High Strength Fasteners
High Strength Fasteners
High Strength Fasteners
Unexpected, brittle failures of high strength fasteners on aerospace vehicles have been caused by stress
corrosion cracking (SCC) and by hydrogen stress cracking (HSC). Confusion exists as to the nature of each
phenomenon. The poorly understood failure mechanisms are difficult to differentiate, especially in the field.
There is a growing acceptance of the term SCC to cover failures by both mechanisms. Data are given to
characterize the classes. For low-alloy carbon steels, heat treated to yield strengths below approximately
160 ksi, stress corrosion is not a problem, nor is hydrogen embrittlement (delayed cracking) very common.
Above this stress difficulties can occur. The high-strength precipitation hardening stainless steels have varying
degrees of resistance to stress corrosion cracking and hydrogen embrittlement, depending upon strength level
and heat treating procedures that influence the microstructure. Use of plane strain fracture toughness KIC
and the stress corrosion threshold of KISCC offers promise of selecting optimum bolting for a specific environ-
ment. The attractiveness of plane strain fracture toughness analysis is that it does not differentiate between
failure mechanisms; failure can be either SCC or HSC.
Presented as Paper 72-385 at the AIAA/ASME/SAE 13th The Air Force in their Titan III program has had difficul-
Structures, Structural Dynamics, and Materials Conference, San ties with high-strength fasteners on the boosters over the past
Antonio, Texas. April 10-12, 1972; submitted April 20, 1972; six or seven years. Table 1 lists some of the fastener steels
revision received June 26, 1972.
Index category: Launch Vehicle and Missile Fabrication. I Standard test procedures are being developed in the following
* Manager, Applied Metallurgy. Member AIAA. areas: G.01.06 SCC and corrosion fatigue; G01.06.01 smooth test
t The term, hydrogen stress cracking, is also synonymous with specimens; G01.06.02 environments and materials; G01.06.04
hydrogen embrittlement, hydrogen cracking, and hydrogen in- precracked growth; E24.04 subcritical crack growth; and F7.01
duced delayed cracking. hydrogen embrittlement.
and mode of failure. Failures were all in a marine atmos- The SCC occurs in specific enivronments and with environ-
phere. The precipitation hardening steels have all been mentally sensitive metals. Failures generally occur from
slowly replaced by the cold worked type of A286. The inadequate knowledge of environmental conditions. In most
440C and H-ll were continued in service but their heat cases, there is negligible loss of metal by general corrosion,
treatments were modified and/or protection by organic and at times the corrosion is imperceptible to the eye. Stress
coatings became a requirement. Type 212 was eliminated corrosion cracking requires highly anodic areas and a local-
but Type 431 was continued in service with organic coatings; ized pH, such as may exist in oxide film cracks, pits, crevices
long range solutions involved substitution of A286. and cold worked areas.
These failures occurred during the early years of T-III Hydrogen stress cracking is a phenomenon which occurs
development despite a program of stress corrosion control because of hydrogen penetration into the lattice in the pres-
having been evolved over this period. Tensile stresses (pre- ence of a tensile stress. It is generally agreed that corrosion
loads) on the fasteners are now minimized to 40% of yield, plays no direct role in this mechanism. However, corrosion
where possible, and materials are sought and heat treated often plays an indirect role as being the source of hydrogen.
where possible to an ultimate tensile strength of 160 ksi. The In classical HSC, the hydrogen goes into solid solution
importance of stress level, environment, and metallurgical being introduced by electrolytic charging, pickling, heat treat-
structure of the metal in SCC and/or HSC is well recognized ment, and by corrosion reactions. Hydrogen then causes
by the Program Office. Contact with dissimilar metals is delayed failure under static load in high-strength alloys and
recognized as the most likely source of hydrogen by corrosion the embrittling effect increases with increase in severity of
and is avoided or protected against. Chemical conversion notch, i.e., stress concentration.
coatings and anodizing on aluminum often retards such The amount of hydrogen which will cause HSC is exceed-
corrosion when high-strength fasteners are used in conjunc- ingly small and is of the order of 4 or 5 ppm. Damage has
tion with aluminum. been reported with hydrogen contents of even less than 1 ppm.
