Sustaining Natural Resources
Sustaining Natural Resources
Sustaining Natural Resources
Module Outcomes:
At the end of the module, you must have:
1. identified the different natural resources;
2. discussed the human impacts on natural resources;
3. listed and elaborated the problems associated with our natural resources;
4. discussed the different management and conservation approaches
related to natural resources; and
5. developed strategies in the management and conservation of natural
Before you start with the lessons in this module, familiarize yourself with the terms listed
in Table 1.
Cyclic Resources Resources that there is no final use as they can be used
Lesson Outcomes
At the end of the lesson, you must have:
1. identified the different natural resources; and
2. discussed the human impacts on natural resources.
Natural resources are useful raw materials that we get from the Earth. They occur
naturally, which means that humans cannot make natural resources. Instead, we
use and modify natural resources in ways that are beneficial to us. The materials
used in human-made objects are natural resources.
What does the earth, the environment ‘do’ for humans and other species? In very
general terms, the earth serves three functions for humans:
Engage https//
Piece of Rock
What is the first thing you think when you see the objects above? List down your
intellectual guesses.
List down the different natural resources found in your community and record
their importance to you.
If the use of these resources is not monitored carefully, these will be no food for
our coming generations to eat, no energy for them to power their machines, and
no material for them to build a shelter with. This is why it is important to understand
which resources are exhaustible and which are not and to practice sustainable
development. This is nothing but the development needs to meet the needs of
the present generations.
A. Nature helps maintain the environmental balance and satisfy our needs
to the fullest.
D. The “3R Concept” which means “Reduce”, “Reuse” and “Recycle” can
be applied in the conservation of our natural resources. An example is
a paper; our used papers can be reused by recycling it and turn into a
new paper product.
G. Natural resources are available in fixed quantity and they are non-
The human population is growing rapidly. Population growth and other factors such
as emerging technologies of every nation have had a detrimental effect on the
environment. Humans threaten to make the earth inhabitable as the population
increases, more waste materials are being produced, thus, rapidly polluting the
soil, air and water. This makes human activity increasingly destroying the natural
habitats, risking biodiversity, and endangering future species.
A. Overpopulation
The total global population is more than seven billion people. Still, there
is a consistent increase in the overall earth populace and this has been
a critical factor in accelerating the depletion of natural resources. An
increase in the populace expands the need for resources and conditions
necessary to sustain it. Also, it contributes to increased ecological
contamination. Research further indicates that developing countries are
using more and more resources to industrialize and support their ever-
increasing population. Hence, the depletion of natural resources will
continue as long as the world population increases.
C. Logging
The World Bank reported that the net loss of global forest between 1990
and 2016 was 1.3 million square kilometers. On the same note, tropical
deforestation is estimated to occur at a rate of one percent annually,
especially in Latin America regions. People are clearing forests primarily
for agricultural reasons due to the increase in the population pressure.
Humans are also cutting down trees to make space for residential
complexes and multiplexes. Through deforestation, the planet not only
loses tress but also thousands of animals and great plant biodiversity
due to the destruction of their natural habitats. Moreover, increased
logging activities lead to soil erosion that degrades natural soil minerals.
For example, minerals such as gasoline, copper and zinc production are
estimated to decline in the next 20 years. Plus, oil mining continues to
rise due to the upsurge in the number of engines that use petroleum
thereby magnifying its depletion. The peak oil theory supports this fact
by putting forward that it will come a time when the globe will experience
uncertainties on alternative means of fuels owing to the over-harvesting
of petroleum.
E. Pollution
Examples of the impacts include acidic lakes, dead zones, and the death
of wildlife as well as aquatic life. Industrial and technological
advancements have also driven the demand for virgin materials for
research, development and production. More resources are hence being
used to satisfy the industrial demands, increasing the rate of natural
resource depletion.
Create a story or short poem about the Earth’s natural resources that you most
Name: Date:
Program and Section: Score:
Direction: This activity will help you assess your knowledge of the definition and types of
natural resources provided by the Earth. Determine whether the following
statements are true or false. Underline or circle the answer.
