Online Learning in The Face of COVID-19 Pandemic: Assessment of Students' Satisfaction at Chitwan Medical College of Nepal

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Online Learning in the Face of COVID-19 Pandemic: Assessment of

Students’ Satisfaction at Chitwan Medical College of Nepal
Sharma K,1 Deo G,2 Timalsina S,3 Joshi A,1 Shrestha N,4 Neupane HC5

School of Nursing,
Online learning can play a vital role in the process of teaching and learning during
Corona Virus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic. However, learners’ satisfaction is
Department of Anesthesia,

extremely important in effective implementation of the online learning, especially at

Research Unit,
institutions where it is newly adopted.
Department of Community Medicine,
Department of Surgery,
To assess satisfaction towards online learning and its predictors among students at
Chitwan Medical College, Bharatpur.
Chitwan Medical College,
Bharatpur, Nepal.
A web-based cross-sectional survey was undertaken among 434 undergraduate and
postgraduate students from various academic programs who had participated in the
Corresponding Author online classes started during this COVID-19 pandemic. A structured questionnaire
consisting of 31 items (5-point Likert scale) covering four major student satisfaction
Kalpana Sharma domains (learners’ dimensions, technological characteristics, instructors’
School of Nursing, characteristics and course management and coordination) was distributed to the
students using Google Form.
Chitwan Medical College,
Bharatpur, Nepal.
More than half (53.5%) of the students were satisfied with the online learning, while
E-mail: [email protected] 29.7% gave neutral views. Bivariate analyses found that all four domains scores were
positively correlated with each other as well as with the students’ overall satisfaction
towards learning. In multivariate analysis, female gender [aOR: 2.72, p = 0.013], WiFi
Citation as internet modality for learning [aOR: 3.36, p = 0.001) and learners’ dimension score
Sharma K, Deo G, Timalsina S, Joshi A, Shrestha N,
[aOR: 1.27, p<0.001] were the significant predictors of students’ satisfaction.
Neupane HC. Online Learning in the Face of COVID-19
Pandemic: Assessment of Students’ Satisfaction at Conclusion
Chitwan Medical College, Nepal. Kathmandu Univ
Med J. 2020;COVID-19 Special Issue 70(2):40-7. Although recently adopted, the satisfaction of the students towards online classes
appears good, and prioritizing the identified predictors and working on the weak
links could assist in enhancing students’ satisfaction and better outcomes.

COVID-19 pandemic, Learners’ satisfaction, Online learning

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Original Article VOL. 18|NO. 2| ISSUE 70 |COVID-19 SPECIAL ISSUE| 2020

