1994 Akesson Pettersson Metalshydrated Di Tri Valentes

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J. Am. Chem. SOC.

1994,116, 8691-8704 869 1

Ligand Field Effects in the Hydrated Divalent and Trivalent

Metal Ions of the First and Second Transition Periods
Ralf Akesson,t Lars G . M. Pettersson,*q$Magnus Sandstrom,**tand Ulf Wahlgred
Contribution from the Department of Chemistry, Royal Institute of Technology,
S - 100 44 Stockholm, Sweden, and Department of Physics, Stockholm University,
P.O. Box 6730, S-113 85 Stockholm, Sweden
Received October 12, 1993. Revised Manuscript Received February 4, 1994'

Abstract: The influence of d-shell occupation on the structure of the first hydration sphere for a series of hydrated
transition metal ions has been evaluated by using theoretical calculations to optimize the geometry and find the
conformations with lowest energy. General trends in the properties reflecting the calculated metal-oxygen bond strength
and energy are discussed and compared with experimental values. The metal-oxygen distances, calculated by a b initio
S C F methods using large basis sets for high-spin hexaaqua complexes in the Th symmetry of the di- and trivalent 3d
metal ions, follow closely the trends found in crystal structure determinations of the isomorphous series of the 3d
hexaaqua metal ions in Tutton and alum salts. The variation of the binding energies in a hexaaqua complex shows
the double-humped features expected for a splitting of the d orbitals in an octahedral ligand field with the largest
stabilization at formal d3 and d8 electron configurations of the metal ions. In cases with degenerate d-orbitals, an
additional splitting of the energy levels by a lowering of the symmetry of the hexahydrated ion will in some cases
significantly increase the binding energy. For the largest dl and d6 metal ions an "all-vertical", and for some large
d2 ions an "all-horizontal", conformation of the hydrogen atoms of the planarly coordinated water ligands around the
trifold axis in the D 3 d symmetry is favored. For the hexahydrated d9 ion Agz+, the first-order Jahn-Teller effect leading
to a tetragonal elongation of the octahedral coordination has been studied. The possibility that the nondistorted d4
[Cr(H20)61Z+complex is forced into a low-spin state in its hexafluorosilicate salt due to compression in the lattice has
been considered. The electrostatically dominated binding in the hexaaqua complexes shows an increasing covalent
contribution to the right in the transition rows, especially for the trivalent ions. The ligand field effects are generally
larger for the trivalent than for the divalent ions and also larger for the 4dn than for the 3dn elements, although the
overall bond strength is lower due to the larger size of the 4dn ions. The high ligand field strength results in low-spin
ground states for the hexahydrated C03+, R u ~ +Rh3+ , (d6), and Ru3+ (d5) ions in solution but, except for Rh3+, these
high- to low-spin transitions proved to be difficult to reproduce by computations for the isolated hexaaqua clusters.
Electron correlation was introduced, but the effect of the surroundings, which also may provide an additional important
contribution to the stabilization of the low-spin state, was not accounted for. The low-spin square-planar configurations
of the d8 complexes [Pd(H20)4]2+and [Ag(H20)4]3+ are discussed in terms of ligand field effects.

Introduction In an octahedral ligand field, the five d orbitals of the metal

ion are splitted into a triply degenerate tZg(Oh) and a doubly
Hydrated Ions. This article continues our theoretical studies degenerate eg(Oh) set.6 Almost regular octahedral coordination
of hydrated transition metal ions, which previously have encom- in hexaaqua complexes is found for all the above-mentioned
passed the binding energies and the dissociative water-exchange trivalent 3d ions in cesium alum salts, C s M ( S 0 4 ) ~2H20,5
l even
reactions of the hexahydrated divalent ions of the first transition for the d4 ion [ M I I ( H ~ O ) ~ ]where
~ + , the expected Jahn-Teller
period,' including the influence of Jahn-Teller effects in hexa- distortion seemingly is suppressed in the high site-symmetry of
hydrated Cr*+, Cuz+, and Mn3+ i0ns.~.3 the ion in the crystal structure in a way similar to that recently
All the divalent ions, except Sc2+ and Ti2+, and most of the found also for the [Cr(H20)612+(d4)and [Cu(H20)6]2+ (d9) ions
trivalent ions of the first transition period exist as well-established in hexafluorosilicate s t r u ~ t u r e s . ~UV-vis
~ * ~ spectra show that
high-spin hexahydrates in the solid state, although in aqueous only for the d6 C03+ ion the ligand field is sufficiently strong in
solution hexaaqua complexes of the trivalent ions dominate only the hexaaqua complexes of the 3d ions to give a low-spin ground
a t low pH values due to their hydrolysis reactions.4a The Sc3+, state (t2,6).8
Cr3+, Fe3+, and Ga3+ions are stable in the trivalent state, while When proceeding from the first to the second row of the d-block
Ti3+ and V3+ are easily oxidized.4b.c In solution the hexahydrated elements, several important changes of the electronic structure
C03+ ion oxidizes water and Mn3+ disproportionates, and their take place. In the present context, when di- and tripositive ions
structures have thus only been studied in the solid states5 are treated, thedominating effect is the transition from a relatively
t Royal Institute of Technology. (5) (a) Beattie, J. K.;Best, S.P.; Skelton, B. W.; White, A. H. J . Chem.
1 Stockholm University. Soc., Dalton Trans. 1981, 2105. (b) Best, S.P.; Forsyth, J. B.; Tregenna-
e Abstract published in Aduance ACS Abstracts, June 15, 1994. Piggott, P. L. Ibid. 1993, 2711.
(1) (a) Akesson, R.; Pettersson, L. G. M.; Siegbahn, P. E. M.; Sandstram, (6) (a) Griffith, J. S. The Theory of Transition-Metal Ions;Cambridge
M.; Wahlgren, U. J . Phys. Chem. 1992,96, 10773. (b) Ibid. 1993,97,3765. University Press: Cambridge, England, 1971. (b) Douglas, B. E.; Holling-
(2) Beagley, B.; Eriksson, A.; Lindgren, J.; Persson, I.; Pettersson, L. G. sworth, C. A. Symmetry in Bonding and Spectra; Academic Press: Orlando,
M.; Sandstram, M.; Wahlgren, U.; White, E. W. J . Phys.: Condens. Matter FL, 1985; Chapter 8.
1989,l 2395. (7) (a) Cotton, F. A.; Falvello, L. R.; Murillo, C. A.; Quuada, J. F. J .
(3) Akesson, R.; Pettersson, L. G. M.; Sandstram, M.; Wahlgren, U. J . Solid State Chem. 1992,96, 192 and references therein. (b) Cotton, F. A.;
Phys. Chem. 1992, 96, 150. Daniels, L. M.; Murillo, C. A.; Quesada, J. F. Inorg. Chem. 1993,32,4861.
(4) (a) Burgess,J. In ComprehensiueCoordination Chemistry; Wilkinson, (c) Araya, M. A.; Cotton, F. A.; Daniels, L. M.; Falvello, L. R.; Murillo, C.
G., Gillard, R. D., McCleverty, J. A., Eds.; Pergamon: Oxford, 1987; Vol. A. Ibid. 4853. (d) Cotton, F. A.; Daniels, L. M.; Murillo, C. A. Ibid, 4868.
2, Chapter 15.1. (b) McAuliffe, C. A.; Barratt, D. S. Ibid. Vol. 3, Chapter (8) Lever, A. B. P. Inorganic Electronic Spectroscopy, 2nd ed.; Elsevier:
31. (c) Vilas Boas, L. F.; Costa Pessoa, J. Ibid. Vol. 3, Chapter 33. Amsterdam, 1984; Chapter 6.