True | False
2. Renewable energy originates from natural sources such as coal, natural gas,
or nuclear power.
True | False
3. Fossil fuels like petroleum and coal are not classified as biotic resources.
True | False
True | False
5. Plants are biotic, non-renewable resources that provide food, materials for
shelter, and habitat for wildlife.
True | False
True | False
True | False
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8. Minerals, such as diamond, are naturally occurring inorganic materials with
definite chemical composition.
True | False
9. Coal is formed from prehistoric plant remains, composed largely of carbon and
burned to produce water.
True | False
10. Renewable energy sources do not deplete and are constantly replaced.
True | False
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Lesson Outcomes
At the end of the lesson, you must have:
1. identified the problems associated with the use of our natural
resources; and
2. recognized the consequences of human actions on the use of
natural resources.
The Philippines is endowed with rich natural resources. It has fertile and arable
lands, is one of the world’s 17 mega-diverse countries, has some of the most
extensive water resources in the world, and is one of the world’s most highly
mineralized countries with 39 percent of the national land area having high mineral
potential. The natural resources are essential to our country’s development and to
our survival, but if the natural resources are consumed at a faster rate than their
natural regeneration, they can be depleted. Also, the transformation of natural
resources into valuable and useful goods results in the formation of waste products
that could pollute the environment unless the industry and the people carefully
manage its generated wastes.
List down the natural resources that can be found in your area and answer the
following question:
1. Are all the people in your area have equal access to it?
2. Are the people using those resources sustainably?
3. What are the problems that you encountered in the use of these
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Watch the following videos and write a synthesis paper on the topics presented:
B. Planning Land Use: Land itself is a major resource, needed for food
production, animal husbandry, industry, and for our growing human
settlements. These forms of intensive land use are frequently extended
at the cost of ‘wildlands’, our remaining forests, grasslands, wetlands,
and deserts. Thus, it is essential to develop a rational land-use policy
that examines how much land must be made available for different
purposes and where it must be situated.
C. The need for sustainable lifestyles: Human standard of living and the
health of the ecosystem are indicators of sustainable use of resources
in any country or region. Ironically, both are not in concurrence with each
other. Increasing the level of one usually leads to the degradation of the
other. Development policies, therefore, should be formulated to strike a
balance between the two.
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II. Different Kinds of Resources and Associated Problems
A. Forest Resources
Forest is an important renewable resource. Forest varies in composition
and diversity and can contribute substantially to the economic
development of any country. The Philippines has a total of 30 million
hectares of land area. Before Spanish colonialization, 90 percent of the
land area was made up of forestland. The Philippine forest is home to
different species of flora and fauna, has helped in carbon sequestration,
and is also a source of livelihood, food, fuel and/or shelter for Filipinos.
However, over time, forest land has decreased due to deforestation,
increased population, conversion to agricultural lands, and logging.
B. Water Resources
Water is one of the most essential needs of human beings and is
necessary for almost all economic activities such as growing food,
manufacturing all kinds of products, and generating renewable energy,
among others. The Philippines has extensive water resources, including
31,000 hectares of rivers; 200,000 hectares of lakes; 19,000 hectares of
reservoirs; and more than 100,000 hectares of wetlands. There are 421
river basins, of which 20 are considered major river basins. Major rivers
are the Cagayan – the country’s longest river – the Agno, Pampanga,
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Pasig and Bicol rivers in Luzon, and the Rio Grande de Mindanao. There
are 59 significant lakes; 16 lakes cover 400 hectares or more. The
largest lakes are the Laguna de Bay on Luzon and Lake Lanao on
Philippine rivers and lakes are home to more than 316 fish species,
some of which are endemic (Philippine coastal waters are considered
the center of marine biodiversity in the world). Groundwater reservoirs
have a storage capacity of 251,100 million cubic meters and a
dependable supply of 180,000 million cubic meters per year. Total
renewable water resources equal to 479 cubic kilometers. The average
annual rainfall is 2348 millimeters.
