Best Judo (PDFDrive)
Best Judo (PDFDrive)
Best Judo (PDFDrive)
Isao Inokuma lUobuyuki Salo
tI "/"
Tewaza (hand techniques) 24 / Koshiwaza (hip techniques)
36 / Ashiwaza (leg techniques) 48 / Ma Sutemiwaza (rear
body-drop throws) 72 /Yoko Sutemiwaza (side body-drop
throws) 82 / Other Nagewaza 92
3 Basic Postures and the Attack Pattern 98 / Osaekomiwaza
(holding techniques) 99 / Shimewaza (strangle techniques)
131 / Kansetsuwaza (armlock techniques) 140
^ -+
Nagewaza Nagewaza 154 Nagewaza
/ -> Katamewaza
About Training 210 /Training without Equipment 211 /
Training with Equipment 216
It is wonderful to see how popular Kodokan judo has become throughout the
world today. lwould like to congratulate lsao lnokuma and Nobuyuki Sato on
their timely instruction book. EesI Judo, which has been designed for judo en-
thusiasts in all the countries of the world. lt is a book I have been looking forward
to, for I have long felt lnokuma and Sato to be among the best qualified to speak on
therealspiritandtechniquesof judo. Forthosewhofollowthesport.thesetwomen
need no introduction. They are both former All-Japan judo champions and have
excellent international reputations, having won titles in the Olympic Games, in
World Judo Tournaments, and in other international contests. Today, as instruc-
tors at Tokai University, they are uncovering and training many top-class judoists.
One of their students is Yasuhiro Yamashita, who won the coveted All-Japan title
at the age of only 19. The authors'outstanding records, experience, leadership,
enthusiasm, and numerous activities, including books like this one. have indeed
made them into a major force for the popularization of judo on an international
Judo is a representative Japanese sport which has an international character.
Constituting a culture in itself, judo is contributing enormously to friendship and
peace among the nations of the world today by offering an area in which people
can come together for fruitful exchange. ln this way. judo is helping to promote the
happiness and prosperity of all mankind. This is judo's mission and there can be no
loftier goal.
lnokuma and Sato are two men who fully understand this role that judo has to
play. They are judoists who are capable of bringing the ideals of judo into actuality.
BestJudo incorporates alltheir experience and studies in judo, and I am confident
that it will make a strong impression on judo enthusiasts everywhere.
My joy will know no bounds if. through this book, the readers come to know what
this subtle art of self-defense really is. not only its techniques. but its spirit. I would
like those who use this book to understand the object of their training and. through
judo, widen the circle of their friendships and contribute to international peace and
ln conclusion, lwould like again to compliment lsao lnokuma and Nobuyuki
Sato on their efforts in writing this book. I recommend their work highly to judoists
throughout the world.
lsao lnokuma
presents itself we would like in the future to write a more advanced and technical
work that focuses on some of the high-level techniques that are also frequently
ln order to help the reader understand judo quickly we have relied on action-
sequence photos instead of voluminous text explanations. The models for the
photos are, aside from Sato and myself, Hideharu Shirase, Katsuhiko Kashiwazaki,
Katsumi Suzuki, and Yasuhiro Yamashita, all of whom are representative
tudoists of Japan. These men have trained under us and have achieved brilliant
records in competition. We hope that the reader will be able to grasp the vital points
of the various judo techniques presented here by carefully studying each photo. We
have also allocated a substantial number of pages in the book to physical training
methods and to essays on judo. We believe that the fostering of basic physical
power is a prerequisite for modern judoists, and we hope that our impressions of
judo may be of interest and help to our readers in numerous ways.
ln order to become strong in judo there is only mastery of the fundamentals and
hard training every day. Everyone starts training by learning the basic movements of
judo such as posture and how to be thrown. You will be thrown to the mat innumer-
able times during your training. but the time will eventually come when you will at
last be able to throw your opponent. There is no one who is able to throw his op-
ponent or hold him down with a mat technique from the beginning. We would like
to recommend that you keep this always in mind and train hard to master the funda-
mentals as soon as possible. The importance of a teacher cannot be overrated. But
if no teacher is available to you, try to attend judo contests or watch them on
television whenever they appear.
The techniques of judo are limitless and the spirit of judo is sublime. All the
countries in the world have their own particular fighting arts, and it is our opinion
that from now on we judoists must make a comprehensive study of these arts
together with the study of our own sport.
Readers coming to judo for the first time may be dismayed at the original Japa-
nese judo terms used in this book. These terms are used here because they have
gained wide acceptance throughout the world as the language of judo. English
equivalents are, however, given at the first appearance in the text, in the glossary
and indexes. or in the major text headings.
We would like to express our thanks to the organizations and individuals that
helped us:the Kodokan. the Matsumae Young People's Judo School, the Tokai
University Judo Club, Toshiaki Hashimoto, Hideharu Shirase. Katsuhiko Kashiwa-
zaki. Katsumi Suzuki, and Yasuhiro Yamashita. We would also like to thank the
staff of Kodansha lnternational for their encouragement and advice.
Preface 9
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.$nmm iilm Migi shizentai Hidari shizentai
The basic posture in judo is the natural posture, or shizentai' This simply means
that you stand in a natural way. From shizentai you can move into various other
There are three natural postures-shizen hontai (basic natural poslure), migi
shizentai(right natural posture), and hidari shizentai (left natural posture).
Jigotai, or defensive posture, is taken by spreading the feet a bit wider than in
shizentaiand bending both knees to lower the body's center of gravity. Jigotai also
has three f orms-jigo hontai (basic defensive posture), migi iigotai (right defensive
posture), and hidarijigotai (left defensive posture). Jigotaiis used when defending
yourself from the opponent's attack and is not very effective for attacking. lf you
must assume this posture for a time to defend yourself, be sure to switch back to
shizentai as soon as you can.
All attack and defense techniques derive from postures. lt r-s extremely important,
therefore, that you maintain correct posture at all times'
SHIZENTAI : natural posture
sHlzEN HONTAI: Spread both heels about 30 centimeters (1 ft.) apart. Point
the toes of your feet naturally outward and place the weight of your body equally
on both feet. Your knees and hips should be relaxed so that you can, at any time,
step freely forward or backward. This is the fundamental judo posture.
MlGl SHIZENTAI: From shizen hontai. move your right foot forward about 30
centimeters (1 ft.).
HIDARI SHIZENTAI: From shizen hontar, move your left foot forward about
30 centimeters (1 ft.).
JIGOTAI : defensive posture
JIGO HONTAI: Stand with both feet a bit wider apart than in shizen hontai.
Bend your knees to lower your hiPs.
MlGl JIGOTAI : Take one step forward from jigo hontaiwith your right leg.
HIDARI JIGOTAI: Take one step forward fromiigo hontaiwith your left leg.
12 Judo Fundamentals
W, Entering seiza
Judo practice takes the form of a fight. But no matter how fierce the
practice may be, its object is to improve your technique and train your
spirit. As a reflection of these hi.gher goals, all judoists pay due respect
to each other both before and after the practice or actual contest.
There are two salutations in judo; one is made standing (rirsurei) and
Standing salutation
Seated sa/utation
the other, kneeling (zarei). The combatants stand or sit about 3.6 meters
(almost 12 ft.) apart. ln the explanations that follow, the bold numbers
in the text correspond to the photo numbers.
7. Stand with your heels together and your toes open outward.
2.3. fuck your chin in and, with a natural motion, bend your upper
:,@ body forward about 30". Touch your fingertips to your kneecaps. This
takes about 4 seconds. Then return to your origrnal posture.
7. Start in an upright posture.
! 2. Pull back your left leg and kneel down on your knee (keep the
tips of your toes upright on the floor).
3. Kneel down on your right knee and place both feet together.
4. Straighten out your toes and squat down with your right big toe
crossing the left big toe. The space between both your knees should be
about 20 centimeters (B in.). Place both hands on your thighs. the
fingers together and turned slightly inward. This position is called serza.
When standing up, follow the same steps in reverse.
/. Begin in seiza with your hands on your lap.
