Series 150 Overshots: Instruction Manual 1150
Series 150 Overshots: Instruction Manual 1150
Series 150 Overshots: Instruction Manual 1150
Type A Packer
Basket Grapple
Type A
Guide Guide
Series 150 Releasing and Circulating Overshot Series 150 Releasing and Circulating Overshot
Dressed with Spiral Grapple and Parts Dressed with Basket Grapple and Parts
General Description
The Bowen Series 150 Releasing The Bowen Series 150 Releasing and Bowen Overshots are continually devel-
and Circulating Overshot provides the Circulating Overshot has gained world- oped to new standards of strength and
strongest tool available to externally wide acceptance for fishing by means efficiency and are expertly constructed
engage, pack-off, and pull a fish. The of external engagement of a fish. Each of the highest quality material.
basic simplicity and rugged construction Overshot is a carefully engineered unit.
Each Bowen Series 150 Releasing and
with which it is designed have made In service, it takes a positive grip over a
Circulating Overshot is a compact unit
it the standard of all external catch large area of fish and is therefore capa-
designed to engage, pack off and pull a
fishing tools. ble of withstanding extremely heavy pull-
specific size of tubing, pipe, coupling,
ing, torsional and jarring strains without
tool joint, drill collar or smooth O.D. tool.
damage or distortion to either the tool
Through the installation of proper under-
or the fish.
size parts, they may be adapted to
engage and pack off any smaller size.
Bowen course thread Overshots are Construction Three types of Basket Grapples are
designed for easier assembly and The Bowen Series 150 Releasing and available to meet the need for catching
maintenance. The Bowen “CT” Overshot Circulating Overshot is composed of various types of fish:
has a course ACME thread on the upper three outside parts: the Top Sub, Bowl,
and Guide. The Basic Overshot may be The Plain Basket Grapple is standard,
end of the Bowl where the Top Sub is
dressed with either of two sets of internal and will always be furnished unless
attached and at lower end where the
parts, depending on whether the fish to another type is specified. It is wickered
Guide is attached. See Supplemental
be caught is near maximum catch size for its entire interior length. It is used to
Instruction Manual 1150A for list.
for the particular overshot. catch any plain single diameter fish.
The course thread allows much easier
If the fish diameter is near the maximum The Basket Grapple with Long Catch
field assembly and will stand more
catch of the Overshot, a Spiral Grapple, Stop has an internal shoulder located at
abuse than the fine series currently
Spiral Grapple Control and Type “A” the upper end, to stop the fish in best
offered. The internal parts are completely
Packer are used. If the fish is a tubing catch position. It is designed to stop and
interchangeable with existing Bowen
collar, a Type “D” Collar Packoff Assem- catch an upset, or box section of a tool
bly will replace the Type “A” Packer. joint, with sufficient length left below the
Cross over bushings can be provided Grapple to allow the joint or upset to be
from fine thread series to course thread If the fish diameter is considerably below packed off with a Basket Mill Control
series, allowing full use of Bowls, Top maximum catch size (usually 1¦2"), a Packer.
Subs, and Guides currently in stock. Basket Grapple and a Mill Control Packer
is used. The Basket Grapple with Short Catch
All sizes of Bowen Series 150 Releasing Stop has a double set of wickers, of two
and Circulating Overshot are available in Gripping and different internal diameters. It is used to
Full Strength or Slim Hole Types. Despite Releasing Mechanism stop and catch a coupling with a
the extremely small outside diameters The Bowl of the Overshot is designed ruptured piece of pipe engaged in its
of Full Strength Type Overshots, they with helically tapered spiral section in its upper end. The upper set of wickers will
are engineered to withstand the pulling, inside diameter. The gripping member catch the ruptured pipe, and act as a
torsional and jarring strains, which must (Spiral Grapple or Basket Grapple), is stop against the coupling, while the
be exerted by modern machinery, to fitted into this section. When an upward lower set of wickers will catch the coup-
release and retrieve a lost fish. pull is exerted against a fish, an expan- ling. The coupling will be stopped in best
sion strain is spread evenly over a long position to be packed off by the Mill
The Slim Hole Type Overshots have section of the fish. No damage or distor- Control Packer.
reduced outside diameters, as com- tion results to either the fish or the Over-
pared to the Full Strength. They are used shot. This design permits a far stronger Grapple Controls are of two types: Spiral
to perform pulling jobs in tight holes tool with a smaller outside diameter than Grapple Controls are used with Spiral
where no other outside catch, releasing is possible with an overshot that employs Grapples; Mill Control Packers are used
fishing tool can be run. a single tapered section which supports with Basket Grapples.
slips. Grapple Controls are used as a special
A Bowen Series 150 Releasing and A Spiral Grapple is formed as a left-hand key, to allow the Grapple to move up and
Circulating Overshot is used to engage, helix with a tapered exterior to conform down during operation while simulta-
pack off and retrieve twisted-off or lost with the helically tapered section in the neously transmitting full torque from the
tubing, drill pipe, coupling, tool joint, Bowl. Its interior is wickered for engage- Grapple to the Bowl.
casing or other similar fish. ment with the fish. Spiral Grapple Controls and Basket
A Basket Grapple is an expansible cylin- Grapple Controls are plain. Mill Control
der with a tapered exterior to conform to Packers include a packoff. See Pack-off
the helically tapered section in the Bowl. Mechanism for a complete explanation.
Its interior is wickered for engagement
with the fish. In operation, the Overshot functions in
the same manner, whether dressed with
Spiral Grapple parts or Basket Grapple
be ordered to match each size Basket
During the engaging operation, as the
Grapple. Mill Control Packers when
Overshot is rotated to the right and
used, replace a Plain Basket Control.
lowered, the Grapple will expand when
The Plain Basket Control is used with
the fish is engaged, allowing the fish to Type A Packer a Basket Grapple when no pack-off of
enter the Grapple. Thereafter with rota-
the fish is required.
tion ceased and upward pull exerted,
the Grapple is contracted by the tapers Type “D” Packer assemblies are avail-
in the Bowl and its deep wickers grip the Inner Seal able to pack off tubing collars in tubing
fish firmly. size Series 150 Overshots. The Type “D”
Packer assembly consists of a Packer,
During the releasing operation, a sharp
a Spring and an O-Ring. It is assembled
downward bump places the larger por-
in the Bowl above the Grapple. Its upper
tion of the Bowl tapers opposite the Mill Control end is sealed in a counter-bore in the
Grapple smaller tapered portion, break- Packer
Top Sub, by the O-Ring. In operation,
ing the hold. Thereafter, when the Over-
its lower end stops the collar in proper
shot is rotated to the right, and slowly
catch position, while the integral molded
elevated, the wickers will screw the
Outer Seal seal enters and packs off the collar
Grapple off the fish, effecting release.
threads at the top of the collar. These
The fact that Bowen Releasing and Cir- Type R Mill Control Packer Packers are listed on page 16.
culating Overshots require right hand
The Type “D” Collar Packer is designed
rotation only, both during engaging and
Type “A” Packer should be ordered for to be used with a Spiral Grapple, in place
releasing operation, is extremely impor-
each catch size Spiral Grapple. of a Type “A” Packer, where the collar
tant. This feature eliminates the dangers
being fished is too short to allow effective
that are present when it is necessary to A Mill Control Packer is used when the catch and pack off length.
