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Pps Using C r20 - Unit-4

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Pointers: Introduction, Pointers to pointers, Compatibility, L value and R value, Tips and
Common Programming Errors, Key Terms, Summary, Practice Set.
Pointer Applications: Arrays, and Pointers, Pointer Arithmetic and Arrays, Memory
Allocation Function, Array of Pointers, Programming Application, Tips and Common
Programming Errors, Key Terms, Summary, Practice Set.
Processor Commands: Processor Commands, Tips and Common Programming Errors, Key
Terms, Summary, Practice Set.

 Introduction:-

 One of the powerful features of C is ability to access the memory

variables by their memory address.
 This can be done by using Pointers. The real power of C lies in the proper
use of Pointers.
 A pointer is a variable that can store an address of a variable (i.e.,
112300).We say that a pointer points to a variable that is stored at that
 A pointer itself usually occupies 4 bytes of memory (then it can address
cells from 0 to 232-1).

Advantages of Pointers:-
1. A pointer enables us to access a variable that is defined out side the function.
2. Pointers are more efficient in handling the data tables.
3. Pointers reduce the length and complexity of a program.
4. They increase the execution speed.

Definition :-
A variable that holds a physical memory address is called a pointer variable or

Declaration :

Datatype * Variable-name;

Eg:- int *ad; /* pointer to int */

char *s; /* pointer to char */
float *fp; /* pointer to float */
char **s; /* pointer to variable that is a pointer to char */

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 A pointer is a variable that contains an address which is a location of
another variable in memory.

Consider the Statement


Here „&‟ is called address of a variable.

‘p’ contains the address of a variable i.

The operator & returns the memory address of variable on which it is

operated, this is called Referencing.
The * operator is called an indirection operator or dereferencing operator
which is used to display the contents of the Pointer Variable.

Consider the following Statements :

int *p,x;
x =5;
p= &x;
Assume that x is stored at the memory address 2000. Then the output for the
following printf statements is :
Printf(“The Value of x is %d”,x); 5
Printf(“The Address of x is %u”,&x); 2000
Printf(“The Address of x is %u”,p); 2000
Printf(“The Value of x is %d”,*p); 5
Printf(“The Value of x is %d”,*(&x)); 5

 Pointers to pointers:-
 A pointer to a pointer is a form of multiple indirection, or a chain of
pointers. Normally, a pointer contains the address of a variable.
 When we define a pointer to a pointer, the first pointer contains the
address of the second pointer, which points to the location that contains
the actual value as shown below.

 A variable that is a pointer to a pointer must be declared as


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 This is done by placing an additional asterisk in front of its
name. For example, the following declaration declares a
pointer to a pointer of type int –

int **var;

 Compatibility pointer:-
The rules for assigning one pointer to another are tighter than the
rules for numeric types.
For example, you can assign an int value to a double variable without
using a type conversion, but you can’t do the same for pointers to
these two types. Let’s see a simple C program to exemplify this.

* ptr_compatibility.c -- program illustrates concept of pointer
* compatibility
#include <stdio.h>

int main(void)
int n = 5;
long double x;

int *pi = &n;

long double *pld = &x;

x = n; /* implicit type conversion */

pld = pi; /* compile-time error: assigning pointer-to-int to */
/* pointer-to-long-double */

return 0;

 L value and R value:-

L-value: “l-value” refers to memory location which identifies an
object. l-value may appear as either left hand or right hand side of an
assignment operator(=). l-value often represents as identifier.

Expressions referring to modifiable locations are called “modifiable

l-values“. A modifiable l-value cannot have an array type, an incomplete
type, or a type with the const attribute

In C, the concept was renamed as “locator value”, and referred to

expressions that locate (designate) objects.

The l-value is one of the following:

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1. he name of the variable of any type i.e, an identifier of integral,
floating, pointer, structure, or union type.
2. A subscript ([ ]) expression that does not evaluate to an array.
3. A unary-indirection (*) expression that does not refer to an array
4. An l-value expression in parentheses.
5. A const object (a nonmodifiable l-value).
6. The result of indirection through a pointer, provided that it isn’t a
function pointer.
7. The result of member access through pointer(-> or .)

R-value: r-value” refers to data value that is stored at some address

in memory. A r-value is an expression that can’t have a value
assigned to it which means r-value can appear on right but not on left
hand side of an assignment operator(=).

Note: The unary & (address-of) operator requires an lvalue as its

operand. That is, &n is a valid expression only if n is an lvalue.

