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Government of Karnataka

Department of Technical Education

Board of Technical Examinations, Bengaluru

Course Title: Robotics Course Code:15MC62T

Mode (L:T:P) : 4:0:0 Credits:4 Core/ Elective: Core
Type of Course: Lectures & Student Activities Total Contact Hours: 52
CIE= 25 Marks SEE= 100 Marks

Pre-requisites: Knowledge of Theory of machines, Microprocessor, Manufacturing Science,

Engineering Graphics

Course Objectives: Understand the anatomy, programming and applications of robot

Course Outcome: At the end of the course, the student should be able to

1. Explain the fundamentals of robotics

2. Explain the basic elements of robot system
3. Explain the vision systems in robotics
4. Explain the basic commands in robot programming
5. Explain the artificial intelligence in robot
6. Explain the industrial applications of robot .

Cognitive Linked Teaching

Course Outcome
Level with PO Hours
CO1 Explain the fundamentals of U 2 8

CO2 Explain the basic elements of U 2 12

robot system

CO3 Explain the vision systems in U 2 8


CO4 Explain the basic commands in U 2 8

robot programming

C05 Explain the artificial intelligence in U 2 8


C06 Explain the industrial applications of U 2 8


Total sessions 52
Legend: R; Remember, U: Understand A: Application

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Mapping of Course Outcomes with Program Outcomes

Course Programme Outcomes

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Robotics - 3 - - - - - - - -
Level 3- Highly Addressed, Level 2-Moderately Addressed, Level 1-Low Addressed.
Method is to relate the level of PO with the number of hours devoted to the COs which address the given PO.
If >40% of classroom sessions addressing a particular PO, it is considered that PO is addressed at Level 3
If 25 to 40% of classroom sessions addressing a particular PO, it is considered that PO is addressed at Level 2
If 5 to 25% of classroom sessions addressing a particular PO, it is considered that PO is addressed at Level 1
If < 5% of classroom sessions addressing a particular PO, it is considered that PO is considered not-addressed.

Course Content and Weightage For SEE

Unit CO Hour Marks allocated Marks

No Unit Name for different weightage (%)
Cognitive level
Fundamentals of Robotics 8 - 25 - 17.24
1 1
Basic elements of Robot system 12 - 30 - 20.68
2 2

Vision systems in Robotics - 20 - 13.79

3 3 8
Programming in Robot - 25 - 17.24
4 4 8

Artificial intelligence in Robot 8 - 25 - 17.24

5 5
Applications of Robot 8 - 20 - 13.79
6 6
Total 52 145 Marks 100


Fundamentals of Robotics

Introduction to Robots, Definition of Robot, Robot configurations ( Polar, Cylindrical, Cartesian

coordinate, Jointed arm) Basic Robot motions( Vertical motions, Radial motions, Rotational
motions, Pitch motions, Types mechanical joints used in Robotics system(Linear Joint,
Rotational Joint, Twisting Joint, Revolving Joint ), Notation Scheme for designating Robot
configurations, degrees of freedom, Robot specification ( Work envelope, Load carrying
capacity, Speed of movement, Accuracy, Repeatability, Spacial resolution),Basic elements of
Robot system ( Base, Manipulator arm, End Effectors, Sensors and transducers, Actuators and
Drives, Control systems) Advantages and industrial applications

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8 Hours
Casting technology
Basic elements of Robot system

Base, Manipulator arm, End Effectors( grippers: (mechanical: pivoting movement, linear or
translation movement), mechanical gripper actuation: linkage, rack and pinion, cam and screw
type actuation, vacuum cups, magnetic grippers and adhesive grippers, tools as end effectors,
consideration in gripper selection and design),Sensors and transducers (tactile sensors, touch
sensors , force sensors, force sensing wrist, joint sensing, tactile array sensors, proximity sensors
and range sensors(Proximity sensors using reflected light against a sensor array, users of sensors(
safety monitoring, interlocks in work cell control , part inspection for quality control,
determining positions of objects in robot cell. Actuators and drives (pneumatic and hydraulics
and electric (stepper motor, DC and AC servo motors), power transmission system gears, power
screws, Control systems: (on/off, proportional integral, derivative, PI, PD and PID controllers.)