Water supplies are generally sufficient for local needs but there are
water deficits in highly populated areas, particularly in regions with
limited supplies. Only 43 percent of the population has access to piped
water into private premises although the figure drops to 25 percent in
rural areas. And the water quality is worsening. The discharge of
municipal and industrial wastewater and agricultural runoff has caused
extensive pollution. Only 10 percent of municipal wastewater undergoes
secondary or tertiary treatment. Experts have concluded that 50 river
systems are biologically dead or dying due to pollution from human
trash, commercial agricultural chemicals, untreated raw sewage, animal
wastes, and industrial wastes. Fewer than 4 percent of urban
households have access to sewerage systems. In Metro Manila, nine
river sub-basins are used as dumpsites. One-third of the country’s river
systems remain as potential sources of drinking water. Up to 58 percent
of groundwater is contaminated due to the leaching of industrial,
agrochemical, and animal wastes and infiltration of subsurface
discharge from septic systems and polluted urban runoffs. Over-
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extraction of groundwater has led to a decline in levels, drying up of wells
and springs, and contamination of wells by saltwater intrusion in coastal
areas. Over-exploitation of forest resources and inappropriate land-use
practices have disrupted the hydrological condition of watersheds,
resulting in accelerated soil erosion, siltation of rivers and valuable
reservoirs, increased incidence and severity of flooding and decreasing
water supply. Groundwater, the source of most drinking water, is
projected to be inadequate to meet the demand in major cities by 2025.
Without new investment in water supply infrastructure, future projections
of water requirements suggest that water availability will be marginal or
unsatisfactory in eight of the 19 major river basins before 2025, and most
major urban centers will experience water deficits.
C. Mineral Resources
A mineral is a naturally occurring substance of definite chemical
composition and identifiable physical properties. An ore is a mineral or
combination of minerals from which a useful substance, such as a metal,
can be extracted and used to manufacture a useful product. Minerals
are formed for millions of years in the earth’s crust. Iron, aluminum, zinc,
manganese and copper are important raw materials for industrial use.
Important non-metal resources include coal, salt, clay, cement and
silica. The stone used for building material, such as granite, marble,
limestone, constitute another category of minerals. Minerals with special
properties that humans value for their aesthetic and ornamental value
are gems such as diamonds, emeralds and rubies. The luster of gold,
silver and platinum is used for ornaments. Minerals in the form of oil, gas
and coal were formed when ancient plants and animals were converted
into underground fossil fuels. Minerals and their ores need to be
extracted from the earth’s interior so that they can be used. This process
is known as mining. The harnessing of this resource contributes
significantly to the economic development of the country in terms of
employment generation, export earnings, taxes and fees paid to the
government and infrastructure development.
The Philippines is the fifth most mineralized country in the world. About
39 percent of the national land area has high mineral potential. Globally,
the country ranks third in gold reserves, fourth in copper and fifth in
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nickel. In total, estimated levels of metallic mineral resources are 14.5
billion metric tons and 67.7 billion metric tons of nonmetallic resources.
Nickel is the largest metallic reserve; limestone and marble are the most
significant nonmetallic mineral resources. The country has proven crude
oil reserves of 138.5 billion barrels and 98.5 billion cubic meters of
natural gas. There were reports in 2015 of the discovery of a new oil field
near Cebu containing an estimated 104 million barrels and a report of a
large new natural gas deposit in Isabela.
Mineral lands are mostly in upland areas which are also rich biodiversity
areas and often within the ancestral domains of indigenous people. More
than half of active mining concessions and two-thirds of exploratory
concessions are in areas of high seismic risk. There are security risks
for some companies, especially those mining in the Mindanao area
(several activist groups have damaged mining sites and company
equipment). Mining often leads to deforestation and the destruction of
ecological systems, subsidence and sinking of communities, and
displacement of communities. The spilling of mine wastes/tailings
causes flooding, damages farmlands, and results in the biological death
of rivers. For example, in 1996 the Marcopper Mining Disaster on
Marinduque Island involved an old mine-pit used as a disposal pond for
mine waste which ruptured and discharged about 1.6 million cubic
meters of tailings along 27 kilometers of the Boac river system and the
coastal areas near its mouth. The disaster heavily damaged the river
system and destroyed low-lying farmlands in the area. Concerns over
negative environmental and social impacts have led to opposition to the
proposed Tampacan gold mining project in Mindanao.
