2-8 April 2011

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Manager, Nijukti Khabar, D{àÿÈQ LÿÀÿç¯ÿæ fÀÿëÀÿê A{s >
TS-3/193, Mancheswar I.E.,
Bhubaneswar - 10 -¨÷ÓæÀÿ ¨Àÿç`ÿæÁÿLÿ
NIJUKTI KHABAR Postal Regd.No-BN/43/09-11
RNI No. 52621/93
Employment & Education based leading weekly
18É ¯ÿÌö ÓóQ¿æ-43 μÿë¯ÿ{œÿÉ´Àÿ 2-8 F¨÷ ç à ÿ , 2011 6.00 Tel:0674- 2582532 / 533 / 534 Fax : 2582535
e - m a i l : n i j u k t i k h a b a r @gmail. c o m
VOLL-XVIII ISSUE - 43 BHUBANESWAR 2- 8 Apr, 2011 6.00


Multiple Learning Solution Provider...
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¨æH´æÀÿ ¨âæ+ BƒÎç÷Aæàÿ œÿç¾ëNÿç Aæþ} ÀÿçLÿø¿s{þ+ Àÿæàÿç, LÿsLÿ

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{ÓðœÿçLÿ LÿâLÿö
I.T.I Computer knowledge ’ÿÀÿQæÖ ÓÜÿ ’ÿëBsç 5sZÿçAæ xÿæLÿsç{Lÿs œÿçfÀÿ ¯ÿæ{ßæxÿæsæ H (SOLDIER, CLERK,
{sàÿç{üÿæœÿ œÿºÀÿ ÓÜÿ œÿçþv§ ÿçLÿ~æ{Àÿ †ÿæ 21.04.2011 ÀÿçQ þš{Àÿ xÿæLÿ{¾æ{S AæÜÿ´æœÿ LÿÀÿæ¾æDAdç æ
¨’ÿ¯ÿê H Qæàÿç×æœÿ
I.T.I.(Electrical) -50
3500 Àÿë 7000/- CEE)
Production worker -55 2800 Àÿë 5000/-
Security Guard -100 2500 Àÿë 4500/- ¨’ÿ¨æBô 30fæœÿë ß æÀÿê
Plant Labour -150 3500 Àÿë 5500
Machine helper -35 2700 Àÿë 4000/- 2011{Àÿ LÿsLÿ{Àÿ
Lady Receptionist -25 3000 Àÿë 4500/-
Office peon -15 2000 Àÿë 3800/- {ÜÿæB$#¯ÿæ Aæþ} ÀÿçLÿø¿s{þ+
Security Supervisor -20 2800 Àÿë 5000/- 2011
Data Entry Operator -25 3500 Àÿë6000/- Àÿæàÿç ¨ÀÿêäæÀÿ üÿÁÿæüÿÁÿ 5
ÀÿÜÿç¯ÿæ þæS~æ F¯ÿó ESI, EPF Àÿ þš Óë¯ÿç™æ Adç æ F¨÷çàÿ 2011 ÓLÿæÁÿ 8sæ
Khan Nagar, Near New Kali Temple, Arundoya Market, Cuttack-12 Óþß{Àÿ {WæÌ~æ LÿÀÿæ¾ç¯ÿ æ
¨Àÿêäæ {’ÿB$# ¯ ÿæ ÓþÖ
CAMPUS DRIVE:-SAMSUNG ¨÷æ$öê œÿçfÀÿ þíÁÿ ¨÷þæ~¨†ÿ÷
We are going to organize a centralize Campus drive (Óæs}üÿç{Lÿs) ™Àÿç AæÓç{¯ÿ æ
for ITI and +2 candidates for our client company
ITI-All Branch +2 Arts Lÿæ¾ö¿æÁÿß, LÿsLÿ
Passed out & current batch Passed Out & Current batch
Post:- Apprenticeship trainee
Stipend:- 4050/pm+Free Canteen Free
Post:- Trainee Operator
Salary:- 6500/pm+ Free Canteen + Free
ë ÿç ¯ÿçj©ç
Transport+3months Free Accommodation. Transport+ 3months free Accommodation. Room No. 17, Rail Bhavan, Raisina Road, New Delhi-110001 Ph.: 23384171, Àÿæf¿Àÿ ÓþÖ fçàÿâæÀÿ ¨oæ߆ÿ/¯ÿâLÿ, Fœÿú.F.Óç./þë¿œÿçÓ¨ç æàÿsç AoÁÿ{Àÿ A抜ÿç¾Në ÿç (Self Employment) Àÿ
Job location:- Delhi 23303236, 23303924, 23304147, Fax: 91-11-23384005 email: [email protected],
N.B:-Interested candidates and colleges can contact at our office on or before 10.04.2011. [email protected]. website: www.irt-india.com
¨÷ÓæÀÿ œÿçþ{;ÿ Lÿæ¾ö¿æÁÿß †ÿÀÿüÿÀÿë œÿçþৠÿçQ†# ÿ ¨’ÿ¯ÿêSëÝLç ÿ Aæ¯ÿÉ¿Lÿ LÿÀÿæ¾æDAdç æ (No.2/11)
The Institute of Rail Transport (IRT) provides a One Year Diploma Course ¨’ÿ¯ÿê Aæ¯ÿÉ¿Lÿ(D¨{ÀÿæNÿ AoÁÿ Aœÿë¾æßê) Stypend H þæÓçLÿ ¨÷樿 (`ÿëNÿçμÿçˆÿçLÿ)
SGK India Industrial Services (P) Ltd. A)AæÓçÎæ+ {Àÿf{ç Î÷Óœÿ AüÿÓ ç Àÿ (A.R.O.) 4f~ Rs. 6,000 & Rs.12,500/-
in Multi-Modal Transport (Containerisation) & Logistics Management (MMT)
(An ISO 9001:2008 Certified Company) B){Àÿfç{Î÷Óœÿ AüÿçÓÀÿ(R.O.) 02f~ Rs.12,000 & Rs. 16,500/-
through correspondence. A candidate with graduation can take up this
Anand Plaza, Flat no-3/5,3rd Floor, Laxmisagar Square, C) sçþú þ¿æ{œÿfÀÿ (T.M.) 01f~ .....Rs.20,000/-
course. This course is useful to serving employees of Railways, Trade and
Bhubaneswar-751006, Odisha. Tel-(0674)-6545525, Mob-9776855000 AæÉæßê ¨÷æ$öê/¨÷æ$#œö ÿê A- œÿçþ{;ÿ 8 {É÷~êÀÿë þæs÷Lç ÿ, B- œÿçþ{;ÿ +2 ¨æÉúÀÿë Ó§æ†ÿ{LÿæˆÿÀÿ {Üÿ¯ÿæ ÓÜÿç†ÿ
Industries and those in the Public and Private Sectors connected with
Email:[email protected],web:-www.sgkindia.com ÉæÀÿêÀÿçLÿ Óäþ H 18Àÿë 40 ¯ÿÌö ¯ÿßÓ þš{Àÿ {ÜÿæB$#¯ÿæ Aæ¯ÿÉ¿Lÿ æ Lÿæ¾ö¿:-( A H B) ¨÷æ$öê/¨÷æ$öêœÿê œÿçfÀÿ
containerisation intermodalisum and logistics. ELIGIBILITY: A Degree/Di-
ploma in any subject from the recognized University/Institute will be suffi- BbÿëLÿ AoÁÿ{Àÿ$#¯ÿæ Éçä†ç ÿ/A•öÉä ç †ç ÿ {¯ÿLÿæÀÿêþæœÿZÿë œÿç¾Në ÿç (Employment News) Óº¤ÿêß ÓÜÿ{¾æS
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Apply for prospectus on payment of Rs. 100/- cash or by Demand Draft
LÿÀÿç{¯ÿ æ ’ÿä†ÿæ ¨÷†ÿç¨æ’ÿœÿ LÿÀÿë$¯# ÿæ ARO/RO þæœÿZÿë Óç™æÓÁÿQ μÿæ{¯ÿ T.M. ¨’ÿ¯ÿê{Àÿ œÿç¾Në ÿç ¨÷’ÿæœÿ LÿÀÿæ¾ç¯ÿ æ BbëLÿ
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self addressed and stamped envelope (11" x 5") of Rs. 15/-. Write full †ÿæàÿçþ, {’ÿßþëNÿ (Form & Prospectus) Àÿë ÓþÖ ¯ÿç¯ÿÀÿ~ê ¨æB¨æÀÿç{¯ÿ æ
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{sLÿ ÀÿQ#¯ÿæ ¨æBô Aæ{þ AæÉæ LÿÀÿëdë æ Ó¸æ’ÿLÿÿÿ Apply on or before 20th May 2011. Anchalika Nijukti Suchana Kendra, A.B.M. Tower, 3rd Floor, Kalyani Nagar, Cuttack-13

“DLÿ#Áÿ ’ÿç¯ÿÓ-2011 D¨àÿ{ä ¯ÿæˆÿöæ

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A μÿë¯ÿ{œÿÉ´À ÿ 2-8 F¨÷çàÿ, 2011 NIJUKTI KHABAR Bhubaneswar 2
WâûAbòõ ùUâ^òõ, bêaù^gße {s÷œÿçó H œÿç¾ëNÿç Óí`ÿœÿæ QûZâQûZââú @ûagýK
Approved by NIOS, MInistry of H.R.D., Govt. of India
Regd by Govt. of Orissa ùK¦âúd ^ìZ^ ^òdc `ÿÁÿç†ÿ 2011 H 2012 Éçäæ¯ÿÌö ¨æBô I.T.I. ÖÀÿêß H (Approved by the Govt. of Orissa) ùK¦â I eûRý ieKûeu
@^êiûùe Cq ieKûeú ÊúKéZ_ ò ûâ ¯ ùUâ^õò @^êÂû^ùe IWÿg ò ûe Nursing {s÷ œ ÿç ó ¨æBô œÿæþ{àÿQæ AæÀÿ» {ÜÿDdç æ ÁûUòÁKò ûfþ, NALCO, PWD, Zjiòfþ I AeòùMi^ aòbûMcû^uùe
I.T.I. FITTER, ELECTRICIAN, ELECTRONICS, REFRIGERA- ajê iõLýK @cò^, Revenue Inspector, iùbðde, ùUâie,
_âùZýK Ròfûä e _âû[ðúuê Rò_,þ Kûe, ùcKû^òRc ò þ I Uâû`òKþ ^òdc TION, & A/C AUTOMOBILE ENGG.
Wâû`Öicýû^þ, Work Sarkar @ûagýK ùjC[ôaûeê 8ceê B.A.
aòhdùe ùUâ^òõ \ò@û~ûC@Qò ö ùUâ^òõ _ùe _âcûY_Zâ ij + Medical Laboratory Technician, Home Nursing & R.M.P +
{¾æS¿†ÿæ-H.S.C. Pass Àÿë D–ÿö, Duration -1 Year ù~ûMýZû [ôaû _âû[ðúuê 45 \ò^ c¤ùe ùUâ^õò \ò@û~òa ö SC/
fûAùi^è \ò@û~òa ö QûZâûaûie iêaò]û @Qò ö AzêK _âû[ðú Hostel, Library, Laboratory ÓÜÿç†ÿ Aæ$#öLÿ ÀÿçÜÿæ†ÿçÀÿ STuê iêa] ò û \ò@û~òa ö ùUâ^õò _ùe PûKòeò Keòùa ö AzêK
Principal,Institute of Education & Technology, Óë¯ÿç™æ ÓÜÿç†ÿ S.C., S.T. ¨æBô ×æœÿ ÓóÀÿä~ Adç æ {s÷œÿçó ¨{Àÿ QûZâQûZâúcûù^ 20 \ò^ c¤ùe Principal, Regional Institute
ÓÀÿLÿæÀÿê H ¯ÿçμÿçŸ œÿÓ}ó {Üÿæþ H N.G.O þæœÿZÿ{Àÿÿ `ÿæLÿçÀÿç H Plot No. 298, Near Side of overbridge, Baramunda,
A/37, Ruchika Market, Baramunda, Near State A抜ÿç¾ëNÿçÀÿ Óë¯ÿç™æ ÀÿÜÿçdç > BbÿëLÿ dæ†ÿ÷dæ†ÿ÷êþæ{œÿ üÿþö H œÿçßþæ¯ÿÁÿê
Bhubaneswar-751003 uê U.50/-uû c^ò@Wÿe ð Ke«ê ö
Bank of India, Bhubaneswar-3 uê iûlûZ Ke«ê ö ¨æBô Rs. 70/- M.O. LÿÀÿç Lÿçºæ Office Àÿë {œÿB¨æÀÿç{¯ÿ æ
Mobile- 9238909941, 9238804415, 0674-2354014 Principal-I.E.T. : A/37, Ruchika Market, Baramunda, Bhubaneswar-3
Ph-0674-2354014, 9778030674, 9237124021
WûKù~ûùM c¤ ùUâ ^ ò õ ù^A_ûeò ù a
OFFICE SARVA 2003Àÿë 2010 þš{Àÿ {¾{Lÿò~Óç {¯ÿæxÿö Lÿçºæ
¯ÿçÉ´¯ÿç’ÿ¿æÁÿßÀÿë þæsç÷Lÿë¿{àÿÓœÿú Lÿçºæ †ÿˆÿëàÿ¿ ¨Àÿêäæ{Àÿ ¨æÓú
SHIKHYAABHIYAN. LÿÀÿç$#¯ÿæ M/F þæœÿZÿë Official Channel Partner of OXFORD
KEONJHAR UNIVERSITY PRESS. œÿç¾ëNÿç LÿÀÿëdç > (No experience/ No
Near Dl of School Campus, registration fee). Monthly: Rs. 4200-Rs.8400 AæÓ;ÿæ 7 ’ÿçœÿ
Back side of SP Office,
Keonjhar-758001 No. 1569/ þš{Àÿ Óæäæ†ÿLÿæÀÿ þæšþ{Àÿ ¨÷æ$öê `ÿßœÿ LÿÀÿæ¾ç¯ÿ >
Estt/11 Dtd. 24.03.2011. Ap- Contact :
plications are hereby invited
from the deserving candi- AMAZING CREATION
dates for the post of Plan- 611/G Ganesh Bazar, Palamandap, Near Sivani
ning Coordinator, Coor-
dinator (Girls Education), Glass House, Cuttack-12, Ph-9238100133
Programmer (MIS), Ac-
countant, Data Entry Op- Wanted a ICSE Back- Needs 2 Lady Candidates
erator (DEO) for contrac- Degree in any stream : Age be-
tual engagement in the Dis-
ground Tutor For a
low 45 years. Good communi-
trict Project Office, SSA Class V student, cation skill in Oriya English
Keonjhar, Details are avail- Teaching subject: Mis- and HIndi. No field job. Goal
able in www.opepa.in & Oriented personality. Salary :
www.kendujhar.nic.in & cellaneous English
5000 + incentive. Only brand
also available at District Experienced English Marketing with Phone.Contact
Project Office, SSA,
Keonjhar. Last date for re-
teachers are mostly with CV & Photographs to
ceipt of application through preferable. Teachers Gayatri Industries
registered post/speed post who desire to teach at Plot No.-T.S.3/193,
on or before 10.04.2011. M.I. Estate, BBSR-10,
Collector Cum
their own house also
Chairman, SSA, Keonjhar Call 8093545300 Near Mahavir Auto


