DHIS2 - SRS Document
DHIS2 - SRS Document
DHIS2 - SRS Document
District Health Information Software v2
This Document explains the Software Requirements Specifications of the
District Health Information Software v2 (DHIS2) which is a routine data based
health information system which allows for data capture, aggregation,
analysis, and reporting of data.
DHIS2 is intended to be used as a Health Management Information System
(HMIS) application.
Contents................................................................................................................................................................ 2
Table of Figures.................................................................................................................................................. 5
Introduction........................................................................................................................................................ 6
Purpose.................................................................................................................................................................................. 6
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District Health Information Software v2 [SOFTWARE REQUIREMENTS SPECIFICATION]
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District Health Information Software v2 [SOFTWARE REQUIREMENTS SPECIFICATION]
1. Product Requirements............................................................................................................................. 38
2. Organization Requirements................................................................................................................... 40
External Interface Requirements............................................................................................................... 40
User Interfaces................................................................................................................................................................. 40
Hardware Interfaces...................................................................................................................................................... 40
Software Interfaces........................................................................................................................................................ 40
System Architecture....................................................................................................................................... 41
References......................................................................................................................................................... 42
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District Health Information Software v2 [SOFTWARE REQUIREMENTS SPECIFICATION]
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District Health Information Software v2 [SOFTWARE REQUIREMENTS SPECIFICATION]
This Software Requirements Specification (SRS) for DHIS2 is a document that aims and focuses to
describe the main structure of the system, how its components interact with one another, and the list of
requirements met by the system on a simple and thorough scale. Relationships between entities of the
system and functional use-cases are often modeled or illustrated in various parts of the document. In
other words, the SRS should completely describe the external behavior of the application. It also explains
and describes nonfunctional requirements, design constraints and other factors necessary to provide a
complete, broad and comprehensive description of the requirements for DHIS2.
DHIS2 is targeted at the distributed collection and analysis of routine data, specifically for primary
health care, but potentially any kind of data. Henceforth, the aim of the software is easy data collection,
data mart creation, data warehouse management, analysis of data and reporting information for action.
Public health researchers, health ministries and the health staff are in need of easy to use Health
Management Information System (HMIS) software. DHIS2 tries to meet these needs and the SRS explains
different use-cases and processes through which it meets the requirements.
DHIS2 aims to be a tool for collection, validation, analysis, and presentation of aggregate statistical data,
tailored (but not limited) to integrated health information management activities. It is a generic tool
rather than a pre-configured database application, with an open meta-data model and a flexible user
interface that allows the user to design the contents of a specific information system without the need for
The SRS document is intended for anyone who wants to have a holistic understanding of the system and
tries to give a clear idea to decision makers on what requirements the software tries to meet. The SRS is
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District Health Information Software v2 [SOFTWARE REQUIREMENTS SPECIFICATION]
also useful for design and development of the application and is considered as a constitution document
that has to be followed for any further development of the software. Ministries of health can understand
use of the application by reading this document. External testers can perform functional testing by
understanding expected results of the application.
To design and develop a web-based, free and open-source system for data collection, validation, analysis,
and presentation of aggregate statistical data. This system should allow distributed data collection and
distributed dissemination of data, meeting the requirements of a health management information system.
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District Health Information Software v2 [SOFTWARE REQUIREMENTS SPECIFICATION]
The system is developed on the principles of Xtreme Programming (XP) which includes simplicity,
communication, feedback and courage. Simple design and continuous refactoring through feedback is the
process followed for development and implementation of the system. The “bazaar” model of distributed
development has been adopted with developers spread across countries like Norway, India, Ethiopia and
Gathering information
SRS creation
System Design
System Implementation
Unit Testing
System Integration
System Testing
Test Specification
o Submission a full report of the known bugs and errata of the system.
