Forensic Neuropsychology and The Criminal Law
Forensic Neuropsychology and The Criminal Law
Forensic Neuropsychology and The Criminal Law
3, 1992
Daniel A. Martellt
This article explores theoretical and empirical issues in the application of clinical neuropsychological
evidence to forensic issues in the criminal law. The nature of forensic neuropsychological evaluations
is discussed with reference to issues of competency to stand trial, criminal responsibility, and other
competencies in the criminal process. Examples of specific disorders relevant to criminal law stan-
dards are presented, together with data estimating the prevalence of brain dysfunction in criminal and
forensic populations. Research is also reviewed on the role of neuropsychological brain dysfunction in
the etiology of violence and criminally relevant behavior. Finally, empirical and ethical issues con-
cerning the applicability and admissibility of forensic neuropsychological data in the criminal context
are discussed.
* An earlier versions of this article was presented at the biannual meeting of the American Psychol-
ogy-Law Society, March, 1988 in Miami, Florida. Many thanks to Jeff Barth, Park Dietz, Joel
Dvoskin, Steve Golding, Daryl Matthews, and two anonymous reviewers for helpful comments on
earlier drafts of this article. Thanks to Jessica Greenwald and Shira Sanders for additional editorial
assistance. Address all correspondence to Daniel A. Martell, Forensic Neuropsychology Labora-
tory, Kirby Forensic Psychiatric Center, Ward's Island, NY 10035.
t Forensic Neuropsychology Laboratory, Kirby Forensic Psychiatric Center, and Nathan S. Kline
Institute for Psychiatric Research, New York University School of Medicine.
Solomon, Barth, & Peacock, 1983; Incagnoli, 1985; Pierce, 1985; Whelihan &
Ivans, 1981), as well as literature directed at neuropsychologists to outline their
participation in the legal arena (Bigler, 1986; Gilandas & Touyz, 1982; Golden &
Strider, 1986; Kurlychek, 1984). Consequently, there is very little scholarship
regarding potential applications of neuropsychology to issues in the criminal law.
What little treatment there is of criminal-legal issues in the literature on
forensic neuropsychology has been superficial. A few sources acknowledge the
potential relevance of neuropsychology to issues in criminal law, but either do not
pursue those issues in detail (e.g., Gilandas & Touyz, 1983; Golden & Strider,
1986), or dismiss them as too infrequent to warrant serious attention (McMahon
& Satz, 1981). Only three references touch on criminal-legal neuropsychology in
any greater detail. Anchor et al. (1985) comment briefly on neuropsychological
evaluations in competency to stand trial and criminal responsibility determina-
tions; Hall and McNinch (1988) begin to examine the role of frontal lobe impair-
ment as it relates to issues of criminal responsibility; and a chapter by Schuster
(1989) includes two criminal case examples.
The present article provides a closer examination of this largely unexplored
area by considering forensic neuropsychology as it relates to issues arising in the
criminal law. After examining components essential to competent forensic neuro-
psychological assessment, this article will focus on the application of neuropsy-
chological evidence to specific psycholegal issues in the criminal process. These
will include evaluation of (a) competency to stand trial, particularly in the eval-
uation of potential for restoration of fitness to proceed (pursuant to Jackson v.
Indiana, 1972); (b) criminal responsibility, diminished capacities, and the insanity
defense; and (c) related competencies specific to the criminal process. Examples
of neurobehavioral disorders are used to illustrate their implications for these
issues. Finally, empirical and ethical issues relating to the admissibility of neuro-
psychological evidence are presented.
W h y Neuropsychology?
Advances in clinical neuroimaging and emerging evidence of significant levels
of brain dysfunction in forensic populations foreshadow a larger role for the
neurobehavioral sciences in the criminal law (Martell, 1992; Tancredi & Volkow,
1988). Clinical neuropsychology, but virtue of its unique ability to characterize the
objective psychological, behavioral, and emotional consequences of abnormal
brain conditions, has the potential to play an increasingly important role in the
criminal courtroom.
