Unsc Resolution 1.0
Unsc Resolution 1.0
Unsc Resolution 1.0
Agenda: The escalation of the five decade conflict between Israel and the Palestinians.
Sponsors: The Russian Federation
Signatories: The United States of America, State of Israel , United Mexican States, Socialist
Republic of Vietnam, Republic of India
Acknowledging that peace, security and development are the pillars of the United Nations,
Affirming the responsibility of the international community to promote the peace process and
ensure respect for international law,
Alarmed by the violence in Israel and Palestine and their immediate neighbours,
Deeply concerned about the afflictions of the Palestinian refugees and the derivative issues,
Noting with deep concern the effects of Covid-19 pandemic in exacerbating the conditions of
Desiring peace and equality between both parties, without using violence, which the United
Nations defines as “mal-intended actions which have direct consequences towards another party”,
Convinced that the first step to resolving this issue is creating a peaceful environment for both
Israelis and Palestinians,
Noting with regret the past violence that both parties have been subjected to,
Bearing in mind all resolutions of the United Nation Security Council regarding the Israeli
violations of human rights in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem, and
other Arab territories occupied since 1967 as well as the resolutions issued by the Non-Aligned
Movement, the African Union and the League of Arab States,
Reiterating that Israeli illegal policies and practices and expansionist plans in the Occupied State
of Palestine, endanger international peace and security and threaten the prospects for attaining a
peaceful solution to the conflict,
Expressing the hope for expeditious progress towards Palestinian reconciliation for the
restoration of Palestinian unity, under the leadership of the President of the Palestinian Authority,
Mahmoud Abbas, and consistent with Palestine Liberation,
Acknowledging the efforts being undertaken by civil society to promote a peaceful settlement of
the question of Palestine,
1. Recommends giving support to Palestine and so that they can create their own sovereign
government. The United Nations will provide to the State of Palestine all necessary materials
required to vote, an unbiased voting process, and a preliminary, temporary government until the
United Nations deems the State of Palestine capable of managing itself. Its citizens, under the
scrutiny of the United Nations; will vote upon the type of government Palestine employs;
2. Supports the many Israelites and Palestinians that have been and would be displaced due to
colonization and border change, and thus will grant to any displaced persons the value of their
lost property in USD;
3. Calls upon that the Israeli military comply with the duty not to destroy civilian property in the
absence of military necessity in the occupied Palestinian territories in accordance with the Fourth
Geneva Convention and customary international law;
4. Suggests that the Palestinian government reiterate the condemnation of violence against Israeli
people and hold individuals accountable for violent acts through due process of law;
5. Recommends that the necessary measures be taken so that Israel respects its duties as an
occupying power toward the health and well being of Palestinians, in light of the COVID-19
6. Further invites that there should be a special committee parliament which would make all rules
and regulations for Jerusalem;
7. Further Encourages that the separation barrier, which not only harms Palestinians but also the
environment and animals by threatening to cut off their access to a vital water resource;
8. Calls Upon the United Nations to engage in direct and genuine consultation with a wide range of
stakeholders based in Gaza, including Hamas;
9. Encourages teaching the children of both the Israeli & the Palestinian communities the lesson of
Equality & Humanity and being non-violent, which could be done by:
i) encouraging the children to build friendly relations with the children of other
community by their parents;
ii) teaching them moral values & values of humanity in schools & educational institutions
iii) Teaching the children about harmful consequences of a war;
iv)Providing a friendly environment around the children & teaching them the lessons of