1516-8691$04.50/0 0 1994 American Chemical Society

8692 J. Am. Chem. SOC.,Vol. 116, No. 19, 1994 Akesson et al.
compact 3d valence shell to the more spatially extended 4d shell. a square-planar low-spin [Pd(H20)4I2+ complex as shown by its
The interactions between the ligands and the more accessible 4d electronic spectrum and substitution reactions,ll but no trivalent
orbitals thus give increased ligand field splittings and a higher ions are known. At the end of the second transition series, the
tendency toward low-spin complexes in the second transition row.6 dl0 ions silver(I), cadmium(II), and indium(II1) have stable
For the hydrated metal ions this is illustrated by the divalent oxidation states with well-defmed [Cd(H20),l2+ and [In(H20)6I3+
low-spin (d6) octahedral [ R u ( H ~ O ) ~8-IOand
] ~ + the square-planar complexes.16J7 The hydrated silver(1) ion probably forms a
(d8) [Pd(H20)4]2+ species," which have no counterparts in the tetrahedral [Ag(H20)4]+ complex in ~ o l u t i o n . l ~The
~ 2 ~Jahn-
first transition period, and by the trivalent low-spin (d5) [Ru- Teller active (d9) hydrated Ag2+ ion oxidizes water but has a
(H20)613+5b,9~10~12a transient existence at low pH.2S No hydrated Ag(II1) ions are
and (d6) [ R h ( H 2 0 ) , ~ ] c~ o+m p l e x e ~ . l ~An-
other difference concerns the stability of the oxidation states and known, although the Ag(OH)4- complex exists in alkaline
the formation of metal-metal bonds for the hydrated ions. In the solution.25
first transition period monomeric divalent ions are common except Effectsof Degeneracy. Distortions induced by first-order Jahn-
for Sc and Ti, and apart from Ni, Cu, and Zn, also the +I11 state Teller effects are strongest for high-spin d4 and d9 hexahydrated
is known. In aqueous solution almost all of these ions are ions with an odd number of electrons in the two metal d orbitals
hexahydrated, except thedo ions Ca2+and S d + ,which have higher directed toward the ligands, d s and dxtyl. The vibronic coupling
hydration numbers because of their larger size.1J4 For a of E@e type,26which splits the two degenerate e, orbitals in Th
tetrahedral ligand field the stabilization is highest for d7 ions,6 symmetry (Figure la), has previously been investigated for Cu2+,
and in aqueous solution, a small amount of the tetrahydrate [Co- Cr2+,and Mn3+.293 In the present work, the hexaaqua complex
(H20)4I2+ has been proposed to exist in equilibrium with the of the Ag2+ ion was studied in the same way by optimizing an
hexahydrate.l5 With the exception of the low-spin d6 ion C03+, axial (Itax)and an equatorial (4) metal-oxygen distance in D2h
all the hydrated 3d ions have high-spin ground states,8 which symmetry in order to obtain the energy minima corresponding
makes it easy to relate the calculatedvalues to experimental results to the tetragonally elongated and compressed octahedral con-
in discussions of periodic trends. figurations. For several other of the presently investigated
hexaaqua ions (e.g. MoZ+,Tc3+,Zn3+, and Cd3+), similar Jahn-
For the second transition series such comparisons are not equally Teller effects would also beexpected. However, even if the Jahn-
straightforward because of the less uniform appearance of the Teller effect can cause a large structural distortion of a hydrated
hydrated di- and trivalent metal ions. At the start of the series cluster, our previous studies have shown that the energy gain and
the strontium(I1) and yttrium(II1) ions have a closed-shell (do) the change in the mean M-O distance are ~ m a l l , l -and
~ we have
electron configuration but, due to their sizes, a larger hydration therefore not investigated its influence on the ions without known
number in solution, probably 8.'6J7 Zirconium does not form hexahydrates.
any di- or trivalent aquo ions, and niobium(II1) solutions in H2- From structural studies on condensed phases it is also evident
SO4are strongly reducing.lsaVb Hexaaquamolybdenum(II1) ions that the surroundings can have a large influence. In solution,
crystallize in alum saltslEcJ9 and can be obtained in fairly hydrogen bonding of different strengths to the axial and equatorial
concentrated solutions, but in the divalent state, [Mo2(H20)sl4+ water molecules is expected to increase the splitting,2J while in
species with a metal-metal bond are formed.18d Little is known the solid-state, crystallographic studies show varying degrees of
of the uncommon technetium ions, although for the Tcz+ion the distortion to the extreme of complete suppression of the Jahn-
single ion hydration enthalpy has been reported?O while the Teller effect for some Cr2+, Cu2+, and Mn3+hexaaqua complexes
ruthenium(II1) and rhodium(II1) ions both form low-spin in high-symmetry site^.^,^ X-ray absorption studies also reveal
hexahydrated complexes with very slow water exchange in significant differences in the distortion of hydrated Cu2+ ions in
solution.10.12a.21~22Divalent [Ru(H@)a] 2+ ions exist in aqueous solution and in solid phases.27 Even ligand field induced variations
solution,1° while rhodium(I1) is present as the dimeric complex in the bond lengths can to someextent beinfluenced by the lattice,
[Rh2(H20)1ol4+with a metal-metal bond.23 Palladium(I1) forms as shown by a recent comparison of precisely determined M-O
distances from V2+ to ZnZ+ in two isomorphous series of
(9) Bernhard, P.; BBrgi, H.-B.;Hauser, J.; Lehmann, H.; Ludi, A. Inorg. ammonium Tutton, (NH&[M(HzO)6] (SO&, and hexafluoro-
Chem. 1982, 21, 3936. (b) Bernhard, P.; Ludi, A. Inorg. Chem. 1984, 23,
", ".
~ 7 n silicate, [M(H20)6]SiF6, salts.7b In the latter series, with a more
(10) Brunschwig, B. S.;Creutz, C.; Macartney, D. H.; Sham, T.-K.;Sutin, rigid high-symmetry lattice, the variation in the M-O distances
N . Faraday Discuss. Chem. SOC.1982, 74, 113. is somewhat suppressed.
(1 1) Hellquist, B.; Bengtsson, L. A.; Holmberg, B.; Hedman, B.; Persson,
I.; Elding, L. I. Acta Chem. Scand. 1991, 45, 449. In a computational study using density functional theory on
(12) (a) Best, S.P.; Forsyth,J. B. J. Chem. SOC.,Dalton Trans. 1990,395. the hexaaqua clusters of the Cr2+, Mn2+,Fe2+,Co2+,Ni2+,Cu2+,
(b) Ibid. 1990, 3507. (c) Ibid. 1991, 1721. and Zn2+ ions,28a small differences in M-O bond lengths were
(13) (a)Armstrong,R.S.;Beattie,J.K.;Best,S.P.;Skelton,B.W.;White,reported for the two differently oriented pairs of the equatorial
A. H. J. Chem. SOC.,Dalton Trans 1983, 1973. (b) Best, S.P.; Beattie, J.
K.;Armstrong,R.S.Ibid.1984,261 1. (c) Best, S. P.; Beattie,J. K.;Armstrong, water molecules for Cu2+ and Cr2+, and also for the high-spin
R. S.;Braitwaite, G. P. Ibid. 1989, 1771. Fe2+ (d6) and Co2+(d7) ions, which in principle also are Jahn-
(14) (a) Kanno, H.; Yamaguchi, T.; Ohtaki, H. J. Phys. Chem. 1989,93, Teller unstable due to the uneven occupation of the degenerate
1695. (b) Kanno, H. J . Phys. Chem. 1988,92,4232.
(15) (a) Swift, T. J.; Connick, R. E. J . Chem. Phys. 1962,37, 307. (b) tg( Th)orbitals. N o account of theenergy gain relative t o a regular
Swift, T. J. Inorg. Chem. 1964, 3, 526. (c) Swaddle, T. W.; Fabes. L. Can. conformation was given. The calculated bond lengths were in all
J . Chem. 1980.58, 1418. cases much shorter (-0.1 A) than our previous SCF results, and
(16) Marcus, Y. Chem. Rev. 1988, 88, 1475.
(17) Johansson, G. Adu. Inorg. Chem. 1992,39, 159. even shorter than the experimental mean distances. The basis
(18) (a) Fay, R. C. In ComprehensiueCoordination Chemistry;Wilkinson, set used for the water molecules was comparable to the
G., Gillard, R. D., McCleverty, J. A., Eds.; Pergamon: Oxford, U.K., 1987;
Vol. 3, Chapter 32. (b) Hubert-Pfalzgraf, L. G.;Postel, M.; Riess, J. G. Zbid. (24) Sandstr6m, M.; Neilson, G. W.; Johansson, G.; Yamaguchi, T. J.
Chapter 34. (c) Sykes, A. G. Zbid. Vol. 3, Chapter 36.1. (d) Garner, C. D. Phys. C 1985,18, L1115.
Ibid. Vol. 3, Chapter 36.3. (25) Lancashirc, R. J. In Comprehensiue Coordination Chemistry; Wilkin-
(19) Brorson, M.; Gajhede, M. Inorg. Chem. 1987, 26, 2109. son, G., Gillard, R. D., McCleverty, J. A., Eds.; Pergamon: Oxford, U.K.,
(20) Smith, D. W. J . Chem. Educ. 1977, 54, 540. 1987; Vol. 5, Chapter 54.
(21) Read, M. C.; SandstrBm, M. Acta Chem. Scand. 1992,46, 1177. (26) Bersuker, I. B.; Polinger, V. Z. Vibronic Interactions in Molecules
(22) Ducommun,Y.;Merbach,A. E. InZnorganicHigh Pressure Chemistry, and Crystals; Springer-Verlag: Berlin, 1989; Chapter 3.1.
Kinetics and Mechanisms; van Eldik, R., Ed.; Elsevier: Amsterdam, 1986; (27) Carrado, K. A.; Wasserman, S.R . J . Am. Chem. Soc. 1993, 115,
Chapter 2.1. 3394.
(23) Jardine, F. H. In Comprehensiue Coordination Chemistry;Wilkinson, (28) (a) Waizumi, K.;Ohtaki, H.;Masuda, H.; Fukushima,N.; Watanabe,
G., Gillard, R. D., McCleverty, J. A., Eds.; Pergamon: Oxford, U.K., 1987; Y. Chem. Lett. 1992,1489. (b) Fukushima, N.; Waizumi, K. Chem. Express
Vol. 4, Chapter 48.5. 1993, 8, 265.
Ligand Field Effects in Hydrated Metal Ions J . Am. Chem. SOC.,Vol. 116, No. 19, 1994 8693

