Guidelines For Korean Government Scholarship
Guidelines For Korean Government Scholarship
Guidelines For Korean Government Scholarship
Application Guidelines
November 2017
(1) Embassy Track Quota for General Applicants: 386 Candidates from 145 Countries
No. Country & Region Quota No. Country & Region Quota No. Country & Region Quota
1 Afghanistan 2 26 Canada 2 51 Georgia 2
2 Albania 1 27 Chile 2 52 Germany 3
3 Algeria 1 28 China 38 53 Ghana 4
4 Angola 1 29 Colombia 4 54 Greece 2
5 Argentina 2 30 Comoros 1 55 Guatemala 1
6 Armenia 2 31 Congo, Democratic Republic of 2 56 Guyana 1
7 Australia 1 32 Congo, Republic of 1 57 Haiti 1
8 Austria 1 33 Costa Rica 1 58 Honduras 1
9 Azerbaijan 3 34 Cote d'Ivoire 3 59 Hong Kong 1
10 Bahamas, The 1 35 Croatia 1 60 Hungary 2
11 Bahrain 1 36 Czech Republic 2 61 India 8
12 Bangladesh 4 37 Denmark 1 62 Indonesia 8
13 Barbados 1 38 Djibouti 1 63 Iran 1
14 Belarus 1 39 Dominican Republic 1 64 Iraq 2
15 Belgium 1 40 Ecuador 5 65 Ireland 1
16 Benin 1 41 Egypt 3 66 Israel 3
17 Bolivia 1 42 El Salvador 2 67 Italy 3
18 Bosnia and Herzegovina 1 43 Equatorial Guinea 1 68 Jamaica 1
19 Botswana 1 44 Estonia 1 69 Japan 8
20 Brazil 6 45 Ethiopia 6 70 Jordan 2
21 Brunei 2 46 Fiji 1 71 Kazakhstan 4
22 Bulgaria 5 47 Finland 2 72 Kenya 3
23 Burkina Faso 1 48 France 2 73 Kuwait 1
24 Burundi 1 49 Gabon 2 74 Kyrgyz Republic 5
25 Cambodia 3 50 Gambia, The 1 75 Laos 6
The Embassy Track applicants must submit their application documents to the Embassy of the Republic of
Korea in their respective home countries. Please see Appendix B for the list of Korean Embassies.
Refer to the section VI for the details on the application procedure.
The quota allocation is decided based on the mutual agreements between Korea and the countries above.
Among the assigned 400 candidates, 14 are reserved for the overseas Korean adoptees from 12 countries,
separate from the quota assigned for the general applicants. (See below for more information.)
(2) Embassy Track Quota for Overseas Korean Adoptees: 14 Candidates from 12 Countries
No. Country & Region Quota No. Country & Region Quota No. Country & Region Quota
1 Australia 1 5 France 1 9 Norway 1
2 Belgium 1 6 Germany 1 10 Sweden 1
3 Canada 1 7 Italy 1 11 Switzerland 1
4 Denmark 1 8 Netherlands 1 12 U.S.A. 3
Overseas Korean adoptees who graduated or are expected to graduate from Korean universities are eligible to
Quota Quota
No. Country & Region Regional No. Country & Region Regional
General & Total General & Total
Science Science
1 Algeria 1 - 1 40 Malaysia 4 3 7
2 Austria 1 - 1 41 Maldives 1 - 1
3 Azerbaijan 2 - 2 42 Mauritania 1 - 1
4 Bangladesh 4 2 6 43 Mexico 5 2 7
5 Belize 1 - 1 44 Moldova 1 - 1
6 Bhutan 1 - 1 45 Mongolia 4 6 10
7 Bolivia 1 - 1 46 Morocco 1 - 1
8 Brazil 5 2 7 47 Myanmar 4 3 7
9 Bulgaria 1 - 1 48 Nepal 4 2 6
10 Cambodia 5 3 8 49 Netherlands 1 - 1
11 Cameroon 3 1 4 50 Nigeria 4 2 6
12 Canada 1 - 1 51 Pakistan 4 3 7
13 Chile 1 - 1 52 Peru 4 - 4
14 Colombia 3 - 3 53 Philippines 5 3 8
15 Congo, Democratic Republic of 1 - 1 54 Poland 3 - 3
16 Congo, Republic of 1 - 1 55 Romania 3 - 3
