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Effects of Aging On Muscle Fibre Type and Size: Michael R. Deschenes

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Sports Med 2004; 34 (12): 809-824

REVIEW ARTICLE 0112-1642/04/0012-0809/$31.00/0

 2004 Adis Data Information BV. All rights reserved.

Effects of Aging on Muscle Fibre

Type and Size
Michael R. Deschenes
Department of Kinesiology, The College of William & Mary and the Center for Excellence in
Aging and Geriatric Health, Williamsburg, Virginia, USA

Abstract . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 809
1. Muscle Function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 810
1.1 Power . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 810
1.2 Strength . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 811
1.3 Muscular Endurance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 813
2. Sarcopenia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 813
2.1 Whole Muscle and Fibre Size . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 813
2.2 Fibre Type Composition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 814
3. Mechanisms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 815
3.1 Denervation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 815
3.2 Protein Metabolism . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 816
3.3 Circulating Hormones . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 816
3.4 Autocrine Factors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 817
3.5 Inflammation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 818
4. Conclusions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 819

Abstract Aging has been associated with a loss of muscle mass that is referred to as
‘sarcopenia’. This decrease in muscle tissue begins around the age of 50 years, but
becomes more dramatic beyond the 60th year of life. Loss of muscle mass among
the aged directly results in diminished muscle function. Decreased strength and
power contribute to the high incidence of accidental falls observed among the
elderly and can compromise quality of life. Moreover, sarcopenia has been linked
to several chronic afflictions that are common among the aged, including osteo-
porosis, insulin resistance and arthritis. Loss of muscle fibre number is the
principal cause of sarcopenia, although fibre atrophy – particularly among type II
fibres – is also involved. Several physiological mechanisms have been implicated
in the development of sarcopenia. Denervation results in the loss of motor units
and thus, muscle fibres. A decrease in the production of anabolic hormones such
as testosterone, growth hormone and insulin-like growth factor-1 impairs the
capacity of skeletal muscle to incorporate amino acids and synthesise proteins. An
increase in the release of catabolic agents, specifically interleukin-6, amplifies the
rate of muscle wasting among the elderly. Given the demographic trends evident
in most western societies, i.e. increased number of those considered aged, man-
810 Deschenes

agement interventions for sarcopenia must become a major goal of the healthcare

Demographic data indicate that the populations sarcopenia affects not only the quality, but also the
of most western nations are growing older. In the quantity of life among the aged. Given the severity
US, for example, it has been estimated that the of the consequences of sarcopenia and the demo-
number of people considered to be aged (>60 years graphic trends observed among western societies, it
old) will more than double between the years of is imperative to gain a thorough understanding of
1990 and 2030.[1] By the year 2050, the average life the effects of senescence on skeletal muscle, as well
expectancy of Americans will climb to 84.3 and as the aetiology of sarcopenia.
79.7 years for women and men, respectively.[2] Con-
comitant with this ‘greying’ of western societies is 1. Muscle Function
growing healthcare costs. Indeed, in the US it is
expected that government expenditures for health- 1.1 Power
care among the aged will increase 6-fold by the year
2040.[3] Similarly, rapid increments in healthcare Aging is known to negatively impact each pa-
costs have also been reported in the UK.[4] rameter of muscle function, i.e. power, strength and
endurance. A loss in muscle power, or ‘explosive
Many of the healthcare costs attributed to aging strength’ is first evident by the age of 40 years and
result from treatment of medical conditions that demonstrates a more rapid decline than that of
have been associated with sarcopenia, or the age-re- strength.[23,24] This adaptation to aging occurs in
lated loss of skeletal muscle mass. Research has both men and women,[23,25] has been detected in
consistently demonstrated a greater incidence of muscles of both the upper and lower body,[24] and
osteoporosis,[5-7] insulin resistance,[8-10] obesity[11-14] has been confirmed by longitudinal, as well as cross-
and arthritis[12,15,16] among those with sarcopenia. sectional data.[23] This decrement in muscle power
Moreover, the strength decrement that is concomi- contributes to the loss of short-term, or anaerobic,
tant with sarcopenia leaves older individuals more muscle performance that has been documented
susceptible to accidental falls and resultant inju- among the aged.[26,27] More importantly, the loss of
ries.[17,18] Alone, the expense of treating hip frac- power noted among the aged directly relates to the
tures is projected to increase from $US2 billion in increased number of falls experienced by the elder-
the year 2000 to approximately $US6 billion by ly[28] and can also hinder the performance of normal
2040.[3] daily activities such as stair climbing and the ability
Perhaps more important than the financial burden to rise from a chair unassisted.[25]
associated with sarcopenia, is the detrimental effect Recent investigation has sought to elucidate the
on quality of life that it imparts. Normal daily activi- mechanisms that explain the diminished power ca-
ties, not to mention recreational activities that add pacity in aged muscle. Ferretti et al.[29] demonstrated
joy to life, can be curtailed as a result of age-related that the loss of power displayed by the aged is only
loss of muscle mass and strength.[19] For example, partly accounted for by decreased muscle mass. In
20% of those who experience hip fractures will not analysing electromyographic (EMG) characteristics
regain their ability to walk,[20] while the average of single motor units in young and senescent mus-
80-year-old no longer retains the capacity to rise cles, Vaillancourt et al.[30] detected significant age-
unassisted from a chair.[21] Even more striking are related differences. Compared with young subjects,
recent data demonstrating that the degree of there was a shift towards the slower firing 10Hz
sarcopenia evident among the aged serves as a sig- motor units from the faster (40Hz) firing motor units
nificant predictor of all-cause mortality.[22] Thus, in the hand muscles of older subjects during maxi-

