1994 Akesson Pettersson Metalshydrated Di Tri Valentes
1994 Akesson Pettersson Metalshydrated Di Tri Valentes
1994 Akesson Pettersson Metalshydrated Di Tri Valentes
Abstract: The influence of d-shell occupation on the structure of the first hydration sphere for a series of hydrated
transition metal ions has been evaluated by using theoretical calculations to optimize the geometry and find the
conformations with lowest energy. General trends in the properties reflecting the calculated metal-oxygen bond strength
and energy are discussed and compared with experimental values. The metal-oxygen distances, calculated by a b initio
S C F methods using large basis sets for high-spin hexaaqua complexes in the Th symmetry of the di- and trivalent 3d
metal ions, follow closely the trends found in crystal structure determinations of the isomorphous series of the 3d
hexaaqua metal ions in Tutton and alum salts. The variation of the binding energies in a hexaaqua complex shows
the double-humped features expected for a splitting of the d orbitals in an octahedral ligand field with the largest
stabilization at formal d3 and d8 electron configurations of the metal ions. In cases with degenerate d-orbitals, an
additional splitting of the energy levels by a lowering of the symmetry of the hexahydrated ion will in some cases
significantly increase the binding energy. For the largest dl and d6 metal ions an "all-vertical", and for some large
d2 ions an "all-horizontal", conformation of the hydrogen atoms of the planarly coordinated water ligands around the
trifold axis in the D 3 d symmetry is favored. For the hexahydrated d9 ion Agz+, the first-order Jahn-Teller effect leading
to a tetragonal elongation of the octahedral coordination has been studied. The possibility that the nondistorted d4
[Cr(H20)61Z+complex is forced into a low-spin state in its hexafluorosilicate salt due to compression in the lattice has
been considered. The electrostatically dominated binding in the hexaaqua complexes shows an increasing covalent
contribution to the right in the transition rows, especially for the trivalent ions. The ligand field effects are generally
larger for the trivalent than for the divalent ions and also larger for the 4dn than for the 3dn elements, although the
overall bond strength is lower due to the larger size of the 4dn ions. The high ligand field strength results in low-spin
ground states for the hexahydrated C03+, R u ~ +Rh3+ , (d6), and Ru3+ (d5) ions in solution but, except for Rh3+, these
high- to low-spin transitions proved to be difficult to reproduce by computations for the isolated hexaaqua clusters.
Electron correlation was introduced, but the effect of the surroundings, which also may provide an additional important
contribution to the stabilization of the low-spin state, was not accounted for. The low-spin square-planar configurations
of the d8 complexes [Pd(H20)4]2+and [Ag(H20)4]3+ are discussed in terms of ligand field effects.
theoretical calculations on the MR-SDCI level on an isolated
[Ti(H20)6I3+cluster were reported to give the lowest energy for
“all-vertical” D3d symmetry. However, the comparisons were
b’ not made with the cluster in Th symmetry but rather with a Dzh
structure with all four equatorial water molecules perpendicular
to the xy plane, giving a more unfavorable proton-proton
repulsion. This is also shown by the energy gain obtained when
allowing a Jahn-Teller distortion of this structure$O which is
much higher than those caused by degenerate t, orbitals in Th
structures (see Jahn-Teller Effects in Hexaaqua Ions).z9 Cal-
-.- t v\ \
culations on [Sc(H20)6I2+ using both the medium and the large
O / H basis sets verified that the energy differences between the
different conformations were not basis-set dependent.
a The “all-vertical” D3d conformation was in all cases more
favorable for the 4d1 and high-spin 4d6 ions than for the
S c T V O M n F e B N i Q Z n G a corresponding 3d ions, as expected from the increase in ligand
Figure 2. Calculated M-O distances of d-block high-spin [M(H20)6]”+ field effects and the larger size of the 4d complexes. The energy
complexes in Th or D3h symmetry for increasing numbers of d electrons: gain as compared to the Th symmetry was most pronounced for
(a) divalent 3d (filled circles) and 4d (open circles) metal ions. The [Y(H20)6]2+(50.7 kJ mol-’), and the a value (63.9O) shows that
squares correspond to Tutton salts;’ (b) trivalent 3d (filled triangles) and
4d (opentriangles) metal ions, comparedwith cesium alum salts (squares), considerable distortion from an octahedral MO6 core is favorable
with Co’+ in low-spin6and Sc3+estimated from unit cell dimensions.5 for this large d1 ion (Table 2).
