God's Big Book of Animals
God's Big Book of Animals
God's Big Book of Animals
SCIENCE/Life Science/Zoology/General
$29.99 U.S. SCIENCE/Life Sciences/Zoology/General
ISBN-13: 978-1-68344-158-8
ISBN-13: 978-1-68344-158-8
Copyright © 2019 by Master Books®. All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in
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in articles and reviews.
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ISBN: 978-1-68344-158-8
ISBN: 978-1-61458-698-2 (digital)
LOC: 2018963111
Unless otherwise noted, all Scripture quotations are from the New King James Version of the Bible.
Scriptures marked KJV are taken from the KING JAMES VERSION (KJV): KING JAMES VERSION, public domain.
Animals are amazing! We know that God created the heavens, the earth, and everything in it in the 6-day
creation week because the Book of Genesis tells us so. On the fifth day, God created birds and flying reptiles
and sea creatures while on the sixth day He created the beasts of the earth, including dinosaurs. He then
created Adam and Eve on the sixth day and gave humans dominion over the earth.
The animals we see and marvel at today are the descendants of the original, biblical kinds. God’s Big Book
of Animals is an engaging exploration of the majestic animal kingdom that God has created. Readers will
meet 60 different animals, ranging from birds to reptiles to mammals to fishes. Vibrant, captivating full-color
images show these animals up close in the wild and from bats to bears, and turkeys to turtles, you will get to
learn some of the most interesting fun facts about these amazing creatures.
Discover what they eat, where they live, and how they live—while also learning about how God has uniquely
and perfectly designed each one for its own special environment and circumstances. It’s a celebration of
God’s wisdom and the amazing animal facts that point to His ingenuity.
Special Thanks
Thank you to Orit Kashtan for authoring the original Hebrew-language version of this delightful book and to
HaChotam Christian Publishing House for publishing the original text. Thank you to Shirley Rash for editing
the book.
Thank you to Mike Belknap, Tom Hennigan, Dr. Jean Lightner, and Dr. Todd Charles Wood for their kind,
gracious, and thorough assistance in both providing and fact-checking information on the animals’ classes,
orders, and families.
2 Toucans pg. 12
17 pg. 72
3 Pileated
pg. 16
18 pg. 76
9 Geese pg. 40
24 Poison Dart
pg. 100
10 Swans pg. 44
11 Grebes pg. 48
25 pg. 104
12 Pelicans pg. 52
26 pg. 108
13 Heron pg. 56
27 Komodo
pg. 112
58 Great White
pg. 236
43 Skunks pg. 176
Get ready to enjoy reading how smart, funny, strange, and colorful animals can be and how all are living proof of
the love and wisdom of their one and only Creator.
Have you ever seen a white or black swan? It is very large and looks so regal when it moves across the water.
Have you ever thought about how such a large bird can fly?
Think about the camel that lays down in the hot desert. How can it lay on the hot, burning sand?
Have you ever seen how animal colors match their habitat? How do geese, storks, and many other birds know
where to fly and where to return many months and many miles later, arriving at the exact same place they left?
Do insects have glue on their feet? Is that how they are able to walk sideways and upside down? How is it that
woodpeckers do not get a headache after pecking again and again? Who taught termites to make their nests
facing the sun? Why don’t vultures get a stomach ache after feeding on carrion? How come octopuses can
change color from red to black and sometimes from yellow to white?
You will find answers to these questions and more in this book. As you read, remember that these amazing
creatures were all created by God in His wisdom and love, but, because of Adam and Eve’s sin, animals are
also cursed and fallen, just like humankind. Before the Fall, God created all animals to eat plants. After the Fall,
animals began hunting and eating other animals. Despite living in a fallen world, we need to remember to
praise God for His wondrous works.
Special Note
The study of animal kinds from a creationist perspective (baraminology) is an exciting field. It is also one that
is still being studied and researched. The classes, orders, families, and kinds given for most animals are based
on the most up-to-date information available, through further research is needed for many of the animals.