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Effects and Causes of Sarcopenia 811

mal voluntary contraction. This indicates the pres- is well maintained through the 50th year of life.[46]
ence of fewer fast-twitch motor units within aged Although a decline in strength occurs between 50
muscle. Of course, it is the fast-twitch motor units and 60 years of age, a much more rapid rate of loss is
that are responsible for the degree of power exerted evident beyond the age of 60 years.[46,47] When
by muscle. These data are consistent with earlier averaged beyond the fifth decade of life, these data
findings showing a selective denervation of fast- indicate that strength decreases at a pace of nearly
twitch fibres within aged muscle that is concomitant 15% per decade.[43,46,48] Moreover, both men and
to a decrease in the number of myelinated neuronal women exhibit the same rate of strength decrement
axons present in that muscle.[31] during aging.[43,49] Recent longitudinal investiga-
In addition to changes in muscle mass and inner- tions, however, have revealed a greater rate of age-
vation properties, other factors contribute to age- related strength reduction than what is apparent in
related reductions in muscle power. For example, cross-sectional studies. For example, Frontera et
when isolated single muscle fibres from aged and al.[50] detected decreases of 2.5% per year in the leg
younger adults were examined, it was determined strength of older men followed for a 12-year period.
that maximal shortening velocity was significantly Other longitudinal studies report strength reductions
less in aged fibres.[32] This suggests that the contrac- approaching 5% per year in senescent muscle.[51-53]
tile apparatus itself within the fibre is altered with Much of the strength deficit observed among the
aging, leading to decreased power output. Also of aged can be explained by the loss of muscle mass
interest is a recent report that the basic excitation- that occurs in a near parallel fashion with the loss of
contraction coupling mechanism within fibres is strength.[54-57] Indeed, it has recently been estimated
impaired among the aged. Researchers found that
that the process of sarcopenia accounts for more
within fast-twitch fibres (those that determine mus-
than 90% of age-related strength diminution.[50] This
cle power) the amount of calcium released from the
implies that, although minor, other factors contrib-
sarcoplasmic reticulum upon electrical stimulation
ute to strength decrements noted in aged muscle.
is attenuated in aged muscle.[33] Moreover, this re-
Several researchers have documented that the elder-
sult was attributed to a functional uncoupling of the
ly are capable of fully activating motor units during
dihydropyridine receptors, acting as voltage sensors
maximal voluntary contraction, suggesting well
in the T-tubules from the ryanodine receptors, i.e.
maintained central drive among the elderly.[58,59]
calcium channels of the sarcoplasmic reticulum. The
Other neural factors, however, may participate in
authors concluded that the uncoupling that had been
age-related strength reductions. Using EMG tech-
identified may be manifested in the reduced muscu-
niques, Hakkinen et al.[60,61] noted a greater degree
lar power displayed by aged muscle.
of antagonist muscle coactivation in aged than in
young muscle during maximal effort knee exten-
1.2 Strength
sion. The authors concluded that this may help ex-
Numerous studies have shown that strength (the plain the attenuated force production observed
maximal amount of force exerted in a single at- among their older subjects.
tempt) is diminished in senescent muscle.[34-41] This In attempting to determine factors other than
is true in both men and women,[40-42] as well as in the decreased muscle mass or neural factor modifica-
muscles of the lower and upper extremities.[42] Al- tions that may lead to strength decrements in the
though all forms of strength expression (concentric, aged, a host of studies have investigated the effects
eccentric, isometric) are negatively impacted by se- of age on muscle quality or specific tension. Briefly,
nescence,[43] eccentric strength appears to be more specific tension is a relative expression of strength,
resistant to the adverse effects of aging.[42,44,45] whereby force produced is a function of a given unit
Cross-sectional studies indicate that muscular of contracting muscle tissue. The data regarding
strength reaches its peak at about 30 years of age and adaptations of specific tension to aging yield con-