lengths by about 0.07 A, and also changed the previously reported

a spurious Jahn-Teller distortions.28b
A more efficient mechanism for removing the degeneracy of
the te(Th)d-orbitals can be provided by changing the orientation
of the water ligands followed by a trigonal compression of the
hexaaqua ions in D3d symmetry (Figure 1b,c). An "all-vertical"
conformation of the planarly coordinated water ligands gives an
ale orbital lower in energy than a pair of e,(D3d) orbitals, and
further rotation of the water ligands 90° around the M-0 bonds
to an "all-horizontal" conformation still in D3dsymmetry reverses
the energy order.19~30 The "all-vertical" conformation was used
in calculations for dl and d6 ions, and the "all-horizontal" for d2
ions, and resulted in significant energy gains for the largest ions.
Purposeof Present Work. Although only a few of the 4d metal
ions have been established experimentally as hexahydrated ions
in the +I1 (Ru, Cd) or +I11 (Mo, Ru, Rh, In) oxidation states,
and then with low-spin ground states for the ruthenium and
rhodium ions, we have performed theoretical calculations on the
complete series of high-spin [M(H20)6]"+ ( n = 2, 3) species.
This allows a systematic discussion of how characteristic
coordination properties (bond distances, ligand conformations,
binding energies, symmetric stretching vibrational frequencies)
are related to the occupation of the d orbitals and illustrates the
influence of ligand field and Jahn-Teller effects in the two periods.
Previously, the experimental single-ion hydration enthalpies
for 10 divalent ions of the first transition period were compared
to the calculated binding energies of the hexahydrated mmplexes,la
followed by a study of the water-exchange rates based on a
dissociative mechanism.1b For the second transition row, single-
ion hydration enthalpies have been reported for five divalent (Sr,
Tc, Pd, Ag, Cd) and five trivalent (Y,Nb, Mo, Rh, In) ions.20
With the use of some well-characterized high-spin hexahydrated
C M2+ and M3+ ions as calibration points, the contributions of the
calculated binding energy of the first solvation shell and energy
contributions of further hydration layers (due to hydrogen
bonding, polarization, etc.) to the hydration enthalpy are discussed
in the present work in a similar way as before.1-4 Furthermore,
binding energies and M-0 distances are compared on an equal
basis for all hexahydrated di- and trivalent 3d and 4d elements,
allowing a general discussion of the effects of the electronic
structure on coordination and bonding and also of associative
and dissociative water-exchange mechanisms for the di- and
trivalent 3d ions in the following article.3' The effects of low-
spin states and changes in hydration numbers for some of the
hydrated ions and the resulting deviations in structure (M-0
distances) and energies (symmetric stretching vibration frequen-
Figure 1. Hexahydrated metal ions with planarly coordinated water
ligands in (a) Th symmetry, (b) "all-vertical" D3d symmetry, and (c)
cies, hydration enthalpies) are also discussed and related to the
"all-horizontal" D3d symmetry. electronic structure in the present work.
"medium-sized" basis set in our calculations, which gives an
exaggerated dipole moment of the water molecules (see Table VI For all the hexaaqua clusters of the d-block ions, including the closed
in ref 3). However, although we found a significant change in shell Ca2+,SrZ+,Ga3+, and In3+ ions, the M-0 distances have first been
binding energy when optimizing the M-0 distances with a large optimized in the highest possible symmetry, Th. All systems have been
basis set on the SCF level (see Methods, below), only small studied at the S C F level of approximation, and in addition, some have
been treated with CASSCF and CI methods, using the MOLECULE-
increases (C0.02 A) occurred in the bond length.' We made SWEDEN program system.32 The total binding energies, which
attempts in the present work to refine three different orthogonal correspond to a gas-phase reaction at 0 K, were obtained as the difference
pairs of M-0 distances for Cu2+and Fez+ by S C F methods, but
this resulted in insignificant lowering (<1 kJ mol-') of the previous
binding energies. Recently, another similar unrestricted Hartree-
Fock S C F study of a d7 [CO(H20)6]2+ cluster gave consistent
results with small changes in the Co-0 distances (C0.005A) and The planarly coordinated water molecules were kept with the gas-
the energy 1.3 kJ mol-' lower than in the Th symmetry.29 Thus, phase structure, as previously described.'-' The trigonal compression of
the deviations in this density functional study28a are surprisingly (30) Cotton, F. A.; Kay Fair, C.; Lewis, G. E.; Mott, G. N.; Ross, F. K.;
large considering that nonlocal corrections were introduced, albeit Schultz, A. J.; Williams, J. M. J. Am. Chem. SOC.1984, 106, 5319.
only through perturbation theory. Recently, however, self- (31) Akesson, R.; Pettersson, L. G. M.; SandstrBm, M.; Wahlgren, U. J.
Am. Chem. SOC.,following article in this issue.
consistent determinations of the nonlocal correction terms were (32) MOLECULE-SWEDEN is an electronic structure program written
found to be important and led to an increase in the mean bond by J. AlmlBf, C. W. Bauschlicher, M. R. A. Blomberg, D. P. Chong, A.
Heiberg, S.R. Langhoff, P.-A. Malmqvist, A. P. Rendell, B. 0. Roos, P.E.
(29) Garmer, D. R.;Krauss, M. J. Am. Chem. SOC.1992, 114, 6487. M. Siegbahn, and P. R. Taylor.
8694 J . Am. Chem. SOC.,Vol. 116, No. 19, I994 cdkesson et al.
the 'all-vertical" and "all-horizontal"" (Figure 1b,c) hexaaqua complexes a three-term fit toanSTOfunction. Thesystemschosenfor this treatment
in D3d symmetry, still with the plane of the water ligands containing the were the hexahydrated clusters of Fez+, Co)+, RIP, Rh3+ (d6), Ru3+
M-0 bond, was also investigated for d', d6, and dZ ions, respectively (d5), Cr2+ (d4), and the square-planar tetrahydrates of Ni2+ and Pd2+
(medium-sized O/H basis, see below) by optimizing two parameters, (d9.
Rs(M-0) and a. A regular octahedral MO6 unit is obtained for a = Finally, for d2 and high-spin d7 ions, a two-determinant description
54.74O (half the tetrahedral angle). is necessary in order to describe the atomic ground state in the ligand
For the 3d elements the same basis sets as those previously were used,'-) field, as described previously.' Thus, in order to obtain a comparable
although for the trivalent ions additional s and p functions were left SCF level binding energy, a correction AEcm obtained by CASSCF
uncontracted in order to reduce the basis set superposition errors. The calculations with the 3d (or 4d) electrons in the active space was added.
4d metal ions have been described using the Hay and Wadt effectivecore The values calculated are, in Th symmetry, TiZ+ 16.34, co2+30.01, V3+
potentials (ECP), which include relativistic For the ions in the 17.69, Ni3+ 29.63, Zr2+ 7.59, RhZ+ 18.7, Nb3+ 7.90, and Pd3+ 13.85 kJ
series Sr-Ag, small-core ECP's were used, where also the outer (4s,4p) mol-' and, in 0 3 1 symmetry, Ti2+ 8.96, V3+ 5.78, Zr2+ 4.36, and Nb3+
core orbitals are included in the valence shell. For Cd only a large-core 3.22 kJ mol-'.
ECP, where merely the 5s and 4d electrons are explicitly treated, was
available.))b The results were calibrated against those of the small-core Results and Discussion
ECP by recomputing the [Ag(Hz0)6J3+complexusing the corresponding
large-core ECP. The difference in the computed total binding energies I. Metal-Oxygen Distances. The calculated M-0 distances
obtained with the two ECP's for Ag was then used to relate the results for t h e high-spin di- and trivalent complexes in Th symmetry are
for Cd to the other metal atoms in the series. The original metal basis given in Table 1 and plotted in Figure 2. T h e dashed curves
sets were contracted to (4s4p3d) and (2s2p2d) in the small- and large- connecting the ions without additional ligand field stabilization
core ECP cases, respectively. For indium, no similar ECP description d u e to the splitting of the d orbitals, i.e. the do, d5, and d10 ions,
was available and this case was then treated at the all-electron level using decrease smoothly with increasing nuclear charge. For the
a (7s6p5d) contraction of a (20s16plld) primitive basis set optimized
intermediate ions the M-0 distances are shorter than expected
by Faegri.34a In this case, relativistic effects were included as a first-
order perturbation theory estimateof the Darwin and mass-velocity terms. from the connecting curves,with minima for the d3and d8 electron
A calibration calculationon [Ag(H20)6])+with an equivalentall-electron configurations which have the largest ligand field stabilization
basis showed an acceptable consistencywith the ECP results (5 kJ energies. Comparisons are made in Figure 2 with M-O distances
mol-' lower binding energy), and no correction was applied to the indium from two series of isomorphous crystal structures, the ammonium
results. Tutton and the cesium alum salts, for di- and trivalent 3d ions,
The contracted water basis set for the 4d elements was the medium- respectively.537b T h e high-precision experimental values are, as
sized (0:3s4p/H:2s) previously used in similar studies.'-3 This repre- previously,' found to be somewhat shorter than those calculated
sentation gives an artificially large dipole moment of the water ligands (Table 1). The deviations are, however, larger t h a n would be
leading to an exaggerated binding energy in an [M(Hz0)6]* cluster.) expected from insufficient corrections for, for example, electron
For the divalent hexaaqua 3d ions, this effect was shown to give an almost
constant contribution to the calculated binding energy along the series
correlation and relativistic effects, which both should act to shorten
(190 k 3 kJ mol-') but had little influence on the computed geometries.' the calculated M-0 bond lengths. One plausible reason is that
Thus, the total binding energies of the divalent 4d ions, calculated with the hydrogen bonds to a second coordination sphere in condensed
the medium-sized water basis, have been reduced by 190 kJ mol-' in phases polarize the water molecules and shorten the M-0 bonds,
comparison with those of the dipositive 3d complexes, computed with a as compared to those in the isolated cluster in the c a l ~ u l a t i o n s . 3 ~
large water basis set. For the tripositive 3d ions, a similar recalculation Another is the systematic corrections required to make the crystal
at the optimized geometry using the larger water basis set (including two structure values comparable to the quantum chemical (0 K)
oxygen d and one hydrogen p functions), as described in the previous equilibrium distances. T h e distance obtained from the mean
study on the correspondingdivalent complexes,Ia lowered the total binding positions of a pair of atoms in a crystal is usually shorter than
energy by 241 k 3 kJ mol-' in the series. This basis set correction was the actual average bond length between the instantaneous positions
then applied to the trivalent 4d complexes to make their binding energies
of t h e atoms. Moreover, the observed distances tend to decrease
comparable with those of the 3d elements. For the larger basis set, a
modified version of the direct SCF program running on a Cray with increasing temperature, and the shortening may amount to
X-MP/416, was used. 0.03 A or more.41 Tilting of the water ligand by the directed
Comparisonsof computed binding energiesand M - O distancesbetween hydrogen bonds in a lattice would be expected to increase the
the first and second transition periods require equivalency between the M-0 bond length (cf. Tables 1 and 4 in ref 3).39b However, in
all-electron (AE) and ECP metal basis sets, respectively. As a test, the comparisonsof homologous series, such effects should be constant
[Mn(Hz0)6J2+system was reoptimized using both the metal ion AE and or vary in a similar way, as evidently is the case in Figure 2.
ECP basis sets in a way similar to that for Ag3+(see above). The medium- The mean M-0 distances from the structures for the am-
sized water basis yielded an Mn-O distance of 2.227 A and a binding monium Tutton salts with M = Vz+, CrZ+, MnZ+, Fez+, Coz+,
energy of 1384 kJ mol-', only slightly different from the corresponding NiZ+, Cu2+, and Zn2+ 7b show a trend very similar to that of our
values in the all-electron case (2.233 A, 1369kJ mol-'), and also a similar
calculated values (Figure 2a). In the same work also the crystal
charge of the manganese ion (ECP, +1.68; AE, +1.73). Thus, it seems
that theapproximationsassociatedwith theECParesmallenough (51.5% structures of an isomorphous series of [M(H20)6]SiF6 salts were
of the total binding energy) to allow direct comparisons between the two determined for the same metal ions, but this gave significantly
periods. shorter M-0 bonds for most ions. Evidently, the more symmetric
At the SCF level of approximation, the exchange stabilization in high- and rigid surroundings of the hexaaqua ions in the hexafluoro-
spin artificially favors the high-spin over the low-spin states. In order silicate salts partly reduces the ligand field induced variations of
to make comparisonsof different spin states some additional calculations the M-0 bond lengths and even causes complete suppression of
were performed at the multireference CI level with all d valence orbitals
correlated and with the Davidson correction introduced to account for (36) (a) Einspahr, H.; Bugg, C. E. Acta Crystallogr., Secr. B 1980, 36,
size inconsistencies. The reference space consisted of all configurations 264. (b) Carugo, 0.;Djinovic, K.; Rizzi, M. J. Chem. SOC.,Dalton Trans.
with coefficientsgreater than 0.05 from a CASSCF calculation with all 1993,2127. -
(37) Brooker, M. H.In The Chemical Physics of Solvation; Dogonadze,
d orbitals active. The correlation treatment was improved by extending R. R.; filmin, E., Kornyshev, A. A., Ulstrup, J., Eds.; Elsevier: Amsterdam,
the metal basis sets with an additional f function with exponents from 1986; Part B, Chapter 4.
~ ~ _ _ _ _ _ (38) Johansson, G.; Sandstrbm, M. Acta Chem. Scand. 1987, A41, 113.
(33) (a) Hay, P. J.; Wadt, W . R. J. Chem. Phys. 1985,82,299. (b) Ibid. (39) (a) Chiari, G.; Ferraris, G. Acta Crystallogr., Sect. B 1982,38,2331.
270. (b) Friedman, H. L.; Lewis, L. J. Solution Chem. 1976, 5, 445.
(34) (a) Faegri, K., Jr. Private communication. (b) Faegri, K., Jr.; Biran, (40) Tachikawa, H.; Ichikawa, T.; Yoshida, H. J. Am. Chem. SOC.1990,
G. Theoretical Chemistry Technical Note, University of Oslo, November 112, 977, 982.
1987. (41) Trueblood, K. N. In Accurate Molecular Srructures; IUCr Mono-
(35) (a) Almlbf, J.; Faegri, K., Jr.; Forsell, K. J. Comput. Chem. 1982, graphs on Crystallography,No. 1.;Domenicano, A., Hargittai, I., Eds.;Oxford
3, 385. (b) Saebe, S.;Almlbf, J. Chem. Phys. Lett. 1987, 154, 521. University Press: Oxford, U.K., 1992; Chapter 8.
Ligand Field Effects in Hydrated Metal Ions J. Am. Chem. SOC.,Vol. I 1 6, No. 19, 1994 8695
Table 1. Metal-Oxygen Distances, R & f - O ) / A , and Raman Symmetrical Stretching Frequencies, &(A8)/cm-l, of Hydrated 3d and 4d Ions
(Calculated Values for [M(H20)6]"+ Complexes in Th Symmetry)
divalent ions trivalent ions
M &xptl(M-O) MM-0) vuptl Valcd &xptdM-O) &(Ma) vcxptl Valcd
Ca 2.39a*b 2.399 -29W 27 3
sc 2.307 308 2.07d*e 2.167 44oc 416
Ti 2.252 303 2.028f 2.110 5178 427
V 2.128h 2.201 317 1.992f 2.063 5258 447
Cr 2. 167h3i 2.225' -459 318k 1.959, 2.025 54WJ 460
Mn 2.175h 2.233 358c 311 (310)'" 1.9916" 2.042' 447k
Fe 2.1 26h 2.185 38W 328 1.9950 2.052 (2.062'") 5068 446 (45 1'")
co 2.092h 2.143 379 338 2.017 465
cog 1.87y 1.933 548p 484
Ni 2.056h 2.108 39w 341 1.986 474
cu 2.085hJ 2.121' 436O 349 1.954 489
Zn 2.092h 2.123 39w 344 1.972 45 1
Ga 1.944, 1.987 5378 464
Sr 2.57'J 2.581 242
Y 2.489 305 2.29"s 2.354 380' 359
Zr 2.413 309 2.286 378
Nb 2.350 318 2.231 406
Mo 2.399 331 2.089" 2.180 430
Tc 2.440 303 2.208 444
Ru 2.378 326 2.246 412
Ruq 2.120 2.197 424' 393 2.014w 2.090 532D 470
Rh 2.331 315 2.199 416
Rhq 2.0168 2.055 548* 499
Pd 2.276 327 2.160 439
Ag 2.306' 317 2.127 (2.149*) 460 ( 4 3 4 )
Cd 2.285' 2.308 356c 322 2.147 387
In 2.1 12f 2.183 47s 417
a Estimated for the hydration number n = 6 and R(H20) = 1.39 A, refs 16 and 36. Solution value 2.42 A ( n > 6), ref 16. c Solution value, ref
14b. d Estimated for n = 6 from alum salt, ref 5a. e Solution value 2.18 A ( n r;: 7), ref 14. /Alum salt, ref 5a (Cr-O 1.961 A, neutron diffraction, ref
12c). 8 Alum salt, ref 13b. Tutton salt, mean M-O value, ref 7b. Mean value of Jahn-Teller distorted geometry. Reference lb. k Calculated for
Th symmetry. Alum salt, solution value 522 cm-I, ref 13c. Optimized with the large O/H basis set. Suppressed Jahn-Teller distortion. 0 Alum
salt, ref 12b (1.994 A, neutron diffraction). P Reference 37. 4 Low spin. Solution value ( n = 8) 2.64 A, ref 16. Solution value (n = 8) 2.37 A, ref
17. Solution value ( n = 8), ref 14. Alum salt, ref 19 (2.089 A, neutron diffraction, ref 5b). References 9 and 10. Alum salt, ref 12a (2.010 A,
neutron diffraction, ref 5b). Alum salt, solution value 529 cm-l, ref 13c. Y All-electron SCF + relativistic correction. 2 Reference 38, corrected for
thermal 'riding" motion.
the Jahn-Teller distortions for Cr2+(see Jahn-Teller Effects in because of their higher charge, with about eight water molecules
Hexaaqua Ions) and to some extent also for Cu2+ by opposing around Y3+,17and also with Sc3+ in the first transition row large
an expansion of the lattice to accommodate the larger [M- enough to accommodate probably seven water ligands.14
(H20)6]2+ ions. 11. Alternative Conformations of Hexahydrated Ions. The
A similar comparison has been made for the hexahydrated splitting of the three degenerate orbitals of t,(Th) symmetry into
trivalent 3d ions on the basis of the cesium alum structures an e , ( & + ) pair and one alg orbital was investigated by test
containing Sc3+, Ti3+, V3+, C P , Mn3+, Fe3+, C03+, and Ga3+ calculations on [Mn(H20)6]2+,which has all 3d orbitals singly
(Figure 2b).5 Again the curves describing the variations in the
experimental and the theoretical M-0 bond lengths have similar
shapes with a decreasing difference to the right in the row. The
occupied, allowing direct comparisons of their energies. The two
different Th D3d conversions, to the "all-vertical" and the "all-
horizontal" D3d conformations, which both may proceed by a 45O
Co3+ion breaks the trend, however, because of its low-spin ground rotation (in opposite directions) of the water molecules around
state. An extrapolation of the experimental curve shows the Co-0 the M-0 bonds, were studied. The orbital energies confirmed
bond to be ca. 0.08 A shorter than the expected high-spin value, that the alK(D3d)orbital (almost pure Mn 3d,z, note the change
similar to the calculated difference 0.084 A (cf. Table 1). of the z direction in Figure lb,c) is stabilized in the "all-vertical"
The regular (nearly linear) decrease of the experimental M-0 conformation and destabilized relative to the e,(D,d) in the "all-
distances found for the ions Ti'+, V3+, Cr3+, and low-spin Cos+, horizontal" conformation, as proposed previou~ly.I~.~o The orbital
with an increasing number of d electrons occupying the t2JOh) splitting becomes more pronounced by a trigonal compression of
orbitals, is discussed in ref 5b. Similar decreases occur prior to the MO6 unit, which also should favor a 3d&s mixing. For
the minima in the theoretical curves in Figure 2 for all series of [Mn(H20)6]2+the total energy of the "all-vertical" D3d confor-
di- and trivalent 3d and 4d high-spin hexahydrated ions. The mation was thus clearly higher than that of the Th (22.4 kJ mol-'
steeper slopes and deeper minima for the M - O distances of the at an optimized angle a = 56.0°), with indications of an even
second-row (4d) elements arein keeping with themore pronounced slightly higher energy for the "all-horizontal" D3d conformation.
influence of the ligand field effect on the spatially more extended The energy of the e,( Th) orbitals is not affected by the rotation
4d orbitals. There are few experimental data to compare with of the water molecules, and the energy increase is rather due to
for these elements,5bmainly due to the frequent occurrence of the increased repulsion between the protons and the larger Pauli
low-spin states and metal-metal bonding but also because of the repulsion against the occupied oxygen orbitals as shown by the
size of the hydrated ions, which for the early transition elements increasing antibonding overlap.
often is large enough to allow more than six water molecules to The "all-vertical" conformation in which the al,(D3d) orbital
be coordinated in solution. This would certainly be the case for is stabilized was used for calculations on the d1 ions Sc2+, Ti'+,
most of the divalent early 4d transition metal ions, as shown by Y2+, and Zr3+ and the high-spin d6 ions Fez+, RuZ+, and Rh3+,
a comparison of their calculated bond lengths with those of Sr2+ and the "all-horizontal", for the d2 ions Ti2+, V3+, ZrZ+,and Nb3+.
and Ca2+in the first p e r i ~ d l (Table
~ . ~ ~ 1). Increased coordination All dl ions, except the smallest, Le., Ti3+, showed lower energy
numbers in solution occur at a smaller size of the trivalent ions in the "all-vertical" D3d conformation than in Th (Table 2). The
8696 J. Am. Chem. SOC.,Vol. 116, No. 19, 1994 Akesson et al.