Traditionally, clinical psychology and the law have come together around
issues of major mental illness: Does the defendant suffer from a mental "disease"
or "defect," and if so, what is its impact on his or her behavior relevant to the
requirements of the law? In this context, concern has centered almost exclusively
on psychosis, as the expense of other potentially relevant sequelae of brain dys-
function. Many neuropsychological disorders raise largely unexplored issues that
diverge from the traditional concern with psychosis, yet have important implica-
tions for criminal-legal standards of behavior. Most of these disorders fall clearly
within the scope of "mental disease or defect" language. For example, they
encompass mental "disease" when we consider neoplastic disease (brain tumors),
cerebrovascular disease, or progressive degenerative dementias (e.g., Alzhei-
mer's disease, AIDS-Dementia Complex). Similarly, they encompass "defect" in
the form of acquired head injuries, perinatal brain abnormalities, neurodevelop-
mental anomalies, and mental retardation. Such "organic" brain disorders may or
may not result in psychosis, yet many result in memory, language, cognitive,
and/or behavioral impairments with significant implications for criminal-legal
standards of behavior. Among neurobehavioral scientists, neuropsychologists
routinely address the cognitive, behavioral, and emotional sequelae of brain dam-
age or cerebral dysfunction at a level adequate to inform judicial decisions in the
presence of organic brain disease or defect.
Simultaneously, the distinction between "organic" and "functional" mental
disorders is no longer so clear. Recent tomographic studies (reviewed by Raz &
Raz, 1990) document the presence of structural brain abnormalities in those major
psychotic disorders most often associated with incompetency and/or insanity in
the criminal law (i.e., schizophrenia and affective psychoses). This kind of evi-
dence is becoming so pervasive that Spitzer, Williams, First, and Kendler (1990)
have proposed eliminating the term organic from the DSM-IV altogether, to re-
flect the view that all mental illness may have some basis in brain abnormality.
Consequently, the growing behavioral science concern with brain status and men-
tal disorder is likely to be reflected in the increasing introduction of neuroscien-
tific evidence in criminal proceedings (Tancredi & Volkow, 1988).
Neuropsychological Evidence
The particular appeal of neuropsychological evidence in the criminal context
is the expert's ability to bring quantified, normative data on brain-behavior rela-
tionships to bear in support of what have traditionally been professional opinions
based on mental status examinations and clinical interview techniques. While
psychological data about mental functioning are not the exclusive domain of the
neuropsychologist, neuropsychological assessment generally addresses brain-
behavior relationships in greater depth and with greater behavioral specificity
than other areas of psychology. The ability to provide the trier of fact with a
normative description of a defendant's neurobehavioral strengths and weaknesses
can bring important new information to the criminal decision-making process.
