine/Marine 1
Impacts and Ecosystem impacts geochemical and biological processes of recovery. (2009)
4104-Environmental Ecosystem/Habitat WETLAND IMPACTS - Study effects of crude oil on freshwater marsh plant growth and survival. ICCOPR R&T Plan (1992) Freshwater 1
Impacts and Ecosystem Impacts
4104-Environmental Ecosystem/Habitat WETLAND IMPACTS - Study natural recovery in mangrove habitats (how long does oil persist in CRRC - R&D Priorities: An Oil Spill Marine/Estuarine 1
Impacts and Ecosystem Impacts mangrove habitats and what are its long-term impacts?). Workshop (2003)
4104-Environmental Ecosystem/Habitat WETLAND IMPACTS - Study the impacts of spilled oil on coastal wetlands. ICCOPR R&T Plan (1992) Marine/Estuarine 1
Impacts and Ecosystem Impacts
4105-Environmental Recovery ECOSYSTEM RECOVERY - Develop conceptual models of service loss and recovery from key habitats, CRRC - R&D Priorities: An Oil Spill Marine/Estuarine/Freshwater 1
Impacts and Ecosystem and the information necessary to parameterize recovery models. Workshop (2003)
4105-Environmental Recovery ECOSYSTEM RECOVERY - Study data collection efforts for spill impact assessment and evaluation of Oil Spill Preparedness and Response JITF Marine/Estuarine 1
Impacts and Ecosystem ecological recovery rates for offshore, near-shore, coastal and estuarine areas impacted by spills. (2011)
4105-Environmental Recovery ECOSYSTEM RECOVERY - Study recovery rates of injured habitats from previous spills. CRRC - R&D Priorities: Oil Spill Workshop All 1
Impacts and Ecosystem (2009)
4105-Environmental Recovery ECOSYSTEM RECOVERY - Study the environmental effects of contaminants on ecosystems in the Gulf Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative (2010) Marine/Estuarine 1
Impacts and Ecosystem region and the science of ecosystem recovery.
4105-Environmental Recovery ECOSYSTEM RECOVERY - Study the rates of ecosystem recovery after submerged oil spills. CRRC - Submerged Oil Workshop Report Marine/Estuarine/Freshwater 1
Impacts and Ecosystem (2006)
4105-Environmental Recovery RESPONSE TECHNOLGY METRICS - Study effectiveness of response technologies on inland spills EPA Draft Oil Spill Research Strategy (2011) Terrestrial 1
Impacts and Ecosystem (e.g., burning, chemical treatment).
4105-Environmental Recovery RESPONSE TECHNOLOGY IMPACTS - Conduct a study comparing environmental footprints of EPA Draft Oil Spill Research Strategy (2011) All 1
Impacts and Ecosystem various response technologies.
4105-Environmental Recovery RESPONSE TECHNOLOGY IMPACTS - Study the effects from various cleanup techniques. ICCOPR R&T Plan (1992) All 1
Impacts and Ecosystem
4105-Environmental Recovery RESPONSE TECHNOLOGY METRICS - Develop regional performance metrics (evaluation of CRRC - R&D Priorities: An Oil Spill 1
Impacts and Ecosystem response effectiveness) that are scientifically valid. Workshop (2003)
4105-Environmental Recovery WASHING AGENTS - Study the impacts of washing agents on various habitats and ecosystems. CRRC - R&D Priorities: An Oil Spill Marine/Estuarine/Freshwater 1
Impacts and Ecosystem Workshop (2003)
4106-Environmental Risk Assessment/ IMPACT METRICS - Collect, synthesize and evaluate current data on impacts from a range of exposure CRRC - R&D Priorities: An Oil Spill Marine/Estuarine/Freshwater 1
Impacts and Ecosystem Impact Metrics scenarios to biota at different life stages. Determine feasibility of using compiled data in determining Workshop (2003)
Recovery potential ecological impacts from oil spills
4106-Environmental Risk Assessment/ IMPACT METRICS - Conduct research to determine best metrics for assessing impact/damage. CRRC - R&D Priorities: An Oil Spill Marine/Estuarine/Freshwater 1
Impacts and Ecosystem Impact Metrics Workshop (2003)
4106-Environmental Risk Assessment/ IMPACT METRICS - Develop methods for assessment of the ecological value and services of benthic CRRC - Submerged Oil Workshop Report Marine/Estuarine/Freshwater 1
Impacts and Ecosystem Impact Metrics habitats and resources. (2006)
4106-Environmental Risk Assessment/ IMPACT METRICS - Develop models to estimate injury to natural resources. ICCOPR R&T Plan (1992) All 1
Impacts and Ecosystem Impact Metrics
4106-Environmental Risk Assessment/ IMPACT METRICS - Develop standardized biological metrics. ICCOPR R&T Plan (1992) All 1
Impacts and Ecosystem Impact Metrics
4106-Environmental Risk Assessment/ IMPACT METRICS - Study the application of life-history strategies to characterize source-sink for CRRC - R&D Priorities: An Oil Spill Marine/Estuarine/Freshwater 1
Impacts and Ecosystem Impact Metrics various habitats. Workshop (2003)
4106-Environmental Risk Assessment/ RISK ASSESSMENT - Conduct a NEBA on DWH that includes the total life-cycle of different CTAs and SAB Review of EPA Research Strategy (2011) Marine/Estuarine 1
Impacts and Ecosystem Impact Metrics other response technologies to better understand trade-offs and inform decision making.
4106-Environmental Risk Assessment/ RISK ASSESSMENT - Conduct single species toxicity research on endpoints to assess population effects SAB Review of EPA Research Strategy (2011) Marine/Estuarine/Freshwater 1
Impacts and Ecosystem Impact Metrics and help risk-based decision-making during an event as part of restoration efforts.
4106-Environmental Risk Assessment/ RISK ASSESSMENT - Develop a risk assessment based on key exposure-response relationships from lab SAB Review of EPA Research Strategy (2011) Marine/Estuarine/Freshwater 1
Impacts and Ecosystem Impact Metrics tests where conditions reflect ambient exposures.
4106-Environmental Risk Assessment/ RISK ASSESSMENT - Study risk assessment in coastal environments and include data from a variety of NSTC JSOST - DWH Oil Spill PI Conference Marine/Estuarine 1
Impacts and Ecosystem Impact Metrics sources to model environmental response. Report (2011)
4200-Environmental No Subcategory ACTIVE VS. NATURAL ATTENUATION RESTORATION - Conduct a net-benefit analysis of CRRC - R&D Priorities: An Oil Spill All 1
Restoration Methods restoration vs. natural attenuation using case histories. Workshop (2003)
and Technologies
4200-Environmental No Subcategory ACTIVE VS. NATURAL ATTENUATION RESTORATION - Study the relationship between natural ICCOPR R&T Plan (1992) All 1
Restoration Methods recovery and restoration.
and Technologies
4200-Environmental No Subcategory AVIAN RESTORATION - Study methods of luring colonial nesting birds from oil spill impacted ICCOPR R&T Plan (1992) Marine/Estuarine/Freshwater 1
Restoration Methods wetlands.