2.60-Sr Y Zr Nb Mo Tc RI m W Ag Cd- Table 2. Alternative Structures of Hexaaqua Complexes for dl and

d6 Ions “All-Vertical” and for d2 Ions “All-Horizontal”
Conformations in D3d Symmetry
M dn Rs(M-O)/A ‘a q(M)b 6Ec/kJmol-l
Vertical Trigonal-Planar H20
Sc2+ 3dI 2.309 57.89 +1.86 -7.4
Ti3+ 3dl 2.1 10 56.27 +2.36 +3.5
Fe2+ 3d6 2.18Sd 56.72 +1.62 +10.9
Y2+ 4d’ 2.486 63.90 +1.73 -50.7
Zr3+ 4dI 2.286d 57.89 +2.37 -20.9
Ru2+ 4d6 2.378d 57.43 +1.80 -0.9
Rh3+ 4d6 2.199d 56.52 +2.20 -1.1
Horizontal Trigonal-Planar H20
Ti2+ 3d2 2.253 56.74 +1.79 -4.4c
V3+ 3d2 2.067 56.25 +2.24 +5.8‘
Zrz+ 4d2 2.399 55.78 +1.75 -16.4
Nb3+ 4d2 2.224 55.58 +2.40 -8.3‘
Horizontal Tilted (Lone-Pair) Hz0
C ~ S C T I V C T M I I F ~ G J M Q Z ~ Ti2+ 3dZ 2.252d 53.12 +1.45 -+150
V3+ 3d2 2.063d 54.74f +1.82 -+200
do dl dz d3 d‘ d5 d6 d’ d’ d9 dlo
;Angle between the C3 axis and the M-O bond, see Figure lb,c.
b Metal atom charge from Mulliken population analysis. 6E = A&( Th)
- Ub(D3d). Not optimized. e Calculated using AEcAs(D~~) corrections,
see Methods. /Fixed at one-half of the tetrahedral angle.

theoretical calculations on the MR-SDCI level on an isolated
[Ti(H20)6I3+cluster were reported to give the lowest energy for
“all-vertical” D3d symmetry. However, the comparisons were
b’ not made with the cluster in Th symmetry but rather with a Dzh
structure with all four equatorial water molecules perpendicular
to the xy plane, giving a more unfavorable proton-proton
repulsion. This is also shown by the energy gain obtained when
allowing a Jahn-Teller distortion of this structure$O which is
much higher than those caused by degenerate t, orbitals in Th
structures (see Jahn-Teller Effects in Hexaaqua Ions).z9 Cal-

-.- t v\ \
culations on [Sc(H20)6I2+ using both the medium and the large
O / H basis sets verified that the energy differences between the
different conformations were not basis-set dependent.
a The “all-vertical” D3d conformation was in all cases more
favorable for the 4d1 and high-spin 4d6 ions than for the
S c T V O M n F e B N i Q Z n G a corresponding 3d ions, as expected from the increase in ligand
Figure 2. Calculated M-O distances of d-block high-spin [M(H20)6]”+ field effects and the larger size of the 4d complexes. The energy
complexes in Th or D3h symmetry for increasing numbers of d electrons: gain as compared to the Th symmetry was most pronounced for
(a) divalent 3d (filled circles) and 4d (open circles) metal ions. The [Y(H20)6]2+(50.7 kJ mol-’), and the a value (63.9O) shows that
squares correspond to Tutton salts;’ (b) trivalent 3d (filled triangles) and
4d (opentriangles) metal ions, comparedwith cesium alum salts (squares), considerable distortion from an octahedral MO6 core is favorable
with Co’+ in low-spin6and Sc3+estimated from unit cell dimensions.5 for this large d1 ion (Table 2).
The reference lines (long dashes) connect do, d5, and dlo ions without The “all-horizontal” D3d conformation was found to be 16.0
additional ligand field stabilization due to the splitting of the d-orbital and 8.3 kJ mol-’ more stable than the Th for the 4d2 ions Zr2+
energy levels. and Nb3+,respectively. In applying the center of gravity principle
for the t,(Th) orbitals, Le. the perturbation of f 6 e for the e,
optimized metal-oxygen distances were close to the Th values, cf. orbital corresponds to 7 2 6 c for alg,in a comparison between the
Table 1, but the a angles show a slight trigonal compression of two D3d geometries, one would expect energy gains similar to
the central MO6 octahedral unit. The amount of the distortion those for the neighboring 4d1 ions, Zr3+ and Y2+. However, the
and the preference for this type of D3d structure are connected larger size of the 4dl complexes allows larger trigonal compression,
to the radius of the cluster, which makes the increased proton- as seen from the a values, and thus higher energy stabilization.
proton repulsion in the D3d structure less important for the larger For the 3d2 ion TiZ+, the “all-horizontal” D3d conformation is
ions. Also the occupation of the d orbitals for the Fez+, RuZ+, slightly favored, but for the small V3+, the T h symmetry is still
and Rh3+ ions (high spin d6 with the al,(D3d) orbital doubly lower in energy (Table 2), and by analogy with the d6 ions, this
occupied) counteracts the distortion of the MO6 octahedron. The is also expected for all of the d7 ions.
lowering of the al,(D3d) orbital energy does not outweigh the The [V(H20)6]3+ complex in the solid compound [V-
higher repulsion between the protons for the small Fez+ ion, but (H20)6] [ H s O ~(CF3SOs)d
] is close to a D3d conformation with
RuZ+ and Rh3+ are marginally more stable in the D3d than in the nearly ”all-horizontal” flat water molecules.30 However, this
Th symmetry (Table 2). conformation is influenced by the directed hydrogen bonding in
Even though these trends are clear, the energy differences the solid state, an effect which is not present in the theoretical
between the conformations are small and, for example, hydrogen study. This argument also applies to the “tilt” of the water ligands
bonding and differences in 0-H distances in condensed phases observed, for example, for the Tutton s a l t ~ . For
~ ~ two
, ~ 3dZions,
may well give different results than this gas-phase comparison TiZ+ and V3+, the calculations showed that “tilting” of the water
with fixed water geometry. Thus, ESR and electron spin echo molecules toward a pyramidal “lone-pair” coordination of the
studies of the [Ti(D2O)6l3+ ion in an amorphous 2-propanol/ oxygen atom raises the energy considerably for an isolated
DzO glass support an “all-vertical” D3d structure.m Also, hexaaqua cluster. The weakened ion-dipole attraction seems,
Ligand Field Effects in Hydrated Metal Ions J. Am. Chem. SOC.,Vol. 116, No. 19, 1994 8697