Equally relevant to criminal law issues is the ability of neuropsychological
assessment to relate the presence of structural and functional brain abnormalities
to changes in individual behavior (Boll, 1985; Heaton & Pendleton, 198 I; Jarvis &
Barth, 1984). In the criminal context it is not enough simply to show that the
defendant has a brain lesion, just as the de facto presence of a major mental illness
alone does not render a defendant incompetent or insane. Rather, the behavioral
consequences of the lesion are central to the concerns of the law. In this regard,
neuropsychology enjoys a distinct advantage over traditional medical testimony
regarding evidence of brain damage. While emerging neuroimaging technologies
such as Computerized Axial Tomography (CAT), Positron Emission Tomography
(PET), and Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) permit very specific evidence
regarding the presence and nature of brain lesions, they reveal little or nothing of
the behavioral consequences of the lesion in terms of level of impairment across
cognitive, emotional, and behavioral spheres (Boll, 1985). Most medical opinions,
beyond verifying the presence and location of the lesion, ultimately resort to
informed speculation when it comes to relating the lesion to the behavior of the
defendant in a specific case. This is why a referral for neuropsychological assess-
ment is often made in clinical settings, and why it is relevant to criminal law:
neuropsychology assesses the impact of a brain lesion on behavior and mental
Studies have documented the sensitivity of neuropsychological assessment to
detect subtle abnormalities in brain function that may go undetected even by the
most sophisticated medical/neurological techniques (Barth, Gideon, Sciara, Hul-
sey, & Anchor, 1986). Neuropsychological test batteries have been shown to be
equivalent or superior to traditional neurodiagnostic techniques (including phys-
ical neurological examination, EEG, pneumoencephalography, angiogram, x-ray,
and CAT scan) in detecting both the presence and general location of brain dam-
age (Boll, 1978; Filskov & Goldstein, 1974; Tsushima & Wedding, 1979). This
capability to reliably detect brain abnormality is important to establishing the
presence of "mental disease or defect." However, clinical neuropsychology's
greater strength lies in its descriptive ability to correlate evidence of brain abnor-
mality with behavioral changes and outcomes with implications for the subject's
everyday level of functioning (Heaton & Pendleton, 1981). Its sensitivity for de-
tection and behavioral description make neuropsychological assessment espe-
cially useful when used to amplify or clarify findings from medical/neurological
techniques, documenting the consequences of brain lesions for the individual's
levels of functioning.
The capability to relate a known brain lesion to the capacities of a defendant
relevant to several legal standards of behavior sets clinical neuropsychology apart
from medical/neurological testimony, and ultimately makes it of direct relevance
to the issues facing the trier of fact. While research advances (especially in the
application of neuropsychological data to forensic issues) will help the field to
fully realize this potential, the argument can already be made that the current state
of the art permits valid opinions to be offered that are immediately relevant to
criminal/forensic issues. Even Ziskin and Faust (1988), who have been criticized
for their one-sided portrayal of the inadequacies of psychiatric and psychological
testimony (cf. Brodsky, 1989; Matarazzo, 1990), endorse neuropsychology as an
area with potential to inform legal decision making. Despite reservations regard-
ing the state of the art as it stood in the mid-1980s, they assert, "Overall, in our
opinion, the field of neuropsychology shows substantial promise, and the quality
of research and method are often a cut above that seen in many other areas of
clinical psychology and psychiatry" (19. 784).
However, this remains an important area for future research. Good studies on
which to base opinions about the relationship between neuropsychological test
performance and activities of daily life are few (Boll, 1985; Heaton & Pendelton,
1981). The need for greater ecological validity is one of the major challenges
currently facing the field (Franzen, 1989; Heinrichs, 1990), and this is especially
true for criminal/forensic applications of neuropsychology (see Konecni & Ebbe-
son, 1979). While mainstream neuropsychological research has been investigating
relationships between test scores and activities of daily living and work perfor-
mance (cf. Butler, Anderson, Furst, Namerow, & Satz, 1989; Heaton & Pendel-
ton, 1981; Matarazzo, 1972), more attention needs to be paid to their relationship
with criminal-legal standards of behavior.
Forensic Neuropsychological Assessment
Clinical neuropsychology, the study of brain-behavior relationships, is rela-
tively new as a unique area of psychological inquiry, although research in the area
has been ongoing since the 1940s (Lezak, 1983). It is currently one of the most
rapidly developing subareas of psychology. It is also a field in which much re-
search remains to be done. This is especially true with regard to the forensic
applications of neuropsychology.
The very best neuropsychological assessments represent the highest level of
contemporary objective psychological evaluation. A variety of mechanical, ob-
servational, and paper and pencil tests are generally employed to assess brain
integrity and to describe behavioral strengths and weaknesses associated with
pathological brain conditions. Integrating data from tests of specific neurobehav-
ioral abilities with those from achievement, intelligence, and personality mea-
sures, the neuropsychologist can arrive at a fairly comprehensive picture of an
individual's level of cognitive, emotional, and behavioral functioning. These data
are then evaluated in the context of the subject's history (education, employment,
highest level of "premorbid" functioning), previous testing, and medical findings
(e.g., results of neurological examination, brain scans, etc.) to assess the nature
and extent of brain-behavior strengths and weaknesses.
