Process Planning
Process Planning
Process Planning
precision, and faster turnaround for vital business tasks. A process is described
as a set of steps that result in a specific outcome. It converts input into output.
process engineering, and machine routing. It is the act of preparing detailed work
information into the process steps and instructions to powerfully and effectively
simpler and improve process planning and realize more effectual use of
manufacturing resources.
It has been documented that process planning is required for new product and
services. It is the base for designing factory buildings, facility layout and selecting
production equipment. It also affects the job design and quality control.
products within the function and quality specification at the least possible costs.
This will result in reduced costs, due to fewer staff required to complete the same
employees to fulfil their department objectives. Process planning deals with the
raw material into a specified shape. All the specifications and conditions of
operations are included in the process plan. The process plan is a certificate
such as engineering drawing. Both the engineering drawing and the process plan
2. Describe the goals of the process, and assess them frequently to make
sure they are still appropriate. This would include specific measures like
comprehensive plans and instructions to produce a part. The planning starts with
demand. The results of the planning are routings which specify operations,
operation sequences, work centres, standards, tooling and fixtures. This routing
operations for production activity control purposes and define required resources
tooling. But process planning is very lengthy and the results differ based on the
complete the project that include the definition, documentation, review and
includes queries like, what is the output of this process? Who receives the
output, and how do they define success?, What are the inputs for the process?,
Are there defined success measures in place - such as turnaround time or quality
scores? And Are there specific checkpoints in the process that need to be
company personnel to determine the steps and actions they take as part of a
These flow charts are given to the involved departments to review, to make sure
Review: Next, the flow charts are reviewed for potential problem areas.
1. Selection of raw-stock,
6. Determination of set-up,
Stage I. When a new part is initiated, the process plan for that family would be
manually recovered, marked-up and retyped. While this improved output but it
electronically store a process plan once it was shaped, recover it, amend it for a
Stage II. Other ability of this stage is table-driven cost and standard estimating
process plan for the part family and achieve about ninety percent of the planning
work. The schemer will add the remaining ten percent of the effort modifying or
fine-tuning the process plan. The baseline process plans stored in the computer
are manually entered using a super planner concept that is, developing
Stage IV: It is generative CAPP. In this stage, process planning decision rules
are developed into the system. These decision rules will work based on a part's
While CAPP systems move towards being generative, a pure generative system
that can create a complete process plan from part classification and other design
data is a goal of the future. These types of generative system will utilize artificial
generative CAPP which would consider plant and machine capacities, tooling
The process plan developed with a CAPP system at Stage V would differ in due
generative CAPP also entails the need for online display of the process plan on a
work order oriented basis to cover that the appropriate process plan was
There are numerous advantages of this type of process planning. It can decrease
the skill required of a planner. It can reduce the process planning time. It can
reduce both process planning and manufacturing cost. It can create more
demand on the skilled planner, reduced process planning time, reduced process
planners can powerfully create and authenticate the original process plan using
the product structure from product engineering, modify the plan to specific
requirements, and link products and resources to the steps of the plan.
To summarize, Process Planning is important action in a production enterprise
that verifies which processes, materials, and instructions will be used to produce