Disciplines and Ideas in The Applied Social Sciences: Senior High School
Disciplines and Ideas in The Applied Social Sciences: Senior High School
Disciplines and Ideas in The Applied Social Sciences: Senior High School
What I Need to Know
What I Know
Multiple Choice. Write only the letter of your choice in
your notebook.
a. Audiences b. Information Sources
c. Social Media d. Age Range
_____7. This uses symbols, words, pictures, facial expressions, hand
signs, graphics, body language, etc.
a. Community b. Communication
c. Individuals d. Organization
_____8. Commonly categorized based on region and skin color.
a. Race and Ethnicity b. Age Range
c. Job Type d. Health Status
_____9. Which does not belong to the group?
a. Individuals b. Group/Organizations
c. Community d. None of the above
_____10. This is the first thing to be considered for the message to be
a. Graphics b. The medium of Communication
c. Primary Language d. Individual
_____11. A client of communication that tends to have
communication needs that are specific to them.
a. Group and organization b. Community
c. Individual d. Clienteles
_____12. This is the client of communication in which message has to
be responsive to the need and must gain access to communication
instructions and technologies.
a. Individuals b. Group and organizations
c. Community d. None of the above
_____13. This is important especially in communication materials that
involve graphics and photos to reflect the demographics of the
a. Design b. Sound c. Infographics d. Advertisements
_____14. If your target audiences are younger, what is the most
appropriate medium use?
a. Emails b. Memos c. Meetings d. Social Media
_____15. Which of the following is FALSE about communication?
a. Community requires to interact with other people.
b.Communication is simple.
c. Communication can be formal and informal.
d.None of the above
A. Identification: Read each question carefully and identify the
correct answer.
_________1. The transfer of information from one place, person, or
group to another.
_________2. It helps instill confidence to your client that their needs
and concerns will be addressed
_________3. The more you provide regular updates to the client and
keep them in-the-know the more client.
_________4. Each generation sets its own trends and has its own
cultural impact.
_________5. Describes shared cultures like values, practices, and
_________6. An audience with limited ________ skills may find it
difficult to communicate effectively.
_________7. The primary means of making communication easy.
_________8. Paying close attention to your clients and always put
yourself in their shoes is the best way to practice empathy.
_________9. A person or organization using the services of other
professional person or company.
_________10. True or False. Honesty is the best policy to gain the
client’s trust and confidence in your service.
What’s In
What’s New
What is It
It is the status that a person enjoys in a
communication context. One may be a president
Social Position or leader, middle manager, a colleague, or a
subordinate in an organization of the
Language is the primary means of making
Individual communication easy. It helps express ideas and
Counselling feelings of a person to another and paves the
way to make a good relationship.
Being able to communicate effectively and
accurately is important because it does not only
Educational convey information but also modifies attitude
Level and stimulates thinking. An audience with
limited literacy skills may find it difficult to
communicate effectively.
is important in the delivery and receiving of
information. The ability of the person to
effectively transfer information and accurately
Health Status understand the information given may change if
there is a condition that hinders the person to
communicate. For example, disability in
Age is very important to consider. When a
group of individuals grows up at the same time,
they most likely share many of the same
Age Range experiences, common values, beliefs, and
attitudes. This is called cultural generations.
Each cultural generation sets its trends and has
its impact on communication.
The race is commonly categorized based on
Race and
region (e.g., Chinese or American) or skin color
(e.g., black or white), and religion. Ethnicity,
on the other hand, describes shared cultures like
values, practices, and beliefs.
An audience with no access to computers may
Job Type not be effective in disseminating materials
through internet sites.
Information The availability or accessibility of information.
What I Can Do
Look at the pictures carefully and say something about the picture.
Please write at least two (2) sentences. Write your answer in your
https://www.123rf.com/photo_71969185_stock -vector-two-cartoon-men-talking.html
A. Multiple Choice. Write only the letter of your choice
in your notebook.
_____1. The status that a person enjoys in a communication context.
a. educational level b. age range c. social status d. organization
_____2. Each cultural generation sets its trends and has an impact on
a. Social Media b. Age Range c. Job Type d. Community
_____4. It requires reading skills and health literacy and the ability to
engage in complex and unfamiliar topics. An audience with limited
literacy skills may find it difficult to communicate effectively.
a. Education Level b. Job type c. Information Sources d.
