Pawprint - Pet Health Tracker: Monetization: Free
Pawprint - Pet Health Tracker: Monetization: Free
Pawprint - Pet Health Tracker: Monetization: Free
Pawprint is a simple app that makes it super easy to connect all of your pet's caretaker network
together and centralize the health data of your pet in one place. Pawprint allows you to keep
track of medical records, feeding instructions, reminders, and even upload photos for everyone to
see. Pawprint can even work with your veterinarian to obtain official records in case of
Tracking all activities for Pets and yourself, getting social and other similar activities.
You can choose from a variety of sports. For activities with your dogs, you can select canicross,
bikejoring, scooterjoring, walking, skijoring, mushing, dog biathlon and other for any other type
of activity.
If your dogs are taking a break and you’re on your own, you can choose running, cycling,
scooter, inline, skiing, walking, swimming and other for any other type of activity. You will see
how active each of you were during a certain period, what activities you did and compare your
Monetization method
All Premium Rundoggers have the first month for free. If you purchase Rundogo Premium now,
you’ll have it for $9.99 a year (or $1.99 a month) forever, including all additional features that
will be implemented in future.