rotate the string to the left. Overshot is dressed with a Basket Grap-
ple. The Type “R” Mill Control Packer is
used when a packoff is required. The
unique double lip seal of the Mill Control
Packer provides a positive seal of the
fish. The Packer is self energized and is
retained within the Mill Control by a lower
second sealing lip and requires no ad-
hesive for retaining the Packer. The Type
Basket Grapple Basket Grapple “R” is most commonly used. It has a
with Short Catch Stop with Long Catch Stop replaceable inner seal and a replaceable
outer seal. The inner seal and the outer
Pack-off Mechanism seal may both be replaced in the field
The type of Pack-off used depends on when required. The Type “R” Mill Control
how the Overshot is dressed, and the (with mill teeth) is available. Mill Control
operator’s choice. Packers are designed to remove small
burrs and rough breaks only. Replace-
When the Overshot is dressed with a
ment inner and outer seals are listed
Spiral Grapple, a Type “A” Packer is used.
on page 20. Also see the special High
The Type “A” Packer is a sleeve type. It
Pressure Pack-off accessories on page
seats at its O.D. against the inside of the
19. Series 150 Overshot Type D
Bowl. It has an internal lip which seals
with Type D Packer Packer Assembly
around the fish. Each type “A” Packer is All Mill Control Packers are manufactured in Packed Off Position
designed to pack off a specific size. A to pack off a specific size. One should
Operation To Release from the Fish 5. Likewise, once the fish is in this
First determine that the Overshot is Bump down; then simultaneously rotate position, the circulation will seal
properly assembled, is dressed with the to the right and slowly elevate the fishing the Packoff Rubber around the fish
proper size Grapple and that all its parts string until the Overshot is clear of the and prevent fluid passage down
are in good working condition. Refer to fish; combined rotating and elevating is the outside. Thus, by building up
Specifications beginning on page 11. important. pressure with the pumps, the fluid
To release from a recovered fish, follow can be forced down through the fish.
Obviously, if the fish is smaller than the
maximum outside diameter that the the same procedure while holding the
Function of the Overshot
Overshot was designed to engage, fish below the Overshot. when Releasing
install undersize parts. The sharp downward bump places the
Precautions largest portion of the Bowl tapers oppo-
If the hole size is so much greater than Unless an upward strain is maintained, site the Grapple and breaks the hold.
the fish size that it is possible for the never rotate the fishing string to the left Right-hand rotation expands the Grapple
Overshot to pass alongside the fish, while the Overshot is engaged with the and by maintaining right-hand rotation,
install either a Wallhook Guide or an fish. the Overshot may be withdrawn from the
Oversize Guide in place of the Standard
Always bump the full weight of the fishing fish.
Guide. (see page 18)
string before starting releasing opera-
If the top of the fish is a heavily burred Function of the Grapple
tool joint, replace the Standard Guide The mechanical conditions which caused
with the proper Milling Guide, Type A or Always shut off the circulating pumps the Grapple to expand and contract are:
C. (see page 19) before lowering the Overshot over the
1. The Grapple is a left-hand helix.
If the fish has an unengageable upper 2. The lower end of the Grapple is
end, install an Extension between the Function of the Overshot anchored in the Overshot Bowl.
Top Sub and the Bowl (see illustration on in Engaging the Fish
page 7). After the Overshot has reached the top 3. The inside diameter of the Grapple
of the fish, combined rotation and is smaller than the outside diameter
Using the Top Sub, connect the Overshot lowering results in the following: of the fish.
to the fishing string and run it in the hole.
1. The guide will direct the fish into the As the Overshot is rotated to the right
To Engage and Pull the Fish Overshot. and lowered over the fish, the drag of
As the top of the fish is reached, slowly the fish against the grapple causes the
2. The Grapple will expand and the fish
rotate the fishing string to the right and Grapple to unwind and expand suffi-
will pass through it.
gradually lower the Overshot over the ciently to allow the fish to enter.
fish; combined rotating and lowering is 3. The fish will pass through the Pack-
As the Overshot is rotated to the right
important. off Rubber and will be halted when it
and withdrawn from the fish, the drag
contacts the pin end of the Top Sub.
Allow the right-hand twist to slack out of of the fish against the Grapple causes
In the case where an external upset
the fishing string and then pull on the fish the Grapple to unwind and expand
section is being engaged by a Bas-
by elevating the fishing string. sufficiently to allow the Overshot to be
ket Grapple, the fish will be halted
If the fish does not come, turn on the by the solid steel stop in the upper
circulating pumps and maintain an end of the Basket Grapple.
upward strain while circulation is forced
4. The fish is now properly located in
through the fish.
the Overshot and thereafter when
upward pull is exerted, the Grapple
is contracted by the tapers in the
Bowl and the hold will be secure.
Undersize Parts weakening and hazardous practice of
Undersize parts are used when the fish to welding a steel strap across the Bowl and
be caught is smaller than the maximum Sub joint to hold them in place. Using
catch size of the Overshot. excessive torque when making-up these
joints is also no longer necessary
Spiral Parts
if the rings are used.
Undersize Spiral parts: Spiral Grapple and
Type “A” Packer are used to catch sizes Bowen Lock Rings provide a positive and
from “Maximum Catch Spiral Grapple”, releasable means for locking straight-
down to “Maximum Catch-Basket threaded shouldered joints so they will not
Grapple,” as specified in the specifications back off.
tables on pages 11 thru
Type SS Top Sub Type LS Top Sub Extension Subs
15 inclusive.
(Short with Shoulder) (Elevator Type If a twist-off has left a fish whose upper
These Spiral Grapples and Type “A” Packer with Shoulder) end is unen-gageable, an
should be changed for each different size Extension Sub should be
Top Subs
fish. They will effectively catch and pack off installed between the Top
worn fish as much as 3¦32" maximum Top Subs are available for Bowen Sub and the Bowl of the
Overshots in two types: SS, Short Sub
undersize. The over-range of each grapple Overshot. This will permit
with shoulder; and LS, Elevator Sub with
is approximately 1¦32". lowering of the Overshot
shoulder. Type SS Top Subs are furnished over the fish far enough to
There are exceptions, particularly in the as part of the assembly, unless otherwise insure en-gagement and a
Slim Hole type Overshots. Some of these specified. perfect pack off in the
will effectively catch undersize or oversize
Lock Rings fishing operation. Exten-
fish by no more than 1¦16" maximum.
Bowen Lock Rings are available as sion Subs are listed on
Basket Parts optional equipment to prevent the Top Sub page 21.
Undersize Basket parts are used to catch and Bowl of Bowen Series 150 Releasing
sizes from “Maximum Catch-Basket and Circulating Overshots from
Grapple” as specified in the specification unthreading during backing-off opera- Extension Sub
tables of pages 11 thru 15 inclusive, down tions. Use of Bowen Lock Rings eliminates
to any smaller size. the weakening practice of drilling and
tapping the Bowl to install
Basket Grapples should be changed for
a set screw for securing the Bowl to the
each size fish to be caught.
Top Sub. The Rings also eliminate the
Mill Control Packers should be changed
for each size fish.
Construction The Breakout Clamp consists of two screw handle is then tightened which
Bowen Lock Rings are used in pairs keys that fit into the Lock Ring grooves, a forces the slightly tapered keys into the
consisting of two identical rings. The lower key seat, and an extended pin flat Lock ring breakout grooves, holds the
rings have cam-teeth on one face, knurls link chain attached at one end to a cam-teeth together, and permits the
on the other, and two breakout grooves bracket which has a guide for another shoulders to back away from the knurled
on the edges. They are precision made (movable) key seat attached to a screw faces when the joint is broken. Lock
from alloy steel, stress relieved, and heat handle. Rings are listed of page 21.
