Vitamin and Mineral Chart
Vitamin and Mineral Chart
Vitamin and Mineral Chart
Vegetarian Sources
Vitamin E Corn, Peanut, Antioxidant. Helps form Deficiency: Rare, seen primarily in
Men: 9-10 mg Soybean or red blood cells, muscles premature or low birth weight babies or
Women: 6-7 mg Cottonseed Oils, and other tissues. children who do not absorb fat properly.
Brown Rice, Preserves fatty acids. Causes nerve abnormalities. Anemia;
Sunflower Seeds, Protects lungs from irritability; apathy and depression;
Nuts, Wheat irritants such as smog inability to concentrate; sexual
Germ, Apricot Oil, and smoke damage. dysfunction; muscle weakness and
Whole Wheat Protects Vit. A by lethargy; usually associated with
Flour, Avocados, sacrificing itself. Prevents absorption problems like cystic fibrosis or
Tahini, Peppers, tumor growth. May stomach bypass
Tomatoes. reduce risk of allergies
and asthma at 7 mg/day Overdose: >800 IU/day Alters
not above immune function; impairs sexual function;
increases risk of blood clots; alters
thyroid, pituitary and adrenal functions;
increases peroxidation of RBC’s except in
smokers; decreases Vit. C; abdominal
pain; breast enlargement; diarrhea and
nausea; headache, dizziness and blurred
Vitamin K Dark, Leafy Green Needed for normal blood Deficiency:
None established. Vegetables, clotting. Prothrombin. Defective blood coagulation, diarrhea.
Estimated at 0.03- Tomatoes, Assists in synthesis of
1 mcg/kg of body Vegetable Oils, bone protein. Overdose: Jaundice in infants; RBC
weight Seaweeds, Kelp, hemolysis; brain damage.
Molasses, Lentils,
Peas, also made
by intestinal
Thiamine Yeast, Peanuts, Necessary for Deficiency:
Vitamin B1 Legumes, Brown carbohydrate metabolism Anxiety, pitting edema, headaches,
Men: Rice, Germ of and muscle coordination. insomnia, hysteria, depression, muscle
0.8 - 1.3 mg daily grains, Sunflower Promotes proper nerve cramps, loss of appetite, in extreme cases
Women: seeds, Whole and function. Maintenance of beriberi (mostly in alcoholics).
0.8 mg daily enriched Grains, appetite, intestinal Exaggerates effects of thyroid and stress
dried Beans. function, and hormones. Excess of one B vitamin may
Many herbal cardiovascular health. cause deficiency of others.
Riboflavin Whole and Needed for metabolism of Deficiency: Cracks and sores around the
Vitamin B2 Enriched Grains, all foods and the release mouth and nose, hypersensitivity to light,
Men: 1.3 - 1.6 mg Asparagus, of energy to cells. Needed skin rash (ariboflavinosis), visual
Women: 1.1 mg Broccoli, Kelp, for normal vision, health problems.
Dulse, Leafy of skin, red blood cell
Green Vegetables, formation, mucous Overdose: >50 mg/daily increases the
Mushrooms, membranes of the GI risk of cataracts and retinal diseases. See
Molasses, nuts tract. Facilitates the use Vitamin B1 overdose above.
and Watercress. of O2 in skin, hair, and
Many herbal nails. Essential to the
sources. functioning of Vitamin B6
and Niacin.
Niacin Corn flour, Needed in many enzymes Deficiency:
Vitamin B3 legumes, Whole that convert food to In extreme cases, pellagra, a disease
Men: 16-23 mg Grains, Broccoli, energy. Helps maintain a characterized by dermatitis, diarrhea and
Women: 14-16 mg Yeast, Carrots, nervous system. Protects mouth sores.
Niacin is converted Dates, Dandelion skin. Aids in HCL, acid,
to niacinamide in Greens, Potatoes, and bile production in Overdose: >500 mg daily
the body. Tomatoes digestive system. Hot flashes; ulcers; liver disorders; high
blood sugar and uric acid; cardiac
Pantothenic Acid Tortula Yeast, Required by every cell. Deficiency:
Vitamin B5 Legumes, Needed to produce Headache, fatigue, nausea, vomiting,
Men: 2.5 mg Mushrooms, antibodies. Converts food insomnia
Women: 2.5 mg Oranges, Bananas, to molecular forms.
Whole Wheat and Needed to manufacture Overdose:
NO RDA: Rye Bread, Most adrenal hormones and See Vitamin B1.