Applications are invited from the eligible candidates for contractual engagement for the following
posts noted against each post under the establishment of CDMO, Angul. The application should
reach the undersigned by Regd. Post/ Speed Post within 15 days of publication of the advertise-
ment. Further details of criteria and application are available at website -www.angul.nic.in
HÝçÉæ ÓÀÿLÿæÀÿ, ¯ÿßœÿ H ÜÿÖ†ÿ;ÿ ¯ÿçμÿæS, ¯ÿßœÿÉçÅÿ œÿç{”öÉæÁÿß Category of Post : MPHW(M),No. of post and Category:UR-7, SEBC- 32,ST-26, SC-14,To-
to place your tal-79, Age:As per Govt. Norm, Consolidated Salary :Rs. 5,200/-.,Qualification: Must have
É땨 ç †ÿ÷ advertisement Passed Diploma in Pharmacy from each Govt. Or approved Institution of Orissa and recognised
ÜÿÖ†ÿ;ÿ{Àÿ A抜ÿç¾ëNÿç Lÿæ¾ö¿Lÿ÷þ †ÿ$æ †ÿæàÿçþ (S.E.P)D¨{Àÿ †ÿæ with pharmacy Council, Remarks : Selection will be made on Merit basis of the marks secured in
19.03.2011{Àÿ ¨÷LÿæÉç†ÿ ¯ÿçj樜ÿ þæšþ{Àÿ A™#LÿæÀÿêZÿ ÓÜÿ please contact: D- Pharma Examination. Lab. Tech (Malaria)ST-1, As per Govt. Norm,Rs. 5,200/-.Must have
{¾æSæ{¾æS LÿÀÿç¯ÿæ †ÿæÀÿçQ †ÿæ 15.03.2011 ÀÿçQ {¯ÿæàÿç ¨÷LÿæÉ Passed Lab. Tech Course from any three Medical College of the State or any AICTE approved
¨æB$#àÿæ æ {ÓÜÿç †ÿæÀÿçQLÿë †ÿæ 15.04.2011 {¯ÿæàÿç ¨Þç¯ÿæLÿë FÜÿç +91 94370 21532
Institution, Selection will be made on Merit basis of the mark secured in LT course 1. 9
Éë•ç¨†ÿ÷ ¨÷LÿæÉ LÿÀÿæSàÿæ æ +91 674 2582532/33/34 post as detailed below among the total vacancies are reserved - PH Blind - 2, PH Deaf- 2 PH OH
œÿç{”öÉL,¯ÿßœÿÉçÅÿ H ÜÿÖ†ÿ;ÿ, HÝçÉæ -1, Sports Man -1, Ex Service man - 3
2. Candidate shall be within the age group of 18 - 32 yrs as on 28.02.2011. However the upper
age limit is relaxation up to 3 years for SEBC, 5yrs for SC / ST and 10 year in case of handicapped
3. 80 points model roster for reserved category will be followed under ORV Act.
ADVERTISEMENT FOR CONTRACTUAL ENGAGEMENT 4. Candidates must have registered their names in the employment exchange of the respective
Applications are invited from the interested candidates for filling up the following posts district and passes valid registration card.
lying vacant in the District Project Office. SSA, Puri on Contractual basis. Details of eligibility 5. Candidates of Angul District (having nativity / residential certificate) will get first preference.
of candidates for the vacant posts, age, Educational qualification, experience, modalities of 6. The engagement is purely temporary and may be terminated at any time without assigning any
filing applications and Bio-data formats consolidated salary etc. may be down loaded from reason thereof.
the website viz. www.opepa.in and www.puri.nic.in Interested candidates fulfilling the 7. Candidates should submit application in the form appended below with attested Xerox copies
eligibility criteria mentioned in the above website are requested to apply to the undersigned of relevant certificates in support of qualifications (educational /Technical) mark sheet, caste,
on or before 10.04.11. valid employment card , valid residential certificate along with self addressed envelop (size 24"
Name of the posts to be filled up : Accountant, No.of posts vacant :01, Desired Qualifica- x 10") with postage stamp Rs. 25/- (Rupees Twenty-five) only.
tion : B.Com in 1st Division with minimum ICWAl (inter)/ICAI (Inter) with at least 2 years of APPLICATION FORM
experience. Basic Computer knowledge in accounting package like Tally, TCSEX. Preference to Name of the post applied for________________
ICWA/ICAI (Inter) candidates, Consolidated Salary :Rs. 8820/-+HRA. 02.Cashier, 01,1st Division 1.Name of the Candidate (In Block Letters)
size Photo-
in B.Com with sound knowledge of Tally 9.0 version and other accounting software. Experience 2.Father’s Name.____________________
in 2 years cash transaction in any Govt./Pvt. Organisation.,Rs. 7056/-+HRA. 03. Programme graph Attached
3. Present Address.___________________
Asst., 02, 1 st class Graduation Degree from recognized University with functional Computer 4.Permanent Address_________________
literacy., Rs. 7056/- + HRA. 04. Office Asst., 01, Graduation in First Division,Rs. 6725/-+ HRA . Age 5.Date of Birth._____________________Age______________years as on 28.02.11
: A candidates should be within 21-32 yeas of age as on 1 st January 2011. In case of SC, ST, 6. Caste________________________________
SEBC, Women candidate and Ex-Serviceman, the upper age limit will be relaxed by 5 years For 7.Qualification
physically handicapped candidates, the upper age limit will be relaxed by 10 years, under ORV SI No. Examination Board/ University Year of Passing Total Marks Marks Secured Percentage
Act, 1975 and rules there under.
Mode of Application : No Reservation policy should be followed for the engagement of the
staff under SSA as it is a project. Applications will be submitted through Registered Post/ Speed
Post only. The candidate should clearly mentioned the Name of the post applied for on the top of 8. Employment Card Registration No & date___________________________
the Envelop. The applications should be addressed to Collector & Chairman, SSA, Puri to be DECLARATION
received in District I do hereby declare that, all the information and facts indicated above are true to the best of my
Project Office. SSA, Puri knowledge and belief.
Collector-cum-Chairman SSA, Puri Place :
Phone : 06752-229275 Date: Chief District Medical Officer, ANGUL
μÿë¯ÿ{œÿÉ´À ÿ 2-8 F¨÷çàÿ, 2011 NIJUKTI KHABAR Bhubaneswar 3
OPENING `ûdûe Gaõ ùi`þUò A¬ò^d
ò eòõùe ùUâ^õò ù^A
NEW OFFICE `ûdûecýû^ bûùa ù~ûM \ò@«ê
¨’ÿ¯ÿê ÓóQ¿æ 24 (Male) F¯ÿó 3 (Female) Qualification- \ecû jûe: U 7000+ @^ýû^ý iêa]ò û Job
iað^cò Ü gòlûMZ ù~ûMýZû:- cûUâKò þ _ûi Guarantee
10th, +2/Graduation, Age-Below 28yrs. þæÓçLÿ Aæß 100%
Rs. 4500/- Àÿë Rs.8000/- and above Contact with Bio- gûeúeòK ù~ûMýZû : CyZû-@^êý^ 5’5”
data within 10 days. Time 10.30am to 4.30pm. iaòùgh aòaeYú _ûAñ ^òcfÜ Lò Zô VòKYûùe ù~ûMûù~ûM Ke«ê ö
MICRO EXPANSION Jagannath Institute of Fire & Safety Engineering
N/6-315,1st Floor, Infront of Bank of Baroda, Jayadev AN ISO-9001-2008 Certified fire training Institute
Vihar, Bhubaneswar-15, Ph-9238100178 Cuttack:- Plot No D-106, Bank colony, Sector-9, CDA, CTC ,
PhoneNo.-0671-3248474, 9338877707, 8018482160

NEW OFFICE ! 35 VACANCY Ó´æ׿ Lÿþöê {s÷œÿçó

1. Supervisore 13 10th 4200/- {Lÿ¢ÿ÷ H Àÿæf¿ ÓÀÿLÿæÀÿZÿ ¯ÿçμÿçŸ Ó´æ׿ AœÿëÏæœÿ H ¯ÿçμÿçŸ fçàÿâæÀÿ NGO
þæœÿZÿ{Àÿ $#¯ÿæ xÿæNÿÀÿQæœÿæ, Nursing Home {Àÿ ¯ÿÜÿë ÓóQ¿æ{Àÿ Home
2 Asst.Manager 11 10th/+2 8000/- Nurse, ¨æ{$æ{àÿæfçÎ H þÜÿçÁÿæ Ó´æ׿Lÿþöê Aæ¯ÿÉ¿Lÿ {ÜÿD$#¯ÿæÀÿë þæs÷çLÿ
3 Branch Manager 11 +2/+3 17000/- ¯ÿæ †ÿ’ÿë–ÿö {¾æS¿†ÿæ $#¯ÿæ dæ†ÿ÷dæ†ÿ÷êZÿë MEDICAL LABORATORY
¯ÿßÓ Óêþæ 2011 Óë•æ 18 Àÿë 28 ¯ÿÌö TECHN, HOME NURSING COURSE {Àÿ {s÷œÿçó ’ÿçAæ¾ç¯ÿ æ {s÷œÿçó
{ÜÿæB$#¯ÿæ ¯ÿ暆ÿæþíÁÿLÿ æ AæÓ;ÿæ 7 ’ÿçœÿ ¨æÓú ¨{Àÿ Aæ»Àÿ ¨÷Öæ¯ÿç†ÿ ¯ÿçμÿçŸ ¯ÿçμÿæSþæœÿZÿ{Àÿ `ÿæLÿçÀÿê LÿÀÿç{¯ÿ æ
Üÿ{Îàÿ Óë¯ÿç™æ I SC/ST þæœÿZÿ ¨æBô Óë¯ÿç™æ Adç æ BbÿëLÿ dæ†ÿ÷dæ†ÿ÷êþæ{œÿ
þš{À ÿBiodata ÓÜÿ Óæäæ† LÿÀÿ;ÿë æ Form ¨æBô Rs. 70/- M.O. LÿÀÿ;ÿë æ
COARTPETA, GOILUNDIROAD, INFRONT OF DIVINE PUBLIC SCHOOL Plot No.-298, Baramunda, Near Side Over Bridge, Bhubaneswar-3,
BERHAMPUR, GANJAM, M-9238634508 M-9238909941, 9238804415, 9583470207

DIRECTORATE OF HEALTH SERVICES, ORISSA (Proof of birth certificate to be attached)
Email Id: - [email protected], Ph No. - 0674-2396827 7. Whether belong to SC/ST/SEBC ? : SC ST SEBC General
Letter No:-29/ SHRMU Date:-31 / 03/2011 (a) If so, the community which you belong? Proof in respect of Caste to be attached)
Recruitment to the post of Medical officers in junior Class-I of Orissa (b) Religion ?
8. Whether an Ex-Service man (Please √)?
Medical & Health Service Cadre on Ad-hoc basis. If so, state period of War Service rendered and enclose
Applications in prescribed format are invited from the prospective candidates for recruitment to 500 (Five
hundred) posts of Medical Officers in Junior Class – I rank of Orissa Medical & Health Service Cadre under evidence from competent authority : Yes No
Health & Family Welfare Department in the pay band of Rs. 15,600 – 39,100/- plus grade pay of Rs. 5,400/- with 9. Whether a physically Handicapped person?
usual dearness and other allowances sanctioned by Government of Orissa from time to time. The posts are If so, enclose a certificate from competent Authority of W&CD Department, Govt. of
temporary and would be made permanent after selection of the candidates through OPSC examination. Their Orissa/ DSWO of the District :
seniority will be counted from the date of O.P.S.C recommendation as per the merit list furnished to Government 10. Have you represented the state in National Sports/Championship? If So, furnish a copy
in that particular year. of identity card from the Director of Sports :
2. VACANCY POSITION:- 11. Any other category for which upper-age Relaxation is claimed. Furnish copy of
Sl. No. Category No. of Posts Certificate issued by the competent authority.:
(i) U.R 175 (58 – W) 12. Marital status (Please √) : Married Unmarried
(ii) S.E.B.C 135 (45 – W) 13. Mother Tongue :
(iii) Scheduled Tribe 110 (36 – W) (a) What Language you can read, write and Speak?
(iv) Scheduled Caste 80 (26 – W) (b) If you did not have Oriya as MIL or as language subject in Matriculation oronward, please indicate, if you
Total 500 (165 – W) have passed M.E. Standard Examination in Oriya or passed a special test in Oriya of that standard conducted
(a) Out of the vacancies mentioned above, 20 (Twenty) posts are reserved for the physically Handicapped by the D.I. of Schools. (Attach copy of such certificate)
(Orthopedically handicapped candidates, who are capable of rendering service to the public). 10 (Ten) posts are 14. Give particulars of all examinations passed commencing from matriculation & onwards
reserved for Ex-Servicemen and 5 (Five) posts are reserved for Sports persons. Candidates belonging to P.H (Attested copies of Certificate & mark sheets by a Gazetted Officer must be attached):
(Ortho), Ex-Servicemen & Sports persons shall be adjusted against the categories to which they belong.
Examination Board / University / School / College / Class or Year of Percentage
(b) In the event of non-availability or availability of insufficient number of eligible women
or Degree Examination Body Institution from Division Passing of Marks
candidates belonging to any particular category the vacancies or the remaining vacancies will be filled up by
which passed secured
male candidates of that category.

(c) The number of vacancies to be filled up on the basis of this recruitment is subject to change by Government
without notice, depending upon the exigencies of public service at the discretion of the State Government.
3. AGE: - A candidate must be under 32 (Thirty two) years and above 21 (Twenty one) years of age on the 1st
Feb. 2011. The upper age limit is relax-able by 5 (five) years for candidates belonging to Socially & Economically
Backward Classes (S.E.B.C), Scheduled Caste (S.C), Scheduled Tribe (S.T), Women and eligible Ex-Service-
men and by 10 (ten) years for P.H (O.H) candidates. Provided that, a candidate who comes under more than one
category mentioned above, he/she will be eligible for only one age relaxation benefit, which shall be considered
15. Other extracurricular activities such as Hobbies etc. :
most beneficial to him/her.
16. Name and designation of the two Responsible
Officer of the University / College from whom you attach certificate of Character. :
(i) A candidate must be a Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery (M.B.B.S) from any Recognized
University in the Indian Union or possess equivalent qualification or be a holder of a registerable medical 17. Orissa Council Medical Registration No :
qualification from a Medical College recognized by the MCI. (ii) After passing the final M.B.B.S examination, a
candidate must have successfully completed internship for at least one year. 18. Are you employed in any Government / Public Sector Undertakings? If so, furnish particulars
(iii) In case he/she has acquired M.B.B.S degree from a Foreign University, he / she is required to have passed Name and Date of joining Date of leaving Designation Designation and address
the screening test conducted by the National Board of Examination as prescribed by the Medical Council of India of employer
vide Notification No. MCI – 2003 (9) Regn. 2001 Dated.
13.02.2002 and most have completed one year of rotating internship in a recognized Medical College.
(iv) A candidate before appointment will have to register himself / herself under the Orissa Medical Registration
Act. 1961 if not, already registered.
(a) Candidates are required to send their duly filled application form in the prescribed format given below or may
download the same from the website of Health & Family Welfare Department www.orissa.gov.in by Registered 19. List of enclosures sent by the candidates :
Post / Speed Post / Courier Service / by hand to the Team Leader, State Human Resource Management Sl No Name of the Certificate Mark List Document Annexure Marks
Unit(SHRMU), Office of Directorate of Health Services, Orissa, Heads of the Department Building,
Bhubaneswar, Pin 751001 District – Khurda, Orissa for Adhoc appointment.
(b) The closed envelop containing the application form etc. must be super scribed “APPLICATION FOR
(c) Last date of the application received:- 30/04/2011 5.00 P.M
(d) This office will not take any responsibility if the application is not received in time.
Director of Health Services, Orissa
Application for the post of Medical Officer Jr. Class – I Adhoc DECLARATION : I hereby declare that all statements made in this application are true, complete and correct to
Basis for the year 2010-11 Affix Self the best of my knowledge and belief. In the event of any information being found false or incorrect or ineligibility
1. Name of the Candidate (in Block Capitals) : signed being detected before or after the interview action can be taken against me I further declare that, I fulfill all the
2. Father’s Name : photograph conditions of eligibility regarding age limits, educational qualification, etc, prescribed for the post/service I have
3. Present Address with Contact No. : informed my Head Office/Department in writing that, I am applying for this post/service/examination
4. Permanent Address : Place……………………………………
5. Date of Birth recorded in the Matriculation or equivalent examination Year…………………………. Date…………………………………… Full Signature of the Candidate
Month…………………….. Day…………………….. (In words) Note: application submitted by the candidate is liable to be
I & PR- 01222/11/0020/1011 rejected if found incorrect in any form.
μÿë¯ÿ{œÿÉ´À ÿ 2-8 F¨÷çàÿ, 2011 NIJUKTI KHABAR Bhubaneswar 4

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μÿë¯ÿ{œÿÉ´À ÿ 2-8 F¨÷çàÿ, 2011 NIJUKTI KHABAR Bhubaneswar 6