To position the Breakout Clamp, the
Assembly screw handle is backed-up as far as it
One Lock Ring is inverted and placed on will to, the other end of the chain is put
the other so the cam-teeth intermesh through a hole in the lower key seat, and
and the breakout grooves are aligned, the keys are placed in the ring grooves
and then they are placed on the Top Sub. opposite each other. The chain is then
The Bowl is threaded on, and as the joint pulled around the rings so that all slack
is made-up, the knurled faces opposite is removed and the nearest pin is slipped
to the cam-teeth dig in and grip the into the pin slot on the bracket. The
shoulders. The pitch on the cam-teeth is
greater than the thread pitch, so if
reverse rotation is applied, the cam-teeth
begin to ride up on each other. This
produces a wedging action which
Itcoloy Mill Extension
effectively locks the Top Sub to the Bowl.
Screw Handle
The joints are properly made up when Itcoloy Mill Extension
with Guide
reverse torque has been applied and a Itcoloy Mill Extensions are used to mill
slight separation in the cam-teeth Movable
Key Seat
away flared or jagged metal from the top
shoulders is observed. Heavy make-up of the fish so that the fish will pass easily
torque is not required. Slot into the Overshot Bowl. For ordinary
When the Overshot is dressed with a work, they are installed between the Bowl
spiral grapple and type “A” Packer, a and the standard, oversize or wall hook
Spacer is required between the Packer guides.
and Top Sub. Please refer to Lock Ring
Table on page 21. The purpose of the The Itcoloy Mill Extension is also used
Spacer is to fill the space produced by in the Bowen Subsea Sheared Pipe
the extra standoff of the Top Sub when Retrieval Method (see page 9). In this
used with the Lock Rings. No Spacer is case it is installed between the Overshot
required when “A” Packer is not used. Bowl and the special guides. They may
be ordered by giving the Overshot
Disassembly number and specifying “Itcoloy Mill
When unthreading is desired, a special Extension Type” and fish size. Prices
Bowen Lock Ring Breakout Clamp is available on request.
required. Slight right-hand torque may
have to be applied for lining-up the Ring
breakout grooves to receive the Clamp.
Lower Key Seat
Itcoloy Mill Guide The BOP being used must have at least
Itcoloy Mill Guides are used to mill two sets of rams: lower pipe rams and
away jagged metal form the top of the shear rams above them. Before shear-
fish so that the fish will pass easily into ing, it is necessary to land the nearest
the Overshot Bowl. tool joint on the pipe rams and close
them to suspend and pack off the string.
They may be ordered, using the stan-
The shearing then produces flattened
dard Guide number, and specifying,
flare-ends with protruding ears.
“Itcoloy Mill Guide Type C” and fish size.
When the rig returns, the string must be
Subsea Sheared retrieved, the end brought to the surface
Pipe Retrieval and the sheared piece removed. In the
During operations from a floating rig, past, sheared pipe retrieval has been dif-
there is often many hundred feet of drill- ficult, costly and time-consuming. Often
ing sting string extending from the rig to large parts of the BOP stack must be
the sea floor, through the wellhead blow- brought to the surface to effect retrieval.
out preventer (BOP) stack, and down
into the well. If occurrences like a blow- The Bowen method of sheared pipe
out, a loss of anchor and the rig drifts, retrieval can be achieved in a simple,
a dangerous storm is approaching, etc., time-saving and economical manner.
it is sometimes necessary for the rig to It requires only two easy steps using
hurriedly move from the well-site. This the Series 150 Circulating and Releasing
is done by temporarily severing the drill Overshot equipped with a few special
sting inside the BOP and only tripping- accessories
Oversize Guide Wallhook Guide
out the upper end.
If the hole size is so much greater than Blowout Preventer Stack
the fish size that it is possible for the
Overshot to pass alongside the fish, an
Oversize Guide or a Wallhook Guide
must be installed in place of the Stan-
dard Guide to insure alignment of the
fish with the Overshot. These are listed
Type A Mill Guide
on page 18.
Series 150 Overshot
Basket Grapple
Step 1: Flare Mill-Down Step 2: Engage and Pull Bowen sheared Pipe Retrieval Overshot
The standard guide, grapple and packer After the milling step is completed, the assemblies are available for all sizes of
have been removed from a Bowen Bowen Overshot is brought back to the drill pipe and BOPs. Prices will be
Overshot and it is then dressed with a surface, dressed with a special flat- quoted on request.
Mill Extension and special flat-bottom bottom Short Guide, Extension Sub and
Long Guide, and installed on the drill a Basket Grapple and Mill Control Packer How to Order
string. The Mill Extension has tapered sized to engage the joint. (The Short Specify:
milling ribs of Bowen Itcoloy (sintered Guide also has a soft metal end to (1) Make and working bore size
tungsten carbide) facing on its I.D. The prevent ram damage.) The Overshot is of BOP
Overshot is lowered into the BOP and lowered again and as it enters the BOP, (2) The distance between the counter
over the end of the drill pipe, and then the milled-down flare-end passes lines of the BOP pipe rams and
rotation takes place to mill down the through the Grapple and Mill Control shear rams
flared ears of the sheared pipe. The end Packer, and is housed in the Extension (3) Drill pipe body O.D. and tool joint
of the Long Guide is faced with soft Sub while the Grapple engages and O.D. and length
metal so that if inadvertently it contacts packs off the tool joint. A pull is exerted
the BOP pipe rams, it does not damage on the Overshot to make certain of
them. The Guide is also of a length engagement and then the BOP pipe
which prevents the Mill Extension from rams are retracted, and the string is
contacting and damaging the tool joint in raised to the rig floor where the severed
the BOP. This is important because this joint is removed and replaced, allowing
joint O.D. is where engagement of the normal operations to resume.
string will take place.
Assembly Lists
The lists of assemblies and accessories
in this Instruction manual have been
reduced to the most popular Overshots
and parts worldwide. This has been done
to make it easier for the customer to
quickly find the information they require
and also for the ease of transmitting the
electronic version of the file.