17 Costa Rica 1 - 1 56 Russia 4 3 7
18 Dominican Republic 1 - 1 57 Rwanda 3 1 4
19 Egypt 3 - 3 58 Senegal 3 - 3
20 Ethiopia 5 3 8 59 Sierra Leone 1 - 1
21 France 1 - 1 60 Singapore 1 - 1
22 Gabon 1 - 1 61 Slovakia 1 - 1
23 Germany 1 - 1 62 Spain 1 - 1
24 Ghana 4 1 5 63 Sri Lanka 3 1 4
25 Guinea 2 - 2 64 Sudan 1 - 1
26 Hungary 2 - 2 65 Taiwan 3 1 4
27 India 4 2 6 66 Tajikistan 2 - 2
28 Indonesia 7 4 11 67 Tanzania 3 1 4
29 Iran 1 - 1 68 Thailand 6 2 8
30 Israel 1 - 1 69 Timor-Leste 1 - 1
31 Italy 1 - 1 70 Turkey 3 1 4
32 Japan 1 - 1 71 Turkmenistan 2 - 2
33 Jordan 1 - 1 72 U.S.A. 3 - 3
34 Kazakhstan 5 3 8 73 Uganda 4 - 4
35 Kenya 2 - 2 74 Ukraine 1 - 1
36 Kyrgyz Republic 4 1 5 75 United Kingdom 1 - 1
37 Laos 3 - 3 76 Uzbekistan 6 3 9
38 Liberia 2 - 2 77 Vietnam 6 6 12
39 Lithuania 1 - 1 78 Zambia 1 - 1
Applicants for the Research Program must apply through the designated Korean universities, listed in the
section III.
Refer to the section VI for details about the application procedure.
For the Research Program, there is no reserved quota by country.
No. of
Available Universities (or Institutions) Total
Academy of Korean Studies, Chung-Ang University, Dankook University,
Dongguk University (Seoul Campus), Duksung Women's University, Ewha Womans University,
Gachon University, GIST, Hankuk University of Foreign Studies, Hanyang University,
Inha University, KAIST, KDI School, Konkuk University, Kookmin University, Korea University, 29
Kyunghee University, Myongji University, POSTECH, Sangmyung University,
Seoul National University, Seoul Tech, Sogang University, Sookmyung Women's University,
Soongsil University, Sungkyunkwan University, UNIST, University of Seoul, Yonsei University
Handong Global University, Hannam University, Hoseo University, Jeju National University,
Jeonju University, Keimyung University, Kongju National University, Konyang University, 36
Korea Tech, Kumoh National Institute of Technology, Kyungpook National University,
Kyungsung University, Namseoul University, Pai Chai University, Pukyong National University,
Pusan National University, Semyung University, Silla University, Soonchunhyang University,
Sunchon National University, Sunmoon University, University of Ulsan, Wonkwang University,
Yeungnam University
Detailed information about the fields and majors offered by the universities listed above is available under the
University Information section on the website,
Applicants must choose their desired fields of study from the listed programs.
Night schools, seasonal programs, online and distant-learning programs are not included.
Master’s Degrees
Doctoral Degrees
Research Program
- Postdoctoral Research Program
- Professor Exchange Program
2. Age
Applicants must be under 40 years of age as of September 1, 2018 (born after September 1, 1977).
An applicant who qualifies ALL conditions below is eligible to apply as long as he or she is under 45 years of
age as of September 1, 2018 (born after September 1, 1972):
- He or she must be working as a professor at the time of applying; and
- He or she is a citizen of one of the countries below.