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812 Deschenes

Table I. Effects of aging on specific tension of skeletal muscle

Study Muscle Muscle size/mass Muscle Mode of contraction Sex Result
Lynch et al.[42] Biceps/triceps Arm muscle mass Voluntary Concentric/eccentric F ND
Quad/ham Leg muscle mass Voluntary Concentric/eccentric F ↓
Biceps/triceps Arm muscle mass Voluntary Concentric/eccentric M ↓
Quad/ham Leg muscle mass Voluntary Concentric/eccentric M ↓
Lindle et al.[43] Quad/ham Leg muscle mass Voluntary Concentric/eccentric M/F ↓
Frontera et al.[54] Quad Whole body muscle mass Voluntary Concentric M/F ND
Biceps Whole body muscle mass Voluntary Concentric M/F ND
Kent-Braun & Ng[59] Ankle flexor Whole muscle CSA Voluntary Isometric M/F ND
Metter et al.[62] Biceps Whole muscle CSA Voluntary Isometric M ND
Quad Whole muscle CSA Voluntary Isometric M ND
Overend et al.[63] Quad/ham Whole muscle CSA Voluntary Isometric M ND
Quad/ham Whole muscle CSA Voluntary Concentric M ↓
Frontera et al.[65] Quad Whole muscle CSA Voluntary Concentric M/F ND
Frontera et al.[65] Single quad fibres Fibre CSA Calcium Isometric M/F ↓
Hakkinen et al.[49] Quad Whole muscle CSA Voluntary Isometric M/F ND
Young et al.[40] Quad Whole muscle CSA Voluntary Isometric M ND
Quad Whole muscle CSA Voluntary Isometric F ↓
Larsson et al.[66] Single quad fibres Fibre CSA Calcium Isometric M ↓
CSA = cross-sectional area; F = females; ham = hamstrings; M = males; ND = no difference; quad = quadriceps; ↓ indicates decrease in
specific tension of skeletal muscle.

flicting results. Many authors have reported that populations have been investigated. Table I presents
specific tension is unaffected by age,[59,62,63] while the results of some studies investigating the impact
others have offered evidence that muscle quality is of aging on muscle quality, along with the experi-
compromised among the aged.[42,43,64] Moreover, mental methodologies utilised.
within even a single investigation it has been report- Perhaps the most revealing data regarding the
ed that aging may, or may not, alter muscle quality influence of senescence on specific tension was
depending upon whether upper or lower extremities recently presented by Frontera et al.[65] In this study,
are assessed, or whether men or women are being muscle quality was assessed as force produced rela-
examined.[42] tive to whole muscle cross-sectional area, as well as
Much of the equivocal nature of the present liter- tension generated by isolated single fibres when
ature can be explained by the array of methodologi- normalised to that fibre’s cross-sectional area. These
cal approaches employed by researchers. Specific data revealed no significant difference in whole
tension can be quantified at the whole muscle level muscle specific tension between young and aged
or within isolated single fibres. Force can also be subjects during maximal contraction of the quadri-
related to unit of muscle mass or total muscle mass, ceps. In contrast, when examined at the cellular
as well as whole muscle cross-sectional area or level, both slow- and fast-twitch fibres isolated from
average fibre cross-sectional area. Also, strength the quadriceps of aged subjects demonstrated spe-
can be measured in various ways, i.e. static versus cific tension that was ~30% less than that observed
dynamic contractions, by differing isokinetic veloci- in fibres taken from the quadriceps of young sub-
ties, as well as during voluntary contraction or su- jects. These findings confirm a deficit in the func-
perimposed electrical stimulation. Moreover, mus- tion of the contractile apparatus of aged myofibres
cles featuring different daily functions and fibre type and provide the most compelling argument to date

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Effects and Causes of Sarcopenia 813