Maximum Catch Size (Spiral) 2 2-1/8 2-3/8 2-1/2 2-1/2 2-7/8 3-1/16 3-1/16 3-1/8
Maximum Catch Size (Basket) 1-13/16* 1-3/4 2 2 2 2-19/32 2-11/16 2-19/32 2-5/8
Overshot O.D. 2-5/16 2-21/32 3-1/8 3/3/8 3-5/8 3-5/8 3-3/4 3-15/16 3-7/8
Standard Box Connection Per Customer Order
Complete Assembly Part No. B-8919 C-10199 9305 C-4623 C-5080 9270 37585 C-5101 C-1835
(Dressed with Spiral Parts) Weight 13 28 42 46 55 51 50 60 56
Replacement Parts
Top Sub Part No. A-8920 A-10200 9311 A-5083 A-5081 9276 37586 A-5102 A-1842
Weight 7 13 20 22 25 26 25 30 28
Bowl Part No. B-8921 B-10201 9306 B-5088 B-5082 9271 37587 B-5103 B-1836
Weight 2-1/2 6 9 10 13 11 11 14 16
Packer Part No. 9407 B-10202 9309 B-5089 B-3395 8550 37588 B-3594 B-1839
Weight 1/8 1/8 1/8 1/8 1/8 1/4 3/8 3/8 3/8
Packer Seat Ring Part No. A-8922 A-10203 9310 A-5090 A-5084 9274 37589 A-3595 A-1840
Weight 1/32 1/16 1/8 1/8 1/8 1/8 1/8 1/8 1/8
Spiral Grapple Part No. 9403 B-10204 9307 B-5091 B-5085 9272 37590 B-3596 B-1837
Weight 5/8 3/4 3/4 3/4 3/4 1-1/8 1-1/4 1-1/2 1-1/2
Spiral Grapple Control Part No. 9405 A-10205 9308 A-5092 A-5086 9273 37591 B-3597 A-1838
Weight 1/8 1/2 3/4 3/4 3/4 3/4 3/4 7/8 1
Standard Guide Part No. 9404 A-10206 9312 A-5093 A-5087 9275 37592 A-3598 A-1841
Weight 1-1/2 7 11 12 15 11 11 13 16
Basket Parts
Basket Grapple Part No. 9403 B-10204 9307 B-5091 B-5085 9272 37590 B-3596 B-1837
Weight 3 3-1/2 3-3/4 3-3/4 3-3/4 5-5/8 6 7-1/2 7-1/2
Basket Grapple Control Part No. 9405 10205 9308 A-5092 A-5086 9273 37591 B-3597 A-1838
Weight 1-1/2 2 2-1/4 2-1/4 2-1/4 2-1/4 2-1/2 2-5/8 3
Mill Control Packer Part No. 9407-R 10202-R 9309-R B-5089-R B-3395-R 8550-R 37588-R B-3594-R B-1839-R
Weight 2 2-1/2 3 3 3 3 3-1/4 3-1/2 4
(1) 2 Grapples
(2) Mill Control Packers for each size
Mill Control Packer:
(1) 3 Inner and 3 Outer Seals
Maximum Catch Size (Spiral) 3-1/8 3-3/8 3-1/2 3-21/32 3-21/32 3-3/4 3-3/4 4 4-1/4 4-5/8 4-5/8
Maximum Catch Size (Basket) 2-5/8 2-7/8 2-7/8 3-1/8 3.220 3-7/32 3-1/4 3-1/2 3-11/16 4-1/8 4-1/8
Overshot O.D. 4-1/8 3-7/8 4-3/8 4-9/16 4-11/16 4-5/8 4-11/16 4-7/8 5-9/16 5-1/2 5-5/8
Standard Box Connection Per Customer Order
Complete Assembly Part No. 9105 21300 C-4619 C-5151 9109 C-5129 9120 C-5154 5896 C-4969 5698
(Dressed with Spiral Parts) Weight 70 70 72 77 83 82 83 95 130 120 130
Replacement Parts
Top Sub Part No. 9106 21301 A-4620 A-5152 9110 A-5130 9110 A-5155 5897 A-4970 5699
Weight 33 33 36 38 40 42 40 48 61 60 65
Bowl Part No. 9107 21302 B-4621 B-5153 9111 B-5131 9121 B-5156 5898 B-4971 5700
Weight 18 18 18 19 21 20 21 24 34 30 33
Packer Part No. 809 21303 6515 L-6665 6665 B-5538 9122 B-5157 169 L-1140 1140
Weight 3/8 3/8 3/8 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 5/8 5/8 5/8
Packer Seat Ring Part No. 1748 21304 A-3358 A-4338 43496 A-5132 6666 A-5158 172 L-1136 1136
Weight 1/8 1/8 1/8 1/8 1/8 1/8 1/8 1/8 1/8 1/8 1/8
Spiral Grapple Part No. 1741 21305 B-3607 B-4339 6662 B-5133 9123 B-5159 165 M-1135 1135
Weight 1-1/2 1-1/2 1-1/2 1-3/4 1-3/4 1-3/4 2 2 2-1/2 2-1/4 2-1/4
Spiral Grapple Control Part No. 1747 21306 B-3608 B-4340 6674 A-5134 9124 B-5160 186 M-1137 1137
Weight 1 1 1-1/8 1-1/4 1-1/4 1-1/4 1-1/2 1-1/2 2 1-1/2 1-1/2
Standard Guide Part No. 1746 21307 A-4622 A-4341 6667 A-5135 9125 A-5161 187 M-1138 1143
Weight 17 17 15 16 18 16 18 19 30 25 27
Basket Parts
Basket Grapple Part No. 1741 21305 B-3607 B-4339 6662 B-5133 9123 B-5159 165 M-1135 1135
Weight 7-1/2 7-1/2 7-1/2 8-3/4 8-3/4 8-3/4 8-3/4 10 12-1/2 11-1/4 11-1/4
Basket Grapple Control Part No. 1747 21306 B-3608 B-4340 6674 A-5134 9124 B-5160 186 M-1137 1137
Weight 3 3 3-3/8 3-3/4 3-3/4 3-3/4 3-3/4 4-1/2 6 4-1/2 4-1/2
Mill Control Packer Part No. 809-R 21303-R L-7065-R L-6665-R 6665-R B-5538-R 9122-R B-5157-R 169-R L-1140-R 1140-R
Weight 4 4 4-1/2 5 5 5 5 6 8 6 6
(1) 2 Grapples
(2) Mill Control Packers for each size
Mill Control Packer:
(1) 3 Inner and 3 Outer Seals
Maximum Catch Size (Spiral) 4-3/4 4-3/4 5 5 5-1/8 5-1/4 5-3/8 5-1/2 6-1/4 6-1/4 6-1/4
Maximum Catch Size (Basket) 4-1/4 4-1/4 4-1/2 4-3/8 4-5/8 4-5/8 4-3/4 4-7/8 5-5/8 5-9/16 5-1/2
Overshot O.D. 5-5/8 5-3/4 5-29/32 6-1/8 5-3/4 6-3/8 6-1/2 6-5/8 7-3/8 7-5/8 7-7/8
Standard Box Connection Per Customer Order
Complete Assembly Part No. C-5168 8975 C-5171 7787 C-11823 6655 4773 8625 9692 8741 C-2108
(Dressed with Spiral Parts) Weight 133 138 140 157 160 176 182 185 216 241 261
Replacement Parts
Top Sub Part No. A-5169 8976 A-5172 7789 A-11824 6656 4774 8626 9693 8742 B-2106
Weight 62 64 65 69 69 78 79 78 87 99 105
Bowl Part No. B-5170 8977 B-5173 7788 B-11825 4503 9205 8617 9694 1641 B-2109
Weight 32 33 34 40 33 52 53 54 62 69 76
Packer Part No. B-2199 6114 L-5950 5950 B-11826 94505 9209 8618 9689 1642 L-1680
Weight 3/4 3/4 3/4 3/4 3/4 33/4 7/8 3/4 1-1/8 1-1/8 1-1/8
Packer Seat Ring Part No. A-2200 6120 A-4368 5945 LA-11827 4510 9210 8622 9690 1643 A-2072
Weight 1/8 1/8 1/8 1/4 1/8 3/8 3/8 3/8 1/4 3/8 3/8
Spiral Grapple Part No. B-2021 6112 B-4369 5942 B-11828 4498 9207 8619 9687 1644 B-2073
Weight 2-1/2 2-3/4 2-1/2 2-1/2 2-1/2 33 3 4 5 5-1/4 5-3/4
Spiral Grapple Control Part No. B-2202 6113 B-4370 5944 A-11829 4499 9208 8620 9688 1645 A-2074
Weight 2 2-1/4 2 2-1/4 2 2-1/2 2-1/2 2-1/2 3 3-1/4 3-1/2
Standard Guide Part No. B-2203 6121 B-4371 5946 A-11830 4504 4775 8621 9691 5525 A-2075
Weight 33 34 34 42 33 39 43 45 58 63 69
Basket Parts
Basket Grapple Part No. B-2201 6112 B-4369 5942 B-11828 4498 9207 8619 9687 1644 B-2073
Weight 12-1/2 13-1/2 12-1/2 14 12-1/2 15 16 20 25 27 28-3/4
Basket Grapple Control Part No. B-2202 6113 B-4370 5944 A-11829 4499 9208 8620 9688 1645 A-2074
Weight 6 6-1/2 6 7 6 7-1/2 8 7-1/2 9 10 10-1/2
Mill Control Packer Part No. B-2199-R 6114-R L-5950-R 5950-R 11826-R 4505-R L9209-R L-8618-R 9689-R 1642-R L-1680-R
Weight 8 8 8 9 18 10 10 10 12 13 14
(1) 2 Grapples
(2) Mill Control Packers for each size