Afghanistan, Albania, Algeria, Angola, Argentina, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Bangladesh, Belarus, Belize, Benin,
Bhutan, Bolivia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Botswana, Brazil, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Cambodia, Cameroon,
Chile, China, Colombia, Comoros, Democratic Republic of Congo, Republic of Congo, Costa Rica, Cote d'Ivoire,
Djibouti, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Egypt, El Salvador, Equatorial Guinea, Ethiopia, Fiji,
Gabon, The Gambia, Georgia, Ghana, Guatemala, Guinea, Guyana, Haiti, Honduras, India, Indonesia, Iran, Iraq,
Jamaica, Jordan, Kazakhstan, Kenya, Kyrgyz Republic, Laos, Lebanon, Lesotho, Liberia, Libya, Madagascar,
Malawi, Malaysia, Maldives, Mauritania, Mauritius, Mexico, Moldova, Mongolia, Montenegro, Morocco,
Mozambique, Myanmar, Namibia, Nepal, Nicaragua, Nigeria, Pakistan, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Philippines,
Rwanda, Senegal, Serbia, Sierra Leone, Somalia, South Africa, Sri Lanka, Sudan, Swaziland, Syria, Tajikistan,
Tanzania, Thailand, Timor-Leste, Togo, Tunisia, Turkey, Turkmenistan, Uganda, Ukraine, Uruguay, Uzbekistan,
Venezuela, Vietnam, Zambia, Zimbabwe
3. Degree Requirements
4. Grades
Applicants must maintain a grade point average (GPA) higher than any ONE of the followings:
- 2.64 on a 4.0 scale;
- 2.80 on a 4.3 scale;
- 2.91 on a 4.5 scale;
- 3.23 on a 5.0 scale; or
- Score percentile: 80%
Please refer to the Appendix A for the GPA conversion table.
Any applications with a GPA below the threshold above will be automatically disqualified and discarded.
It is required to submit an official document issued by the applicant’s alma mater describing the university’s
evaluation system as well as the applicant’s academic achievement in any ONE of the following cases:
- An applicant’s transcript does not include information on GPA, marks or score percentile; or
- The grades on an applicant’s transcript are difficult to be converted into any one of the GPA criteria
mentioned above.
5. Health
Applicants must be in good health, both mentally and physically, to stay in Korea for an extended period of
Applicants must submit the Personal Medical Assessment, or Form 6, at the time of applying.
All applicants who pass the 2nd round of selection must submit the results of the Comprehensive Medical
Examination conducted by a licensed physician or a doctor.
All of the following persons will be disqualified and their scholarships will be canceled:
- Applicants who are tested positive on drugs; and
- Applicants with serious health concerns to an extent that they are unable to pursue their studies for an
extended period of time in Korea.
Applicants with disability who meet the above criteria are eligible to apply.
6. Restrictions
Those who had withdrew from the scholarship after being selected as KGSP scholars in previous years are
NOT eligible to apply.
7. Preferred Qualities
Applicants with certified scores on their proficiency in Korean or in English might be given preference. Some
examples include the following:
Applicants must submit ONE set of original application and THREE sets of photocopies, identical to the
original set.
For sealed documents, such as official transcripts and recommendation letters, applicants must submit 4
identical documents, each sealed in a separate envelope.
Applicants must apply for the Korean Government Scholarship Program either through the Korean Embassy
in their home country or one of the selected universities.
Offices accepting applications
- 116 Embassies of the Republic of Korea: At some embassies, the Korean Education Center or the
Korean Cultural Center is the department in charge of accepting and reviewing the KGSP applications.
Contacting the embassy to inquire on the department in charge is strongly recommended.
- 65 Universities in Korea
The application submitted to more than ONE office above, will be automatically disqualified and discarded.
Those who apply as overseas Korean adoptees must apply through the Korean Embassy in their home
countries. Only those from the selected 12 countries are eligible to apply under this option.
KGSP alumni are eligible to apply through the Embassy Track only.