INTRODUCTION learning and consultation with experts in the field of

medical education.14,15 It consisted of four domains:
Corona Virus Disease 2019 (COVID-19), that started from
Learner’s dimension, Instructors’ characteristics,
Wuhan, China gained pandemic status on March 12, 2020.1
Technological characteristics and Course management and
The Government of Nepal decided to enforce countrywide
co-ordination. Learner’s dimension (9 items) measured
lockdown since March 24, 2020 in order to curtail the
the students’ characteristics. Instructors’ characteristics
spread of the corona virus.2 Since then, the lockdown
(9 items) measured teachers’ characteristics, frequency
has been extended several times and, has deleteriously
of interaction, feedback and way of content delivery.
affected several sectors including education. The pandemic
Technological characteristics (7 items) measured the
has led to disruption in teaching/learning activities globally.
effectiveness of electronic media during the content
The medical schools have not been spared either, with
delivery. Course management and co-ordination (4 items)
concerns about academic continuity and maintenance of
measured the curriculum components and learning material
efficiency of the health care system.3 Consequently; several
in the learning environment. Each item of the domains
medical institutions worldwide have been trying to adopt
was rated in 5-point Likert scale (Strongly Disagree-1,
innovative technology enabled online learning as core
Disagree-2, Neutral-3, Agree-4, and Strongly Agree-5).
method of teaching by making use of applications such as
There were 2 items (rated on 1 to 5 scale) at the end of
Zoom, Google Classroom and Google Docs among many
the questionnaire that measured the students’ overall
perception on helpfulness of online classes in context with
Evidences show that online learning can play the role of learning process and overall satisfaction toward online
catalyst for active learning, enhancing creativity, motivation learning. The questionnaire was then imported into Google
for learning and updating existing body of knowledge and Forms and was piloted among 50 students of different
communication.6,7 The transformation from traditional disciplines (who were not included in the final analysis).
learning to complete web-based learning, however To verify the reliability of the instrument, Cronbach’s alpha
presents several challenges to medical educators as well as was calculated using the pilot study data. One of the items
the students.8-10 Therefore, it is imperative to understand in course management and co-ordination domain ,“I feel
learners’ satisfaction towards online learning for effective difficulty in understanding the course content without face
implementation of the program. to face interaction” was removed because of its’ poor inter-
item correlation in the domain. The resultant Cronbach’s
Learners’, technological and instructors’ characteristics
alpha for the instrument was 0.89 indicating that the tool
along with course design and coordination significantly
was reliable for further study.
determine the learners’ satisfaction.11-13 We started online
classes for various academic programs at our medical All the eligible 577 (out of total 627 students) students
school since April 14 2020. This study aimed at assessing the were sent an email inviting them to participate in the
satisfaction for online learning among undergraduate and study. The email outlined the purpose, the voluntary
postgraduate students of our medical college and providing nature of participation and emphasized the anonymity
insights on steps necessary for further improvement. of the respondent. It also contained a web link to the
online survey form created using Google Forms. The form
was made accessible to the students from June 12 2020
METHODS to July 11, 2020. The survey response data was collected
This cross sectional survey included 1st and 2nd year online and was only available to the researchers in a non-
students of Chitwan Medical College (CMC) enrolled identifiable form. The data was exported to Microsoft Excel
in various Undergraduate (UG) and Postgraduate (PG) 2016 and was analyzed using IBM SPSS (Statistical Package
academic programs (except for Nursing programs, where for Social Sciences) version 20 for window.
students from 3rd and 4th year were also included), actively Standard descriptive statistics was used to describe the
involved in online learning. The UG programs included data, utilizing mean (SD) or frequency (percentage) as
Bachelor in Medicine and Bachelor in Surgery (MBBS), appropriate. The relationship between different domain
Bachelor in Dental Surgery (BDS), Bachelor in Public Health scores was expressed by Spearman’s rank correlation
(BPH), Bachelor in Pharmacy (B Pharmacy), Bachelor in coefficient. A multivariate logistic regression model was
Science in Nursing (B.Sc. Nsg), Bachelor in Nursing Science constructed to identify the predictors of overall satisfaction
(BNS) and Bachelor in Medical Laboratory Technology towards online classes. P value < 0.05 was considered to be
(B.Sc. MLT). The PG programs included Masters in Nursing statistically significant.
(MN) and Masters in Public Health (MPH). Ethical approval
was obtained from Chitwan Medical College Institutional
Review Committee (Ref. no: CMC-IRC 076/077-150). RESULTS
A structured self-administered questionnaire was Out of the 577 eligible participants, 434 responded and
developed based on prior literature that relate to online completed the survey in full with a response rate of 75.2%.