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D. Land Resources
Land and soil resource, particularly those devoted to agricultural uses,
are important resources of the country because it is directly related to
food production, which necessitates the understanding of its nature and
characteristics to optimally manage and conserve them.
The Philippines is an archipelago of 7,107 islands covering 300,000
square kilometers (30 million hectares) – 298,170 square kilometers of
land and 1,830 square kilometers of water. It has three major island
groups: Luzon, Visayas and Mindanao. The Philippines is recognized as
one of the world’s 17 mega-diversity countries, with more than 50,000
species of flora and fauna (more than 65 percent of which are endemic).
It is also one of the world’s biodiversity hotspots, with a large number of
endangered and threatened species making it a global conservation
priority area.
Of the total land area, arable land constitutes 18.7 percent, with 17.9
percent in permanent crops. In 2012, there were 16,300 square
kilometers of irrigated land. Approximately 45 percent of agricultural
lands are moderately or severely eroded; approximately 27.3 percent of
the country is vulnerable to drought, floods, and typhoons. Land
degradation exacerbates the effects of natural disasters, causing
massive landslides and flooding.
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Rural poverty and a high population growth rate have resulted in rapid
urbanization. Of an estimated urban population of 44.1 million people,
more than 9 million live in informal settlements (as of 2011). In Metro
Manila, the largest urban center, approximately 25 percent of the
population (584,000 households) lives on riverbanks, bridges, railroad
easements, cemeteries, garbage dumps, and idle lands.
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Name: Date:
Program and Section: Score:
Multiple Choice
2. ___________ and ____________ are the two major factors responsible for
environmental degradation in developing countries.
A. Anarchy and conflict
B. Population and social media
C. Greed for material goods and population explosion
D. Politics and social media
3. It is essential to come up with a rational land-use policy that examines how much
land must be made available for different purposes and where it must be
A. Location map B. Land-use planning
C. A stabilized population D. Location planning
5. Minerals are an important resource that comes from the earth. Which is NOT
an example of a mineral?
A. Salt B. Chromite C. Glass D. Iron E. Calcite
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Lesson Outcomes
At the end of the lesson, you must have:
1. discussed the different management and conservation
approaches related to natural resources, and
2. developed strategies in management and conservation of
natural resources.
The earth has a limited supply of natural resources which includes all things that
help support life, such as water, soil, minerals, plants and animals. The use of
these resources keeps increasing as the population grows and the standard of
living rises which will result in depletion of natural resources. Conservationists
work to ensure that the environment can continue to keep human needs, like;
water, forest, minerals, plants and animals sustain the current and future
generations of humans as well as other forms of life on earth.
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The maximum sustainable yield (MSY) approach involves harvesting the
maximum amount of trees without reducing future yields. Trees in a
forest or plantation grow fastest at an intermediate age. Then they slow
down and eventually reach a maximum size based on the carrying
capacity of their environment. The goal of maximum sustainable yield
management is to harvest trees of an intermediate size.
The goal of ecosystem-based management is to harvest a renewable
resource such as trees in ways that minimize the harmful impacts of
harvesting on an ecosystem and the ecological services it provides. This
can be a useful approach. However, it is often limited because of a lack
of knowledge about how ecosystems in different areas work.
Adaptive management involves using available knowledge to harvest
forests or other resources, evaluating the results, and modifying the
approach, or using a different approach as needed. This approach
recognizes that there will be failures because of inadequate ecological
knowledge and that we can learn from such failures.