Mill Control Packer:
(1) 3 Inner and 3 Outer Seals
Maximum Catch Size (Spiral) 6-1/2 6-1/2 6-5/8 6-5/8 6-3/4 7 7-1/4 8 8-3/8 8-1/2 9
Maximum Catch Size (Basket) 5-7/8 5-3/4 6 5-7/8 6-1/8 6-3/8 6-5/8 7-1/4 7-3/4 7-3/4 8-1/4
Overshot O.D. 7-5/8 8-1/8 7-3/4 8-1/4 8-1/8 8-1/8 8-3/8 9-5/8 9-1/2 10-1/8 10-5/8
Standard Box Connection Per Customer Order
Complete Assembly Part No. 9860 C-5342 4785 C-3032 C-5222 9217 C-5354 264 4834 8960 C-5321
(Dressed with Spiral Parts) Weight 220 274 235 280 243 251 260 337 314 358 401
Replacement Parts
Top Sub Part No. 9861 A-5343 9133 A-3033 A-5223 9218 A-5355 265 9063 8961 A-5322
Weight 87 115 100 120 102 107 114 158 153 165 178
Bowl Part No. 9862 B-3711 9134 B-3034 B-5224 9219 B-5356 266 9062 8962 B-5323
Weight 64 — 67 78 69 69 71 84 77 87 97
Packer Part No. 9865 2372 9136 A-1814 B-5225 9224 B-5357 235 9055 8956 B-5324
Weight 1-1/8 1-1/8 1-1/8 1-1/8 1-1/8 1-1/4 1-1/4 1-1/2 1-1/2 1-5/8 2
Packer Seat Ring Part No. 9866 A-2373 9135 A-1815 A-5226 9225 A-5358 241 9056 8953 A-5325
Weight 3/8 3/8 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 3/4 3/4
Spiral Grapple Part No. 9863 B-2374 9137 N-84 B-5227 9222 B-5359 238 9057 8957 B-5326
Weight 5-1/2 5-3/4 5-1/2 6 5-3/4 5-3/4 6 7-3/8 6-1/2 9 10
Spiral Grapple Control Part No. 9864 B-2375 9138 M-89 A-5228 9223 B-5360 239 9058 8958 B-5327
Weight 3-1/2 3-1/2 3 3 3 3-1/2 3 4 3-1/2 4-3/4 5
Standard Guide Part No. 9867 A-2376 9139 A-1818 A-5229 9226 A-5361 240 9059 8959 A-5328
Weight 60 71 60 72 62 62 64 81 70 90 108
Basket Parts
Basket Grapple Part No. 9863 B-2374 9137 N-84 B-5227 9222 B-5359 238 9057 8957 B-5326
Weight 25 28-3/4 26 30 28-3/4 28 30 37-1/8 34 45 50
Basket Grapple Control Part No. 9864 B-2375 9138 M-89 A-5228 9223 B-5360 239 9058 8958 B-5327
Weight 9-1/2 10-1/2 8-1/2 9 9 10 9 12 11 13-1/4 15
Mill Control Packer Part No. 9865-R L-6635-R 9136-R A-1814-R B-5225-R L-9224-R B-5357-R 235-R 9055-R 8956-R B-5324-R
Weight 11 14 11-1/2 12 12 13-1/2 12 16 15 19 20
(1) 2 Grapples
(2) Mill Control Packers for each size
Mill Control Packer:
(1) 3 Inner and 3 Outer Seals
Maximum Catch Size (Spiral) 9-5/8 10-1/8 11-1/4 12 14 14-3/4
Maximum Catch Size (Basket) 8-7/8 9-3/8 10-1/2 11-1/4 13-1/4 14
Overshot O.D. 11-1/4 11-3/4 12-3/4 13-3/4 16 16-3/4
Standard Box Connection Per Customer Order
Type FS FS — — — —
Complete Assembly Part No. C-12822 5329 15800 33006 68028 64553
(Dressed with Spiral Parts) Weight 520 642 948 975 — —
Top Sub Part No. A-12823 5330 15801 33007 68029 64554
Weight 218 375 500 500 — —
Bowl Part No. B-12824 5331 15802 33008 68030 64555
Weight 125 115 116 115 — —
Packer Part No. B-12825 5332 15805 33011 68031 64556
Weight 2-1/4 2-1/2 2-5/8 3 — —
Packer Seat Ring Part No. A-12826 5333 — — — —
Weight 3/4 3/4 — — — —
Spiral Grapple Part No. B-12827 5334 15803 33009 68033 64558
Weight 12 12 17 16 — —
Spiral Grapple Control Part No. B-12828 5335 15804 33010 68034 64559
Weight 6 7 11 6 — 25
Standard Guide Part No. A-12829 5336 15806 33012 68035 64560
Weight 130 130 200 110 — —
Basket Parts
Basket Grapple Part No. B-12827 5334 15803 33009 68033 64558
Weight 60 60 80 50 — —
Basket Grapple Control Part No. B-12828 5335 15804 33010 68034 64559
Weight 17 21 35 16 — —
Mill Control Packer Part No. B-12825-R 5332-R 15805R 33011 68031R 64556
Weight 21 28 50 60 — —
(1) 2 Grapples
(2) Mill Control Packers for each size
Mill Control Packer:
(1) 3 Inner and 3 Outer Seals
Bowen Type D Collar Packer Assemblies for Tubing Overshots
Use with Overshot No. 9305 C-4623 C-5080 9270 C-5101
0vershot Maximum Catch 2-3/8 2-1/2 2-1/2 2-7/8 3-1/16
Maximum Size to Pack-off: 1.660 1.990 1.990 2-3/8 OD 2-3/8 OD
Complete Assembly Part No. 39380 39382 39383 39384 24046
Weight 2-5/8 2-7/8 2-7/8 3-3/16 3-5/8
Replacement Parts
Packer Insert Part No. 9309-D B-5089-D B-3395-D 8550-D B-3594-D
Weight 2-1/2 2-3/4 2-3/4 3 3-1/4
Spring Part No. 39412 26154 26154 8539 24044
Weight 1/8 1/8 1/8 3/16 1/8
O-Ring Part No. 30-3 30-4 30-4 30-6 30-10
Weight 1/32 1/32 1/32 1/32 1/32
Replacement Parts
Packer Insert Part No. 809-D L7065-D 6665-D 6665-D
Weight 4-3/8 5-1/2 4-3/8 4-3/8
Spring Part No. 808 4183 6654 6654
Weight 1/4 1/4 1/4 1/4
O-Ring Part No. 27-35 30-10 30-10 30-10
Weight 1/32 1/32 1/32 1/32
Bowen Type D Collar Packer Assemblies for Tubing Overshots
Use with Overshot No. 5148 C-5129 C-4686 C-5139 C-5154 C-5142 C-5428 C-5425 9515 5896
0vershot Maximum Catch 3-21/32 3-3/4 3-3/4 3-7/8 4 4 4-1/8 4-1/8 4-1/4 4-1/4
Maximum Size to Pack-off 2-7/8 OD 2-7/8 OD 2-7/8 OD 2-7/8 OD 2-7/8 OD 2-7/8 OD 2-7/8 OD 2-7/8 OD 3-1/2 OD 3-1/2 OD
Complete Assembly Part No. 39225 39397 39398 39399 39401 39402 39403 39404 9538 5895
Weight 4-5/8 4-3/4 7-1/4 8-1/8 8-3/8 8-3/8 7-3/8 7-3/8 5-7/8 8-1/2
Replacement Parts
Packer Insert Part No. 3219-D 5538-D A-811-D A-1707-D B-5157-D B-1506-D B-4895-D 1867-D 856-D 189-D
Weight 4-3/8 4-1/2 7 7-3/4 8 8 7 7 5-1/2 8
Spring Part No. 6654 6654 6654 914 914 914 914 914 914 6129
Weight 1/4 1/4 1/4 3/8 3/8 3/8 3/8 3/8 3/8 1/2
O-Ring Part No. 30-10 30-10 30-10 30-14 30-14 30-14 30-14 30-14 30-14 30-16
Weight 1/32 1/32 1/32 1/32 1/32 1/32 1/32 1/32 1/32 1/32
Replacement Parts
Packer Insert Part No. 4672-D 6114-D A-2487-D B-2199-1-D 195-D 1140-D B-2199-D B-2362-D B-6387-D B-2455-D 4505-D
Weight 8 7 8-1/2 7-1/2 7-1/2 8-1/2 8 8 10 12 10
Spring Part No. 914 6129 6129 6129 6129 18662 6129 6129 39236 39236 39236
Weight 3/8 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2
O-RING Part No. 30-14 30-15 30-15 30-15 30-15 30-15 30-15 30-15 30-19 30-19 30-19
Weight 1/32 1/32 1/32 1/32 1/32 1/32 1/32 1/32 1/32 1/32 1/32
Overshot Guides and Wallhook Guides
If the hole size is so much greater than the fish size that it is possible for the Overshot to pass alongside the fish,
an Oversize Guide or a Wallhook Guide must be installed to insure alignment of the fish with the Overshot.