Page 41

The mean age of the students was 21.8 years (Range: 17 - Online Learning Domains
39 years). Majority of the students were females (77.6%),
Regarding learners’ dimension (domain 1), majority of
belonged to nuclear family (73.3%), and most of them the students agreed that they “need to be updated with
lived in municipality (90.6%). The highest proportion of the latest technology” (82.4%), “online class is effective to
the study participants were from B.Sc. Nursing Program bridge the gap of missed time period” (71.8%), they “got
(28.4%) and 1st and 2nd academic years i.e. 36.3% and 36.3% enough time to study on their own”, and it “enhances self-
respectively. studying habit” (61.5%). However, considerable proportion
A significant majority of the students (85.7%) had internet of the students were unbiased on the statements like
facility i.e. WiFi at their residence that they used during the “I feel confident and enjoy using the online platform
online classes. The remaining 14.3% (n = 62) primarily used applications” (35.7%), “I feel online learning is comfortable
data package from telecommunication service provider. and enjoyable” (32.9%), “I frequently interacted with other
The median number of classes per week was 16 (6 - 18). students and instructors during the courses” (28.6%).
The average number of classes attended by the students Furthermore, nearly one third of the students showed
per month was 40 (25 - 50). [Table 1] disagreement on the statements like “I feel online learning
is comfortable and enjoyable” (30.0%), “I frequently
Table 1. Baseline Characteristics of the Students (n=434) interacted with other students and instructors during the
courses” (28.6%). [Table 2]
Characteristics Number Percentage
Regarding instructors’ characteristics (domain 2), majority
of the students agreed that they are satisfied with the
Male 97 22.4 instructors’ supportiveness and responsiveness towards
Female 337 77.6 their questions (81.1%), accessibility and professional
Type of family behavior during the class (73.3%) and efforts in maintaining
Nuclear 318 73.3 distraction free classes (69.9%). However, a significant
Joint 116 26.7 proportion of the students were neutral on the statements
like “I like the instructors teaching ability with the use of
various communication techniques” (27.6%) and “I am
Municipality 393 90.6
satisfied with instructors providing clear instructions about
VDC 41 9.4
the course prior to the classes” (27.0%). Adding further,
Academic Year certain proportion of the students showed disagreement
1st 157 36.2 on the statements like “1 am satisfied with the instructors
2 nd
158 36.4 reviewing the topic covered in the previous sessions”
3rd 80 18.4 (17.3%) and “I am satisfied with the instructor pace of
4 th
39 9.0 punctuality in starting the starting the class” (15.0%).
[Table 2]
Undergraduate 391 90.1 Regarding domain 3, majority of the students agreed that
MBBS 94 21.9 online applications are easy to use (79.2%) and internet
B.Sc. Nsg 122 28.4
connection strength determines the effective learning
opportunity (76.3%). However, more than one third of the
BDS 40 9.3
students were neutral on the statements like “I feel the
BNS 65 15.1
response time from teachers and assistants is quicker in
BPH 49 11.4 online courses” (33.9%). Furthermore, more than two third
B Pharm 14 3.3 (73.7%) of the students disagreed on the statements like
BSc MLT 3 0.7 “I feel sudden interruption in delivering the information
Post graduate 43 9.9 due to technological error (internet) hinders the learning
MN 35 8.1 process” and 53.0% felt that “the internet charges is
MPH 8 1.9
expensive for online learning”. [Table 3]
Internet accessibility (WiFi) at home or residence Regarding domain 4, majority of the students agreed that
Yes 372 85.7 they are satisfied with the ability to contact concerned
No 62 14.3 department personnel via internet (67.7%), instructions
about student participation are clearly presented (65.2%)
Participation in class through
whereas, nearly one thirds of the students were not sure
WIFI 372 85.7
on the statements like “I feel the course materials are
Data Package 62 14.3 accessible after the completion of each classes” (27.6).
In addition, 19.8% of the students disagreed on the
statements like “I feel the course materials are accessible
after the completion of each class”[Table 3].

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Original Article VOL. 18|NO. 2| ISSUE 70 |COVID-19 SPECIAL ISSUE| 2020

Table 2. Distribution of Responses of the Students in Learners’ Dimension and Instructors’ Characteristics (n = 434)

Statements SD D N A SA Mean (SD)

Domain 1: Learner’s Dimension
I feel confident and enjoy using the online platform applications 23 (5.3) 66 (15.2) 155 (35.7) 161 (37.1) 29 (6.7) 3.2 (0.9)
I feel students need to be trained before undergoing online learning 16 (3.7) 56 (12.9) 87 (20.0) 199 (45.9) 76 (17.5) 3.6 (1.0)
I feel students need to be updated with the latest technology 21 (4.8) 12 (2.8) 43 (9.9) 212 (48.8) 146 (33.6) 4.0 (0.9)
I feel online learning orients my study plan and enhances students’ 31 (7.1) 65 (15.0) 121 (27.9) 170 (39.2) 47 (10.8) 3.3 (1.1)
motivation, creativity, cognitive skills and problem solving skills
I feel online learning is comfortable and enjoyable 33 (7.6) 97 (22.4) 143 (32.9) 126 (29.0) 35 (8.1) 3.1 (1.0)
I frequently interacted with other students and instructors during 31 (7.1) 86 (19.8) 124 (28.6) 171 (39.4) 22 (5.1) 3.1 (1.0)
the courses
I got enough time to study on my own, enhancing my self-studying 23 (5.3) 44 (10.1) 100 (23.0) 211 (48.6) 56 (12.9) 3.5 (1.0)
Online class is effective in bridging the gap of missed academic 16 (3.7) 32 (7.4) 74 (17.1) 212 (48.8) 100 (23.0) 3.8 (0.9)
The advantages of taking classes via internet outweighed the disad- 17 (3.9) 32 (7.4) 101 (23.3) 203 (46.8) 81 (18.7) 3.7 (1.0)
vantages during college lock down
Domain 2: Instructors’ Characteristics
I like the way my instructor make students feel a sense of belong- 15 (3.5) 26 (6.0) 111 (25.6) 248 (57.1) 34 (7.8) 3.6 (0.8)
I feel the instructors organization and preparation for class provides 14 (3.2) 36 (8.3) 109 (25.1) 238 (54.8) 37 (8.5) 3.6 (0.9)
comfortable learning environment
I like the instructors teaching ability with the use of various com- 14 (3.2) 46 (10.6) 120 (27.6) 214 (49.3) 40 (9.2) 3.5 (0.9)
munication technique
I like when instructor emphasizes in maintaining the distraction free 14(3.2) 21 (4.8) 96 (22.1) 245 (56.5) 58 (13.4) 3.7 (0.9)
I am satisfied with instructors providing clear instructions about the 12 (2.8) 40 (9.2) 117 (27.0) 216 (49.8) 49 (11.3) 3.6 (0.9)
course prior to the classes
I am satisfied with the instructors accessibility and professional 9 (2.1) 23 (5.3) 84 (19.4) 270 (62.2) 48 (11.1) 3.7 (0.8)
behaviour during the class
I am satisfied with the instructor pace of punctuality in starting the 17 (3.9) 48 (11.1) 108 (24.9) 199 (45.9) 62 (14.3) 3.5 (1.0)
starting the class
1 am satisfied with the instructors reviewing the topic covered in 22 (5.1) 53 (12.2) 99 (22.8) 210 (48.4) 50 (11.5) 3.5 (1.0)
the previous sessions
I am satisfied with the instructors supportiveness and responsive- 11 (2.5) 10 (2.3) 61 (14.1) 265 (61.1) 87 (20.0) 3.9 (0.8)
ness towards my questions
SD-Strongly disagree D-Disagree N-Neutral A-Agree SA-Strongly Agree
Overall Domain 1 mean score (SD): 31.5 (6.3) Overall Domain 2 mean score (SD): 32.7 (5.9)