and Technologies
4200-Environmental No Subcategory BEACH RESTORATION - Study the role of beach renourishment as a strategy for restoration. ICCOPR R&T Plan (1992) Marine/Estuarine 1
Restoration Methods
and Technologies
4200-Environmental No Subcategory BENTHIC RESTORATION - Develop methods to recolonize benthic algal and invertebrate communities ICCOPR R&T Plan (1992) Marine/Estuarine 1
Restoration Methods on oil impacted intertidal and subtidal bottoms.
and Technologies
4200-Environmental No Subcategory BIVALVE IMPACT - Study the viability of intrusive restoration approaches to bivalve communities for CRRC - R&D Priorities: An Oil Spill Marine/Estuarine 1
Restoration Methods ecological and economic concern. Workshop (2003)
and Technologies
4200-Environmental No Subcategory MEASURING RESTORATION SUCCESS - Conduct a retrospective case study of restoration sites. CRRC - R&D Priorities: An Oil Spill All 1
Restoration Methods Workshop (2003)
and Technologies
4200-Environmental No Subcategory MEASURING RESTORATION SUCCESS - Develop methods for assessing success/progress, potential CRRC - R&D Priorities: An Oil Spill All 1
Restoration Methods negative impacts, and total cost of restoration activities. Workshop (2003)
and Technologies
4200-Environmental No Subcategory MEASURING RESTORATION SUCCESS - Develop restoration indicators and measures of ICCOPR R&T Plan (1997) 1
Restoration Methods effectiveness.
and Technologies
4200-Environmental No Subcategory MEASURING RESTORATION SUCCESS - Study and identify sentinel organisms to measure the ICCOPR R&T Plan (1992) All 1
Restoration Methods success of oil spill restoration.
and Technologies
4200-Environmental No Subcategory MEASURING RESTORATION SUCCESS - Study long-term restoration issues and develop and apply National Commission on BP DWH - Final All 1
Restoration Methods performance measures and indicators of long-term restoration. Report (2011)
and Technologies
4200-Environmental No Subcategory MEASURING RESTORATION SUCCESS - Study whether ecosystem service losses can be regained EPA Draft Oil Spill Research Strategy (2011) All 1
Restoration Methods through remediation.
and Technologies
4200-Environmental No Subcategory OIL SANDS PRODUCTS RESTORATION - Conduct research to improve reclamation of mining areas Center for Spills in the Environment Alberta Terrestrial 1
Restoration Methods and settling ponds from OSP operations. Oil Sands Workshop for Washington State
and Technologies Department of Ecology, the Regional Response
Team 10 and the Pacific States/British
Columbia Oil Spill Task Force (April 2013)
4200-Environmental No Subcategory RESTORATION METHODOLOGIES - Develop innovative techniques for restoration. 1) EPA Draft Oil Spill Research Strategy All 3
Restoration Methods (2011)
and Technologies 2) CRRC - R&D Priorities: An Oil Spill
Workshop (2003)
3) ICCOPR R&T Plan (1992)
4200-Environmental No Subcategory RESTORATION METHODOLOGIES - Study the pairing of restoration methods and its impact negative CRRC - R&D Priorities: An Oil Spill All 1
Restoration Methods or positive on different types of habitats. Workshop (2003)
and Technologies
4200-Environmental No Subcategory SEAGRASS RESTORATION - Study methods of restoring seagrass communities following losses related ICCOPR R&T Plan (1992) Marine/Estuarine 1
Restoration Methods to oil spills.
and Technologies
4200-Environmental No Subcategory WILDLIFE RESTORATION - Study the impacts of rehabilitating and releasing oil injured wildlife on ICCOPR R&T Plan (1992) All 1
Restoration Methods population restoration.
and Technologies
4301-Human Safety and Safety COMMUNICATION - Study communication methods to educate stakeholder groups (general public) withCRRC - The Future of Dispersant Use in Oil All 1
Health regard to dispersants and oil spills, environmental trade-offs, human health and seafood safety issues. Spill Response Initiative (2012)
4301-Human Safety and Safety HUMAN EXPOSURE TO OIL - Study whether current monitoring methods for oil exposure to humans EPA Draft Oil Spill Research Strategy (2011) All 1
Health are effective.
4301-Human Safety and Safety PROTECTIVE TECHNOLOGIES - Develop technologies and methods to protect public health and Title 33 Chapter 40 Subchapter IV 2761 (OPA All 1
Health safety from oil discharges, including the population directly exposed to an oil discharge 1990)
4301-Human Safety and Safety SEAFOOD SAFETY - Conduct research on the short-term and long-term safety of seafood in the GOM NAS- Research Priorities for assessing Health Marine/Estuarine 1
Health following the DWH spill and communicate it to the public Effects from gulf of Mexico Oil Spill (2010)
4301-Human Safety and Safety SEAFOOD SAFETY - Correlate organoleptic testing with analytical procedures for oil contaminants in ICCOPR R&T Plan (1992) Marine/Estuarine/Freshwater 1
Health fish.
4301-Human Safety and Safety SEAFOOD SAFETY - Determine attitudes and behaviors relative to consumption of seafood in restaurants CRRC - The Future of Dispersant Use in Oil Marine/Estuarine 1
Health and household purchases in different regions Spill Response Initiative (2012)
4301-Human Safety and Safety SEAFOOD SAFETY - Develop improved analytical capabilities for assessing seafood safety. ICCOPR R&T Plan (1992) Marine/Estuarine/Freshwater 1
4301-Human Safety and Safety SEAFOOD SAFETY - Study the safety of fisheries from oil discharges. ICCOPR R&T Plan (1992) Marine/Estuarine/Freshwater 1
4301-Human Safety and Safety WORKER SAFETY - Develop technologies, methods, and standards for protecting removal personnel, 1) Title 33 Chapter 40 Subchapter IV 2761 All 2
Health including training, adequate supervision, information databases, protective equipment, maximum exposure (OPA 1990)
limits, and decontamination procedures. 2) ICCOPR R&T Plan (1997)
4301-Human Safety and Safety WORKER SAFETY - Study surface VOC levels in dispersant application scenarios, subsea and surface, to BSEE BAA Proposed Research on Oil Spill All 1
Health assess worker safety. Response Operations (2012)
4301-Human Safety and Safety WORKER SAFETY - Study the health and safety issues associated with spill response, and develop ICCOPR R&T Plan (1992) All 1
Health protocols for personnel protection (e.g., training, fitness, stress management.)
