5100178-00A - Loop M Dongle - M - EN - 2013 - B

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Service Tool
Loop M Dongle
Part no. 5100178-00A

System: Salwico Cargo, Salwico Cruise, Salwico LNG, Salwico

Offshore, Salwico Ro/Pax, Salwico Workboat, Salwico Yacht,
Salwico Navy, OEM Extinguish

General Description • For Windows 2000:

If windows does not find an appropriate driver,
Loop M Dongle is a service tool for Loop M X.
install the driver from FTDI:  FTDI Ltd Driver
The tool is used for two-way communication
ver 2.06.02 03/31/2010
between a PC and a Loop M X module.
Real time communication can be established with
• For Windows Vista etc:
all units connected to the Loop M X in order to
Make sure that the computer is connected to
access information.
internet since the drivers might have to be
Service options include: downloaded from the internet.
• Read logs (statistics, errors, etc.)
When a virtual serial port RS323 has been
• Reset logs created proceed with Terminal setup.
Terminal setup
1. Use the device manager found in the control
Operating voltage Via USB port panel to locate the COM port of the Loop M
Connection USB connector for PC Dongle.
Plug for Loop M X 2. Use your terminal program of choice.
Cable length USB cable: 170 cm Recommended Terminal programs are:
Loop M X cable: 25 cm • Hyperterminal
• Teraterm (If your serial port is designated
User Instructions COM1 to COM4)
Setup and user procedure for the Loop M Dongle Open a serial connection to the Loop M
service tool. Dongle.
Follow the instructions in the terminal
program user guide.
Communication settings: 38400-8-N-1 (no
flow control).
3. Connect the Loop M Dongle plug (B) to the
Loop M X front and watch the debug output.
Communication settings
Communication 38400 baud, 8 data bits, no parity,
Connect Loop M Dongle to the Computer
settings: 1 stop bit, no hardware flow
Connect the Loop M Dongle USB connector (A) control.
to a USB port on the computer.

The specifications described herein are subject to change without notice. Data sheet no. 5100178-00A_Loop M Dongle_M_EN_2013_B


Known problems • If the Loop M X is running with its plastic front

• If the Loop M X is running without it’s plastic mounted, the Loop M Dongle plug (B) may
front, the Loop M Dongle plug (B) may be not reach all the way in.
pushed in either to far or to little. 1. Solution:
1. Solution: Push the plug all the way in by removing
Install a front on the Loop M X to get the the overlay on the front panel or the
correct distance. entire front panel.
2. Solution:
Pull/push the plug to its correct location.
Push the plug all the way in and then
retract it 0.5 - 1 mm.

Useful Commands
trace Communication in real time of all units on debug sci To log sci communication on the loop.
the loop.
Stop by enter “trace” again.
trace xxx Communication in real time with unit debug line Prints status of the line.
address xxx on the loop. Example: Prints when short circuits and
cable breaks are detected
dump Information of all units connected to the debug Prints when the state of the Loop M X is
loop (address no & type). loopline changed.
Example: When a sci is lost, it prints that
the lmx change state to check the sci chain
again. Also prints when a device is lost or
when a device is found.
dump xxx Information about unit on address xxx debug srtp Prints information regarding SRTP.
connected to the loop. Example: what is sent between the
SRTP-master and SRTP-slave.
dump ee Prints EEProm content. debug exnet To see raw data sent to the backbone.
Example: SCI chain and detectors saved
into memory.
dump stat Statistics from loop, communications tries, debug states Prints the state of the Loop M X.
errors etc. Example: When Loop M X enters state to
read config and when Loop M X enters
state to select next device to poll.
dump stat All statistic information regarding xxx unit. debug Information is printed when a detector is
xxx disablements disabled/enabled.
clear stat Reset of all previous statistics. debug Prints information about buzzer broadcasts.
buzzers Example: Which zones have their buzzers
clear ee To erase the eprom instead of dipping to debug misc2 When Loop M X receives system time
"0" restart still needed. from central master, the time is printed.
debug misc3 When message queue in Loop M X is
FULL, the Loop M X prints the content of
the message queue.

The specifications described herein are subject to change without notice. Data sheet no. 5100178-00A_Loop M Dongle_M_EN_2013_B


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