Applicants from China must submit their applications to the China Scholarship Council, in accordance with
the agreement between the government of Korea and the government of China.
Applicants from the Czech Republic must submit their applications to the Ministry of Education of the
Czech Republic, in accordance with the agreement between the government of Korea and the government of
the Czech Republic.
The deadlines are set by the Korean Embassies and universities that accept applications.
Applicants must check the deadline of the embassy or of the university by contacting them directly.
Please refer to the following:
- Contact information for embassies: See Appendix B.
- Contact information for universities: See Appendix C or the University Information file, announced
along with the current application guidelines.
Applicants must choose THREE desired universities as well as fields of study out of the 66 universities
listed above in section III.
Applications that pass the 2nd round of selection will be reviewed by the universities for admission.
(Please refer to “4. Selection Procedure” below.)
Applicants must choose ONE desired university out of the 66 universities listed above in section III.
(3) For the list of available universities and degree programs, please refer to the “University Information” file,
announced along with the guidelines.
Embassies and Universities will forward the successful applications to NIIED by April 7, 2018.
Attention! Applications arriving at NIIED after the above date will not be considered for review in the 2 nd
round of selection, and the quotas will be substituted by the applications from other countries or universities.
The NIIED Selection Committee selects the successful candidates among those
2nd Round of Selection
who pass the 1st round.
The University Track applicants who pass the 2nd round of selection will automatically be granted admission
to the university. The University Track applicants will be selected as the final successful candidates ONLY
after they submit their medical examination results.
Comprehensive Medical Examination
- All candidates who pass the 2nd round must get comprehensive medical exams as required by NIIED,
and submit the results to NIIED.
- The medical exams must be conducted by a licensed physician or a doctor.
- The medical forms will be emailed to the successful candidates of the 2 nd round of selection.
- If the results show that the applicant is unfit to study and live overseas for an extended period of time,
he/she will be disqualified.
3rd Round of Selection Among the successful candidates who have passed the 2nd round, the applications
(Embassy Track of those who applied through the Korean Embassies will be reviewed by
ONLY) universities for admission. Successful candidates must get admission from at least
one of the universities.
Application Submission
The deadlines vary for each Korean embassy and university.
February – March
Applicants must contact the embassy or the university to check the
Invitation Letters
NIIED will issue invitation letters to the KGSP scholars via email.
June 20 – 30
Universities will issue the certificates of admission to those who
start their degree programs without the language program.
NIIED Orientation
August 28 – 30 The KGSP scholars will be divided into three groups.
The orientation for each group will last for 6 hours.
2. Scholarship Benefits
- Entry to Korea: an economy class flight ticket to Korea
- Return flight: an economy class flight ticket from Korea to KGSP scholar’s home country
- The airfare for entry will NOT be provided to scholars who have resided in Korea from the time of
applying and on.
- The return flight is available only for the KGSP scholars who successfully complete their degree
- The return flight is NOT offered for those who withdraw from the scholarship.
- Any fees incurred in the domestic travel within a KGSP scholar’s home country are NOT covered.
- International travel insurance is NOT covered.
- The flight tickets for the Chinese and Czech KGSP scholars will be prepared and provided by the
Chinese and the Czech governments, according to the agreements with the Korean government.
Settlement Allowance: 200,000 KRW
Monthly Allowance
- Degree Program (Master’s or Doctoral): 900,000 KRW
- Research Program: 1,500,000 KRW
Research Allowance
- Liberal Arts and Social Science Degrees: 210,000 KRW per semester
- Science, Technology and Engineering Degrees: 240,000 KRW per semester
Language Training Fees: Fully covered
The scholarship period for the degree program cannot and will not be extended.
The scholarship period for the language program will not affect the scholarship period for the degree program.
For example, even if a scholar takes 6 months of the language program instead of 1 year, the period that the
KGSP covers for his/her degree program will remain intact (2 years for Master’s degree and 3 years for
Doctoral degrees).