 Arrays:-
 An array is defined as the collection of similar type of data
items stored at contiguous memory locations.
 Arrays are the derived data type in C programming
language which can store the primitive type of data such
as int, char, double, float, etc.
 It also has the capability to store the collection of derived
data types, such as pointers, structure, etc.
 The array is the simplest data structure where each data
element can be randomly accessed by using its index
 Pointer Arithmetic in C:-

Pointer Arithmetic in C
 We can perform arithmetic operations on the pointers like
addition, subtraction, etc.
 However, as we know that pointer contains the address,
the result of an arithmetic operation performed on the

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pointer will also be a pointer if the other operand is of
type integer.
 In pointer-from-pointer subtraction, the result will be an
integer value.
 Following arithmetic operations are possible on the
pointer in C language:

o Increment
o Decrement
o Addition
o Subtraction
o Comparison

Incrementing Pointer in C:-

 If we increment a pointer by 1, the pointer will start
pointing to the immediate next location.
 This is somewhat different from the general arithmetic
since the value of the pointer will get increased by the size
of the data type to which the pointer is pointing.

The Rule to increment the pointer is given below:

new_address= current_address + i * size_of(data type)

Where i is the number by which the pointer get increased.

Decrementing Pointer in C
Like increment, we can decrement a pointer variable. If
we decrement a pointer, it will start pointing to the
previous location.
The formula of decrementing the pointer is given below:

new_address= current_address - i * size_of(data type)

C Pointer Addition

We can add a value to the pointer variable. The formula of

adding value to pointer is given below:

new_address= current_address + (number * size_of(data type))

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C Pointer Subtraction

Like pointer addition, we can subtract a value from the

pointer variable. Subtracting any number from a pointer will
give an address. The formula of subtracting value from the
pointer variable is given below:
new_address= current_address - (number * size_of(data type))

 Memory Allocation Function:-

 The concept of dynamic memory allocation in c
language enables the C programmer to allocate memory
at runtime.
 Dynamic memory allocation in c language is possible by 4
functions of stdlib.h header file.

1. malloc()
2. calloc()
3. realloc()
4. free()

Before learning above functions, let's understand the difference

between static memory allocation and dynamic memory

static memory allocation dynamic memory allocation

memory is allocated at compile memory is allocated at run time.


memory can't be increased while memory can be increased while

executing program. executing program.

used in array. used in linked list.

Now let's have a quick look at the methods used for dynamic memory

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malloc() allocates single block of requested memory.

calloc() allocates multiple block of requested memory.

realloc() reallocates the memory occupied by malloc() or calloc()


free() frees the dynamically allocated memory.

 Array of Pointers :-
In computer programming, an array of pointers is an indexed
set of variables in which the variables are pointers (a reference
to a location in memory).
 Pointers are an important tool in computer science for
creating, using, and destroying all types of data
 An array of pointers is useful for the same reason that all
arrays are useful: it allows you to numerically index a
large set of variables.
 Below is an array of pointers in C that sets each pointer in
one array to point to an integer in another and then print
the values of the integers by dereferencing the pointers.


When an array is declared, elements of array are stored in contiguous

locations. The address of the first element of an array is called its base address.

Consider the array

2000 2002 2004 2006 2008

a[0] a[1] a[2] a[3] a[4]

The name of the array is called its base address.

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i.e., a and k& a[20] are equal

Now both a and a[0] points to location 2000. If we declare p as an integer

pointer, then we can make the pointer P to point to the array a by following

P = a;

We can access every value of array a by moving P from one element to another.
i.e., P points to 0th element
P+1 points to 1st element
P+2 points to 2nd element
P+3 points to 3rd element
P +4 points to 4th element

 Programming Application:-


1. C language is used for creating computer applications

2. Used in writing Embedded software
3. Firmware for various electronics, industrial and communications
products which use micro-controllers.
4. It is also used in developing verification software, test code,
simulators etc. for various applications and hardware products.
5. For Creating Compiler of different Languages which can take
input from other language and convert it into lower level
machine dependent language.
6. C is used to implement different Operating System Operations.
UNIX kernel is completely developed in C Language.

 Processor Commands:-
 The C Preprocessor is not a part of the compiler, but is a
separate step in the compilation process.
 In simple terms, a C Preprocessor is just a text substitution
tool and it instructs the compiler to do required pre-processing
before the actual compilation.
 We'll refer to the C Preprocessor as CPP.
 All preprocessor commands begin with a hash symbol (#).
 It must be the first nonblank character, and for readability, a
preprocessor directive should begin in the first column.
 The following section lists down all the important preprocessor
directives –

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Sr.No. Directive & Description

1 #define
Substitutes a preprocessor macro.

2 #include
Inserts a particular header from another file.

3 #undef
Undefines a preprocessor macro.

4 #ifdef
Returns true if this macro is defined.

5 #ifndef
Returns true if this macro is not defined.

6 #if
Tests if a compile time condition is true.

7 #else
The alternative for #if.

8 #elif
#else and #if in one statement.

9 #endif
Ends preprocessor conditional.

10 #error
Prints error message on stderr.

11 #pragma
Issues special commands to the compiler, using a standardized

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