Cost State: Circuit Breaker

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PEDS 2007

Low Cost AC Solid State Circuit Breaker

W. Pusorn', W. Srisongkraml 2, W. Subsinghal, S. Deng-eml and P. N. Boonchiaml
'Department of Electrical Engineering, RMUTT, Thailand 2Department of Electrical Engineering, RMUTSB, Thailand

Abstract--This paper presents a Solid State Circuit Breaker inrush current (soft start), even for capacitive loads, repeated
(SSCB) for a low distribution level. When voltage disturbances operations with high reliability and without wear-out, reduced
occurred, the SSCB operates for keeping the system limitations. switching surges, improved power quality for unfaulted lines.
Power semiconductor devices are compared and selected by As presented in [1], the present solutions dealing with short
using the performances of their devices. SSCB is provided with circuit protection are mechanical circuit breakers. After having
circuitry for permitting off/on/reset operations actuated by a detected a short circuit or over-load situation, some time
mechanical toggle control switch for close simulation of magnetic elapses prior to open the switches mechanically. Subsequently,
circuit breaker operation. A power continuity feature is provided an arc occurs, which initially has little impact on the current.
for load power by locating the control switch so that it opens all As a result, turning off a short-circuit will take at least 100 ms
of the circuit, except the static power switch branch, between the (without detection time). So, solid state circuit breakers based
source and the load, to provide a high degree of fail-safe on power semiconductors potentially offer enormous
protection for the apparatus. The synchronous reference frame is advantages when compared to conventional solutions, since a
used to detect the current disturbances and control the switches. solid state breaker is able to switch in a few micro second.
Simulation results are shown that SSCB offers advantages when The rest of this paper is organized as follows; Section 2
compared to present solutions. A switching circuit that is presents the comparison of power semiconductors,
particularly applicable to high voltage 3 phases solid state circuit considering the requirements of solid state breaker application.
breakers (SSCB). The circuit comprises a solid state switch; an The topology is proposed in Section 3. Section 4 gives the
energy absorbing device connected in parallel with said switch to design criteria of the breaker. Simulation results are shown in
form a parallel combination; an inductor connected in series with Section 5. Finally, the discussion and conclusion are given in
said parallel combination; and a control circuit connected to said Section 6.
solid state switch and adapted to turn off said switch in response
to a predetermined voltage/current condition. II. BASIC OPERATION OF SSCB
To analysis the fundamental behavior of the proposed
Index terms--Solid State Circuit Breaker semiconductor switch, a single-phase equivalent circuit, as
shown in Fig. 2, is used. The grid is represented by voltage
source and line impedance. In this example, a pure resistive
Advanced current interruption technology, utilizing high load is shorted by an ideal short-circuit with zero resistance.
power solid-state circuit breaker (SSCB), offers a viable The typical waveform of current in and voltage across the
solution to the transmission and distribution system problems switch are depicted in Fig. 3. At approximately 2 ms, a short-
caused by high available fault current. Although the power circuit occurs and the current rises very fast. After a small
industry has been interested in this concept for decades, it delay time, the semiconductors switch opens. The energy
appears that the time has now arrived when the selling price stored in the line inductance is dissipated in high-energy
can be low enough to justify significant sales. By providing varistors, which are connected in parallel with the
almost instantaneous voltage/current limiting, the SSCB semiconductors. Consequently, the current decreases. When
alleviates the short circuit condition in both downstream and the current reaches zero, the switch has to block the line to
upstream devices by limiting fault currents coming from the neutral voltage of the grid.
sources of high short circuit capacity. The advantages of
added functions that a conventional circuit breaker cannot Line and Source Sensitive Load
offer help to justify the higher cost associated with a solid
state breaker. Source
To interrupt the current, the SSCB must rapidly insert an
energy-absorbing element (e.g. resistor) into the circuit to Normal Load
limit the fault current. In addition to limiting the fault current,
the SSCB can also limit the inrush current (soft start
capability), even for capacitive loads, by gradually phasing in
the switching device rather than making an abrupt transition
Fig. 1 Equivalent circuit of simple distribution system.
from an open to a closed position. A solid state breaker can
offer the following advantages: limited fault current, limited

1-4244-0645-5/07/$20.00©2007 IEEE 1724

SSCB VPCC(F) Voltage at PCC when fault occurred
sw ii
VPCC(F) Voltage amplitude at PCC when fault occurred
,, I