2, 3. Place your hands in front of your knees on the floor and bend
your upper body forward. When bowing. don't raise your hips or bend
and lower your elbows. The index fingers of both hands should be
facing each other and should be about 6 centimeters (21in.) apart.
The upper body should be bent down so that the brow of your head is
about 30 centimeters (1 ft.) above both hands. Return to seiza.
Salutation 13
Rioht hold Left hold Right hold Left hold
fråm nigi shizentai trom hidari shizentai from migi jigotai from hidari jigotai
Holding Methods
The basic holds in judo are taken from shizentai (natural posture) and iigotai
(defensive posture) by grasping the lapel of the opponent's jacket with one hand
and his sleeve with the other. There are many variations of the basic holds, such as
a double-lapel grip or a double-sleeve grip. When holding the opponent, put
strength in your ring and little fingers, and let your thumb rest lightly on the fabric
of the jacket. Grips used in competitive situations to gain control of the opponent
are called kenka yotsu, and many of these are shown in the photographs in the
following chapters. With a partner. practice holds appropriate to your body size.
strength. agility. and favorite techniques.
Kuzushi(literally, breaking) in judo means forcing the opponent into an unbalanced
position. This is an important factor in executing effective nagewaza (throwing
techniques), for when the opponent is off-balance he is unable to use his strength
aggressively and is virtually under your control. Kuzushi can be performed in eight
different directions (happo no kuzushi). Although you can use a variety of tech-
niques, such as pushing, pulling. or going around the opponent, you should al-
ways execute kuzushi not with your hands alone but with your entire body. You
must also consider the distance between you and your opponent.
14 Judo Fundamentals
\ /ffi To left back corner
Kuzushi 1 5
Ayumi ashi Tsugi ashi Mae sabaki
w. w' )
w, !:trf,
sabaki \ @
Mae-mawari sabaki
olD CID vv
There are two ways of walking in judo-rsugi ashi and ayumiashr. Both involve
suri ashi, a manner of walking in which the soles of your feet slide over the floor.
These two ways of walking are used to move your body forward or backward, to
the right or left, or in any other direction. Be sure to maintain shtzentaias you move.
nyUVtt ASHI: This is the ordinary pattern of walking in which you move for-
ward alternately with each foot.
TSUGI ASHI: This involves moving by bringing one foot up to the other after
each advance.
TAI SABAKI: body contol
Tai-sabakimeans changing the position and direction of your body while maintain-
ing a stable posture. The basis of nagewaza (throwing techniques) lies in keeping
yo-rr opponent off-balance by executing excellent tai sabaki. This will determine
whether or not your throw will be successful. lntroduced here are the three major
types of tai sabaki.
MAE SABAKI (front movement control) : Shift your position by advancing
one foot and withdrawing the other at a right angle to your opponent.
USHIRO SABAKI (back movement control) : Shift your position by retreating
one foot and pivoting on the other at a right angle to your opponent.
MAE-MAWARI SABAKI (front-turn movement control): shift your position,
advancing one foot diagonally in front of your opponent; pivot on that foot and
withdraw the other until you have made a complete 180' turn'
1 6 Judo Fundamentals
Ukemi is a series of techniques that enable you to fall or be thrown down in relative
safety. avoiding shock or rnjury from a vrolent impact against the mat. The important
points in ukemi are striking the mat strongly with your entire arm and curling up
your body when you hit the mat in order to lessen the shock of the impact. Doing
this will prevent injury to your head and neck and other vital parts of your body.
ln judo. numerous techniques such as pressing. choking, and locking the joints are
also used, but for practicing the throwing techniques in chapter 2 it is essential that
you master ukemito soften the fall.
lf you master the fundamentals of ukemi, you will not be scared of being thrown
byyour opponent and you will be able to continue practice aggressively and with
correct posture. Ukemi gets you used to the mat and is therefore one of the first
steps to judo. Your mastery of it will contribute much to improving all your judo
techniques. As is said in judo, "Learn the techniques by learning how to be thrown."
There are four kinds of ukemi: ushiro ukemi (falling backward). yoko ukemi
(falling sideways). mae ukemi (falling forward), and mae-mawari ukemi(tumbling
forward). Ukemi training should begrn from low postures and then proceed to
high postures and on into practice while in motion.
USHIRO UKEMI : falling backward
/. Raise up the arms shoulder high in front of your body.
2. Roll backward while tucking your chin in and curving your back slightly.
3. Hit the mat with both arms a fraction of a second before your back touches
the mat. The angle of your arms when they hit the mat should be about 30' in
relation to your body. So that the back of your head does not hit the mat. draw in
your chin and look at the knot in the belt on the front of your jacket.
Ukemi 17
Ushiro ukemi from a
standing posture
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Ushiro ukemi from a squatting posture
t r:::r:::lr:::..:::.1 r.:r it.
IW f ,',4ae-mawari ukemr
20 Judo Fundamentals
One-handed tumble
/. Advance forward. speeding up gradually.
2. Step forward onto your left foot.
3. Place your left hand on the mat in front and, pushtng off with your Ieft foot,
do a big somersault.
4. 5. Just before your right hip hits the mat, strike the mat strongly with your
right hand.
6. Then rise up inlo shizen hontai.
When you have mastered the basics of the various ukemi, practice them while you
are in motion, or with a partner or an obstacle. The important thing is for you to
learn to execute ukemi correctly no matter what way you fall.
Ukemi 21
Tewaza: tai otoshi, seoi nage, kata guruma, uki otoshi,
sumi otoshi, sukui nage. obi otoshi, morote gari.
kuchiki taoshi, etc.
rAcH,*AZA_ Koshiwaza: uki goshi, harai goshi. tsurikomi goshi,
hane goshi, o-goshi. ushiro goshi. utsuri goshi. tsuri
Judo Techniques
There are many kinds of techniques in judo. but they can all be classified into three
main categories: nagewaza (throwing techniques), katamewaza or newaza
(grappling techniques on the mat). and atemiwaza (striking techniques). Nage-
waza and katamewaza are also called randoriwaza (techniques for free practice)
and are used both in practice sessions and contests. Atemiwaza are used to strike
or kick the opponent's vital points. Because they are dangerous if used in free
practice, atemiwaza are practiced only in controlled model techniques, what are
called kata.
22 Judo Fundamentals
Tewaza : Hand Techniques
TAI OTOSHI : body drop
Tai otoshi is a throwing method that involves your hands, hips, and legsworking
together to use the off -balanced condition of the opponent to throw him. The im-
portant point is timing. Tai otoshi is often used in contests because the physical
size of the opponent is irrelevant. Even a small man can use it to throw a larger op-
l, 2. Sland in migi shizentai and push the opponent backward.
3,4. When the opponent pushes back. use the force of his push to pull him
forward. Timing is important here.
5. As you pull the opponent forward, turn around by pivoting on your right foot
and bringing your left foot back.
6, 7. While the opponent is off-balance. place your right leg in front of his right
leg. Make sure you place your right calf squarely across the opponent's right ankle.
8. Then throw the opponent forward in one motion.
24 Throwing Techniques
Use of both hands: Get the opponent off-balance by pulling him forward.
Turn the little-finger side of your left hand (which islhe hikite. or pulling hand) out,
pulling with your left arm while keeping the movement of your elbow in a horizontal
plane. Push your right hand up, bringing your right forearm into position under the
opponent's Ieft armpit.
Use of the legs and hips: Relax your knees and see to it that they move into the
opponent from a low position. The tips of the toes of the right foot are pointed in.
Thrust up your chest so that your buttocks do not touch the opponent's body.
zo lnrowtng lechntques
POINTERS: Pull the opponent far enough forward to make him fully off-
balance. Hold his right hand firmly against your chest. Curling your right little
finger to the inside wili thrust your chest up and bring your right arm in closer
contact with the opponent's armpit. Before the throw, both knees must be fully
bent, and your body's center of gravity should be over the tips of your toes.
Throwing Techniques
FROM A RIGHT-HAND HOLD: You take a right-hand hold while
the opponent has a left-hand hold. (This and other "fighting" holds are
called kenka yotsu.) lppon seoi nage is effective here. push the opponent
backward, and when he attempts to push back, use his reaction to
throw him. lnstantaneous speed is necessary to make this throw. The
opponent loses his balance because you shift from right to left (photos
1.2,3. When your hip does not go in close in rppon seoi nage, or
when the opponent moves to the rrght side, press against the area
around his right knee with your right hand. The lower you press the more
effective it will be since it will prevent him from advancing.
