This document contains the lyrics to various Christian songs and prayers sung during mass. It includes the chorus to "Blessed Be God" sung three times. It also includes lyrics for "Holy Holy Holy", "We Proclaim Your Death O Lord", "Our Father", "Sing Hallelujah to the Lord", and "Lamb of God". The lyrics praise God, give thanks, proclaim Jesus' death and resurrection, and ask for peace.
This document contains the lyrics to various Christian songs and prayers sung during mass. It includes the chorus to "Blessed Be God" sung three times. It also includes lyrics for "Holy Holy Holy", "We Proclaim Your Death O Lord", "Our Father", "Sing Hallelujah to the Lord", and "Lamb of God". The lyrics praise God, give thanks, proclaim Jesus' death and resurrection, and ask for peace.
This document contains the lyrics to various Christian songs and prayers sung during mass. It includes the chorus to "Blessed Be God" sung three times. It also includes lyrics for "Holy Holy Holy", "We Proclaim Your Death O Lord", "Our Father", "Sing Hallelujah to the Lord", and "Lamb of God". The lyrics praise God, give thanks, proclaim Jesus' death and resurrection, and ask for peace.
This document contains the lyrics to various Christian songs and prayers sung during mass. It includes the chorus to "Blessed Be God" sung three times. It also includes lyrics for "Holy Holy Holy", "We Proclaim Your Death O Lord", "Our Father", "Sing Hallelujah to the Lord", and "Lamb of God". The lyrics praise God, give thanks, proclaim Jesus' death and resurrection, and ask for peace.
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BLESSED BE GOD Sing a new song unto the Lord BLESSED BE GOD FOREVER, AMEN let your song be sung from mountains high. ll Sing a new song unto the Lord, BLEST ARE YOU, LORD, GOD OF ALL CREATION singing alleluia. THANKS TO YOUR GOODNESS THIS WINE WE OFFER Shout with gladness dance for joy. FRUIT OF THE VINE, WORK OF OUR HANDS O come before the Lord. IT WILL BECOME THE DRINK OF LIFE (chorus) And play for him on glad tambourines, and let your trumpet sound. (chorus) HOLY, HOLY, Holy, Holy, Holy Rise, O children, from your sleep Lord God of hosts. your Savior now has come. Heaven and earth are full of your glory, He has turned your sorrow to joy, full of your glory. and filled your soul with song. (chorus) Hosanna in the highest. Glad my soul for I have seen Hosanna in the highest. the glory of the Lord. The trumpet sounds the dead shall be raised. Blessed is he who comes in the name I know my Savior lives. (chorus) of the Lord.
Hosanna in the highest.
GLORY TO GOD Hosanna in the highest. Glory to God in the highest And on earth, peace to people of goodwill WE PROCLAIM We praise You, We bless You We proclaim Your death O Lord We adore You, We glorify You And Profess Your resurrection We give You thanks for Your great glory Until You come again. Lord God, heavenly king O God, almighty Father Great Amen Lord Jesus Christ , Only begotten Son Amen, a-men, Amen, a-men, Amen, a-men Amen, a- Lord God, Lamb of God , Son of the Father men. You take away the sins of the world Have mercy on us OUR FATHER You take away the sins of the world Our Father, who art in heaven, Receive our prayer Hallowed be thy name, You are seated at the right hand of the Father Thy kingdom come, thy will be done Have mercy on us On earth as it is in heaven. For You alone are the Holy One Give us this day our daily bread, You alone are the Lord And forgive us our trespasses You alone are the Most High, Jesus Christ As we forgive those who trespass against us, With the Holy Spirit And lead us not into temptation, In the glory of God, the Father But deliver us, deliver us from evil. Amen DOXOLOGY TO THE LORD'S PRAYER SING HALLELUJAH TO THE LORD For the kingdom and the power and the glory are Yours now and forever Sing Hallelujah to the Lord Sing Hallelujah to the Lord Sing Hallelujah Sing Hallelujah LAMB OF GOD Sing Hallelujah to the Lord Lamb of God, you take away the sins of the world, BLESSED BE GOD have mercy, have mercy on us. (2x) l BLEST ARE YOU, LORD, GOD OF ALL CREATION Lamb of God, you take away the sins of the THANKS TO YOUR GOODNESS THIS BREAD WE OFFER world, FRUIT OF THE EARTH, WORK OF OUR HANDS Grant us peace, grant us peace. IT WILL BECOME THE BREAD OF LIFE