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District Health Information Software v2 [SOFTWARE REQUIREMENTS SPECIFICATION]
DHIS2 is the next version to the popular District Health Information System 1.3. DHIS2 is web-based and
uses open-source frameworks. The system runs on a Java Servlet Container and is accessed through a web
browser. It is platform independent (runs on Windows, Linux, OSX etc.) and browser independent (runs
on Mozilla Firefox, Internet Explorer, Opera etc.). DHIS2 can use any database management system (runs
on MySQL, PostgreSQL, Oracle etc.) and can run on a number of Java Servers (runs on Apache Tomcat,
Jetty, Glassfish etc.)
Using DHIS2 does not imply any licensing fees. DHIS2 is released under the BSD license. Though some
parts of DHIS2 are also under the GNU Public License v3
Since the system is to be used for data collection as well as decision making, it should cater to the needs of
a wide audience of users. The users range from grass-root health workers, data entry operators, health
officers, state health ministries, public health researchers and national policy formulators. Thus, DHIS2
needs to be powerful, yet simple to use as a HMIS.
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District Health Information Software v2 [SOFTWARE REQUIREMENTS SPECIFICATION]
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District Health Information Software v2 [SOFTWARE REQUIREMENTS SPECIFICATION]
Data Collection
User Requirements
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District Health Information Software v2 [SOFTWARE REQUIREMENTS SPECIFICATION]
Rationale: Since data entry, validation, analysis and reporting are all specific to the user and their
privileges; each user should have their own login credentials which allow access to only certain parts of
the system. Each user should be able to change their login credentials.
Rationale: Since all activities of the system are associated to a user, after the user has finished using the
system, they should be allowed to logoff from the system. To again use the system, the user has to login.
Rationale: The administrator user of the system should be able to set-up the system by creating and
managing users of the system. The admin user should be able to search existing users and change their
details like username, password, first name, last name, phone and email.
Rationale: The admin user should also be able to create new user roles and assign these roles to different
users. The user roles can be used to allow viewing of datasets, reports and different authorities to use the
Rationale: Each user of the system should be able to change their own password. Admin users should not
be able to look-up this password, but still should be allowed to change the password for any user of the
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District Health Information Software v2 [SOFTWARE REQUIREMENTS SPECIFICATION]
Rationale: Users with roles that can setup the system should be able to change the settings of the system.
The user should also be able to change important systems settings like Application Title, Logo and Start
Rationale: User should be able to change the GUI Language, Database Language and change the style (look
and feel) of the system.
Rationale: Every data value should be captured or accessed only through an organization unit. The
organization unit is representative of the location, area or unit of data capture. The user should be able to
create new organization units, associate them as a hierarchy and identify different levels of organization
units. The user should also be able to move organization units as and when required.
Rationale: The user should also be able to move organization units as and when required and along with
the data should also be moved to the new organization unit hierarchy.
Rationale: Data elements and indicators are the basic models of data collection and analysis in the system.
Data elements act as data capturing units while indicators act as analysis units.
Rationale: The user should be able to create or edit data elements by giving name, codes, data type and
aggregation operator. The data type should be Number, Text or YES/NO while the aggregation operator
should be SUM or AVERAGE. The data type is representative of the type of data being stored and will be
used to show the user-interface to the user. The aggregation operator will be useful to aggregate values
over a given period or across different org units.
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District Health Information Software v2 [SOFTWARE REQUIREMENTS SPECIFICATION]
Rationale: The user should be able to create new locales and give names to data elements.
Rationale: The user should be able to see name, description, type and aggregation operator.
Rationale: Data Element Groups are different from datasets. Data elements can be put together in a group
and these may be used in different datasets. Data element groups can also be used to segregate data
elements that are used for a common purpose. Thus, the user should be able to create, edit or delete data
element groups by adding data elements to the groups.
Rationale: The user should be able to create new locales and give names to data element groups based on
their locale.
Rationale: The user should be able to see name and number of data elements in a data element group.