Wallhook Guide
Bowen Overshot Accessories
Inner Seal
Replacement Parts
Bushing Part No. 10256 10261 10358 10266 13596 21092
Weight 18 21 34 33 52 69
Packer (Includes O-Ring) Part No. 809-HP 6665-HP 169-HP 6114-HP 4505-HP 1642-HP
(4 Req’d.) Weight 4 5 8 8 10 13
O-Ring Seal Part No. 30-14 30-18 30-27 30-27 30-32 30-38
High Pressure
(4 Req’d., 1 per Packer) Weight 1/100 1/100 1/100 1/100 1/50 1/50
Pack-off Assembly
* This assembly is installed between Top Sub and Bowl. All others are installed between Bowl and Guide.
Type R Replaceable Inner Seals for Control Packers
Listed in Order of Fish Size:
Fish Size 1-7/8 2 2-1/8 2-1/4 2-3/8 2-1/2 2-5/8 2-3/4 2-7/8 3
Inner Seal Part No. A-10803 A-10804 A-10805 A-10806 A-10807 A-10808 A-10809 A-108010 A-108011 A-108012
Weight 1/50 1/32 1/32 1/32 1/32 1/32 1/32 1/32 1/32 1/24
Fish Size 3-1/8 3-1/4 3-3/8 3-1/2 3-5/8 3-3/4 3-7/8 4 4-1/8 4-1/4
Inner Seal Part No. A-10813 A-10814 A-10815 A-10816 A-10817 A-10819 A-10820 A-10821 A-10822 A-10823
Weight 1/24 1/24 1/24 1/24 1/24 1/16 1/16 1/16 1/16 1/16
Fish Size 4-3/8 4-1/2 4-5/8 4-3/4 4-7/8 5 5-1/8 5-1/4 5-3/8 5-1/2
Inner Seal Part No. A-10824 A-10825 A-10826 A-10827 A-10828 A-10829 A-10830 A-10831 A-10832 A-10833
Weight 1/16 1/16 1/16 1/16 1/12 1/12 1/12 1/12 1/12 1/12
Fish Size 5-5/8 5-3/4 5-7/8 6 6-1/8 6-1/4 6-3/8 6-1/2 6-5/8 6-3/4
Inner Seal Part No. A-10834 A-10835 A-10836 A-10837 A-10838 A-10839 A-10840 A-10841 A-10842 A-10843
Weight 1/12 1/12 1/12 1/12 1/8 1/8 1/8 1/8 1/8 1/8
Fish Size 6-7/8 7 7-1/8 7-1/4 7-3/8 7-1/2 7-5/8 7-3/4 7-7/8 8
Inner Seal Part No. A-10844 A-10845 A-10846 A-10847 A-10848 A-10849 A-10850 A-10851 A-10852 A-10853
Weight 1/8 1/8 1/8 1/8 1/8 1/8 1/8 1/8 1/4 1/4
Fish Size 8-1/8 8-1/4 8-3/8 8-1/2 8-5/8 8-3/4 8-7/8 9 9-1/8 9-1/4
Inner Seal Part No. A-10854 A-10855 A-10856 A-10857 A-10858 A-10859 A-10860 A-10861 A-10862 A-10863
Weight 1/4 1/4 1/4 1/4 1/4 1/4 1/4 1/4 1/4 1/4
ADHESIVE: Bowen has developed an adhesive which is particularlysuited to bonding Type R Inner Seals to Mill Control Packers. It is composed of two compounds, an epoxy resin with strengthening
material and a catalyst, which are mixed prior to using. Bowen Adhesive Compound No. 1 (Resin) Part No. 41241-1 and Bowen Adhesive Compound No. 2 (Catalyst) Part No. 41241-2. One-pint cans.
NOTE: Use the Same Outer Seal for Type R and Type E Mill Control Packer
Extension Subs
If a twist-off has left a fish whose upper end is unengageable, an Extension Sub is installed
between Top Sub and the Bowl of the Overshot. This will permit lowering of the Overshot over
the fish far enough to insure a secure engagement and a perfect packoff.
Lock Rings
Lock Rings prevent the Top Sub and Bowl of a Bowen Overshot from unthreading when reverse
rotation, such as backing-off, occurs. They provide a positive means of locking straight-threaded,
shouldered joints without excessive torque or pins. Knurled surfaces on the rings dig into the
shoulder when the joint is made-up. Cam teeth between the rings have pitches greater than the
thread pitch and these cams produce the locking action.
Lock Rings
Calculated Strengths for Series 150 Overshots
Max.Catch Load Capacity at Yield Point (lbs.) Max. Catch Load Capacity at Yield Point (lbs.)