The reference lines (long dashes) connect do, d5, and dlo ions without The “all-horizontal” D3d conformation was found to be 16.0
additional ligand field stabilization due to the splitting of the d-orbital and 8.3 kJ mol-’ more stable than the Th for the 4d2 ions Zr2+
energy levels. and Nb3+,respectively. In applying the center of gravity principle
for the t,(Th) orbitals, Le. the perturbation of f 6 e for the e,
optimized metal-oxygen distances were close to the Th values, cf. orbital corresponds to 7 2 6 c for alg,in a comparison between the
Table 1, but the a angles show a slight trigonal compression of two D3d geometries, one would expect energy gains similar to
the central MO6 octahedral unit. The amount of the distortion those for the neighboring 4d1 ions, Zr3+ and Y2+. However, the
and the preference for this type of D3d structure are connected larger size of the 4dl complexes allows larger trigonal compression,
to the radius of the cluster, which makes the increased proton- as seen from the a values, and thus higher energy stabilization.
proton repulsion in the D3d structure less important for the larger For the 3d2 ion TiZ+, the “all-horizontal” D3d conformation is
ions. Also the occupation of the d orbitals for the Fez+, RuZ+, slightly favored, but for the small V3+, the T h symmetry is still
and Rh3+ ions (high spin d6 with the al,(D3d) orbital doubly lower in energy (Table 2), and by analogy with the d6 ions, this
occupied) counteracts the distortion of the MO6 octahedron. The is also expected for all of the d7 ions.
lowering of the al,(D3d) orbital energy does not outweigh the The [V(H20)6]3+ complex in the solid compound [V-
higher repulsion between the protons for the small Fez+ ion, but (H20)6] [ H s O ~(CF3SOs)d
] is close to a D3d conformation with
RuZ+ and Rh3+ are marginally more stable in the D3d than in the nearly ”all-horizontal” flat water molecules.30 However, this
Th symmetry (Table 2). conformation is influenced by the directed hydrogen bonding in
Even though these trends are clear, the energy differences the solid state, an effect which is not present in the theoretical
between the conformations are small and, for example, hydrogen study. This argument also applies to the “tilt” of the water ligands
bonding and differences in 0-H distances in condensed phases observed, for example, for the Tutton s a l t ~ . For
~ ~ two
, ~ 3dZions,
may well give different results than this gas-phase comparison TiZ+ and V3+, the calculations showed that “tilting” of the water
with fixed water geometry. Thus, ESR and electron spin echo molecules toward a pyramidal “lone-pair” coordination of the
studies of the [Ti(D2O)6l3+ ion in an amorphous 2-propanol/ oxygen atom raises the energy considerably for an isolated
DzO glass support an “all-vertical” D3d structure.m Also, hexaaqua cluster. The weakened ion-dipole attraction seems,
Ligand Field Effects in Hydrated Metal Ions J. Am. Chem. SOC.,Vol. 116, No. 19, 1994 8697
Table 3. Low-Spin Hexaaqua Complexes for d4 (CrZ+),d5 (Ru3+), Table 4. Theoretical Binding Energies, h E b " , of the Hexahydrated