NASA has had a few failures by corrosion in 4330, 4340, The delayed failure characteristics of 4340 steel, § exposed
AM 355, and 17-7 PH.2 NASA plans to initiate studies of to distilled water and failed presumably by HSC, are shown
service influence on fracture behavior, i.e., use of fracture in Fig. 1. Similar failure characteristics are caused by SCC.
mechanics concepts. Note in Fig. 1 the short time-to-failure of the 4340 as the
ultimate tensile strength (UTS) of the steel increases and the
threshold stresses below which no failure occurs.3
Definition and Differentiation of Stress Corrosion
Cracking and Hydrogen Stress Cracking
system. Careful selection means that the nuts are also tested
in a SCC test; the hut is torqued on a bolt and the assembly STAINLESS STEELS
alternately submerged in salt water. Washers are used to AND
SUPERALLOYS i i 150 200 250 300
distribute the load. They too should be compatible corro-
sion-wise. Being loaded in compression they do not fail by
Materials for aerospace fasteners are categorized in sevaral
ways: 1) by grouping strength levels, 2) by composition and
metallographic structure, and 3) by relative susceptibility
to SCC and/or HSC. In the future, the steels will be cate-
gorized by fracture toughness parameters; some such compil-
ations are already appearing.
Fig. 3 Classification of low-alloy steels (martensitic types) by H MIL-Handbook-5A assigns Types 301, 302, 303, 304, 316, 321,
strength range. The wide range of some of the steels is obtained by and 347 yield strengths of 30 ksi and ultimate tensile strengths of
tempering at different temperatures. 75 ksi.
strength level but also on the temperature of the aging treat- Classification by Relative Resistance to Stress
ment. Aging below 1000°F may cause these steels to be Corrosion Cracking
susceptible to SCC and HSC, but aging them above this
temperature the steels have excellent resistance to these A third classification involves rating SCC according to
cracking phenomena. relative susceptibility and can be used as a rough guide to
These precipitation-hardening types are of two basic material selection based on experience and some laboratory
classes: martensitic and semiaustenitic. The martensitic work. This classification comprises: 1) alloys and heat
types are 17-4 PH, 15-5 PH, and PH 13-8 Mo. In these treatments that can be used without restriction; 2) alloys and
alloys the martensitic structure forms on cooling from a heat treatments that can be used if used with caution; 3) alloys
solution treatment; subsequent aging between 900°F and and heat treatments that should not be used.
1150°F strengthens the martensite by precipitation hardening This information has been abstracted and expanded, on
and tempering to realize a gamut of strength values. Typical the basis of other aerospace findings, and is given in tabular
semiaustenitic steels are 17-7 PH, PH 15-7 Mo, PH 14-8 Mo form, Tables 2-4. The tables apply only to SCC in environ-
and AM 350. In these alloys, the composition has been ments of sodium chloride solutions, salt sprays, alternate
adjusted so that the austenite forms on solution treating and immersion (wetting and drying) and marine atmospheres,
is retained at room temperature. In this condition it is and are primarily for smooth specimens. Similar tables for
readily fabricated (cold worked). The hardening is obtained HSC are not available.
by reheating the austenite to 1400°F or 1750°F (called con- These ratings are not to be construed as particularly exact
ditioning), cooling, and finally aging at 950°F or 1050°F. because no attempt has been made to evaluate the effect of
If either of these steels is overaged, i.e., beyond highest stress, environment, metallographic structure and time. This
strength, both the fracture toughness and SCC resistance are type of tabular information represents the type of SCC data
improved. The fracture toughness and SCC resistance of that was available before the advent of fracture mechanics.
martenistic steels are significantly higher than the semiausten- No attempt, incidentally, has been made here to incorporate
itic types. data obtained by fracture mechanics and given elsewhere.
Other environments that are of concern to the aerospace
Superalloys (Nickel-Base and Cobalt-Base) materials engineer are the metal-propellant compatibilities.
Cracking with some of the steels has also been reported in
In general, as the nickel content increases in the austenitic phosphate, sulfate, nitrate, and sulfide solutions. None of
steels, the more they are resistant to SCC and to HSC. Some these are of concern here.
high-strength stainless fasteners are also made from super-
alloys (i.e., high-strength nickel-base and cobalt-base alloys).