Figure 1. Bar Diagrams Showing Overall Satisfaction of the Students towards Online Classes (n = 434)

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Table 3. Distribution of Responses of the Students in Technological Characteristics and Course Management and Coordination

Statements SD D N A SA Mean (SD)

Domain 3: Technological Characteristics
I feel the online applications is easy to use 14 (3.2) 14 (3.2) 62 (14.3) 257 (59.2) 87 (20.0) 3.9 (0.9)
I am satisfied with the quality of graphic aids such as sound and 16 (3.7) 33 (7.6) 100 (23.0) 222 (51.2) 63 (14.5) 3.6 (0.9)
picture (ppt) being displayed
I feel confident that classes will not be cancelled due to weather 107 (24.7) 117 (27.0) 109 (25.1) 73 (16.8) 28 (6.5) 2.5 (1.2)
I feel the response time from teachers is quicker in online courses 23 (5.3) 67 (15.4) 147 (33.9) 169 (38.9) 28 (6.5) 3.3 (1.0)
I feel internet connection strength determines our effective learn- 15 (3.5) 22 (5.1) 66 (15.2) 183 (42.2) 148 (34.1) 4.0 (0.9)
ing opportunity
I feel charges to connect to the internet is expensive 18 (4.1) 60 (13.8) 126 (29.0) 147 (33.9) 83 (19.1) 3.5 (1.1)
I feel sudden interruption in delivering the information due to 24 (5.5) 22 (5.1) 68 (15.7) 158 (36.4) 162 (37.3) 3.9 (1.1)
technological error (internet) hinders the learning process
Domain 4: Course Management and Coordination
I am satisfied with the content of topic covered during the classes 14 (3.2) 50 (11.5) 92 (21.2) 238 (54.8) 40 (9.2) 3.5 (0.9)
I feel the course materials are accessible after the completion of 20 (4.6) 66 (15.2) 120 (27.6) 194 (44.7) 34 (7.8) 3.4 (1.0)
each classes
Instructions about student participation are clearly presented 9 (2.1) 35 (8.1) 107 (24.7) 248 (57.1) 35 (8.1) 3.6 (0.8)
I am satisfied with the ability to contact concerned department 17 (3.9) 26 (6.0) 97 (22.4) 240 (55.3) 54 (12.4) 3.7 (0.9)
personnel via internet (mail, WhatsApp’s group etc.)
SD-Strongly disagree D-Disagree N-Neutral A-Agree SA-Strongly Agree
Overall Domain 1 mean score (SD): 24.8 (4.2) Overall Domain 2 mean score (SD): 14.2 (2.8)