Size w/Spiral Spiral Basket Grapple Size w/Spiral Spiral Basket Grapple
Bowl No. Grapple O.D. in Inches Grapple Without Stop With Stop Bowl No. Grapple O.D. in Inches Grapple Without Stop With Stop
249 6 7-5/8 670,000 580,000 442,000 B-4831 4-3/4 6-1/16 431,000 381,000 275,500
266 8 9-5/8 602,700 510,750 398,600 B-4846 4-5/8 5-15/16 439,200 395,800 285,500
M-266 8 9-5/8 625,000 537,800 406,600 B4971 4-5/8 5-1/2 297,000 258,000 186,200
277 6-3/4 8-3/8 637,000 542,250 408,250 B-5074 2-3/8 3-1/4 211,500 190.000 119,800
905 4-7/8 6-1/8 405,000 367,000 298,000 B-5082 2-1/2 3-5/8 346,200 307,700 219,800
M-1026-1 7-1/4 8-7/8 586,900 515,600 426,500 B-5088 2-1/2 3-3/8 258,000 213,300 163,500
B-1231 8-3/8 10-1/16 637,500 574,300 462,000 B-5100 3-1/16 4-3/16 291,800 263,000 118,200
1248 3-1/2 4-5/8 241,000 256,000 177,000 B-5103 3-1/16 3-15/16 265,400 219,000 160,100
1283 7-3/4 9-3/8 637,000 542,250 408,250 B-5106 3-1/8 4 262,900 217,000 125,100
1446 2-3/8 4-1/8 455,000 390,000 265,000 B-5114 3-1/4 4-3/8 254,000 234,200 147,500
B-1501 7-3/4 9-3/8 592,000 520,000 340,000 B-5117 3-1/4 4-1/8 225,000 202,000 127,500
1641 6-1/4 7-5/8 502,100 449,900 363,200 B-5125 3-3/8 4-1/2 320,000 280,000 176,000
M-1641 6-1/4 7-5/8 542,468 479,044 364,490 B-5128 3-3/8 4-1/4 262,900 217,000 116,800
1657 6-1/4 7-7/8 627,600 542,400 395,000 B-5131 3-3/4 4-5/8 270,600 218,000 150,900
M-1657 6-1/4 7-7/8 645,300 564,000 482,000 B-5138 3-7/8 5-3/16 391,000 352,500 254,500
B-1828 2-7/8 3-3/4 214,000 192,800 121,400 B-5141 3-7/8 4-3/4 370,000 232,000 160,000
B-1836 3-1/8 3-7/8 155,100 144,200 98,000 B-5144 4 5-5/16 402,000 351,000 273,000
B-1871 8-7/8 11-1/4 1,605,000 1,580,000 1,395,000 B-5150 3-21/32 5 394,000 338,000 210,000
1875 6-1/4 7-5/8 542,468 479,044 364,490 B-5153 3-21/32 4-9/16 276,400 228,100 157,900
B-1881 10-1/8 12-1/2 1,364,000 1,207,000 941,700 5156 4 4-7/8 306,200 222,000 126,000
B-2109 6-1/4 7-7/8 586,800 515,600 413,700 B-5156 4 4-7/8 385,000 241,000 167,000
C-2205 6-1/4 7-7/8 640,000 560,000 468,000 B-5164 4-1/4 5-1/8 356,800 301,000 232,200
2382 6-1/2 8-1/4 760,000 650,000 552,000 B-5167 4-1/2 5-3/8 279,000 258,000 186,200
B-2716 8 9-5/8 578,300 508,100 345,000 B-5170 4-3/4 5-5/8 360,400 308,400 234,500
B-2791 5-1/2 7-1/8 637,500 574,300 462,000 B-5173 5 5-29/32 323,500 283,500 218,500
B-3034 6-5/8 8-1/4 637,500 574,300 462,000 B-5179 5-1/2 6-5/8 399,000 350,500 281,300
3075 4-7/8 6-3/8 558,000 510,000 369,000 B-5187 5-9/16 6-11/16 420,000 369,000 296,000
B-3264 7 8-1/8 439,200 395,800 318,400 B-5195 5-3/4 6-7/8 399,000 350,500 238,000
B-3366 6 7-5/8 637,500 574,300 462,000 B-5198 6 7-1/8 435,000 392,000 298,000
B-3522 5-3/4 7-3/8 637,500 574,300 462,000 B-5208 6-1/8 7-1/4 435,000 392,000 298,000
B-3711 6-1/2 8-1/8 586,500 515,500 413,500 B-5216 6-5/8 7-3/4 350,000 306,000 246,000
A-3795 3-1/2 4-1/2 271,000 226,000 146,500 B-5224 6-3/4 8-1/8 531,900 467,300 375,000
B-3798 4-1/2 5-5/8 268,000 320,000 211,000 B-5232 7-3/8 9 637,000 574,300 462,000
B-3812 5-9/16 7-1/4 675,200 608,400 489,400 B-5235 7-3/8 8-1/2 416,000 365,000 292,000
B-3816 6-3/4 8-3/8 612,199 537,860 365,214 B-5243 7-5/8 9-1/4 657,000 578,000 465,000
B-3819 7 8-5/8 637,000 574,300 462,000 B-5251 7-5/8 8-3/4 430,000 385,000 295,000
B-4218 6-1/8 7-3/4 637,000 574,300 462,000 5259 7-3/4 8-7/8 416,000 345,000 276,000
4392 2-7/8 4-1/8 349,000 264,000 176,000 B-5259 7-3/4 8-7/8 430,000 385,000 295,000
4503 5-1/4 6-3/8 403,000 356,000 256,000 B-5267 8 9-1/8 396,000 347,500 236,000
M-4503 5-1/4 6-3/8 397,400 358,400 278,500 B-5283 8-1/2 10-1/8 637,000 574,300 462,000
B-4516 7-1/2 9-1/8 637,000 574,300 462,000 B-5286 8-1/2 9-5/8 419,500 376,000 341,000
B-4519 5-1/4 6-7/8 637,000 574,300 462,000 B-5294 8-5/8 11 1,308,000 1,240,000 1,130,000
B-4563 3-1/2 5-1/8 625,000 526,000 330,000 B-5299 8-5/8 10-1/4 657,000 578,000 465,000
B-4621 3-1/2 4-3/8 267,400 220,700 144,300 B-5307 8-7/8 10-1/2 586,600 515,400 413,600
B-4688 3-3/4 5-1/8 489,000 447,000 354,000 B-5315 9 11-3/8 1,364,000 1,207,300 942,000
B-4693 6-1/4 7-3/8 414,100 373,100 283,600 5323 9 10-5/8 660,000 556,300 445,000
4717 4-1/4 5-1/4 312,500 264,000 196,000 B-5323 9 10-5/8 586,800 515,600 426,500
B-4734 3-1/2 4-13/16 456,000 396,000 286,000 5331 10-1/8 11-3/4 616,000 528,000 435,000
B-4738 2-7/8 4 304,000 221,500 199,000 B-5331 10-1/8 11-3/4 660,000 580,000 468,000
B-4743 2-3/8 3-1/2 309,000 265,500 167,000 B-5346 6-1/2 7-5/8 430,000 385,000 295,000
B-4816 4-1/2 5-13/16 439,200 396,000 286,000 B-5356 7-1/4 8-3/8 430,000 385,000 295,000
B-4821 4-1/4 5-9/16 439,200 396,000 286,000 B-5427 4-1/8 5-7/16 547,600 435,500 277,100
B-4824 3-1/8 4-1/4 291,800 263,000 118,200 B-5430 4-1/8 5 296,000 258,500 201,000
B-4827 5 6-5/8 637,000 574,300 462,000 5700 4-5/8 5-5/8 420,000 378,500 273,000
M-5700 4-5/8 5-5/8 349,600 315,000 227,000
5735 4-5/8 5-15/16 514,100 421,300 297,400
NOTE: All strengths listed are calculated theoretical yield points and are accurate within 20%. It should be noted, however, that all strengths assume a straight, steady pull and full grapple
engagement of a round fish. Anything less than full engagement or straight pulling will reduce the listed strength substantially. This includes tong marks or other damage to the bowl surface.
Calculated Strengths for Series 150 Overshots (continued)
Max.Catch Load Capacity at Yield Point (lbs.) Max. Catch Load Capacity at Yield Point (lbs.)