4. 5. Then throw the opponent as if you were sweeping his knee
with your right hand.
This throw becomes most effective when the opponent is being
cautious and withdraws his hips or stiffly stretches out his right hand.
30 Throwing Techniques
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34 Throwing Techniques
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UKI OTOSHI : floating drop
Taking advantage of the pushing power of the oppon enl, uki otoshi uses rai sabaki
to make the throw. Uki otoshi, because it involves difficult timing. requires the
highest level of skill.
l, 2, 3. Push at the opponenlfrom mtgi shrzentai.
4,5,6,7. When the opponent pushes back, keep your upper arms sealed tight
to the side of your body and. with good timing. push upward as if to thrust into the
opponent's armpit with your right forearm
8, 9. 10. Pull your left hikite straight down and throw the opponent so that his
falling movement causes him to spin in a half -circle on the ball of his own right foot.
36 Throwing Techniques
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Koshiwaza: O-goshi 37
38 Throwing Techniques
POINTERS: Your right hand grasps the opponent's left collar. Bend your elbow
and hoist him up as if to place your elbow ln his left armpit.
Your hips move in from a low position. From behind your right armpit all the way
along your back, your body should be in close contact with the opponent's.
40 Throwing Techniques
POINTERS : The two photos directly above show the arm positions for executing
sode tsurikomi goshi. The right tsurite is thrust straight forward. lt is acceptable here
to cross the right tsurite and the lefl hikite.
Koshiwaza: Sode Tsurikomi Goshi 41
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42 Throwing Techniques
5, 6. Pull the opponent's body close to your right side as you place your right leg
along his thigh and knee.
7. 8. Twist your body to the left to sweep and throw the opponent.
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MAWARIKOMI (spinning in): The main feature of this form of harai goshi is
the way it effectively uses the opponent's psychology.
1, 2. 3. From a right hold, take yourfirst step as if you were going to execute a
technique to the left side so that the opponent shifts his center of gravity to the
right. Take the chance he has given you by pivoting on the ball of your left foot and
spinning back to the right.
4. 5, 6. Then sweep him to bring him down.
44 Throwing Techniques
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46 Throwing Techniques
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48 Throwing Techniques
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50 Throwing Techniques
Ashiwaza : Deashi Barai 51
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52 Throwing Techniques
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POINTER: The sweeping leg must not be bent but should be perfectly straight
From a right hold
54 Throwing Techniques
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56 Throwing Techniques
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Ko-uchi makikomi
f ,2. From migi shizentar, make the opponent move to his right side.
3, 4. Move half a step ahead of the opponent and, with the sole of your right
foot, clip his right foot just after it has moved.
5, 6, 7. Squeeze and wring your left hand to the inside; push with your right
hand on the opponent's left chest. Clip him so that his legs spread as he falls.
KO-UCHI MAKIKOMI : small inner winding throw
This is a form of ko-uchi gari (p.56) in which you seem to roll into the opponent.
l, 2. Wilh your right hand, forcefully draw the body of the opponent toward you.
3, 4. Step forward with your right foot and lower your body to move into the
opponent's midsection. Then wrap your right arm around his right leg and start to
topple hrm backward.
5, 6. Keep the back of your right shoulder tight against the chest of the oppo-
nent. As you fall and roll into him, knock the opponent down to the mat.
58 Throwing Techniques
O-UCHI GARI : big inside clip
When the opponent moves forward, backward, or to the side, take the opportu-
nity he offersyou and clip the inside of his left leg with your right leg. Like ko-uchi
gari, o-uchi gari is often used in contests because it is easy to combine with other
techniques. (Seeo-uchigari->taiotoshi,pp.160.161,and o-uchigari->ko-uchi
gari. p.159.)
OIKOMI (dashing in)
1,2,3. Frommrgishizentai. moveyour leftfoot by tsugiashi (see p. 16) sothat
it is behind your right foot.
4, 5. Pivoling on your left foot. turn the right half of your body to the opponent
and draw him toward you. Then clip the inside of his left leg with your right leg so
that he spreads his legs apart. Use your right hand to push on the neck of the op-
ponent while your lefl hikite pulls toward the left side of your body.
6.7,8. Clip and throwthe opponent backward to his left.
60 Throwing Techniques
POINTERS: The tips of the toes of your right foot must be pointed when
clipping the opponent. Sweeping the foot of the opponent directly sideways or
upward will not be effective. lf you pivot too much to the right, your face will turn
to the side as you attempt to execute the clrp and there is a chance that the opponent
wil I countermaneuver you.
62 Throwing Techniques
Ashiwaza : O-uchi Gari 63
KO-SOTO GARI : small outside cliP
Ko-soto gari uses your right foot to clip the outside of the opponent's left foot when
he advances forward or retreats backward. lt is very effective when the opponent has
you in a non-standard hold.
DEBANA (thwarting the oPPonent)
/. The opponent tries to execute a technique trom kenka yotsu and takes a big
step forward with his left foot.
2. Draw his right arm well forward and bring him off-balance to his left back
corner. At the same time. place your right leg along the outside of his right leg.
3,4. Bring your right hand straight down as you lift up on the opponent as if
to thrust your left forearm into his armpit. Sweep him with your right foot to topple
him backward to the mat.
64 Throwing Techniques
NIDAN BlKl (two-stage pull)
1,2. From a jigotaislightly to the right. draw the opponent toward you and
clip his left foot with your right foot.
3. When the technique is not effective and the opponent withdraws, take a step
forward with your left foot. But do not loosen your hold on the opponent's hand
that you pulled toward you.
4, 5, 6. Now loosen your hold a bit as you use your right foot to clip both of the
opponent's legs.
66 Throwing Techniques
'front view)
68 Throwing Techniques
Ashiwaza: Uchimata 69
OIKOMI (dashing in)
f , 2. From hidari shizenrar, push the opponent backward.
3,4. As he retreats, put your right foot between the opponent's legs, well in
under his thighs. At the same time. pull his body forward, making full use of your
right hikite and left tsurite.
5, 6, 7. Employ your advancing force and the spring in your right foot to boost
your left leg up into the right inside thigh of the opponent. Then twist in such a
way that your body covers the opponent's as he goes down to the mat'
70 Throwing Techniques
Ashiwaza: Uchimata 71
Ma Sutemiwaza: Rear Body-Drop Throws
Ma sutemiwaza are olren used to bring the opponent to the mat to apply katame-
waza (grappling techniques), which. if unbroken or painful enough, can earn the
competitor a victory. Some osaekomiwaza (holding techniques) are shown here as
examples of this strategy. Holding techniques are explained in chapter 3.
TOMOE NAGE : round throw
The instant the opponent advances, draw hrm farther forward so that he is off-
balance. Then fall backward with the sole of one foot on his Iower abdomen and
send him flying over and far beyond you. Tomoe nage is one of the most repre-
sentative judo techniques and. when effectively executed, is beautiful to watch.
l. 2. From migi shizentar. push the opponent backward.
3.4. When he pushes back, draw him forward until he loses his balance.
5, 6. Place your left foot on the opponent's lower abdomen and fall backward
by dropping your hips to the mat just behind your heels.
7, 8. fug strongly with both of your hikite as you raise your left foot vertical to
the mat and throw the opponent over your head.
72 Throwing Techniques
Ma Sutemiwaza: Tomoe Nage 73
l, 2. 3. Swing your right foot high from migi shizentai.
4,5. When the opponent tries to thwart you by assuming a defensive posture,
bring him off-balance to the right front corner while you bring your right foot back
to the mat. Then, after quickly swinging the left leg in. place the sole of your left
foot on the opponent's lower abdomen and roll down onto your back.
6, 7, 8. Use both hikite and your left foot to throw him over your head.
74 Throwing Techniques
76 Throwing Techniques
Ma Sutemiwaza: Tawara Gaeshi 77
ffii f$ilrllEl! IE
1.2,3. After struggling with you in the hold, the opponent grabs your belt
from over your shoulder with his right hand.