Corporation Bank
A Premier Public Sector Bank
bite during actual operations or during the period speci- conducted for States/UT are indicated above. A can-
Opening date for On-Line Registration :04.04.2011
fied by the Govt., (g) Dealing with agitating Para Military didate who applies for vacancy in a particular State/
Closing date for On-line Registration : 25.04.2011 UT will have to appear for written examination at the
forces personnel, (h) IPKF personnel killed during the
(For all applicants including Far Flung Areas) operations in Sri Lanka. NOTE: 1. Candidates still serv- specified centre only. Applications not conforming to
Call Letters for Written Test to be downloaded from Bank’s Website after : 30.05.2011 ing in Defence and-desirous of applying under Ex-ser- this requirement will be rejected. No request for change
of the State/UT shall be entertained after the submis-
Likely date of Written Examination : 12.06.2011 vicemen category should submit a certificate from the
competent authority to the effect that they would be sion of the application. The Bank reserves the right to
Applications (on-line only) are invited from Indian Citizens for the post of Single Win- add/cancel any centre at its discretion and also to call
released/retired on or before 30.09.2011. 2. Ex-service-
dow Operator (SWO) in the branches /off ices of the Bank in the States /UT as men- the candidates for examination at any other centres.
men candidates who have already secured employment
tioned below: The centre will be decided on the basis of State/UT
under the Central Govt, in Group C & D will be permitted
applied as indicated by the candidate. If the State/UT
The vacancies are tentative and are subject to revision. the benefit of age relaxation as prescribed for Ex-ser- is not indicated, the application will be rejected.
Bank reserves its right of reassessing the manpower requirement depending upon vicemen for securing another employment in a higher 5. CALL LETTERS: Candidates should download the
the needs of the organisation and to make upward changes accordingly. grade or cadre in Group C/D under the Central Govt: Call letters for written test from our website fron
SI. No. State/UT SC ST OBC Gen Total VH HI OH XS However, such candidates will not be eligible for the 27.05.2011 onwards. No hard copy of the Call letter
1 ASSAM 1 1 3 5 10 - - - 2 benefits of reservation for Ex-servicemen in Central will be sent by the Bank by post. In case the candi-
2 ANDHRA PRADESH 12 6 22 40 80 - 1 1 12 Govt. jobs. (E) RESERVATIONS FOR PERSONS WITH dates have any difficulty in this regard they can
3 BIHAR 3 - 4 8 15 - - - 2 DISABILITIES: Reservation is available to Persons with contact us at the following address pertaining to the
4 CHANDIGARH 2 - 3 5 10 - - - 2 Disabilities under ‘ Section 33 of the Persons with Dis- related centres,enable the bank to take immediate
abilities (Equal Opportunities, Protection of Rights and remedial action; Contact Address
5 CHATTISGARH 2 5 1 7 15 - - 1 2
Full Participation) / Act 1995. Accordingly, candidates ANDHRA PRADESH
6 DAMAN & DIU - 1 1 3 5 - - - - HYDERABAD; The General Manager; Corporation
with the following / disabilities are eligible to apply. Defi-
7 DADRA & N.HAVELI - 2 1 2 5 - - - 1 nition; Bank Zonal Office, 5-9-88/18/88/2,1 Floor, Sapphire
8 DELHI 15 8 27 50 100 1 2 1 15 3.Visually Handicapped (VH): a 1. Blindness refers Complex Chapel Road, P.B. No. 384, Hyderabad -
9 GOA - 2 4 14 20 - 1 - 3 to a Condition where a person suffers it from either of 500 001 Ph: 040-23420166, 23234270 VIJAYAWADA:
10 GUJARATH 4 10 16 30 60 - 1 1 10 the following conditions: (i) Total absence of sight.(ii) The Deputy General Manager Corporation Bank, Zonal
11 HARYANA 5 - 7 13 25 - 1 - 4 Visual acuity not exceeding 6/60 or 20/200 (Snellen) Office, 27-33-2,1st & 2nd Floor Shivani Towers,
12 HIMACHAL PRADESH 4 1 3 7 15 - - 1 2 in the better eye with correcting lenses. (iii) Limitation of Goodavallivari Street, Governorpet Vijayawada - 520
002. Ph; 0866-2575576, 2575582
13 JAMMU & KASHMIR - 1 1 3 5 - - - 1 the field of vision subtending an angle of 20 degrees
14 JHARKHAND 1 3 1 5 10 - - - 2 or worse.
PATNA: The Senior Manager, Corporation Bank Exhi-
15 KARNATAKA 24 11 40 75 150 1 2 2 23 2. Low vision: “Person with low vision” means a person
bition Road, Patna - 800 001 Ph: 0612-2226512,
16 KERALA 4 - 11 25 40 - 1 - 6 with impairment of visual functioning even after treat-
17 MADHYA PRADESH 5' 5 5 15 30 - - 1 5 ment or standard refractive correction but who use; or
18 MAHARASTRA 10 9 27 54 100 1 1 1 15 is potentially capable of using vision for the planning
CHANDIGARH: The Deputy General Manager Corpo-
or execution of a task with appropriate assistive de-
19 MEGHALAYA - 3 - 2 5 - - - 1 ration Bank, SCO 54-55, Sector 9D, Madhya Marg
vice.” Hearing Impairment (HI): “Hearing Impairment”
20 ORISSA 2 3 2 8 15 - - 1 2 Chandigarh -160 017. Ph: 0172-2743559, 2743564
mean: loss of sixty decibels or more in the better ear in
21 PONDICHERRY 1 - 1 3' 5 - - - 1 CHATTISGARH
conversational range of frequencies. Locomotor Dis-
22 PUNJAB 9 - 6 15 30 - - 1 4 RAIPUR: The Chief Manager, Corporation Bank, I
ability or Cerebral Palsy (OH): 1. Locomotor Dis-
23 RAJASTHAN 5 4 6 15 30 - - 1 5 Floor Navbharath Press Complex, PB No. 117,
ability: “Locomotor Disability” mean disability of the
24 SIKKIM - 1 1 3 5 - - - 1 Rajbandha Maidan, Great Eastern Road, Raipur - 492
bones, joints or muscles leading substantial restriction
25 TAMILNADU 15 - 20 40 75 - 1 1 11 001 Ph: 0771-2228062,2224686 DELHI
of the movement of the limbs any form of cerebral
DELHI: The General Manager, Corporation Bank, Zonal
26 TRIPURA 1 1 — 3 5 - - - 1 palsy. 2. Cerebral Palsy: “Cerebral Palsy” means a
Office, 18- 20, 10th Floor, Hindustan Times Building,
27 UTTAR PRADESH 18 - 22 40 80 - 1 1 12 group; non-progressive conditions of a person
K. G. Marg, Connaught Place, New Delhi 100 001
28 UTTARAKHAND 3 - 2 10 15 - - 1 2 characterise by abnormal motor control posture result-
Ph:011 23753962,23753906 GOA
29 WEST BENGAL 9 2 9 20 40 - - 1 6 ing from brain insult or injuries occurring in the pre-natal,
PANJIM: The Deputy General Manager, Corporation
TOTAL 155 79 246 520 1000 3 12 16 153 peri-natal or infant period of development. the cases of
Bank, Zonal Office, I Floor, Salgaocar Centre, Rua
Orthopaedically Handicapped persons would be cov-
SC - Scheduled Caste, ST - Scheduled Tribe, OBC - DATES: As per Govt, guidelines in the matter. NOTE: De Ourem, Panjim - 403 001. Ph: 0832-
ered under the category of “locomotor disability or cere-
Other Backward Class, XS - Ex-Servicemen, VH - Visu- a. All educational qualifications should be from ( 2225848,2432484 GUJARATH
bral palsy”.Only such persons would be eligible for
ally Handicapped, HI - Hearing Impairment, OH - a Recognised University/Board/Central/State ad- AHMEDABAD: The General Manager Corporation Bank
reservation in services/posts who suffer from not
Orthopaedically Handicapped, ministration, b. The recruitment will be on State-wise Zonal Office, II Floor, P, B. No.4106 Near
less than 40 percent of relevant disability.
Note: (A) Candidates belonging to reserved categories / Union Territory-wise basis. A candidate can make an Navarangapura P.O., Ahmedabad - 380 009" PH: 079-
. AGE: Not below 18 years and not above 28 years as
application for only one State or Union Territory and he 26442766, 26443063 • RAJKOT: The Assistant Gen-
for which no vacancy has been announced are free to on 31.03.2011.
/ she should be willing to be posted at any place in that RELAXATION IN UPPER AGE LIMIT: eral Manager, Corporation Bank, “Nijananda”, Dhebar
apply against vacancies announced for Unreserved/
State / Union Territory. The candidates should note Candidates belonging to Relaxed by No. of years Road, P.B. No. 556 Rajkot - 360 002. Ph; 0281-
General category provided they fulfill qualifications, 2232435,2233921 HIMACHAL PRADESH
that they are liable to be posted anywhere in the State/ 1.S.C/S.T. 5
age and other such norms of General category as stipu- U. T. depending on Bank’s needs. Further he / she will SHIMLA: The Branch Manager, Corporation Bank, Shop
2.OBC 3
lated, (B) Application received for post not advertised in have to appear for the Written Test from an Examina- No. 228 to 232, Block No. 23, Commercial Complex
3.VH/HI/OH 10
a particular State/UT will not be entertained, (C) This is tion Center specified for that particular State / Union 4.xs *3 Kasumpti Zonal Centre, Shimla-171009 Ph: 0177-
an All India Test and the recruitment would be on State/ Territory only and examination call-letter will be issued 5.Widows, divorced women and 2622044,2671831
UT basis. Candidates can apply for vacancies in accordingly. No change of Examination Center will be women judicially separated from KARNATAKA
one State/UT only and have to appear for the exami- permitted after submission of the application form, If their husbands, who have not remarried 9 BANGALORE: The General Manager, Corporation Bank
nation, from a centre of that particular State/UT. As finally selected, postings will be made depending 6.Persons ordinarily domiciled in Zonal Office, No. 8,5th Floor; Nitesh Time Square
the reservation for VH/HI/OH and Ex-servicemen can- upon the vacancy position that may arise over a the Kashmir Division of the State building, Mahatma Gandhi Road, Bangalore 560 001
didates are on horizontal basis, the selected candidates period of time and Bank reserves its right on tim- of Jammu & Kashmir during the Ph: 080-25067213, 25067238
ing of the posting based on its needs and the period from 01.01.80 to 31.12 89. **5 BELGAUM: The Deputy General Manager, Corpora-
will be placed in the appropriate category to which the
ranking position of the finally selected candidate. Note: *ln addition to the usual period of service in the tion Bank, Zonal Office, Plot No. 1357, Pai Complex,
candidate belongs. defense forces. “Certificate to this effect from the com-
1. ELIGIBILITY No correspondence in this regard will be enter- Opp. Hotel Ramdev, Nehru Nagar, P.B. Road
tained, c. Since recruitment is on State-wise / Union petent authority should be produced at the time of inter- Blelgaum - 590 016. Ph: 2473202, 2474053
(A) NATIONALITY/CITIZENSHIP view, if selected for the same.
A’candidate must be either I) a citizen of India or ii) a Territory-wise basis, knowledge of official language HASSAN: The Deputy General Manager, Corporation
In case of a candidate who is’eligible for relaxation under
subject of Nepal or iii) a subject of Bhutan or iv) a of the State/ UT applied (to read, write and speak) Bank, Zonal Office, Racecourse Road, P.B. No. 75
more than one of the above categories, the age. relax-
Tibetan refugee who came over to India before 1st is essential. Hassan-573 201. Ph: 267690, 268145
ation will be available on cumulative basis with any one
January 1962 with the intention of permanently settling (D) DEFINITION OF EX-SERVICEMEN (XS): HUBLI: The Deputy General Manager, Corporation
of the remaining categories for which age relaxation is
in India or v) a person of Indian origin who has migrated a. Only those candidates shall be treated as Ex- permitted as mentioned above. This cumulative age Bank Zonal Office, I Floor, MSM Press Building, IFI,
from Pakistan, Burma, SriLanka, East African coun- servicemen who fulfil the revised definition as laid relaxation is available to SC/ST/OBC candidates only. New cotton Market Road, PB No. 619. Hubli - 580 029
tries of Kenya, Uganda, the United Republic of Tanza- down in Government of India, Ministry of Home Af- 3. DATE OF WRITTEN EXAMINATION: The Written Ph: 0836-2350244,2376439
nia (formerly Tanganyika and Zanzibar), Zambia, Malawi, fairs, Department of Personnel and Administrative Examination is tentatively fixed for SUNDAY, the 12th MANGALORE: The Deputy General Manager (HRD)
Zaire, Ethiopia and Vietnam with the intention of perma- Reforms Notification No. 36034/5/85/Estt (SCT) dated of June, 2011 at the centres indicated below: (The Bank Corporation Bank, Head Office, Pandeshwar
nently ab settling in India. Provided that a candidate 27th October 1986 as amended from time to time. reserves the right to alter this date under unforeseen bangalore - 575 001Ph: 0824-2426416-420 Extn: 534,
belonging to categories (ii), (iii), (iv) or (v) above shall b. Disabled ex-servicemen (DISXS): Ex-secvicemen circumstances, if any). 535,2444994
be a person in whose favour a certificate of eligibility who while serving in Armed Forces of the Union were 4. EXAMINATION CENTRES (TENTATIVE): Hyderabad KERALA
has been issued by the Government of India. A candi- disabled in operation against the enemy or in disturbed (Andhra Pradesh), Vijayawada (Andhra Pradesh), Patna KOCHI; The Deputy General Manager, Corporation
areas shall be treated as DISXS. (Bihar), Chandigarh (Punjab, Haryana, Jammu & Kash- Bank,Zonal Office, 35/3078 J & J1II Floor, Pukalakatt
date in whose case a certificate of eligibility is neces-
c. Dependents of Servicemen killed in Action (DXS): mir and Chandigarh), Raipur (Chattisgarh), Delhi (Delhi), Building,Thammanam Road, Palarivattom, Kochi - 682
sary may be admitted to the examination/interview con-
Servicemen killed in the following operations would be Panjim (Goa), Ahmedabad (Gujarath/Dadra & Nagar 025Ph; 0484-2347422,2347402
ducted by the Bank but on final selection the offer of Haveli), Rajkot (Gujarath), Shimla (Himachal Pradesh),
appointment may be given only after the necessary deemed to have been killed in action attributable to MADHYAPRADESH
Military Service (a) war, (b) war-like operations or bor- Bangalore (Karnataka), Mangalore (Karnataka), Hubli BHOPAL: The Deputy General Manager, Corporation
eligibility certificates have been issued to him by the (Karnataka), Belgaum (Karnataka*), Hassan (Karnataka),
Government of India. der skirmishes either with. Pakistan on cease fire line Bank, Zonal Office, I Floor, Plot No. 181, Zone II
or any other country, (c) Fighting against armed hos- Kochi (Kerala), Bhopal (Madhya Pradesh), Mumbai M.P. Nagar, Bhopal - 462 011. Ph; 0755-2550283
(B) EDUCATIONAL QUALIFICATION (As on (Maharastra), Nagpur (Maharastra), Pune (Maharastra),
31.03.2011): Graduate in any discipline with 40% or tiles in a counter insurgency environment viz., MAHARASHTRA
Bubaneswar (Orissa), Jaipur (Rajasthan), Chennai
2 more marks in aggregate from a recognized uni- Nagaland, Mizoram, etc., (d) Fighting of service with MUMBAI: The Chief General Manager, Corporation
(Tamilnadu/Pondichery), Coimbatore (Tamilnadu/
versity or its equivalent qualification. SC/ST/XS/ peace-keeping mission abroad, (e) Laying or clear- Bank, Zonal Office, 28, Mittal Chambers, II Floor, Nariman
Pondichery), Lucknow (Uttar Pradesh), Dehradun
VH/HI/OH candidates must obtain 35% marks. Com- ance of mines including enemy mines as also mine Point, Mumbai - 400021. Ph: 022-22026818,22026940
(Uttarkhand), Kolkatta (West Bengal, Jharkhand, Sikkim),
puter Literacy is essential for the post, sweeping operation between one month before and Guwahati (Assam, Tripura Meghalaya). NAGPUR: The Senior Manager, Corporation Bank,
(C) RELAXATION FOR SC/ST/XS/VH/HI/OH CANDI- three months after conclusion of an operation, (f) Frost- The centres at which the written examination will be National Insurance Building, Ground Floor, Kingsway,
Continued page
μÿë¯ÿ{œÿÉ´À ÿ 2-8 F¨÷çàÿ, 2011 NIJUKTI KHABAR Bhubaneswar 7
Corporation bank......(Continuation page-6)
mation while filling up the application form. which they belong is recognised as other backward class under the
S.V.P. Road, Nagpur-440001, Ph: 0712-2526823,2564274 At the time of written examination / interview, if a candidate is or has been Central Government List i.e., under Government of India, Ministry of
PUNE: The General Manager, Corporation Bank, Zonal,Office, 201-202, Welfare Resolution No.12011/ 68 / 93-BCC (C) dated 10.09.1993 pub-
found guilty of: i. using unfair means during the examination, or ii. imper-
Stellar Enclave, 2nd Floor, DP Road Near Parihar Chowk, Aundh, Pune - lished in the Gazette of India extraordinary Part l-SEC dated 13.09:1993
sonating or procuring impersonation by any person, or iii. misbehaving in
411 007, Ph: 020-25896555
the examination hall or taking away the question booklet / answer sheet (and not as per the StateA UT government List or income Criteria etc.)
from the examination hall, or iv. resorting to any , other irregular or im- The Caste mentioned in the certificate should tally letter by letter to that
BHUVANESHWAR: The Chief Manager, Corporation
Bank, Plot No. 121,122, Ground Floor, Unit III, Kharvel Nagar, Station proper means in connection with his candidature for the selection, or v. of the Caste as appearing in the Central Government List/Notification.
Square, Bhuvaneshwar -751 013,Ph: 0674-2536329, 2534537 obtaining support for his candidature by any means such a candidate may The certificate inter alia must specify that the candidate does not belong
RAJASTHAN in addition to rendering himself / herself liable to criminal prosecution, be to creamy layer section excluded from the benefits of reservation for
JAIPUR: The Chief Manager, Corporation Bank liable; a) to be disqualified by the Bank from the examination for which he other backward classes in Civil post and services under Govt, of India.
101 to 110,I Floor, Anukampa Tower, Church Road (Old Shalimar Road), / she is a candidate, b) to be debarred either permanently or for a specific OBC certificate should not be more than one year old as on the date of
Jaipur - 302 001, Ph: 0141-2363455,2363375 period by the Bank from any examination , or selection held by the Bank. application, ii) Candidate applying under VH/HI/OH/XS/DIS -XS/DXS are
TAMILNADU Apart from the above, such a candidate, if appointed, his/her services are required to attach certified copy of the certificates as mentioned below.
CHENNAl: The General Manager, Corporation Bank liable to be terminated. The competent authority to issue Disabilities certificate shall be a Medi-
Zonal Office, 38 & 39, Whites Road, P.B. No. 2227, Chennai- 600 014. Note: The Bank/IBPS would be analysing the responses of a candidate with cal Board duly constituted by the Central/State/UTGovt. The Central/
Ph: 044-28520837,28523104, COIMBATORE: The Deputy General other appeared candidates to detect patterns of similarity. On the basis of State/UT Govt, may constitute Medical Boards consisting of at least 3
ManagerCorporation Bank, Zonal Office, 8th Cross, MSR Road members out of which one shall be a specialist in the particular field for
such an analysis, if it is suspected that the responses have been shared
Sai Baba Colony, Coimbatore - 641 011, Ph: 0422-2436319,2435821 assuring locomotor/Verbal/visual/hearing Disabilities as the case may
and scores obtained are not genuine/valid, the Bank reserves the right to
cancel his/her candidature. be XS / DlS-XS / DXS: Copy of the discharge book or pension payment
LUCKNOW: The Deputy General Manager, Corporation
9. APPOINTMENT: The candidates selected finally from each State will be order, candidates still serving in Defence and desirous of applying under
Bank, Zonal Office, 1-1/F, Ashok Marg, Near Nishant,Ganj, Gomti Bridge,
Lucknow- 226 001,Ph: 0522-2205264,2205129 appointed within that State in accordance with the norms framed Ex-servicemen category should submit the certificate from the compe-
UTTARAKHAND by the Bank in this behalf and should be prepared to work in any branch ! tent authority, along with the application that they would be relieved from
DEHRADUN: The Senior Manager, Corporation Bank including a village branch. However, the candidates meant for proposed Defence Services on or before 30.09.2011. DXS candidates: Depen-
Raj Plaza, 75, Rajpur Road, Dehradun - 248 001 branches will be parked in the nearest branch for the purpose of on job dents of servicemen killed in action / dependents of IPKF personnel
Ph; 0135-2744631,2742372 training. . killed in operation in Srilanka who wish to apply must be registered with
WEST BENGAL, JHARKHAND, SIKKIM 10. PROBATION AND APPROXIMATE TOTAL EMOLUMENTS: Probation: 6 and sponsored by Ex-servicemen Cell (DGE.& T), Ministry of Labour
KOLKATA: The General Manager, Corporation Bank Months. Total emoluments for graduates at the start of the scale in SWO and Rehabilitation located at Kundan Mansion, Asaf Ali Road, New Delhi