Rationale: The user should be able to create or edit indicators by giving name, codes, whether annualized
and type of indicator. As indicators are generally formulas, the user should be able to edit numerator and
denominator of the indicators and while setting these should be able to define formulas from data
Rationale: The user should be able to create new locales and give names to indicators based on their
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District Health Information Software v2 [SOFTWARE REQUIREMENTS SPECIFICATION]
Rationale: The user should be able to see name, description, whether annualized, indicator type,
numerator description and denominator description for each indicator as an overview.
Rationale: Indicator types are useful for creating indicators and how they are calculated. The user should
be able to give name and factor while creating Indicator Type.
Rationale: The user should be able to create new locales and give names to indicator type for their locale.
Rationale: The user should be able to see name and factor for any indicator type as an overview.
Rationale: Indicators used for common analysis can be put into a group for easy management. User
should be able to create, edit or delete indicator groups by adding or removing indicators from a group.
Rationale: The user should be able to create new locales and translate indicator groups for their locale.
Rationale: The user should be able to see name and number of indicators for any indicator group.
Rationale: Data elements form the basic unit of data. Groups of data elements are known as datasets.
Users should be able to manage datasets.
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District Health Information Software v2 [SOFTWARE REQUIREMENTS SPECIFICATION]
Rationale: Users should be able to create, delete or edit datasets at any time. Users should be able to give
names to datasets, assign codes to datasets, add/remove necessary data elements and store the capture
frequency of the dataset.
Rationale: Users should be able to assign created datasets to organization units so that only assigned data
can be captured. Not all data is captured from each organization unit and helps in easy data management.
Rationale: Datasets are representative of forms in the system. The user should be able to create the data
entry screens for capturing data in the datasets.
Rationale: The user should be able to create new locales and give names to datasets based on their locale.
Rationale: The user should be able to see name, number of elements and frequency of capturing of
Rationale: The user should be able to lock datasets so that further data entry is not possible. Data locking
is useful for finalizing data by making the data values from a dataset for a given period (monthly, weekly
etc.) uneditable.
Rationale: The user should be able to see how much data was entered in a given period for a selected
dataset or organization unit. The user should be able to select Period Type, the start date and end date and
the dataset or organization and browse the data.
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District Health Information Software v2 [SOFTWARE REQUIREMENTS SPECIFICATION]
Rationale: The user should be able to do simple data integrity checks and look through which of them are
causing violations
Rationale: The user should be able to see number of data elements, data element groups, indicator types,
indicators, indicator groups, datasets, data dictionary, organization units, validation rules, periods and
data values.
Rationale: The user should be able to select organization unit, dataset and the period which allows to data
entry on the dataset. There should be on-the-fly saving of data values so that data values are not lost due
to the intermittent loss of power and internet infrastructure. Whatever data is entered should be saved
and retrievable next time.
Rationale: The user should be able to set minimum and maximum values to a data element and during
data entry the user should conform to these rules of minimum and maximum. The user should also be able
to see the history of data values that have been entered for the data element.
Rationale: While the user is doing data entry, the user should be able to run the already existing
validation rules on the dataset.
Rationale: The user should be able to specify that they have finished data entry on a given dataset. The
user should also be able to revert back to say that the data entry is not complete.
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District Health Information Software v2 [SOFTWARE REQUIREMENTS SPECIFICATION]
Rationale: The user should be able to do quality checks on correctness, completeness, consistency and
timeliness. Other than running validation rules during data entry, user should be able to define and run
validation rules on all data that has been collected.
Rationale: The user should be able create or edit validation rules by giving name of validation rules,
description and operator for validation rules. The user should be able to define the left-hand side and
right-hand side of the formula for validation rules.
Rationale: The user should be able to see name, description, left-side description, right-side description
and operator for each validation rule.