Table 3. Low-Spin Hexaaqua Complexes for d4 (CrZ+),d5 (Ru3+), Table 4. Theoretical Binding Energies, h E b " , of the Hexahydrated
and d6 Ions and Energy Comparisons with High-Spin States at 3d and 4d Ions in High-Spin (Large O/H Basis) and Single-Ion
Different Levels of Computation Hydration EnthaMes, AHOI,,~~
divalent ions trivalent ions
M U b -AHo hyd mb -AHo hyd
Cr2+ 2.1528 194.4 164.9 146.5 Ca 1002 1577(6)
Fe2+ 2.071 328.9 334.8 277 204 (164)h sc 1097e 2170 3897( 10)
Co3+ 1.933 255.5 259.0 207 43.4 Ti 1 1 53C9d 1862( 15) 2322 4154(20)
Ru2+ 2.197 73.3 45.8 14.5 V 1225 1918( 15) 2432d 4375(20)
Ru3+ 2.090 109.6 79.2 47.5 Cr 120V 1904(6) 2567 4560(20)
Rh3+ 2.055 -79.8 -102.5 -254.5 Mn 1179 1841(6) 2553e 4544(30)
a Low-spin M-O distance optimized at SCF level. 6E = EI,,.,~~,- Fe 1245 1946(6) 2498 4430( 10)
E&gh.spin/kJmol-'. Single-configuration SCF, medium O/H basis. co 1287d 1996(6) 2615 465 1 ( 2 0 y
d SCF, largeO/H basis. All 3d (4d) orbitals active. f MRCI + Davidson Ni 1350 2105(6) 2702d
correction, medium O/H basis, metal basis set extended with one f cu 1 344e 2 1 OO(6) 2819
function, 3d (4d) orbitals correlated. g 2.155 A when optimized at the Zn 1334 2046(6) 2814
MRCI level. h Including an experimentallybasedcorrectionfor the atomic Ga 2780 4700( 10)
high-/low-spin state separation, see Low-Spin States. Sr 859 1443(6)
Y 1012c 1818 358 3( 10)
however, to be partly compensated for by an increased covalencyin Zr 1047c3d 2006c
Nb 1128 2 1 26c*d 4 195(20)
the M-0 bond as indicated by the lower metal charge, see Table Mo 1041 2274 4290(20)
2. Tc 987 1858(25) 2175
111. Jahn-Teller Effects in Hexaaqua Ions. Silver(II), with Ru 106W 2082
the electron configuration 4d9,would be expected to exhibit first- Rh lllod 22 1 6c 4495(20y
order Jahn-Teller distortions in a hexaaqua ion in a way similar Pd 1189 1989(20)g 230gd
to [ C ~ ( H 2 0 ) 6 ] ~ +In
. ~textbooks,
.~ however, Agz+ions in aqueous Ag 1155,e 1150h 1931(20) 2459,c 2481'
Cd 1138 1807(6) 2476,2454~~
solution are proposed to have a transient existence as [Ag- In 2281h 4 1 12( 10)
(H20)4]2+complexes with a square-planar In contrast
to the case for Cuz+, the disproportionation 2Ag+ + Ag(s) + a The h E b / k J mol-' values (eq 1) include basis set corrections -190
and -241 kJ mol-', respectively, for the di- and trivalent 4d ions (Sr-In),
Ag2+ has a very low equilibrium constant (K cz 1e20 M-l),42
see text. Reference 20. &d symmetry, see text and Table 2. Cal-
proposed to be a result of the low hydration enthalpy of Ag2+. culated using A E c corrections,
~ see Methods. e Tetragonally elongated
The Jahn-Teller effect on [Ag(H@)6l2+was studied in a way Jahn-Teller distortedgeometry. f Low spin. 8 4-coordinatedsquare-planar
similar to that previously for Cu2+,293Le. with optimizations of structure. All-electronSCF + relativistic correction. Small core ECP.
an axial (RaJ and an equatorial (R,) M-0 distance in DZh j Large-core ECP, 36 core electrons, (2s,2p,3d) valence basis set.

symmetry corresponding to a tetragonal distortion of the Th kCorrected for difference between large and small core ECP, +17 kJ
structure. The results were qualitatively similar to those for the mol-'.
3d ions, with the elongated octahedral Ag-0 coordination (2R,,
= 2.486, 4R, = 2.223 A) slightly more stable (28 = 101 cm-1) than the mean value (2.167 A) of the distorted complex in the
than the compressed structure (2R,, = 2.172,4R, = 2.373 A). blue (NH4)2[Cr(HzO)6](S04)2 Tutton salt.7b The compression
The Jahn-Teller energy (EJT,Le. the energy difference from the of the hexaaquametal ions noted in the comparison between the
optimized regular Th structure) was 1203 cm-l (14.4 kJ mol-'), hexafluorosilicate salts as compared to the corresponding Tutton
which is twiceas largeas that for Cu2+(582cm-l).1 Thegeometric salts (except for V2+) is more pronounced for CrZ+than for any
distortion, as given by the Jahn-Teller radius, RJT= [C(r-F)2]l/2, of the other ions in this study.7 As a result of the short Cr-0
is also larger, 0.30 A (0.24 A for [ C U ( H ~ O ) , ] ~ +Despite
).~ the distances in the [Cr(Hz0)6]SiF6 salt, the ligand field splitting of
rather large differences between the Ag-0 distances in the the d orbitals should increase and make a low-spin structure more
elongated and the compressed structures, the mean value is close favorable. We have therefore optimized the Cr-0 distances in
to that in regular Th symmetry, as previously found for similar Th symmetry for both low- and high-spin states. Electron
Jahn-Teller distortion^.^ Considering the difference in size, the correlation effects are more important for the total energy in
Ag2+ion does not seem to have an anomalously lower hydration low-spin states as discussed later (see Low-Spin States), and
enthalpy than that of Cu2+(cf. also Zn2+and Cd2+,Table 3), and MRCI methods with all d electrons correlated were used for the
the similarity of the results is consistent with a tetragonally optimizations. We find that the energy curve for the low-spin
elongated octahedral hexaaqua complex as for Cu2+,rather than state crosses over the high-spin curve at 1.92 A. Even though the
a four-coordinated square-planar complex. energy at the minimum of the low-spin curve still is 147 kJ mol-'
The irregular variations of the M-0 bond lengths found in the higher than the high-spin energy, other comparisons in Table 4
solid state for Jahn-Teller distorted c ~ m p l e x e s , ~not
. ~ only
the axial but also for the equatorial distances, show that the
~ for

lattice and packing forces can completely supercede the relatively

show that the calculated energy differences on isolated clusters
are not of good predictive value for high low spin transitions.
An important factor for the stabilization of the smaller low-spin
small energies gained from the Jahn-Teller distortions. Also, complex is probably the influence of the more strongly coordinated
the efficiency with which the hydrogen bonds can be formed was second sphere, which may shift the relative positions of the curves.
found to induce significant variations in metal-water bond length It is noteworthy, however, that the calculated difference in the
and conformation (except for V2+).7M Comparisonswith crystal equilibrium Cr-0 bond lengths between the high- and low-spin
structure values are therefore of uncertain value as a measure of states is 0.07 %., close to the experimental difference of 0.06 A.
such electronically induced effects, as is evident from, for example, We thus conclude that the experimentalobservationsare consistent
the complete suppression of Jahn-Teller distortions for hydrated with a low-spin state of the Cr2+ ion in the rigid high-symmetry
Cr2+,C d + , and Mn3+ ions in high site-symmetries.s*7a~'J crystal lattice of the [Cr(H20)6]SiF6 salt, but other experimental
The hexaaquachromium(I1) ion shows no Jahn-Teller distor- methods (e.g. UV-vis and ESR spectra) should beused toconfirm
tion in the colorless [Cr(H20)6]SiF6 salt and also has an this proposal.
anomalously short Cr-0 distance, 2.106(2) A, Le. 0.06 A shorter The minor Jahn-Teller effect expected from the splitting of
(42) Cotton, F. A.; Wilkinson, G. Aduanced Inorgunic Chemistry, 5th ed.; degenerate to(Th)orbitals by lowering the symmetry2%waschecked
Wiley Interscience: New York, 1988; Chapter 19-1-3,4. by an optimization of [Fe(H@)6l2+ in the D2h symmetry and
& S c % V C r M n F e C o N i C u Z r ; S C T i V C r M n F c C o N i C u Z n G a

-200 -
A4,(4d) - A4,(3d)

a+/-., \
1 ..*

- -400
*. -

I , , , , I , , , , , # I , , , I I I I I I , , ' *
do d l d2 d l d4 d 5 d6 d7 d8 d o d!o do d ! dy d J d4 d6 d8 d7 d o d10
Figure 3. Theoretical binding energies, AEb/kJ mol-', for high-spin hexaaqua complexes of the (a) divalent ions and (b) trivalent ions of the 3d (filled
symbols) and 4d (open symbols) elements, respectively, with the difference (4d - 3d) below (circles). The reference lines (long dashes) connect do,
d5, and d"J ions. Calculated energy gains in D 3 d (Sc2+,7; Ti2+, 4; Yz+,
51; Zr2+, 16; Nb3+, 8; Zr3+, 21 kJ mol-') and D2h (CrZ+,11; Cuz+, 7; AgZ+,
14; Mn3+, 14 kJ mol-'; elongated Jahn-Teller) symmetry are indicated by the line (short dashes) corresponding to Th symmetry (Tables 2 and 4). The
In3+and to some extent the Ga3+ values are more uncertain due to differences in basis sets (see text).

resulted in a slightly compressed structure (2R,, = 2.158, 4Rq lower total energies are a result of the larger ion size, as can be
= 2.201 A) but an insignificant energy gain, EJT= 44 cm-I (0.5 seen from the plots of A&, (high-spin) versus l/Rs(M-0) in
kJ mol-'). Figure 4. The displacement of the fitted lines for the 4d ions
IV. Binding Energies in High-SpinHexahydrates. The binding relative to the 3d shows, however, that the bonds are stronger for
energies A&, of the high-spin [M(H@),#+ ( n = 2, 3) clusters the same ion size, consistent with the higher charge transfer and
in T,,symmetry ( D z h for the tetragonally elongated Jahn-Teller more covalent bonding evident from the Mulliken population
systems, Cu2+, CrZ+, Mn3+, and Agz+) are given in Table 4. analyses (Table 6). The almost linear energy correlations against
Comparisons are made between the divalent 3d and 4d ions in l/&(M-O) indicate that electrostatic interactions dominate the
Figure 3a and between the trivalent ions in Figure 3b, where also bonding (an 1/R2 dependence would be expected for a pure ion-
the additional energy gains from the D 3 d conformations (Table dipole interaction,43 but the insensitivity is shown by the plot of
2) and Jahn-Teller effects are shown and display the expected us R6 in ref la). Ions with slightly higher binding energies
double-humped features for an octahedral ligand field with than expected from the correlation are Yz+and Nb2+ in D3d
maxima for the d3 and d8 metal ions.5 The 4d ions have lower symmetry and Cd3+, Ga3+, and Zn3+ with high covalency.
overall binding energies than the 3d for the same electron In addition, the CI energy values from Table 3 are plotted in
configuration in the outer d shell but a higher energy gain from (43) Bockris, J. O'M.;Reddy, A. K. N. Modern Electrochemistry;
the larger splitting of the 4d orbitals in the ligand field. The Plenum: New York, 1970; Vol. 1, Chapter 2.
Ligand Field Effects in Hydrated Metal Ions J . Am. Chem. SOC.,Vol. 116, No. 19, 1994 8699
' Table 5. CSOV Analyses of [SC(H20)613+,[Fe(H20)613++,and
A E , / kJ m0l-l a
1350 - [Ga(H20)613+
computation method mol-' Ut96
1250 - [Sc(H20)613+
1 . Coulomb interaction between frozen systems 1769.4 73.02
2. HzO polarization, frozen occupied Sc orbitals 419.1 17.29
1150- 3. M3+relaxation, frozen H*O(occ.) 0.5 0.02
4. charge transfer 229.2 9.46
5. full SCF 5.0 0.21
1050 - total SCF binding energy 2423.3 100
1 . Coulomb interaction between frozen systems 2040.7 73.31
2. HzO polarization, frozen Fe(occ. orbitals) 477.8 17.16
3. M3+ relaxation except Fe(3d), frozen HzO(occ.) 0.13 0.005
4. H 2 0 optimized in full basis except Fe(3d) 90.3 3.24
2.3 2.1 5. Fe(3d) relaxation 34.2 1.23
6. optimized HzO and Fe3d, frozen Fe(occ.) 138.6 4.98
7. full SCF 1.8 0.065
total SCF binding energy 2783.6 100
'1 [Ga(H20)613+
1. Coulomb interaction between frozen svstems 2227.5 74.05
2800 - 2. H20 polarization, frozen Ga(occ. orbAals) 568.4 18.90
3. M3+relaxation, frozen H20(occ. orbitals) 5.1 0.17
4. charge transfer 200.2 6.66
2600 - 5. full SCF
-- 7.0 0.23
total SCF binding energy 3008.2 100

