Organizational Citizenship Behavior Towards The Environment Between Employees of Service and Manufacturing Firms in Semarang
Organizational Citizenship Behavior Towards The Environment Between Employees of Service and Manufacturing Firms in Semarang
Organizational Citizenship Behavior Towards The Environment Between Employees of Service and Manufacturing Firms in Semarang
Bernadeta Irmawati (Department of Management, Faculty of Economics and Business, Soegijapranata Catholic
Berta Bekti Retnawati (Department of Management, Faculty of Economics and Business, Soegijapranata Catholic
Ch. Triharjanti (Department of Management, Faculty of Economics and Business, Soegijapranata Catholic
Email: [email protected]
Abstract—Green business applied inthe operations management to carry out movement of initiatives
of firms will influence policies in their human towards the environment along with the customers
resources management, one of which is the human (Daily, Bishop, & Steiner, 2002; Daily & Huang, 200).
behavior. OCBE is an employee voluntary behavior The success of environmental programs depends on
that is not followed by rewards or awards from the employee behavior and even exceeds the formal awards
firm that leads to environment. OCBE is categorized and performance evaluation systems (Daily, 2009).
into three; namely eco initiatives, eco-civic One of the behaviors that support organizational success
engagement, and eco helping. Hypothesis proposed is OCB (Organizational Citizenship Behavior); it is a
voluntary behavior or carried out by employees without
in this research was that there were OCBE
being followed by rewards or awards (Ogan and
differences for employees in service and
Podsakof, 2006).
manufacturing firms. The number of respondents
was 60 employees from service firms and 60 from Along with the development of OCB, OCBE
manufacturing firms. Data collection method used (Organizational Citizenship Behavior towards
questionnaires and the hypothesis testing was Environment) emerges. OCBE is a free action taken by
carried out by discrimination test of two averages. employees that is not followed by rewards and is
Based on the analysis, the hypothesis that there are directed at improving the environment (Dailyet al.,
OCBE differences in employees of service and 2009). There are several backgrounds on why OCBE
manufacturing firms is supported. needs to be considered in research and practice; i.e. the
diversity of environmental issues, the limitations of
Keywords— Green Business, OCBE, Employees of formal management systems, the role of tacit
Service and Manufacturing Firms knowledge, the importance of mutual relationships, and
the collaboration in pollution prevention measures
I. INTRODUCTION (Boiral, 2009). In other words, the complexity of the
The application of green business in firms is not only current environmental issues can no longer be managed
based on formal management systems, innovation, through the formal system alone.
strategic decisions, activities, or technologies; policies Employees can engage in voluntary pro-
carried out by employees such as proposed environment behavior in various ways. For instance,
improvements in energy efficiency, waste selection and they can develop, suggest, and share innovative ideas or
processing, or reinforcement of “green” commitment practices or carry out discretionary actions in the
may provide significant influence or impact on workplace that contribute to improving the
environmental performance (Ramus and Stegre, 2000). environmental performance. Most environmental
Even customers, suppliers, society, and government programs generally assume some kinds of voluntary
require organizations to take on greater environmental employee involvement. For example, a program to
responsibility, which is responded by the improvement reduce and recycle remainder materials that cannot be
of environmental management efforts (Hillary, 2000). It
makes the challenge for the human resources
implemented without the active participation of an nothing to do with punishment when a person does not
employee related to these materials in daily activities. perform the behavior (Organ, 1988).
Various studies have shown that these prevention The earliest research on OCB was done by Organ,et
initiatives generally improve the environmental al. and it experiences improvement and development
performance and competitiveness (Boiral, 2005). since then. An initial study conducted by Smith,et. al.,
Employees can also play an important role in the 1983, focuses on altruism dan conscientiousness.
development of environmental innovations at the According to Smith et al. (1983), altruism is the act of
workplace (Daily et al., 2009). For example, due to their helping certain individuals in relation to work (e.g.
proximity to the production process, employees can helping someone with a heavy workload); while
share information about toxic emissions and offer conscientiousness refers to internal norms that
practical solutions that are often cheaper than applying determine what a good employee must do.A further
modern technology (Boiral, 2002). In general, study done byPodsakoff et al., (1990) introduced civic
employees are the key players in developing lean and virtue and sportsmanship as additional forms of OCB.