KGSP scholars with advanced TOPIK levels (Levels 5 and 6)
- Those who have the advanced levels at the time of applying will be exempt from the 1-year Korean
language program. The exempt period will be deducted from the total scholarship period, down to 2
years for Master’s degrees and to 3 years for Doctoral degrees.
Universities and language institutions will purchase medical insurance plans on behalf of the KGSP scholars.
The insurance plan will be effective after the designated dates of arrival.
The medical fees incurred throughout the scholarship period will be reimbursed by the insurance company.
- KGSP scholars must pay for the hospital fees first and submit the receipt to the insurance company
- The insurance company will refund part of the fees. It is the KGSP scholars’ responsibility to check the
insurance terms and policies, which will be given through the universities and language institutions.
The KGSP scholars who forfeit and withdraw from the scholarship will NOT receive the returning flight
tickets or the Scholarship Completion Grants.
The KGSP scholars who forfeit and withdraw from the scholarship within the first 3 months after the entry to
Korea MUST return the scholarship fees that they have received during the mentioned period. It will include
the airfare of the entry ticket to Korea, the settlement allowance, monthly allowance, medical insurance fees,
and tuition.
3. Global Korea Scholarship (GKS) Team, Overseas Study Support Division, NIIED
Email: [email protected]
Fax: 89-2-743-4992
Address: 191 Jeongja il-ro, Bundang-gu, Seongnam-si, Gyeonggi-do 13557, Republic of Korea
Visa and Immigration
2) Country :
Submission Status
Application Documents
Yes No
1 Application Form (Form 1)
2 Letter of Self-Introduction (Form 2)
3 Statement of Purpose (Form 3)
4 Research Proposal (Form 4)
5 TWO Letters of Recommendation (Form 5)
Letter of Invitation (Form 6)
* Research Program applicants ONLY
7 KGSP Applicant Pledge (Form 7)
8 Personal Medical Assessment (Form 8)
9 Bachelor’s Diploma or Certificate of Degree: original copy
10 Bachelor’s Transcript: original copy
11 Master’s Diploma or Certificate of Degree: original copy
12 Master’s Transcript: original copy
Doctoral Diploma or Certificate of Degree: original copy
* Post-Doctoral Research Program applicants ONLY
Doctoral Transcript: original copy
* Post-Doctoral Research Program applicants ONLY
Certificate of Employment: original copy
* Research Program applicants ONLY
16 Applicant’s Proof of Citizenship
17 Parents’ Proof of Citizenship
Certificate of Korean Citizenship Renunciation
* Previous Korean citizenship holders ONLY
Adoption Documents
* Overseas Korean Adoptees ONLY
20 Certificate of Valid TOPIK
21 Certificate of Valid English Proficiency Test
22 Published Papers
23 Awards
Korean Government Scholarship Program (KGSP)
for Graduate Degrees
Application Form
Please check (☒) the following. Click the box to check or uncheck.
Country 국가 Citizenship 국적
Contact Information
Phone (Must start with the country code)
*Must be applicant’s
Published Papers
(If available)
(If available)
Choice of University/
Major 지원신청대학 University 대학 Division 계열 Department 학과 Major 세부전공
※ Attention! Embassy Track applicants must choose THREE universities and majors.
University Track applicants must choose ONE university and major.
Choice #1
Choice #2
Choice #3
1st year 2nd year 3rd year 4th year 5th year Cumulative Score
GPA* Year
GPA Percentile
(ONLY for
terms or
1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 평균평점 환산점수
completed) Bachelor’s
/ / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / 100
(이수 Master’s / / / / / / / / / / / / / / /
Doctoral / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / 100
* GPA(Grade Point Average) must be converted to percentile scores. Refer to the Appendix A for the conversion table.
* Doctoral degree applicants must put grades information both for Bachelor’s degree and Master’s degree.
* Research Program applicants must to grades for their final degrees.
FORM 2. Letter of Self-Introduction
Please type in Korean or in English. The letter must be single spaced within ONE page, with the font Times New Roman, size 10.