that aging, indeed, impairs the specific tension of Among those studies that have identified age-
muscle tissue. This deficit could be related to a related decreases in muscular endurance, there is
decrease in the number of myosin cross-bridges evidence that the mechanisms involved in muscle
within aged muscle that has been postulated by failure are age dependent. Within aged muscle, fati-
others.[67] gability is largely explained by failure in central
Several studies indicate that adaptation to drive, i.e. neural factors.[80] In young muscle, how-
strength training among the aged is similar to that ever, muscle fatigue is ascribed to peripheral factors,
detected among the young, if training protocols are i.e. metabolite accumulation and/or substrate deple-
matched for intensity, volume and duration.[61,68-71] tion.[81] Gonzalez and Delbono[82] have recently sup-
Yet when comparing strength between highly ported the findings of previous in vivo studies with
trained young and senior athletes, a decrement exists data collected from isolated single muscle fibres
even among those elderly who have trained regular- taken from aged and young muscle. In summarising
ly throughout their adult lives.[72,73] It appears then, their results, these authors concluded that the greater
that if performed throughout middle and old age, fatigability observed among aged whole muscles
strength training mitigates, but does not eliminate, were not due to differences in the contractile appara-
age-related strength loss. Thus, it appears that there tus itself of senescent fibres. This, then, supports the
are factors inherent in the aging process that act to assertion that central fatigue is more pronounced
inexorably decrease muscular strength.[74] among older neuromuscular systems, and when evi-
dent, accounts for age-related decrements in muscu-
1.3 Muscular Endurance lar endurance.
The assessment of the effects of aging on muscu-
Local muscular endurance is best described as lar endurance, as well as the mechanisms involved,
the capacity to resist muscular fatigue, particularly has important practical implications. Recall that
when the resistance is submaximal. This parameter high rates of morbidity and mortality have been
of muscle fitness can be assessed during static or linked to falls among older adults. It is significant
dynamic contractions. In contrast to strength and that a recent investigation has demonstrated that
power, where the evidence overwhelmingly con- impaired muscular endurance contributes to the in-
firms a significant aging effect, the literature con- cidence of falls among the elderly.[83]
cerning senescence-induced alterations in muscle
endurance is equivocal. Although some studies have 2. Sarcopenia
reported decreased muscle endurance among the
aged,[38,64,75,76] others have shown no difference in 2.1 Whole Muscle and Fibre Size
the fatigability of aged and young muscle.[77-79] As
with muscle quality, much of the variability in the It has been found that total muscle mass, as well
findings concerning muscle endurance can be attrib- as whole muscle size peaks at about the age of 24
uted to differences in methodologies. For example, years.[84] Similar to strength, muscle mass is well
endurance can be assessed by quantifying the drop- maintained throughout the fifth decade as only a
off in force production during a series of maximal modest (10%) decrease in whole muscle size occurs
effort contractions, the duration which one can sus- between 24 and 50 years of age.[84] But between 50
tain a relative (percentage of peak force) submax- and 80 years of age an additional diminution of 30%
imal contraction or even the amount of time taken to occurs so that between the ages of 24 and 80 years a
recover peak force production following prolonged total decrease of 40% in muscle size is apparent.[84]
maximal effort. Moreover, muscle endurance can be This decrease in whole muscle size is mirrored by a
determined with protocols featuring voluntary acti- loss of fibre number.[85] Indeed, while only a 5%
vation of muscle or external electrical stimulation of decrement in fibre number is evident between 24
muscle. and 50 years of age, the fibre count within whole

