Food Recipe Finder Mobile Applications Based On Similarity of Materials
Food Recipe Finder Mobile Applications Based On Similarity of Materials
Food Recipe Finder Mobile Applications Based On Similarity of Materials
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3 authors:
Fitri Utaminingrum
Brawijaya University
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All content following this page was uploaded by Gusti Pangestu on 08 October 2019.
Abstract--The era of technology today has become a In the current era of gadget technology,
bridge that connects humans with all the ease. Many innovations have been created to help people gather
of the activities carried out by humans using and search for the recipes they want, including a
technology as a media help, ranging from address mobile-based app like Cookpad that features to
search, to shopping. Technology is becomes small
search for recipes based on the name desired by the
things that always included in our daily lives, such as
cooking example. This study utilizes a smartphone user. However, there are often conditions where the
app called recepiece which has a function as a place to user has only limited ingredients for
store and search for recipes based on materials owned cooking. While the applications that exist before it
by the user. By using several methods and approach does not provide this feature.
such as Euclidean distance and Agile development
program, this application are designed and develop The research we did here is to build a mobile
based on mobile application especially for android app that has a feature to search for recipes based on
smartphone. In this research, several samples are material owned by the user. In this app we develop,
obtained to fill the survey and reviews the application the user is asked to load the materials owned, then
performance include the functionality and non- the application will look for recipes that have the
functionality. The result showed that Recepiece material most similar to the material owned by the
application are capable to be used by user and have
user. In this research, we also had been reading
better performance although this application are
behaviors performed by the user by recording all
build by using hybrid framework called Ionic. From
survey result this application gained 90% approval activity of what is being done in a logcat. From the
from user if this application released globally. logcat data stored then made a analysis based on
the most frequently used materials and materials
Keywords-- Android, Cook, Recipe, behavior, log, most sought after. From the results of the analysis
hybrid, ionic will be seen the most frequently used food by some
Food is one of the main human There are many studies that utilize user data
needs. Through food is the source of energy and computer ability for specific purposes, such
obtained. In its development, food today is not only as research on public security services [2] to detect
as a filler of energy needs, but more than that food a malware from the log activity of an app
has become an art and has added value. A wide software [3], computer for controlling a wheelchair
variety of innovative creations in food have been [4], and a polyclinic queue application [5].
developed and spread widely. Many of them use
In this research, the user log in though and in
only the minimal amount of material to create the analysis to produce a certain information
an original recipe. A recipe is a set of instructions
presentation which will be useful for the
telling you how to prepare and cook food, development of the application and also provide
including a list of what food is needed for benefits to the user user of the application. There
[1]. Cooking recipe consists of several aspects
are several stages and schemes done in this
including: name, step, tools and materials, time and research, the first user is asked to register an
amount of dish.
account, then the user is requested to use this
Not everyone can memorize well the recipes application for some time, everything done by the
they want. Their material is also an obstacle in user will be read and recorded by the
cooking. Limited ingredients also become one of application. The output of this research is a
the causes of limited cooking creations, especially graphical data info that represents the average of
for someone who does not have passion in cooking. user approval that represent the functionality and
non-functionality performance of this application.
D. Euclidean Distance