Equipment Rental Agreement Free Template Download
Equipment Rental Agreement Free Template Download
Equipment Rental Agreement Free Template Download
1. Agreement
Lessee and Lessor wish to enter the following Agreement, whereby Lessor shall furnish
Equipment for the construction of _________________________________________ located at
2. Equipment
Item Value
i. ________________ $_______________
ii. ________________ $_______________
iii. ________________ $_______________
3. Term
This Agreement commences on the date this document was signed and will continue until
___________. Equipment will be returned to Lessor on ___________.
Levelset 2020
3. Location of the Equipment
Equipment will be located at the Project location described above. Equipment shall not be moved
unless otherwise agreed to in writing by Lessor. If Equipment is moved from the above Project
location for any reason, Lessee must immediately notify Lessor of the location of the Equipment.
Rental Rate. Payment owed for equipment rented for the above Project will be calculated as
$__________ per day.
Rental Plan. Alternatively, payments shall be made according to the following plan:
Additional Charges. Additional charges of $__________ per day will become due for every day
the equipment has not been returned beyond the Term of this agreement, set out above, unless
the Agreement has otherwise been altered in writing.
5. Security Deposit
At the time of signing this Agreement, a Security Deposit of $__________ will become due.
The Deposit shall be returned to the Lessee upon completion of this Agreement. If any of the
Additional Charges described above become due, those charges will be deducted from the
Security Deposit and kept by the Lessor.
6. Payments
Payments shall be made by the Lessee to the Lessor according to the following Payment Plan:
Levelset 2020
Equipment will be delivered on ___________ to the following location: ________________
Equipment will be returned to the following location upon completion of this Agreement:
8. Damage or Loss
If the Equipment is damaged beyond reasonable wear and tear, an amount necessary to fix or
offset the damage will become due and may be kept from the Security Deposit by the Lessor.
Any damage or loss of the Equipment that exceeds the amount of the Security Deposit will be
the responsibility of the Lessee.
9. Alterations to Contract
Any alteration to this Agreement must be agreed to by the Lessee and Lessor in writing.
If the Lessee breaches any obligation created by this Agreement, Lessor may give the Lessee a
Notification of Breach which provides Lessee notice identifying the breach, in writing. Upon
receipt of such Notification of Breach, Lessee will have seven (7) days to cure the breach. If the
breach cannot be cured in seven (7) days, the Lessor is entitled to terminate this Agreement and
Lessee must return Equipment. Alternatively, the Lessor may cure the breach and deduct the
cost of curing the breach from Lessee’s Security Deposit.
If the Lessor breaches any obligation created by this Agreement, Lessee may give the Lessor a
Notification of Breach which provides the Lessor notification identifying the breach, in writing.
Upon receipt of such Notification of Breach, Lessor will have seven (7) days to cure the breach.
If the breach cannot be cured within seven (7) days, the Lessee is entitled to terminate this
Agreement. Lessee will be responsible for returning Equipment to Lessor.
12. Severability
Levelset 2020
If any provision of this Agreement should be found invalid or unenforceable, that provision
should be severed from the Agreement and shall have no effect on the remaining provisions
of this agreement.
_________________________________________ ___________________________
Address Phone
_________________________________________ ___________________________
Address Phone
Levelset 2020