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814 Deschenes

muscles declines by 35% between 52 and 77 years tracted from aged, compared with young muscle.
of age.[86] This translates to an annual 1% decrease More noteworthy was the decrease with respect to
in whole muscle cross-sectional area beyond the specific myosin isoforms. After normalising to
fifth decade of life. More recent research using young muscle values, senescent fibres displayed a
sophisticated technology such as magnetic reso- decrement in IIa mRNA, a greater decrease in IIx
nance imaging,[59] computer tomography[65] and ul- transcript, but no alteration in type I mRNA con-
trasonic scanning[49] have identified decrements in tent.[91]
whole muscle size occurring at an annual rate of The concept of ‘nuclear domains’ within muscle
0.5–0.8% beyond 50 years of age. However, those fibres was initially proposed by Hall and Ralston.[92]
figures, drawn from cross-sectional analysis, i.e. The premise of this concept is that each nucleus
muscles from individuals of different ages, may within the fibre is responsible for the maintenance of
underestimate the rate of sarcopenia. A recent longi- a given area of cytoplasm within the fibre. Research
tudinal study examining the same aged men over a has shown that during hypertrophy, nuclei are added
12-year period indicated that, as determined by to the fibre so that the cytoplasm to nuclei ratio
computerised tomography, whole muscle sarcope- remains constant; presumably new nuclear domains
nia occurs at a rate of 1.4% per year.[50] have been added to the enlarged fibre.[93,94] Similar-
ly, during unloading-induced fibre atrophy there is a
Although a decline in fibre number principally
decrease in the number of nuclei within the fibre,
explains the loss of muscle mass that takes place
such that again the nucleo-cytoplasmic relationship
during aging, atrophy at the fibre level has also been
is maintained.[95,96] Recent research suggests that the
implicated.[51,72,84,87,88] Unlike loss of fibre number,
atrophy detected among aged fibres is also reflected
which occurs equally among fast- and slow-twitch
by a decreased number of myonuclei, thus the size
fibres,[51,72,84,88] the cellular atrophy associated with
of nuclear domains remains constant.[97] These data
senescence is fibre-type specific. In quantifying fi-
suggest that as with other causes of atrophy, the
bre size in older and younger human muscle, Lexell
decreased cross-sectional areas noted in senescent
et al.[84] found that type II (fast-twitch) fibres exper-
fibres results from a reduction in nuclear domain
ienced a 26% loss in cross-sectional area, while the
number, not size.
size of type I fibres (slow-twitch) did not differ
between 20- and 80-year-old individuals. Even
2.2 Fibre Type Composition
among subtypes of type II fibres it appears that
aging elicits preferential atrophy. Coggan et al.[89] Although early research had indicated that there
reported that compared with muscle samples of was a selective loss of type II fibres during aging,[98]
young men, type IIA fibres displayed a 13% reduc- Lexell et al.’s landmark investigations[84-86] proved
tion in size while type IIB fibres were 22% smaller this not to be the case. Using whole muscle cross-
in aged men. In the same study, it was demonstrated sectional slices obtained from autopsy cases ranging
that muscle fibres from aged women exhibited 24% from 15 to 83 years old, these investigators painstak-
and 30% atrophy in IIA and IIB fibres, respectively. ingly classified each fibre within the vastus lateralis.
In another aging study,[51] the atrophy of type IIA Previous investigation had assessed fibre type com-
fibres (14%) was again less than that of IIB fibres position within small biopsy samples taken from
(25%). A caveat is warranted here; it is now under- that same muscle. Lexell et al.’s data revealed that
stood that type IIB fibres actually express the IIx although a loss of fibre number occurs with aging,
myosin heavy chain isoform.[90] this decrement is equally apparent among type I and
This selective atrophy among fibre types is relat- II fibres. These findings have been confirmed by
ed to changes in the genetic regulation of muscle. subsequent analysis of upper body muscles.[88] On
Recent molecular biological approaches have re- the whole then, the evidence indicates that aging
vealed a decrease in myosin mRNA content ex- does not affect the relative proportion of type I to

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Effects and Causes of Sarcopenia 815

type II fibres within muscle. However, while aging denervation of muscle.[99,106-108] These investigators
does not alter overall fibre type composition within reason that the normal cycling of denervation-rein-
a muscle, is does impact the distribution of those nervation that is evident in younger muscle is im-
fibres within the muscle. Histochemical staining of paired in aged muscle. Consequently, there is a net
whole muscle sections revealed that unlike young effect of denervation affecting skeletal muscle of the
muscle, where different fibre types are interspersed elderly, which significantly contributes not only to
and present a ‘mosaic’ appearance, individual fibre the loss of motor units, but also to the loss of muscle
types are clustered together in older muscle, result- fibres that mainly accounts for sarcopenia.[84] In the
ing in a ‘patchy’ appearance.[99] few direct studies that are available, microscopic
Clearly, the evidence that aging fails to alter fibre observations suggest that there are fewer motor neu-
type composition within a muscle is convincing. Yet rons in the ventral horn of aged spinal cords.[110,111]
it must be noted that these conclusions are derived Presumably, there are also fewer numbers of alpha
from data gathered using standard histochemical motor neurons innervating the skeletal muscle of
staining of muscle cross-sections. More recently, gel aged individuals. In addition to the loss of fibres,
electrophoretic techniques have been used to deter- Lexell et al.[85,86] have postulated that this denerva-
mine myosin isoform expression within single mus- tion explains the ‘clustering’ of fibres of the same
cle fibres. Using these sensitive and sophisticated type that is noted in aged muscle (see section 2.2).
techniques, it has been established that aging in- Interestingly, a recent investigation reports that the
creases the proportion of ‘hybrid’ fibres within mus- decreased specific tension noted in aged rat muscle
cle.[100,101] These ‘hybrid’ fibres co-express more can at least be partly ascribed to denervation.[112]
than one myosin heavy chain isoform, as opposed to
Anatomical evidence of age-related denervation
‘pure’ fibres that express a single isoform. This co-
is found not only within the spinal cord, but also
expression typically does not change histochemical
within the peripheral nervous system. In examining
staining properties to the extent that the classifica-
the neuromuscular junctions of aged and young
tion of the fibre as type I, IIA or IIB would be
muscle, markers of degeneration are apparent. For
affected since one isoform is usually predomi-
example, Cardasis and LaFontaine[113] have
nant.[102,103] As might be expected, however, the co-
presented evidence that axonal withdrawal is preva-
expression of two or more myosin isoforms affects
lent at aged, but not young, neuromuscular junc-
contractile characteristics.[104,105]
tions. Moreover, the expression of neural cell adhe-
3. Mechanisms sion molecule (NCAM) is known to increase at the
neuromuscular junction following denervation of
young adult muscle.[114,115] NCAM concentrations
3.1 Denervation are also elevated at the neuromuscular junctions of
EMG recordings taken during muscle contraction aged, compared with young, animals.[116-118] Again,
demonstrate a decrease in the number of motor units these data provide compelling evidence of an age-
present in aged, relative to young, muscle.[106,107] related denervation of muscle.
The authors of one study estimated that senescence The mechanism(s) of the denervation occurring
resulted in a 25% reduction in the number of func- during senescence has yet to be fully elucidated. Yet
tional motor units.[108] Concomitant with the de- an investigation recently conducted by Guillet et
crease in the number of motor units identified in al.[119] does provide interesting insight. Ciliary
aged muscle is an increase in the size of the remain- neurotrophic factor (CNTF) has been identified as
ing motor units.[109] That is, each motor neuron an important molecule in the survival of motor neu-
innervating senescent muscle is associated with a rons.[120,121] Moreover, research has proved that rela-
greater number of muscle fibres. Several authors tive to young motor neurons, CNTF production is
have attributed these findings to an age-related attenuated in aged peripheral nerves.[119] In the ex-

