Merritt Academy Student Athlete Parent Handbook
Merritt Academy Student Athlete Parent Handbook
Merritt Academy Student Athlete Parent Handbook
Merritt Academy
Quick Reference Student-Athlete & Parent Handbook
In addition to the guidelines listed in the Merritt Academy Student Handbook, the following are requirements
and expectations for those students who wish to participate in the Merritt Academy Athletics Program.
Purpose: The Merritt Academy Athletics Program will provide a variety of experiences to aid our students in
the development of positive habits and attitudes that will prepare them for a successful and joyful adult life.
Merritt Academy is a voluntary member of the ISAC and NCTL and follows all of the MHSAA guidelines.
For every school year, all student-athletes must submit a completed and signed Physical Examination
Clearance, MHSAA Information & Consent, Alternate Transportation Consent, Concussion Protocol,
and Athletic Participation Fee Submission Form. All forms are available in the Main Office or on
All student-athletes must also pay the required Athletic Participation Fee for their sport(s). These forms and
fee can be turned in to your student’s Head Coach or the Main Office and are due by the sport’s first practice
date. Please pay total due with cash or check made out to “Merritt Academy.” Student-athletes cannot
participate in practice or games until these forms and fee are submitted.
The mandatory Athletic Participation Fee allows the Academy to maintain the scope of athletic programs we
provide, allowing students to have a variety of opportunities for involvement in activities beyond academics.
Sport 2021-22 Athletic
Start Date Participation Fee
Varsity Football August 9th $100
Varsity Girls Volleyball August 9th $100
Varsity Cheer August 9th $50
Varsity Equestrian TBA TBA
MS Football August 23rd $75
MS Cheer September 8th $30
MS Co-ed Soccer September 8th $50
7/8 Girls Volleyball September 8th $50
5/6 Girls Volleyball August 24th $35
Varsity Girls Basketball November 8th $100
Varsity Boys Basketball November 15th $100
Junior Varsity Boys Basketball November 15th $75
Girls 7/8 Basketball November 8th $50
Girls 5/6 Basketball November 8th $35
Boys 7/8 Basketball November 15th $50
Boys 5/6 Basketball November 15th $35
Boys Varsity Bowling November 15th $75
Girls Varsity Soccer March 14th $100
Boys Varsity Baseball March 14th $100
The Athletic Participation Fee is nonrefundable and does not guarantee playing time. We do offer a 50%
discount for a second sport in the same season (Fall, Winter, or Spring). So, if you have one student that wants
to play two same-season sports, like Volleyball and Cheer, they can get the discount. Or if you have two
students who both want to play one same-season sport, like Volleyball and Football, they can get the discount.
If interested, please make a note on the fee form for your students that you’re requesting this discount.
We need Parent Volunteers to help with concessions, admissions, sidelines, scoreboard, etc. for upcoming
home games. Please sign up TODAY at
Volunteers can earn $10 credit towards their students’ Athletic Participation Fee. If you are planning on using
your game day volunteering for credit towards your student’s Athletic Participation Fee, please email the
Athletic Director and include both your and your student’s full name and the sport being played this season.
To maintain relatively low Athletic Participation Fees, we need parents to volunteer driving our student-
athletes to away games. Interested parents must have an updated Alternate Transportation Consent Form on
file. Please contact your sport’s Head Coach to schedule support.
We are also using the Remind App for all updates this year, but you’ll need to rejoin. To join, text
“@hh8ceb” to (718) 395-2871. That signs you up to receive Merritt Athletic updates.
If you ever have a sports-related issue, please contact your student’s Head Coach first. If the issue can’t be
resolved at that level, then contact the Athletic Director (586-749-6000). When making contacting, please be
respectful and remember that we all have families (e.g., call at appropriate times) and are here to support our
student-athletes. Issues not appropriate to discuss with Coaches include playing time, team strategy, play
calling, and other student-athletes.