OPCC(F) Phase angle at PCC when fault occurred


Fault; RI1oad Vload

The normal voltage in low voltage system is typically much

I. I.
higher than the maximum blocking voltage of today's
semiconductors although their ratings have increased
Fig. 2 Single phase equivalent circuit of SSCB protection. significantly [3]. Therefore, series connection of devices is


0 ---
- - - --- -- --_
-_ -_ -_ _-
-_- --_ --_ --_

Power electronics devices are solid-state devices or

transistors capable of modulating or converting electrical
AX .5 -
power. A power electronic device enables the production of
- power management modules that can handle all of the electric
power control and conversion functions required to move
power from the generating and storage sources to the ultimate
0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.06 0.07 0.08
Ti.... [sec]

Fig. 3 Voltage across and current in ideal circuit breaker. loads. Electric energy will play an increasingly important role
in future energy system because of its controllability, safety,
and high efficiency.
z L=zI/z2 PC
Z1 2 (
There are different ways to implement the SSCB. Since we
The voltage at PCC is:
want to provide sub-half cycle current limiting, we need to
either use semiconductor devices with turn-off capability such
VPCC as GTO, IGBT or IGCT or to use an SCR switch together with
Zs +Z. a forced commutation circuit. The former option offers the
advantage of using a simple power circuit and very high speed
VPCC (3)
operation. The current can be switched into an energy
absorber in a few micro seconds. In contrast to inverter
applications, the switching losses of these devices turns out to
OPCC tan an-nS
be a minor issue in this application. Here, the conduction
where behavior and conduction losses are essential. As s result, the
IGBT has the advantage that, as a transistor, it limits the
Zi RI + jXI Normal Load
current automatically. Hence, current cannot exceed a certain
Z2 =R2 + jX2 Sensitive Load value. The GTO and IGCT, the current is not limited. Thus,
VPCC: Voltage at PCC the detection time has to be short enough to assure a safe turn-
VpCC Voltage amplitude at PCC off [4].
pCC Phase angle at PCC
IGBT 1200 V 54 A is selected in this simulation study. The
reason to select this device is and based on the current limiting

The voltage and phase angle is changed when fault and simple driver circuit. Fig. 4 shows two different types of
occurred as follows:
ZF Z2 1I ZF (5)
t , t.
rr t1 hig _

* s0""tS f"t"Kit5 .ll fii
V PCC(F) = - i.................


_ 'ISI SlS11 'fl\\ k

VPCC(F) (7) f&,. & w r

ZS +ZF X M? {{ r(. (. i

0' Fz 'f 1z1 L -lQtEf J f X,lfl._

f mf

OPC(F) =tan - tan-' {F+ (8)

RF + Xs)
Zf = Rf + jXf Fault impedance
(a) (b)
Z2 =R2 + jX2 Sensitive load
Fig. 4 Outline drawing and equivalent circuit of IGBT.

First, the designer define the fast simulation capability
allows to propose an equivalent electrical circuit based on the
basic cells of a library (a depleted PMOS transistor and two
IGBT depletion mode IGBT) and providing the functionality
The designer can highlight the electrical parameter
influences of the basic cell on the electrical characteristics of Fig. 5 proposed topology of SSCB
the "circuit breaker" function. In this case the most important
parameters are the threshold voltages and the linear resistance Fig. 5 shows the simplified block diagram of SSCB
value of the IGBT transistor. configuration. The switch operation has only two possible
Since each phase of the breaker must withstand a high peak values: zero and one. The required local control functions are
voltage, it is necessary to connect semiconductor devices in relatively simple once the system controller has made the
series. This has been done in many cases for applications such decision for line connection/disconnection and reflected in a
as ac to dc converter stations and the necessary precautions are reduced set of functions at that level. The current space vector
well understood. is required to detect the amplitude of the load current. The
A modular approach offers important advantages during transformed currents are converted into the synchronous
design, testing, manufacturing and service stages. Some of the rotating frame (SRF), producing Id and lq, by using the output
more important are: angle of the software phase lock loop (SPLL). Therefore, a
o Design is simplified because within the module we are means of phase tracking to obtain the positive sequence
dealing with comparatively low voltages and the current component is required.
individual module is much smaller than the whole breaker.
o Testing is also simplified because of the reduced voltage
level. This will translate into substantial time and cost
savings as prototype tests are iterated.
o During manufacturing we will save time and money by
mass producing small modules, testing them and finally
stacking them up to build breakers (like Liberty ships).
The same modules can be applied to many different
voltage ratings.
o During service we can have single modules as spares and
then replace the failed module rather than repairing the
valve itself by replacing a failed IGBT. The module can
then be sent to the shop or the factory for repairs.
o We can use the same modules for different voltage
breakers by stacking the appropriate number of modules
depending on the voltage level of the breaker. This way
we reap the benefits of mass production even further by:
o Having the same building block for different voltage
breakers, thus simplifying manufacturing, testing and
repair costs.
o Reducing maintenance expenses by needing only one type
of spare module, thus reducing the cost of spare parts and
simplifying training of field personnel.