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816 Deschenes

periment of Guillet and coworkers,[119] a strong cor- determined that aging not only decreases mitochon-
relation was established between the decline of drial density and aerobic enzyme activity within
CNTF expression and muscle strength measured muscle,[128-131] but also that a significant degree of
among aged rats. Remarkably, when aged rats were oxidative damage is apparent in the mitochondrial
administered CNTF, the strength of isolated soleus DNA of aged muscle.[132] As further evidence that
muscles increased more than 2-fold. These data senescence hinders mitochondrial ATP yield even at
confirm the importance of preventing the loss of the molecular level, Welle et al.[133] have recently
motor neurons in treating the decline in muscle reported that the content of mRNA transcripts for a
function associated with aging. number of essential mitochondrial proteins is lower
in aged muscle than in young muscle. In that study,
3.2 Protein Metabolism it was also found that mitochondrial DNA is reduced
by ~40% in aged muscle.
The denervation that occurs with aging appears The net effect of age-related disturbances in pro-
to begin in earnest at 60 years old. Indeed, the tein metabolism is that aged individuals display
number of motor units within muscle remains con- reduced muscle : body mass ratios. This is of con-
stant between 10 and 60 years of age.[122] The onset cern because as this ratio declines, the percentage of
of denervation is well matched with the sharp de- body fat increases, resulting in ‘sarcopenic-obesity’,
cline in muscle mass that also occurs after the sixth which has greater negative health consequences
decade of one’s life.[99] Yet there is a moderate than sarcopenia alone.[134] Yet it is encouraging to
decline in muscle mass between the ages of 50 and note that resistance training amplifies muscle prote-
60 years.[84] There are data to support that this early in synthesis in the aged to the same degree as is
phase of sarcopenia is related to changes in muscle demonstrated in younger adults.[135,136]
protein metabolism.[123] This senescence-induced
decrement in muscle protein, however, is not associ- 3.3 Circulating Hormones
ated with an acceleration of protein degradation.[123]
Rather, it is a decrease in the rate of protein synthe- A convincing body of literature indicates that
sis that has been demonstrated among the aged that aging alters circulating concentrations of anabolic,
accounts for slower overall rates of muscle protein or muscle building, hormones.[137-139] These data
turnover.[124-126] In comparing young (23 years), reveal that aged men experience reductions in both
middle-aged (52 years) and elderly (77 years) sub- total testosterone and unbound or ‘free’ testosterone
jects, it was ascertained that mixed, as well as myo- levels. Significantly, the diminution is more pro-
sin fractional, rates of protein synthesis declined nounced for the unbound fraction, which, of course,
significantly by ~50 years of age and continued to is the biologically active form of this potent steroid
decrease into old age.[124] More recently, the slowed hormone.[140] A recent study reported that between
rate of protein synthesis detected in aged muscle has the ages of 20 and 80 years, total testosterone de-
been coupled to diminished mRNA transcript con- creased by 35% while unbound testosterone was
tent for myosin heavy chain, indicating a genetic reduced by 50%.[141] It is noteworthy, however, that
basis for impaired protein production.[91,127] although aging is associated with decrements in
The decreased protein synthesis evident in aged testosterone, blood-borne concentrations in healthy
muscle may also be related to bioenergetic perturba- aged men remain within normal limits, albeit at the
tions. Since protein assembly requires the utilisation lower end of this range.[140] Thus, there is some
of large amounts of energy, adequate adenosine debate as to the appropriateness of using the term
triphosphate (ATP) availability is essential to this ‘hypogonadal’ to describe the condition of healthy
process. The vast majority of ATP production with- aged men.
in muscle occurs through oxidative phosphorylation As further evidence that aging affects the anabol-
pathways located within mitochondria. It has been ic milieu, the normal circadian variation in testoster-