Currently, there is little work being done in baraminology on sea creatures or insects, so the information
presented in this book is limited on those pages.
Class: Birds Description
Order: Apodiformes Hummingbirds weigh around 0.1 ounces and are about
(hummingbirds and swifts) three inches long. They are very small and light.
Fun facts
Hummingbirds’ wings flap so fast
that it is hard to see them move.
They look like a noisy, vibrating
smudge. The only way to see
their wings flapping is by using
a special camera that can record
fast movements. Some people
mistake them for insects because of
their size and the way they fly, but
hummingbirds are truly birds.
They are curious birds that can
adapt to human surroundings. If
they find a source of food, they will
visit it again and again. That is why Great acrobats
some people hang hummingbird
feeders a few feet away from their Hummingbirds have strong shoulder muscles they use to flap
windows. Hummingbirds love the their wings. Those muscles are one-fourth of their body weight.
sugary water in the feeders and visit
Their shoulders have ball and socket joints, like the palms of
them a lot.
our hands, with ten big feathers attached to them. This allows
hummingbirds to rotate their wings 180 degrees in all directions,
giving them their amazing flight ability.
Class: Birds
There are 40 species of toucans, ranging in size from
Order: Piciformes weighing only a few ounces to over 1 pound and measuring
(woodpeckers, toucans, etc.) 1-2 feet long. They have short, solid bodies and rounded
tails. Their necks are short and thick. Most toucans are black
Family: Ramphastidae with touches of yellow or orange on their necks.
(toucans) Toucans have colorful bills, usually orange, red, and yellow
with splashes of blue and orange at the tips. Keel-billed
toucans range from around 17 to 22 inches long, and their
bills average around 5 inches. They are very colorful. Their
necks and chests are yellow, their short legs are blue, and the
tips of their tails are red.
There is a
named after the
bird called the
Toucans have
a narrow gray
tongue that
is about 20
inches long.
Toucans’ bills
Only God could create such a work of art
like toucans’ bills. They are thin and light
and are hollow inside, so they are not as
heavy as they look.
Social lives
Toucans like to live in flocks. During breeding season, males sometimes look for
delicious fruit to drop into females’ bills.
After females lay eggs, both the male and female incubate them. The chicks hatch
with soft pads on their feet to keep them from injury in the nest.
Unique bird
God created toucans with the ability to
turn their heads completely backward
and rest their bills on their backs, fold
their tails, and cover their heads. God
created toucans with light bills, so
resting them on their backs is not very
Class: Birds
Order: Piciformes
(woodpeckers, toucans, Pileated woodpeckers are a very large type of woodpecker
that lives in North America. Other woodpecker species can
vary considerably in size, but these birds are well over a
Family: Picidae foot long and weigh approximately half a pound.
(woodpeckers) They are very striking animals, with black and white bodies
and bright red crests on top of their heads.
Fun fact
Woodpeckers make “cracking stations.”
These are areas they use for cracking
nuts they find. You can spot these
stations by the amount of nut shells you
find on the ground underneath them.
A grub or a nut?
Woodpeckers like to eat insects, especially grubs
such as beetles and moths that live inside trees.
They also eat fruit, nuts, and berries.
Woodpeckers do not
get a headache Building a
Woodpeckers carving a storage
home in a tree
space can peck on the wood Woodpeckers take
more than 100 times a minute 30 minutes to make
without getting a headache. a home for hiding
Any other creature would and storing food. It is
get a concussion from such not an easy job. They
pounding, but woodpeckers do have to carve into the
not because God created them tree trunk on their
with a special spongy, plate-like own. Then they work
bone that separates their bills on making the space
from their skulls. These spongy bigger, sometimes with
bones protect the brain and the help of friends.
keep the woodpeckers from
getting concussions.
Class: Birds
What is usually black, can fly, can be a good friend, makes
Order: Passeriformes hoarse sounds, and can mimic our language? Crows.