Fig. 6 SSCB control system and interface
The circuit breaker should consist of several modules to
achieve a flexible adaptation for different current and voltage The SPLL was implemented by sampling the instantaneous
levels. For example, in Thailand there is 380 V low phase utility voltages, hsa, Ib, L, and converting them into
distribution voltage system. It has already been mentioned that
the blocking that the blocking voltage of the breaker must be
voltages, Vf/ and V#
higher than the maximum grid voltage. Fig. 5 shows the ILF ll-12 1/2

proposed topology that consists of four IGBTs with snubbers =~~

and two diodes. L- ',8

These transformed voltages are converted into a SRF, C
producing l,d ans Isq, by rotating through the output angle of
the SPLL, 0.

LLd Cos0 sinO 1IL, (10) E

Lq- sin 0 Cos iLILf j

The /Ld and ILq component was normalized using: Figure.8 Cross Section and Equivalent Circuit for IGBT
Figure.8 shows a common symbol of the IGBT and its
j IL d
(1 1) equivalent circuit. The IGBT is designed such that the turn-on
iLdn = and turn-off times of the device can be affected by the gate-to
sd + sq
emitter source impedance. Its equivalent input capacitance is
Lq (12) lower than a Power MOSFET with a comparable current and
iLqn V LdI
voltage rating. The device is turned on by applying a positive
voltage between the gate and the emitter, VGE. In switching
And the amplitude of the current detection: applications the device operates in the saturation region.
The IGBT turns on when the collector-emitter voltage is
positive and greater than Vf and a positive signal is applied at
I =I 2 + I2 (13) the gate input (g > 0). It turns off when the collector-emitter
voltage is positive and a 0 signal is applied at the gate input (g
Whenever, the overcurrent or fault occurred, the detected = 0). The IGBT device is in the off state when the collector-

operator will send the command to the gate pin of SSCB. Then emitter voltage is negative. Note that many commercial
the SSCB is turned off automatically. Anther way the SSCB IGBTs do not have the reverse blocking capability. Therefore,
will receive the turn on signal when no disturbance. Therefore they are usually used with an antiparallel diode.
the controller has two functions as detecting the current
amplitude and sending the gate signal to SSCB. To ensure the
system design, the simulation results are given in next section.
This article identifies the key parametric considerations for
comparing IGBT performance in specific SMPS (switch mode Ic(t)
power supply) applications. Parameters such as switching
losses are investigated in both hard-switched and soft-
switched ZVS (zero-voltage-switching) topologies. The three
main power switch losses: turn-on, conduction and turn-off Vds(t)
are described relative to both circuit and device characteristics.
The impact of diode recovery performance on hard-switched
topologies is also discussed illustrating that diode recovery is
the dominant factor determining MOSFET or IGBT turn-on
Emiuitter Gate Eimitter Gate

p- Ic(t)
if Epitaxial
if Epitaxia1 Drifl Region
Drifl Region
n+ Buier lavr
p+ Substrate pt Substrate
Collector Collector
(a) (b)
Fig.7 (a) Non Punch Through (NPT) IGBT (b) Punch Through (PT) IGBT. Fig.9 (a) IGBT turn-on switching transient with inductive load
(b) IGBT turn-off switching transient with inductive load