Zonal Office, 3, Middleton Road, Ground Floor, Kolkata - 700 071. Ph: Cadre will be Rs. 13,500/- (Approx.) (Including DA & HRA) (for metro). (certificates of sponsorship should be enclosed). All the above certifi-
033-22290103,22298056 Other benefits include Conveyance, Medical Aid, LFC and Retirement cates as applicable in original should be produced alongwith a certified
ASSAM, MEGHALAYA AND TRIPURA benefits, as per the Bank's rules. true copy, at the time of interview if selected for interview.
GUWAHATI: The Manager, Corporation Bank,. 21,M. L Nehru Road, Pan False claim about their caste by candidates applying for SC/ST/OBC
Bazar, Guwahati - 781 001, Ph: 0361 2731455, 2731456. reserved vacancies shall be treated as a criminal offence and they are
refundable): For SC / ST/VH/HI/OH/Ex-Servicemen -Rs.50/-
(towards out of pocket expenses only) Iiable to be prosecuted .
All the eligible candidates who apply for the post with requisite fee and
For All Others (including OBCs) - Rs. 200/- D. The candidates should not send ORIGINALS / COPIES of any other
whose applications are registered in time will be called for written exami-
nation, The written examination shall be objective in nature consisting of NOTE: 1. Application fee including out of pocket expenses should be paid certificates / testimonials other than those cited above.
4 papers for a composite duration of 1 hour and 35 minutes, as follows: in cash at any of the Branches of Corporation Bank to A/c No. , 0377/CA/ E. Candidates are required to paste one recent passport size photograph
SI. No. Name of the Paper No. of Questions Max. Marks 01/000731. in the space provided for in the application format and sign it across.
1. Test of Reasoning 2. Payment of application fees/or out of pocket expenses by, DD/Cheques/ They are advised to retain two copies of the same photograph for use at
Ability and Numerical aptitude 100 160 Money Order/Postal Order will not be accepted. the time of written examination/ interview. Failure to produce the same
2. Test of Clerical aptitude 40 40 12. HOW TO APPLY: Eligible candidates are required to apply only 'ONLINE' photograph at that time will lead to disqualification of the candidates.
3. Test of English Language 40 40 through our website www.corpbank.in between 04.04.2011 and 25.04.2011 F. Candidates submitting more than one application in response to the
4. Test of General Knowledge 20 20 and no other means/ mode of application will be acceptable. advertisement, are liable to be disqualified.
NOTE: a) Candidates have to pass in each of the Objective test sepa- (ii)Candidates are required to have a valid active personal e-mail ( ID and G. Application fee/out of pocket expenses once paid will not be refunded
rately, b) Passing Mark for written test is 40% (35% in case of SC/ST/ should not change the same during the course of the recruitment process on any account, nor can this fee be held in reserve for any other
OBC/PH candidates) c) Depending upon the number of vacancies, only examination or selection.
to ensure smooth communication. c Communication will be sent to such
those candidates who rank sufficiently high in the objective test wili be H.The Bank / IBPS shall not be responsible for an application being
email ID. Under no t circumstances, he/she should share/mention e-mail
called for interview/Mere eligibility/ pass in the examination shall not vest
ID to/of anyother person. rejected which is based on wrong information provided in any advertise-
any right in a candidate for'being called for interview. d) Minimum qualify-
(ii) In case a candidate does not have a valid personal e-mail ID, he/she ment issued by an unauthorised person / institution.. Candidates have
ing mark in interview is 40% (35% in case of SC/ST/OBC/PH candidates)
e) Final selection will be on the basis of merit ranking after adding the should create his/her new e-mail ID before applying online. to appear for the written examination / interview at their own cost.
marks obtained in the Objective Tests and interview, f) The detailed (iii) Applicants are first required to go to the Bank's website However, unemployed SC/ST candidates who are called for interview
information regarding written examination will be available in the Bank's www.corpbank.in and click on 'Careers'. Then go to 'Recruitment of will be reimbursed II Class Rail / Bus fare, as per the rules. J. Selected
website under "Acquaint yourself" and may be downloaded, g) Those who SWO - 201 1-12' Read the advertisement careiully and ensure that you are candidates will be governed by the terms and conditions of the Service
are eligible for interview shall be subjected to Computer Literacy Test, h) eligible for the post. Regulations of the Bank. K. The Selected candidates may be assigned
Those selected for interview, will be intimated venue, date and time by E- (iv) Take a Printout of the 'FEE PAYMENT.CHALLAN" and fill it in a clear any designation as may be prevailing in the Bank and not necessarily
Mail only and no separate communication by post will be sent. 7. PRE- and legible handwriting in BLOCK LETTERS. The challan is in duplicate. the name of the Post given in the advertisement. L. Candidates willing
EXAMINATION TRAINING FOR SC/ST/EX-SERVICEMEN/ RELIGIOUS v) Go to the nearest Corporation Bank Branch with the Fee payment to serve anywhere in the State/UT where vacancies are advertised only
MINORITY COMMUNITY CANDIDATES: The Bank will arrange pre-ex- Challan and pay, in Cash, the requisite Application Fee along with the need apply. M. Before applying for the post, candidates should ensure
amination training' at the following centers for a limited number of SC/ST/ appropriate commission which is Rs. 10.00 at present. The details of fee to that they satisfy the eligibility norms in all respects as mentioned in this
Ex-Servicemen/Religious Minority Community candidate: in consonance advertisement, as on the dates specified. The Bank shall be free to
be paid between 04.04.2011 and 25.04.2011 are indicated below. Even if
with the guidelines issued by the Government of India. reject any candidate at any stage of the recruitment process, if he / she
the Bank extends the last date of online registration to avoid rush at the
last minute, the valid dates are uniform________________ is found to be ineligible for the post for which he/she has applied. The
Category of Applicant Amount of Fees/Out of Pocket fees paid by ineligible candidates shall be forfeited. N. The decision of
Expenses (Non-refundable) the Bank in all matters regarding eligibility of the candidates, conduct of
SC/ST/VH/HI/OH Ex-Servicemen Rs. 50/- examination/s, interview, selection and appointment of candidates etc.
All Others (including OBC) Rs. 200/- would be final and binding on the candidates. No correspondence would
(vi) Obtain your receipt copy of the Application Fee Payment.Receipt be entertained by the Bank, in this behalf. O. In case any candidate
duly receipted by the Bank with (a)Branch Name (b) Branch Code Number, desires to institute any legal proceedings against the Bank in respect of
(c) Receipt Number (TSL No.), (d) Date of Deposit (e)Amount filled by the anything done or proposed to be done by the Bank in relation to him or
Branch Official. (vii) Candidates are now ready to Apply Online by re- her, such legal proceedings shall be instituted only in the courts in
visiting the Bank's website and going to the sublink to open up the Mangalore and not in other Courts. Any ' representation/queries by the
appropriate Online Application Format. (viii) Carefully fill in the details candidates on the recruitment process may not be entertained after a
from the Recruitment Application Fee Payment Receipt in the Online period of six months from the date of declaration of results. P. Can-
Application Form at the appropriate places, ix) Care should be taken by the vassing in any form will be a disqualification. Q. Payment of application
applicant while filling in information in the Online Application Form. Copy fee/out of pocket expenses between specified dates only will be consid-
the fee payment details from the Fee Payment Receipt. ered valid. R. The Bank, may, at its discretion, hold re-examination
(x) After filling in the details on the application form candidates are required to wherever necessary in respect of centre/ venue / part of a venue or the
submit the application online, once submitted a registration number and pass- candidate / candidates. S. Candidate's admission to the examination is
word will be generated by the system. Kindly note the same for future use. strictly provisional. The mere fact that the admission letter has been
xi) Take a printout of the system generated application form immediately. issued to the candidate does not imply that his candidature has been
The printout of the Application form must not be sent to the Bank. finally cleared by the Bank. T. Once an application is submitted by the
xii) Candidates should keep xerox copy of the application printout and candidate under particular category, it cannot be changed subsequently.
U. Only those candidates who are blind / low vision or locomotor im-
original fee payment challan for their record. xiii) Original fee payment
paired in both hands and both arms can use own scribe at their cost
challan will have to be submitted ilong with the Call Letter at the time of
during the written examination. In all such cases, where a scribe is used,
written test/ interview. Without the Original fee a payment challan the
the following rules will apply, (A)The candidate will have to arrange his/
candidate will not be owed to appear for the written test/ interview. her own scribe at his own cost. (B)The Scribe should possess less marks
13. GENERAL: A. The name of the candidate must be used in the same than the candidate appearing at the written examination and not more
manner (with the initials and other prefixes/suffixes, if any) as mentioned than 60% marks in his/her own academic stream. (C) The Scribe should
Applicants belonging to the above categories who desire to avail them-
in the application, in all the subsequent correspondences. not be a graduate of any stream. (D) The Scribe may be from any
selves of such training at their own cost may indicate choice of center in
B. Candidates already employed in Government/Public Sector undertak- Academic Stream, (E) Both, the candidate as well as the scribe will have
the space provided for in the application form. The candidates belonging
ings shall be required to produce a "No Objection Certificate" from their to give a suitable undertaking, confirming that the scribe fulfils all the
to above categories and desirous of availing the training facility should
employer, at the time of the interview. stipulated eligibility criteria for a scribe as mentioned above. Further, in
visit above venues on the date and time mentioned along • with copies of
C. (i) All the candidates applying under SC/ST/OBC categories should case it later transpires that he/she did not fulfil any of the laid down
application (showing Registration No.) "and caste certificate/other certifi-
attach a certified copy of the SC/ST/OBC caste certificate issued by the eligible criteria or suppressed the material facts, the candidature of the
cate which clearly indicate that they belong to above mentioned catego-
Competent Authority in the prescribed format as stipulated by the Govern- applicant will stand cancelled, irrespective of the result of the written
ries and register themselves for allotment of batches, wherever appli-
ment of India, failing which, his/her application is liable to-be rejected. Mere examination. (F) Such candidates who use a scribe shall be eligible
cable. No separate communication will be sent in this regard.
"Declaration on Oath" is not accepted. The Competent Authority for issuing for"extra time of 20 minutes for every hour of the examination.
caste certificate to the candidates belonging to OBCs is the same as in the
DUCT: Candidates are warned that they should not furnish any particu- Place : Mangalore Deputy General Manager
case of SC/STs. OBC candidates must ensure that the community to
lars that are false, tampered/fabricated or suppress any material infor- Date : 02.04.2011 Human Resource Management Division
μÿë¯ÿ{œÿÉ´À ÿ 2-8 F¨÷çàÿ, 2011 NIJUKTI KHABAR Bhubaneswar 8
Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan, Rayagada ZILLA SWASTHYA
iõ_û\Kúd Old Revenue Colony, Behind Govt. Hospital, Rayagada-01
Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan invited from eligible candidates for filling up of various posts on contract NABARANGPUR
basis with a consolidated remuneration.
Financial Consultant Group C-Vacancy-01, Qualification: PG in commerce with first class or WALK IN INTERVIEW
○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ICWAI(Inter) or CA (Inter) having 3 yrs. Post qualification experience in double entry, book Post :Staff Nurse (12 Nos.), Eli-
keeping, accounts, perks:11, 025 + HRA (as applicable) gibility: The candidates must
¯ÿ¿Nÿç†ÿ´ ¯ÿçLÿæÉ Pedagogy coordinator Group-C, post:01, Qualification:M.A.(education) in 1st division or 1st
division in M.A. with M.Ed. Perk11,025+ HRA(as applicable)
have passed in Genera! Nurs-
ing & Midwifery from any 03
Govt. Nurshing Schools of the
œÿç¾Në ÿç Q¯ÿÀÿÀÿ ¨ævÿLÿ/¨ævÿçLÿæþæœÿZÿë þëô Ó¯ÿë{¯ÿ{Áÿ LÿÜÿçAæÓçdç {¾ {Lÿò~Óç Lÿ¿æÀÿçßÀÿ Planning coordinator Group C posts:01, Qualification:1st class in PG in Economics/Statistics, 03 Medical Colleges / School
àÿä¿ {œÿB ¨÷Ö†ë ÿ {Üÿ¯ÿæ ¨í¯ÿöÀÿë œÿçf ¯ÿ¿Nÿç†ÿ´Lÿë þæf}†ÿ F¯ÿó Óë¯ÿ¿¯ÿ×ç†ÿ LÿÀÿ;ÿë æ Pay:Rs. 11,025+HRA (as applicable) of Nurshing MCL Talcher / IGH
üÿÁÿ{Àÿ ÓüÿÁÿ†ÿæ ¨d{Àÿ †ÿë{þ œÿë{Üÿô, ÓüÿÁÿ†ÿæ †ÿëþ ¨d{Àÿ {SæÝæB¯ÿ æ Coordinator, SC/ST Education Group-C Post-01, Qualification: First class in PG in anthropology/ Rourkela & Must have regis-
A™#Lÿ ¨Þ;ÿë F¯ÿó AæS÷Üÿ ¯ÿÞæ;ÿë : Aæ¨~ {¾{†ÿ A™#Lÿ ¨Þç{¯ÿ F¯ÿó œÿí†ÿœÿ AæS÷Üÿ ÓõÎç tered in the Orissa Nursing
LÿÀÿç{¯ÿ, Aæ¨~ Aœÿ¿þæœÿZÿ ¨æBô {Ó{†ÿ AæLÿÌö~êß {ÜÿæB¨æÀÿç{¯ÿ æ {¾{†ÿ{¯ÿ{Áÿ sociology/Psychology from any recognised University. Pay : Rs. 11,025+HRA (as applicable)
Coordinator (Girls education) Group-C, Post-01, Qualification:1st class in PG in Sociology/Women Council,Monthly Remunera-
Aæ¨~ {Lÿò~Óç œÿíAæ {àÿæLÿZÿ ÓÜÿ Óæäæ†ÿLÿæÀÿ LÿÀÿëd;ÿç æ {Ó{†ÿ{¯ÿ{Áÿ Aæ¨~ fæ~ç$#¯ÿæ tion: Rs. 6,510/-
¯ÿçÌßSëÝLç ÿ LÿÜÿç¯ÿæ ¨æBô FLÿ Óë{¾æS þç{Áÿ æ {†ÿ~ë A™#Lÿ ¨Þç jæœÿ ¯ÿÞæB¯ÿæ Aæ¯ÿÉ¿Lÿ æ studies/Anthropology, Pay:Rs.11,025+HRA
AæÁÿ¨ê ÜÿëA;ÿë : Aæ¨~ {Lÿ{†ÿ jæœÿê †ÿæÜÿæ Aæ¨~ZÿÀÿ AæÁÿæ¨Àÿë Üÿ] f~æ¨{Ý æ ${Àÿ Aspiring candidates are re-
Programmer Group-C,Post-01, Qualification: 1st class degree with MCA from a recognised quested to appear the walk in
Aæ¨~ LÿÜÿç¯ÿæLÿë AæÀÿ» Lÿ{àÿ Lÿç¨Àÿç μÿàÿμÿæ{¯ÿ Aœÿ¿þæœÿZÿ ÓÜÿ Lÿ$æ {Üÿ{¯ÿ †ÿæÜÿæ University/Institute having sound knowledge of DBMS/RDBMS/MS Office, Data communication,
f~æ¨Ýç¯ÿ æ Óþ{Ö Ó¯ÿë ¨Þçœÿ$æ;ÿç Lÿç ÓþÖZÿë Ó¯ÿë Lÿ$æ f~æœÿ$æF æ œÿíAæ œÿíAæ Lÿ$æ interview scheduled to be held
LÿÜÿç¯ÿæLÿë {`ÿÎæ LÿÀÿ;ÿë F¯ÿó AæÁÿæ¨ê ÜÿëA;ÿë æ ¾’ÿç Aæ¨~Zÿë F¨Àÿç LÿÀÿç¯ÿæLÿë àÿæf àÿæSë$æF Internet, web technology, SQL server and VB net etc. Pay: Rs. 11,025 + HRA on Dtd. 07-04-2011 at 10 A.M
{†ÿ{¯ÿ {sæÎþæÎÀÿ ¨Àÿç Sø¨ú{Àÿ {¾æS ’ÿçA;ÿë æ FÜÿç Sø¨ Aæ¨~Zÿ ¯ÿæS½ç†ÿæ ¯ÿÞæB¯ÿæ{Àÿ Data entry operator Group-C, Post-02, Qualification:PGDCA from recognised institute or univer- in the Office Chamber of the
DûæÜÿç†ÿ LÿÀÿç$æF æ üÿÁÿ{Àÿ Aæ¨~Zÿ àÿæf H Óó{Lÿæ`ÿ ™#{Àÿ ™#{Àÿ Lÿþç¯ÿæLÿë àÿæ{S æ sity having sound knowledge in MS office, Data entry in english/oriya + +3 degree in 1st division Chief District Medical Officer,
œÿç{f œÿçfÀÿ ÜÿëA;ÿë : Aæ¨~ œÿçfLÿë Lÿçdçsæ ¨Àÿç¯ÿˆÿöœÿ LÿÀÿç œÿçf ¯ÿ¿Nÿç†ÿ´{Àÿ DŸ†ÿç Aæ~ç¯ÿæLÿë Pay-Rs. 6,725 + HRA. Nabarangpur. The application
{`ÿÎæ LÿÀÿëd;ÿç Lÿç ? FÜÿæ A†ÿ¿;ÿ Ó´æS†ÿ{¾æS¿ æ Lÿç;ÿë LÿæÜÿæLÿë AœÿëLÿÀÿ~ LÿÀÿ;ÿë œÿæÜÿ] æ form is available in the District
Application form and details can be downloaded from the website : (www.opepa.in) and
Aœÿ¿Lÿë {’ÿQ# Lÿæ¯ÿöœÿ Lÿ¨ç {Üÿ¯ÿæLÿë {`ÿÎæ Lÿ{àÿ {Lÿò~Óç ÓëüÿÁÿ þçÁÿç¯ÿ œÿæÜÿ] æ LÿæÀÿ~ web portal i.e
www.rayagada.nic.in only. Interested candidates fulfilling the eligibility criteria mentioned above www.nabarangpur.nic.in. Can-
¨÷{†ÿ¿LÿZÿÀÿ œÿçfÓ´ {ÉðÁÿê ÀÿÜÿç$æF> {†ÿ~ë œÿçf {ÉðÁÿê{Àÿ DŸ†ÿç Aæ~;ÿë æ ÓLÿæÀÿæŠLÿ
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μÿë¯ÿ{œÿÉ´À ÿ 2-8 F¨÷çàÿ, 2011 NIJUKTI KHABAR Bhubaneswar 9
SWASTHYA Applications in prescribed forms are invited from the candidates, belonging to the area under the territorial jurisdiction of Sambalpur University, conforming to the following conditions, for
appointment to the post of Executive Assistant to be filled up on contractual basis in the office of the University for a period of one year, likely to be extended for further period on requirement
SAMITI (ZSS), of the office.Name of the Post :Number of posts to be filled up,Executive Assistant : 15 (fifteen) at present, likely to increase corresponding to availability of vacancies, Category, ST-5, SC-
3, SEBC-3 (including 01 handicapped) and UR-4, Requisite Qualification, Graduate with 50% of marks in aggregate, and computer proficiency in MS Word, Excel, power point and internet.
Relaxation of 5% of marks shall be extended to ST/SC candidates, Age, Within 21 to 32 years as on the date of issue of this advertisement Upper age of ST/SC Candidates shall be relaxed
GANJAM up to five years. Age limit not applicable for the candidates if working under the University Establishment, Pay, Rs. 5000/- consolidated per month, Probable date of appointment, Immediately,
on completion of selection procedure, Date of issue and last date of receipt of application forms, From 11/4/2011 to 10/5/2011.Forms received after 10/05/2011 will summarily be rejected, Date/
Advertisement for the post of time and Place of interview Shall be communicated to the eligible candidates separately, Availability and procedure of submission of Application Form with guide lines a) In the Store Section
of Sambalpur university on deposit of Rs.100/- in the Cash Counter during the office hours of working days. b) By post on remittance of Rs. 150/- in the shape of Bank Draft drawn in favour of
Block Programme Organizer the Comptroller of Finance, Sambalpur University payable at the SBI Jyoti Vihar, with a self addressed envelop of size 23 x 11cm super scribing APPLICATION FOR THE POST OF EXECUTIVE
(BPO) Programme Manager ASSISTANT.c) Can be downloaded from the University Website www.suniv.ac.in and submitted along with a fee of Rs 100/-in the same manner as prescribed at (b) above (d) Fee of the
SDH. ZSS Ganjam invites ap- Application form for the ST/SC candidates is Rs.50/-, Procedure of Selection. As per the instruction contained on the reverse of the application Form Registrar, Sambalpur University
plications from suitable candi-
dates for engagement as Con-
sultants at the block level/SDH
in the capacity of Block
Programme Organizer (BPO)
Programme Manager SDH on
contractual basis under NRHM.
Odisha in Ganjam District on a
monthly remuneration of Rs.
10,000/-(Consolidated). • She
must have completed gradua-
tion with a minimum of 55%
marks and should be below 35
years as on 01.01.2011. •
Should have Post-Graduate Di-
ploma in Computer Application
(PGDCA)/MCA/ BCA. • Prefer-
ence will be given to candidates
possessing Post Graduation
qualification in Management/
Statistics/Health Education/and
those having experience in this
field. •The candidate must be a
permanent resident of Ganjam
District. However outside Dis-
trict candidates can also apply.
• Residential Certificate is to
be produced while applying for
the post. Interested candidates
are requested to download the
application form from the Dis-
trict NIC Website :
(www.ganjam.nic.in) in the
CDMO link. The completely
filled in application forms
alongwith the other supporting
documents should reach the
Office of the undersigned (O/
o. Chief District. Medical Of-
ficer, Ganjam, Berhampur)
latest by 15.04.11, through
Registered Post/Speed Post/
Courier only with the superscrip-
tion on the envelope “Post Ap-
plied for: Block Programme
Organizer (BPO/Programme
Manager SDH”. The applicants
should not enclose any other
documents except as men-
tioned in the advertisement.
Any undertaking regarding sub-
mission of any documents later
on, will not be entertained. The
undersigned reserves the right
to accept or reject any or all
application, without assigning
any reason thereof.
Chief District Medical
Officer, Ganjam