(perching birds)
They also have short, strong legs and powerful bills. They
Family: Corvidae can reach a length of nearly 20 inches, their wingspans are
around 39 inches, and they weigh around 1 pound.
(crows, ravens, etc.)
Most crows are black, but some are other colors, including
gray or white.
Crows know to sound out excited caws when they find food, sad caws when a fellow crow dies, or even special
warning caws to warn friends. In captivity, crows can learn to talk even better than some pet parrots.
Good friends
Crows live in flocks and work
together. They use their loud caws
to call for help or alert each other
of danger.
Fun fact
If you pay attention, you might see crows dropping nuts on sidewalks
and roads. The shells crack open or get run over, and crows can then
eat the inside easily. Crows like shiny objects, so they often “steal”
items left out in backyards.
Class: Birds
Order: Accipitriformes Description
(hawk-like birds) Vultures have long torsos and can grow up to 3 feet long.
Their wingspans are around 10 feet, and they weigh nearly
Families: Accipitridae 20 pounds. Males are larger than females. They have long
(Old World vultures); necks, and their beaks are curved like hooks. They have short,
Cathartidae (New World powerful legs covered with down feathers down to their
vultures) knees. Their talons are also curved but are not sharp. They
are bald, and the bottoms of their necks are covered with a
white, coarse plumage. They are usually various shades of
brown or gray.
Vultures in Israel
24 God’s Big Book of Animals
And when the vultures came
down on the carcasses,
Abram drove them away.
—Genesis 15:11
The nose
Vultures’ keen sense of smell also give
them another advantage. They have
nares, which are holes in their beaks.
Vultures can pick up smells when the
wind blows through their nares. Every gust
of wind gives them lots of information, purely
by smell alone. Vultures also have a sizeable olfactory
lobe that God provided them to help them process all
of the smells they pick up.
Class: Birds Description
Order: Strigiformes Owls are big birds that look even bigger because of
(owls) their feathers. They are usually brown and speckled.
They have short, strong legs covered with feathers,
Families: Strigidae and they have very sharp talons. Owls have four toes,
(typical owls) two facing forward and two facing backward. They
have large, flat heads and forward-facing eyes that
bulge out. They can turn their necks all the
way around.
Did you know?
Owls have lopsided ear openings on the sides
of their heads, behind the eyes. One opening There are over a dozen types of owls in North America.
is higher and one is lower. They are used as Owls that are commonly found in America include
speakers. One ear opening hears sound a split barn owls and great horned owls. The word “owl”
second faster than the other, letting the owl comes from an Old English-German word that means
know the location of its prey, how fast it is “to wail.” Owls are active at night and their hoots
traveling, and where it is going. sound like wails.
Owls swallow their food whole. They cannot digest the fur and
bones in their food, though, so they usually cough those back up as
something called a pellet.
The owl is
mentioned in
Isaiah 34:11, Talons
where it says
Owls have four sharp talons that let
owls will remain them grab their prey at any angle.
in the land Their talons are so sharp that they can
after the Lord pierce the toughest skin and not drop
punishes his their prey.
people and makes
the land desolate.
Rotating necks
Owls can rotate their necks in different
directions, almost 360 degrees. They
can turn their heads toward their
backs and, when they do, they rest
their head between their wings. If that
Hunting feathers doesn’t impress you, owls can also
Mice have excellent hearing. They can hear every rotate their heads upside down, with
little noise, but they find it hard to hear owls flying their beaks facing up and their eyes
because God created owls with unique feathers. The facing down.
edges of each feather on their wings looks like tiny God created owls with twice as many
combs that let air pass through in almost complete neck bones as a human has. Those
silence. Little rodents can’t hear owls coming extra bones and flexible muscles
because they can fly very quietly. On the other hand, let owls rotate their heads in every
owls can hear and spot their prey in the dark. direction. We say owls are smart birds,
but in fact, their Creator is the One
who is truly smart.