_____5. It hinders the ability of the person to effectively sends and
receive information.
a. Job Type b. Primary Language
c. Individuals d. Health Status
_____6. The availability or accessibility of information.
a. Audiences b. Information Sources
c. Social Media d. Age Range
_____7. This uses symbols, words, pictures, facial expressions, hand
signs, graphics, body language, etc.
a. Community b. Communication
c. Individuals d. Organization
_____8. Commonly categorized based on region and skin color.
a. Race and Ethnicity b. Age Range
c. Job Type d. Health Status
_____9. Which does not belong to the group?
a. Individuals b. Group/Organizations
c. Community d. None of the above
_____11. A client of communication that tends to have
communication needs that are specific to them.
a. Group and organization b. Community
c. Individual d. Clienteles
_________6. An audience with limited ________ skills may find it
difficult to communicate effectively.
_________7. The primary means of making communication easy.
_________8. Paying close attention to your clients and always put
yourself in their shoes is the best way to practice empathy.
_________9. A person or organization using the services of other
professional person or company.
_________10. True or False. Honesty is the best policy to gain the
client’s trust and confidence in your service.
Additional Activities
Give a communicator or journalist you know and cite their good
characteristics in one paragraph. Write your answer in your notebook.
Disciplines and Ideas in
the Applied Social
Quarter 4 – Module 2
I. Modified Identification.
Directions: Read and understand each item carefully. Choose your
answers in the box and write the letter of your choice in your
___7. An individual, group, or organization who initiates the
___8. A setting wherein communication media channels are essential
to attain good governance.
___9. It involves sending messages or information, as words, sounds,
or images from one point to another, usually over great distances,
using electronic media.
___10. A setting wherein communication media channels are the
medium of instruction and socialization.
What’s In
Communication is an integral aspect in everyone’s life. It
underlies all human behavior and activities. In general, professions
and industries have grown around the communication process.
Communication has three types of clienteles and its needs, namely:
First, Individuals who needs good communication skills to be able to
establish good relationship with others. Second, Groups and
Organizations that needs more knowledge and understanding to be
able to arrive at a decision or course of action. Lastly, Communities
that needs to gain access to communication infrastructure and
This module will provide an overview of communication as a
field of study, profession and practice, as a part of business,
government, culture and other aspects of social life, and as an industry
itself. It covers the topics such as communication process,
communication methods and settings and the different media
What’s New
Instructions: Arrange the jumbled words below to form a meaningful
word. Write your answer in your notebook.
What is It
Communication Process
The communication process is the guide toward realizing
effective communication. It is through the communication process
that the sharing of a common meaning between the sender and the
receiver takes place. Individuals that follow the communication
process will have the opportunity to become more productive in every
aspect of their profession. Effective communication leads to
The communication process is made up of four key components.
Those components include encoding, medium of transmission,
decoding, and feedback. There are also two other factors in the
process, and those two factors are present in the form of the sender
and the receiver. The communication process begins with the sender
and ends with the receiver.
The sender is an individual, group, or organization who initiates
the communication. This source is initially responsible for the success
of the message. The sender's experiences, attitudes, knowledge, skill,
perceptions, and culture influence the message. "The written words,
spoken words, and nonverbal language selected are paramount in
ensuring the receiver interprets the message as intended by the
sender" (Burnett & Dollar, 1989). All communication begins with the
The first step the sender is faced with involves the encoding
process. In order to convey meaning, the sender must begin encoding,
which means translating information into a message in the form of
symbols that represent ideas or concepts. This process translates the
ideas or concepts into the coded message that will be communicated.
The symbols can take on numerous forms such as, languages, words,
or gestures. These symbols are used to encode ideas into messages
that others can understand.
When encoding a message, the sender has to begin by deciding
what he/she wants to transmit. This decision by the sender is based on
what he/she believes about the receivers’ knowledge and assumptions,
along with what additional information he/she wants the receiver to
have. It is important for the sender to use symbols that are familiar to
the intended receiver.