(*10 points)
o Your course of life, your view of life, study background, your hopes & wishes, etc
o Your education and work experience, etc., in relation to the KGSP program
o Your motivations for applying for this program
o Reason for study in Korea
FORM 3. Statement of Purpose
This form is required for applicants in the Master’s or Doctoral program ONLY.
Please type in Korean or in English. The statement of purpose must be single spaced with no more than TWO pages, with the font
Times New Roman, size 10. (*10 points)
Future Plan
o Future plan in Korea or another country after study in Korea
after Study
FORM 4. Research Proposal
This form is required for the Research Program applicants ONLY.
Please type in Korean or in English. Please write in as much detail as possible, not exceeding FIVE pages, single-spaced, with the
font Times New Roman, in size 10. (*10 points)
▣ Research Topic
▣ Research Objectives
▣ Research Methodology
▣ Research Timetable
FORM 5. Letter of Recommendation
To the applicant: Please fill in your name and the other required information below. In turn, deliver or email this form to the person
who will write this letter. NOTE: Request your recommender to seal his or her letter of recommendation in an official envelope and
sign across the back flap upon completion. Recommendation letters that are not sealed and signed will not be accepted.
Desired Major:
To the recommender: The person named above has applied for the ‘Korean Government Scholarship Program’. We ask for your
assistance, and would appreciate your frank and candid appraisal of the applicant.
1. How long have you known the applicant and in what relationship?
Please assess the applicant's qualities in the evaluation table given below. Rate the applicant compared to other classmates who
are/were in the same school year with him/her.
Excellent Very Good Good Below Average
Classification Exceptional N/A
Top 2% Top 10% Top 25% Middle 50% Lower 25%
Academic Achievement
Communication Skills
Interpersonal skills
1. What do you consider to be the applicant’s strengths?
3. How well do you think the applicant has thought out plans for graduate study?
4. Please comment on the applicant’s performance record, potential, or personal qualities which you believe would be helpful in
considering the applicant’s application for the proposed degree program.
Recommender’s Signature
Position or Title:
University (Institution):
(zip-code: - )
Tel: Fax:
Please return this form sealed in an official envelope and signed across the back to the applicant. We greatly appreciate your
timeliness regarding this letter for your recommendee.
FORM 6. Letter of Invitation
This form is required for the Research Program applicants ONLY and must be completed by the staff or faculty of the inviting
A. Applicant Information
Full Name
Research Plan
I hereby confirm that our university(institution) will invite the above person as a research program scholar under the
Korean Government Scholarship Program.
(Official Seal)
President University
FORM 7. KGSP Applicant Pledge
As an applicant for the 2018 Korean Government Scholarship Program (KGSP) for Graduate
Degrees, I pledge to abide by the followings:
I confirm that I read the above conditions. I also understand that the violation of any one of
the above might result in the suspension or cancellation of the scholarship.
Attention! Applicants are not required to undergo an authorized medical exam before passing the 2 nd Selection with NIIED. The
successful candidates of the 2nd round of selection, however, must get the comprehensive medical examinations from a licensed
physician or a doctor (including an HIV and TBPE drug test**, etc) in accordance with the requirements of the Korea Immigration
Service and the KGSP. If the results show that the applicant is unfit to study and live overseas more than 3 years, he/she may be
**The TBPE (tetrabromophenolphthalein ethyl ester) drug tests are for evaluating past usage of stimulant drugs.
Have you had any serious injury, ailment or sickness in the last
five (5) years?
Appendix A. GPA Conversion Table
4.0 Scale 4.3 Scale 4.5 Scale 5.0 Scale 100 Points Scale
조선대학교 [email protected]
3 62-230-6789 62-232-7355
Chosun University
2-820-6211 2-813-8069 [email protected]
Grad. Sch.