Brain damage is not a unitary construct; there are many forms of brain dam-
age that may arise from very different causes. Hence no single test is adequate for
the detection or diagnosis of brain damage (Boll, 1978, Jarvis & Barth, 1984).
Typical neuropsychological evaluations include a comprehensive battery of as-
sessment techniques. The Halstead-Reitan Neuropsychological Battery (HRNB:
Boll, 1981; Reitan & Wolfson, 1985) and the Luria-Nebraska Neuropsychologicat
Battery (LNNB: Golden, 1981) are the most prominent standardized techniques.
Boll (1978, 1985) and Golden (1986) present detailed accounts of the research data
supporting the reliability and validity of the Halstead-Reitan and Luria batteries,
respectively. Kane, Parsons, and Goldstein (1985) have demonstrated the com-
parability of these two test batteries with regard to diagnostic screening accuracy,
and evaluation of the level of impairment.
There are also a number of specialized tests for specific neuropsychological
functions, many described in detail by Lezak (1983) and Spreen and Strauss
(1991), that may be used in conjunction with one of the aforementioned batteries,
or combined independently to form a unique battery. This latter technique, some-
times referred to as the process/qualitative (Kaplan, 1990) or hypothesis-testing
approach to neuropsychological assessment, tailors an ideographic battery of se-
lected tests to the demands of an individual case.
& Cavanaugh, 1989). Rather, they generally have relied on standard test scores
alone, often in the absence of adequate background information regarding the
referral issue or presenting problem. A number of these specialized clinical tech-
niques have been developed, and are advocated for forensic use. It is critical that
any forensic neuropsychological evaluation include as many of these specialized
techniques as possible. Although the definitive study has yet to be conducted,
there is evidence for the utility of each of these techniques (Lezak, 1983; Pank-
ratz, 1988). When considered in the context of an individual's performance on a
standard battery, these techniques may significantly increase the ability to detect
simulators. Even lacking a definitive research study, neuropsychological testi-
mony will be more credible if the clinician has clearly taken this issue into account
and incorporated these techniques to assess it.
1980; Yeudall, Fedora, & Fromm, 1987) and neurology (Tancredi & Volkow,
1988; Weiger & Bear, 1988) suggest that brain damage increases the risk of violent
behavior. Abnormal brain functioning may impair inhibition of violent impulses,
and/or stimulate excesses in impulsivity and behavioral dyscontrol. Either mech-
anism may increase an individual's propensity to aggressive or violent behavior,
particularly in combination with other characterological, environmental, or situ-
ational risk factors. Researchers have begun to document the importance of sev-
eral specific types of brain impairment in violent behavior, including head injury,
mental retardation, frontal and temporal lobe dysfunction, seizure disorder, and
neurological abnormalities (cf. Langevin, Ben-Aron, Wortzman, Dickey, &
Handy, 1987; Martell, 1992; Nachshon & Denno, 1987; Silver & Yudofsky,
Neuropsychological studies of brain function in violent groups have yielded
significant support for theories that associate violent behavior with brain dysfunc-
tion (Pontius & Yudowitz 1980; Spellacy, 1977, 1978; West, 1981). For example,
Bryant, Scott, Golden, and Tori (1984) found a significant relationship between
learning disability, neuropsychological deficits, and violent criminal behavior.
Impaired scores on subscales of the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale have also
been associated with violent behavior (Dieker, 1973; Kunce, Ryan, & Eckelman,
1976). Programmatic studies by Yeudall and his colleagues (Yeudall & Fromm-
Auch, 1979) have documented significant neuropsychological deficits in both vi-
olent prisoners and forensic psychiatric patients.