4302-Human Safety and Human Exposure HUMAN BEHAVIORAL EFFECTS OF DWH - Conduct research on the psychological and behavioral NAS- Research Priorities for assessing Health All 1
Health effects of DWH. Effects from gulf of Mexico Oil Spill (2010)
4302-Human Safety and Human Exposure HUMAN DISPERSANT EXPOSURE - Develop an upper bound of exposure of the variable exposure CRRC - The Future of Dispersant Use in Oil All 1
Health scenarios associated with the dispersant use. Spill Response Initiative (2012)
4302-Human Safety and Human Exposure HUMAN DISPERSANT EXPOSURE - Develop models to estimate exposure to dispersant and/or CRRC - The Future of Dispersant Use in Oil All 1
Health dispersed oil to human populations. Spill Response Initiative (2012)
4302-Human Safety and Human Exposure HUMAN DISPERSANT EXPOSURE - Study the health effects in known potentially exposed human CRRC - The Future of Dispersant Use in Oil All 1
Health populations . Spill Response Initiative (2012)
4302-Human Safety and Human Exposure HUMAN EXPOSURE DURING DWH - Collect long-term monitoring data of health (human) of coastal National Commission on BP DWH - Final Marine/Estuarine 1
Health communities impacted by DWH. Report (2011)
4302-Human Safety and Human Exposure HUMAN EXPOSURE DURING DWH - Conduct clinical evaluations, diagnostics and documentation for NSTC JSOST - DWH Oil Spill PI Conference Marine/Estuarine 1
Health individuals affected from the DWH spill Report (2011)
4302-Human Safety and Human Exposure HUMAN EXPOSURE DURING DWH - Study the human health impacts from harmful algal blooms and NSTC JSOST - DWH Oil Spill PI Conference Marine/Estuarine 1
Health toxins associated with the DWH spill. Report (2011)
4302-Human Safety and Human Exposure HUMAN EXPOSURE TO ISB - Conduct research on the cardiovascular effects associated with exposure EPA Draft Oil Spill Research Strategy (2011) All 1
Health to smoke plumes from in situ burns
4302-Human Safety and Human Exposure HUMAN EXPOSURE TO ISB - Conduct research on the effects associated with exposure to oil, NAS- Research Priorities for assessing Health Marine/Estuarine 1
Health dispersants, and by-products from in situ burns during the DWH spill Effects from gulf of Mexico Oil Spill (2010)
4302-Human Safety and Human Exposure HUMAN EXPOSURE RESEARCH PLANNING - Conduct research on the framework needed to deploy NAS- Research Priorities for assessing Health All 1
Health a rapid research response for future oil spills. Effects from gulf of Mexico Oil Spill (2010)
4302-Human Safety and Human Exposure HUMAN EXPOSURE TO OIL - Conduct long-term monitoring of the general health and changing SAB Review of EPA Research Strategy (2011) All 1
Health conditions in hydrocarbon extraction, processing, and transportation
4302-Human Safety and Human Exposure HUMAN EXPOSURE TO OIL - Conduct Research on neurological effects from exposure to a mixture of EPA Draft Oil Spill Research Strategy (2011) All 1
Health hydrocarbon vapors compared to the sum of the effects of exposure to individual vapors.
4302-Human Safety and Human Exposure HUMAN EXPOSURE TO OIL - Conduct research on the dose-response function for acute exposures to EPA Draft Oil Spill Research Strategy (2011) All 1
Health hydrocarbon vapors.
4302-Human Safety and Human Exposure HUMAN EXPOSURE TO OIL - Conduct research on the effects of dermal contact with oil. EPA Draft Oil Spill Research Strategy (2011) All 1
4302-Human Safety and Human Exposure HUMAN EXPOSURE TO OIL - Develop a database on health effects relating to oil. ICCOPR R&T Plan (1992) All 1
4302-Human Safety and Human Exposure HUMAN EXPOSURE TO OIL - Study the interactions between added stressors (e.g., heath, anxiety) and EPA Draft Oil Spill Research Strategy (2011) All 1
Health health effects caused by direct exposure to oil spill related components
4302-Human Safety and Human Exposure HUMAN EXPOSURE TO OIL - Study the short and long terms impacts to humans from exposure to SAB Review of EPA Research Strategy (2011) All 1
Health contaminants from an oil spills, dermal, orally (through seafood), and respiratory
4302-Human Safety and Human Exposure HUMAN EXPOSURE TO OIL AND DISPERSANTS - Study the toxicological effects and the causal or 1) EPA Draft Oil Spill Research Strategy All 2
Health correlative relationships between chemical (i.e., oil and dispersants) exposure and human health. (2011)
2) National Commission on BP DWH - Final
Report (2011)
4302-Human Safety and Human Exposure WORKER HEALTH AFTER DWH - Collect long-term monitoring data on Deepwater Horizon National Commission on BP DWH - Final All 1
Health responders’ health. Report (2011)
4302-Human Safety and Human Exposure WORKER HEALTH AFTER DWH - Determine the neurological effects in cleanup workers or nearby EPA Draft Oil Spill Research Strategy (2011) All 1
Health residents exposed to the DWH contaminants.
4401-Sociological and Community/ COMMUNITY IMPACTS OF RESTORATION - Study the extent to which restoration practices CRRC - R&D Needs for Addressing the All 1
Economic Impacts Economic Impacts promote community development and meet other ethical criteria Human Dimensions of Oil Spills (2006)
4401-Sociological and Community/Economi COMMUNITY IMPACTS OF SPILLS - Develop an improved understanding of community tolerance of CRRC - R&D Priorities: An Oil Spill All 1
Economic Impacts c Impacts ecological disturbances. Workshop (2003)
4401-Sociological and Community/ COMMUNITY IMPACTS OF SPILLS - Study community vulnerability and resilience to past spills CRRC - R&D Needs for Addressing the All 1
Economic Impacts Economic Impacts including social impacts. Human Dimensions of Oil Spills (2006)
4401-Sociological and Community/ COMMUNITY IMPACTS OF SPILLS - Study past support services and aid in communities impacted by CRRC - R&D Needs for Addressing the All 1
Economic Impacts Economic Impacts past spills. Human Dimensions of Oil Spills (2006)
4401-Sociological and Community/ COMMUNITY PREPAREDNESS - Conduct a needs assessment research (survey) of external CRRC - The Future of Dispersant Use in Oil Marine/Estuarine 1
Economic Impacts Economic Impacts stakeholders for spill response literacy, dispersant information needs and expectations and recommendations Spill Response Initiative (2012)
for future preparedness and response.