4,5.6. Move your right arm around to the back of the opponent and place
over his neck.
7, 8. 9. Place your right foot between the opponent's legs and fall straight
backward to bring him down. Keep your left arm wrapped around his right knee.
10, ll, 12. ln a contest. it is common to apply osaekomiwaza immediately after
the throw.
78 Throwing Techniques
Ma Sutemiwaza: Tawara Gaeshi 79
80 Throwing Techniques
Ma Sutemiwaza: Obitori Gaeshi 81
Yoko Sutemiwaza i Side Body-Drop Throws
UKIWAZA : floating throw
Bring the opponent off-balance to the left front corner and fall sideways in front
of his left foot to throw him. Ukiwaza is one of the frnest judo techniques and a great
many masters of it have emerged since olden days.
l, 2. Push the opponent back from hidari shizentai.
3. 4. 5. When the opponent pushes back, take this opportunity to bring him
off-balance to the left front corner. While opening your body diagonally to the
right and rolling down to the back, thrust out your right leg, placing your thigh
just in front of the opponent's left foot.
6.7,8. As you finish falling sideways to the right, pull your righlhikite straight
down to throw the opponent so that his body makes a complete revolution.
82 Throwing Techniques
1, When the opponent tries to execute hidari uchimata, grab his hips; while
keeping your own hips low. thrust out your stomach and knock the opponent to
the right side.
3. Move as if to clip both of the opponent's feet from behind with your right foot.
4, 5, 6. Fall forward to bring the opponent down to the right front corner.
84 Throwing Techniques
,&. \.
1,2. From kenka yotsu, try to execute uchimata (p 6B)
3, 4. But when the opponent sways backward, grasp this opportunity and move
your left leg around behind and against the back of both of the opponent's legs.
5,6'. While your left hand is pulling down, thrust up with your right hand and
fall onto your back to make the throw.
86 Throwing Techniques
1,2. From kenka yotsu, grab the opponent's lapel from above his left armwith
your rrght hand while your left hand holds his left sleeve near its mouth.
g. 4. Move so that you and the opponent are side by side in as much of a straight
line as possible; with your right hand. take hold of the back of his left thigh while
swinging your right leg around behind him.
5, 6. As you fall backward, scoop up the opponent's leg to bring him down.
Yoko Sutemiwaza: Tani Otoshi 87
HIKIKOMI GAESHI : back-fall reversal
Asin obitori gaeshi(p 80). grab the opponent's belt from over his shoulder and fall
sideways to make the throw. This is a technique which is often used to enter
/. With your rrght hikite pull the opponent's left sleeve to the side.
2, 3. As the opponent reacts by trying to recapture his balance, pull his left arm
close in to the right side of your body, at the same time, grab his belt from over his
shoulder with your left hand and draw him toward you.
4, 5, 6. The opponent will try to move backward.
7, I, g. Take advantage of the opponent's motion and, almost placing your left
ear along his left side, revolve sideways.
10, 11. You should apply osaekomiwaza immediately.
88 Thrcwing Techniques
-lg r
90 Throwing Techniques
Other Nagewaza
SUMI OTOSHI : corner droP
Bring the opponent off-balance to the left back corner and throw him with good
timing. This technique is also call kuki nage (the air throw).
SUKUI NAGE : scoop throw
When the opponent attempts uchimata, insert your hand between his legs from
behind and throw him in a scooping motion.
MOROTE GARI : two'arm cliP
Move into the opponent's chest and clip his legs to make the throw'
KOSHI GURUMA : hiP whirl
Hold the opponent on your back with one arm held tightly around his neck and
use your hips like the axle of a wheel to throw him.
92 Throwing Techniques
Ushiro goshi
Other Nagewaza 93
*? :. i.::,.r:r';.nr,,.';i-]:j,l
i,, (
94 Throwing Techniques
Sumi gaeshi
Yoko gake
Other Nagewaza 95
Soto makikomr Hane makikomi
Yoko wakare
Yoko garuma
98 GrapplingTechniques
",{' *.w
"*JJ' I
<esa gatame
100 GrapplingTechniques
ATTACK 2 (from above)
/. with your left hand, reach under the opponent's nght armpit and grasp his
left lapel.
2, Press down with your chest and with your right hand grasp his left sleeve.
3,4. open your left arm to the right and turn the opponent's body over while
pullrng his left arm out and into you.
5, 6. When the opponent turns over. move in to apply the hold.
104 GrapplingTechniques
1OO GrapplingTechniques
ATTACK 3 (from above)
/. Grasp the opponent's right lapel after thrusting your left hand under his left
2. 3. rurn over your left wrist and place your left knee on the right side of and
next to the opponent's head.
4, 5. wi:}, your left knee as a pivot, use both hands to turn the opponent over.
6, 7. when the opponent is about to turn over, thrust your right hand below
his left arrnpit and pull your body close to his.
& 9. When the opponent has turned over, pounce on him to make the hold.
Osaekomiwaza : Kuzure Kami Shiho Gatame 1O7
(rear view)
108 GrapplingTechniques
Osaekomiwaza: Kuzure Kami Shiho Gatame 109
l,2. With your left hand. take a deep hold on the opponent's left lapel;with
your right hand, grab his left arm from below.
3, 4. Now use your left hand to grab the opponent's belt in back from across his
shoulder and pull his body closer to you.
5, 6, 7. Thrust your left leg between the opponent's legs and with your left foot
kick up into the opponent's right inner thigh to make him roll over.
& 9. As soon as the opponent is on his back, apply the hold.
A. Grasp the opponent's belt in back from over his left shoulder with your left
hand and place your head in his left armpitto control his movement.
8. Passyour left arm underthe opponent's head and grab his left lapel from under
his left armpit; pull your chest close to his.
C. Wrth your Ieft hand, grab your own left lapel from over the opponent's head
and pull it down to control him.
D. When the opponent grabs his belt. thrust your left arm over his left shoulder
and then under his arm to grab and half -wrap his belt (or jacket, D') over his Wrtst.
YOKO SHIHO GATAME : side four-corner hold
Yoko shiho gatame is author lnokuma's favorite holdrng technique. There are two
ways to apply tt.
4. As the opponent lies on his back, hold him under your body at a right angle.
Go around his shoulder and grab his belt with your left hand. Place your right hand
between his legs to prevent him from escaping. Spread both your legs apart but
keep the right leg bent and close to the opponent's body. The most important thing
is hornr you use your left arm. The little finger of the left hand, which is grasping
the opponent's belt, should be turned upward;the left arm should be held tight
around the opponent. Do not place your body too far over the opponent. But do
thrust your left chest forward to make the hold more effective.
L As the opponent lies on his back. hold him under your body at a right angle.
Pass your right hand between the opponent's legs and grab his belt in back. Slip
your left hand under hrs head and grip the left side of his collar. keeprng your body
close to his. This hold uses your entire body and controls the opponent by focusing
on his hips. The use of both tegs is the same as jn 4, above. Release techniques
are the same as in kuzure kaml shrho gatame (p. 104).
112 GrapplingTechniques
j .:r.-r.:Jrt:i j:,:./
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114 Grappling Techniques
ATTACK 2 (from above)
1, 2.From between the opponent's legs, grab the tail of his jacket
with your right hand. With your left hand, grasp his knee and, while
controlling his hips, step over his right leg.
3. Keep your chest close to the opponent's body and with your left
hand grab his collar from under his head.
4. Then apply the hold.
118 GrapplingTechniques
ATTACK B (from below)
/. Hold the opponent's right leg with both of your arms.
2,3,4. Topple the opponent by bending his right leg inward. As he falls. grab
his belt in the back or the tail of his jacket from between his legs and pull your body
into close contact with his.
5, 6. Apply the hold while still in close bodily contact with the opponent.
120 GrapplingTechniques
1.2. Hold the opponent's left side to control his upper body.
3,4,5,6. While shifting your upper body forward. use your left foot as if ex-
ecuting tate shrho gatame (p. 1 26) to release your right leg.
3',4'.5'(variation). From 2, grab the opponent's knee from inside with your
right hand. Loosen the opponent's right leg by using your right hand and left leg.