Other neuropsychologists have also demonstrated the ability of neuropsy-
chological findings to discriminate between violent and nonviolent offenders
(Spellacy, 1978; West, 1981). Patterns of impairment on the HRNB consistently
discriminate juvenile delinquents from matched controls (Berman & Siegal, 1976;
Spellacy, 1977; Yeudall, From-Auch, & Davies, 1982). Studies using the HRNB
have also reported significant differences in the neurospychological performance
of psychopathic and nonpsychopathic criminals (Fedora & Fedora, 1983), sug-
gesting greater impairment of dominant (left) hemisphere function among criminal
psychopaths (see also Hare & McPherson, 1984; Jutai & Hare, 1983). Langevin et
al. (1987) used both the LNNB and the HRNB in a study comparing murderers,
other violent offenders, and nonviolent controls. They found that while the
LNNB did not discriminate among these groups, the HRNB did detect significant
differences, with killers and assaulters showing greater levels of impairment than
controls on several of the subtests. Taken together, this literature suggests that
neuropsychological impairment may play a significant role in the criminal behav-
ior of certain offenders. However, the nature and extent of this role, and its
interaction with other personal environmental and situational risk factors remains
to be determined.
evidence lies in its ability to provide the trier-of-fact with objective data that
illuminates the substantive questions that underlie the ultimate issues. Hence,
proper neuropsychological testimony should not address ultimate legal issues
In discussing the "ultimate issue issue," Slobogin (1989) makes the distinc-
tion between penultimate language--words reflecting the substance of the legal
test--and the ultimate issues themselves. Ultimate issues of insanity and incom-
petency are uniquely legal concepts whose ultimate determination properly lies
with the trier-of-fact. However, Slobogin argues that expert evidence that clarifies
the legal language underlying the ultimate issues is the proper domain of the
behavioral science expert. "Legal tests often contain language that is meaningful
to mental health professional in the expert role. My view, contrary to the ABA's,
is that so long as a term has clinical content, the fact that it has been given specific
legal meaning should not prevent it from being used by the clinician" (Slobogin,
1990, p. 263). Emphasis should be placed on providing the court with data that go
directly to the penultimate language, and help to inform the court in its deliber-
ations regarding the ultimate issues at hand. Assuming Slobogin's philosophical
position, the following section of this article will explore some of the legal lan-
guage that sets the stage for expert neuropsychological evidence.
and outcomes. These cognitive requirements are striking in their similarity to the
mental functions assessed in a standard neuropsychological evaluation. The men-
tal abilities required by the cognitive prong reflect the direct relevance of neuro-
psychological evidence. A wide range of brain disorders can impair a defendant's
abilities relevant to these standards, including mental retardation (Travin, Klein,
& Protter, 1985), various forms of dementia, amnesia and memory impairments, 1
and frontal lobe dysfunction.
The interpersonal/behavioral cooperation prong involves the defendant's
ability to communicate effectively with an attorney, and to participate effectively
in his or her own defense. The Dusky test begins by requiring that the defendant
have "sufficient present ability" to cooperate with counsel. Establishing the level
of functioning that constitutes sufficient present ability in a given case is ulti-
mately a judicial determination. However, neuropsychological testimony can and
should provide objective data to help establish whether a given defendant's
present abilities are legally sufficient. This entails assessment of the defendant's
ability to comprehend an attorney's instructions or advice, and to make reasoned
decisions based on that advice. It also involves assessing the ability to collaborate
effectively in developing and pursuing a defense, for example, the ability to attend
to the testimony of witnesses and inform the attorney of discrepancies or con-
cerns. Many forms of brain damage can interfere with these abilities. For exam-
ple, disorders of language known as aphasias can significantly interfere with a
defendant's ability either to comprehend spoken language (receptive aphasia) or
to communicate effectively through language (expressive aphasia). Similarly, dis-
orders of attention, concentration, and memory may impair a defendants ability to
attend to and follow events in the trial over several days.