Size w/Spiral Spiral Basket Grapple Size w/Spiral Spiral Basket Grapple
Bowl No. Grapple O.D. in Inches Grapple Without Stop With Stop Bowl No. Grapple O.D. in Inches Grapple Without Stop With Stop
5735 4-5/8 5-15/16 612,700 509,200 361,300 9517 3-7/8 5-1/4 451,000 389,500 276,500
5898 4-1/4 5-9/16 526,600 494,300 362,500 9571 7-1/8 8-1/4 422,000 400,000 307,300
6152 5-3/4 7-3/8 637,000 542,250 421,750 9637 3-3/8 4-3/8 281,500 249,400 167,900
M-6152 5-3/4 7-3/8 656,800 564,000 372,700 M-9637 3-3/8 4-3/8 248,700 224,000 152,900
B-6232 3-7/8 4-5/8 186,800 166,700 104,200 9694 6-1/4 7-3/8 450,400 427,283 327,900
B-7095 4-7/8 6-3/16 404,500 341,200 282,700 M-9694 6-1/4 7-3/8 467,600 444,000 340,400
B-7098 4-7/8 5-3/4 273,500 230,700 178,000 9727 3-3/4 5 391,000 342,600 244,700
B-7103 7-1/2 8-5/8 436,000 385,000 309,000 9747 6-3/8 7-1/2 479,000 454,000 339,000
B-7499 3-13/16 5-1/8 431,000 381,000 275,000 9748 6-1/2 8-1/8 420,000 400,000 325,000
7574 6 7-5/8 611,300 532,600 404,300 9749 6-1/4 7-7/8 655,000 570,000 428,000
7788 5 6-1/8 468,000 440,000 322,000 B-9775 3-13/16 4-7/16 137,500 118,000 44,800
7797 6-1/2 8-1/4 760,000 650,000 552,000 9817 7 8-1/8 453,000 429,500 329,500
7801 7 8-5/8 637,000 542,400 462,000 9852 7-3/4 8-7/8 458,000 435,000 333,000
7806 7-1/4 8-7/8 637,000 542,250 408,250 9862 6-1/2 7-5/8 418,200 396,700 322,900
7811 7-3/4 9-3/8 540,000 475,000 359,000 9984 6-1/4 7-7/8 655,000 570,000 428,000
7831 7-1/4 8-7/8 637,300 564,000 427,700 9998 6 7-1/2 590,000 512,000 390,000
8223 3-1/8 4-1/8 310,200 255,000 170,000 B-10201 2-1/8 2-5/8 101,600 86,400 61,000
8617 5-1/2 6-5/8 386,000 325,000 232,000 B-11323 6-5/8 7-3/4 345,000 315,000 227,000
B-8921 2 2-5/16 50,400 36,300 28,900 B-11825 5-1/8 5-3/4 135,000 115,000 71,500
For 1-1/2 and smaller — 23,000 15,500 12277 3-21/32 4-11/16 332,000 279,000 199,500
8942 4-3/4 6 422,000 354,000 253,000 12566 6-1/4 7-3/8 471,000 448,000 283,000
8962 8-1/2 10-1/8 602,700 492,000 391,000 12568 6-1/4 7-3/8 471,000 448,000 283,000
M-8962 8-1/2 10-1/8 624,300 576,700 445,500 12694 7-1/2 8-5/8 458,000 414,400 313,400
8965 8-3/4 10-1/2 296,000 251,000 200,000 B-12824 9-5/8 11-1/4 586,800 515,600 413,700
8971 10 11-7/8 828,000 744,000 558,800 B-13681 2-7/8 3-3/4 214,000 192,800 121,400
8977 4-3/4 5-3/4 432,900 411,600 303,275 B-13722 4-3/4 6-1/16 431,000 381,000 275,500
M-8977 4-3/4 5-3/4 338,000 299,000 232,500 B-14142 6-1/8 7-1/4 435,000 392,000 298,000
8980 5-3/4 6-7/8 367,000 332,000 253,000 14762 6-3/4 7-7/8 425,000 381,000 288,000
8997 6-7/8 8 443,000 410,000 318,000 15252 9-1/2 11-3/4 966,500 852,000 635,000
M-8997 6-7/8 8 436,000 406,900 350,000 15802 11-1/4 12-3/4 605,000 562,250 444,000
9011 6-3/8 7-1/2 479,000 454,000 339,000 16397 2-1/8 2-7/8 193,500 173,200 110,200
M-9011 6-3/8 7-1/2 459,600 435,300 323,700 16502 6-3/4 7-7/8 413,000 362,500 246,000
9028 4-7/8 6 405,000 343,000 284,000 17203 1-21/32 4-17/32 260,400 233,400 170,500
9040 5-5/8 6-3/4 405,000 347,000 289,000 17209 7 8-3/8 587,977 557,764 428,051
9062 8-3/8 9-1/2 447,500 424,500 325,500 17422 3-21/32 4-1/2 320,000 295,000 200,500
9098 8-5/8 9-3/4 458,000 435,000 333,000 18439 5-1/4 6-3/8 403,000 356,000 256,000
9107 3-1/8 4-1/8 310,200 255,000 170,000 19092 6-1/4 7-5/8 542,500 479,000 364,500
M-9107 3-1/8 4-1/8 255,000 210,600 140,000 19477 3-1/16 3-5/8 169,300 178,500 97,600
9111 3-21/32 4-11/16 332,000 279,000 199,500 19841 3-21/32 4-11/16 355,000 300,000 213,000
M-9111 3-21/32 4-11/16 332,000 279,000 199,500 20167 8-1/2 10-1/8 600,000 492,000 391,000
9121 3-3/4 4-11/16 261,300 233,000 138,000 21302 3-3/8 3-7/8 102,500 97,500 66,500
M-9121 3-3/4 4-11/16 261,300 233,000 116,600 21381 4-3/4 5-3/4 449,000 420,000 308,000
9134 6-5/8 7-3/4 422,000 400,000 318,000 22991 4-3/4 5-3/4 428,000 410,000 303,000
M-9134 6-5/8 7-3/4 345,000 315,000 227,000 26352 4-3/4 5-3/4 449,000 420,000 308,000
9164 6-3/8 7-3/4 385,500 325,000 232,000 27901 6 7-5/8 670,000 580,000 442,000
9205 5-3/8 6-1/2 385,500 325,000 232,000 28072 22 24-3/4 1,270,000 1,253,800 1,076,250
9211 5-1/2 6-5/8 444,000 379,000 293,000 28332 2-1/16 2-3/8 68,000 48,900 32,900
9219 7 8-1/8 453,000 429,500 329,500 28500 2 2-5/16 50,000 36,000 28,500
9233 7-3/8 8-1/2 422,000 400,000 309,000 For 1-1/2 and smaller — 23,000 15,500
9239 7-5/8 8-3/4 458,000 435,000 333,000 30082 3-1/16 4-1/8 347,200 347,200 190,400
A-9239 3 3-5/8 129,184 107,435 55,313 31655 16-3/4 20-1/4 NA 1,479,060 1,344,600
9245 7-7/8 9 422,000 400,000 309,000 31765 4-3/4 5-3/4 432,900 411,600 303,275
9271 2-7/8 3-5/8 193,500 157,400 78,700 32775 2-5/32 3-7/32 185,700 166,100 81,200
M-9271 2-7/8 3-5/8 229,100 195,900 102,500 33008 11-7/8 13-3/4 1,022,314 745,564 —
9291 7-1/2 9-1/8 660,200 547,500 409,000 64555 14-3/4 16-3/4 1,197,674 1,226,777 —
B-9296 3-13/16 4-11/16 265,000 214,000 106,000 36537 9-1/4 11 707,400 644,200 520,000
9306 2-3/8 3-1/8 193,500 173,200 118,000 37587 3-1/16 3-3/4 217,700 221,200 179,700
M-9306 2-3/8 3-1/8 215,526 184,312 122,700 47475 3-7/8 5-1/4 451,000 389,500 276,500
9337 6-5/8 8-1/8 590,000 500,000 403,000 68030 14 16 1,164,000 1,175,000 —
M-9337 6-5/8 8-1/8 587,000 505,500 382,500
NOTE: All strengths listed are calculated theoretical yield points and are accurate within 20%. It should be noted, however, that all strengths assume a straight, steady pull and full grapple
engagement of a round fish. Anything less than full engagement or straight pulling will reduce the listed strength substantially. This includes tong marks or other damage to the bowl surface.
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