The four domain scores had significant correlation with Table 4. Results of Multivariate Logistic Regression Analysis for
one another, Pearson’s correlation coefficient r ranging Satisfaction towards Online Learning (n=434)
from 0.54 - 0.67, p < 0.01. Upon further analysis, the
Predictor Variables Unstan- aOR (95% CI) p value
mean individual domain score for domains 1, 2 and 4 were dardized β
significantly higher in the postgraduate students compared
Age 0.001 1.00 (0.88-1.14) 0.992
to total undergraduate students (p <0.001). No significant
Female gender 1.002 2.72 (1.23-6.02) 0.013*
differences were observed between the scores of different Ref: Male
undergraduate programs.
Place of residence: Mu- 0.055 1.06 (0.38-2.96) 0.917
Overall Satisfaction nicipality
Ref: VDC
Two hundred and thirty two (53.5%) students were Type of family: Joint -0.061 0.94 (0.49-1.80) 0.853
satisfied or fully satisfied towards the online classes being Ref: Nuclear
conducted. Only 16.8% (n = 73) were dissatisfied or fully Internet modality used: 1.211 3.36 (1.60-7.03) 0.001*
dissatisfied with the online classes. The remaining 29.7% (n WiFi
Ref: Data package
= 129) gave neutral scores. [fig. 1]
Academic level: Post- 1.036 2.82 (0.41- 0.292
Model of Predictors for Satisfaction towards Online graduate 19.33)
Learning Ref: Undergraduate
Learners’ dimension 0.239 1.27 (1.16-1.39) <0.001*
The students who were neutral regarding satisfaction (Domain 1) score
towards online classes (n = 129) were excluded from the Instructors’ characteris- 0.053 1.05 (0.95-1.17) 0.314
analysis. There were 232 participants in the satisfied group tics (Domain 2) score
and 73 participants in the dissatisfied group. In univariate Technological characteris- 0.013 1.01 (0.89-1.15) 0.832
analysis, age, female gender, modality of internet tics (Domain 3) score
facility used for online classes: WiFi, level of academia: Course management and 0.017 1.08 (0.90-1.30) 0.414
postgraduate, individual domain scores were significantly co-ordination (Domain
4) score
associated with satisfaction. Place of residence, type of
family, type of undergraduate program had no significant Ref: Reference category, VDC: Village Development Committee,
aOR: adjusted Odds ratio
relationship with satisfaction. In multivariate analysis,
female gender [aOR: 2.72, 95% CI: 1.23 - 6.02, p = 0.013],
WiFi as the internet modality users for online classes [aOR:

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Original Article VOL. 18|NO. 2| ISSUE 70 |COVID-19 SPECIAL ISSUE| 2020