Literature on the applied psychological evaluation of competency to stand
trial (e.g., Grisso, 1986; Melton, Petrila, Poythress, & Slobogin, 1987; Roesch &
Golding, 1987) has not addressed its neuropsychological assessment in any depth.
However, neuropsychological evidence regarding competency is relevant in at
least two primary areas: (a) determinations of the defendant's present ability to
proceed in court; and (b) after a determination of incompetency, in the assessment
of the defendant's potential for restoration of fitness to proceed pursuant to Jack-
son v. Indiana (1972). In many cases, determinations of present competency to
stand trial would benefit from neuropsychological assessment. This is particularly
true in cases where the reason for a defendant's apparent incompetency is un-
clear. For example, referral for forensic neuropsychological evaluation could be
indicated when mental status examination suggests memory impairment, atten-
tional deficits, mental retardation, some other organic basis for the defendant's
incompetency, or malingering.
However, the role for forensic neuropsychology is likely to become even
1 There is also a large literature concerning distinctions between memory disorders and amnesia.
Differential diagnosis of these conditions, and relationships between amnesia and competency to
stand trial, clearly fall within the forensic neuropsychologist's bailiwick. However, the clinical
contours of this controversial issue have been addressed at length elsewhere (cf. Hermann, 1986a,
1986b; Kopelman, 1987; Roesch & Golding, 1986; Rnbinsky & Brandt, 1986; Wilson v. U.S., 1968).
location, size, and angle of brain lesions, they provide the trier of fact with little
information about the behavioral sequelae of a given lesion. It is precisely in this
area that the neuropsychologist is best prepared to provide evidence to inform the
decision-making process. It may prove useful to document the preservation of
abilities despite the presence of a known lesion, or alternatively to delineate the
extent and quality of disability associated with the lesion.
Historically, two precedents have emerged to regulate insanity determina-
tions in American jurisprudence: the McNaughtan standard, and the American
L a w Institute (ALI) standard (Model Penal Code, 1962). There is a significant
literature that addresses the psychological issues raised by these standards (e.g.,
Golding & Roesch, 1987; Melton et al., 1987; Monahan & Walker, 1990). The
McNaughtan standard states:
To establish a defense on the ground of insanity, it must be clearly proved that, at the
time of committing the act, the party accused was laboring under such a defect of reason,
from disease of the mind, as not to know the nature and quality of the act he was doing;
or ff he did know it, that he did not know what he was doing was wrong. (p. 718)
A person is not responsible for criminal conduct if at the time of such conduct as a result
of mental disease or defect he lacks substantial capacity either to appreciate the crimi-
nality (wrongfulness) of his conduct or to conform his conduct to the requirements of
By interjecting the term " a p p r e c i a t e , " the A L I test broadens the cognitive Mc-
Naughtan standard to encompass affective and emotional factors as well as cog-
nitive factors. F r o m a neuropsychological perspective, " a p p r e c i a t i o n " implies
higher-order cognitive abilities that might range from simple awareness or recog-
nition, to a fairly sophisticated ability to note distinctions or to be conscious of the
significance, desirability, or impact of his or her behavior. A number of brain
disorders, especially damage to the frontal cortex, can effectively impair the
ability to accurately perceive or reflect on one's own behavior (Hall & McNinch,
1988). F o r example, disorders known as agnosias result in a deficiency of self-
awareness or self-perception (Lezak, 1983) that may impair a defendant's ability
to appreciate the nature and/or consequences of his or her behavior.