and d6 Ions and Energy Comparisons with High-Spin States at 3d and 4d Ions in High-Spin (Large O/H Basis) and Single-Ion
Different Levels of Computation Hydration EnthaMes, AHOI,,~~
divalent ions trivalent ions
M U b -AHo hyd mb -AHo hyd
Cr2+ 2.1528 194.4 164.9 146.5 Ca 1002 1577(6)
Fe2+ 2.071 328.9 334.8 277 204 (164)h sc 1097e 2170 3897( 10)
Co3+ 1.933 255.5 259.0 207 43.4 Ti 1 1 53C9d 1862( 15) 2322 4154(20)
Ru2+ 2.197 73.3 45.8 14.5 V 1225 1918( 15) 2432d 4375(20)
Ru3+ 2.090 109.6 79.2 47.5 Cr 120V 1904(6) 2567 4560(20)
Rh3+ 2.055 -79.8 -102.5 -254.5 Mn 1179 1841(6) 2553e 4544(30)
a Low-spin M-O distance optimized at SCF level. 6E = EI,,.,~~,- Fe 1245 1946(6) 2498 4430( 10)
E&gh.spin/kJmol-'. Single-configuration SCF, medium O/H basis. co 1287d 1996(6) 2615 465 1 ( 2 0 y
d SCF, largeO/H basis. All 3d (4d) orbitals active. f MRCI + Davidson Ni 1350 2105(6) 2702d
correction, medium O/H basis, metal basis set extended with one f cu 1 344e 2 1 OO(6) 2819
function, 3d (4d) orbitals correlated. g 2.155 A when optimized at the Zn 1334 2046(6) 2814
MRCI level. h Including an experimentallybasedcorrectionfor the atomic Ga 2780 4700( 10)
high-/low-spin state separation, see Low-Spin States. Sr 859 1443(6)
Y 1012c 1818 358 3( 10)
however, to be partly compensated for by an increased covalencyin Zr 1047c3d 2006c
Nb 1128 2 1 26c*d 4 195(20)
the M-0 bond as indicated by the lower metal charge, see Table Mo 1041 2274 4290(20)
2. Tc 987 1858(25) 2175
111. Jahn-Teller Effects in Hexaaqua Ions. Silver(II), with Ru 106W 2082
the electron configuration 4d9,would be expected to exhibit first- Rh lllod 22 1 6c 4495(20y
order Jahn-Teller distortions in a hexaaqua ion in a way similar Pd 1189 1989(20)g 230gd
to [ C ~ ( H 2 0 ) 6 ] ~ +In
. ~textbooks,
.~ however, Agz+ions in aqueous Ag 1155,e 1150h 1931(20) 2459,c 2481'
Cd 1138 1807(6) 2476,2454~~
solution are proposed to have a transient existence as [Ag- In 2281h 4 1 12( 10)
(H20)4]2+complexes with a square-planar In contrast
to the case for Cuz+, the disproportionation 2Ag+ + Ag(s) + a The h E b / k J mol-' values (eq 1) include basis set corrections -190
and -241 kJ mol-', respectively, for the di- and trivalent 4d ions (Sr-In),
Ag2+ has a very low equilibrium constant (K cz 1e20 M-l),42
see text. Reference 20. &d symmetry, see text and Table 2. Cal-
proposed to be a result of the low hydration enthalpy of Ag2+. culated using A E c corrections,
~ see Methods. e Tetragonally elongated
The Jahn-Teller effect on [Ag(H@)6l2+was studied in a way Jahn-Teller distortedgeometry. f Low spin. 8 4-coordinatedsquare-planar
similar to that previously for Cu2+,293Le. with optimizations of structure. All-electronSCF + relativistic correction. Small core ECP.
an axial (RaJ and an equatorial (R,) M-0 distance in DZh j Large-core ECP, 36 core electrons, (2s,2p,3d) valence basis set.
symmetry corresponding to a tetragonal distortion of the Th kCorrected for difference between large and small core ECP, +17 kJ
structure. The results were qualitatively similar to those for the mol-'.