Improving Management of Forest Fires
Another approach is to thin forest areas vulnerable to the fire by
clearing away small fire-prone trees and underbrush under
careful environmental controls. It can include the use of
prescribed burns to remove flammable debris produced by this
process. This can help prevent the loss of economically valuable
timber and wildlife habitats. It can also reduce the rapidly rising
costs of fighting an increasing number of large forest fires.
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Another way to reduce the demand for tree cutting is to reduce
the use of throwaway paper products made from trees. Instead,
we can choose reusable plates, cups, cloth napkins and
handkerchiefs, and cloth bags.
One way to reduce the severity of the firewood crisis in less-
developed countries is to establish small plantations of fast-
growing firewood trees and shrubs around farms and in
community woodlots. Providing villagers with affordable and
more fuel-efficient wood stoves and solar-powered ovens is
another way to reduce cutting down trees for firewood. Another
option is stoves that burn renewable biomass, such as sun-dried
roots of various gourds and squash plants, or methane produced
from crop and animal wastes. In addition to reducing
unsustainable deforestation, these options would greatly reduce
the large number of deaths caused by indoor air pollution from
open fires and poorly designed stoves. Another way to make
charcoal from the fibers is a waste product called bagasse, which
is leftover from sugar cane processing in countries like the
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about the importance of forest conservation. It is an annual tree
planting event held every third week of June.
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Public Supply and Domestic Use
Public supply water use is concentrated in urban areas and may
pose major local problems in areas where water is periodically or
often in short supply. The population of the Philippines continues
to grow, and many urban areas are experiencing or will
experience the impact of population growth on water supply.
Most water in homes is used in the bathroom and for washing
laundry and dishes. Domestic water use can be substantially
reduced at a relatively small cost by the following measures:
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Sustainability and Water Management
“The main goal of water management is to provide a sustainable
supply of high-quality water. Sustainable water use means
humans use water resources carefully so that water is available
for future generations and existing nonhuman needs.” (Raven)
Groundwater Sustainability
The concept of sustainability, by definition, implies a long-term
perspective. With groundwater resources, effective management
for sustainability requires an even longer time frame than for other
renewable resources. Surface waters, for example, may be
replaced over a relatively short time, whereas replacement of
groundwater may take place slowly over many years. The effects
of pumping groundwater faster than it is being replenished –
drying up of springs, weaker stream flow – may not be noticed
until years after pumping begins. The long-term approach to
sustainability concerning groundwater is not to take out more
than is going in; to keep monitoring input and adjusting the output
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Ways to prevent or slow groundwater depletion
o Use water more efficiently
o Subsidize water conservation
o Limit number of wells
o Stop growing water-intensive crops in dry areas
o Raise the price of water to discourage waste
o Tax water pumped from wells near-surface water
o Build rain gardens in urban areas
o Use permeable paving material on streets, sidewalks, and
Water Management
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C. Mineral Conservation and Management
Mineral resources are finite and non-renewable. Continued extraction
of ore minerals for raw materials is downsizing its amount underneath.
Surficial mineral deposits are getting exhausted rapidly by open cast
mining and urge for deep-seated mineral extraction. The depleting
scenario of mineral resource concerns over its futuristic availability.
Therefore conservation of minerals needs to be enforced to use our
mineral resources in a planned and sustainable manner.
Mineral Conservation
Conservation, including both reuse and recycling, extends
mineral supplies. The reuse of items such as beverage bottles,
which are collected, washed and refilled, is one way to extend
mineral resources. In recycling, used items such as beverage
cans and scrap iron are collected, remelted, and reprocessed into
new products. In addition to promoting specific conservation
techniques such as reuse and recycling, public awareness and
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attitudes about resource conservation can be modified to
encourage low waste.
o Reuse. When the same product is used over and over
again, both mineral consumption and pollution are
reduced. The benefits of reuse are greater than those of
recycling. Recycling a glass bottle requires crushing it,
melting the glass, and forming a new bottle. Reusing a
glass bottle simply requires washing it, which typically
expends less energy than recycling.