Secondly, the A L l standard does not require a defendant's total lack of
appreciation o f the nature of his or her conduct, but rather that he or she "lacks
substantial c a p a c i t y . " Determining what is legally "substantial" ultimately falls
to the trier-of-fact. H o w e v e r , the neuropsychologist is in a good position to quan-
tify and characterize the degree of impairment exhibited by a defendant, and to aid
the fact-finder in determining whether such a level of impairment constitutes a
" s u b s t a n t i a l " lack o f capacity. F o r example, a neuropsychologist might present
data showing that the defendant falls three standard deviations below the mean on
tests of social judgment and goal-directed behavior. The judge or jury could then
form the legal intent required to commit arson, and hence may only be found
guilty of a lesser charge such as reckless endangerment.
on the basis that psychologists are not medical doctors, and hence were unqual-
ified to render on opinion regarding the presence of brain damage (Executive Car
& Truck Leasing v. DeSerio, 1985; GIW Southern Valve Co. v. Smith, 1985). In
both cases, the Florida Court of Appeals reversed the lower courts' admission of
neuropsychological testimony, effectively excluding neuropsychological evi-
However, a third civil case (Home v. Goodson Logging Co., 1985) served to
establish the admissibility of neuropsychological testimony. Partly in response to
the Florida decisions, the American Psychological Association together with the
North Carolina Psychological Association submitted an amicus brief in support of
neuropsychological evidence in H o m e v. Goodson (Bersoff & Majestic, 1986).
Apparently the brief was influential in this case. The North Carolina Court of
Appeals upheld the admissibility of neuropsychological evidence, with the cred-
ibility of the expert left to the discretion trial court judge.
While these three cases established precedents for the admissibility of neuro-
psychological evidence in civil proceedings, such evidence has also become an
issue in criminal proceedings. In at least one prominent criminal case (People v.
Wright, 1982), the Supreme Court of Colorado determined en banc that a neu-
ropsychologist's testimony regarding test evidence of minimal brain dysfunction
was properly admitted into evidence in support of a defendant's successful insan-
ity defense.
Rules governing the admissibility of expert psychological evidence vary by
jurisdiction and often by the judge hearing a given case, who must determine
admissibility in a given case (Lempert & Saltzberg, 1982). The Federal Rules of
Evidence (1975; particularly FRE 401-403 and 702-704) establish a relevancy ap-
proach, admitting any evidence that the judge determines to be relevant so long as
(a) it will assist the trier of fact, and (b) its probative value does not outweigh its
prejudicial impact (Monahan & Walker, 1990). Under the FRE, a case could
certainly be made for the relevancy of neuropsychological evidence to address
criminal-legal issues and aid the trier of fact. Greater care is required, however, to
assure that its probative value outweighs its prejudicial impact.
Introducing evidence that the defendant is "brain damaged" can have a
powerful impact on judges and jury members, and the clinician must be careful not
to overstate what the data really reflect about the defendant's level of functioning
(Matarazzo, 1990; Shapiro, 1988). Simultaneously, as Ziskin and Faust (1988)
suggest, there are real limitations to the current state of knowledge in neuropsy-
chology and the neurobehavioral sciences in general, and their criminal/forensic
applications in particular. Ethically, the forensic neuropsychologist has a duty
both to consider and to address the ways in which a given defendant is adequately
represented by the tests selected and the norms applied. The availability of ade-
quate norms has been a problem in clinical neuropsychology, although recent
research has improved the situation considerably (cf. Bernard, 1989; Heaton et
al., 1991; Spreen & Strauss, 1991). To ensure that neuropsychological testimony
is more probative than prejudicial, it is incumbent upon the expert to know and to
be explicit about the limitations of the available norms as they apply in a given
case (cf. Golding, 1990; Matarazzo, 1990).
Other rules specific to the admissibility of scientific evidence arise from Frye
v. U.S. (1923). Frye established a "general acceptance" test, requiring that the
scientific evidence introduced must be established and recognized in the partic-
ular field of expertise in order to be admitted into evidence. National surveys of
the mainstream methods of neuropsychological assessment (cf. Guilmette, Faust,
Hart, & Arkes, 1990; Seretny, Dean, Gray, & Hartledge, 1986) suggest that the
Halstead-Reitan Battery, the Luria-Nebraska Battery, and Kaplan's (1990) "pro-
cess/qualitative" approach are generally accepted methods, and hence clearly
satisfy the Frye test.