Estimated safe Fresh Vegetables chemicals that regulate
intake 4-7 mg nerve function. Involved
in hemoglobin formation
Vitamin B6 Carrots, Brown Needed for protein Deficiency:
Pyridoxine Rice, Brewers metabolism and Weakness, insomnia, anemia,
Pyridoxal Yeast, Peas, absorption, carbohydrate convulsions, dermatitis, patches of itchy,
Pyridoxine Spinach, Walnuts, metabolism. Helps form scaling skin, nausea and vomiting,
Men: 1.8 mg Leafy Greens, red blood cells. Promotes hearing and hair loss, depression,
Women: 1.5 mg Avocado, nerve and brain function. irritability, muscle twitching, kidney stone
Bananas, Beans, Vital in Na/K balance. formation.
RDA 0.016/mg/g Whole Grains, Aids in absorption of B12.
/protein/day Cabbage, Plantain, Aids in immune function. Overdose: >1000mg daily
Corn, Potatoes, Nerve damage.
Vitamin B9 Green, leafy Essential for the Deficiency: Impaired cell division;
Folate vegetables, manufacture of genetic anemia; diarrhea; gastrointestinal upsets.
(Folacin) Orange Juice, material as well as protein Spina bifida = split spine, anencephaly =
Men: 400 mg Sprouts. metabolism and red blood no brain
Women: 400 mg cell formation. Helps
convert B12 into useful Overdose: Convulsions in epileptics. May
form. mask pernicious anemia (see Vitamin B12
Vitamin B12 Nutritional Yeast Builds genetic material. Deficiency:
Cyanocobalamin Fortified soy milks Helps form red blood Pernicious anemia; nerve damage. (Note:
Men: 2 mcg and cereals. cells. Deficiency rare except in strict
Women: 2 mcg vegetarians, the elderly or people with
malabsorption disorders.)
See Vitamin B1.
Biotin Soybeans, Whole Needed for metabolism of Deficiency:
60 mcg Grains, glucose and formation of High blood sugar, Seborrhic dermatitis in
Cauliflower, certain fatty acids. infants. Rare in adults, but can be induced
Peanut Butter Coenzyme that carries by consuming large amounts of egg
CO2. Crucial in whites - anorexia, nausea, vomiting, dry
gluconeogenesis. scaly skin.
Promotes healthy sweat
glands and nerve tissue. Overdose:
See Vitamin B1
Vitamin C Red Sweet Antioxidant. Helps bind Deficiency: Muscle weakness, bleeding
Ascorbic Acid Peppers, Citrus cells together and gums; easy bruising. In extreme cases,
Men: 40 mg Fruits, Mangoes, strengthens blood vessel scurvy.
Women: 30 mg Strawberries, walls. Helps maintain
Broccoli, Potatoes, healthy gums. Aids in the Overdose: >2000 mg daily for a
*lost with water, Pineapple, Green absorption of iron. prolonged time may increase the risk of
heat, air, vinegar Leafy Vegetables, Immune function. Tissue cancer
Kalamansi, Pomelo growth and repair.
Sperm production.
Important Minerals
Minerals are inorganic elements needed by every living cell for proper structure and
function. They are naturally occurring and are found in earth so we obtain them through
the food we eat. They are not easily destroyed and they retain their chemical properties.
Minerals are generally categorized into two main groups: Major minerals and treace
Mineral Chart
Vegetarian Sources
Calcium Tofu, Tahini, Green Helps build strong bones and Deficiency: Rickets in
Men: Leafy Vegetables, teeth. Promotes muscle and children; osteomalacia
800 - 1000 mg Squash (Kalabasa), nerve function. Helps blood to (soft bones) and
Women: Sweet Potatoes clot. Helps activate enzymes osteoporosis in adults.
700-800 mg (Kamote), Parsley, needed to convert food to
Watercress, Broccoli, energy. Overdose:
Almonds, Figs, Fortified Constipation, Kidney
Soy Milk, Blackstrap Stones, calcium
Molasses deposits in body
tissues. Hinders
absorption of iron and
other minerals.
Magnesium Green Leafy Vegetables, Activates enzymes needed to Deficiency: Nausea,
Men: Soy Beans, Cashews, release energy in body. Needed irritability, muscle
230 - 250 mg Almonds, Broccoli, by cells for genetic material weakness; twitching;
Women: Whole Grains, and bone growth. cramps, cardiac
200 - 210 mg Wheatgerm, Bananas, arrhythmias.
Overdose: Nausea,
vomiting, low blood
pressure, nervous
system disorders.
Warning: Overdose
can be fatal to people
with kidney disease.