Then extricate your leg as if entering yoko shrho gatame (p.112).
1.2.3. Control the opponent's upper body by using his belt or his jacket flap
to tie down his left arm at the wrist.
4, 5. Use your right hand and left foot to loosen the opponent's leg lock and
extricate your leg as in tare shrho gatame (p.126).
6. 7. fhen apply yoko shrho gatame (p.112).
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124 GrapplingTechniques
METHOD 6: niju garami(double entanglement)
/- Both of your legs are trapped by the opponent.
2. Press down on the opponent's right foot with your left foot and break the
entanglement by bending your right leg upward.
3. Turn your raised right leg in a circle to the outside and place your knee on the
mat. Bring your heel near the opponent's hips.
126 GrapplingTechniques
ATTACK 1 (from above)
tail of his jacket. With your right hand. grab near his knee to control the movements
of his right leg. Then lift your leg over his left leg.
2, 3, 4. With your right hand. grasp the opponent's belt in the back from over
his shoulder; with your left hand, scoop up the left side of his body.
5. While controlling the opponent's upper body. slide your body upward to apply
the hold.
130 GrapplingTechniques
Shimewaza : Strangle Techniques
OKURI ERI JIME : collar strangle
Approach the opponent from behind and. sliding your right hand under
his right armpit. grip his left lapel. With your left hand, get a strong grip
on the opponent's right collar from under his chin. Then press your head
against the back of the opponent's head while you pull your right hand
downward. Draw your left hand toward the lower left side of your body
to strangle him.
This strangle hold will be more effective if you use both of your legs
to restrain the opponent's legs and prevent him from moving about on
the mat.
132 GrapplingTechniques
t'Å ^-
136 GrapplingTechniques
SANKAKU JIME : triangular strangle
Sankaku jime is a locking technique in which you lock your opponent's
neck and arm by forming a triangle with the top of the ankle of one leg
in the hollow of the knee of the other leg. Among katamewaza, it requires
the very highest level of technique, and it can only be executed effec-
tively when you are able to use your legs as deftly as your hands.
Because the opponent is strangled by your legs, the power of this hold
is quite impressive.
There are several strangling methods for sankaku jrme. Here we shall
introduce three that are representative.
Yoko sankaku jlme (side triangular strangle) : The opponent's neck
and arm are caught in both of your legs from the side.
Ura sankaku jtme (rear triangular strangle) : The opponent is lying on
his back. You are at his head and trap his neck and arm.
Omote sankaku jime (front triangular strangle) : You hold the oppo-
nent's arm and neck from below.
Omote sankaku jime
(rear view)
er "t=Q'
- ,*-S
1M Grappling Techniques
Kansetsuwaza: Ude Hishigi Juji Gatame 145
From a kneeling posture From below
150 GrapplingTechniques
NaEewaza + Nagewaza
Shifting from one technique to another technique is commonly called saki no saki.
You apply one technique to get the opponent off-balance and then another
technique to throw him. This very positive combat strategy is called kake kuzushi.
The numbers in the headings below tell you on what page in this book the
techniques combined are explained in detail.
lppon seoi nage -> ko-uchi gari (26,56)
l,2,3,4. Attempt migi ippon seoi nage. The opponent resists by sticking out
his belly and swaying backward.
5L 6. While bringing your body back to its former position. place your right leg
against the opponent's right leg and control the leg with your right hand.
7, 8. With your right shoulder. push the opponent along his right chest and
shoulder. and then roll forward.
9, 10. Roll so that the opponent's right shoulder is completely down on the mat.
158 CombinationTechniques
O-uchi gari + ko-uchi gari (60,56)
1, 2, 3.
From hidari shizentai, push the opponent and attempt hidari o-uchi gari.
4, 5- When the opponent eases up on his right foot and tries to step farther back,
continue advancing in tsugi ashi and attempt hidari ko-uchi gari.
6,7. fwisl and pullyour right hand tightlytoward the inside. and with your left
hand push the opponent on the chin to knock him backward. lt is important here
to topple the opponent by using your left foot more to push his left leg open than
to clip it.
O-uchi gari '+
uchimata (60, 68)
1, 2. From hidari shizentai, draw your opponent to you and attempt hidari o-
uchi garr.
3, 4, 5. When the opponent lifts his right foot to thwart your move, pull him
forward and jump in at him.
O 7. Spring up and swiftly twist your body to throw the opponent. When the
technique does not work at frrst, you must sometimes repeat it again and again
(called ken ken uchrmata).
L-... -.--
168 CombinationTechniques
Nagewaza (yours) + Nagewaza 169
O-uchi gari + tai otoshi -> sasae tsurikomi ashi (60, 24,54)
1.2,3. From hidari shizentai. push your opponent and attempt o-uchi gari.
4. 5, 6. Take the opportunity presented you when the opponent eases up on
his right foot and attempt hidari tai otoshi.
7, 8, 9. The opponent leaps across your left leg to thwart your tai otoshi and then
brings his center of gravity over his right foot in order to regain his balance.
lO, ll, 12, 13. Take this opportunity to execute sasae tsurikomi ashi.
Here, three techniques are combined. But it is possible to combine more than
three techniques. Practice so that you will be able to execute your best techniques
one after the other.
Uchimata > sukui nage (68, 92)
\Nhen the opponent attempts to execute migi uchlmara, thrust your right
hand out and at the same time insert your left hand between his legs.
3, 4. Lean back swiftly and lift the opponent's body to the front.
5, When the opponent's body is about to come down, take a half-step forward
with your right foot and. whrle flinging up the opponent with your right hand, place
his body on your left hip.
6, 7. Twist your hip to throw the opponent with sukui nage while keeping your
body close to his.
Nagewaza -+ Katamewaza
ln a contest nagewaza alone might not be enough for a winning score (ippon), and
there are often cases in which you have to try to win by using katamewaza as well.
Be prepared forthis and practice daily to master moving from throwing techniques
to grappling techniques.
lppon seoi nage -> yoko shiho gatame (26, 112)
1, 2. You attempt migi ippon seoi nage.
3, 4, 5. You get off-balance and your hikite is not effective. Drop to your right
knee and throw the opponent down.
6. 7. Keep your chest close to the opponent while holding onto his right arm.
8, 9. Step in close to the opponent and apply yoko shrho gatame.
"{ 7
\&il Is
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Sasae tsurikomi ashi > kuzure kami shiho gatame (54' 104)
l, 2, 3. Throw the opponent with sasae tsurikomi ashi.
4, 5. Do not loosen your grip with your left hand but swiftly fall on the opponent
and place your chest in close contact with his body.
6,7. Wilh your left hand, grab the opponent's belt from over his shoulder and
apply kuzure kami shiho gatame.
." *"
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184 CombinationTechniques
186 CombinationTechniques
lppon seoi nage -> okuri eri jime 2 (26,131)
/. The opponent attempts migi ippon seoi nage.
2, 3. f ake a half-step forward with your right foot to counter the opponent.
4. Bring your right hand, which is holding the opponent's collar. back around
his neck as you shift your body to the |eft side.
5,6,7. While keeping your body in close contactwith the opponent's, grab his
left innerthigh with your left hand and roll him over onto his rightside.
8,9. fhe roll will make the opponent's collar, held by your right hand, close in
on his neck and give a better strangle hold.
190 CombinationTechniques
Kuzure kami shiho gatame > ude hishigi juji gatame (104,142)
/. Hold the opponent down in kuzure kami shiho gatame.
2, 3. The opponent tries to escape by turning face down.
4. The instant you enter juji gatame your hips are in close contact with the oppo-
nent's body. Hold his right arm and, lowering your hips as much as possible, turn
to make your body perpendicular to his in the form of a cross.
5, 6. Close your elbows tight and, holding the opponent's arm, applv juji gatame.
198 CombinationTechniques
Yoko sankaku jlme + kuzure kami shiho gatame
Yoko sankaku jime -> kuzure kami shiho gatame (136, 104)
l. 2. Your yoko sankaku jime is not effective. When the opponent tries to wrig-
gle out. place your right hand on the mat to prevent his escape.