(a) Turn-on Transients IGBT terminals that could generate a negative drain current so
The turn-on switching transient of an IGBT with an as to remove the stored charge. The only way for stored
inductive load are shown in Fig. 10(a). The turn-on switching charge removal is by recombination within the n- drift region.
transients of IGBTs are very similar to MOSFETs since the Since it is desirable that the excess carriers lifetime be large so
IGBT is essentially acting as a MOSFET during most of the as to reduce the on-state voltage drop, the duration of the tail
turn-on interval. With gate voltage applied across the gate to current becomes long. This will result in additional switching
emitter terminals of the IGBT, the gate to emitter voltage rises losses within the device. This time increases also with
up in an exponential fashion from zero to VGE(th) due to the temperature similar to the tailing effect in BJTs. Hence, a
circuit gate resistance (RG) and the gate to emitter capacitance trade off between the on-state voltage drop and faster turn-off
(Cge). The Miller effect capacitance (Cgc) effect is very small times must be made.
due to the high voltage across the device terminals. Beyond
VGE(th), the gate to emitter voltage continues to rise as before EOff =Vdc2lot Off
Eo¢ (15)
and the drain current begins to increase linearly as shown
above. Due to the clamp diode, the collector to emitter voltage VII. SIMULATION RESULTS
remains at Vdc as the IGBT current is less than Jo. Once the
IGBT is carrying the full load current but is still in the active To show the performance of SSCB, we use the model of
region, the gate to emitter voltage becomes temporarily IGBT in power blockset in Matlab/simulink. The parameters
clamped to VGE,Io, which is the voltage required to maintain of IGBT are in Table 1. The switching waveforms of the test
the IGBT current at Jo. At this stage, the collector to emitter model of IGBT is shown in Fig. 5 which the response of turn-
voltage starts decreasing in two distinctive intervals tfvl and on and turn off IGBT. The rating of and time delay are very
tfv2. The first time interval corresponds to the traverse important because we
through the active region while the second time interval
corresponds to the completion of the transient in the ohmic TABLE I: Parameters of IGBT
region. During these intervals, the Miller capacitance becomes
Description Rated
significant where it discharges to maintain the gate to source Rated voltage 600 V
voltage constant. When the Miller capacitance is fully Rated current 63 A
discharged, the gate to emitter voltage is allowed to charge up Gate to Emitter Threshold Voltage 6.0 v
to VG and the IGBT goes into deep saturation. The resultant Switching SOA 60 A
turn on switching losses are shown in the above figure. The on Leakage current ± 100 ,uA
energy loss is approximately estimated via, Current rise time 45 ns
Current Turn-on Delay Time 40 ns
Current fall time 275 ns
ont2on (14) Current Turn-Off Delay Time 400 ns
Turn On Energy 1050 [tJ
The above switching waveforms are ideal in the since that Turn Off Energy 2500 pJ
the clamp diode reverse recovery effects are neglected. If
these effects are included, an additional spike in the current Fig. 10 to 13 show the simulation results of performance of
waveform results as shown in the previous figure. As a result, SSCB that used in low voltage level. The current waveform
additional energy losses will be incurred within the device. without on/off of SSCB when the overcurrent occurred is
(b) Turn-off Transients shown in Fig. 10. The voltage at this point is reduced the
The turn-off switching transient of an IGBT with an amplitude of voltage as shown in Fig. 1 1.
inductive load are shown in Fig. 10(b). When a negative gate
signal is applied across the gate to emitter junction, the gate to
emitter voltage starts decreasing in a linear fashion. Once the
gate to emitter voltage drops below the threshold voltage
(VGE(th)), the collector to emitter voltage starts increasing
linearly. The IGBT current remains constant during this mode 0.15 0.16 0.17 0.18 0.19 0.2
Time (sec)
0.21 0.22 0.23 0.24 0.25

since the clamp diode is off. When the collector to emitter Fig. 10 Phase A voltage when normal case
voltage reaches the dc input voltage, the clamp diode starts
conducting and the IGBT current falls down linearly. The 15

rapid drop in the IGBT current occurs during the time interval
tfil which corresponds to the turn-off of the MOSFET part of
the IGBT (Fig. 9). The tailing of the collector current during
the second interval tfi2 is due to the stored charge in the n-
drift region of the device. This is due to the fact that the 0.15 0.16 0.17 0.18 0.19 0.2 0.21 0.22 0.23 0.24 0.25
MOSFET is off and there is no reverse voltage applied to the Fig. 11 Phase A voltage when fault occurred at 200 ms

0.5- This paper shows the performance of IGBT when is used to
be SSCB. The selected topology presents the situation
topology when compared each other. The fast action of SSCB
Y15 0.16 0.17 0.18 0.19 0.2 0.21 0.22 0.23 0.24 0.25 is represented in ideal for avoiding drawbacks concerning
t~~~~~~~~~~ state-of-the-art mechanical breaker. The solid-state breaker

turned off only for 100 micro seconds in comparison to

conventional circuit breaker 100 ms today. Simulation results
are shown that solid state circuit breakers offers advantages
0.15 0.16 0.17 0.18 0.19 0.2 0.21 0.22 0.23 0.24 0.25
when compared to present solutions.
Fig. 12 The operation of SSCB.
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