3.36, 95% CI: 1.60 - 7.03, p = 0.001) and learners’ dimension and technical support hindered users from making full
score [aOR: 1.27, 95% CI: 1.16 - 1.39, p = <0.001] were the utilization of system affecting the learner’s satisfaction.24,25
significant predictors of students’ satisfaction adjusted for Our students also had good agreement with the statement
all the other variables. The variables included in the model that “online learning provides them enough time to self-
explained 55.2% variability in the model (Nagelkerke R2 = study and enhancing their self-studying habit”. Liaw et
0.552) [Table 4]. al. also reported a close relationship between learning
at one’s own pace and students’ satisfaction towards the
Lastly, a majority (89.8%) of the students answered that
learning process.26
they would like to continue the online classes during this
COVID-19 pandemic, when asked upon their views. Majority of our students agreed that they were satisfied with
the instructors’ supportiveness, professional behaviour
and efforts in maintaining distraction free classes. A study
DISCUSSION in Bangladesh showed that the teachers’ performance
The current state of alarm due to the COVID-19 pandemic significantly influences the students’ satisfaction in online
has led to abrupt changes in the education system of platform.27 Likewise, Goh et al. concluded that interaction
medical students; a shift from traditional to online learning. with instructors is positively related to learning outcome and
The use of information technology (IT) in the current satisfaction.28 Similarly, access to technology is one of the
situation can be a solution for educational institutions and most important factors influencing student satisfaction.29
students to continue and improve the learning process, Evidences also showed that better quality of internet,
with acquisition of new skills. However, retaining students proper availability of technical assistance and quality of
is a greater challenging problem for on-line courses than it online program positively influence students’ satisfaction
is for face-to-face courses.16 Hence, it has been a concern in towards e-learning.30,31 In our study, the provision of WiFi as
medical education institutions in Nepal. learning modality (which indirectly means better internet
compared to data packages in Nepal) is one of the strongest
We found that only 53.5% of students were satisfied with predictors of students’ satisfaction. This finding is supported
online learning, with almost 30% giving neutral views. Our by other studies, where internet bandwidth, connectivity,
satisfaction rate was lower compared to other studies, availability of devices, downloadable resources, and mobile
where satisfaction rates as high as 93.4% have been data connection were the key challenges to students’
reported.17,18 On the contrary, a systematic review has satisfaction on e-learning.32,33 Furthermore, our students
reported extremely low level of satisfaction (14.0%) among suggested that efforts should be made from stakeholders
health profession students (e.g. medicine, dentistry, regarding the provision of cost-effective, high-speed data
pharmacy and allied medical sciences) towards online services from telecommunication service providers and
learning compared to traditional learning.19 Furthermore, unlimited time in Zoom sessions to reduce distractions
Pourghaznein reported that students’ satisfaction from during online learning.
online learning was significantly lower than lecturing and
role-playing.20 The possible reasons could be that students Majority of our students were satisfied with the prompt
are more familiar with the traditional learning environment response from the concerned faculties and department
and students may feel that they are generally more isolated via internet and content of the classes. The efficiency
in the virtual learning environment. and effectiveness in delivering the e-learning based
components of a course is one of the most critical factors
In our study, a majority (89.8%) of the students agreed to students’ acceptance and success of the learning
to continue online classes, quite different from studies process.34 Online learning in medical education is very
done in Pakistan and Kuwait where they reported a challenging because of the fact that the students have to
lower preference (77.0% and 51.2% respectively) for learn and work directly with the patients (especially for the
continuation of online classes in the future.21,22 This might practical part). There are suggestions that some portion of
be due to the differences in cultures of learning system and practical/clinical classes be started through demonstration
its limitations in the development of skills using lab/clinical and presentation of related cases with simulation. It is
learning environment. In addition, our students might have evident in various studies that course materials prepared
preferred online learning in future to prevent the calendar by instructors considering students’ learning styles and
lag caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. learning methodology impacts the greatest in learner’s
Learners’ characteristics play an important role in the satisfaction.35,36
students’ satisfaction towards online learning. Students Our findings indicated that the four domains under
who are updated with the appropriate technologies consideration: learners dimension, instructors’
are able to continue their study smoothly, with greater characteristics, technological characteristics and course
satisfaction.23 Studies have pointed out that the students management and coordination all had positive relationship
need to be updated with the latest technology to fulfil with the overall satisfaction towards online learning, with
the targets of learning and needs and lack of training learners’ dimension being the strongest predictor where

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the findings are supported by other studies.37,38 In our could have yielded better results if a more diverse group of
study, female students had better satisfaction to the online respondents had been reached.
learning. Evidences have been variable, with reports of no
significant association between satisfaction and gender
to female gender being a strong predictor of satisfaction CONCLUSION
in online learning.39,40 It has been suggested that women Educational institutions in our county have recently
are oriented to openness for other’s proposals, willing to adopted online learning to carry forward the education
cooperate and prefer working in groups while men are activities during this COVID-19 pandemic. Student’s
more likely to solve problems on their own.40 The variation satisfaction is an important factor for successful e- learning
however, can be due to the cultural differences across adoption and effective outcome. Our study presents that
various countries. more than half of the students are satisfied with online
This research adds value to the existing literature, through learning. Learning domains such as learners’ dimension,
detailed analysis of students’ satisfaction towards e- technological characteristics, instructors’ characteristics
learning during the times of COVID-19 pandemic. It also and course management and coordination are significantly
provides some important practical insights into how associated with students overall satisfaction towards online
satisfaction and adherence to online learning be achieved in learning. Gender, internet modality as WIFI and learners
developing countries such as Nepal. Various factors need to dimension score tends to influence more on the learners’
be considered for successful implementation of e- learning satisfaction towards online learning. These factors need to
environment. Firstly, the e-learning system designers need be considered in unison while designing online learning
to make the system simple and user-friendly. Secondly, the program in order to increase the adoption and satisfaction
policy makers need to adopt new education policies and rate among the students.
regulations to promote e-learning system among students
and instructors in order to facilitate gradual transition from
traditional learning to e-learning. These factors, if positively ACKNOWLEDGEMENT
entertained, will result in the growth of online education in The authors acknowledge the support obtained from
our country in the coming decade. Our study has certain personnel from IT Department of the Chitwan Medical
limitations. The subjects of this study were from only one College (CMC).
college, this is a threat to the external validity. This study

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