Cak0129 027708M
Cak0129 027708M
Cak0129 027708M
Alt = Alternate(ing) Pat = Pattern
Beg = Beginning Rem = Remaining
Cont = Continue(ity) Rep = Repeat
Dec = Decreasing RS = Right side
Inc = Increase(ing) Ssk = Slip next 2 stitches knitwise
K = Knit one at a time. Pass them back
K2tog = Knit next 2 stitches onto left-hand needle, then knit
together through back loops together
P = Purl St(s) = Stitch(es)
P2tog = Purl next 2 stitches WS = Wrong side
P2togtbl = Purl next 2 stitches
together through back loops
To fit bust measurement Finished bust
MATERIALS XS/S 37" [94 cm]
XS/S 28-34" [71-86.5 cm]
Caron® Simply Soft® Speckle™ (5 oz/141 g; 235 yds/215 m) M 36-38" [91.5-96.5 cm] M 41" [104 cm]
Sizes XS/S M L XL 2/3XL 4/5XL L 40-42" [101.5-106.5 cm] L 45" [114.5 cm]
Contrast A XL 44-46" [112-117 cm] XL 49" [124.5 cm]
Blue Gingham (61010) 3 3 3 4 4 5 balls 2/3XL 48-54" [122-137 cm] 2/3XL 55" [140 cm]
4/5XL 56-62" [142-157.5 cm] 4/5XL 64" [162.5 cm]
Contrast B
Snapdragon (61015) 2 3 3 3 3 4 balls
Contrast C 19 sts and 26 rows = 4" [10 cm]
Seashell (61009) 2 2 2 2 3 3 balls with larger needles in pat.
Sizes U.S. 6 (4 mm) and U.S. 7 (4.5 mm) knitting needles or size
needed to obtain gauge. 4 st holders. Stitch markers.
INSTRUCTIONS Shape raglans: Cast off 4 (4-5- FRONT Sizes 2/3XL and 4/5XL only:
The instructions are written for 5-7-9) sts at beg of next 2 rows. Work from ** to ** as given for 1st row: (RS). K1. P2tog. Pat across
smallest size. If changes are necessary 79 (89-97-107-117-133) sts. Break Back. 67 (83-93-105-115-131) sts. 15 sts. P2tog. Turn. Leave rem sts
for larger sizes the instructions will be B. Join C. Rep last 2 rows 5 (13-16-21-23- on a spare needle.
written thus ( ). Numbers for each 19) times more. 57 (57-61-63- 2nd row: ssk. Pat to end of row.
size are shown in the same color With C, proceed as follows: 69-93) sts. 3rd row: K1. P2tog. Pat to last
throughout the pattern. When only Sizes XS/S, M and L only: Work 2 sts. P2tog.
one number is given in black, it applies 2 rows even in pat. Size 4/5XL only: 1st row: (RS). K1. 4th row: Pat to last 3 sts. K2tog. K1.
to all sizes. Next row: (RS). K1. P2tog. Pat to P2tog. Pat to last 3 sts. P2tog. K1. 5th row: As 3rd row.
last 3 sts. P2tog. K1. 2nd row: K1. K2tog. Pat to last 6th row: Work even in pat.
BACK Next 3 rows: Work even in pat. 3 sts. ssk. K1. Rep last 4 rows once more. 7 sts,
**With smaller needles and A, cast Rep last 4 rows 4 (1-0) time(s) 3rd row: As 1st row.
on 87 (97-107-117-131-151) sts. more. 69 (85-95) sts. 4th row: Work even in pat. All sizes: 1st row: (RS). K1. P2tog.
1st row: (RS). *K1. P1. Rep from * to Rep last 4 rows twice more, then Pat across 4 sts. 6 sts.
last st. K1. All sizes: 1st row: (RS). K1. P2tog. 1st and 2nd rows once. 71 sts. 2nd row: K3. K2tog. K1.
2nd row: *P1. K1. Rep from * to Pat to last 3 sts. P2tog. K1. 3rd row: K1. P2tog. Pat across
last st. P1. 2nd row: Work even n pat.** Shape neck: Sizes XS/S, M, L 2 sts. 4 sts.
Rep last 2 rows (K1. P1) ribbing for 2" Rep last 2 rows 10 (18-21-24-24- and XL only: 1st row: (RS). K1. 4th row: K4.
[5 cm], ending on a 2nd row. 19) times more. 47 (47-51-57- P2tog. Pat across 13 (13-13-14) 5th row: K1. P2tog. P1. 3 sts.
67-93) sts. sts. P2tog. Turn. Leave rem sts on 6th row: K1. K2tog. 2 sts.
Change to larger needles and a spare needle. 7th row: P2tog. Fasten off.
proceed in pat as follows: Proceed as follows: 2nd row: ssk. Pat to end of row.