A good way for the sender to improve encoding their message, is to
mentally visualize the communication from the receiver's point of
To begin transmitting the message, the sender uses some kind of
channel (also called a medium). The channel is the means used to
convey the message. Most channels are either oral or written, but
currently visual channels are becoming more common as technology
expands. Common channels include the telephone and a variety of
written forms such as memos, letters, and reports. The effectiveness of
the various channels fluctuates depending on the characteristics of the
communication. For example, when immediate feedback is necessary,
oral communication channels are more effective because any
uncertainties can be cleared up on the spot. In a situation where the
message must be delivered to more than a small group of people,
written channels are often more effective. Although in many cases,
both oral and written channels should be used because one
supplements the other.
If a sender relays a message through an inappropriate channel,
its message may not reach the right receivers. That is why senders
need to keep in mind that selecting the appropriate channel will
greatly assist in the effectiveness of the receiver's understanding. The
sender's decision to utilize either an oral or a written channel for
communicating a message is influenced by several factors. The sender
should ask him or herself different questions, so that they can select
the appropriate channel. Is the message urgent? Is immediate feedback
needed? Is documentation or a permanent record required? Is the
content complicated, controversial, or private? Is the message going to
someone inside or outside the organization? What oral and written
communication skills does the receiver possess? Once the sender has
answered all of these questions, they will be able to choose an
effective channel.
After the appropriate channel or channels are selected, the
message enters the decoding stage of the communication process.
Decoding is conducted by the receiver. Once the message is received
and examined, the stimulus is sent to the brain for interpreting, in
order to assign some type of meaning to it. It is this processing stage
that constitutes decoding. The receiver begins to interpret the symbols
sent by the sender, translating the message to their own set of
experiences in order to make the symbols meaningful. Successful
communication takes place when the receiver correctly interprets the
sender's message.
The receiver is the individual or individuals to whom the
message is directed. The extent to which this person comprehends the
message will depend on a number of factors, which include the
following: how much the individual or individuals know about the
topic, their receptivity to the message, and the relationship and trust
that exists between sender and receiver. All interpretations by the
receiver are influenced by their experiences, attitudes, knowledge,
skills, perceptions, and culture. It is similar to the sender's relationship
with encoding.
Feedback is the final link in the chain of the communication
process. After receiving a message, the receiver responds in some way
and signals that response to the sender. The signal may take the form
of a spoken comment, a long sigh, a written message, a smile, or some
other action. "Even a lack of response, is in a sense, a form of
response" (Bovee & Thill, 1992). Without feedback, the sender cannot
confirm that the receiver has interpreted the message correctly.
Feedback is a key component in the communication process
because it allows the sender to evaluate the effectiveness of the
message. Feedback ultimately provides an opportunity for the sender
to take corrective action to clarify a misunderstood message.
"Feedback plays an important role by indicating significant
communication barriers: differences in background, different
interpretations of words, and differing emotional reactions" (Bovee &
Thill, 1992).
Methods of Communication
The standard method of communication is verbal
communication which involves speaking or writing by a sender and
listening or reading the receiver. Most communication is oral, with
one party speaking and others listening.
However, some forms of communication do not directly involve
spoken or written language. Nonverbal communication (body
language) consists of actions, gestures, and other aspects of physical
appearance that, combined with facial expressions (such as smiling or
frowning), can be powerful means of transmitting messages. At times,
a person's body may be “talking” even as he or she maintains silence.
And when people do speak, their bodies may sometimes say different
things than their words convey. A mixed message occurs when a
person's words communicate one message, while nonverbally, he or
she is communicating something else.
acceptable and principled resolution of public disputes. Among the
attributes of good governance are transparency, accountability,
participatory leadership, efficiency, and a capacity for consensus-
building and conflict management.
It is easy to see that communication is essential to good
governance. A responsible and responsive government provides its
citizens with timely, accurate, clear, and complete information about
programs, services, and policies. It ensures that the institutions of
government are visible and accessible to the citizenry.
3. Civil Society
Civil society refers to the space for collective action around
shared interests, purposes and values, generally distinct from
government and commercial for-profit actors. Civil society includes
charities, development NGOs, community groups, women's
organizations, faithbased organizations, professional associations,
trade unions, social movements, coalitions and advocacy groups
Like the private sector, NGOs need to communicate to their
various audiences and stakeholders. They have to maintain their
visibility and ensure their influence or impact in the area of their
common language and common cultural traditions-but is also a vision
of what is good for the community.