12 Hours
Vision systems in Robotics

Introduction, process of vision system, low level vision: sensing and digitizing(vision camera,
illumination techniques(front lighting and back lighting), analog to digital signal conversion
,image storage),pre-processing (noise reduction or smoothing, enhancement), high level vision
(segmentation, tresholding ,region growing, edge detection, object description, object recognition
and object interpretation), applications ( inspection, identification and navigation).
8 Hours

Programming in Robot

Introduction, methods of robot programming, lead through method( powered lead through,
manual lead trough),Textual robot language, types languages:-WAVE, AND AL, VAL, AML,
MCL, RAIL, HELP, JARS, RPL, AUTOPASS, modes of software operation, monitor mode, run
or executive mode and editor mode, VAL system, Introduction to VAL, representation of robot
location, language elements and functions: constant variables and other data objects(constant and
variables, aggregate and location variables),motion commands(MOVE and related statements,
speed control, definition of points in the work place, paths and frames)End effectors and sensor
commands(end effector operation, sensor operation, react statement).

8 Hours
Artificial intelligence in Robot

Introduction, AI techniques, Knowledge representation, Problem representation and

problem solving, Search techniques in problem solving, LISP programming, AI and Robotics,
simple programs using LISP.

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8 Hours

Applications of Robot

Robot Material Handling( Pick and place Robot, Robots in palletizing and related operations,
Robots in processing operations( Spot Welding, Continuous Arc Welding, Spray Coating)
Robots in automated assemblies, Robots in automated inspections

8 Hours

Reference Books:
1. Industrial Robotics – Mikell P. Groover et al.
2. Robotic Engineering – Richard D. Klafter et al.
3. Robotics technology and flexible automation – S.R. DEB and S.DEB

1. http://www.g-w.com/pdf/sampchap/9781605253213_ch02.pdf
2. http://www.mech.sharif.ir/c/document_library/get_file?uuid=72d4fa8c-2ce0-444f-
3. http://www.roboticsbible.com/category/industrial-robotics/ind-robo-grippers
4. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vision_Guided_Robotic_Systems
5. http://www.roboticsbible.com/machine-vision-system.html
6. https://www.quora.com/What-programming-languages-are-used-in-robotics
7. http://faculty.kfupm.edu.sa/COE/mayez/ps-coe484/core/chap6.pdf
8. http://www.slideshare.net/ranger7721/robotics-artificial-intelligence-3536905
9. http://www.tutorialspoint.com/artificial_intelligence/artificial_intelligence_tutorial.
10. http://www.slideshare.net/anmolseth520/robotics-30421670
11. https://www.robots.com/applications
12. http://blog.robotiq.com/bid/52886/Industrial-robots-5-most-popular-applications
Student Activity

Activity No Description of the Student Activity

1 Prepare a power point presentation on applications of robot beyond the


1. Group of max four students should do the above activity or any other similar activity related to
the course COs and get it approved from concerned Teacher and HOD.
2. No group should have activity repeated or similar
3. Teacher should asses every student by using suitable Rubrics approved by HOD

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Sample Rubrics

Exemplary Accomplished Developing Beginning Roll No. of the Student

5/4 3 2 1 1 2 3 4 5
Information Information in Difficult to Cannot Ex:
presented in logical follow understand 2
Organization logical, sequence presentation-- presentation--
interesting student jumps no sequence
sequence around of
Subject Demonstrates At ease with Uncomfortable Does not 4
Knowledge full expected with have a grasp
knowledge by answers to information of the
answering all questions but and is able to information.
class does not answer only Cannot
questions with elaborate rudimentary answer
explanations questions questions
and about subject
Explain and Relate to text Occasionally Uses 5
reinforce and uses graphics superfluous
Graphics screen text presentation that rarely graphics or
and support text no graphics
presentation and
Oral Maintains eye Maintains eye Occasionally Reads with 3
Presentation contact and contact most of uses eye no eye
pronounces all the time and contact, mostly contact and
terms pronounces reading incorrectly
precisely. All most words presentation, pronounces
audience correctly. Most and incorrectly terms. Speaks
members can audience pronounces too quietly
hear members can terms.
hear Audience
presentation members have
Total Score=2+3+4+5=14/4=3.5=4

