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Year Round Fodder

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Forage Res., 44 (1) : pp. 14-18 (2018) http://forageresearch.



BAIF Krishi Vigyan Kendra
Bharuch, Gujarat (India)
*(e-mail : [email protected])
(Received : 2 May 2018; Accepted : 17 May 2018)


A Field experiment was carried out at BAIF’s KVK Chaswad in Bharuch district during 2014
to 2016 with an objective to study the various forage cropping systems for green fodder production and
find out the best remunerative year round fodder production system suitable to the South Gujarat
conditions. The experiment was conducted with five cropping systems replicated four times in randomized
block design. The cropping systems comprised of the combination of annual and perennial cereals and
legumes crops. The three years pooled data revealed that the combination of Hybrid Napier variety BAIF
Napier Hybrid-10 with Desmanthus (Hedge Lucerne) in 1:5 proportion has given significantly higher
green fodder yield of 1701.41 q/ha, gross monetary returns of Rs. 294,872/ha, net monetary returns of
Rs. 228,977/ha and benefit: cost ratio of 4.47. The soil fertility status was also maintained over a period
of three years due to this cropping system.

Key words : Fodder production systems, green fodder yield, net monetary returns, soil fertility

India has the largest cattle population in the main sources of crop residues, by commercial crops is
world but the land available for fodder cultivation is another factor for scarcity of fodder.
limited (4 % of the cropped area). The accessibility of Competent crop sequence in intensive
green fodders from different sources is only 40% of agriculture promotes productivity per unit area per unit
the basic requirement and there is 60 % shortage of time and provides more economic remuneration to the
green fodder. Considering the huge gap between the farmers. The present cropping sequences could be
demand and supply of green nutritious fodder and adapted with addition of high yielding varieties of
quality dry matter along with the static or decreasing perennial crops and inclusion of protein rich legume
land availability, it is essential to bridge this gap fodders. Kauthale et al. (2017) revealed that green
through intensifying forage production per unit area fodder, dry matter and crude protein yields were
per unit time, which can be achieved through improved significantly increased with suitable planting method
high yielding crops and better management practices. of perennial grass and legume combination. Although
Dairy animals producing up to 12-15 liters milk per cereal-based forage has a high energy content and low
day can be maintained by feeding green fodders. crude protein (CP), legumes have long been
Inclusion of green fodders in ration of dairy animals recognized as a good source of CP. Instead of growing
decreases amount of concentrate feeding and thus these crops separately, the possibility exists to grow
increases profit (Anonymus, 2017). them together in intercrops to retain soil fertility. With
The south Gujarat region is not only gifted with this background a field experiment was conducted to
highest rainfall in the state but also have good network study the production potential and economics of
of irrigation systems. This results into cultivation of cash different forage cropping systems under irrigated
crops by majority of farmers by replacing food and conditions of South Gujarat which could provide a
fodder crops. Sporadically, to overcome the shortage viable option to dairy farmers for growing year round
of fodder, dairy farmers tried for other seasonal fodder fodder crops.
crops, but it was not found economical and sustainable MATERIALS AND METHODS
as well as insufficient in bridging the gap between
demand and supply of fodder for ever increased animal A field experiment was undertaken at BAIF’s
population. The replacement of cereal crops, one of the Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Chaswad, District Bharuch,

Forage Yield and Economics of Different Year Round Forage Crop Models

Treatment Kharif Rabi Summer Forage yield Gross Monetary Cost of cultivation Net Monetary Benefit :
(q/ha/year) returns (Rs./ha/year) returns cost ratio
(Rs./ha/year) (Rs./ha/year)

Pooled mean of 3 years (2014-16)

1 Maize + Cowpea Oat+Berseem Pearl millet+Cowpea 842.63 188625.95 70286.00 118339.95 2.68
2 Hybrid Napier+ Hybrid Napier+ Hybrid Napier+ 1701.41 294871.75 65895.00 228976.75 4.47
Desmanthus Desmanthus Desmanthus
3 Hybrid Napier+ Hybrid Napier+ Hybrid Napier+ 1415.59 232910.50 64977.00 167933.50 3.58
Lucerne Lucerne Lucerne
4 Fodder Pearl millet Fodder Sorghum Grain Pearl millet 1043.12 232923.21 69376.00 163547.21 3.36
5 Soybean (Straw) Grain Sorghum Green gram (Straw) 306.42 99928.21 67631.00 32297.21 1.48
SE(m)+ 24.90 4875.18 4875.14 0.07
CD at 5% 77.59 15188.13 15023.09 0.22
CV % 4.69 4.64 6.84 4.57
Sale price Maize Cowpea Oat Berseem Pearl millet Hybrid Napier Desmanthus Lucerne
(Rs/q) 220 260 210 250 220 150 250 260