K.V., Sonepur
Interview Date & Time : 7th
& 8th of April 2011 8AM to
10AM (Strictly registration
time) Post-Contractual daily
need basis teachers. Venue:
Vidyalaya Premises at DRC,
ST School Campus Sonepur.
Name of the post- TGT
(Eng.Math., Sanskrit). Quali-
fication : Degree in the con-
cerned subject with 50%
marks & B.Ed. from a
recognised University. PRT:
10 +2 with 50% marks & CT/
JBT or equivalent from a
recognised university. Date of
Interview : 07.04.2011 at 8
AM. Comp. Instructor : BE/
B . Te c h ( C o m p . S c ) / B C A /
or equivalent.Spoken Eng.
Teacher:BA with Eng.Hons. &
Diploma in spoken English/
PGCTE, Music Teacher :
B.Music or equivalent, Inter-
view Date & Time: 08.04.2011 I & PR -01193/13/0136/1011
on 8.00AM.

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ii) I have read the provisions in the Notice of the examination carefully and I hereby undertake to abide
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qualifications etc. prescribed for admission to the examination. I have enclosed photocopies of certificates in
iv) àÿüÿæ¨æ D¨{Àÿ ÓÜÿæßLÿ D¨œÿçÀÿêäLÿ/{Î{œÿæ ¨æBô Aæ{¯ÿ’ÿœÿ ¯ÿæ ¨÷™æœÿ AæÀÿäLÿ {Î{œÿæ ¨æBô Aæ{¯ÿ’ÿœÿ support of claim for Educational Qualifications, age, category (SC/ST/OBC) and age relaxation etc.
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No.36012/22/93-SCT) dated 8-9-1993. It is also declared that I do not belong to the persons/sections
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¨÷æ$öêþæ{œÿ {’ÿQ#¨æÀÿç{¯ÿ æ xii) FÜÿç œÿç¾ëNÿç ¨æBô ¯ÿçj樜ÿ {H´¯ÿÓæBs cisf.gov.in †ÿ$æ http// Date : (Application not signed by the candidate will not be entertained)
www.cisfrecruiment.org {Àÿ {’ÿQ#¨æÀÿç{¯ÿ æ
ANNEXURE-I Observation/Remarks
of the scrutinizing Officer
Roll No. (To be filled at the recruitment centre)
(To be printed/typed/written in separate paper)
Post applied for (Tick any one) ASI/Steno Head Constable/Min ADMIT CARD
For written examination of Assistant Sub-Inspector (Steno) & Head Constable(Min)
(WRITE ONE LETTER/NUMBER IN ONE BOX, KEEPING SPACE OF ONE BOX BETWEEN TWO WORDS (Candidate will not be allowed to appear in the recruitment without production of this admit card)
AND PUT TICK MARK ( — ) IN THE BOX WHERE APPLICABLE) Post applied for (Tick any one) ASI/Steno Head Constable/Min
Affix your recent
1. Name of the Candidate (BLOCK CAPITAL letters as recorded in matriculation certificate) passport size To be filled by the candidate
photograph duly
attested by a Gazetted Name (in block letters) :
2. Name of Father (BLOCK CAPITAL letters as recorded in matriculation certificate) Officer (Should be exactly same as in Affix your recent
Matriculation Certificate) passport size
(3.5cmx 4.5cm) of size
Father’s/Husband Name : photograph duly
(Do not staple/pin).
3 Date of Birth Day -- Month -- Year -- attested by a
Postal Address : Gazetted Officer
4. Nationality Indian Others
5. Sex Male Female

6. Category General SC ST OBC : ____________________________

7. Educational qualification ______________________________________________________ Identification Marks : 1.
8. Religion Hindu Muslim Christian Sikh Buddhist Others 2.
If others (Please specify) Date of Birth :
9. Do you belong to Hill area Yes No If yes specify in Column 9 (a) &(b) (DD-MM-YYYY)
9(a). Whether Garhwali Kumaoni Gorkha Dogra Maratha Whether Direct /Ex-Servicemen candidate :
9(b). Whether belong to Assam Meghalaya Manipur Mizoram Tripura
Whether Male or Female candidate :
Kashmir and Leh & Ladakh region of J&K Himachal Pradesh Arunachal Pradesh Nagaland
Whether SC/ST/OBC/Gen :

10. Are you Child / dependent of victims of 1984 riots/2002 communal riots in Gujarat? Yes No
11. Were you domiciled in the State of J & K during the period from 1st Jan 1980 to 31st Dec 1989 Yes No
(i) Bring original certificate in support of age, educational qualification, caste certificate in
12 Are you a Government Servant Yes No case of SC/ST/OBC. Hillman/ Tribesman, Adivasis including Mizos and Nagas,
13. Permanent Address House No.
discharge book (in case of Ex-Servicemen) when reporting for eligibility verification
(with PIN CODE No) Vill/Ward (ii) Only pen, pencil, eraser etc. is permitted for the written examination. Use of Mobile
phones, Calculators is banned in the Examination.
Post P.S.
(iii) Admission at all stages of Examination (Written Examination, Typewriting/Stenography
Dist State test, Verification of eligibility standards and Interview tests will be purely provisional.
PIN Code If at any stage, it is found that candidates does not fulfill any of the eligibility conditions,
his/her candidature will be cancelled.
14. Address for House No.
communication Vill/Ward
(with PIN CODE No)
Post P.S.

Dist State Signature of the candidate

15 Medium opted for stenography i) Stenography English Hindi Roll No. :
and typewriting test ii) Typewriting English Hindi Name of the centre with complete address :

16 Identification marks:-
Date of examination :
(2) Time of examination : From_________hrs to ________hrs.
Postal Order No Dated Amount
Reporting time at Examination centre : ___________ hrs.