3d ions, with the elongated octahedral Ag-0 coordination (2R,,
= 2.486, 4R, = 2.223 A) slightly more stable (28 = 101 cm-1) than the mean value (2.167 A) of the distorted complex in the
than the compressed structure (2R,, = 2.172,4R, = 2.373 A). blue (NH4)2[Cr(HzO)6](S04)2 Tutton salt.7b The compression
The Jahn-Teller energy (EJT,Le. the energy difference from the of the hexaaquametal ions noted in the comparison between the
optimized regular Th structure) was 1203 cm-l (14.4 kJ mol-'), hexafluorosilicate salts as compared to the corresponding Tutton
which is twiceas largeas that for Cu2+(582cm-l).1 Thegeometric salts (except for V2+) is more pronounced for CrZ+than for any
distortion, as given by the Jahn-Teller radius, RJT= [C(r-F)2]l/2, of the other ions in this study.7 As a result of the short Cr-0
is also larger, 0.30 A (0.24 A for [ C U ( H ~ O ) , ] ~ +Despite
).~ the distances in the [Cr(Hz0)6]SiF6 salt, the ligand field splitting of
rather large differences between the Ag-0 distances in the the d orbitals should increase and make a low-spin structure more
elongated and the compressed structures, the mean value is close favorable. We have therefore optimized the Cr-0 distances in
to that in regular Th symmetry, as previously found for similar Th symmetry for both low- and high-spin states. Electron
Jahn-Teller distortion^.^ Considering the difference in size, the correlation effects are more important for the total energy in
Ag2+ion does not seem to have an anomalously lower hydration low-spin states as discussed later (see Low-Spin States), and
enthalpy than that of Cu2+(cf. also Zn2+and Cd2+,Table 3), and MRCI methods with all d electrons correlated were used for the
the similarity of the results is consistent with a tetragonally optimizations. We find that the energy curve for the low-spin
elongated octahedral hexaaqua complex as for Cu2+,rather than state crosses over the high-spin curve at 1.92 A. Even though the
a four-coordinated square-planar complex. energy at the minimum of the low-spin curve still is 147 kJ mol-'
The irregular variations of the M-0 bond lengths found in the higher than the high-spin energy, other comparisons in Table 4
solid state for Jahn-Teller distorted c ~ m p l e x e s , ~not
. ~ only
the axial but also for the equatorial distances, show that the
~ for
-200 -
A4,(4d) - A4,(3d)
a+/-., \
1 ..*
- -400
*. -
I , , , , I , , , , , # I , , , I I I I I I , , ' *
do d l d2 d l d4 d 5 d6 d7 d8 d o d!o do d ! dy d J d4 d6 d8 d7 d o d10
Figure 3. Theoretical binding energies, AEb/kJ mol-', for high-spin hexaaqua complexes of the (a) divalent ions and (b) trivalent ions of the 3d (filled
symbols) and 4d (open symbols) elements, respectively, with the difference (4d - 3d) below (circles). The reference lines (long dashes) connect do,
d5, and d"J ions. Calculated energy gains in D 3 d (Sc2+,7; Ti2+, 4; Yz+,
51; Zr2+, 16; Nb3+, 8; Zr3+, 21 kJ mol-') and D2h (CrZ+,11; Cuz+, 7; AgZ+,
14; Mn3+, 14 kJ mol-'; elongated Jahn-Teller) symmetry are indicated by the line (short dashes) corresponding to Th symmetry (Tables 2 and 4). The
In3+and to some extent the Ga3+ values are more uncertain due to differences in basis sets (see text).
resulted in a slightly compressed structure (2R,, = 2.158, 4Rq lower total energies are a result of the larger ion size, as can be
= 2.201 A) but an insignificant energy gain, EJT= 44 cm-I (0.5 seen from the plots of A&, (high-spin) versus l/Rs(M-0) in
kJ mol-'). Figure 4. The displacement of the fitted lines for the 4d ions
IV. Binding Energies in High-SpinHexahydrates. The binding relative to the 3d shows, however, that the bonds are stronger for
energies A&, of the high-spin [M(H@),#+ ( n = 2, 3) clusters the same ion size, consistent with the higher charge transfer and
in T,,symmetry ( D z h for the tetragonally elongated Jahn-Teller more covalent bonding evident from the Mulliken population
systems, Cu2+, CrZ+, Mn3+, and Agz+) are given in Table 4. analyses (Table 6). The almost linear energy correlations against
Comparisons are made between the divalent 3d and 4d ions in l/&(M-O) indicate that electrostatic interactions dominate the
Figure 3a and between the trivalent ions in Figure 3b, where also bonding (an 1/R2 dependence would be expected for a pure ion-
the additional energy gains from the D 3 d conformations (Table dipole interaction,43 but the insensitivity is shown by the plot of
2) and Jahn-Teller effects are shown and display the expected us R6 in ref la). Ions with slightly higher binding energies
double-humped features for an octahedral ligand field with than expected from the correlation are Yz+and Nb2+ in D3d
maxima for the d3 and d8 metal ions.5 The 4d ions have lower symmetry and Cd3+, Ga3+, and Zn3+ with high covalency.
overall binding energies than the 3d for the same electron In addition, the CI energy values from Table 3 are plotted in
configuration in the outer d shell but a higher energy gain from (43) Bockris, J. O'M.;Reddy, A. K. N. Modern Electrochemistry;
the larger splitting of the 4d orbitals in the ligand field. The Plenum: New York, 1970; Vol. 1, Chapter 2.