Sale price Fodder Pearl millet Fodder Sorghum Grain Pearl millet Soybean (Straw) Grain Sorghum Green gram (Straw)
(Rs/q) 220 230 220 750 230 750

RESULTS AND DISCUSSION napier intercropped with lucerne due to more biomass
obtained from Desmanthus (hedge lucerne).
The pooled data over three year’s period Desmanthus being a hardy perennial crop which can
showed that the year round green forage cropping be grown in poor type of soil with less irrigation
system of hybrid napier intercropped with Desmanthus (Hegde, 2010) and perform better in good type of soil.
in 1:5 proportion has recorded highest green forage These results are in agreement with those of
production of 1701.41 q/ha/year which was Jayaprakash et al. (2016). He noticed that Desmanthus
significantly superior over rest of the forage cropping virgatus produced 40 t/ha/year biomass yields and thus
systems (Table 3). The same system has also given has the potential to be a good alternate feed source for
the highest gross monetary returns (Rs. 294,871.75/ ruminant animals. It was observed that lucerne is
ha/year), net monetary returns (Rs. 228,976.75/ha/ sensitive to soil type and water management as
year) and benefit cost ratio (4.47) as compared to other compared to Desmanthus.
fodder cropping systems. The cropping sequence of The data on changes in chemical properties
lucerne intercropped with hybrid napier was the second of soil depicted in Table 4 indicated that the soil
best cropping system which has given higher green fertility was maintained over a period of three
fodder yield of 1415.59 q/ha/year, gross monetary years, moreover there was slight increase in
returns of Rs. 232,910/ha/year, net monetary returns organic carbon in legume based intercropping
of Rs. 167,933.50/ha/year and benefit cost ratio of system. The rise in organic carbon was found more
3.58. The net monetary returns in hybrid napier (0.54 %) in hybrid napier intercropped with
intercropped with Desmanthus was four times higher Desmanthus and was decreased (0.48 %) in
than the regular cropping system of the area (Soybean- cropping system having only cereal crops (Fodder
grain sorghum-green gram). pearl millet-fodder sorghum-grain pearl millet).
The plant height and more number of tillers/ This was because of cropping of perennial crops
plant has contributed in higher green fodder yield in paves a way for reducing carbon dioxide emissions
hybrid napier. These results are in accordance with and thereby sequestering carbon in agricultural
the findings of Yunus et al. (2000). Moreover, inclusion lands. Sivakumar et al. (2014) also found hybrid
of legumes in cereals have several benefits for napier and Desmanthus had enhanced the organic
intercropping systems such as production of greater carbon content in soil.
yield on a given piece of land by making more efficient
use of the available resources, improvement of soil CONCLUSIONS
fertility through the addition of nitrogen by fixation
and increases soil conservation through greater ground Based on the findings of the three years study
cover than sole cropping. (Dwivedi et al., 2015). it could be concluded that perennial fodder cropping
Menbere et al. (2015) reported that intercropping of sequence of hybrid napier intercropped with
Napier grass with herbaceous perennial legume has Desmanthus in 1:5 proportion gave maximum green
significant advantage than growing Napier grass solely forage yield throughout the year and highest gross and
in increasing the dry matter yield harvested. net monetary returns and benefit cost ratio as compared
The green fodder yield in hybrid napier to all other sequences and it was much higher as
intercropped with Desmanthus was higher than hybrid compared to the local cropping sequence of Soybean-

Soil fertility changes after three years of experimentation

Treatment pH EC (ds/m) Organic Carbon Available Available Available

(%) nitrogen phosphorus potash
(kg/ha) (kg/ha) (kg/ha)

1 7.65 0.43 0.50 211.2 40.16 174.20

2 7.48 0.47 0.54 224.6 41.09 171.02
3 7.60 0.45 0.51 218.0 43.54 167.91
4 7.89 0.40 0.48 201.4 38.33 163.42
5 7.79 0.40 0.51 215.0 40.05 168.00
Initial status 7.72 0.38 0.52 213.0 44.53 161.42

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