Several countries have adopted beverage container deposit laws,
which require consumers to pay a deposit for each beverage
bottle or can that they purchase. The deposit is refunded when
the container is returned to the retailer or special redemption
centers. In addition to encouraging reuse and recycling, thereby
reducing mineral resource consumption, beverage container
deposits reduce litter and solid waste.
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for short-term economic profits encourage this attitude, even
though the long term economic and environmental costs of it are
high. We consume fewer resources if products are durable and
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D. Land Conservation and Management
As the population increased and the amount of available land decreased, it
became necessary to consider land as a limited resource. Increasingly, as
we have come to understand the great value of ecosystem services, the
emphasis has shifted from exploitation to preservation and restoration of
the remaining natural areas.
Conservation strategies that set aside ecosystems are the best way to
preserve an area’s biodiversity (as well as its soil). Government agencies,
private conservation groups, and private citizens have begun to set aside
natural areas for permanent preservation. Such activities ensure that our
children and grandchildren will inherit a world with wild places and other
natural ecosystems.
Land management is the process of managing the use and development (in
both urban and rural settings) of land resources. Land resources are used
for a variety of purposes which may include organic agriculture,
reforestation, water resource management, and eco-tourism projects.
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nutrient minerals more gradually than when conventional tillage
methods are employed. Farmers who adopt no-tillage save on
fuel cost, machinery wear, and tear, and labor time when they do
not plow their land. However, the use of conservation tillage
requires new equipment, new techniques, and greater use of
herbicides to control weeds.
Crop Rotation
Farmers who practice effective soil conservation measures often
use a combination of conservation tillage and crop rotation. When
the same crop is grown continuously, pests for that crop tend to
accumulate to destructive levels, so crop rotation lessens insect
damage and disease. Many studies have shown that
continuously growing the same crop for many years depletes the
soil of certain essential nutrient minerals faster and makes the
soil more prone to erosion. Crop rotation is therefore effective in
maintaining soil fertility and in reducing soil erosion.
o Contour Plowing, Strip Cropping, and Terracing
Hilly terrain must be cultivated with care because it is more prone
to soil erosion than flat land. Contour plowing, strip cropping,
cover crops, and terracing help control erosion of farmland with
variable topography.
In contour plowing, furrows run around hills rather than in straight
rows. Strip cropping is a special type of contour plowing that
produces alternating strips of different crops. For example,
alternating a row crop such as corn with a closely sown crop such
as wheat reduces soil erosion. Even more effective control of soil
erosion is achieved when strip cropping is done in conjunction
with conservation tillage. Cover crops are grown between
seasons of other crops and help protect the soil during seasons
when it would otherwise be bare of plants.
Farming is undesirable on steep slopes, but if it must be done,
terracing produces level areas and thereby reduces soil erosion.
Nutrient minerals and soil are retained on the horizontal platforms
instead of being washed away. Soils are preserved in a
somewhat similar manner in low-lying areas that are diked to
make rice paddies. The water forms a shallow pool, retaining
sediments and nutrient minerals.
Preserving Soil Fertility
In sustainable soil management, the use of manufactured
fertilizers is avoided or limited. First, because of their high
solubility, commercial inorganic fertilizers are mobile and often
leach into groundwater or surface runoff, polluting the water.
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Second, manufactured fertilizers do not improve the water-
holding capacity of the soil as organic fertilizers do. Another
advantage of organic fertilizers is that they change the types of
organisms that live in the soil, sometimes suppressing
microorganisms that cause certain plant diseases. Commercial
inorganic fertilizers are a source of nitrogen-containing gases
(nitrous and nitric oxides) that are air pollutants and greenhouse
gases. Finally, the production of commercial inorganic fertilizers
requires a great deal of energy, which is largely obtained from our
declining reserves of fossil fuels.
Soil Reclamation
Soil reclamation involves two steps: (1) stabilizing the land to
prevent further erosion and (2) restoring the soil to its former
fertility. To stabilize the land, the bare ground is seeded with
plants that eventually grow to cover the soil, holding it in place.