Potassium Peanuts, Bananas, Helps maintain regular fluid Deficiency: Nausea,
Men: 40-80 Citrus, Orange Juice, balance. Needed for nerve and anorexia, muscle
mmol Green Beans, muscle function. weakness, irritability.
Women: 40-80 Mushrooms, Oranges, (Occurs most often in
mmol (3-6 g) Broccoli, Sunflower persons with prolonged
Seeds, Whole Grains, diarrhea.)
Legumes, Blackstrap
Molasses, Potatoes,
Figs, Dates, Watercress, Overdose:
Cantaloupe Rare.
Sodium Kelp, Lemons, Celery, Helps maintain acid/base Deficiency: Loss of
Average adult: Beets, Lettuce, balance. Critical to appetite, thirst, muscle
500 mg daily Watermelon, Artichoke, extracellular fluid balance. cramps, weakness,
Cereal, Salt Essential to nerve confusion, irritability,
RDA 1.1-3.3g transmissions and muscle circulatory collapse.
daily contractions. Regulates
Aldosterone and kidney Overdose: Edema,
function. Acute Hypertension
Phosphorus Whole Grains, Beans, With calcium builds bones and Deficiency: (Rare)
Men: 1000 mg Lentils, Nuts, Seeds, teeth. Needed for metabolism, Weakness; bone pain;
Women: 850 Asparagus, Corn, Garlic body chemistry, nerve and Anorexia.
mg (3-6 g) muscle function.
Overdose: Hinders
body's absorption of
Iron Dark leafy greens, Essential for making Deficiency:
(Elemental) Beets, Cabbage, hemoglobin, the red substance Skin pallor; weakness;
Men: 8-10 mg Parsley, Beans, Whole in blood that carries oxygen to fatigue; headaches;
Women: 8-13 Grain Bread, Wheat body cells. shortness of breath (all
mg Germ, Millet, Blackstrap signs of iron-deficiency
Molasses, Almonds, anemia)
Pumpkin (and seeds),
Prunes, Dates, Soy and Overdose:
Tofu, Raisins. Toxic buildup in liver
Note: Oxalic acid in and in rare instances
spinach hinders iron the heart.
Zinc Whole Grains, Brown Necessary element in more Deficiency:
Men: 12 mg Rice, Lentils, Pumpkin than 100 enzymes that are Slow healing of
Women: 9 mg and Sesame Seeds, essential to digestion and wounds; loss of taste;
Almonds, Wheat Germ, metabolism. retarded growth and
Tofu, Soybeans, delayed sexual
Spinach, Sunflower development in
Seeds, Brazil Nuts, children.
Mushrooms, Peanuts,
Beans. Overdose:
Nausea, vomiting;
diarrhea; abdominal
pain; gastric bleeding.
Copper Beans, Brazil nuts, Component of several Deficiency:
2-3 mg Raisins, Avocado, enzymes, including on needed Rare in adults. Infants
Bananas, Potatoes, to make skin, hair and other may develop a type of
Nutritional Yeast, and pigments. Stimulates iron anemia marked by
Seeds. absorption. Needed to make abnormal development
red blood cells, connective of bones, nerve tissue
tissue and nerve fibers. and lungs.
Liver disease;
vomiting; diarrhea.
Manganese Nuts, Green Leafy Needed for normal tendon and Deficiency: Unknown
2-5 mg Vegetables, Fruits, bone structure. Component of in humans.
Herbal Tea, Whole some enzymes important in
Grains and Cereal metabolism. Overdose: Generally
results from inhalation
of manganese
containing dust or
fumes, not dietary
Iodine Seaweed, Kelp, Green Necessary to form thyroid Deficiency: Goiter
Average Adult: Leafy Vegetables, hormone. Needed for and low thyroid
140 mcg daily Onions, Iodized Salt metabolism and energy function. Cretinism.
(<1/2 tsp needed per production. Weight gain. Mental
day) and physical
retardation in infants.
Overdose: Unknown
Selenium Whole Grains, Brown Antioxidant. Interacts with Deficiency: Unknown
0.05-0.2 mg Rice, Kelp, Garlic, Vitamin E to prevent in humans.
Onions, Most breakdown of fats and body
Vegetables, Legumes, chemicals. Overdose:
Tomatoes, Finger nail changes,
hair loss.
Molybdenum The concentration in Component of enzymes needed Deficiency: Unknown
0.15-0.3 mg food varies depending in metabolism. Helps regulate in humans.
on the environment in iron storage.
which the food was Overdose:
grown. Beans, Whole Gout-like joint pain.
Grain Breads and
Cereals contribute the
highest amounts.