Institutional Activity

Activity No Description of the Institutional Activity

1 Organize seminar, workshop, lecture from eminent person in the robot and
AI domain

2 Organize industrial visit practicing FMS

3 Motivate student to take case study on future robotic technology

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Course Assessment Pattern

Particulars Max Evidence Course

Marks outcomes
Direct Assessment CIE Three tests 20 Blue books 1,2,3,4,5,6
(Average of
three tests)
Student 05 Student 1,2,3,4,5,6
Activity Activity
SEE End of the 100 Answer scripts 1,2,3,4,5,6
course at BTE
Indirect Assessment Student Middle of the Feedback 1, 2&3
Feedback course forms
on course End of the Feedback 1,2,3, 4,
course forms 5&6
Note: I.A. test shall be conducted for 20 marks. Average marks of three tests shall be rounded off to
the next higher digit.

Note to IA verifier: The following documents to be verified by CIE verifier at the end of
1. Blue books ( 20 marks)
2. Student suggested activities report for 5 marks and should be assessed on RUBRICS
3. Student feedback on course regarding Effectiveness of Delivery of instructions &
Assessment Methods.

Model Question Paper (CIE)

Date and Time Semester Course Max Marks
1Test(6 th week of VI SEM Robotics
sem) 10-11 Am Year: 2017-18 Course code:15MC62T
Name of Course coordinator : Units:1,2 Co: 1,2
All questions carries equal marks
Question CL CO PO
1 Explain with neat sketch polar configuration of a robot U 1 2
Explain with neat sketch Jointed arm configuration of a robot
2 With a sketch label the basic elements of robot U 1 2
Explain with sketch revolving and twisting joint
3 Explain with sketch the actuation of a gripper by using cam U 2 2
Explain the working of magnetic grippers
4 With sketch explain force sensing wrist U 2 2
Explain PID controllers

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Model Question Paper
VI Semester Diploma in Mechatronics Engineering
Instructions: Answer any six questions from part A and Seven full questions from part B


Answer any six questions. 5X6=30 marks

1. Explain the basic robot motions
2. Explain the various tools used as end effectors
3. Explain tactile array sensors
4. Explain analog to digital signal with respect to vision system
5. Explain manual lead through method of robot programming
6. Explain speed control statements in VAL language
7. Explain MIN commands in LISP programming
8. Explain problem solving technique in AI
9. Explain Robots in automated assemblies
Answer any seven full questions. 10X7=70M

1 a) Explain with neat sketch Cartesian coordinate configuration of a robot

b) Explain with sketch types of joints used in robots

2 a) Explain work volume & precision of movement

b) Explain with sketch pitch, roll and yaw motions

3 a) Explain with sketch the actuation of a gripper by using rack and pinion
b) Explain the factors considered in selection and design of grippers

4 a) Explain ON/OFF control system used in robot

b) Explain integral controller

5 a) Explain sensor used in determining position of an object in the robot cell

b) Explain how image is stored in vision system

6 Explain the enhancement in digital image processing and scene analysis

7 a) Explain aggregates and location variables in VAL language

b) Explain paths and frames in VAL

8 a) Explain move and related statements in VAL language

b) Explain problem representation technique in AI
9 a) Explain CAR commands in LISP programming
b) Explain DEFUN commands in LISP programming
10 a) Explain Robots in palletizing and related operations
b) Explain Robots in Spot Welding

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Model Question Bank
VI Semester Diploma in Mechatronics Engineering

Unit -1
Fundamentals of Robotics
Cognitive level- Understanding

1. Explain with neat sketch polar configuration of a robot

2. Explain with neat sketch cylindrical configuration of a robot
3. Explain with neat sketch cartesian coordinate configuration of a robot
4. Explain with neat sketch jointed arm configuration of a robot
5. Explain the basic robot motions
6. Explain with sketch types of joints used in robots
7. Explain the notational scheme for designating robot configuration
8. With a sketch explain six degrees of freedom in a robot motion
9. Explain work volume & precision of movement
10. Explain speed movement& load carrying capacity
11. Explain spatial resolution, accuracy and repeatability
12. With a sketch explain the basic elements of robot
13. Explain with sketch linear and rotational joint
14. Explain with sketch revolving and twisting joint
15. Explain with sketch vertical, radial and rotational motions
16. Explain with sketch pitch, roll and yaw motions