3. Move on top of the opponent's upper body.
4. Disentangle your legs to apply kuzure kami shrho gatame.
Yoko sankaku jime + jigoku jime (136)
Jigoku iime (hell strangle) is a variation of yoko sankaku jime.
/. Your yoko sankaku jrme is not very effective.
2. Thrust your right hand between your legs; grip the opponent's right lapel.
3. Pull his lapel with your right hand as you entwine your legs tightly in a triangle.
The strangling action results from the actions of your hands and feet.
Yoko sankaku jime -> kansetsuwaza (136)
/. Your yoko sankaku jime is not very effective.
2- Grab the opponent's right wrist with your right hand and slide your right outer
thigh in the direction of the elbow to lock it.
Ude hishigi ude gatame + tate shiho gatame
l, 2. From below, draw the opponent
down to you and attack with ude gatame.
3. The opponent tries to escape by turning
4, 5. f ake this opportunity to control his
upper body and switch Io tate shtho gatame.
. To foster muscular strength, pull or lift up as fast as possible and use a weight
that rs one-third as heavy as your maximum muscular strength.
. To foster power, use a.weight that is about two-thirds as heavy as your maxi-
mum muscular strength and that you can lift from 8 to 1O times.
21O Training
Diagonal pull-up
'$.r.: I '
Side hurdling
Sl DE H U RDLI NG . Leap over your partner, who is lying flat. Don't stop between
jumps. For one set. do about 20 back-and-forth leaps.
SOUAT: Let your partner ride on your shoulders as you squat and stand up.
Keep your back straight. This exercise creates a solid foundation for seoi nage and
other throws using both feet.
214 Training
w _{*,'r**rh-
W :r:i::ll:i:Xåi:i:rli
Back press
Dumbbell press
216 Training
CHEST AND WAIST PULLS: Conducred with great speed. ch.est and waist
pulls will strengthen the "pull" and "push" which are so important in judo. This
is a power training method that has great application in actual judo combat.
4. Pull with one hand. Use your entire body
B. Pull with both hands. Alternate good hikite and tsurite combinations.
C. Train your tsurlte.
Training with Equipment 217
Barbell curl
Dumbbell curl
Upright rowrng
218 Training
Bent-over rowing Arm pull-over
BENT-OVER ROWING : Bend your upper body forward with your back straight
and lift the barbell to your stomach and chest. This exercise will strengthen your
pulling power and will also help develop the muscles all overyour body.
/. Bend your upper body forward and grasp the barbell.
2, 3. With your back straight, pull up the barbell to your stomach and chest.
ARIVI PULL-OVER: Lie on your back on a bench. Lower the barbell over your
shoulders to the back of your head and then raise it up again. There are two ways of
doing this exercise-while bending the arms and while keeping them straight.
l. Lie on your back on a bench and hold the barbell overyour chest with both
ha nds.
2.3.Lifl the barbell around your shoulders and lower it behind your head in a
half-circle motion. Then raise and return the barbell to its former position.
22O Training
Ball toss
A Full squat
B Half squat
BALL TOSS: You need two partners The one who throws the b: --- ,
to the catcher's left, right, and middle. Use a light ball at first and grac--= - . :
to heavier ones. Vary the speed of the throw.
l. Lie face down on a bench with your upper body extending -,:' -: .:
Have one partner hold your legs firmly.
2. The partner facing you throws the ball.
3. Catch the ball and throw it back to your partner. (Don't let t-= :' '.
f loor.)
SOUAT: With the barbell on your shoulders, squat and rise -: - -:
have strong legs and hip muscles as well as good bane (spring) S : -,-: r, "
the best methods for developing these qualities. They also prov::= .- - " i i" :
seoi nage and tsurikomi goshi.
4. Full squat: Spread your legs a shoulder-width apart ar: : -' i 'i td
your shoulders. With your back straight. bend your knees arl :: -l- " il ur. ,'-
Then stand up.
B. Half squat:This is done like the full squat except the ki==. ''. . " :.i" ''
they form a 90' angle.
n *
Flving split
Jumping squat
BENCH HURDLE: with your knees bent, jump over the bench from left to right
and vice versa. Gradually make the bench hrgher and increase the speed of the
/. Crouch down by the side of the bench.
2, 3. with both of your feet close together,
use the spring of your knees to jump
over the bench sideways.
FLYING SPLIr: Shoulder the barbell and jump up; then split the legs (one for-
ward and the other backward) as you come down and lower your hips. Alternate
your legs back and front. Using a light weight and doing the exercise speedily will
be most effective for increasing the power of your uchlmata and other leg tech-
niques as well as the power in your legs and hrps.
JUMPING souAT: Stand up with the barbell on your shoulders and take a big
jump forward. spread out your legs to the left and right and lower your hips as you
contact the floor.
222 Training
High clean and press
a .fr1ål8 q
BALL TOSS: Toss a medicine ball with your partner back and forth. Stand at
some distance from your partner and use your entire body to throw the ball from
every conceivable angle-from below. from above, to the side. on a diagonal. and
so on. This exercise not only strengthens the whole body but also provides a period
of relaxation before and after judo training.
224 Training
Judo and I
lsao lnokuma (left) advising At the Tokai UniversitY judo club
Yasuhiro Yamashita.
Kaminaga vs. lnokuma. The ftnal match of the All-Japan Judo Tournament, 1959.
Never Give Up
Judo is a combative sport. lt is a martial art aimed at defeating your opponent.
Other purposes of ludo involve developing physical strength and mental spirit. But
when you are up against an opponent, you must never forget the combative aspect
of the sport. You fight against your opponent, throwing him down to the mat to
achieve victory. At the same time. you frght against yourself. lf you think your
opponent is stronger than you and get the jitters. or if you are in a drfficult position
and feel that you must give up. then it will be impossible for you to win You must
not give up the bout until the last second, no matter how strong your opponent
mayte. You must have a fightrng spirit which will urge you on to attack and attack
again to the very end. Frghting spirit. to put it simply. is the f irst thing a
judoist needs.
Of course, I cannot deny that you mav feel anxiety or uneasiness before a ftght.
Feelings like "l don't want to be beaten." "l just want to run away." or "l'm
frightened" are always felt to a certain degree. Also there is loneliness. But what is
important during these times is not to be afraid of loneliness, anxiety. or weal<ness
of the will but to overwheim these feelings with a fierce fighting spirit and confront
your opponent with your intention to defeat him.
I experienced such anxiety and overcame jt when I participated in my first All-
Japan Judo Tournament.
It was 1959. I was a senior at Tokyo University of Education and was unknown
as a judoist. Furthermore. lwas the smallest man in the tournament, weighing only
B3 kilograms and standing 173 centimeters tall. As I mentioned, there was a belief
that no newcomer could ever win the tournament. My opponent in my first pre-
lrminary bout was Yuzo Oda. a giant of a man-l 93 centimeters tall and weighing
100 krlograms. Because Oda had been touted as a sure winner of the tournament.
no one believed I had any chance of beating him.
Before I fought Oda I was deep in thought for a long time. After considering it
over and over, I decided that the best strategy would be to launch an attack against
oda trme and time again. relentlessly. My idea was to "do or die." and I hoped to
discover a way to win by hammering away on the offensive, as is suggested in the
old Japanese saying. "Attacking is the best defense."
Fighting Spirit 229
Yasuhiro Yamashita on his way to defeating Turin at the Jigoro Kano Cup Tournament, 1978.
ln order to carry out this strategy it was necessary for me to have the stamina to
continue my attacks, as well as the frghting spirit that would enable me to generate
such stamina. By nature. I disliked being beaten bythe otherfellow. and since I had
built up my stamina during practice sessions, lattacked oda without fear. As a
result, my strategy proved successful. and after fighting for the full time I won the
bout with yusei gachl (judge's decision). This was a very important victory for me
and signified the first step toward the maturation of my judo. Also, from this victory,
my confidence increased considerably in regard to my notion that one must always
go on the offensive in judo.
After winning my first bout wrth Oda, I won all my other matches up to the finals.
And by defeating my opponent in the finals my confidence in my judo increased
even more. My opponent here was Akio Kaminaga, another man thought to have a
good chance of winning the tournament. He, too, had won all of his matches up to
the finals.