Signature of the application receiving authority

Continued page
μÿë¯ÿ{œÿÉ´À ÿ 2-8 F¨÷çàÿ, 2011 NIJUKTI KHABAR Bhubaneswar 13
{Lÿ¢ÿ÷êß ÉçÅÿ ÓëÀÿäæ¯ÿÁÿ.................(¨í¯ÿö¨õÏæÀÿ A¯ÿÉçÏæÉ) layer) mentioned in column 3 of the Schedule to the Govt of India, Department of Personnel & Training OM No.
36012/22/93-Estt(SCT) dated 8-9-93.
ANNEXURE – II Signature ______________
FORM OF CERTIFICATE TO BE PRODUCED BY A CANDIDATE BELONGING TO Place_______________ Designation_____________
SCHEDULED CASTE OR SCHEDULED TRIBE Date______________ (With seal of Office)
This is to certify that Shri/Shrimati/Kumari_______________________________ son/daughter of Shri *Please delete which is not applicable.
______________________ of village/Town______________ in District/Division ____________ of the State/ NOTE : The terms ‘ordinarily’ reside(s) used here will have the same meaning as in Section 20 of
Union Territory________________________ belongs to the _________________________ caste/Tribe which the Representation of the People Act, 1950.
is recognised as a Scheduled List of authorities empowered to issue Caste/Tribes Certificate
Caste/ Scheduled Tribe under 1. District Magistrate/Additional District Magistrate/Collector/Deputy Commissioner/ Additional Deputy
*The Constitution (Scheduled Caste) order , 1950 Commissioner/Dy. Collector/1st Class Stipendiary Magistrate/Sub Divisional Magistrate/Extra-Assistant Com-
*The Constitution (Scheduled Tribes) order, 1950 missioner/Taluka Magistrate/Executive Magistrate.
*The Constitution (Scheduled Castes)(Union Territories) order,1951 2. Chief Presidency Magistrate/Additional Chief Presidency Magistrate/Presidence Magistrate.
*The Constitution(Scheduled Tribes) (Union Territories) order, 1951 3. Revenue Officers not below the rank of Tehsildar.
4. Sub-Divisional Officers of the area where the candidate and/ or his family normally resides.
(As amended by the Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes lists (Modification Order) 1956, the Bombay
Reorganisation Act, 1960, the Punjab Reorganisation Act, 1966, the State of Himachal Pradesh Act,1970, the FORM OF CERTIFICATE TO BE SUBMITTED BY THE CANDIDATES THOSE WHO
North Eastern Areas (Reorganisation) Act, 1971, and the Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribes Orders (Amend- INTEND TO AVAIL RELAXATION IN HEIGHT OR CHEST MEASUREMENT
ment) Act 1976.) Certified that Shri/Kumari ___________________________ S/O,D/O Shri________________________ is perma-
*The Constitution (Jammu & Kashmir) Scheduled Castes order, 1956; nent resident of village __________________ Tehsil/Taluka_____________________ District _____________ of
*The Constitution (Andaman & Nicobar Islands) Scheduled Tribes Order, 1959 as amended by the __________________State.
Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes Orders (Amendment) Act, 1976 2. It is further certified that: -
*The Constitution (Dadra and Nagar Haveli) Scheduled Castes Order, 1962 (1) Residents of entire area mentioned above are considered as (Garhwali, Kumaouni, Dogras,
*The Constitution (Dadra and Nagar Haveli) Scheduled Tribes Order, 1962 Marathas, Sikkimies,Gorkhas) for relaxation in height and chest measurement for recruitment in the Para Military
*The Constitution (Pondicherry) Scheduled Castes Order, 1964 Forces of Union of India. (2) He/She belongs to Himachal Pradesh/Leh & Ladakh/Kashmit Valley/North Eastern
*The Constitution (Uttar Pradesh) Scheduled Tribes Order, 1967 States and is considered for relaxation in height and chest measurement for recruitment in the Para Military
Forces of Union of India.
*The Constitution (Goa, Daman and Diu) Scheduled Castes Order, 1968
Dated: Signature
*The Constitution (Goa, Daman and Diu) Scheduled Tribes Order, 1968 Place: District Magistrate/Sub Divisional Magistrate/Tehsildar
*The Constitution (Nagaland) Scheduled Tribes Order, 1970 *Delete whichever is not applicable.
*The Constitution (Sikkim) Scheduled Caste Order, 1978 ANNEXURE-V
*The Constitution (Sikkim) Scheduled Tribes Order, 1978 PROFORMA OF CERTIFICATE FOR EMPLOYED OFFICIALS APPLYING
*The Constitution (Jammu & Kashmir) Scheduled Tribes Order, 1989 AGAINST THE EX-SERVICEMEN QUOTA
*The Constitution (Scheduled Castes) Order Amendment Act, 1990 I hereby, with the information available, certify that Shri _____________________
*The Constituion (Scheduled Tribes) Orders Amendment Ordinance, 1991 No_____________________Rank ________________________would complete prescribed period
*The Constitution (Scheduled Tribes) Orders Second amendment Act, 1991 of appointment on _________________________.
*The Constitution (Scheduled Tribes) Orders amendment Ordinance, 1996 Signature
2.** This certificate is issued on the basis of the Scheduled Caste/Scheduled Tribes Certificate Commanding Officer
Official Seal
issued to Shri/Smt __________________ Father/Mother of Shri/Smt./Kumari ___________________ of village/
Place: ______________________
Town _______________ in District/ Division ______________________ of the State/UT Date :______________________
__________________________ who belongs to the ________________________ Caste/Tribes which is recognised ANNEXURE-VI
as a SC/ST in the State/Union Territory ________________ issued by the _________________________ (name QUESTIONNAIRE FORM
of the prescribed issuing authority) vide their No. _______________dated_______________Shri/Shrimati/Kumari 1 Have you ever been convicted by any court of law or any other judicial Institution? YES/NO
________________________ and or his/her family ordinarily reside(s) in Village/Town__________________ of 2 Is there any case pending against you in any court of law? YES/NO
_____________________ District/Division of the State/Union Territory of ______________________ 3 Has any FIR been lodged and case is pending against you? YES/NO
Signature ______________ 4 Was any FIR ever lodged against you in the past ? YES/NO
Place_______________ Designation_____________ a) If yes, case No. and sections under which FIR was lodged ?
Date______________ (With seal of Office) b) Name of Police Station where FIR was lodged ?
NOTE : The terms ‘ordinarily’ reside(s) used here will have the same meaning as in Section 20 of c) Was the case charge sheeted or returned in FIR ?
d) If case was charge sheeted, what was the outcome in court ?
the Representation of the People Act, 1950.
i) Convicted
Please delete the words which are not applicable. ii) Acquitted
** Applicable in the case of SCs, STs persons who have migrated from one State/UT. iii) Compromised
List of authorities empowered to issue Caste/Tribes Certificate iv) Compounded
1. District Magistrate/Additional District Magistrate/Collector/Deputy Commissioner/ Additional Deputy v) Any other, please specify
Commissioner/Dy. Collector/1st Class Stipendiary Magistrate/Sub Divisional Magistrate/Extra-Assistant Com- 4 Have you ever been dismissed from any service under the Central or State Govt.? YES/NO
missioner/Taluka Magistrate/Executive Magistrate. 5 Have your services ever been terminated while on probation? YES/NO
2. Chief Presidency Magistrate/Additional Chief Presidency Magistrate/Presidency Magistrate. If the answer to any of the above is YES then please provide complete details on a separate sheet.
3. Revenue Officers not below the rank of Tehsildar. UNDERTAKING
4. Sub-Divisional Officers of the area where the candidate and/or his family normally resides. I ______________________________ declare that the above information is true to the best of my knowledge and
Note: ST candidates belonging to Tamil Nadu State should submit caste certificate ONLY FROM THE REVENUE belief. I understand that in case the information is found to be false or incorrect my candidature is liable to be
cancelled apart from any departmental or legal proceedings that may be initiated against me.
Signature of the Candidate
ANNEXURE-III Name ___________________
CLASSES Dated : ____________ Address ___________________
This is to certify that Shri/Shrimati/Kumari ____________________________ son/ daughter of ___________________
Shri _________________________________ of village/Town _________________________ in ___________________
District/Division _______________________ of the State/Union Territory __________________ ___________________
belongs to the _________________ Community which is recognised as backward class under : ANNEXURE-VII
*Resolution No. 12011/68/93-BCC ( C) dated the 10th Sep,1993, published in the Gazette of India Extraordinary MEDICAL FITNESS CERTIFICATE
Part I (To be furnished by the candidate along with appeal for Review Medical Examination)
Section 1 No.186 dated 13th Sep, 1993 as amended vide resolution Nos. 12011/12/96-BCC dated 3-8-98 ,12011/ Certified that Mr._______________ Age______ years, a candidate of _______ was examined by me in Hospital
__________________ on date ____________. 1. I, the undersigned, have the knowledge that
68/93-BCC dated 6-8-98, 12011/68/93-BCC dated 1-9-97,12011/68/93-BCC dated 8-7-97 and No. 12011/2/96-
Shri.________________ has been declared Medically Unfit by the Medical Officer for the post of ASI(Steno)/
BCC dated 27-1-1996. Head Constable(Ministerial) in CISF due to
*Resolution No. 12011/9/94-BCC dated 19-10-94 published in the Gazette of India Extraordinary Part I Section 1 _____________________________________________________________
No.163 dated 20-10-94. _____________________________________________________________
*Resolution No. 12011/21/95-BCC dated 15th May, 1995 published in the Gazette of India Extraordinary Part I _____________________________________________________________
Section1 No. 83 dated 16-5-1995 2. In my opinion this is an error of judgment.
*Resolution No. 12011/7/95-BCC dated 24th May, 1995Published in the Gazette of India Extraordinary Part I
Section1dated 25th May, 1995 as amended vide Resolution No. 12011/7/95-BCC dated 17-7-95.
*Resolution No. 12011/96/94-BCC dated 9th March,1996 published in The Gazette of India extraordinary Part I
Section1 No. 60 dated 11-3-1996.
*Resolution No. 12011/44/96-BCC dated 6th Dec, 1996 published in the Gazette of India extraordinary Part I Date : Signature
Name________________ With seal of Medical Practitioner Registration
Section 1 dated 11-12-1996.
No._____________ (MCI/State Medical Council)
*Resolution No. 12011/13/97-BCC dated 3-12-97 published in the Gazette of India extraordinary Part I Section 1 Address ___________________
No. 239 dated 17-12-97 ANNEXURE-VIII
*Resolution No.12011/99/94-BCC dated 11th Dec 97 published in the Gazette of India extraordinary Part I Section FORM OF UNDERTAKING TO BE GIVEN BY CANDIDATES APPLYING FOR CIVIL POSTS
1 No. No. 236 dated 12-12-97 UNDER EX-SERVICEMEN CATEGORY
*Resolution No. 12011/68/98-BCC dated 27th Oct, 1999 published in the Gazette of India extraordinary Part I I understand that, if selected on the basis of the recruitment/examination to which this application relates, my
Section 1 No. 241 dated 27-10-1999. appointment will be subject to my producing documentary evidence to the satisfaction of the Appointing
*Resolution No. 12011/88/98-BCC dated 6th Dec, 1999 published in the Gazette of India extraordinary Part I Authority that I have been duly released/retired/discharged from the Armed Forces and that I am entitled to the
Section 1 No. 270 dated 6th Dec, 1999. benefits admissible to ex-servicemen in terms of the Exservicemen (Re-employment in Central Civil Services
*Resolution No. 12011/36/99-BCC dated 4th April, 2000 published in the Gazette of India extraordinary Part I and Posts) Rules, 1979, as amended from time to time.
Section 1 No. 71 dated 4th April, 2000. 2. I also understand that I shall not be eligible to be appointed to a vacancy reserved for Exservicemen in regard
to the recruitment covered by this examination, if I have at any time prior to such appointment, secured and
*Resolution No. 12011/44/99-BCC dated 21st,Sept. 2000 published in the Gazette of India Extra ordinary Part I
employment on the civil side (including Public Sector Undertakings, Autonomous Bodies/Statutory Bodies, Nation-
Section 1 No. 210 dated 21st Sept, 2000. alized Banks, etc), by availing of the concession of reservation of vacancies admissible to Ex-servicemen.
*Resolution No. 12011/44/96-BCC dated 6th Sep 2001 published in the Gazette of India Extra Ordinary Part I Place: Signature of Candidate
Section 1 No. 246 dated 6th Sep, 2001. Date: Name:
*Resolution No. 12011/1/2001-BCC dated 19-6-2003 ANNEXURE-IX
*2. This certificate is issued on the basis of the Backward class certificate issued to Shri/ NO OBJECTION CERTIFICATE
Smt___________________ Father/Mother of Shri/Shrimati/Kumari___________________ of village/Town Certified that the Department/office has no objection in permitting Shri _________________ for applying to the
_______________ in District/Division ______________________ of the State/UT_________________ who post of ___________ in CISF. It is further certified that Shri ________________ has not been awarded with any
belongs to _________________caste which is recognised as other backward class in the State/Union punishment (major/minor) till date and that his performance throughout his service in this Department/Office has
Territory ______________ issued by the ______________ (name of the prescribed issueing authority) vide been above AVERAGE.
their No. ______________ dated ____________ Signature _______________
Or Place: Name _______________
• Shri/Smt/Kumari ____________________________ and or his/her family ordinarily reside(s) in Village/ Date: Designation _______________
Town__________________ of _____________________ District/Division of the State/Union Territory of
(Head of office)
______________________ 3. This is also to certify that he does not belong to the persons/Sections (Creamy
μÿë¯ÿ{œÿÉ´À ÿ 2-8 F¨÷çàÿ, 2011 NIJUKTI KHABAR Bhubaneswar 14
Lÿ{œÿίÿÁÿ œÿç¾Në ÿç ¨Àÿêäæ...(4 ¨õÏæÀÿ A¯ÿÉçÏæóÉ) DISTRICT PROJECT OFFICE, SARVA
Advertisement No. 1226/Date : 28.03.11
Applications are invited from eligible candidates for filling up of
vacant posts of Planning Coordinator/Programme Assistant/Data
Entry Operator as per details below on contractual basis in the
District Project Office, Sarva Shikshya Abhiyan, Jajpur.
Name of the Post :Planning Coordinator “Group-C”, No. of Va-
cancy :01, Qualifications & Experience :1st Division in Post Gradu-
ation in Economics/Statistics., Monthly Consolidated remunera-
tion : 11025/-+ HRA as admissible, Programme Assistant “Group-
02,1st Class Graduation Degree from any recognised Univer-
sity with functional computer literacy., 7056/- + HRA as admis-
sible, Data Entry Operator “Group-C”, 01, Degree in PGDCA
from a recognised Univeristy/lnstitution having sound knowl-
edge in MS Office, Data Entry in English/Odiya with Degree in 1
st Division from any recognised University
6725/- + HRA as admissible
2. ELIGIBILITY : The Candidate :- i. Must be a permanent
resident of Orissa/must be a citizen of India, ii. Must have
passed atleast M.E. standard in Oriya Lanugage. iii. Must be of
sound mind.iv. Must not be having more than one spouse living,
v. Must furnish no objection certificate from the employer if in
service, vi. Should be capable of taking up extensive tours and
field visits. vii. Should have functional computer literacy and
capable to do his/her own assignment in computer. 3. Age:A
candidate should be within 21-32 years of age as on 1st Janu-
ary’2011. In case of SC/ST, SEBC. Women candidate and Ex-
service man, the upper age limit will be relaxed by 05 years. For
Physically Handicapped candidates, the upper age limit will be
relaxed by 10 years, under ORV Act, 1975 and rules there
under. 4. How to Apply : The candidate shall apply in the
prescribed Application Form available in OPEPA website i.e.
www.opepa.in and District website www.jajpur.nic.in only. The
candidates have to make separate application form for applying
different categories of posts, if one has requisite qualification.
5. Documents To Be Attached : a. Attested Photocopies of all
documents in support of Age, Educational Qualification, Experi-
ence and Caste must be submitted with the application
form.b.Candidate furnishing certificates, mark sheet with grade
and grade points from the examining • bodies shall also furnish
numerical equivalence of grace/grade points from the examin-
ing bodies.c.01 recent passport size photograph duly attested
must be affixed to the application. 6. Last Date of Submis-
sion :The application should be addressed to Collector-cum-
Chairman, SSA, Jajpur, C/o-District Project Co-ordinator, SSA,
Jajpur, At/Po-Baidyarajpur, Dist.-Jajpur, Pin-755001 and should
reach by 15.04.2011.5 P.M. through REGISTERED POST/SPEED
POST ONLY. The candidate should clearly mention the Name of
the Post applied for the top of the Envelope. Incomplete applica-
tion forms and application forms received after due date shall be
summarily rejected. The authority will not be responsible for any
postal delay in receipt of applications.The undersigned reserves the
right to reject any or all the proposals without assigning any reason
thereof. Vacancies may vary at the time of actual engagement.
Collector-cum-Chairman,SSA, Jajpur
μÿë¯ÿ{œÿÉ´À ÿ 2-8 F¨÷çàÿ, 2011 NIJUKTI KHABAR Bhubaneswar 15
RRT Course No. 66
in Block Letters)


