NCM 118 Rle
NCM 118 Rle
NCM 118 Rle
- The process by which normal, healthy cells During progression, the altered cells exhibit
transform into cancer cells is termed increased malignant behavior. These cells
carcinogenesis or oncogenesis. have a propensity to invade adjacent tissues
and to metastasize. Agents that initiate or
Molecular Process promote cellular transformation are
Initiation referred to as carcinogens.
Promotion Carcinogens substances that cause
Progression the formation of cancer
During initiation, initiators (carcinogens), such Examples of Carcinogens
as chemicals, physical factors, and biologic Radiation that breaks apart
agents, escape normal enzymatic mechanisms cellular DNA
and alter the genetic structure of the cellular Toxins and poisons, including
DNA. chemotherapeutic drugs
During promotion, repeated exposure to Lifestyle choices such as the
promoting agents (cocarcinogens) causes the food you eat, alcohol, or
expression of abnormal or mutant genetics smoking
information even after long latency periods.