4401-Sociological and Community/ COMMUNITY PREPAREDNESS - Develop more effective models for community/stakeholder CRRC - R&D Needs for Addressing the All 1
Economic Impacts Economic Impacts involvement in oil spill planning, response and restoration Human Dimensions of Oil Spills (2006)
4401-Sociological and Community/ COMMUNITY PREPAREDNESS - Study organizational culture and its influence on preparedness, CRRC - R&D Needs for Addressing the All 1
Economic Impacts Economic Impacts response and restoration. Human Dimensions of Oil Spills (2006)
4401-Sociological and Community/ ECONOMIC ANALYSIS OF ALTERNATIVES - Study the cost/benefit of alternative measures that CRRC - R&D Priorities: An Oil Spill 1
Economic Impacts Economic Impacts prevent subsequent events vs. direct application of resources to the injuries themselves (e.g. meteorological Workshop (2003)
station to provide wind data to guide ship traffic in restricted environment; channel markers to prevent
4401-Sociological and Community/ ECONOMIC IMPACTS - Conduct an assessment of the economic, recreational, and commercial effects CRRC - Submerged Oil Workshop Report Marine/Estuarine/Freshwater 1
Economic Impacts Economic Impacts of submerged oil spills. (2006)
4401-Sociological and Community/ ECONOMIC IMPACTS - Study far-reaching effects of large oil spills on other businesses dependent on National Commission on BP DWH - Final All 1
Economic Impacts Economic Impacts the region’s resources. Report (2011)
4401-Sociological and Community/ NRDA HUMAN USE VALUES - Develop estimates of human use values and the loss due to oil spills. CRRC - R&D Priorities: An Oil Spill All 1
Economic Impacts Economic Impacts Consider environmental psychology/perception Workshop (2003)
4401-Sociological and Community/ RISK COMMUNICATION - Conduct case study comparing risk communication strategies and goals used 1)CRRC - R&D Needs for Addressing the All 2
Economic Impacts Economic Impacts during past oil spills. Assess risk communication messages vs. perceptions from previous spills including Human Dimensions of Oil Spills (2006)
DWH. 2)NAS Research Priorites for Assessing Health
Effects from the Gulf of Mexico Spill
4401-Sociological and Community/ RISK COMMUNICATION - Develop improved methods for communicating risks and tradeoffs to 1) CRRC - R&D Priorities: An Oil Spill All 2
Economic Impacts Economic Impacts various audiences, including tradeoffs of dispersant use vs. alternative technologies. Workshop (2003)
2) CRRC - R&D Needs for Addressing the
Human Dimensions of Oil Spills (2006)
4401-Sociological and Community/ RISK COMMUNICATION - Study potential strategies to communicate risk of oil spills, especially inland SAB Review of EPA Research Strategy (2011) Freshwater/Terrestrial 1
Economic Impacts Economic Impacts spill affecting drinking water
4402-Sociological and Human Impacts HUMAN IMPACTS - Determine the likely degree of impact on human well-being from ecosystem services1) EPA Draft Oil Spill Research Strategy All 2
Economic Impacts losses. (2011)
2) CRRC - R&D Priorities: An Oil Spill
Workshop (2003)
4402-Sociological and Human Impacts HUMAN IMPACTS - Study cumulative social impacts of chronic and long lasting spills. SAB Review of EPA Research Strategy (2011) All 1
Economic Impacts
4402-Sociological and Human Impacts HUMAN IMPACTS - Study regional differences in perceptions and responses to spills. CRRC - R&D Needs for Addressing the All 1
Economic Impacts Human Dimensions of Oil Spills (2006)
4402-Sociological and Human Impacts HUMAN IMPACTS - Study the resilience of social-ecological systems to environmental disasters. NSTC JSOST - DWH Oil Spill PI Conference Marine/Estuarine 1
Economic Impacts Report (2011)
4402-Sociological and Human Impacts NRDA HUMAN USE VALUES - Determine social and cultural values associated with natural resource CRRC - R&D Needs for Addressing the All 1
Economic Impacts injuries due to spills. Human Dimensions of Oil Spills (2006)
4402-Sociological and Human Impacts NRDA HUMAN USE VALUES - Develop ability to assess non-market value of resources and the loss of CRRC - R&D Priorities: An Oil Spill Marine/Estuarine/Freshwater 1
Economic Impacts value from oil spills. Workshop (2003)
4402-Sociological and Human Impacts RESOURCE TRADEOFFS - Conduct resource tradeoff research on (e.g., different types of restoration, CRRC - R&D Needs for Addressing the All 1
Economic Impacts regional differences, social value). Human Dimensions of Oil Spills (2006)
4402-Sociological and Human Impacts SUBSISTENCE IMPACTS - Conduct research to fill data gap in subsistence fishing in urban areas. CRRC - R&D Needs for Addressing the All 1
Economic Impacts Human Dimensions of Oil Spills (2006)
4402-Sociological and Human Impacts SUBSISTENCE IMPACTS - Develop meta analysis of subsistence research literature. CRRC - R&D Needs for Addressing the All 1
Economic Impacts Human Dimensions of Oil Spills (2006)
4402-Sociological and Human Impacts SUBSISTENCE IMPACTS - Develop methods to assess subsistence use losses during oil spills. CRRC - R&D Priorities: An Oil Spill Marine/Estuarine/Freshwater 1
Economic Impacts Workshop (2003)
4402-Sociological and Human Impacts SUBSISTENCE IMPACTS - Study how subsistence harvesting could be impacted by a spill. Marine Mammal Commission Letter to All 1
Economic Impacts ICCOPR (2010)
4402-Sociological and Human Impacts SUBSISTENCE IMPACTS - Study the impact from DWH spill on subsistence use. NSTC JSOST - DWH Oil Spill PI Conference Marine/Estuarine 1
Economic Impacts Report (2011)
4402-Sociological and Human Impacts SUBSISTENCE IMPACTS - Study the restoration of subsistence resources and services after spills. CRRC - R&D Needs for Addressing the All 1
Economic Impacts Human Dimensions of Oil Spills (2006)
ICCOPR Standing
Research Areas
2014 Sources
7. Potentially Polluting Wrecks in Marine Waters: An Issue Paper Prepared for the 2005 International Oil Spill Conference (2005)
8. EPAct 2005 Section 999A(b)(4) DOE National Energy Technology Laboratory Complementary Research Program
9. Coastal Response Research Center - R&D Needs for Addressing the Human Dimensions of Oil Spills (June 2006)
10. Coastal Response Research Center - Submerged Oil Workshop Report (December 2006)
11. DOE 2007 Annual Plan Ultra-Deepwater and Unconventional Natural Gas and Other Petroleum Resources Research and
Development Program, Report (January 2008)
12. DOE 2009 Annual Plan Ultra-Deepwater and Unconventional Natural Gas and Other Petroleum Resources Research and
Development Program, Report (December 2008)
13. Coastal Response Research Center - R&D Priorities: Oil Spill Workshop (March 2009)
14. House of Representatives, Committee on Science & Technology "A New Direction for Federal Oil Spill Research & Development"
(June 4, 2009)
15. DOE 2010 Annual Plan Ultra-Deepwater and Unconventional Natural Gas and Other Petroleum Resources Research and
Development Program, Report (December 2009)
16. Wreck Oil Removal Program Overview (2009)
17. Prince William Sound Oil Spill Recovery Institute Research Plan 2011-2015 (Feb 2010)
18. Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative: Research Themes (May 2010)
19. Interagency Coordinating Committee on Oil Pollution Research Public Meetings - West (May 2010)
20. Pacific States/British Columbia Oil Spill Task Force Letter to Interagency Coordinating Committee on Oil Pollution Research (May
21. House of Representatives, Committee on Science & Technology "Deluge of Oil Highlights Research & Technology Needs for Effective
Cleanup of Oil Spills" (June 9, 2010)
22. U.S. Arctic Research Commission - White Paper (July 2010)
23. Interagency Coordinating Committee on Oil Pollution Research Public Meetings - East (Sept 2010)
24. Marine Mammal Commission Letter to Interagency Coordinating Committee on Oil Pollution Research (Sept 2010)
Survey Technical
1.0 Survey Instrument Development
The University of New Hampshire Survey Center (UNHSC), in collaboration with the University of New
Hampshire Coastal Response Research Center (CRRC) and the Interagency Coordinating Committee on
Oil Pollution Research (ICCOPR) developed a set of criteria that could be used to establish the relative
importance of individual research needs in five domains: cost, timeliness, importance, complexity of
research question, and current progress. In addition to the five domains, Subject Matter Experts (SMEs)
were asked to: (1) select the top five research needs within the Standing Research Areas (SRAs) or
subgroups of the SRAs and then rank order the five top needs, (2) provide examples of research needs
that may have been missed, and (3) list up to three impediments to fulfilling the top five research needs
(excluding cost and time to completion).
Any SME who completed a survey within a subgroup of an SRA was notified they would be contacted
again to evaluate the top three needs from each of the subgroups within their SRA. This survey
consisted of a list of the top three research needs from each subgroup within the SRA. SMEs were asked
to rank order all or up to 10 research needs (depending on total number of needs in the SRA).