2400 -
difference is, however, that both the neutral Ga and In atoms
have occupied valence p orbitals in their ground state, and thus
2200 - low-lying unoccupied p orbitals are available to accept charge in
the ionic state.
Another point reflecting the stronger ligand field for the 4d
j y'/ elements is the binding energy correction A&*
contribution of the atomic ground state in the wave function,
which is included for the dZ and d7 ions (see Methods).' The
for the

1800 J Y?/' 2.3, 2.2 2.1

2.0 4 - 0 mixing of the different d-states should decrease with an increasing
0.12 o h o.ia o.ia ' 0.40 ' 0.32 &!o/A-' ligand field, and the corrections for the 4d ions are only about
Figure 4. Theoretical binding energies, U b , for high-spin hexaaqua one-half as large as those for the 3d ions.
complexesof the (a) divalent ions and (b) trivalent ions of the 3d (crosses) V. CSOV Analyses. Constrained space orbital variation4
and 4d (open circles) elements, respectively, plotted as a function of analyses have been performed on the hexahydrated Sc3+, Fe3+,
R6-lIA-l. Low-spin ions (MRCI values) are shown by filled circles. and Gas+ ions in order to examine the metal ion-water bonding
in more detail. In this method the total binding energy at the
Figure 4 for the low-spin hexahydrated ions RuZ+,Ru3+,Rh3+, S C F level is decomposed into the energy contributions obtained
and C03+ and show the expected contraction for a comparable by successively increasing the space of orbital rotation. These
binding energy also for Rh3+. The contraction is even larger for calculations were performed without the most diffuse s, p, and
the low-spin 4-coordinated square-planar Pd2+ and Ag3+ ions d functions on the metals and with the medium-sized water basis
(Table 7). set. The results from the different steps, which will be described
The more pronounced energy gains from the stronger ligand in detail below, are given in Table 5 .
field effects for the 4d ions, despite their lower total binding The orbitals corresponding to an isolated M3+ ion and six free
energies, are evident from Figure 3. All 4d - 3d energy differences water molecules were first generated for the separated non-
lie above the connecting curves through the nonstabilized ions interacting systems. In the first step the ligands were moved
with 0,5, and 10d-electrons, and in particular, the 4d3 metal ions from infinity to the bond distance (2.17,2.05, and 1.99 A, for
(Mo3+ and Nb2+) are favored over their 3d3 counterparts (Cr3+ Sc3+,Fe3+,and Ga3+,respectively) with theoccupiedmetalorbitals
and V + ) . The reason is the stronger interaction between the frozen and the virtual metal orbitals deleted. The energy obtained
more accessible 4d orbitals and the water ligands, possibly at the first S C F iteration gives a measure of the electrostatic
including a higher amount of d-p(OH2) ?r-bonding involving the ion-dipole attraction energy without charge relaxation. At
unoccupied ts(Th) d-orbitals. This is also reflected in the convergence, the second step in Table 5 , the water ligands are
experimental ligand field parameters 1ODq;those for the trivalent polarized in their virtual space, and the energy improvement
ions are about twice as large as for the divalent 3d ions, and for corresponds to the electrostatic ion-induced dipole energy. In
the high-spin 4d Mo3+ ion, about 50% larger than for the 3d Cr3+ the third step, the occupied water orbitals thus obtained are frozen,
ion.& The differencecurve between the trivalent ions has a steeper the virtual water orbitals are deleted, and the metal ion is allowed
slope than that for the divalent (Figure 3), consistent with the to relax in its virtual space. The occupied metal orbitals are then
higher charge. frozen in the fourth step, where the water ligands are allowed to
The binding energy of [In(H20)6I3+ appears to be lower than rotate in the full virtual space. In this step the charge transfer
that anticipated from the trends in Figure 3, possibly an effect takes place. The energy gain obtained so far is finally compared
of the different type (all electron) of metal basis set used, even with the full S C F energy. A minor final contribution, step five,
though the test calculations on Ag3+ did not reveal significant (44) Bagus,P. S.;Hermann, K.;Bauschlicher,C. W. J . Chem. Phys. 1984,
deviations from the ECP basis (see Methods). An additional 80, 4318.
8700 J. Am. Chem. SOC.,Vol. 116, No. 19, 1994 Akesson et ai.
Table 6. Mulliken Population Analyses: Metal Atom Charges and have to be included, since the open 3d shell must be treated
Orbital Populations in [M(Hz0)6]”+ Complexes“and Ionization separately because only rotations between doubly occupied orbitals
Potentials. IPleVb
are energy invariant. The first four steps are similar to those for
M q(M) S P d Wr IPrrr [ S ~ ( H 2 0 ) 6 ] ~and
+ [Ga(H2O)6l3+ but without relaxing the 3d
Divalent 3d Ions orbitals, which until this point thus have the same form as in Fe3+
Ca2+ +1.94 6.04 11.89 0.14 11.87 (the mixing of d t and ds-9, both of A1 symmetry as the
Sc2+ +1.89 6.07 11.88 1.16 12.80 calculations were performed in the D2h subsymmetry, is formally
Ti2+ +1.88 6.10 11.90 2.12 13.58 allowed but should make a negligible energy contribution). For
V2+ +1.83 6.13 11.94 3.10 14.65 [Fe(H20)6I3+,in the fifth step, the 3d orbitals are allowed to
Cr2+ +1.76 6.16 12.04 4.04 16.50
Mn2+ +1.73 6.18 12.11 4.98 15.64 rotate in the full virtual space, giving an additional term for the
Fez+ +1.68 6.21 12.14 5.98 16.18 M3+ relaxation. In the sixth step (corresponding to the fourth,
Co2+ +1.62 6.23 12.18 6.97 17.06 the charge-transfer step for Sc3+ and Ga3+),the water molecules
NiZ+ +1.56 6.25 12.22 7.97 18.17 were allowed to relax in the full virtual space and the result was
Cu2+ +1.52 6.26 12.25 8.97 20.29 then finally compared to the full S C F energy.
Zn2+ +1.51 6.26 12.27 9.95 17.96
The results of the CSOV analyses do not show any conclusive
Trivalent 3d Ions difference between Ga3+ and the other ions. The energy gains
Sc3+ +2.47 6.16 11.86 0.51 24.76
Ti’+ +2.44 6.21 11.86 1.48 27.491 in the first step approximately follow an R2dependence, as
V3+ +2.34 6.27 11.91 2.48 29.31 expected for a charge-dipole interaction, and for the second step,
Cr3+ +2.21 6.32 12.01 3.46 30.96 an R-4 dependence for a polarization energy (E = -1/2~,,(ze)2/
Mn3+ +2.11 6.37 12.16 4.36 33.667 #). The M3+relaxation energy is largest in [Fe(H20)613+(0.13
30.65 1
+ 34.2 kJ mol-’). The corresponding amount is greater for [Ga-
C03+c +1.74 6.46 12.33 6.47 (H20)6I3+( - 5 kJ mol-l) than for [Sc(H20),l3+ (0.5 kJ mol-l),
Ni3+ +1.76 6.49 12.46 7.29 35.17 reflecting the more pronounced tendency for a 3 d - 4 ~mixing in
Cu3+ +1.64 6.61 12.14 8.32 36.83 [Ga(H20)6I3+as compared to the harder valence shell in [Sc-
Zn3+ +1.53 6.53 12.62 9.32 39.722 (Hz0)6I3+.
Ga3+ +1.95 6.38 12.45 10.22 30.71
VI. Low-Spin States. One consequence of the larger ligand
Divalent 4d Ions field splittings for the 4d ions, and also for the trivalent ions, is
Sr2++1.96 2.06 6.00 0.02 11.030 that low-spin ground-state complexes are formed by several of
Y 2 + d +1.74(1.75)c 2.25 6.03 0.98 12.24
the hydrated ions in this study (Co3+, Ru2+,Ru3+, Rh3+, Pd2+)
Zr2+d +1.75(1.78). 2.11 5.93 2.20 13.13
NbZ+ +1.83 2.12 5.90 3.15 14.32 as shown, for example, by UV-vis spectroscopy.8 The 4d5 complex
Mo2+ +1.86 2.12 5.93 4.09 16.15 [Ru(H20)6I3+is low-spin, whileits 3d5counterpart, [Fe(H20)6]3+,
Tc2+ +1.88 2.13 5.94 5.05 15.26 is high-spin. The d6 ions, C03+, Rh3+, and RuZ+, all have singlet
R u ~ + +1.80(1.78)c
~ 2.16 5.97 6.07 16.76 ground states in hexaaqua complexes.
R u ~ + +1.74
~ 2.19 5.84 6.21
Rhz+ +1.82 2.17 5.94 7.07 18.08 As shown above, calculations at the SCF level yield results for
PdZ+ +1.69 2.19 5.92 8.12 19.43 the hexaaqua clusters, allowing satisfactory comparisons of most
Ag2+ +1.69 2.24 5.97 9.09 21.49 systematic trends when only high-spin states are compared.
Cd2+ +1.72 0.14 0.11 10.03 16.908 However, the S C F high-/low-spin comparisons in Table 3 show
Trivalent 4d Ions that only Rh3+ is correctly predicted to be low-spin in its ground
Y3+ +2.43 2.14 6.02 0.41 20.52 state. The large water basis set did not improve the results.
Z F d +2.37 (2.42)c 2.19 6.01 1.43 22.99 Evidently, too low binding values are obtained for the low-spin
Nb3+d +2.38 (2.44)c 2.19 5.98 2.45 25.04 complexes with this model. Calculations with methods including
Mo3+ +2.41 2.21 5.94 3.44 27.16
Tc3+ +2.38 2.22 6.00 4.41 29.54 electron correlation reduce the energy difference, especially for
R u ~ + +2.14
~ 2.28 6.00 5.58 the small ions (Table 3). In particular, addition of an f function
Ru3+ +2.35 2.27 6.05 5.33 28.47 to the metal basis proved to be important for the correlation
Rh3+d +2.20 (2.25)c 2.29 6.09 6.42 3 1.06 treatment. For Fe2+, the divalent ion in the first transition period
Rh3+C +2.10 2.33 5.96 6.57 which should have the largest tendency to form low-spin
Pd3+ +2.11 2.32 6.07 7.50 32.93
complexes, the atomic separation between the ground 5D
Ag3+ +1.90(1.83y 2.43 5.90 8.94 34.83
Cd3+g +1.86 0.32 0.26 9.57 37.48 6-averaged) and the excited 11 state has been measured to be
1n3+/ +2.19 8.30 18.38 20.14 28.03 29 933.3 ~m-1.~5 The corresponding calculated excitation energy
values are 41 636 (SCF) and 33 282 cm-1 (MRCI with 3d
a Medium O/H basis set. Reference 45b. Low-spin, CAS calcula-
tions. D3dsymmetry. Th symmetry. f All-electroncalculation.8 Large- +
correlated Davidson correction); the latter is only 3349 cm-1
core ECP.
Table 7. Low-SDin (d81 Sauare-Planar ComDlexes. IM(H201a12+
(40 kJ mol-’) above the experimental value. The corresponding
difference is 39 kJ mol-’ for the 5D 3Ptransition of Cr2+. These
comparisons illustrate that a large part of the remaining energy
difference between the high- and low-spin states is due to the

