Reflections On Professional Ethics
Reflections On Professional Ethics
Reflections On Professional Ethics
In this essay, I am willing to figure out my reflective summary of what I have learnt from
the Professional Ethics class taught by Prof. Dr. Cherrielyn Casco in this 3rd semester.
my teaching career related to the code of ethics of the teacher and code of conduct at
the end.
Education Background
Let me introduce you my brief education background, I graduated from high school in
my hometown in Batangas, in the year 2011, the first thing that came up in my mind
was to be a teacher of English. I was obviously inspired by one of the most committed
teachers I have ever known, who taught me English in Grade 7. Her name was Mrs.
Maricar Barredo. She taught my class with passion, excitement, and always tried to
disguise the teaching into games. I was probably her biggest fan who enjoyed her class
the most. At that time, I was hesitant and was not sure of what to do and choose, in
addition to being overwhelmed with suggestions from my private teachers at home and
with the time limitation, the compromise was to follow what some of my neighbors did,
My Life Goal
I believe that we can make society better through education. Good education will create
a great society which is not only devoted to God but pays respectful attention to all
people: other people in a plural, even multicultural society, as well as the ecological
environment. It will be a hard task and needs time as well as patience, but the efforts
through education will pay off in its sustainability. Running my own school will certainly
give more liberty to design more creative learning and teaching activities. Besides what
I have mentioned above, running my own school is another scheme of “revenge” from
what I didn’t get when I was still in school. I am certain if I had been exposed to a better
education system, I would have taken a faster path to know what I wanted, what I am
good at and especially to be what I am one day. I want to run a school that nurtures
social awareness and teaches its students to be not only focus in government
The Challenge
I have had the idea of owning and managing a school since a long time ago, but only
today I found out the complication of making it to become true. Honestly, if I were not
assigned to make this final reflection, then I might have not realized the path to reach
I have to admit that I had the hesitation. Often when I reflect on my teaching career, the
expression “Non scholæ sed vitæ is a Latin phrase. It means “We do not learn for
school, but for life”.” would keep flashing. Indeed, as a great teacher, we should be able
to not only teach them knowledge from the text book but also knowledge for life. This
knowledge of life is very important for them because they will learn from our life
experience and mistakes. In addition, I hope that later they will grow much better in
handling every problem in their life. Moreover, teachers are usually overloaded with
work, despite relatively low paid. However, we are expected to be able to make the
opened my mind about the importance to be not only a great teacher but also great
educator. This class also in a way forced me to criticize myself. Every time I finish
teaching my class, I recall back to my way of teaching whether I was ethical or not, but
somehow the images of them being happy and active in the classroom strive me to
continue with my dream that is own and run a school with spiritual basis.
Code of ethics help teachers create a safe, productive, and positive learning
expectations that will improve the potential of all learners through meaningful and
inclusive participation in the classroom, school, and community. The Ethical Principles
promote good relationships between teachers, students, and parents when making
educational decisions. In addition, this relationship between the students, the parents,
and the teachers, all parties can improve the teaching and learning activities and
resources that will help improve the outcome of the individual’s education.
Moreover, the Code of Ethics also challenges teachers to use current data and
Keeping up with new trends and current information, through professional development
Suffice it to say, I will keep my plan to run and own a school. A school that focuses on
spiritual value and social awareness in the society through the government curriculum.
Later this school is expected to outcome students to be not only intelligent outside but
also inside through their spiritual growth. I will just do it and see what will be happened