The survey instrument was programmed using Qualtrics surveys (city, state) and was extensively tested
by the UNHSC staff, as well as by select members from the ICCOPR workgroup and CRRC, for accuracy
and ease of use.
The University of New Hampshire Institutional Review Board approved the survey and methodology for
this study. Respondents were provided assurances of confidentiality and that identifiable information
would not be included in any report. The full consent language can be found in Attachment 1 which also
includes a final version of the survey.
2.0 SME Sample Selection
The ICCOPR Workgroup, CRRC and ICCOPR members selected the SMEs for the ICCOPR Survey. For each
of the SRAs and SRA subgroups, the Workgroup and CRRC identified federal employee SMEs that were
knowledgeable about the research areas. In addition, the Workgroup contacted other members of
ICCOPR and members of their individual agencies to expand the pool of SMEs. In some areas, there was
a need to include state agency, academic and industry experts in order to find the right expertise to
address the R&D Needs questions. The Workgroup determined, however, that in no SRA category or
subgroup should non‐federal employees exceed the number of federal SMEs. A total of 38 non‐federal
employees were used (only 10.4 % of the SME surveyed).
A sample of 289 SMEs was identified to participate in surveys for the SRAs. Any SRA that had more than
15 identified research needs was divided into smaller subareas to reduce respondent burden (“survey
fatigue”). This division also added more specificity to the research needs which in turn added more
specificity to the SMEs who were selected. A total of 46 ICCOPR SRAs or subgroups were used for
evaluative purposes. A list of all 46 SRAs and associated subgroups and the number of selected SMEs for
each can be found in Appendix A. If an SME was selected to participate and either requested not to
participate or did not consider themselves him/herself knowledgeable in the field, they were replaced
by another identified expert (N=6).
4.0 Survey Initiation
The survey was sent electronically to the SMEs on October 31, 2013 with three reminders about
participation sent on November 6, November 13, and November 27, 2013. The survey was closed on
December 13, 2013. Copies of the invitation and reminders can be found in Attachment 2.
5.0 Response Rates
Surveys were completed by 244 SMEs from a sample of 287 selected SMEs (Table 1). This resulted in an
overall response rate of 85%, which is a high response rate for surveys of this type.
Table 1: Response Rates by SRA series
SRA Series Sample Size Completed Response Rate
1000 Series 38 30 79%
2000 Series 29 22 76%
3000 Series 135 124 92%
4000 Series 85 68 80%
Total 287 244 85%
6.0 Ranking Instructions
A research need was identified as “in the top three” if it received the three highest votes for the top five
by the SMEs surveyed. For example, if four people ranked research need #1 in the top five, three people
ranked research need #4 in the top five, and two people ranked research need #7 in the top five, and
the remaining research needs received one or zero votes for the top five then research needs #1, 4, and
7 were the “top three”.
In the case of a tie, the research need ranked first by at least one SME was selected as having the higher
score. If additional tie breaking was required, the research need selected as second by at least one SME
was used. For example, if six people ranked research need #4 in the top five and four people each
ranked research needs #1, #6, and #7 in the top five, with the remainder of research needs receiving
three , or less then there are four needs (#4, 1, 6 and 7) identified for the “top three” list. Of the three
research needs receiving four votes, the two with the highest ranks were included in the “top three”.
7.0 Calculating a Score
The survey was designed to allow UNHSC to calculate a composite score based on four of the
five domains listed above with the exception of current progress. Each domain is scored from 0 to 100. A
zero and 100 would place the research need lower and higher, respectively, in significance. In cases
where the question was asked in a reverse order1, the scores were reversed for all analysis, so that
higher scores represented more significant research needs. To reverse code, the following formula was
For example, Question 4 asks how soon the specific research need would improve spill prevention, preparedness, response or
impact assessment/restoration, with a zero representing short time frame and 100 representing a long time frame. In this
instance, zero and 100 would indicate a higher and lower importance, respectively, for the research need.
used: (respondent’s score)‐100=|answer|, where the absolute value of the respondent’s score minus
100 was calculated. For example, if a respondent scored a research need as 60, the reverse coded score
would be 60‐100=|‐40| = 40.
The fifth domain of current progress was not included in the composite score, but could be included, if
additional information was requested by the Workgroup during its deliberations. Additionally, the cost
domain was subsequently dropped from the composite score because there was significant missing data
for this question. Many SMEs did not choose to estimate the cost of conducting research on a specific
need. Ultimately, the composite score consisted of three domains: timeliness, importance and
complexity of the research question, with a separate single score based on current progress. The
possible range for the composite score was zero to 300 (100 being the maximum score for each of the
three domains) and the possible range for the single measure of current progress was zero to 100.
Each respondent’s composite score was calculated by adding the three domain scores for a total score
within the range of zero to 300. Finally, all respondents’ scores for the specified research need were
averaged together to get an average arithmetic composite score (with its associated standard deviation)
with a range of zero to 300.
8.0 Weighting of Data
The composite score was based on all domains being considered as equally influential on the
importance of a research need. Additionally, the Workgroup asked the UNHSC to develop and alternate
system to give higher weights to domains that are more influential on the importance of research needs.
Domains 1 (importance), 2 (complexity of research) and 3 (timeliness) were weighted to comprise 55%,
30% and 15% of the score, respectively. The weights were selected by the Workgroup. Each domain
score was multiplied by the associated proportional weight and then all three were added together. This
sum was multiplied by 3 to make the weighted score range consistent with the unweighted score range
of zero to 300. Finally, all respondents’ weighted scores for the specified research need were averaged
together to get an average weighted composite score (and its associated standard deviation) for the
research need with a range of zero to 300.
9.0 Selecting Decision Making Measures
The Workgroup met to discuss the final evaluation methodology, and then to evaluate the results of the
survey data. Prior to prioritizing the R&D needs, they decided to exclusively use the weighted mean
scores of each SRA and SRA subcategory to determine the most important R&T Needs as determined by
the survey. The Workgroup unanimously agreed that weighting the results was the best policy. Since
Question 5 (current progress) was not included in the scoring, the ICCOPR Workgroup used the results of
Question 5 as a way to distinguish between similarly ranked needs. A need that was rated to be a final
step might be used to separate it from a similarly ranked need that would take longer to complete. The
results of the impediments question (#7) were reviewed to determine if there were any significant
issues associated with the selected research priorities that had been missed from the literature search.
ICCOPR Workgroup members determined whether these additional R&T Needs were important to the
process and if they deserved further consideration. In some cases, these needs were identified by the
Workgroup as priorities; in other cases they were combined with other similar R&T Needs in the final
prioritization process.
In most cases, they were included as needs on other SRA or SRA subgroup surveys that the SMEs did not
see. The final results of the survey were analyzed and summarized for the full ICCOPR Committee for
their final review. Comments by the full ICCOPR Committee were evaluated and incorporated into the
prioritization process. The results for each SRA Category and Subcategory are presented in Section 7.0
CRRC Follow-up
Once again we would like to thank you for your participation in this important survey to
determine the future research needs in oil spill research. As you know from the first
survey there were a large number of research needs in your area of expertise; thus they
were broken down into several subcategories with each subcategory being prioritized.