Ligand Field Effects in Hydrated Metal Ions J . Am. Chem. SOC.,Vol. 116, No. 19, 1994 8699
' Table 5. CSOV Analyses of [SC(H20)613+,[Fe(H20)613++,and
A E , / kJ m0l-l a
1350 - [Ga(H20)613+
computation method mol-' Ut96
1250 - [Sc(H20)613+
1 . Coulomb interaction between frozen systems 1769.4 73.02
2. HzO polarization, frozen occupied Sc orbitals 419.1 17.29
1150- 3. M3+relaxation, frozen H*O(occ.) 0.5 0.02
4. charge transfer 229.2 9.46
5. full SCF 5.0 0.21
1050 - total SCF binding energy 2423.3 100
1 . Coulomb interaction between frozen systems 2040.7 73.31
2. HzO polarization, frozen Fe(occ. orbitals) 477.8 17.16
3. M3+ relaxation except Fe(3d), frozen HzO(occ.) 0.13 0.005
4. H 2 0 optimized in full basis except Fe(3d) 90.3 3.24
2.3 2.1 5. Fe(3d) relaxation 34.2 1.23
6. optimized HzO and Fe3d, frozen Fe(occ.) 138.6 4.98
7. full SCF 1.8 0.065
total SCF binding energy 2783.6 100
'1 [Ga(H20)613+
1. Coulomb interaction between frozen svstems 2227.5 74.05
2800 - 2. H20 polarization, frozen Ga(occ. orbAals) 568.4 18.90
3. M3+relaxation, frozen H20(occ. orbitals) 5.1 0.17
4. charge transfer 200.2 6.66
2600 - 5. full SCF
-- 7.0 0.23
total SCF binding energy 3008.2 100
2400 -
difference is, however, that both the neutral Ga and In atoms
have occupied valence p orbitals in their ground state, and thus
2200 - low-lying unoccupied p orbitals are available to accept charge in
the ionic state.
Another point reflecting the stronger ligand field for the 4d
j y'/ elements is the binding energy correction A&*
contribution of the atomic ground state in the wave function,
which is included for the dZ and d7 ions (see Methods).' The
for the
2400 1- b. a.
0 /
n --
2100 - 1200
1900 - r-
1500 -
1400 -
1Jx) -
the 3d and the 4d [M(HzO),]"+ complexes can be accommodated would stabilize the low-spin state for trivalent ions in solution,
within the simple description leading to the Born equation.43 not only for Co3+ but also for the 4d ions Ru3+ and Rh3+. IR
In this context results from liquid XPS studies of metal ions spectroscopicmeasurements of 0-D (0-H) stretching frequencies
in glycol solution are of interest.53 The fast core excitation process have shown that the hydrogen bond strength is almost constant
when the charge is increased for the same radius of the complex for most divalent transition ions in solution but increases stepwise
has been used to show that the electronic polarization is the to another constant value for small trivalent ions, e.g. Cr3+ and
dominating contribution to the increase in solvation energy. In Rh3+,for which even the hydrogen bonds between the second and
contrast to the linear increase of the long-range ion-dipole term third hydration layers are enhanced.&
with increasing charge, the electronic polarization increases Concluding Remarks. In the present study we have evaluated
quadratically as is expected from the Born model. the ligand field effects on the high-spin states of the di- and
However, it seems from the curves in Figure 6 that the ligand trivalent hexahydrated ions of the first and second transition
field induced variations in the hydration enthalpies are larger periods. Energy gains and geometrical distortions by additional
than in the calculated binding energies, especiallyfor the trivalent
splitting of degenerated orbitals have been considered. The almost
ions. This would be consistent with a further enhancement of the
ligand field from the surrounding coordination spheres which linear correlation between the binding energies, A&, and the
inverse M-0 bond distances, It-1,shows that the bonding in the
(53) Siegbahn, H. J . Phys. Chem. 1985,89, 897. divalent complexes is dominated by electrostatic effects in both