By the time of my bout with Kaminaga, all of my stamina was depleted and I was
resting in a very exhausted state in the dressing room, muttering words to the effect
that I couldn't possibly win. Hearing these words, watanabe-sensei scolded me
sharply Encouraged by his scolding. I went up to the yudo arena. My match with
Kaminaga proceeded with him in a superior position, but about one minute before
the end the big clock in the arena caught my eye as I returned to the mat.
I thought to myself, I must beat him with my favorite ippon seoi nage before lhe
time is up. As soon as I grabbed hold of Kaminaga, I pushed him backward to get
him into position. Up to then. Kaminaga had thwarted all such attempts of mine.
But this time, when I pushed hrm backward, he moved forward together with
my push ; taking advantage of this, I made the throw. The hall was in an uproar, and
after several moments the chief referee declared my seoi nage a waza ari (half point).
Thus I had managed to come from behrnd to win the trtle of the All-Japan Judo
My victory was the result of my never giving up the match until the very end.
There are some judoists who are quite strong during practice sessions but who fail
to live up to their expectations in competition. There are also judoists who in a
230 Judo and I
The author throwing Yoshizawa with ippon seoi nage at the Al/-Japan Judo Tournament' / 960'
match are unable to execute the techniques thatthey are actually in full possession
of. The problems here lie in the attitudes of these men before the fights begin :They
defeat themselves before they enter the judo arena. Only by using all your energy
and spirit until the very last can you win a bout. I become more certain of this each
time I watch Yasuhiro Yamashita.
Yamashita is one of my prot6g6s. He is also the one who broke my record as the
youngest judoist to win the All-Japan Judo Tournament. Yamashita is not only a
big man, but also a fighter who likes to train very hard. During theJigoro Kano Cup
lnternational Judo Tournament held at the Nippon Budokan (Tokyo) in November
1978, Yamashita exhibited fully a fighting spirit that simply overwhelmed his
opponents on his way to winning the open-class title. The open-class bouts were
held on the fourth and last day of the tournament. Aside from Yamashita, those
participating were Novikov of the Soviet Union, winner of the open-class title in
the Montreal Olympics, Rouge (France), Adler (the Netherlands). and othertop-
flight ludoists of the world.
ln his second bout, Yamashita met the big Russian Turin. Yamashita had a hard
time getting his techniques to work because Turin continued to take strong
defensive positions. Yamashita was taken for a koka (two steps below a waza ari)
w,hen Turin countered with a technique after Yamashita had attacked. The specta-
tors in the hall gasped when the kokaw2s proclaimed, and everyone thoughtthat
the seemingly invincible Yamashita would go down to defeat. But Yamashita redou-
bled his attacks against Turin. who maintained his defense with his long arms.
Several seconds before the match was over, Yamashita unleashed o-uchi gari to
pick up a yuko (between koka and waza ari) and a victory.
During the finals, Yamashita met Rouge of France. and although the techniques
of the two men were ineffective, it was clear that Yamashita was the more aggressive
and that the bout was in his favor. Yet Yamashita continued his relentless attack
against Rouge and just before the end of the match he caught him with o-soto gart
to gain a yuko and the trtle as well. lt was a brilliant strategy on the part of Yamashita.
The spirit of a combative sport is that one does not give up until the very end and
keeps up a relentless attack against the opponent. Always take a bold, forward
posture and sweep away your fears. No matter what the situation may be. as long
as you have a fighting spirit and the desire to win you will always discover a way to
Winning with ippon seoi nage against Hasegawa at the All-Japan Judo Tournament. 1963
middleweight divisron at the same Olympics, and Lorentz of East Germany, who
won the 95-kilograms-and-under class in the Jigoro Kano Cup lnternational Judo
Tournament held in Tokyo in 1978.
Because lwas small physically, ltook up weighttraining during my boyhood in
order to overcome this handicap and strengthen my body. With my new power,
and in combination with my favorite techniques-seoi nage and tai oroshr-l built
up my own judo. I believe that a small man like me was able to beat bigger men
because lwas able to back up my favorite techniques with basic physical power.
A judoist's strongest and best techniques become his weapons during a contest.
Being strong. the more authority in their execution the more effective the result.
But it takes a long time and some very hard practice to develop techniques that you
can truly call your own. My favorite techniques were seoi nage and tal otoshi. Both
involve heaving up the opponent from below. I learned them from Watanabe-sensei.
who often used to tell me that if a small man is to defeat a big man. the small man
must practice and master katsugiwaza, or carrying techniques.
I was never one for exhibiting brilliant judo techniques. But as far as my rppon
seoi nage was concerned, lwas always sure lcould bring down my opponent, no
matter who he was or what the situation, as long as I caught him in exactly the posi-
tion I wanted him.
Power, speed, and stamina are going to be particularly important in judo from
now on. Becoming able to win a judo match will involve adding basic physical
training to your daily practice to develop these qualities as well as working to
master techniques of devastating effectiveness.
to win, but in the championship of the following year I tasted a bitter defeat. The
reason for this is that my opponents had studied my seoi nage lhoroughly and were
on their guard from the very start. I managed to win up to the finals by virtue of my
determination, but in my bout with Akio Kaminaga, the man I had defeated the
previous year. all my seoi nage were thwarted and I ended up in defeat. This
showed me that you can't win by always fighting with the same pattern of attack.
technique. and strategy. ln order to win and continue winning, you must study and
work much harder than your opponent.
I realized then and there that I must perfect a technique other than seoi nage.
This was to be rai otoshi. Unlike in seoi nage, in tal otoshiyou do not throw your
opponent directly in front of you but twist your body a little to the side. You have to
unbalance the opponent with good timing first. ln seoi nage, there is the fear that
your opponent maythwartyou by hugging you and then countering with his own
technique. But in rai otoshithis fear is slight. I thought that if I perfected tai otoshi
and mixed it with seoi nage I could execute either one of them as the occasion
demanded and keep the opponent from knowing which one I planned to use. As a
result, the opponent would not know how to best guard himself against me.
Naturally I worked al o-uchi gari and ko-uchigari strenuously until they also be-
came techniques I could use. By using these leg techniques to get the opponent off-
balance. I established several attack patterns that could lead into seoi nage or tai
I also practiced my mat techniques very hard. My goal was to execute them
quickly in combination with my standing techniques to ensure victory. By studying
and strengthening my work on the mat. I managed to eliminate the anxiety I had
felt about it and could thus carry out my standing techniques boldly and without
any apprehension.
ln 1961 I hurt my hip and had to spend some time recovering from the injury.
When I got well, I practiced mat techniques diligently. As a result, I succeeded in
winning the All-Judo Tournament for the second time in 1963.
My strategy in the tournament was to concentrate on mat techniques after ex-
ecuting a standing technique. Also, when the opponent attempted a technique, I
would counter him and drag him down on the mat so that I could grapple with him
there. Because lwas confident in my mat techniques and because lwas sure that
I could fight on a par with my opponent even if I was the one thrown down to the
mat, I was able to attack with my favorite seoi nage purposefully and without fear.
I always studied my opponents far in advance, and when an opponent was bigger
than me I would hold him so that his eyes would be at the same level as mine. The
results of my study bore fruit in the frrst lnternational Judo Tournament held in
Moscow in March 1961 when lfought Kiknadze of the Soviet Union.
This tournament was kind of a preliminary to the soon-to-come Tokyo Olympics
of 1964, when judo was to be included in the competition for the first time. The
tournament was also a good opportun ity for me to see wheth er my tai otoshiwou ld
be effective against foreign judorsts. The favorites in the tournament were Kiknadze
and myself. Kiknadze was an enormous man, capable of firing an automatic rifle
with only one hand or lifting me clear up off the ground. I met him twice. once in the
preliminary league and once in the finals. ln the preliminaries ldefeated Kiknadze
in a matter of 30 secondswith rppon seoi nage, I couldn't have been more astounded
at the victory. However. Kiknadze managed to win all of his other bouts and I had
to confront him again in the finals. lt seemed that he had been studying my rppon
seoi nage, for when I pushed him backward, he would not push back at me. He
would rnstead block the movement of my right hand with his left hand. I got pretty
flustered and, breaking my customary rhythm. I attempted ippon seoi nage Just as
Kiknadze was stepping back. He seemed to have been waiting for just thrs oppor-
tunity, because he hugged me tightly and executed a strong back throw. lt was
judged a waza ari.