Rationale: The user should be able to see add or remove validation rules and create a group of validation
Rationale: The user should be able to see name, description and number of elements in validation group
Rationale: The user should be able to run validation rules by selecting the start date and end date,
validation rule group and the organization unit. The user should be able to see the results of the validation
check and be able to identify which data elements are failing the validations.
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District Health Information Software v2 [SOFTWARE REQUIREMENTS SPECIFICATION]
Rationale: The user should be able to view graphical representation of the data collected. The user should
be able to analyze data on indicator and data elements and view it for organization units over a selected
period. The user should be able to see charts or summary of the results. The user should also be able to
export the data into excel sheets or print out the graphs and charts.
Rationale: The user should be able to create graphs and charts by selecting indicators or data elements
over a period of year/years for a selected organization unit.
Rationale: The user should be able to view at data in the form of tables for any selected indicator or data
element for a given period or organization unit
Rationale: The user should be able to look at the number of data elements that are being collected from an
organization unit for a given period. Data status should be seen as the percentage of data elements that
have been filled to the total number of elements in the dataset.
Rationale: The user should be able to take backup of the data from the user-interface. The user should be
able to click on a button and download the backup of data from the server. The user should be able to
view the files in a file explorer
Rationale: The user should be able to view collected data represented on a map. Each organization unit
can be associated as an area on the map and the user should be able to view data values/ indicators on the
Rationale: The user should be able to receive online help in the application
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District Health Information Software v2 [SOFTWARE REQUIREMENTS SPECIFICATION]
Rationale: The user should be able to look at the application information like current user, version,
browser agent, configuration directory, environment variables, database names and database user from
the about screen of the system
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District Health Information Software v2 [SOFTWARE REQUIREMENTS SPECIFICATION]
Use-Case Diagram
Use Case
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District Health Information Software v2 [SOFTWARE REQUIREMENTS SPECIFICATION]
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District Health Information Software v2 [SOFTWARE REQUIREMENTS SPECIFICATION]
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District Health Information Software v2 [SOFTWARE REQUIREMENTS SPECIFICATION]
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District Health Information Software v2 [SOFTWARE REQUIREMENTS SPECIFICATION]
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District Health Information Software v2 [SOFTWARE REQUIREMENTS SPECIFICATION]
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District Health Information Software v2 [SOFTWARE REQUIREMENTS SPECIFICATION]
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District Health Information Software v2 [SOFTWARE REQUIREMENTS SPECIFICATION]
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District Health Information Software v2 [SOFTWARE REQUIREMENTS SPECIFICATION]
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District Health Information Software v2 [SOFTWARE REQUIREMENTS SPECIFICATION]
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District Health Information Software v2 [SOFTWARE REQUIREMENTS SPECIFICATION]
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District Health Information Software v2 [SOFTWARE REQUIREMENTS SPECIFICATION]
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District Health Information Software v2 [SOFTWARE REQUIREMENTS SPECIFICATION]
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District Health Information Software v2 [SOFTWARE REQUIREMENTS SPECIFICATION]
Description: The system shall be built by using a combination of modules that can be assembled to create
a common portal based on user’s functional requirements
Inputs: The implementer chooses the modules that are to be part of the DHIS2 Portal.
Source: Maven.
Outputs: A web application that can deployed into the Servlet Container.
Destination: N/A
Pre-Condition: The source code is present for required modules. Maven and JDK are correctly configured.
All the necessary libraries are present or internet connection is present to automatically download the
libraries from central maven repositories.
Post-Condition: The implementer will find the dhis2.war file in the target folder, as well as built jar files
for all the compiled modules.
Description: The system will not display pages only without valid username and password for the system.
Inputs: Username and password entered into login screen for an existing user
Action: The system will always load the login page, if the user opens a page without logging into the
system. The web page location is filtered to check valid login from the user before showing the page.