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Effects and Causes of Sarcopenia 817

one levels noted in young men has been found to be been linked to the loss of muscle mass observed in
blunted, although not eliminated, in senescent the elderly.[158,159]
males.[142-144] The physiological basis of these age- Although it interacts with many target tissues, it
related changes in serum levels of testosterone have is now understood that GH mediates its effects on
yet to be fully identified, but a multitude of mecha- muscle by regulating the synthesis of insulin-like
nisms may be involved. Indeed, research has shown growth factor-1 (IGF-1).[160] In view of this relation-
that aging imparts disturbances throughout the hy- ship, aging has been associated with decreased cir-
pothalamic-pituitary-gonadal axis. For example, it culating IGF-1 levels.[161] In examining the relation-
has been found that the testes’ Leydig cells (that ship between blood-borne IGF-1 levels and the per-
produce testosterone) are less responsive to the formance of a number of functional tasks in aged
luteinising hormone (LH), which is released by the women, Cappola et al.[162] found that those individu-
pituitary gland to stimulate the secretion of testoster- als with the lowest IGF-1 values were also those
exhibiting the lowest strength, walking speed and
one into the bloodstream.[145,146] Moreover, the re-
mobility. However, these results may be sex specific
lease patterns of LH differ between young and aged
since an earlier study failed to reveal significant
men. Specifically, the amplitude of the pulsatile
correlations between IGF-1 and strength or walking
release of LH is attenuated among the aged, even
speed among elderly men.[163]
though the frequency of these pulses remains con-
As with testosterone, attempts to stimulate
stant throughout life.[141,147] Finally, it appears that strength and muscle gains in the aged through GH
that the hypothalamus (that regulates the release of administration have recently been carried out. In
LH from the pituitary gland) may secrete less gona- reviewing the published data gathered from test
dotropic releasing hormone to the pituitary among trials on GH therapy, both Rosen[164] and Welle[159]
aged men, thereby contributing to the limited release concluded that the present evidence did not justify
of LH by that endocrine gland.[147] In addition to the use of GH therapy in treating sarcopenia. It
these disturbances within the multi-gland secretory appears that the efficacy of this procedure in en-
pathway of testosterone, it has been postulated that hancing muscle mass and strength is equivocal,
aging decreases the sensitivity of target tissues, in- while serious adverse health effects may develop.
cluding muscle, to this androgenic-anabolic hor- In contrast to the decline in the major muscle-
mone.[148] Regardless of its aetiology, evidence con- building hormones documented among the elderly,
firms that the decreased availability of testosterone research shows that circulating cortisol levels are
noted among aged men contributes to sarcope- unaffected by senescence.[137,139,165,166] This is en-
nia.[138] Also, it appears that testosterone replace- couraging since cortisol is the primary catabolic, or
ment therapy in aged men is effective in gaining muscle wasting, agent in the human endocrine envi-
muscle mass and strength,[149-151] although the po- ronment.
tential for adverse effects with prolonged use has yet
to be thoroughly identified.[138,148,152] 3.4 Autocrine Factors

Another potent endogenous anabolic hormone is Recall that in section 2.1 the nuclear domain
growth hormone (GH); indeed this peptide released concept of muscle fibre size was described. In brief,
by the pituitary gland is probably the primary blood- it has been noted that during myofibre hypertrophy,
borne muscle-building agent in women.[153] As with as well as atrophy, the nuclear to cytoplasmic ratio
testosterone, circulating levels of GH progressively remains unaltered. Thus, during hypertrophy, nuclei
decline during the aging process.[154,155] Between the are added to the fibre while cellular atrophy is
ages of 20 and 70 years, GH values are reduced by accompanied by a loss of myonuclei. The source of
roughly 50% in men and women.[156,157] It is impor- these nuclei are ‘satellite cells’ that are myogenic
tant to note that this change in GH secretion has precursors located between the sarcolemma and the