Finally, an alternative to the Frye test that has often been applied to novel
psychological evidence are the criteria established in Dyas v. United States
(1977). The Dyas criteria set forth a three-pronged test of "expertness," requiring
The third prong of the Dyas test was further clarified in a subsequent case (Ibn-
Tamas v. U.S., 1979) in which the court established that it "begins and ends with
a determination of a particular scientific methodology, and not an acceptance,
beyond that, of a particular study's results based on that methodology" (as quoted
by Monahan & Walker, 1990, p. 343).
An argument can be made for neuropsychological testimony on each of
these three points. First, neuropsychology is clearly an area of specialized
knowledge that falls beyond the ken of the layman. The determination of the
neuropsychologist witness's skill is a judicial prerogative [as affirmed in Horne
v. Goodson (1985) and People v. Wright (1982)], and generally can be estab-
lished on voir dire. Guilmette and Giuliano (1991) discuss the research findings
related to witness skill, examining training, experience, and judgment accur-
acy. They note that while proper training is important to accurate judgments,
greater experience does not necessarily result in greater diagnostic accuracy.
In fact, properly trained neuropsychologists with less experience are gener-
ally as accurate as or more accurate than those with more experience. Finally, the
state-of-the-art in neuropsychology--even bounded by current limitations in
the research base--does permit a reasonable opinion on many issues of direct
relevance in criminal proceedings. The substance of this prong (as interpreted
in lbn-Tamas) is generally consistent with the "general acceptance" test estab-
lished in Frye, and mainstream neuropsychological tests clearly meet this stan-
This article has explored some of the potential forensic applications of clinical
neuropsychology to issues in the criminal law. The documented presence of brain
damage---in and of itself--is not an adequate basis for legal decision making.
Rather, what is required is a clear and systematic exposition of the nature, extent,
and course of the defendant's brain dysfunction, and a careful explanation of the
consequences this has in terms of the behavior of the defendant relative to the
psycholegal issue at hand. Clinical neuropsychology holds significant potential to
inform legal decision making in the criminal law, although much of that potential
is currently uptapped.
Although the current state of the art in clinical neuropsychology arguably
meets the criteria for admissibility, more research is needed to advance the sci-
entific foundation for opinions regarding the neuropsychological parameters of
criminal/forensic issues (Grisso, 1987; Matarazzo, 1987). Neuropsychology is an
area of rapid growth in which new and exciting data are being produced each year.
Studies are appearing that address areas criticized by Ziskin and Faust (1988),
including norms over the life span (Faibish, Auerbach, & Thornby, 1986; Heaton
et al., 1991; Yeudall, Reddon, Gill, & Stefanyk, 1987), racial, ethnic, and cultural
differences in test performance (Bernard, 1989), and the effects of age, education,
IQ, gender, and alcohol abuse on neuropsychological test performance (Heaton et
al., 1991; Leckliter & Matarazzo, 1989; Matarazzo, 1990). In conjunction with
newer neuroradiological techniques (e.g., PET, SPECT), researchers are now
able to assess the brain's regional response to the "challenge" of specific neuro-
psychological tests (cf. Chase et al., 1984; Parks et al., 1989; Posner, Peterson,
Fox, & Raichle, 1988).
However, additional ecologically valid research is still needed to address
these and other issues, including (a) behavioral sequelae of localized brain lesions,
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studies relevant to legal criteria such as predictions of restorability to fitness. The
future value of criminal/forensic neuropsychology can be expected to increase as
a direct function of advances in these areas of the established knowledge base.
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the criminal courtroom and establish the value of its contributions to legal deci-
sion making in the criminal law.
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