We would now like to ask you to participate in this final survey which asks you only to rank the
priorities from all the subcategories (some of which you did not review previously) as
this will help advise the ICCOPR in establishing a final prioritization for the whole
research area. This survey will take less than 5 minutes of your time. If you have
questions regarding the survey please contact Ms. Tracy Keirns of the UNH Survey
Center (603-862-1060) or Nancy Kinner UNH Costal Response Research Center (603-
The top 3 from each sub-area are listed here. Please rank these 6 research needs in order with
a "1" being the most important and a "6" being the least important.
The top 3 from each sub-area are listed here. Please rank these 6 research needs in order with
a "1" being the most important and a "6" being the least important.
______ DEEPWATER TECHNOLOGY - Develop improved casing and cementing design for
ultra-deepwater wells. (1)
______ DEEPWATER TECHNOLOGY - Develop improved subsea ultra-deepwater
measurement and monitoring instrumentation, including technologies for "seeing"
through the casing via downhole tools to gauge the cement top and in-situ cement
characteristics (thickness, channeling, density (gas or liquid pockets), etc.) to better
determine potential failure pathways. (2)
______ DEEPWATER TECHNOLOGY - Characterize experimentally the properties and
behavior of foam cement samples at in situ conditions to improve the safe use and
emplacement of these barriers in deep offshore settings. (3)
______ OFFSHORE DRILLING DATABASE - Develop consistent global dataset for offshore
drilling incidents to help prevent future incidents. (4)
______ DEEPWATER CHARACTERIZATION - Conduct research on the conditions (e.g., in-situ
stress, sediment rheology, fluid pressure, flow rate and blowout duration) where
hydrocarbon pathways to the sea floor established through hydraulic fractures and
reactivated natural faults can heal. (5)
______ DEEPWATER CHARACTERIZATION - Expand the research on reservoir
characterization to include overburden characterization with emphasis on technology
and methods for geological and geomechanical characterization of the subsurface from
sea bed to the reservoir. (6)
The top 3 from each sub-area are listed here. Please rank these 9 research needs in order with
a "1" being the most important and a "9" being the least important.
______ ARCTIC BASELINE STUDIES - Collect baseline data specifically for ESA's in
underrepresented environments including the Arctic (Chukchi Sea, Bristol Bay),
particularly in areas that are likely to be developed for oil and gas extraction in the near
to mid term. (1)
______ INTERTIDAL BASELINE STUDIES - Study and synthesize existing information for sand
beaches regarding productivity, species diversity, and community structure, and the
effects of oil on these parameters, including recovery time with consideration for
regional variation. (2)
______ GOM BASELINE HABITAT STUDIES - Develop benthic mapping of sensitive/important
habitats in the GOM. (3)
______ ARCTIC BASELINE STUDIES - Develop a redundant meteorological sensor system to
enhance Arctic coast-wide spill response goals and a series of large-scale studies of
oceanographic exchanges, shelf-basin exchanges via wind and eddies, coastal
boundary, under-ice river plumes, and sea-ice boundary to better inform pre- and post-
spill modeling and response. (4)
______ BASELINE GEOLOGICAL STUDIES - Collect info on bathymetry and shoreline
conditions and natural and human hazards. (5)
______ GULF OF MEXICO SUSPENDED SEDIMENTS - Conduct research on the baseline
sediment loads in the GOM. (6)
______ ENVIRONMENTAL BASELINE STUDIES - Collect environmental baseline data in
ecologically sensitive areas at particular risk to oil discharges where such data are
insufficient. (7)
______ BASELINE PLANNING - Conduct research to improve the understanding of the
potential for environmental impacts in frontier ultra-deepwater areas where a well-
established infrastructure for spill containment does not exist (e.g., Alaskan Arctic
offshore and Eastern GOM). (8)
______ BASELINE PLANNING - Develop statistics for strategically planning for different risks,
their location and therefore who has what stake; develop stats for risk profiles and pre-
position equipment. (9)
The top 3 from each sub-area are listed here. Please rank the top 10 research needs in order
with a "1" being the most important and a "10" being the least important.
______ ARCTIC OCEANOGRAPHIC MODELS - Develop spill trajectory and weather models
based on Arctic conditions. (1)
______ ARCTIC OCEANOGRAPHIC DATA - Investigate surface circulation using HF radar and
satellite track drifters in the Arctic. (2)
______ ARCTIC OIL BEHAVIOR - Study oil-in-ice weathering, particularly as it relates to the
effectiveness of spill response countermeasures and the potential for ecosystem
exposure. Oil-water partitioning is recognized as needing further study, especially the
potential toxicity of the partitioned phases. (3)
______ OIL SANDS PRODUCTS CHARACTERISTICS - Conduct research on the chemical
and physical characteristics of various blends of dilbit and synbit to better understand
how to address spills. (4)
______ OIL SANDS PRODUCTS DISPERSION - Conduct research on the dispersion of OSP in
water (droplet size, coalesence, rise time). (5)
______ OIL SANDS PRODUCTS WEATHERING - Study the persistence of OSP in the marine
and freshwater environments. (6)
______ IMPROVED OIL TRANSPORT MODELS - Develop understanding of the size,
composition, and distribution of particles, both oil and sediment, which are key to
developing better models for forecasting, observing, understanding, and hindcasting
submerged oil behavior. (7)
______ SUBSURFACE OIL TRANSPORT MODELS - Develop a decision template or
conceptual model of the conditions under which oil might become submerged that
includes oil properties and environmental characteristics. (8)
______ GOM OIL TRANSPORT - Conduct research to improve understanding of vertical
movement of hydrocarbon in order to advance ability to predict diffusivity. (9)
______ IMPROVED OIL TRANSPORT MODELS - Develop improved models predicting
dispersability using information on the physiochemical properties of oil. (10)
______ IMPROVED OIL TRANSPORT MODELS - Develop oil trajectory and fate models used
during spill response to predict the behavior of dispersed oil and verify and validate
them in an appropriately designed experimental setting or during actual spills. (11)
______ NEARSHORE MODELING - Develop high resolution nearshore models. (12)
______ OCEAN CIRCULATION MODELS - Determine the sensitivity of large General
Circulation Models to variations in the boundary conditions and forcing. (13)
______ OCEAN CIRCULATION MODELS - Link models to observation to incorporate real-time
data and ocean state. (14)
The top 3 from each sub-area are listed here. Please rank these 9 research needs in order with
a "1" being the most important and a "9" being the least important.
______ ICE/OIL DETECTION - Develop AUV mounted sensors for detection of oil under ice. (1)
______ ALTERNATIVE TECHNOLOGIES - Develop improved methods for detecting thick oil
(i.e., large collections of oil) to assist in recovery operations (alternative sensor
technologies, improved acoustic survey cost effective laser fluorometers and hyper
spectral systems). (2)
______ ICE/OIL DETECTION - Develop enhanced technology for oil detection under ice and in
broken ice and in low visibility. (3)
______ DISPERSANT MONITORING - Develop technologies to improve oil and dispersant
detection in the water column and seafloor. (4)
______ CHEMICAL MONITORING - Develop advanced field monitoring techniques and rapid
chemical analysis. (5)
______ SMART PROTOCOL - Develop a refined SMART protocol and operational need/value
during subsea and surface response based on recent experiences. (6)
______ SUBMERGED OIL DETECTION - Develop observation systems that can be deployed
on scene at spills of submerged oil to help validate or calibrate models and direct
sampling and monitoring. (7)
______ SUBMERGED OIL DETECTION - Develop the capability to confirm and refine the
location and quantity of submerged oil detected on a coarse scale. (8)
______ SUBSURFACE OIL DETECTION - Develop improved methods for sampling and
monitoring the transport of subsurface oil. (9)
The top 3 from each sub-area are listed here. Please rank these 8 research needs in order with
a "1" being the most important and a "8" being the least important.