Merritt Academy
Student-Athlete Eligibility Checklist 2021-22
“Sports Participation is a Privilege, Not a Right”
Eligibility Checklist (Start of Season) * Yes No
Is the student 1. Did the student take full class Continue to Not Eligible
eligible to participate load (7) in the previous semester check eligibility
in school-sponsored at Merritt Academy?
athletics according 2. Did the student pass all Continue to Go to 2a.
to Merritt Academy classes in the previous semester? check eligibility
requirements? 2a. If not, did student complete Continue to Not Eligible
credit recovery for any classes check eligibility
failed in the previous semester
(i.e., grade currently on transcript
is a passing grade)?
3. Did the student achieve a Continue to Not Eligible
GPA of 2.0 in the previous check eligibility
semester (on current transcript)?
4. Is the student taking a full Eligible Not Eligible
class load (7 classes) in the
current semester at Merritt
* At the end of each semester, interested students will be notified by the Athletic Director if they are in danger
of being academically ineligible to participate in school-sponsored athletics during the upcoming season. There
may be COVID-19 related exceptions to Start of Season eligibility requirements for 2021-22.
All Student-Athletes are responsible for the proper care and security of school-issued uniforms and
equipment. Any uniform or equipment not returned in good condition at the end of the season will be subject
to an appropriate financial penalty. In some cases, Student-Athletes will be required to purchase certain
equipment or uniform items, which will become their property.
A concussion is a type of traumatic brain injury that changes the way the brain normally works. A concussion
is caused by a fall, bump, blow, or jolt to the head or body that causes the head and brain to move quickly back
and forth. A concussion can be caused by a shaking, spinning or a sudden stopping and starting of the head.
Even a “ding,” “getting your bell rung,” or what seems to be a mild bump or blow to the head can be serious. A
concussion can happen even if you haven’t been knocked out. You can’t see a concussion. Signs and
symptoms of concussions can show up right after the injury or may not appear or be noticed until days or weeks
after the injury. If the student-athlete reports any symptoms of a concussion, or if you notice symptoms
yourself, seek medical attention right away. A student-athlete who may have had a concussion should not
return to play on the day of the injury and until a health care professional says they are okay to return to play.
They must also submit a doctor-approved MHSAA Return to Activity & Post-Concussion Consent Form
(available from Athletic Director or
Merritt Academy Student-Athletes can wear their jersey or dress clothes on game days.
Home Games
• You may wear your jersey to school.
• You must follow Merritt Dress Code in all other respects except for games on Fridays. *
Away Games
• Student-athletes must wear dress clothes to away games.
• Boys must wear dress pants; dress shoes; dress shirt and tie or nice polo shirt.
• Girls must wear dress pants, skirts, or a dress (skirts and dresses MUST be fingertip length) and dress
shoes. Students may not wear yoga pants or any type of spandex pant. Tights and leggings may be
worn under dresses or skirts ONLY.
Student-athletes must otherwise follow Merritt Dress Code in all respects regardless of the day of the week.
All parents of current student-athletes are invited to join our new Merritt Academy Athletic Parent
Organization (MAAPO). We will meet every other month beginning in mid-September. The purpose of the
Organization is for parents to have an active voice and role in continuously improving the opportunities
available to Merritt Academy student-athletes through proactive dialogue, program assessment, creative
fundraising, proper planning, and goal achievement.
Student-athletes will also have a more active role in the continuous improvement process with Merritt Athletics
via our Student-Athlete Voice Monthly Meetings. During these meetings, student-athletes will mimic many
of the functions of MAAPO, but from the student perspective.
Student-athletes must always abide by Merritt Academy’s and the MHSAA’s current COVID mandates
or possibly forfeit their ability to participate in practice and games, including both not limited to wearing a face
mask when required.
Currently (as of 8/16/2021), all student-athletes must wear a face mask while traveling to away games on
school-sponsored bus transportation.
Student-athletes must also physically distance whenever possible and if feeling sick, especially with a fever and
cough, not participate in practice or game until the symptoms are completely gone. COVID testing is also
strongly recommended. If a student-athlete ever receives a positive COVID test, they must notify the Academy
immediately and follow the Academy’s quarantine guidelines.
For questions or additional information, please contact Joe Gibson, Merritt Academy Athletic Director, by
email [email protected] or phone (586) 749-6000.