The nickel-base Inco 718 superalloy, cold worked and precipi- Promise of Fracture Toughness Criteria
tation hardened will have strengths in excess of 200,000 psi.
The new and highly alloyed MP-35N exhibits the corrosion Improvement of methods of analyzing fracture in various
resistance of the best nickel-base alloys. It has a high environments through the use of fracture mechanics allows
resistance to SCC and to HSC in salt environments and the fracture process (whether by SCC or HSC) to be studied
marine atmospheres. on a macroscopic basis independent of the influence of
Table 3 Materials with a high resistance to stress corrosion cracking if used with caution
specimen geometry effects and dependent only on stress level where degradation occurs there is a threshold stress below
and environment. The fracture toughness approach gives which no SCC or HSC occurs, see Fig. 5. Note how severely
for the first time a quantitative knowledge of the effects of a the salt environment reduces the stress intensity factor Kt
particular environment on a steel stressed below the yield (Ref. 9). Distilled water, as well as moisture, is seldom con-
stress. Such quantitative data will be required by the de- sidered an aggressive environment. Yet moisture can have
signer once he learns how to use it. The appeal of the method, a controlling influence on the fracture behavior of high-
aside from being quantitative, is that it reflects a metals strength steels.10
behavior in an environment which may lead to either SCC or In tough alloys failure occurs at longer time intervals.
HSC. More importantly, the method does not differentiate Crack propagation may be slower and the alloy may tolerate
between mechanisms leading to failure. a longer crack before fracturing. A small crack may cause
The Kiscc parameter, hence, indicates with good repro- SCC in a material of low toughness whereas a larger crack
ducibility, the stress-crack-size threshold below which sub- may be required to fail a tougher material. The tougher
critical cracks will not propagate to a critical size leading to material may require a longer time to fail because crack
catastrophic failure in a gaseous, liquid or complex environ- growth is slower in a tougher material and not because SCC
ments in a period of usually 500-1000 hr. Both KIC and KISCC or HSC is slower. Failure time then becomes a measure of
have units of ksi(in.)1/2. the rate of crack growth.
To overcome disadvantages with smooth specimens used By relating the environmental applied stress intensity
previously, where long times may be involved for crack factor Kiscc to the plane strain fracture toughness KJC the
nucleation, Brown and others have used specimens with pre- differences in toughness of alloys or their heat treatments
existing cracks. Such specimens eliminate crack initiation
periods when surface films break down and pitting starts,
removes possibility of drawing erroneous conclusions that
4340 STEEL
alloys are immune to SCC, and specimens with pre-existing HEAT TREATED TO 225 ksi UTS
cracks permit use of fracture mechanics concepts. Brown8 PRECRACKED SPECIMEN EXPOSED
introduced the concept of the threshold Kiscc. Very quickly
Brown's idea became popular and many investigations have
shown the value of this approach.
The use of plane strain** fracture toughness criteria, i.e.,
KIC and the KISCC, offer promise of selecting fastener materials
that are not susceptible to either SCC or HSC on the launch THRESHOLD
pad or in any other environment. The fracture mechanics
approach can show if a metal is affected by the stress-envir- , NO FAILURE
onment and to what degree. The analysis also shows that io2 f io^ i o 4 i o 5
Table 5 Fracture toughness rating of alloys and heat treatments on their resistance to salt water environments12
mended that fracture toughness tests be conducted to ascertain sufficiently advanced to be able to predict dangerous stress-
the possibility of some susceptibility to degradation, if not environment structure combinations that could lead to
complete failure. failure.
The high strength fasteners which occasionally fail in
What Can Industry, Profession, Society or Agency Do about SCC service can be divided into three categories: 1) by ultimate
and HSC ? tensile strength level, 2) by metallurgical type, and 3) by
relative susceptibility to salt solutions or marine atmospheres.