The plants start to improve the quality of the soil almost
immediately, as dead portions are converted to humus. The
humus holds nutrient minerals in place and releases them a little
at a time; humus also improves the water-holding capacity of the
One of the best ways to reduce the effects of wind on soil erosion
is to plant shelterbelts to lessen the impact of wind. Restoration
of soil fertility to its original level is a slow process. During soil
recovery, the use of the land must be restricted. Disaster is likely
if the land is put back to agricultural use before the soil has
completely recovered. But the restriction of land use for years is
sometimes difficult to accomplish. Landowners often object to
government dictates about how to manage their lands, and soil
erosion in poorer regions of the world is often driven by farmers
trying to produce enough food to satisfy basic needs.
Agroforestry is a land-use practice in which trees and crops are
planted together to improve soil fertility in degraded soils. For
example, nitrogen-fixing acacias and other trees might be
intercropped with traditional crops such as millet and sorghum.
Other crops planted in agro forestry include shade coffee, cocoa,
jatropha (a biofuel crop), and bananas.
The trees grow for many years and provide several environmental
benefits, such as reducing soil erosion, regulating the release of
rainwater into groundwater and surface waters, and providing
habitat for the natural enemies of crop pests. Acacia trees fix
nitrogen, thereby improving soil fertility. When the leaves fall off
the trees, they gradually decompose, returning mineral nutrients
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to the soil. The leaf layer also improves the soil’s ability to hold
moisture (less moisture evaporates from leaf-covered soil). Over
time, the degraded land slowly improves. The result is higher crop
yields. When the trees are so tall that they shade out the crops,
the forest provides the farmers with food (such as fruits and nuts),
firewood, lumber, and other forestry products.
Although the Philippines was once one of the richest biological regions on Earth,
50 years of severe natural resource degradation have taken a catastrophic toll. As
a result the country now has among the lowest forest cover per capita in the tropics,
and many mangrove and coral reef ecosystems have collapsed.
Over the past decade, the government has tried to reverse these trends,
introducing innovative institutional and legal reforms for sustainable natural
resource management—including a comprehensive decentralization program that
promotes resource management by local governments, indigenous groups, and
resource-dependent communities.
Also, in recent years many donors have supported efforts to improve natural
resource management by building the capacity of the Department of Environment
and Natural Resources (DENR), local governments, nongovernmental
organizations (NGOs), and local communities, and by supporting innovative
partnerships among them.
A. National Government Agencies
The DENR is the primary government agency responsible for
conservation, management, development, and proper use of the
Philippines’s environment and natural resources. But many other
government agencies have mandates and programs that touch on
natural resource issues. All these national agencies share their natural
resource management responsibilities with local government units
under the provisions of the Local Government Code.
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organizations in several forestry development programs.
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Fisheries Code
This 1992 act established the legal basis for developing a national
system of “remarkable areas and biological important public
lands with habitats of rare and endangered species of plants and
animals, bio-geographic zones and related ecosystems, whether
terrestrial, wetland or marine, all of which shall be designated as
‘protected areas. The National Integrated Protected Areas
System (NIPAS) Act governs the national system of protected
areas, which includes 360 sites covering 3.8 million hectares.
B. Local Governments
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Natural Resource Management Functions under the Local Government
Code of 1991
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NGOs and People’s Organizations
Watch the video link and list down the different land resources conservation
management practices. Which of these practices is applied in your community?
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Name: Date:
Program and Section: Score:
Multiple Choice
3. What do you call the water from showers, bathtubs, sinks, and washing
machines used to water vegetation?
A. Black water B. Gray water C. Refuse water D. Reclaimed water
5. What is referred to as land use practice in which trees and crops are planted
together to improve soil fertility in degraded soils
A. Agroforestry B. Soil reclamation
C. Contour plowing D. Strip cropping
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USAID Country Profile: Philippines – Land Tenure and Property Rights. 44pp.
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