Each of the following Research Needs was ranked in the top 3 by the Subject Matter Experts
assigned to each specific sub-area.
The top 3 from each sub-area are listed here. Please rank the top 10 research needs in order
with a "1" being the most important and a "10" being the least important.
______ DISPERSED OIL BEHAVIOR - Study the fate and transport of dispersed oil and
dispersants in the surface, subsurface and deep water. (1)
______ BIODEGRADATION - Study the toxic and sub-lethal effects and ramifications for
microbial communities (and the natural biodegradation of oil). (2)
______ BIODEGRADATION - Develop a detailed investigation on the kinetics of dispersed oil
biodegradation at low oil-water ratios to simulate conditions that represent those that
follow significant dilution of the dispersed oil plume. (3)
______ DISPERSED OIL BEHAVIOR - Conduct field trials with dispersants that include tracking
and monitoring concentrations. (4)
______ DISPERSED OIL BEHAVIOR - Study the variables affecting coalescence and
resurfacing of dispersed oil droplets to develop models for tracking movement at
surface, subsurface and deepwater. (5)
______ DISPERSED OIL BEHAVIOR- Study the quantification of degradation rates of
chemically dispersed, physically dispersed, and undispersed oil. (6)
______ DISPERSED OIL FATE - Study and evaluate dispersant and dispersed oil chronic and
sub-lethal effects on key species for varying, real world exposure scenarios and
durations. (7)
______ DISPERSANT INTERACTIONS - Conduct research on benthic species interactions with
oil, oil/dispersants and dispersant contaminated sediments. (8)
______ DISPERSED OIL TOXICITY - Develop standard methods for toxicity testing of
dispersed oil appropriate for coastal regimes. (9)
______ TOXICITY - Develop protocols for testing efficacy and toxicity of commercially available
dispersants and other chemical agents which may become commercially available. (10)
______ WILDLIFE EFFECTS - Study long-term effects of short-term exposures to dispersed oil
on wildlife. (11)
______ EFFICACY - Study the efficacy of dispersant alternative delivery methods (subsurface
application). (12)
______ EFFICACY AND EFFECTIVENESS - Conduct field testing and evaluation of
dispersants (efficacy and effectiveness). (13)
______ MECHANICAL RESPONSE - Study the effects of dispersant application on subsequent
mechanical recovery of undispersed oil. (14)
______ DISPERSED OIL FATE - Study anticipated fate of spilled oil dispersants and dispersed
oil from different operations in geographical locations. (15)
______ DISPERSED OIL FATE - Study the interactions of chemically dispersed oil droplets with
suspended particulate matter and the effect of these processes on the rate of oil
biodegradation and fate. (16)
______ FATE AND EFFECTS - Study the long-term fate and effects of dispersant applications.
______ SUBSURFACE APPLICATION - Study how subsurface application of dispersants
affects characteristics of that oil at the surface. (18)
______ SUBSURFACE BEHAVIOR - Study the effect of dispersant on deposition, partitioning,
toxicity and degradation (deep sea and in presence of high flow rates). (19)
______ SUBSURFACE EFFECTIVENESS - Develop conditions of operability for dispersant use
in the subsea, including characteristics of most effective dispersant, physical
parameters of when to apply, considering flow rate. (20)
The top 3 from each sub-area are listed here. Please rank these 6 research needs in order with
a "1" being the most important and a "6" being the least important.
______ AERIAL PLUME IMPACTS - Study the impact of volatile plumes from in-situ burning on
natural resources (e.g., birds). (1)
______ ISB BIOAVAILABILITY - Study ISB residues, especially toxicity, physical properties,
and bioavailability of contaminants contained within the residue matrix; especially with
potential benthic community effects. (2)
______ ISB EFFECTIVENESS - Develop better means of quantifying ISB effectiveness.
Unburned oil or other residue from burning operations should be recovered and
accounted for when evaluating the effectiveness of in situ burning. (3)
______ ISB CONTAINMENT TECHNOLOGY - Develop enhanced designs for containment and
burning oil. (4)
______ ISB PLANNING - Develop improved procedures for in-situ burning under various
conditions, develop protocols, improve field verification of airborne constituent
behaviors. (5)
______ ISB CONTAINMENT TECHNOLOGY - Conduct research and development programs
on ISB to develop more robust booming systems with greater oil encounter rates and
expand the weather/sea state of opportunity in which ISB can effectively be used. (6)
The top 3 from each sub-area are listed here. Please rank the top 10 research needs in order
with a "1" being the most important and a "10" being the least important.
______ ARCTIC IMPACTS - Develop a Response Gap Analysis framework to assess the
impacts of response actions in the Arctic. (1)
______ ARCTIC IMPACTS - Develop response guide and restoration guide for oil in ice. (2)
______ ARCTIC WILDLIFE IMPACTS - Study effects of oil on wildlife and effective response
intervention in Arctic environment. (3)
______ EXPOSURE METHODOLOGIES - Develop relevant biological markers of exposure and
guidelines for responsible use of biomarkers. (4)
______ SUBLETHAL IMPACTS - Study relevant endpoints (e.g., growth, behavior, inhibit
reproduction, physiological aberrations) and appropriate organisms to use as indicators
for different habitats. (5)
______ TOXICOLOGICAL IMPACTS - Conduct research to identify toxicologically-relevant
analytes by habitat and organism. (6)
______ DISPERSED OIL IMPACTS - Conduct research to evaluate the long-term/chronic
impacts of chemically/naturally dispersed oil on invertebrates, anadromous fish, corals,
etc. - focus on long exposures to low concentrations, environmentally relevant exposure
scenarios. (7)
______ DISPERSED OIL IMPACTS - Study the impact of dispersed oil on organisms, how it is
taken up, end products, effects on benthic primary production. (8)
______ SUBMERGED OIL IMPACTS - Develop understanding of the chronic toxicity and
pathways of exposure leading to toxicity of submerged oil to benthic resources. (9)
______ ECOSYSTEM IMPACTS - Collect data and evaluate long-term environmental effects of
oil discharges larger than 250,000 gallons or if the discharged occurred after Jan 1,
1989. (10)
______ ECOSYSTEM IMPACTS - Develop methods to assess oil spill injury to wetland
communities, submerged vegetation, benthic invertebrates, and waterfowl. (11)
______ LONG-TERM ECOSYSTEM IMPACTS - Study long-term chronic exposure direct and
indirect impacts on the food chain - fish eggs, bottom feeders, birds, mammals. (12)
______ ECOSYSTEM RECOVERY - Develop conceptual models of service loss and recovery
from key habitats, and the information necessary to parameterize recovery models. (13)
______ ECOSYSTEM RECOVERY - Study data collection efforts for spill impact assessment
and evaluation of ecological recovery rates for offshore, near-shore, coastal and
estuarine areas impacted by spills. (14)
______ ECOSYSTEM RECOVERY - Study recovery rates of injured habitats from previous
spills. (15)
The top 3 from each sub-area are listed here. Please rank these 8 research needs in order with
a "1" being the most important and a "8" being the least important.