2-820-5623 2-821-8652 [email protected]
Grad. Sch. of
4 Chung-Ang 첨단영상대학원
University Grad. Sch. of
Advanced Imaging 2-820-5409 2-814-9110 [email protected]
Science, Multimedia &
2-820-5038 2-812-4337 [email protected]
Business School
5 43-261-3841 43-268-2068 [email protected]
Chungbuk National University
7 53-850-5036 53-850-5039 [email protected]
Daegu University
단국대학교 [email protected]
8 31-8005-2205
Dankook University
9 51-200-6442~4 [email protected]
Dong-A University
10 2-2260-3439 [email protected]
Dongguk University (Seoul Campus)
2-3277-3817 [email protected]
이화여자대학교 Grad. Sch.
14 Ewha Womans 국제대학원
University 2-3277-3956 [email protected]
Grad. Sch. of
15 31-750-5024 [email protected]
Gachon University
16 33-640-2766 33-640-2979 [email protected]
Gangneung-Wonju National University
17 Gwangju Institute of Science and 62-715-2054 [email protected]
18 55-772-0277 [email protected]
Gyeongsang National University
19 33-248-1341~4 33-248-1349 [email protected]
Hallym University
20 54-260-1715 [email protected]
Handong Global University
21 2-2173-2387 [email protected]
Hankuk University of Foreign Studies
한남대학교 [email protected]
22 42-629-7752
Hannam University
인하대학교 32-860-8389 32-865-8623 [email protected]
Grad. Sch.
25 Inha
[email protected]
University 물류전문대학원 GSL 32-860-8224~7 32-860-8226
[email protected]
26 64-754-8242 [email protected]
Jeju National University
전주대학교 [email protected]
27 63-220-2122, 3285
Jeonju University [email protected]
28 KAIST(Korea Advanced Institute of 42-350-2352, 2354 42-350-2930 [email protected]
Science and Technology)
한국개발연구원 국제정책대학원
29 KDI School of Public Policy and 44-550-1281 44-550-1223 [email protected]
30 53-580-6254 53-580-6255 [email protected]
Keimyung University
31 41-850-8054 41-850-8058 [email protected]
Kongju National University
34 2-910-5835 2-910-5830 [email protected]
Kookmin University
35 KOREATECH (Korea University of 41-560-1025 [email protected]
Technology and Education)
금오공과대학교 [email protected]
37 54-478-7223 54-478-7222
Kumoh National Institute of Technology [email protected]
39 53-950-6092 53-950-6093 [email protected]
Kyungpook National University
40 51-663-4065 [email protected]
kyungsung University
41 31-330-6734 [email protected]
Myongji University
43 42-520-5243 [email protected]
Pai Chai University(PCU)
44 POSTECH (Pohang University of Science 54-279-3782 54-279-3725 [email protected]
and Technology)
45 51-629-6846 [email protected]
Pukyong National University
49 2-880-6971 [email protected]
Seoul National University
50 Seoul National University of Science and 2-970-9220 [email protected]
51 51-999-5480~1 [email protected]
Silla University
2-705-8166 2-705-8168 [email protected]
서강대학교 Grad. Sch.
52 Sogang 국제대학원
University 2-705-8754 2-705-8755 [email protected]
Grad. Sch. of
54 41-530-1097 [email protected]
Soonchunhyang University
순천대학교 [email protected]
56 61-750-3147
Sunchon National University
57 2-760-0022 [email protected]
Sungkyunkwan University
선문대학교 [email protected]
58 41-530-2604
Sun Moon University
59 (ext. 214) [email protected]
The Academy of Korean Studies 31-708-5310
60 Ulsan National Institute of Science and 52-217-1124 [email protected]
62 52-220-5957 [email protected]
University of Ulsan
63 63-850-5771 63-850-5753 [email protected]
Wonkwang University
일반대학원 [email protected]
Graduate Sch.
2-2123-3293 [email protected]
Grad Sch. of International
연세대학교 Studies
65 Yonsei
University 경영전문대학원 [email protected]
Grad. Sch. of Business
2-2123-6204 [email protected]
Grad. Sch. of Social