Unit –ii
Robots end effectors and sensors
Cognitive level- understanding

1. Explain with sketch mechanical grippers for pivoting movement

2. Explain with sketch mechanical grippers for linear or translation movement
3. Explain with sketch the actuation of a gripper by using linkages
4. Explain with sketch the actuation of a gripper by using cam
5. Explain with sketch the actuation of a gripper by using rack and pinion
6. Explain with sketch the actuation of a gripper by using screw actuation
7. Explain the working principle of vacuum cup grippers
8. Explain the working of magnetic grippers
9. Explain the working of adhesive grippers
10. Explain the various tools used as end effectors
11. Explain the factors considered in selection and design of grippers
12. Explain tactile sensors used in robot
13. Explain touch sensors used in robot
14. Explain force sensors used in robot
15. With sketch explain force sensing wrist
16. Explain joint sensing in robot
17. Explain tactile array sensors
18. Explain with sketch proximity sensor using reflected light against a sensor array
19. Explain sensor used for safety monitoring in robot
20. Explain sensor used in interlocks in workcell control

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21. Explain sensor used in part inspection in quality control
22. Explain sensor used in determining position of an object in the robot cell
23. Explain on/off control system used in robot
24. Explain proportional controller
25. Explain integral controller
26. Explain derivative controller
27. Explain pi controllers
28. Explain pd controllers
29. Explain pid controllers

Unit –iii
Vision systems in robotics
Cognitive level- understanding

1. Explain sensing and digitizing function in machine vision

2. Explain the working principle of vidicon camera
3. Explain back lighting and front lighting illumination techniques with sketch used in
vision system
4. Explain analog to digital signal with respect to vision system
5. Explain how image is stored in vision system
6. Explain noise reduction or smoothing function
7. Explain the enhancement in digital image processing and scene analysis
8. Explain segmentation in high level vision
9. Explain tresholding in high level vision
10. Explain edge detection in high level vision
11. Explain region growing in high level vision
12. Explain object description in high level vision
13. Explain object recognition in high level vision
14. Explain object interpretation in high level vision
15. Explain the robot vision system in inspection
16. Explain identification of object
17. Explain navigation of robot

Robot languages
Cognitive level- understanding

1. Explain powered lead through method of robot programming

2. Explain manual lead through method of robot programming
3. Explain teach pendant method of robot programming
4. Explain constants and variable in VAL language
5. Explain aggregates and location variables in VAL language
6. Explain move and related statements in VAL language
7. Explain speed control statements in VAL language
8. Explain definition of points in work place using VAL
9. Explain paths and frames in VAL
10. Explain end effector operation

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11. Explain sensor operation
12. Explain react statement

Artificial intelligence
Cognitive level- understanding

13. Explain knowledge representation technique in ai

14. Explain problem representation technique in ai
15. Explain problem solving technique in ai
16. Explain search technique in problem solving
17. Explain PLUS commands in lisp programming with example
18. Explain DIFFERENCE command in lisp programming with example
19. Explain ADD commands in lisp programming with example
20. Explain QUOTIENT commands in lisp programming with example
21. Explain MIN commands in lisp programming with example
22. Explain PLUS commands in lisp programming with example
23. Explain SQRT commands in lisp programming with example
24. Explain CAR commands in lisp programming with example
25. Explain CDR commands in lisp programming with example
26. Explain APPEND commands in lisp programming with example
27. Explain LIST commands in lisp programming with example
28. Explain CONS commands in lisp programming with example
29. Explain DEFUN commands in lisp programming with example
30. Explain SCTQ commands in lisp programming with example
31. Explain COND commands in lisp programming with example
32. Explain PLUS commands in lisp programming with example

Applications of robot
Cognitive level- understanding

33. Explain pick and place robot

34. Explain robots in palletizing and related operations
35. Explain robots in spot welding
36. Explain robots in continuous arc welding
37. Explain robots in spray coating
38. Explain robots in automated assemblies
39. Explain robots in automated inspections

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