1st row: (RS). *K1. P1. Rep from * to 1st row: (RS). K1. P2tog. Pat to last 3rd row: K1. P2tog. Pat to last With RS facing, slip next 21 (21-25-
last st. K1. 3 sts. P2tog. K1. 2 sts. P2tog. 25-29-31) sts onto st holder. Join
2nd row: Knit. 2nd row: K1. K2tog. Pat to last 4th row: Work even in pat. C to rem sts.
Rep last 2 rows for Rice St Pat 3 sts. ssk. K1. Rep last 2 rows 3 (3-3-1) time(s) 1st row: ssk. Pat to last 3 sts.
until work from beg measures 8" 3rd row: As 1st row. more. 7 (7-7-12) sts. P2tog. K1.
[20.5 cm], ending on a WS row. 4th row: Work even in pat.
Break A. Join B Rep last 4 rows 0 (0-0-1-2-6) Size XL only: 1st row: (RS). K1. Sizes XS/S, M, L and XL only:
With B, cont in Rice St Pat until work time(s) more, then rep 1st and 2nd P2tog. Pat to last 2 sts. P2tog. 2nd row: ( WS). Pat to last
from beg measures 16 (16-16-16½- rows once. Leave rem 37 (37-41- 2nd row: Pat to last 3 sts. K2tog. K1. 2 sts. P2togtbl.
16½-16½)" [40.5 (40.5-40.5-42-42- 41-45-47) sts on a st holder. 3rd row: As 1st row. 7 sts. 3rd row: ssk. Pat to last 3 sts.
42) cm], ending on a WS row. 4th row: Work even in pat. P2tog. K1.
4th row: Work even in pat. SLEEVES All sizes: 1st row: (RS). K1. P2tog.
Rep last 2 rows 3 (3-3-1) time(s) With A and smaller needles, cast Pat to last 3 sts. P2tog. K1.
more. 7 (7-7-12) sts. on 43 (43-47-47-53-53) sts. 2nd row: Work even in pat.
Work 2" [5 cm] in (K1. P1) ribbing Rep last 2 rows 24 (26-27-29-30-
Size XL only: 1st row: (RS). ssk. Pat as given for Back, ending on 30) times more. Leave rem 9 (9-11-
to last 3 sts. P2tog. K1. a 2nd row. 11-11-11) sts on a st holder.
2nd row: K1. K2tog. Pat to Note: Cont in pat and side incs
end of row. with A, until work from beg FINISHING
3rd row: As 1st row. 7 sts. measures 7" [18 cm]. Break A. Join Neckband: Sew raglan seams,
4th row: Work even in pat. B and complete Sleeve. leaving left back seam open. With
Change to larger needles and RS facing, C and smaller needles,
Sizes 2/3XL and 4/5XL only: proceed in pat as given for Back, K9 (9-11-11-11-11) from Left
2nd row: ( WS). Pat to last inc 1 st each end of next and Sleeve st holder, dec 1 st at center.
2 sts. P2togtbl. following 6th (6th-4th-4th-4th- Pick up and knit 15 sts down left
3rd row: ssk. Pat to last 3 sts. 4th) rows until there are 57 (69- front neck edge. K21 (21-25-25-
P2tog. K1. 57-67-83-87) sts, then every 29-31) from Front st holder, dec
4th row: K1. K2tog. Pat to following 8th (8th-6th-6th-6th- 1 st at center. Pick up and knit
end of row. 6th) rows until there are 67 (71- 15 sts up right front neck edge.
5th row: As 3rd row. 77-81-87-91) sts, taking inc sts K9 (9-11-11-11-11) from Right
6th row: Work even in pat. into pat. Sleeve st holder, dec 1 st at center.
Rep last 4 rows once more. 7 sts, Cont even until work from beg K37 (37-41-41-45-47) from Back
measures 15" [38 cm], ending on st holder, dec 2 sts evenly across.
All sizes: 1st row: (RS). Pat to last a 2nd row. 101 (101-113-113-121-125) sts.
3 sts. P2tog. K1. 6 sts. Beg on a 2nd row, work 9 rows in
2nd row: K1. K2tog. K3. Shape raglans: Cast off 4 (4-5-5- (K1. P1) ribbing as given for Back.
3rd row: As 1st row. 4 sts. 7-9) sts beg of next 2 rows. 59 (63- Cast off in ribbing. Sew left back
4th row: K4. 67-71-73-73) sts. Break B. Join C. raglan and neckband seam.
5th row: P1. P2tog. K1. 3 sts. Sew side and sleeve seams.
6th row: ssk. K1. 2 sts. Sizes 2/3XL and 4/5XL only: Work
7th row: P2togtbl. Fasten off. (2-8) rows even in pat.
7½ -7½ - 8 2 - 2 - 2½
8 - 9 - 9½ 2½ - 2½ - 2½
8 8
2½ 8½ 8½
9 9
9½ 9½
10 10
24½ 10½
11 14 - 15 - 16 - 17 - 18½ - 19
25½ Front and Back 23
26 23½ Sleeve
26½ 14 24
27½ 14 24½
14½ 13
14½ 25½
2 2