______ SEAFOOD SAFETY - Conduct research on the short-term and long-term safety of
seafood in the GOM following the DWH spill and communicate it to the public. (1)
______ WORKER SAFETY - Study the health and safety issues associated with spill response,
and develop protocols for personnel protection (e.g., training, fitness, stress
management.) (2)
______ PROTECTIVE TECHNOLOGIES - Develop technologies and methods to protect public
health and safety from oil discharges, including the population directly exposed to an oil
discharge. (3)
______ HUMAN EXPOSURE RESEARCH PLANNING - Conduct research on the framework
needed to deploy a rapid research response for future oil spills. (4)
______ HUMAN EXPOSURE DURING DWH - Collect long-term monitoring data of health
(human) of coastal communities impacted by DWH. (5)
______ HUMAN DISPERSANT EXPOSURE - Develop models to estimate exposure to
dispersant and/or dispersed oil to human populations. (6)
______ HUMAN EXPOSURE DURING DWH - Conduct clinical evaluations, diagnostics and
documentation for individuals affected from the DWH spill. (7)
______ WORKER HEALTH AFTER DWH - Collect long-term monitoring data on Deepwater
Horizon responders’ health. (8)
The top 3 from each sub-area are listed here. Please rank these 6 research needs in order with
a "1" being the most important and a "6" being the least important.
Sample of Research
Priority Survey
Your input is critical to the success of this project. We know that you are extremely busy, but
please take the 10 to 45 minutes required to complete the online survey. We are surveying up to
200 subject matter experts (SMEs) in numerous fields across many federal agencies because
we want to capture the unique perspectives of many experts and have them represented in the
Note that by completing the survey, you are consenting to participate in this research.
Participation in this research is expected to present minimal risk to you. While you may not
receive any direct benefits from participating in this study, the anticipated benefits of the
knowledge gained via the study include determining future priorities of oil spill research.
Although we hope that you will answer every question, you are certainly free to skip any
questions. Your participation is voluntary, and you may withdraw your consent and discontinue
participation at any time. The UNH Survey Center and Coastal Response Research Center
(CRRC) seek to maintain the confidentiality of all data and records associated with your
participation in this research. However, any communication via the Internet poses minimal risk
of a breach of confidentiality. Data will be shared with study sponsors, however, your responses
will be combined with others in such a way that individual responses cannot be identified when
data is reported or published.
Thank you in advance for completing this survey. If you have any questions pertaining to:
content and/or definition of the research needs, contact Nancy Kinner, CRRC 603-862-
1422 or [email protected]
the mechanism or “how-to” of competing this survey, contact Tracy Keirns, UNH Survey
Center, [email protected]
information on ICCOPR (Interagency Coordinating Committee on Oil Pollution
Research), contact CDR Eric Miller, U.S. Coast Guard at [email protected]
research integrity and your rights as a research subject, contact Dr. Julie Simpson, UNH
Research Integrity services,603.862.2003 or [email protected]
The following questions will focus on evaluation of all identified research needs in your subject
matter area.
You will be asked a set of 5 questions for each research need in your subject matter area.
These questions will ask you to rate a statement on a scale of 0 to 100. In order to do this,
select the slider bar and move the bar to the number between 0 and 100 that comes closest to
your opinion. The last set of questions will ask you rank all of the research needs in your subject
research area.
If at any time you need to leave the survey, simply close your browser and all of your answers
will be saved. To continue the survey just click the original link you were provided and continue
the survey. Do not use the browsers back button, but if you would like to navigate through the
survey you may use the “Back” and “Next” buttons at the bottom of each page.
While you are not required to answer every question, accurate recommendations can only be
made with complete data.
If you would like to see all of the identified R&D needs in the SRA, click here for a
comprehensive list. This may help you at the end of the survey when evaluating whether all the
important R&D needs are included in the overall survey.
When all SMEs have completed this survey we intend to send you the list of prioritized R&D
needs in all the subcategories within the SRA so you will have an opportunity to provide us with
your overall ranking of the top R&D needs in the entire SRA. This will be a simple ranking of the
top 1% of the R&D needs and will not require you to evaluate each research need.
Research Need: ___________
1. How important is this R&D need to improving any or all of the following: spill prevention,
preparedness, response or impact assessment/restoration?
2. Some research is designed to answer a small detail which refines our understanding of a
research problem while other research answers key questions that become the building blocks
for further advancements. Please estimate where this R&D need fits in this spectrum of oil
pollution research (explained above).
Research Need: ___________
3. In your opinion, what is the total estimated cost of the research to answer this R&D
need? (Please provide your best single number estimate - If you still don't know, please enter
"0") Please use only numbers with no commas or decimals (ex. 1000000)
$ _____________________
Research Need: ___________
4. How soon would the results of this specific R&D need improve any or all of the following: spill
prevention, preparedness, response or impact assessment/restoration?
Research Need: ___________
5. Solving larger research problems can require multiple steps. Some research projects take
the initial steps while others will be the final step. Please estimate where this R&D need fits in
the lifespan of solving a research problem.
Of the research needs that you reviewed today, which rise to the top (maximum of 5)?
[Need 1]
[Need 2]
[Need 3]
[Need 4]
[Need 5]
[Need 6]
[Need 7]
[Need 8]
[Need 9]
[Need 10]
Of these [top 5] research needs [that you just selected], please prioritize them. (i.e. "1" as your
1st choice, "2" as your 2nd choice, etc)
[Need 1]
[Need 2]
[Need 3]
[Need 4]
[Need 5]
[Need 6]
[Need 7]
[Need 8]
[Need 9]
[Need 10]
List (up to 3) impediments (other than cost or time to completion) to the top 5 research needs
you indicated. We appreciate succinct bullet responses, complete sentences are not expected.
[Research Need 1]
Impediment 1 (1)
Impediment 2 (2)
Impediment 3 (3)
[Research Need 2]
Impediment 1 (1)
Impediment 2 (2)
Impediment 3 (3)
[Research Need 3]
Impediment 1 (1)
Impediment 2 (2)
Impediment 3 (3)
[Research Need 4]
Impediment 1 (1)
Impediment 2 (2)
Impediment 3 (3)
[Research Need 5]
Impediment 1 (1)
Impediment 2 (2)
Impediment 3 (3)
Thank you taking for the time to complete this survey. Click "Submit" below to exit.
Thank you taking for the time to complete this survey. You completed a survey for one
subcategory of a larger subject research area.
When all SMEs have completed this survey we intend to send you the list of prioritized R&D
needs in all the subcategories within the SRA so you will have an opportunity to provide us with
your overall ranking of the top R&D needs in the entire SRA. This will be a simple ranking of the
top 1% of the R&D needs and will not require you to evaluate each research need.
Click "Submit" below to exit.
Weighted # Ranking
Score Weighted Rank RN in Top
R&D Needs Mean SD Order 5 Count = 4
R&D Need 10 260.44 29.15 1 4
R&D Need 4 215.74 28.61 4 1
R&D Need 7 212.70 22.30 2 3
R&D Need 6 211.99 37.62 6 1
R&D Need 5 195.41 69.17 4 1
R&D Need 3 190.76 64.54 8 1
R&D Need 1 184.28 89.51 ‐ 0
R&D Need 8 181.91 87.41 7 1
R&D Need 2 167.74 91.72 ‐ 0
R&D Need 9 164.96 97.98 3 2
Sorted by Weighted Mean Score