Brainstorming Carousel Feedback
Brainstorming Carousel Feedback
Brainstorming Carousel Feedback
Each student is given a special role and Teams rotate from project to project to
contributes to the team’s “storm” of give feedback to other teams.
This material has been reproduced/adapted from the following book from
Kagan Publishing: This material has been reproduced/adapted from the following book from
Kagan, S. and Kagan, M. (1998). Multiple intelligences: The complete MI Kagan Publishing:
book. San Cemente, CA: Kagan. Kagan, S. and Kagan, M. (1998). Multiple intelligences: The complete MI
1(800) 933-2667 book. San Cemente, CA: Kagan. 1(800) 933-2667
Kagan, S. and Kagan, M. (1998). Multiple intelligences: The complete MI
book. San Cemente, CA: Kagan.
1(800) 933-2667
2. Teacher poses a problem and gives wait 1. Students are seated in their teams and
share information on a topic.
time (Example: “Everyone think about how
rainbows are formed. [Pause] Now make sure
2. Student One stands up. The remaining
everyone in your team knows how rainbows
are formed.”) three teammates remain seated but raise
their hands.
3. Students lift up from their chairs to put
3. Teacher calls “stray”.
their heads together, discuss and teach.
Teammates coach and correct if needed. 6. Partner B in Pair One shares; Partner B in
Pair Two adds or checks off the item.
4. The team celebrates after reaching
agreement on the two problems. 7. Partner A in Pair Two shares; Partner A in
Pair One adds or checks off item.
This material has been reproduced/adapted from the following book from 8. Partner B in Pair Two shares; Partner B in
Kagan Publishing:
Kagan, S. and Kagan, M. (1998). Multiple intelligences: The complete MI Pair One adds or checks off item.
book. San Cemente, CA: Kagan.
1(800) 933-2667
9. Steps 5 through 8 are repeated until all
items are shared.
This material has been reproduced/adapted from the following book from
Kagan Publishing:
Kagan, S. and Kagan, M. (1998). Multiple intelligences: The complete MI
book. San Cemente, CA: Kagan.
1(800) 933-2667
Rally Table
People Hunt
(Mastery, thinking, communication)
(mastery, thinking)
This activity has the added advantage of
In pairs, students alternate generating
written responses or solving problems.
3. The students hurry to see who can be 5. Students quickly write their word or
first to find answers for the questions or phrase and pass their paper to the team
complete the statements. member on the left.
4. After the people hunt, the teacher will 6. The paper continues to go around and
process and debrief the information. around the table as each student adds to
the team’s list.
This material has been reproduced/adapted from the following book from 8. The teams take turns sharing their
Kagan Publishing:
Kagan, S. and Kagan, M. (1998). Multiple intelligences: The complete MI responses with the rest of the class.
book. San Cemente, CA: Kagan.
1(800) 933-2667 This material has been reproduced/adapted from the following book from
Kagan Publishing:
Kagan, S. and Kagan, M. (1998). Multiple intelligences: The complete MI
book. San Cemente, CA: Kagan.
1(800) 933-2667
Rally Robin Round Table
(mastery, thinking, communication) (teambuilding, mastery, thinking,
communication, information
In pairs, students alternate generating oral sharing)
1. Teacher poses a problem to which there 2. Each student takes a turn drawing,
are multiple possible responses or solutions. pasting, or writing one answer to a query, as
a paper and pencil (or paste) are passed
2. In pairs, students take turns stating around the group.
responses or solutions orally.
**Works well for assessing prior knowledge,
practicing skills, recalling information, and
creating cooperative art.
This material has been reproduced/adapted from the following book from *Rotating recorder: Students take turns
Kagan Publishing:
Kagan, S. and Kagan, M. (1998). Multiple intelligences: The complete MI recording each student’s
book. San Cemente, CA: Kagan.
1(800) 933-2667 response.
This material has been reproduced/adapted from the following book from
Kagan Publishing:
Kagan, S. and Kagan, M. (1998). Multiple intelligences: The complete MI
book. San Cemente, CA: Kagan.
1(800) 933-2667