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District Health Information Software v2 [SOFTWARE REQUIREMENTS SPECIFICATION]
Post-Condition: N/A
Side Effects: The startup page is always loaded after login even if the user is shown the login screen from
a different page
Description: The system requires some basic details like username, password, surname, first name to
create/edit a user.
Action: The system shall create the new user and show the list of users after the user has entered the
correct details and saved
Requires: N/A
Pre-Condition: N/A.
Post-Condition: N/A.
Side Effects: The project GUI is updated and the files tree view is displayed in the files explorer.
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District Health Information Software v2 [SOFTWARE REQUIREMENTS SPECIFICATION]
The system will be accessed from the lowest levels of health hierarchy to the highest levels. Thus, the
system is designed to be fast and scalable across different types of internet connections. Large-sized
graphics are avoided, so that the system can work fast in low bandwidth conditions. The system is
designed to be scalable and allows data entry and data analysis from multiple levels of health system
The system should allocate memory efficiently, so as not to cause degradation in the performance and
speed. The system can be hosted on a single server or across 2 servers i.e. application server and database
server to manage load and share space between the servers.
The product should consume the minimal amount of memory from the user’s computer. Since only the
browser is used on the client computer, the space and processor requirements are bare minimum.
The system should work at all times since data entry may be done from anywhere at any time. The system
should deal with denial of service (DOS) and distributed denial of service (DDOS) attacks which are
common for large systems on the internet. The system should also work reliably for clients within VPN
and wireless networks.
The system should be customizable to meet the user needs. Thus, it can bring in the current formats and
reports into the system, making it easier for users to understand.
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District Health Information Software v2 [SOFTWARE REQUIREMENTS SPECIFICATION]
DHIS2 should be inter-operable with other types of health information systems. Being open-source, there
are more chances of the system being inter-operable with other products. The system should support a
wide variety of information exchange formats like DXF, IXF, SDMX etc.
The system should behave as expected. User and functional requirements should be met. The system
should support synchronization between offline and online versions of the application and should result
in correct update of data. Reports that are to be sent to other application should be correctly generated
and state of data stored in the system should not automatically change over time.
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District Health Information Software v2 [SOFTWARE REQUIREMENTS SPECIFICATION]
systems. Data Elements, Datasets, Organizational hierarchies, Indicators, Validation rules and what
modules to use are all customizable to the needs of the implementation.
Since DHIS2 is a web application, it can be viewed through a web browser. Mozilla Firefox is the
recommended browser for using DHIS2. JavaScript and Cookies must be enabled in the browser for the
system to work properly. Only CSS2 complaint browsers would be able to display the system correctly.
The user is advised to use a minimum screen resolution of 1024x768 for correct view of the user interface.
For GIS functionality, the user interface requires a SVG renderer. This can be browser native like in Firefox
3 or through a plug-in like Adobe SVG Viewer for Internet Explorer.
The system is hardware independent and does not require any special hardware.
The system makes use of Java and Java-based web frameworks like Struts, Spring, Hibernate, Webwork
and their APIs. The system also uses JavaScript, Velocity, SVG for the user interfaces.
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District Health Information Software v2 [SOFTWARE REQUIREMENTS SPECIFICATION]
A detailed system architecture description can be found in the Technical Architecture document that is
part of the source code.
Available Modules
DHIS2 plans to have the following web modules available and new modules are developed on need:
1. Dashboard-Integration Module
2. Linelisting Module
3. Data entry Module
4. Datamart Module
5. GIS Module
6. Import/Export Module
7. Indian Dashboard Module
8. JForum Integration Module
9. Data Admin Maintenance Module
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District Health Information Software v2 [SOFTWARE REQUIREMENTS SPECIFICATION]
1. The Struggle for District-Based Health Information Systems in South Africa, Braa &
2. Modularization and Demodularization: Levels of a Java Web Application for Open Health,
Torgeir Lorange Østby
3. Technical Architecture, DHIS2
4. DHIS2 Wiki - http://
5. DHIS2 User Manual
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