Name in full (Block Capita!s)(Do not use initials).......................................................
Father's Name (Block Capitals)................................................................................
Permanent Home Address........................................................................................
(RT PANDIT, RT PADRE AND RT BODH MONK) vill/Colony/Locality..................................................................................................
1. Applications are invited from candidates for recruitment of Religious Teachers in the Army as Junior
State.................................Tele Number with STD Code............................................ Affix
Commissioned Officer for RRT 66 course. Religious Teachers preach religious scriptures to troops and
4. Present Address..................................................................................................... passport
conduct various rituals at Regimental/Unit religious institutions. Their duties also include attending funerals,
Vill/Colony/Locality..................................... Post .........................................................
size Photograph
ministering to the sick in hospitals, reading prayers with the convalescents, visiting soldiers undergoing sen-
Teh/Taluk.............................. Distt............................................................................... here
tence, giving special religious, instructions to the children and enlisted boys besides attending generally to the
State ............................. Tele Number with STD Code..............................................
religious instruction and welfare of the Officers, Soldiers and their families.
E-mail address.................................... Mobile Number...............................................
2. ELIGIBILITY : (a) Must not be below 27 years or over. 34 years for civil candidates and between 25 years
5. Caste/Tribe.......................................Religion.............................................................
to 34 years of remustered candidates as on first day of Recruitment Rally. Candidates are requested totontact
Nationality..........................................Mother Tongue...........,.........................................
nearest recruiting office/Zone given in Para 7 of this advertisement for date of recruitment Rally.
6. Date of Birth ..„.......„......................................................................................................
(b) Educational & Language Qualifications: The Minimum educational qualification for appointment will be
(Attach CTC/Xerox copy duly attested of Matriculation certificate)
graduation in any discipline from a recognised university. In addition they must also possess one of the following
7. Marital Status Married/Unmarried (If married, attach an affadavit from Magistrate stating that you have
qualifications according to the religious denomination of the individuals :-
single spouse only)
(i) PANDIT: Madhyama in Sanskrit or Bhushan in Hindi or equivalent standard in the regional language concerned.
8. Any outstanding achievements (Sports/Education) ......................................
Those who have passed BA with Sanskrit/ Hindi as one of the elective (main) subjects but have not done
(a)................................... (b) ............................... (c) .......................................
Madhyama in Sanskrit or Bhushan in Hindi are also eligible. Note : 1. For Indian domicile Gorkha candidates
9. Son of Serving/Ex-serviceman/Son of war widow/Son of widow
applying for the post of Pandit the minimum educational qualification for appointment will be same as 2(b) (i)
Yes/No (if 'Yes* attach CTC of proof duiy authenticated by the "concerned Record Officer)
10. NCC Certificate : 'ArBTC'
(ii) PADRE: Minimum qualification is graduation from recognised university. In addition person who has been
(Attach CTC)
ordained priest by the appropriate ecclesiastical authority and is still on the approved list of the local Bishop;
11. Previous/Current employment (if any) Yes/No
(iii) BODH MONK: Any person who has been ordained Buddhist Monk/Buddhist Priest the head Priest should be
(If 'Yes' attach CTC copy of 'No Objection Certificate' from employer)
in possession of Geshe (Ph.D) of Khampa or Lopon or Rajban with proper certificate from Monastery by the
appropriate authority. The term Apprioriate Authority means Head Priest of the Monastery where the person has Ser No Name of the employer * Designation Duration Remarks
been initiated into Priesthood/Buddhist Priest. (With Details and Full Address)
Note: For candidates applying for remustering in any of the categories above the minimum qualification will be with telephone number
10+2. (d) Culture: Candidates should belong to the culture of the appropriate religious denomination and
religious qualification acceptable to the troops.
Note: To fill the existing vacancies of the Budhist Monk the minimum educational qualification is relaxed from PART II : QUALIFICATIONS
graduate to 10 + 2 standard. (e) Medical Standard: A candidate should have robust physique and mental health, 12. Education Religious Qualification :
chest should be well developed having minimum 5 cm. expansion, should have normal hearing with each ear. Ser. No. Exam Passed Subjects Offered Year Institute Board/ University Division with %
Should have sufficient number of natural healthy gum and teeth, i.e. 14 dental points. Should not have diseases Where studied
like deformity of bones, hydrocele, varicose veins or piles. Should be in medical category AYE read in
conjunction with SAO 6/S/05/Rtg dt. 05 Aug 2005. Visual Standards and Radial Keratotomy: Read in conjunc-
tion with Army Headquarters letter 08346/0rg 2 (MP) (A) dated 10 Sep. 99. (f) Physical Standards: Minimum 13. Language :
Physical Standards (I) Height -160 cm (il) Weight - .50 Kg. (iii) Chest -77 cm. (Iv) Physical Fitness Tests (PFT) Ser.No Language Examination Passed Proficiency Remarks
-candidate should be ablej to run one miieHn eight minutes. Read, Write, Speak
3. (a) The recruitment will be effected through all the HQ Recruiting Zones, ARO
Secunderabad, ARO Trichy, ARO Mangalore, ARO Trivandrum, IRO, Delhi Cantt, Ladakh Scout Regt Centre, Note
Leh and JAKLI RegtTrg Centre, Srinagar. (b) Submission of Applications: Duly filled in application as per the 1. CTC/Photostat copies of the certificates and marksheet of each year
proforma given in the advertisement to be submitted latest by 09 April 2011 alongwith the required documents must be enclosed.
duly superscribed “Application for JCQ (Religious Teacher) RRT 66 Course’ on the top outer cover of the PART HI : DECLARATION
envelope to the HQ Rtg Zone/ARO’. Application submitted to the Headquarters Recruiting Zone/ARO of 14, i Certify'that : _
which the candidate is not domicile of will be rejected. Postal Addresses of Headquarters Recruiting Zones, ..(a) The above information is 'me to the best of my knowledge and belief, i am liable to be disqualified if any
AROs & Concerned Regimental Centres are given in para 7 below, (c) Candidates found eligible will be issued call information given above is found to be incorrect/incomplete/ fafse.
up letters by concerned HQ Rtg Zone/ARC, IRO, Delhi Cantt, Ladakh Scout Regt Centre Leh and JAKLI Regt (b) i am fully aware that recruitment is a FREE service and no money is required io| be paid to any agency. If
Trg Centre, Sri Nagar for initial screening which will include checking of original .certificates and medical at any stage, it is discovered that I have paio any
examinations, (d) The screened candidates will be put through written examination which will be conducted on to get recruited, ! am liable to be disqualified/discharged from service. - .
29.05.2011 and will comprise two papers as follows:- (c) S will not claim any compensation for-awf injur-'/disability sustained by me during screening and selection
PAPER I : (Maximum Marks -100). This will contain objective type questions on general awareness and will be process.
common to candidates of all Religious Denominations. . PAPER II: (Miximum Marks -100). This will test the Date :........................ Signature of the Candidate!'
knowledge specific to particular religious denominations to which the candidate belongs. The paper may be
answered in English or Hindi. Note : Only those candidates who have passed on the basis of marks INSTRUCTIONS
obtained in Paer-I, will be allowed to appear in Paper-ll. 1. Application wili be addressed to concerned Headquarters Recruiting Zone/IRO, Delhi Cantt. Write "APPLICA-
(e) Successful candidates will be interviewed* at*selected Regt Centres. Maximum Marks for Interview will be TION FOR JCO (RRT) 66" on top of the envelope containing application.
100. Final selection will be done by a.board of officers and successful candidates will be enrolled as Junior 2. Application may be handwritten or typed on A4 size paper as per given format.
Commissioned Officer /Religious Teacher). Candidates finally selected will undergo 06 weeks training at Regi- 3. Affix your recent passport size photograph without any sun glasses at the space provided in ttse application
mental Centres followed by 11 weeks training at Institute Of National Integration, Pune. fcrm.Photograph taken from polaroid camera or computer will not be accepted. An additional self atteseted
(f) Rejection can take place at any stage during training aiso. photograph also be submitted along with application form.
FREE CONVEYANCE:’ 4.Enclose THREE Self Addressed Stamped Registered Envelopes issued by the Department of Post & Telegraph
4. Candidates called for the interview at Regt. Trg Centres will be entitled to free conveyance for their journey giving your present address with PIN Code on which acknowledgment/call up notice/rejection sHp is to be sent.
from home to the concerned Trg centre, and back for one time only. NUMBER OF VACANCIES 5. A candidate whose application has been rejected earlier may apply again if eligible/ age permits.
5. Total no of Vacancies for RRT 66 Course are-40, (Pandit-27, Padre-10 & Bodh Mark-03). 6. All incomplete applications will be rejected.
6.(a)APPOINTMENT: On successful completion of training the candidates will be commissioned as religious NOTE : 1. All above terms and conditions, vacancies and selection procedures are subject to change from time
teachers in the rank of Naib Subedar. to time. 2. List of recognised universities to be verified from nearest HQ Recruiting Zone / ARO / IRO Delhi
(b) PROMOTION: All JCOs (Religious Teachers) will become eligible for paid acting, promdtion to the rank of Cantt. 3. Only Male Candidates are eligible to apply. 4. Candidates who are serving with any organisation and are
Subedar/Risaldar on completion of at least 10 years service as a religious teacher selected for the interview will produce "Non Encumbrance Certificate" from their employee at Zonal Recruiting
(c) PAY, ALLOWANCES AND PERKS: The JCO (RT) will be placed at the minimum pay scale of Rs. 9300-34800. Office before despatch. 5.The candidates declared 'successTui m che written examination and short listed for
In addition they will be "entitled to DA, free accommodation, entitled ration for self, uniform, free medical and interview will be communicated about the interview dates by post through self addressed envelopes and the list
leave travel concession for self, family, and dependents, canteen facilities and other allowances as admissible will also be displayed at respective HQ Recruiting , Zone by 25 Jul 2011. The list of finally selected candidates
to the regular Army. will be displayed at their respective HQ Recruiting Zone by 25 Sept 2011. Recruiting organisation will not be
(d) RETIREMENT : Normal age of superannuation for JCT (RT) in the rank of Naib Subedar/will be 57 years. A responsible for non receipt of communication due to postal errors/incorrect address furnished by the candidates.
Subedar major (RT) will retire on completion of 4 years of service as Subedar Major or 57 years of age, whichever 6.The candidates are required to produce the following documents, when called for screening-:-
is earlier. (a) Caste cum character certificate by Sarpanch of the Village or authorised signatory of the State Government.
7.Postal Address of Headquarters Recruiting Zones/Concerned Regimental Centres: (b) Domicile/Resident/Nativity certificate from the authorised signatory of the State Govt.
1. HQ Rtg Zone (c) Original Certificate frommatriculation onward and Marksheet of each year pertaining to Educational
1, Gokhle Road, Kolkata Qualification.
(For W Bengal, Sikkim & Orissa) (d) NCC Certificate in Original, if claimed. (e) Son of Serviceman/Ex-Servicemen, Son of war widow/Son of
widow, certificate in Original, if claimed. (f) Additional one passport size attested photograph also be submitted
LAST DATE FOR RECEIPT OF APPLICATION : 09 APRIL 2011 along with the application form. 6. Application forms of Remustering Candidates (service Candidates) duly
Roll No. (To be issued by HQ Recruiting Zone/GRD Kunraghat/IRO) .......... Application, from for Junior routed through the concerned Records, will be forwarded to the nearesT Headquarter Recruiting Zone of the
Commissioned Officer Religious Teacher Candidate's place of posting.


SARVASHIKSHAABHIYAN, KHORDHA One Washerman (Dhobi) is required for
Phone / Fax : 06755-223525 cleaning and washing with ironing of Ó©æÜÿLÿë ’ÿç{œÿ Lÿçºæ ’ÿëB’ÿçœÿ 4W+æ Lÿæþ LÿÀÿç¯ÿæLÿë `ÿæÜÿë$ô ¯# ÿæ
Applications are invited from eligible candidates for filling up of following posts for Patients Bed sheets, Blankets, Bedding,
contractual engagement in the District Project Office, Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan, Clothings, Aprons etc. Interested per-
þæÁÿç Aæ¯ÿÉ¿Lÿ æ J†ÿë Aœÿë¾æßê üÿëàÿ F¯ÿó üÿÁÿSd D¨{Àÿ
Khordha sons are required to come walkin inter- jæœÿ$#¯ÿ æ {Lÿ¯ÿÁÿ 3Àÿë 4f~Zÿ ¨æBô {Àÿæ{ÌB LÿÀç¯ÿæ ¨æBô
Name of the Post :Junior Stenographer “Group C”, No of Vacancies :01, Essential
Qualification : Grdaute in First Division with Shorthand, Consolidated Remunera-
view to the l/c Sub Divisional Hospital,
GunupurCum Member Secretary
{Àÿæ{Ìßæ Aæ¯ÿÉ¿Lÿ æ ÀÿÜÿç¯ÿæÀÿ ¯ÿ¿¯ÿ×æ œÿæÜÿ] æ {’ÿÞ W+æÀÿë
tion including all charges : Rs. 8,820/- (Consolidated) + HRA (as applicable). 2.
Cashier “Group C”,01,First Division in B.Com with sound knowledge of Tally 9.0 R.K.S.SDH, Gunupur (Rayagada) with ’ÿëBW+æ ÓLÿæ{Áÿ Lÿçºæ Óó™¿æ{Àÿ Óþß {’ÿB¨æÀÿë$¯# ÿæ Lÿçºæ
version of other accounting software Experience in 2 years cash transaction in any in 8 days, from publications of the no-
Govt, or Private Organisation Rs. 7,056/-(Consolidated) + HRA (as applicable). tice. {Lÿ¯ÿÁÿ Óó™¿æ{¯ÿ{Áÿ Óþß {’ÿB¨æÀÿë$¯# ÿæ SëÝA ç æ, SDÝ,
3.Night Watchman -cum- Sweeper “Group D”, 01, Class -VIII Pass, Rs. 5,623/-(Con- For details’contact to the undersigned
solidated) + HRA (as applicable). Details regarding other eligibility criteria, applica- Lÿçºæ ¯ÿ÷æÜÿ½~ fæ†ÿçÀÿ ¨÷æ$öê {ÜÿæB$#{¯ÿ æ
tion format etc. are available in websites www.opepa.in & www.khordha.nic.in and on any working days. The undersigned
also at District Project Office, SSA, Khordha, Last date for receipt of application reserves the right to reject or accept ¯ÿ¿NÿçS†ÿ Óæäæ†ÿ F¯ÿó Aæ{àÿæ`ÿœÿæ ¨{Àÿ ’ÿÀÿþæ ×çÀÿ LÿÀÿæ¾ç¯ÿ
through registered post/Speed post is on or before 15.04.2011. Applications re- without assigning any reason thereof. þÜÿæ¯ÿêÀÿ A{sæ Óæþœÿæ, Sæ߆ÿ÷ê BƒÎ÷çfú, ¨âs œÿó sç.FÓú-3/
ceived after due date will not be entertained. l/c, Sub-Divisional Medical Officer
Collector -cum-Chairman, SSA, Khordha 193, þ{oÉ´Àÿ ÉçÅÿæoÁÿ, {üÿæœÿ-9861079224
μÿë¯ÿ{œÿÉ´À ÿ 2-8 F¨÷çàÿ, 2011 NIJUKTI KHABAR Bhubaneswar 16
18, Institutional Area, Shaheed Jeet Singh
F†ÿ’ÿ´æÀÿæ ÓþÖ {¯ÿLÿæÀÿ ITI, Diploma, Matric, +2 & Graduate ¨÷æ$öêþæœÿZÿë Marg, New Delhi-110 016 Tele : 26858570,
f~æB’ÿçAæ¾æDdç Lÿç, HÝçÉæ{Àÿ ¯ÿÜÿëÁÿ ¨Àÿçþæ~{Àÿ {LÿæBàÿæ, àÿëÜÿæ¨$Àÿ Sbÿç†ÿ$#¯ÿæÀÿë A{œÿLÿSëÝFç 26532643; Fax No.26514179, Website :
Sponge Iron, Steel & Power Plant Company àÿëÜÿæ, Îçàÿ F¯ÿó †ÿæ¨f www.kvsangathan.nic.in
¯ÿç’ÿ뿆ÿ DŒæ’ÿœÿ AæÀÿ» LÿÀÿçd;ÿç æ FÜÿç Lÿó¨æœÿêSëÝLç ÿ ¯ÿÜÿë ÓóQ¿æ{Àÿ Engineer Op- NOTICE :
erator, Asst. Operator, Plant Incharge, Aæ¯ÿÉ¿Lÿ LÿÀÿëd;ÿç æ {Ó$#¨æBô Themainexaminationforrecruitmenttotheposts
{¯ÿLÿæÀÿ ¨÷æ$öêZÿë †ÿçœÿçþæÓ {s÷œÿçó ’ÿçAæ¾ç¯ÿæ ¨{Àÿ œÿç¾Në ÿç {’ÿ¯ÿæ¨æBô ’ÿÀÿQæÖ AæÜÿ́æœÿ LÿÀÿæ¾æDdç .of PGTs, TGTs/ Misc. Teaching Posts, Pri-
æ ’ÿÀÿQæÖ ¨æBô †ÿëÀÿ;ÿ œÿçþৠÿçQ†# ÿ vÿçLÿ~æ{Àÿ {¾æSæ{¾æS LÿÀÿ;ÿë æ mary Teachers and PRT (Music) in Kendriya

