Unit 10 - Week 9: Assignment 9
Unit 10 - Week 9: Assignment 9
Unit 10 - Week 9: Assignment 9
reviewer3@nptel.iitm.ac.in ▼
Unit 10 - Week
Assignment 9
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the portal assignment.
b) FIB is the original table populated by the routing algorithms used by control plane.
Week 3
c) It is the part of the routing table forwarded to other router.
Week 4
d) It is the part of the routing table stored in the end devices.
Week 5 No, the answer is incorrect.
Score: 0
Week 6
Accepted Answers:
a) FIB is a replica of the routing table used by interfaces.
Week 7
2) Where does FIB lookup happen? 1 point
Week 8
a) In the RAM
Week 9
b) In the graphics card
Lecture 41 : IP
Routers c) In the interfaces of the routers
Week 9 c) It uniformsPowered
the databy
plane across different brands.
Quiz : 4) Where do the routing protocols run in legacy routers (not SDN)? 1 point
Assignment 9
b) Controller software
c) Forwarding rule
d) Routing protocol
6) Which of the followings are true for the packet forwarding switch in the context of SDN? 1 point
b) Packet forwarding switches can take decision when the controllers are not reachable.
d) It allows the wildcard content which can be a part of the routing table.
10)Which of the following tools are used to setup emulated network? 1 point
a) Mininet
b) Wireshark
c) Network Namespace
d) tcpdump