green practices that help in improving the production Civic virtue is related to the willingness of employees
operations and the environment of performance (Roy et to participate in different levels and various ways in the
al, 2001; Rothenberg and Maxwell, 2001). Actions such firm. Sportsmanship defined by Organ (1990) as the
as reducing waste are closely related to the production willingness of employees to tolerate less ideal
and quality of management downsizing, in addition to conditions without complaining. Podsakoff and
the high dependent on employee initiatives (King and MacKenzie (1994) recommend to reject
Lenox, 2001). conscientiousness since it is regarded as something
unexpected at workplace and therefore not a form
According to Daily et al. (2009), the number of
discretionary behavior.
studies on voluntary initiatives at individual level is still
few. In literature, the concept of employee involvement OCB-E is an individual, informal, and flexible
mostly arises in formal practices at organizational level, behavior that supports “green” organizational programs
such as the implementation of environmental (Boiral, 2009; Daily et al., 2009; Ramus and Killmer,
management systems and the promotion of green 2007). Daily et al., (2009) state that OCB-E is carried
initiatives. The bottom-up employee-based out flexibly in an organizational context that is not
environmental initiative seems to be mostly done valued or required by the organization. According to
formally, through policies and reward systems rather Ramus andKillmer (2007), OCB–E is a pro-social
than voluntary and discretionary. Currently, more and behavior related to the employees’ flexible efforts that
more organizations are starting to implement leads to environment and contributes to the social
environmental policies and programs (Jiang and Bansal, welfare and creation of added value.
2003; Kitazawa and Sarkis,2000; Christmann and
Boiral (2009) explores the environmental
Taylor, 2006; Boiral, 2007); hence, it requires
applications from six dimensions of OCB as proposed
behavioral support from employees and most
by Organ et al., (2006); namely helping (collaborating
importantly is voluntary.
and assisting other employees to consider
The behavior of employees in service and environmental issues), sportmanship (positive attitude
manufacturing firms has their respective characteristics towards discomfort related to environmental practices),
in accordance with the applicable policies. The existing organizational loyalty (support for environmental
studies have shown differences in OCB for employees policies and organizational actions), organizational
of service and manufacturing firms (Harris, 2009). compliance(fulfillment of environmental practices and
Likewise, OCBE can also be different for employees procedures), individual initiative (flexibility in
who work in service and manufacturing firms. Hence, providing advice and initiatives at workplace), self-
this research focuses on the OCBE differences among development(acquisition of environmental knowledge).
employees of service and manufacturing firms in
Based on factor analysis on the six dimensions of
OCB,BoiralandPaille (2012) have classified them into
OCB refers to individual discretionary actions that A. Eco-Initiative
are indirectly or explicitly recognized by a formal Environmental initiatives are related to individuals
compensation system that contributes to the general with pro-environment initiatives at the workplace. Pro-
function of the organization. In general, OCB does not environment initiatives are defined as discretionary or
arise from the roles or tasks specified at work; in other flexible role that is not based on formal reward system
words, it does not appear in the contract between the and it cumulatively helps to improve organizational
employee and the organization or in the job description. environmental practices or performance.The
This behavior appears based on the person; thus, it has environmental initiative factor covers three items:
before doing the work, employees consider
Advances in Economics, Business and Management Research, volume 100
consequences of actions before committing an action The measurements of OCBE variable were based on
that may affect the environment; employees voluntarily Liu (2017) which were categorized into three; they are
take environmental actions initiatives in their daily Eco Initiatives that are measured by employees before
works; and employees provide advice to colleagues on doing any work consider the consequences of actions
ways to more effectively protect the environment, even that affect the environment, employees in carrying out
it is not their direct responsibility. the daily work consider the environment and provide
effective advice to colleagues to protect the
B. Eco-Civic Engagement environment even though it is not the responsibility of
The involvement of eco-citizenship is related to civil the employees. Secondly, Eco Civic Engagement can
citizenship that deals with organizational environmental be measured from spontaneous actions of employees to
activities both organizational loyalty and self- provide time in helping colleagues to pay attention to
development. In this context, eco-civic engagement the workplace environment, encourage colleagues to
means defending the general interests of the perform more environmentally conscious behaviors,
organization and supporting its environmental encourage colleagues to express their ideas and
commitments. Therefore, OCBE which is classified as opinions about environmental issues. Thirdly, Eco
eco-civic engagement is defined as a voluntary and Helping that can be measured by the active participation
unprofitable participation of employees in the of employees in environmental events organized by the
environmental activities (event, initiative, or project) firm and they are informed with policies related to
that have been institutionalized by the organization and environment.