’ÿÀÿþæ ÜÿæÀÿ-8000Àÿë 15000sZÿæ + ÀÿÜÿç¯ÿæ + EPF+ESI 100% Job VidyalayaSangathanfortheyear2011-12Sched-

uled for 08-09April, 2011 is postponed till further
{¾æSæ{¾æS-Principal, Institute of Steel and Power Training (ISPT) orders due to administrative reasons.
Plot No.-D/6, Infront of Indira Nagar Chhak., Industrial Estate (S. Vijayakumar)
(Ankull) Berhampur-10 Ganjam,[email protected], Deputy Commissioner (Admn.)
Contact No.-9778042948, (9am, to 6pm)

Qæàÿç ¨’ÿ{Àÿ œÿç¾ëNÿç ¯ÿæ~çfç¿Lÿ ¯ÿ¿¯ÿ×æ{Àÿ œÿçþ§ ¨’ÿ¯ÿêSëÝçLÿ ¨æBô œÿçfÓ´ Aó`ÿÁÿ{Àÿ Óç™æÓÁÿQ
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¨’ÿ¯ÿê Éíœÿ¿¨’ÿ {¾æS¿†ÿæ þæÓçLÿ {¯ÿ†ÿœÿ
Lÿæ¾ö¿œÿç¯ÿöæÜÿê A™#LÿæÀÿê 96 S÷æfëFs s 14,000/-
DŸßœÿ A™#LÿæÀÿê 94 ’ÿ´æ’ÿÉ {É÷~ê/†ÿˆÿëàÿ¿ s12,000/-
œÿçÀÿêä~ A™#LÿæÀÿê 92 10þ{É÷~ê/†ÿˆÿëàÿ¿ s10,000/-
Aæ{¯ÿ’ÿœÿ LÿÀÿ;ÿë : Óëþœÿ {¨œÿ Aæƒ ¨¯ÿâÿÓç èç ÿ, þædçœÿæœÿú, {Sæ¨æÁÿ œÿSÀÿ, ¨í¯ÿö{þ’ÿçœÿê¨ëÀÿ-721130, ¨Êÿçþ¯ÿèÿ
œÿçfÀÿ œÿæþ vÿçLÿ~æ H Îæ¸ àÿSæ¾æB$#¯ÿæ àÿüÿæ¨æ $æB 30 ’ÿçœÿ þš{Àÿ æ
The Deputy Director of Agriculture, Bargarh Range, Bargarh invites application from eligible
candidates for engagement as Village Agricultural Workers (VAW) on contractual basis in the

Fireman Aæ¯ÿÉ¿Lÿ
STEEL AUTHORITY OF INDIA Revenue District of Bargarh.
LIMITED 1. Educational Qualification : A candidate must have passed +2 Science or Intermediate in
Rourkela Steel Plant,
Rourkela - 769 011, Orissa, In- Science or +2 Vocational examinations in the field of Agriculture oriented subject such as
Govt. Registered Vide No. 680/2003
dia, WALK-ININTERVIEWFORSELECTION Horticulture, Crop Production, Sericulture & Farm Mechanic from a recognized institution.
2. Age Limit : The candidate applying for the post of VAW shall not be less than 20 years of


INSTITUTE,AT ISPATGENERALHOSPITAL, Age and more than 32 years of Age on 01.01.2011 i.e. should have born between 01-01-1979
ROURKELA to 01-01-1990. The upper age limit is relaxable by 5 years in case of SC/ST/Women/3 years in
Time, Date 09.00 AM on 13/04/2011

Place of Interview: New Conference Hall, case of SEBC candidates and 10 years in case of orthopedically handicapped candidates.
Ispat General Hospital, Sector-19, 3. Terms and conditions A candidate shall be
Rourkela-769005 (Orissa). Qualification: a) A citizen of India and permanent resident of Orissa. b) Of good character, sound physique


Passed Diploma in General Nursing & Mid-
Wifery Course from recognised Nursing and free from organic defect. c)Must be able to speak, read and write Oriya and shall have
Hostel Free

Institutes of Orissa or Institutes run by SAIL passed a test in Oriya equivalent to the middle school standard or shall have passed M.E.
Plant units., Stipend Rate (Rs./Month) :
Rs.7500/- (Rs. Seven Thousand five hundred
standard with Oriya language. d) Must know cycling. e)Should preferably come from rural area
only), No. of Seats: 25, Period of Training: and come from small or marginal farmers family. f) The selected candidate will be engaged on
Session will complete in March 2012. Can- contract for a consolidated remuneration of Rs. 5200/- P.M. and will under go in-service training
didates fulfilling the above specifications may
in RITEs of the State. g) The candidates so engaged cannot claim for their transfer to other
with following certificates/documents in origi- district, h) .The candidates engaged on contractual basic shall not claim for regularization of
nal along with self attested photocopies of the their service either during the period of their engagement or after its termination.
certificates/documents. 1.Two recent pass-
port size photographs duly self attested. 2.
4. Method of Selection : Selection of the candidates shall be made on the basis of marks
Estd. - 1999 obtained in the +2 Science or Intermediate in Science or +2 Vocational Examinations in the filed of
Certificates from Matric onwards. 3. Experi-
INDIAN SCHOOL OF FIRE & SAFETY ENGINEERING ence Certificate, if any. 4. Certificate of Reg-
istration issued by Nursing Council. 5. NOC
Agriculture. If percentage of marks secured by a candidates in +2 Science / Intermediate in
A/49, Sahid Nagar, Near Satsang Bus Stop, # NH-5 from present Employer, if already employed in
Science and marks secured by another candidate in +2 Vocational Course in the field of Agricul-
BHUBANESWAR—751 007, Tel : 0674–2546392, Govt./PSU/ Autonomous bodies. Selection is ture is equal then candidates having +2 Vocational courses in the field of Agriculture shall be
Mobile: 9937040664, [email protected] subject to medical fitness as per rules of the preferred.
www.isfsefiresafety.com Company. Principal Tutor NTI, IGH
5. Positions to be filled up : The number of positions to be filled up in the Agriculture Range
Bargarh, is as follows which is provisional and subject to change.
¨ëÀÿê {¨òÀÿÓó×æ, ¨ëÀÿê NAME OF THE DISTRICT Number of Contract VAWs to be engaged
F†ÿ’ÿ´æÀÿæ ¨ëÀÿê {¨òÀÿ¨æÁÿçLÿæ Aó`ÿÁÿ{Àÿ ’ÿæÀÿç’ÿ÷¿ Óêþæ{ÀÿQæ †ÿ{Áÿ ¯ÿæÓ LÿÀÿë$#¯ÿæ {¯ÿLÿæÀÿ ¾ë¯ÿLÿ F¯ÿó ¾ë¯ÿ†ÿê (18¯ÿÌöÀÿë D–ÿö) þæœÿZÿë BARGARH SC ST SEBC UR TOTAL
f~æB ’ÿçAæ¾æDAdç Lÿç `ÿÁÿç†ÿ Aæ$#öLÿ ¯ÿÌö 2010-11 ÀÿçQ{Àÿ Ó´‚ÿöfß;ÿê ÓÜÿÀÿê {ÀÿæfSæÀÿ {¾æfœÿæ{Àÿ œÿçþ§àÿçQ#†ÿ TOTAL 21 29 15 63 128
of which,reserved for women 7 10 5 20 42
™¢ÿæþíÁÿLÿ †ÿæàÿçþ ’ÿçAæ¾ç¯ÿ æ F~ë ’ÿæÀÿç’ÿ÷¿ Óêþæ{ÀÿQæ †ÿ{Áÿ ¯ÿæÓ LÿÀÿë$#¯ÿæ BbÿëLÿ {¯ÿLÿæÀÿ ¾ë¯ÿLÿ¾ë¯ÿ†ÿêþæ{œÿ œÿçþ§ Ó´æäÀÿLÿæÀÿêZÿ
Lÿæ¾ö¿æÁÿß{Àÿ †ÿæ 04.04.2011 ÀÿçQ Óë•æ œÿçþ§àÿçQ#†ÿ ¨÷Éçä~ ¨æBô Aæ¯ÿÉ¿Lÿ ÓþÖ ¨÷þæ~¨†ÿ÷Àÿ Aœÿë{þæ’ÿç†ÿ ÓÜÿç œÿLÿàÿ Note :- There is no specific reservation for men under any category. The fact that a certain
number of seats are reserved for women does not mean that the remaining seats are reserved
’ÿæQàÿ LÿÀÿç¯ÿæ Aæ¯ÿÉ¿Lÿ æ œÿç”}Î †ÿæÀÿçQ þš{Àÿ þçÁÿç$#¯ÿæ ’ÿÀÿQæÖSëÝçLÿ AœÿëÓ¤ÿæœÿ H ¾æó`ÿ ¨{Àÿ {¾æS¿ ¯ÿç{¯ÿ`ÿç†ÿ ¨÷æ$öêZÿÀÿ
only for men. The reservations are applied condition the whole state as a unit. At present 1% of
œÿæþ ÓÀÿLÿæÀÿZÿ ’ÿ´æÀÿæ Aœÿë{þæ’ÿç†ÿ {ÜÿæB$#¯ÿæ {¯ÿðÌßçLÿ AœÿëÏæœÿLÿë †ÿæàÿçþ œÿçþ{;ÿ ¨vÿæ¾ç¯ÿ æ AÓó¨í‚ÿö †ÿ$¿ ÓºÁÿç†ÿ ’ÿÀÿQæÖ post of VAW to be kept reserved for physically handicapped category as per G.A. Department
†ÿ$æ Aæ{¯ÿ’ÿœÿ {ÉÌ †ÿæÀÿçQ ¨{Àÿ ’ÿæQàÿ {ÜÿæB$#¯ÿæ ’ÿÀÿQæÖSëÝçLÿ S÷Üÿ~{¾æS¿ {Üÿ¯ÿœÿæÜÿ] æ Resolution No. 3404/G.A dtd. 13.02.2006 and such reservation will apply to only those orthope-
’ÿä†ÿæ ¯ÿõ•ç †ÿæàÿçþÀÿ œÿæþ F¯ÿó {¾æS¿†ÿæ œÿçþþ § {†ÿ ’ÿçAæSàÿæ dically handicapped candidtes who fail on OA and OL (MNR) categories as defined in the
{þæ¯ÿæBàÿ {üÿæœÿ þÀÿæþ†ÿç(10þ¨æÓú),Lÿ¸ë¿sÀÿ †ÿæàÿçþ(10þ¨æÓú),{sàÿÀÿçó F¯ÿó {Àÿxÿç{þxÿ Sæ{þö+ (8þ ¨æÓú),œÿçsçó resolution.
F¯ÿó F{º÷æ{xÿæÀÿê(8þ ¨æÓú),¨æ~çLÿÁÿ þçÚê(8þ ¨æÓú),þsÀÿ H´æBxÿçó (8þ ¨æÓú),B{àÿLÿús÷çLÿ HßæÀÿçó F¯ÿó W{ÀÿæB 6. Documents to be submitted : True copies of the following documents duly attested by
ÓÀÿqæþ Aæ’ÿçÀÿ þÀÿæþ†ÿç (8þ ¨æÓú),xÿ÷æBμÿçó(SæÝç `ÿæÁÿœÿæ)(8þ ¨æÓú),`ÿæ¢ÿëAæ Lÿæþ(8þ ¨æÓú) a Gazetted Officer not below the rank of Class-ll (Group-B) and signed by the candidate in
support of age and date of birth. a) H.S.C Examination or equivalent certificate in support of age
Lÿæ¾ö¿œÿç¯ÿöæÜÿêA™#LÿæÀÿê, ¨ëÀÿê {¨òÀÿÓó×æ, ¨ëÀÿê and date of birth. b)Certificate in support of passing +2 Science/Intermediate in Science / +2
’ÿÀÿQæÖ üÿþö Vocational Examination. c)Mark sheets in support of qualifying examination (HSC Examination
1. œÿæþ............................ 2.¨ç†ÿæ/Ó´æþêZÿ œÿæþ...................................... or equivalent and +2 Science / Intermideate in Science / +2 Vocational Examination).
3.{¾æS¿†ÿæ...............................4.fœÿ½†ÿæÀÿçQ................................................. d) Caste certificate from competent Revenue Authority in case of SC/ST/SEBC candidates.
5.ÉçäæS†ÿ {¾æS¿†ÿæ............................... e)Certificates claiming to have come from rural area and small or marginal farmers family to be
6.¯ÿˆÿöþæœÿ vÿçLÿ~æ ............................................................................. obtained from Assistant Agriculture Officer of the Block. f)Character Certificate from two
........................................................................... Group-B Officers (not below Class-ll) g) Certificate of Good conduct from the institution in
7.×æßê vÿçLÿ~æ ....................................................................... which he/she last studied, h)Two copies of attested passport size recent photographs.
........................................................................... 7. Last date of submission of Application
8.¯ÿç¨çFàÿú œÿó.................................9.Aæ{¯ÿ’ÿœÿLÿæÀÿêZÿ fæ†ÿç..................................... The candidates fulfilling the above requirements should apply by post or in person in the
10.fæ†ÿçS†ÿ ¨÷þæ~¨†ÿ÷.............................11.{LÿDô †ÿæàÿçþ {œÿ¯ÿæ¨æBô BbÿëLÿ......................... prescribed format available in the Office of Deputy Director of Agriculture; Bargarh Ranges
Bargarh/ District Agriculture Officer Bargarh/District Officer, Padampur / District Agriculture
12.ÓóàÿS§ LÿÀÿç$#¯ÿæ ¨÷þæ~¨†ÿ÷(Aœÿë{þæ’ÿç†ÿ ÓÜÿç œÿLÿàÿ)
Officer, Bhatli/ District Agriculture Officer, Sohella with required documents as indicated above
þëô É÷ê/É÷êþ†ÿê/LÿëþæÀÿê...........................F†ÿ’ÿ´æÀÿæ {WæÌ~æ LÿÀÿëAdç {¾, D¨{ÀÿæNÿ ÓþÖ †ÿ$¿ Aæ» jæ†ÿÓæÀÿ{Àÿ only to the Deputy Director of Agriculture, Bargarh Ranges Bargarh by 5.00 PM of 16th April,
Ó†ÿ¿ A{s æ 2011. A Candidate can apply in any one district of the State but not more.
†ÿæÀÿçQ............. ×æœÿ............... Aæ{¯ÿ’ÿœÿLÿæÀÿêZÿ Ó´ æ äÀÿ Deputy Director of Agriculture, Bargarh Range, Bargarh

Printed, Published & Owned by SATYAJIT PANDA, Published at TS-3/193, Mancheswar Industrial Estate, Bhubaneswar-751 010, Printed at Nijukti Khabar Prakashan , TS-3/193, Mancheswar Ind.Estate,
Bhubaneswar-751010, Phone No.(0674) 2582532, 2582533, 2582534 FAX: 2582535, e-mail: [email protected] Editor - SUDHIR KUMAR PANDA iμû\K-iê]úeKêcûe _Šû


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