Flooding Impacts On The Bridges - An Overview
Flooding Impacts On The Bridges - An Overview
Flooding Impacts On The Bridges - An Overview
Syed Ali Shahbaz Shah
a: Department Of Civil Engineering, University Of Engineering & Technology Taxila, [email protected]
Abstract- Because of climate change and global warming, risks associated with floods
impose greater damages to infrastructure projects especially in case of bridges.
Destruction to these projects impacts local community and overall economy of the
country. So, the overall goal of this paper is to propose a design of bridge that will resist
every kind of flood. Unfortunately, if a bridge gets affected due to flood, my aim also
includes to provide mitigation measures. The specific purpose of my current research is
to identify the causes and effects of floods and provide adopted mitigation measures
during past floods in different areas worldwide. To achieve this purpose, I thoroughly
reviewed more than 20 peer reviewed articles of W platinum category. Major causes and
flooding impacts were identified during critical review. Then empirical finding are drawn
in which scouring showed seismic behavior on the bridge. Due to scouring,
seismic forces caused bridge piers to be displaced resulting in destruction of the
bridge. The obtained results are expected to be beneficial in general for similar
bridges under the same multi-hazard conditions.
Keywords- Flood effects, causes, scouring, bridge piers, mitigation
1 Introduction
Flood is ruinous hazard that is increasing as a results of temperature change and warming day by day. Bridges
are main course of movement over the rivers and floods in rivers affect the bridges. Several bridges folded
because of floods since the history. For example, cyclones and floods in Australia (2010–2012), hurricanes
named Ivan in 2004, Katrina in 2005, Ike of year 2008, Sandy in 2012 while Harvey, Irma and Maria which
happened in 2017, Florence (2018), tsunamis in the Indian Ocean in 2004 and Tohoku (2011), and typhoon of
Haiyan which occurred in 2013 resulted in destruction and collapse of plenty of bridges [5]. The impacts of
flooding have been aggravated in recent years by increase in population which implies increase of water tight
surfaces, unplanned land use flooding vulnerable areas and temperature change. Rain events that cause flooding
have become a lot of frequent and intense because of overall urbanization. Because of this development, floods
and scour are the most vital cause of bridge failures (>50% of all failures).
Human-being is making atmosphere worst in search of advance technologies. Greenhouse gas-induced climate
change in one of the example which is causing to boost the hydrological cycles. It results in higher water-
adoption capacity of the atmosphere which causes heavy precipitation. More precipitation in the atmosphere
causes extreme floods [6]. The main cause of bridge collapse in the whole world is scouring, which is mainly
caused due to flooding. Almost 6000 bridges of the United States of America and 140 railway bridges in United
Kingdom failed from 1846 to 2013, reported by the effect of scouring. Scouring is a phenomenon in which
water removes material from the channel. Due to scouring, stability of the bridge foundation reduces. If the
scour depth becomes significant, threat for bridge collision increases due to un-stability of the foundation [7].
Figure 2- Water distribution of Fengxian bridge after 10 years with dotted piers computed [2, 4]
Although, scour is recognized as the main threat, hydrodynamic forces caused by floods due to excessive force
alongside scouring can also be as critical for bridge piers on bedrock and for the decks of all flooded bridges.
Any bridge failure, caused by flooding or any other reason, is crucial owners or responsible authorities, costing
money and time [8]. During the purposed life span of bridges, they are vulnerable to many hazards for example
hurricanes, earthquakes and flooding. Risk copping for highway bridges is getting importance from research
workers and policy-defining people to assess the service, sustainability and possible loss of bridges under
natural hazards. To overcome the impact of hazards, structural resilience must be kept in mind by considering
structural consistency before, during and after an extreme event [9]. River bridges maybe of many types like
pile supported, arched, cable supported and many others. In case of pile supported river bridges, changes occurs
in the foundation system due to loads caused by floods. These loads may persuade other changes like pressure
beneath the piles and may cause to a total collapse of the bridge. For example increasing flood load may cause
pressure on the foundation while causing scour too and the combine effect will cause just the collision of bridge.
Bridge scour is basically a process in which flooding causes the removal of soil particles from bed of the flow
channel which leads the structure to collapse. Increase in scour depth has worst effect on the supports of the
bridges. This process makes the bridges unstable hence making it potential threat for the public [10].
Table 1- Difference in water level with and without piers [2]
spell from July 27 to 30 in the north western part of Pakistan. As a result, more than 1900 people died with
enormous economic loss of billions US dollars [4]. Table 2 shows some damages in the some areas of District
Muzaffar Garh.
is also minimum. These methods mainly focus on particle size distribution. Scouring depth can also be reduced
by using riprap design[19]. As discussed above, collars can improve protection but these collars also depend
upon the flood period. For instance, chances for protected pier failure increased almost four 4x when flow
period increases about twenty percent. But in the presence of protection collars , the reliability of bridge piers ,
reliability of bridges increases lower flow velocity [20]. As for as climate change issue in concerned, people
must be aware of flood triggering caused by modern technologies and they must have open idea about the
devastation of flooding caused by pollution [12]. Due to atmospheric changes, flooding phenomenon in coming
era is expected to be aggressive and can cause greater depths of scour around bridge piers. As discussed above,
hydraulic structures must be designed to cop the floods up to the flood level [6].
5 Conclusion
Researches have shown that due to increasing flooding in the world, capacity of bridges must be enough to
withstand floods. Today’s empirical methods for guessing flood impact help to design bridges in flood hazard
areas. Backwater effect due to floods have catastrophic effects on bridge piers and piers must be designed to
bear the flood load. Scouring shows seismic behavior on the bridge. Due to scouring, seismic forces cause
bridge piers to be displaced resulting in destruction of the bridge.
Due to atmospheric changes, floods are increasing day by day hence increasing scour at bridge piers. So piers
must be designed in order to mitigate the scouring effect. So as discussed, data gathered from the flood events
all over the world provides better idea about the flood occurrence and scouring caused by it on bridges. So
bridges can be designed much better to withstand scouring.
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