Communication Channel
“A communication channel refers either to a physical transmission
medium such as a wire, or to a logical connection over a multiplexed
medium such as a radio channel in telecommunications and computer
networking. “
“A channel is used to convey an information signal, for example a
digital bit stream, from one or several senders (or transmitters) to one
or several receivers. “
• Social media sites, such as Facebook, Twitter, etc.
• The streaming of video and audio files, including both
commercial film and music and user-generated media
content (such as the videos on Youtube). •
Digital/satellite and “smart” television (especially those
that facilitate some interactivity).
• Computer games and particularly online gaming.
• Apps for mobile telephones and tablets.
1. telephone network
2. the radio broadcasting system
3. computer networks
4. the Internet.
What’s More
Encoding Feedback
Medium of transmission
Decoding Nonverbal
1. 1.
2. 2.
3. 3.
4. 4.
I have learned that _________________________________________
What I Can Do
Using the graphic organizer below, differentiate the
communication media channels by giving specific settings and
situations where the communication media channels are used.
Media Channels
Mass Media tions
New media
and social
I. Modified Identification.
Directions: Read and understand each item carefully. Choose your
answers in the box and write the letter of your choice in your
___12. Feedback ultimately provides an opportunity for the sender to
take corrective action to clarify a misunderstood message.
___13. For communication to happen, it is always in verbal form.
___14. Through constant communication, communities are able to
share and foster not only cultural identity but also a vision of what is
good for the community.
___15. Mass media can reach large and vast audiences.
Additional Activities
How do you communicate with your loved ones? Do you find it
easier to connect with them in today’s generation? Why do you say
so? Write your answer in your notebook.
Disciplines and Ideas in the Applied Social Sciences by Ritchel B.Bernardo and Christian Ranche 1 st
Ed. / JFS Publishing Services, ISBN: 978-621415-005-2, pp.114-117.
Disciplines and Ideas in the Applied Social Sciences, Ma. Lourdes F. Melegrito, PhD, et. al, pages
https://www.dictionary.com/browse/telecommunications Civil
https://www.who.int/social_determinants/themes/civilsociety/en/#:~:text=Civil%20society%20 refers
Process of Communication
Nick Sanchez
https://web.njit.edu/~lipuma/352comproc/comproc.htm#:~:text=The%20communication%20p rocess
%20is%20made,the%20sender%20and%20the%20receiver. Methods of Communication
communication#:~:text=The%20standard%20methods%20of%20communication,party%20s peaking
%20and%20others%20listening.&text=A%20mixed%20message%20occurs%20whe n,she%20is
Disciplines and Ideas in
the Applied Social
Quarter 4 – Module 3
Explain each of the functions of applied social sciences.
HUMSS_DIASS 12-llb-d-42
Identify situations that would require or necessitate the
performance of the various functions in local /Philippine
What I Know
Directions: Read each item carefully. Write the word TRUE if the
statement is correct and FALSE if it is wrong. Use your notebook to
write your answers.
What’s In
Directions: Drill: FACT OR BLUFF on Communication Media
1. Communication involves the giving and receiving information and
2. Communication is not an interest based.
3. In mass media, audience are obliged to pay attention or give
4. Blogging and social networking are the most prominent forms of
social media.
5. Mass media does not contain much of the sender, message, and
What’s New
What is It
How can Applied Social Sciences help us?
- includes actions that affects the persons’ awareness and
12 Steps to Self-development:
➢ Self-esteem
➢ Wellness
➢ Communications
➢ Relationships
➢ Sense of Humor
➢ Attitude
➢ Assertiveness
➢ Job Skills
➢ Excellence
➢ Self-management
➢ Creativity
➢ Leadership
- can attempt to influence a person’s beliefs, attitudes, intention,
motivation or behaviors.
- It is a symbolic process in which communicators try to convince
other people to change their attitudes or behavior regarding an
issue through the transmission of a message in an atmosphere of
free choice.
- is a process by which children and adults learn more from
- preparation for social praxis in the present and emerging
contexts in as much as it is an essential means to economic and
human capital development for individuals and communities.
News and Information
- is a packaged information about current events happening
somewhere else.
- Is a powerful driver of development.
order, facilitated the communication between the minds of every age,
thereby inestimably promoting the accumulation, criticism, and the
diffusion of knowledge.