Ni2+ 1.946 +1.404 996 66.6 1095

metal atom description. If corrections of this size would be
PdZ+ 2.072 +1.462 1048 76.0 1063 introduced for all ions in Table 3, only the gas-phase clusters of
Ag3+ 1.976 +1.603 2195 81.3 Ru3+ and C03+ would still have slightly lower energy in high-
spin. However, it seems probable that the hydrogen bonding to
A E 4 = E(M2+)+ 4E(HzO) - E(M(H20)4)/kJ mol-’. CASSCF
calculations with all 3d (4d) orbitals active. Binding energy (CAS) the second shell, which should be stronger for the smaller low-
compared with that for hexahydrate; 6E = u 4 / h E 6 (W). MRCI + spin ions and thus give a synergistic increase in the strength of
Davidson correction, medium O/H basis, metal basis set extended with the M-0 bonds and in the ligand field, plays an important role
one f function, 3d (4d) orbitals correlated. for these ions, although the proposed transition to low-spin of
Cr2+ in its [Cr(H20)6]SiF6 salt requires an even larger contribu-
shows the polarization of the occupied metal orbitals. The steps
mentioned offer a straightforward comparison of the binding (45) (a) Moore, C. E. Aromic Energy Levels; National Bureau of
Standards: Washington, DC, 1971. (b) Moore, C. E. Ionization Porenrials
energy contributions in the diamagnetic [ S C ( H ~ O ) ~and
] ~ +[Ga- andlonizarionLimits Deriuedfrom rhe Analysisof OpticalSpectra;NSRDS-
(H20)6I3+. However, for [Fe(H2o)6l3+,a few additional steps NBS 34; US.National Bureau of Standards: Washington, DC, 1970.
Ligand Field Effects in Hydrated Metal Ions J. Am. Chem. SOC.,Vol. 116, No. 19, 1994 8701

tion from the surroundings (see Jahn-Teller Effects in Hexaaqua

Ions, above).
M. MullikenPopulationAnalyses. Thevariations of the metal
ion charges in the high-spin hexaaqua complexes according to 500
Mulliken population analyses are compared in Table 6 with values
obtained using the medium-sized water basis set. Clear trends Ru
+ Ga
are evident from the comparisons showing an increasing charge ++ Cr
transfer to the right in the series consistent with an increased 450 - Fe
covalency of the M-0 bonds. It seems likely that the transfer Ti
of more than one electron charge for the trivalent hexahydrated
Ni3+, Cu3+,Zn3+,Ag3+,and Cd3+ ions, is related to their instability
400 -
toward the +I1 oxidation state. At the end of the series the stable
d1O ions Ga3+ and In3+ break the trends with a smaller charge
transfer. A more irregular pattern is found for the charge transfer 1
to the divalent high-spin 4d ions in hexaaqua complexes. The
orbital populations show, however, that the s orbitals receive the
main part while the p and d orbitals are close to their formal Cr
occupation numbers (Table 6). A generally low involvement of
the p orbitals is also found for the trivalent 4d ions, notable even
in a comparison with the divalent 3d ions.*s 300]/ I ) I "' IO F e I I NUexp / cm-1
Considering the similarity of the hydrogen bond strengths for I / 1 1
series of hydrated metal ions in solution as measured by the 0-D 300 350 400 450 500 550
stretchingvibration frequencies of the water ligands,l,a the small Figure 5. Vibrational symmetric stretching frequencies (cm-1) calculated
variations found in the charge on the H atoms within each series for the hexahydrated divalent ions Ca2+,CrZ+, MnZ+, Fez+, Co2+,Ni2+,
(f0.02) are noteworthy, although the 0-D frequency should Cu2+, ZnZ+,RuZ+,and CdZ+(circles) and the trivalent ions Sc3+,Ti3+,
also be influenced by the larger concurrent variations in the oxygen V3+, Cr3+, Fe3+, C03+, Ga3+, Y3+,Ru3+, Rh3+, and In3+ (crosses) plotted
charge, cf., for example, Table I11 in ref la. against experimental Raman values (Table 1).
The ionization energies of the metal ions45b are given in Table
by the larger relative binding energies of the Pd2+ and Ag3+ ions
6. The unstable trivalent ions with a high charge transfer
(-76and 81%of U b o f t h e hexahydrate,respectively)compared
correspond to high third ionization potentials. The binding
to Ni2+(-66%). Consequently, there seems no reason to doubt
energies are found to be approximately linearly correlated with
that the hydrated silver(II1) ion would attain a square-planar
the ionization energies,probably because the coordination of polar
ligands would have an effect similar to the addition of electrons,
as discussed in a previous study.'*
IX. Vibrational Frequencies. The symmetric (A8) stretching
vibrational frequency usof the hexahydrated complexesis directly
M I . Square-Planards Complexes. The two hydrated divalent
connected to the strength of the metal-oxygen-bond because of
ds ions Ni2+ and Pd2+ display strikingly different behaviors. While
the stationary metal atom. The wave number us is immediately
Ni2+ forms regular and stable octahedral hydrates, Pd2+ coor-
available in the harmonic approximation as a result of the
dinates four water molecules in square-planar low-spin com-
optimization of the M-0 distance and is obtained from AEvib =
plexes." This difference can be explained by ligand field theory.
= hc;,, with the normal coordinate Ax = [6(AR)2]1/2,the
In a weak octahedral field, a d8 ion must have a triplet ground
force constant f = 41r2pv2, and the reduced mass p equal to the
state with two electrons with parallel spins in the e,(Oh) orbital.
mass of the ligand. A parabolic function has been fitted to three
However, if two axial ligands are removed from the system, giving
points: one very close to re (within 0.01 A) and two approximately
a square-planar configuration of D4h symmetry, the ligand field h0.04 8, off-minimum. However, the calculated frequencies are
splits the e8 orbitals into a pair with alg and bl, symmetries. For
sensitive to the choice of fitting points because of the anharmo-
a strong D4h ligand field this energy gain may be sufficient to
nicity,4'and theuncertainty is estimated to be f 1 0 cm-1. On the
stabilize a square-planar low-spin geometry. The other possible
other hand, test optimizations on the Mn2+ and Fe3+ systems
explanation is that the water ligands donate charge to the hydrated
showed that the choice of the water basis set had a negligible
palladium(I1) ion such that it attains a Jahn-Teller unstable d9
electron configuration, which would distort toward a square-
The calculated values are compared with the experimental
planar geometry. For Pd2+ this is not likely because the charge
ones obtained from Raman spectra of hydrated metal ions in
in the low-spin square-planar configuration is +1.46 (Table 7),
solution and in some cases in alum salts (Table 1). Calculated
compared with +1.69 for both palladium(I1) and silver(I1) in
S C F frequencies are generally overestimated by -10% for
high-spin hexaaqua clusters (Table 6). Furthermore, the orbital
molecules in the gas phase with a high degree of covalency47~4*
populations show almost eight d-electrons in the 4d shell for
due to the incorrectly described dissociation within the restricted
palladium(I1). In the low-spin d8 [Ag(H20)4]3+ complex,
HartreeFock SCF approximation. However, in solution, the
however, thechargeofthesilver(II1) ionisreduced to+1.6 (Table
dissociation is to ions and we find the HF-SCF description to give
7), with a d-orbital population close to 9. The square-planar
a rather constant deviation in the range of 10-15% with lower
structure of silver(II1) could therefore alternatively be described
theoretical than experimental frequencies for the symmetric
as a result of a strong Jahn-Teller distortion although, as discussed
above, an extensive charge transfer should be connected to redox stretching vibration mode (Figure 5). The difference is ap-
instability. A high acidity would be expected of the strongly proximately 30-50 cm-1 for thedivalent ions (larger for the Jahn-
Teller ions Cu2+and Cr2+) and 60-80 cm-1 for the trivalent ions.
polarized water ligands of the hydrated Ag(II1) ion, as evidenced
This discrepancy is probably mostly due to the solvation effects,
by the occurrence of the [Ag(OH)4]- complex in solution.25
e.g. the hydrogen bonding enhances the polarization of the water
The SCF-level binding energies of the square-planar complexes
ligands and thereby leads to increased experimental frequencies.
have been compared to those of the corresponding hexahydrates,
see Table 7. The higher stability of the 4d tetrahydrates is shown (47) Hehre, W. J.; Radom,.L.; Schleyer, P. v. R.; Pople, J. A. Ab Initio
Molecular Orbital Theory; Wiley-Interscience: New York, 1986; Chapter
(46) (a) BergstrBm, P.-A.; Lindgren, J: Read, M.; SandstrBm,M. J. Phys. -._.
Chem. 1991,95,7650. (b) BergstrBm, P.-A.;Lindgren, J. Inorg. Chem. 1992, (48) Del Bene, J. E.; Mettee, H. D.; Frisch, M. J.; Luke, B. T.; Poplc, J.
31, 1529 and references thereh A. J . Phys. Chem. 1983,87, 3279.
8702 J. Am. Chem. SOC.,Vol. 116, No. 19, 1994 Akesson et al.
Also, anharmonicity and the "wall effect" due to the surrounding reduction of the binding energies, AEw, on the order of 5-10 kJ
molecules are not present in the gas-phase vibrational frequency mol-'.
calculations and should contribute to the increase. Structure determinations of water molecules in crystals by
The smaller deviations for CaZ+ and Sc3+,calculated to be only neutron diffraction show that on the average the HOH angle
ca. 17 and 24 cm-I lower than the experimental values (Table l), opens up a few degrees upon coordination to a metal i0n.3~"
respectively, are probably caused by low experimental frequencies Optimizations performed for the divalent mono- and dihydrates
because of hydration numbers higher than six.1J4,'6936 Already (large water basis) of the 3d ions indicate that this effect increases
for the heptahydrates, [Ca(H20)7]2+ and [Sc(H20)7l3+, the with the increasing covalent bonding contribution for the late
calculated symmetric stretching wave numbers are substantially transition elements.'' Using the optimized water geometry from
reduced to us = 222 and 373 cm-I, respectively. These values the monohydrates for calculations on the hexahydrates of Cu2+
were obtained by moving the water molecules along the coordinate and ZnZ+,AEgeom contributions to the binding energy of about
Ax = [7(AR)2]'/2 while keeping the angular coordinates (aand 15 and 20 kJ mol-', respectively, were obtained. The large water
8) fixed, see Figure 1 in ref 31. The smaller than average basis should give smaller effects, as also was indicated by test
difference for Y3+, 21 cm-1, can likewise be related to an calculations.
experimental hydration number of 8.0 f 0.3.17 Corrections due to the lack of electron correlation in the SCF
The spread around a correlation line through the points in approximation have been estimated by MP2 methods for the
Figure 5 would probably be reduced by comparing the calculated hexaaqua clusters of MnZ+, Co2+, Zn2+, and Cd2+.29 The
frequencies with a weighted sum of all three experimental contributions to the binding energy were reported to be AE,,, =
stretching vibrations (of AI, (Xl), Ex (X2), and TI" (X3) 28.5, 36.4, 19.7, and 28.9 kJ mol-', respectively, with an
symmetry in the Oh point group) in order to eliminate the anomalously large value for cobalt(I1). For the Co2+ion, however,
interaction force constants,@i.e. the influence of the interactions a two-configuration reference wave function is required (see
between the ligands on the experimental frequency in the Methods), which explains the deviation of the MP2 result for this
comparison, but experimental values are missing in most cases. system.
X. Gas-Phase and Solution Hydration Enthalpies. The For a comparison with experimental A H o h y d data, the most
calculated binding energy, refers to a gas-phase (de)-
hydration reaction of a metal ion at 0 K, M(H20)6"+(g)
Mn+(g) + 6H20(g), and a number of contributions have to be
- important contribution by far is to relate the gas-phase binding
energies to the state in solution, where effects of the surroundings
becomeimportant. Using a Born-Haber cycle, as shown before,'
considered in order to relate this quantity to experimental single- the following relation is obtained for the (corrected) gas-phase
ion hydration enthalpies, A f f o b y d , at 298 K.29v48 hydration enthalpy at 298 K:
Firstly, the hydration enthalpy for the gas-phase hydration
reaction at 298 K, AHgas,should be obtained from the binding
energy, a t 0 K.48 The difference in vibrational zero-point
energy in forming a complex, AEzp,gives a relatively constant
where the heat of vaporization of water is AHvap = 44.02 kJ mol-'
reduction of A&, by about 60-70 kJ mol-' in the series.29 The
adjustment to 298 K corresponds to an additional small reduction
of about 5 kJ mol-' for the difference in heat capacity of the
components of the system, AE(Cp).50 The gas law relates the
at 298 K.s2 Rough estimates of the (negative) solvation term
AHplv,corresponding to [M(H20)6(g)ln+ [ M ( H ~ 0 ) ~ ( a q ) ] ~ + ,
can be made by approximate models, e.g. by the Born equation
so-corrected binding energy and the enthalpy AHga,terms in which the ion is located in a cavity surrounded by a dielectric
of the reaction at 298 K, AH8= = AnRT - with AnRT continuum.43 This model has been reported to give reasonable
= 15 kJ mol-' for six water molecules. For the 3d elements, energy values for a cavity radius obtained by adding ca. 1.5 A
relativistic effects have been neglected but should give rise to a to the M-0 distance in hexahydrated ions.29
correction, AErel,with increased binding energies in particular Including the results from the previous study on the hexa-
for the elements with higher 4s populations toward the right in hydrated divalent 3d ions of the first transition period (Ca*+-
the row. Comparisons can be made with a model study of the Znz+),' there are totally 28 experimental single ion hydration
mono- and dihydrated divalent ions of the 3d ions Ca2+-Zn2+, enthalpies, P l i o h y d , which may be compared with theoretical h E b
where the relativistic effects were evaluated quantitatively for values (Table 4). The data form two groups with much higher
the large O/H basis set.'' At the SCF level the binding energies hydration enthalpies for the trivalent ions, as expected from the
were found to increase by 1-10 kJ mol-'. Perturbation theory q2/r dependence of the solvation energy in the Born equation.43
estimates of the relativistic corrections for the hexahydrated 3d In Figure 6 the expression DJi'hyd + h E b - 6AHvapis plotted
for the 3d ions. This should give a good estimate of the solvation
ions Ti2+, Fez+, and Zn2+ increased the binding energy with -4,
-6, and 11 kJ mol-', respectively. From these results, the
[Ga(H20)6]3+ion,with a large s population (6.28 with the large
energy b??6ndv = m 0 h y d - ilfig=-6AHvapiftheabove-mentioned
corrections are accounted for, i.e.
water basis set), is estimated to have a relativistic contribution
of about 20 kJ mol-' to the binding energy. AEb = -AHgas- AEzp+ AnRT - AE(Cp) + AEre,- AEw +
Relativistic corrections are included in the ECP basis sets for q e o m +~ w r (3)
the 4d elements. The all-electron calculations for Ag2+ and I d +
revealed, as expected, that the inherent relativistic effects are For thedivalent 3d ions, the estimated corrections seem to largely
much larger than those for the 3d ions, both energetically and cancel (within ca. f 3 0 kJ), and rather constant A&''V values,
geometrically. Thus, the nonrelativistic binding energies were in the range from 926 kJ mol-' for MnZ+ to about 1020 kJ mol-'
smaller than the relativistic (see Table 4) by 28 and 50 kJ mol-' for Ni*+ and Cu2+,are obtained if CaZ+ is excluded (because of
for Ag3+ and I$+, respectively, while the M-0 distances were its higher hydration number).'" Thecorresponding AHpIvvalues
approximately 0.01 A longer. are larger for the trivalent 3d ions, in the range from 2096 for
The effect of differences in the spin-orbit coupling between Ti3+to ca. 2256 kJ mol-' for both Cr3+and Mn3+,excluding the
the free metal ion4' and the complex is estimated to give a small values for Sc3+ and Cos+ because of higher hydration number
and low-spin, respectively. Considering the uncertainties in the
~ ~~~

