Group/Individual Project Peer Evaluation Form: Hurting Those Who Did The Most and Helping Those Who Did The Least
Group/Individual Project Peer Evaluation Form: Hurting Those Who Did The Most and Helping Those Who Did The Least
Group/Individual Project Peer Evaluation Form: Hurting Those Who Did The Most and Helping Those Who Did The Least
If you want to award unequal marks to group members based on inadequate performance of some/all members
of your group then please complete this form with everyone present. If you do not want to complete this form for
your group, please complete it individually and email it to your tutor. This method should be used only in
extreme circumstances. Everyone in your group is reminded that each person may be assessed individually.
The best result is alerting your tutor to group issues you are having PRIOR to submission.
Assign scores that reflect how you feel about the extent to which the other members of your group contributed to
your group’s performance. This is your opportunity to acknowledge the members of your group that work hard on
your behalf. If you give everyone the same score when there is unequal contribution to the workload you will be
hurting those who did the most and helping those who did the least.
1. List the name of each team member.
2. Evaluate the contributions of each person to the project by giving a score out of five (5) for each of
the four categories.
Scores: 1 = Poor (little or no effort)
2 = Fair (makes an attempt)
3 = Average (meets minimum requirements)
4 = Great (strong contribution)
5 = Excellent (exceeds expectations)
a. Contribution = Completely assigned tasks and making a strong effort to contribute to the
final outcome of the group project
b. Quality = of work produced
c. Timeliness = ability to meet agreed contribution deadlines, attendance and participating
at meetings
d. Communication & Collaboration = ability to work effectively with the group, communicated
progress and work with the group, has a positive attitude to work and group members
date Draft Submitted
Final submitted