What’s More
1. ____________ 2. _______________ 3. _______________
4._________________ 5.____________________
Processing Questions:
1. As senior high school student, what can you contribute to lessen
the social issues in your community?
2. If you were in this situation, how are you going to deal with the
problem encountered?
3. How can you apply the things you have learned in the school to
solve the problem in your community?
What I Can Do
A. Directions: Reflect on the song entitled “Estudyante
Blues” by Freddie Aguilar. Answer the questions that follow
and write it in your notebook.
Estudyante Blues
By: Freddie Aguilar
Ako ang nakikita, Ako ang nasisisi, Ako ang laging may kasalanan
Paggising sa umaga, Sermon ang almusal, Bago pumasok sa eskwela
Kapag nangangatwiran, Ako'y pagagalitan, 'Di ko alam ang gagawin
Ako'y sunud-sunuran, Ayaw man lang pakinggan, Nasasaktan ang
Ako'y walang Kalayaan, Sunod sa utos lamang
Pag-galing sa eskwela, Diretso na ng bahay
Wala naman akong aabutan, Wala doon si Nanay
Wala doon si Tatay, Katulong ang naghihintay
Processing Questions:
1.What is the song all about?
2.How do you relate yourself to this song?
3.How can you address those problems through counseling, social
work and communication?
Directions: Read each item carefully. Write the word TRUE if the
statement is correct and FALSE if it is wrong. Use your notebook to
write your answers.
_____3. Disaster risks cannot be prevented and mitigated through the
use of the applied social sciences.
_____4. Social media is not a powerful channel of communication.
_____5. The following are social workers’ roles in direct service:
social broker, enabler, therapist, documenter, and mobilizer.
_____6. Journalism’s first obligation is to the truth.
_____7. The applied social sciences can help persuade people to
change their beliefs, attitudes and behavior.
_____8. Primary settings in social work practice include the schools,
hospitals, correlational facilities, human resource departments,
corporations, government planning departments, and political
_____9. Social work focuses only on individual and personal problems.
_____10. The applied social sciences can introduce ways to achieve
long lasting peace through a practitioner’s knowledge and
application of the political processes that include peace-
building processes and conflict management mechanisms.
_____11. The impact of climate change to society and its overarching
effect on the Philippines can be easily understood through the
application of the social sciences.
_____12. Counseling allows us to understand one’s personality
including various problems and issues that may affect an
_____13. In business organizations and public relations organizations,
applied social scientists are important because they serve as
market research.
_____14. Entertainment-oriented programs are not important to
_____15. The way we perceive or view things, people, events and our
environment is influenced by our values.
Disciplines and Ideas in
the Applied Social
Quarter 4 – Module 4
➢ analyze the effects of applied social sciences processes on
individuals, groups, and society (HUMSS_DIASS 12-IIe-f-44)
➢ evaluate the effects of certain program or projects on
knowledge, attitude, and behavior of individuals, groups, and
society (HUMSS_DIASS 12-IIe-i-45)
➢ synthesize the learning from the course and its applications to
the learner (HUMSS_DIASS 12-IIj-46)
What I Know
✓ Before the chapter study. Read and understand each item carefully.
✓ Answer whether you agree or disagree with the statement. Put
check mark (√) if you agree and (X) if you disagree.
✓ Answer directly on your notebook.
Statements √ or X
1. Attitude and value change are not one
of the effects of applied social sciences
2. Through the applied social sciences,
people have developed ways to
understand one’s self and the other people
3. Counseling allows us to understand
one’s personality including various
problems and issues that may affect an
4. “Bahala na habit” always has a
negative implication.
5. Through media, people became more
aware on the different issues faced by the
6. Social workers provide people affected
by disaster training on how to become
vulnerable to hazards on what they should
do before, during, after a disaster.
7. Risks of disasters can be prevented and
mitigated through the use of the applied
social sciences because it can provide us
information on what to do when disasters
happen in a community.
8. Disaster risk reduction is not a
completely individual effort as it can also
be fostered by social networks.
9. Earthquake drill does not prepare you
to make the most appropriate decisions to
ensure your safety during earthquake.
10. The applied social sciences allow us
to understand various social phenomena
and because of this, people can make
significant changes in their attitudes and
values to prevent the occurrence of
various natural and social problems.