8104 J . Am. Chem. SOC.,Vol. 116, No. 19, 1994 Akesson et al.
periods. The stronger ligand field effects in the second period the solvent effects on some hexahydrated ions, including CaZ+
are shown by the larger variations of the energy curves, giving and Zn2+, by reoptimizing the hexahydrated ion inside a cavity
more marked maxima for the d3 and d8 ions in the series. The in a continuum with the dielectric permittivity of water.56
trivalent ions form bonds with more covalent contributions, which However, despite the reasonable energy contributions obtained
is reflected in the much larger variation in the metal atomiccharges from the continuum, albeit with rather large radii of the cavities,
as obtained from the Mulliken population analyses, and a the M-0 bond lengths increased significantly, by 0.02-0.05A,
connection between extensive charge transfer and instability of and the M-0 stretching force constants decreased substantially
the high oxidation state is pointed out. from the gas-phasevalues obtained in thesame work, Le. contrary
The low-spin ground states of the hydrated COS+,Ru2+, Ru3+, to the expected effects. It seems that the size of the supermolecule
Rh3+, and Pd2+ions, and also the possibility of a low-spin state inside the cavity must be rather large particularly when strong
of Cr2+ in the solid [Cr(H20)6]SiF6 compound, have been hydrogen bonding occurs, as discussed in ref 55. In the case of
considered. The low-spin square-planar structure for the tet- the extremely strong hydrogen bonding around small trivalent
rahydrated divalent palladium ion is explained in terms of ligand ions, such as Cr3+ and Rh3+,46 probably at least the second
field effects, and the hydrated Ag3+ ion is predicted to have the hydration shell should be included for a satisfactory description.
same structure. The hydrated Ag2+ ion is probably a hexa- Additional problems arise when using the cavity model for Jahn-
hydrated Jahn-Teller distorted [Ag(H2O)6l2+ complex with a Teller distorted complexes with different strengths of the hydrogen
tetragonally elongated structure similar to that for the Cu2+ion. bonds and possibly also different tilt angles of the axial and
It is evident, however, that low-energy distortions induced by the equatorial water ligands,2J or for square-planar complexes, as
electronic structure, e.g. Jahn-Teller effects and conformation the size and shape of the cavity may have a significant influence
changes, can easily be suppressed or otherwise influenced in crystal on the r e ~ u l t s . 5 ~Nevertheless, with the rapidly developing
structures due to packing forces and caution is required computational capacity for accurate descriptions of large systems,
particularly in structural comparisons using solid-state data. the supermolecule and cavity approach will certainly become a
Comparisons with experimental bond lengths, symmetric useful method for quantitative evaluations not only of hydration
stretching vibrational frequencies, and single-ion hydration energies but also of the geometrical effects occurring upon the
enthalpies are used for discussions of changes in hydration hydration of metal ions.
numbers, structure, and spin states and also to illuminate the Acknowledgment. The financial support and the CPU time on
expected influence of the surrounding hydrogen-bonded medium a CRAY X-MP/416 computer, obtained from the Swedish
in solution and in the solid state. Natural Science Council, is gratefully acknowledged. Professor
Lately, computational models have been developed to describe F. A. Cotton is thanked for preprints and stimulating dis-
the solute under the influence of a polarizable dielectric cussions.
continuum.5’56 An interesting attempt was made to describe ~~~
(55) Tufih, I.; Silla, E.; Bertrin, J. J. Phys. Chem. 1993, 97, 5547 and
references therein.
(54) Cramer, C. J.; Truhlar, D. G. Chem. Phys. Lett. 1992,198.74 and (56) Sanchez Marcos, E.; Pappalardo, R. R.; Rinaldi, R. J. Phys. Chem.
references therein. 1991, 95, 8928.