There is a need for standardization of fracture toughness Fracture toughness analysis offers the best hope of obtain-
tests using the precracked specimens. The American Society ing data on SCC or HSC. The analysis does not differentiate
for Testing and Materials already has a tentative specification between mechanisms. The use of plane-strain fracture
on testing. Without standardization, the data that are and toughness KIC and stress corrosion threshold KIScc offers
are becoming available have limited usefulness in material promise of selecting fastener materials that are not susceptible
selection or design. A standard test must be in existence to SCC or HSC failures. The KIC or KISCC parameters are
long enough so that sufficient data can be accumulated for becoming more meaningful to the designer than elongation
statistical study. The accumulating data should be compiled and reduction of area because these "measures of ductility"
into usable form by industry, the metallurgical profession, have little to do with the performance of a structure.
government agency or technical society. Table 6 gives the nominal compositions of all alloys
mentioned in the text.
The current situation on the use of fasteners in aerospace
applications has been appraised. Confusion exists as to the 1
physical nature of HSC and SCC. Examples of fastener Stanley, J. K., "Solutions to Some Stress Corrosion Cracking
failures on the Titan III family of vehicles illustrate the Problems in Aerospace Situations," Proceedings of the First Joint
Aerospace and Marine Corrosion Technology Seminar, Houston,
nature of the problem. Although there is a distinct difference Texas, 1969, pp. 36-43.
between SCC and HSC phenomena on the laboratory scale, 2
Lucas, W. R., "Report of the ADHOC Committee on Failure
it is often difficult if not impossible to differentiate between of High Strength Materials," Aug. 1971, NASA Marshall Space
the two mechanisms in the field. Corrosion theory is not Flight Center, Huntsville, Ala.
3 8
Hanna, G. L., Troiano, A. R., and Steigerwald, E. A., "A Brown, B. F., "A New Stress Corrosion Cracking Test for
Mechanism for Embrittlement of High Strength Steels by Aqueous High Strength Alloys," Materials Research and Standards, Vol. 16,
Environments," Transactions American Society for Metals, Vol. 57, March 1966, pp. 129-133.
1964, pp. 658-671. Brown, B. F., "The Application of Fracture Mechanics to
Dull, D. L. and Raymond, L., "A Method of Evaluating Stress-Corrosion Cracking," Metallurgical Review, Vol. 13, 1968,
Relative Susceptibility of Bolting Materials to Stress Corrosion pp. 171-183.
Cracking," presented at 1972 Westec Conference, March 1972; Mulherin, J. H., "Stress Corrosion Susceptibility of High
also Corrosion, to be published. Strength Steel in Relation to Fracture Toughness," Transactions of
Phillips, A., Kerlins, V., and Whiteson, B. V., "Electron Fracto- the ASME: Journal of Basic Engineering, Vol. 88, 1966, pp. 772-
graphic Handbook," AFML Rept. ML-TDR-64-416, Aug. 1968, 782.
Air Force Materials Lab., Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio. Tentative Method of Test for Plane-Strain Fracture Toughness
Fidelle, J. P., Legrand, J., and Couderc, C., "A Fractographic of Metallic Materials, E399-70T, Book of Standards, American
Study of Hydrogen Gas Embrittlement in Steels," Transactions of Society for Testing and Materials, Philadelphia, Pt. 31, July 1971,
the American Institute of Mining, Metallurgical Engineers, 1972, to pp. 911-1927.
be published. Freedman, A. J., "Development of an Accelerated Stress-
Tiner, N. A. and Filpin, C. B., "Microprocesses in Stress Corrosion Test for Ferrous and Nickel Alloys," Finary Summary
Corrosion of Martensitic Steels, Corrosion, Vol. 22, 1966, pp. 271- Rept., NOR 68-58, April 1968, Northrop Corp., Hawthorne,
279. Calif.
In order to reduce coolant requirements transpiration cooled structures should be operated at the maximum
possible surface temperature. At high-surface temperature a flow instability can occur, because of the pressure
drop characteristics of gases, leading to burnout of the porous structure. This instability can be avoided by
overlaying the sintered metallic structure with a ceramic coating of much higher permeability. By applying this
design concept to the leading-edge and interference heating regions of a space shuttle type vehicle substantial
reductions can be realized in coolant requirement. Since the thickness of the ceramic layer is inversely pro-
portional to the required coolant flow rate, the leading-edge coolant savings are offset by increasing structure
weight. For interference heating, however, the ceramic layer is thin and large net savings in weight can be obtained.