What’s In
What’s New
“Take a few minutes to reflect on your personal experience with any
service of social science practitioners and any function of applied
social sciences. How has counseling, social work, communication
channel, or any of the functions in society affected your personal life?
Or how has it influenced your life as a student?”
What is It
- creates a generation barrier where different generations
can rarely
- makes people vulnerable to hackers, viruses and identity
➢ Attitude and value change: i.e., disaster risk reduction and the
bahala na habit
✓ Disaster Risk Reduction
- People’s perceptions of natural, spiritual, and social
phenomena are socially constructed.
- Disaster risk reduction is not a completely individual effort
as it can also be fostered by social networks.
What’s More
1.You will write in your notebook your most significant learning
about the topic discussed.
2.You are going to evaluate the learning you have gained from the
topic discussed where:
“5” as the highest “1” as the lowest
(5 – outstanding to 1 – poor or no learning at all)
1.After studying the course, Disciplines and Ideas in the Applied
Social Sciences, you will write your thoughts and learnings in color
coded papers.
GREEN: Best Learning
YELLOW: Best Feelings
WHITE: Personal Realizations
ORANGE: Further Questions
2.Each paper must contain at least 3 paragraphs and must contain not
less than 300 words.
3.Your performance will be graded using the rubrics for individual
work attached below.
4.Note: 5% of the total score will be automatically deducted if your
essay is less than 300 words.
Academic connection between class content between
Concepts between experience and (concepts/theori experience and
experience and class content e s) but remains class content
class content (concepts/theori superficial or (concepts/theori
(concepts/theor es); evidence of abstract es) or literature
ies ) and application of
literature; theory.
evidence of
application of
theory and
of perspective
Evidence Articulates Articulates new Limited/superfi No evidence of
of transformation understanding/in cial insight insights about
Developme of their sights about self about self or self or particular
nt perspective of or particular particular issue/concept/
themselves or issue/concept/ issue/concept/ problem as a
about a problem as a problem as a result of
particular result of result of experience
issue/concept/ experience experience
problem as a
result of
Clarity Consistently Mostly detailed Some words are Consistently
accurate and and mostly clear inaccurate or inaccurate or
clear wording writing and ambiguous. ambiguous
and sentence sentence Confusing wording,
structure. structure. sentence confusing
structure. sentence
Adapted from: https://brocku.ca/pedagogical-innovation/wp-
What I Can Do
✓ Do you think applied social sciences processes have effects to
individuals, groups, and society? Put a check mark on the
column if you think that it has an effect to individuals, groups, and
✓ Copy and answer on your notebook.
Does it have an Does it have Does it
Applied Social effect on the an effect on have an
Sciences individual/person? groups/ effect on
Processes communities? the
1. Counseling
2. Social Work
3. Communication
✓ After the chapter study. Read and understand each item carefully.
✓ Answer whether you agree or disagree with the statement. Put
check mark (√) if you agree and (X) if you disagree.
✓ Answer directly in your notebook.
Statements √ or X
1. Attitude and value change is not one of the effects of
applied social sciences processes.
2. Through the applied social sciences, people have
developed ways to understand one’s self and the other
people around.
3. Counseling allows us to understand one’s personality
including various problems and issues that may affect an
4. “Bahala na habit” always has a negative implication.
5. Through media, people became more aware on the
different issues faced by the country.
6. Social workers provide people affected by disaster
training on how to become vulnerable to hazards on what
they should do before, during, after a disaster.
7. Risks of disasters can be prevented and mitigated
through the use of the applied social sciences because it
can provide us information on what to do when disasters
happen in a community.
8. Disaster risk reduction is not a completely individual
effort as it can also be fostered by social networks.
9. Earthquake drill does not prepares you to make the
most appropriate decisions to ensure your safety during
10. The applied social sciences allows us to understand
various social phenomena and because of this , people can
make significant changes in their attitudes and values to
prevent the occurrence of various natural and social
Social Media - forms of electronic communication such as websites
through which users create online communities to share
information, ideas, personal messages, and other content (such
as videos)
https://prezi.com/r3ltyf4rcjui/applied-social-sciences/ accessed August 5, 2020.
https://www.scribd.com/document/370042062/Effects-of-Applied-Social-Science accessed
August 8, 2020.