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818 Deschenes

basal lamina of the fibre.[167] Upon stimulation, induced hypertrophy was ameliorated in aged mus-
these satellite cells undergo proliferation and the cle leading to speculation that sarcopenia may be a
resultant sister nuclei are included into the cyto- consequence of decreased MGF availability and
plasm of the muscle fibre.[168] thus, diminished satellite cell activity. This premise
There is evidence that aging not only decreases has been supported by studies where MGF expres-
the number of satellite cells present in muscle,[169] sion in aged muscle was amplified by injecting an
but that the proliferative capacity of aged satellite MGF expression vector into muscle[179] or by exam-
cells is limited compared with those residing in ining transgenic mice that overexpress the MGF
young adult muscle.[170,171] These findings suggest gene.[180] In both experiments, sarcopenia was effec-
that age-related alterations in the number and apti- tively prevented in aged muscle and strength was
tude of satellite cells contribute to sarcopenia. found to be no different than that observed in young
More recent investigation has determined that the muscle. Although preliminary, these results have
interaction of IGF-1 with satellite cells acts to trig- been so well received that experts have recently
ger the proliferation of satellite cells.[170,172] Moreo- suggested that MGF therapy may be a uniquely
ver, evidence indicates that it is not blood-borne effective method of preventing or treating
IGF-1 (initially secreted by the liver) that stimulates sarcopenia.[181]
satellite cell mitosis. Rather it is a specific isoform
of IGF-1 that is actually synthesised locally within 3.5 Inflammation
muscle tissue that regulates satellite cell activity in
vivo.[173] This powerful mitogen has been termed A potential mechanism of sarcopenia that has
‘mechanogrowth factor’ (MGF) and is produced in received much recent attention is the inflammatory
response to injury and/or mechanical loading of response. Several conditions that commonly occur
skeletal muscle.[168,174,175] It has recently been re- with aging (particularly rheumatoid arthritis) are
vealed that not only does aging lead to decreased associated with a chronic manifestation of the im-
baseline values of MGF mRNA,[176] but that in mune system’s inflammatory response. The inflam-
response to mechanical overload, aged muscle dem- matory response results in the release of cytokines
onstrates significantly lower expression of MGF that trigger muscle wasting effects. Interleukin (IL)-
than similarly overloaded young muscle.[177,178] 1 and tumour necrosis factor-α (TNFα) modulate
Those same authors also documented that overload- the production of both anabolic and catabolic hor-

Table II. Physiological mechanisms involved in sarcopenia

Mechanism Effect References
Denervation Apoptosis of muscle fibres, re-innervation of 99,106,107,110,111
surviving fibres
Decreased density and function of mitochondria Decreased ATP production, reduced muscle 74,89,128,130,188
protein synthesis
Decreased mRNA transcript content Decreased mitochondrial proteins, decreased 91,127,133
myofibrillar proteins
Decreased circulating testosterone Decreased muscle protein accretion 137,140,142
Decreased circulating growth hormone Decreased muscle protein accretion 154,155,157
Decreased circulating IGF-1 Increased rate of muscle protein degradation 159,161
Decreased number of satellite cells Decreased muscle fibre size 169
Decreased proliferation of satellite cells Decreased capacity for repair from normal 170,171
‘wear and tear’ muscle damage
Decreased autocrine synthesis of MGF Decreased proliferative capacity of satellite cells 174,175
Inflammation, increased production of IL-6 Increased rate of muscle protein degradation 182,183
ATP = adenosine triphosphate; IGF-1 = insulin-like growth factor-1; IL-6 = interleukin-6; MGF = mechanogrowth factor; mRNA = messenger

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Effects and Causes of Sarcopenia 819

mones in such a way that a negative nitrogen bal- Several physiological mechanisms (denervation,
ance (indicative of protein breakdown) is incurred. reduced protein turnover, altered endocrine/
Although few studies have directly investigated the autocrine function) have been implicated in the aeti-
effects of aging on the release of IL-1 and TNFα, the ology of sarcopenia. However, a more complete
little data that are currently available indicate that understanding of the causes of sarcopenia is re-
aging, per se, is not associated with elevated levels quired in order to design interventions to prevent, or
of those cytokines.[182] In contrast, it has been found at least temper, the onset of sarcopenia and to devel-
that the leucocytes of older individuals show greater op effective treatment strategies for those who have
release of IL-6, resulting in increased circulating already been affected by this serious health condi-
concentrations of that inflammatory agent.[182,183] In tion.
other research, it has been demonstrated that IL-6
has potent catabolic effects[184,185] and its elevation Acknowledgements
among the aged has recently been suggested to play The author is supported by the National Institute on Aging
a role in sarcopenia.[186] In addition to its direct (AG 1744C) and the Borgenicht Program for Aging Studies
impact on muscle metabolism, IL-6 may also have a and Exercise Science. No potential conflict of interest exists.
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mation. J Gerontol A Biol Sci Med Sci 1998; 53: M20-6 Department of Kinesiology, The College of William & Ma-
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