contributes in improving its image or practice. This
factor is related to events, initiatives, or projects that The data analysis instrument employed to test the
discuss the overall environmental situation of the hypothesis was discrimination test of two averages of
organization that includes active participation in sample with a significance level of 5%. If the test result
environmental events organized by the firm, keep up to indicates less than 5% of significance level, the
date with firm environmental initiatives, take hypothesis is supported. The result of validity test
environmental actions that contribute positively to the showed valid and reliability at 71.90%.
organization’s image, willing to volunteer projects, IV. RESEARCH FINDINGS
business, or events dealing with environmental issues in
the organization. Both the service and manufacturing firms in this
research have already applied green business as can be
C. Eco-Helping shown, among others, by paperless, energy saving,
This factor is associated with supporting behavior waste treatment, organic and inorganic waste disposal,
and friendship that considers the environmental issues. plastic reduction. Respondents of this research were
OCBE which is classified as eco-helping is defined as employees of 2 service firms engaged in banking and 3
voluntary and unprofitable behavior to help colleagues manufacturing firms engaged in furniture. The number
to better integrate the environmental problems at the of respondents from both the service and manufacturing
workplace. This factor includes spontaneous actions of firms was 206, and descriptions are as follows.
employees to provide time in helping colleagues to
consider environment in all activities performed, TABLE 1. DESCRIPTIONS OF RESPONDENTS
encourage colleagues to adopt more environmentally
conscious behaviors, and encourage colleagues to Manufacturing
Service Firms
Information Firms
express their ideas and opinions about environmental F % f %
issues. Sex
The hypothesis proposed in this research is: there are Male 20 33.33 42 70
Female 40 66.67 18 30
differences of OCBE between employees of service and Age
manufacturing firms. 20 -30 years old 30 50 18 30
31-40 years old 24 40 24 40
III. RESEARCH METHOD 41-50 years old 6 10 12 20
The objects of this research were employees at 2 51-60 years old 0 0 6 10
services and 2 manufacturing firms located in Last Education
Senior/Vocational High 0 0 10 16.67
Semarang. The population was 200 employees from School 24 40 20 33.33
either the services manufacturing firms. The research Associate’s Degree (D3) 32 53.33 25 41.67
sample was 120 respondents consisting of 60 Undergraduate 4 6.67 5 8.33
respondents from service firm employees and 60 from Graduate/Post-Graduate
the manufacturing firm. The method of data collection Length of Work
was done with questionnaires regarding OCBE with 5 1-5 years 25 41.67 20 33.33
Likert scales from strongly disagree to strongly agree. 6-10 years 23 38.33 30 50
>10 years 12 20 10 16.67
(Source: primary data, processed)
Advances in Economics, Business and Management Research, volume 100
Based on the table, it can be seen that the number of OCBE is a voluntary behavior of employees without
female respondents is higher in service firms (40%) than being followed by rewards that lead to the environment;
in manufacturing firms (18%). Whereas, 53.33% of the and the result shows that the proposed hypothesis in
last education of respondents in service firms is which there average differences of OCBE between
Undergraduate graduates while in manufacturing firms employees in service and manufacturing firms is
are dominated by Associate’s Degree graduates with supported. Based on three categories of OCBE (eco
41.67%. From the length of work, most of the initiatives, eco civic engagement and eco helping)
respondents in both services (41.67%) and services firms higher than manufacturing firms.
manufacturing firms (33.33%) have worked from 1-5
The testing result of hypothesis which proposed that The researchers thank to Indonesia General
there are differences of OCBE between employees in Directorate of Higher Education and Employess of
service and manufacturing firms can be observed in the Services and Manufacturing Firms who have
following table : participated.
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Management Practices And Organizational