(49) Jones, L. H.Inorganic Vibrational Spectroscopy; Marcel Dekker:

New York, 1971; Vol. 1, Chapter 3.2. comparisons, the overall differences in hydration energy between
(50) Mhin, B. J.; Lee, S.;Cho, S. J.; Lee, K.; Kim, K. S . Chem. Phys. Lett.
1992, 197, 11. (52) American Institute of Physics Handbook; Gray, D. E., Ed.;
(51) Akesson, R.; Pettersson, L. G. M. Chem. Phys., in press. McGraw-Hill: New York, 1972.
Ligand Field Effects in Hydrated Metal Ions J . Am. Chem. SOC.,Vol. 116, No. 19, 1994 8703

2400 1- b. a.

0 /
n --


2100 - 1200


1900 - r-


1500 -

1400 -

1Jx) -

do d ' d' d' d 4 d' d b d' d' d s d"

Scll V C r M n F e C o N O u Z n G a
Figure 6. Experimental single-ion hydration enthalpies, - m o h y d (upper curve), theoretical binding energies, A.!?b (middle curve), and -(AH0hN +
- 6mV,,=) (lower curve) in kJ mol-' for the 3d elements: (a) divalent ions and (b) trivalent ions (note: scale/2). The reference curves
(dashes) connect do, d5, and d10 ions. The w h y d values of Ca2+and Sc3+correspond to higher hydration numbers and Co3+to low-spin (see text).

the 3d and the 4d [M(HzO),]"+ complexes can be accommodated would stabilize the low-spin state for trivalent ions in solution,
within the simple description leading to the Born equation.43 not only for Co3+ but also for the 4d ions Ru3+ and Rh3+. IR
In this context results from liquid XPS studies of metal ions spectroscopicmeasurements of 0-D (0-H) stretching frequencies
in glycol solution are of interest.53 The fast core excitation process have shown that the hydrogen bond strength is almost constant
when the charge is increased for the same radius of the complex for most divalent transition ions in solution but increases stepwise
has been used to show that the electronic polarization is the to another constant value for small trivalent ions, e.g. Cr3+ and
dominating contribution to the increase in solvation energy. In Rh3+,for which even the hydrogen bonds between the second and
contrast to the linear increase of the long-range ion-dipole term third hydration layers are enhanced.&
with increasing charge, the electronic polarization increases Concluding Remarks. In the present study we have evaluated
quadratically as is expected from the Born model. the ligand field effects on the high-spin states of the di- and
However, it seems from the curves in Figure 6 that the ligand trivalent hexahydrated ions of the first and second transition
field induced variations in the hydration enthalpies are larger periods. Energy gains and geometrical distortions by additional
than in the calculated binding energies, especiallyfor the trivalent
splitting of degenerated orbitals have been considered. The almost
ions. This would be consistent with a further enhancement of the
ligand field from the surrounding coordination spheres which linear correlation between the binding energies, A&, and the
inverse M-0 bond distances, It-1,shows that the bonding in the
(53) Siegbahn, H. J . Phys. Chem. 1985,89, 897. divalent complexes is dominated by electrostatic effects in both
8104 J . Am. Chem. SOC.,Vol. 116, No. 19, 1994 Akesson et al.
periods. The stronger ligand field effects in the second period the solvent effects on some hexahydrated ions, including CaZ+
are shown by the larger variations of the energy curves, giving and Zn2+, by reoptimizing the hexahydrated ion inside a cavity
more marked maxima for the d3 and d8 ions in the series. The in a continuum with the dielectric permittivity of water.56
trivalent ions form bonds with more covalent contributions, which However, despite the reasonable energy contributions obtained
is reflected in the much larger variation in the metal atomiccharges from the continuum, albeit with rather large radii of the cavities,
as obtained from the Mulliken population analyses, and a the M-0 bond lengths increased significantly, by 0.02-0.05A,
connection between extensive charge transfer and instability of and the M-0 stretching force constants decreased substantially
the high oxidation state is pointed out. from the gas-phasevalues obtained in thesame work, Le. contrary
The low-spin ground states of the hydrated COS+,Ru2+, Ru3+, to the expected effects. It seems that the size of the supermolecule
Rh3+, and Pd2+ions, and also the possibility of a low-spin state inside the cavity must be rather large particularly when strong
of Cr2+ in the solid [Cr(H20)6]SiF6 compound, have been hydrogen bonding occurs, as discussed in ref 55. In the case of
considered. The low-spin square-planar structure for the tet- the extremely strong hydrogen bonding around small trivalent
rahydrated divalent palladium ion is explained in terms of ligand ions, such as Cr3+ and Rh3+,46 probably at least the second
field effects, and the hydrated Ag3+ ion is predicted to have the hydration shell should be included for a satisfactory description.
same structure. The hydrated Ag2+ ion is probably a hexa- Additional problems arise when using the cavity model for Jahn-
hydrated Jahn-Teller distorted [Ag(H2O)6l2+ complex with a Teller distorted complexes with different strengths of the hydrogen
tetragonally elongated structure similar to that for the Cu2+ion. bonds and possibly also different tilt angles of the axial and
It is evident, however, that low-energy distortions induced by the equatorial water ligands,2J or for square-planar complexes, as
electronic structure, e.g. Jahn-Teller effects and conformation the size and shape of the cavity may have a significant influence
changes, can easily be suppressed or otherwise influenced in crystal on the r e ~ u l t s . 5 ~Nevertheless, with the rapidly developing
structures due to packing forces and caution is required computational capacity for accurate descriptions of large systems,
particularly in structural comparisons using solid-state data. the supermolecule and cavity approach will certainly become a
Comparisons with experimental bond lengths, symmetric useful method for quantitative evaluations not only of hydration
stretching vibrational frequencies, and single-ion hydration energies but also of the geometrical effects occurring upon the
enthalpies are used for discussions of changes in hydration hydration of metal ions.
numbers, structure, and spin states and also to illuminate the Acknowledgment. The financial support and the CPU time on
expected influence of the surrounding hydrogen-bonded medium a CRAY X-MP/416 computer, obtained from the Swedish
in solution and in the solid state. Natural Science Council, is gratefully acknowledged. Professor
Lately, computational models have been developed to describe F. A. Cotton is thanked for preprints and stimulating dis-
the solute under the influence of a polarizable dielectric cussions.
continuum.5’56 An interesting attempt was made to describe ~~~

(55) Tufih, I.; Silla, E.; Bertrin, J. J. Phys. Chem. 1993, 97, 5547 and
references therein.
(54) Cramer, C. J.; Truhlar, D. G. Chem. Phys. Lett. 1992,198.74 and (56) Sanchez Marcos, E.; Pappalardo, R. R.; Rinaldi, R. J. Phys. Chem.
references therein. 1991, 95, 8928.

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