You can imagine my drsappointment. I was bound to lose if I did not make use of
everything I had been studying up till then. ldecided to attack wrth a mixture of
seoi nage and tai otoshi. This proved effective. After five minutes, I attempted a
seoi nage in the same pattern as before, and, lrke the previous time, Klknadze tried to
hug me. I took this opportunrty to lower my body and switched Lo tai otoshi.
Kiknadze fell to the mat from his right hip down. lt was a waza ari. We were now
equal. Kiknadze put caution to the wind and came forward voluntarily. He was in a
Receiving the gold medal at the award ceremonies of the / 964 Tokyo Olymprcs.
Nobuvuki Sato applving sankaku tojrme to Kaneko at the All-Japan Judo Tournament, 7 975
returned to Hokkaido on his next vacation. lf there was anything about judb I didn't
understand, I would write to him and he would send me his answer.
When lenteredthe Hakodate Chubu Senior High Schoolin Hokkaido, mybiggest
goal was to become high school champion of the whole of Hokkaido. During my
lunior high school days, I had not participated in any judo tournament outside the
school because we did not have any judo instructor. I did not know how much
ability I had since my only opponents had been my classmates. My brother, who
saw in me the talents and abilities of a future judoist, drew up a list of things for me
to accomplish while lwas in high school. lwas to become afirstdan (grade) by
the summer of my freshman year, to become second dan by the summer of my
junior year, and to become the judo champion of all of Hokkaido's high schools in
my senior year, This was a schedule my brother himself had dreamed of following
but had not been able to. My brother was always boasting to others that I would
someday become a judo champion, and I lived up to his expectations when I
finally did become the judo champion of all the high schools in Hokkaido in my
senior year.
lwas never first in sports or scholarships during my elementary and junior high
school days. There was always someone who was better than me no matter what
I did. And since I had a very strong will to win, my position as less than best was
hard to tolerate. When I became the high school judo champion of Hokkaido.
however, I realized that if I had the will I could succeed in anything lwanted to. I
was brimming with confrdence : number one in my high school. then in the city of
Hakodate. then in all of Hokkaido. I devoted myself to training more and more.
ln this same senior year in high school, the first individual judo tournament was
held in commemoration of the Tenth lnter-High School Judo Tournament.
Although my school was defeated in the school competition, lcaptured the in-
dividual championship and, as a result, qualified to participate in the AII-Japan
StudentJudoTournament. lwas confidentthat lwould make a good showing, but
during the preliminary league tournament I lost in the drawing of lots. After that I
participated in the National Athletic Tournament, but this time also I lost in the
drawings in my second bout. I had lost twice, but I was still confident that I could
be able to practice regularly. ln high school. since the school was located in
Hokkaido and we had to study hard forthe college entrance exams. I had not had
much time for practice. but in college my life centered wholly on judo. There were
practices at the school. at the Kodokan. at the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Depart-
ment. "l want to become strong in judo" were the words that formed my every
th o ug ht.
I was told by lnokuma-sensei to foster a scientific eye toward judo. During our
school's practice session in Tottori. when lwas a freshman. I had the opportunity
to meet Mitsuo Kimura-sensei, who was famous for his sankaku jime and who had
been active during his college days as a brilliant judoist. Whenever Kimura-sensei
came to Tokyo, I would knock at his door and ask him to teach me his famous mat
techniques. I even went to Tottori to take lessons from him.
i started off in judo with my brother as my goal, and lfinally began to beat him
around the summer of my junior year in college when I grappled with him during
summer vacation. Also in my junror year. my father died and our family was faced
with a financial crisis. But my mother and brother provided me with enough funds
to enable me to continue my judo training without having to take a side job. I would
be in a different position today were it not for the help they gave me.
When lwas a senior, lqualified to participate in theAll-Japan JudoTournament
and this gave me immense satisfaction, for it fulfrlled one of my greatest hopes.
Upon graduation from college, I planned to teach at a senror high school in my
native Hakodate. But after an excellent showing at the All-Japan Judo Tourna-
ment. I made up my mind to win the tournament sometime in the future and decided
to stay in Tokyo where there were many tough training partners.
Under these circumstances, lwas employed by Hakuhodo. a public relations
company that had a strong judo team and that was then emerging as a potential
contender for the judo championship among the Japanese business firms. The
manager of Hakuhodo's judo club was Kazunari Onda-sensei, an earlier graduate of
my own alma mater. Onda-sensei was a mathematician whose way of thinking was
theoretical and unique. He studied and analyzed in great detail each judo technique
and all kinds of combination plays, combat strategies. and control methods, and
was the runner-up in the tournament, but I found out that I could do equal battle
with top-ranking judoists and that my techniques were not inferior to theirs. As a
result of this tournament. not only I but others as well began to think I had a chance
of capturing the All-Japan championship.
ln the fall of 1966, I was selected as a judo representative of Tokyo for the
National Athletic Tournament held in Oita. I won every bout I had with first-ciass
opponents and became more and more confident of winning the All-Japan crown.
During the All-Japan Judo Tournament held the following year (1967) lwon
every one of my bouts and met lsao Okano ln the finals. Okano defeated me by
getting awaza ari forhis ipponseoi nage.llwasagreatdisappointmenttoloseto
an oppon4nt who was smaller than me.
That summer I participated in the Fifth World Judo Tournament held at Salt Lake
City and won frrst honors in the class of 93 kilograms and under. ln the 1968 AII-
Japan Judo Tournament, everyone thought that Okano and I would fight for the
championship, but, regrettably, Matsuzaka defeated me in the semifinals by
ko-mata sukui. ln the All-Japan Weight Classified Tournament, however, I entered
the heavyweight class and managed to win the title.
ln January, 1969, I left Hakuhodo and was employed by Tokai University as a
judo instructor. I had always wanted to become a teacher, and though I had
attended a government-supported school, I was impressed by the vitality of private
universities. Tokai had established a new martial arts department that focused on
judo, and I was attracted by the opportunity to try to help build up the judo club
from practically nothing into one of the foremost in Japan. I did not hesitate for a
moment, then, when lnokuma-sensei. my senior and teacher, invited me to take the
post as instructor of judo at the university. Of course, I had every intention of
continuing my career as an active judoist.
After joining the staff of Tokai University. I set up two targets-to win the All-
Japan Judo Tournament and to make Tokai University's judo team the champion
of all university teams in Japan. With strong support from Tokai President Matsu-
mae. lnokuma-sensei, and other teachers and colleagues, I pursued these objectives
with all the energy I had.
lwas defeated in the preliminaries of the 1969 All-Japan Judo Tournament, and
in 1970 all I could do was finish among the best eight. ln 1971 I was the runner-up
and in 1912, lhird. I placed among the best sixteen in the 1973 tournament. But
I just couldn't seem to win it.
ln the meantime my other achievements were;third place in the 1969 World Judo
Tournament (all-weight class), winner of the 93-kilogram class in the 1971 All-
Japan Weight-Classified Judo Tournament, second place in the 1971 World Judo
Tournament (93-kilogram class), and champion of the 93-kilogram class in the 1 973
World Judo Tournament. But no All-Japan championship ! lt was stilljust a dream.
and I thought about it day and nrght. Frankly, I was in a rather unbalanced state of
mind. One voice told me I simply did not have the ability to win, while another
told me to continue my efforts and wait until the following year.
For the 1 974 All-J apan J udo Tournament. my condrtion was the worst it had been
since 1967. ln January of 1914 I caught a cold which nearly developed into
pneumonia, wrecking my condition. My training, both in amount and quality, had
been very poor. and my physical powers had greatly deteriorated. I made up my
mind that, win or lose, '1974 would see my last participation in the All-Japan Judo
Tournament. Others were also thinking the same thrng. Therefore, I told myself that
I would do battle in each bout as if it were the very last one I would engage in. lt
was the first trme that I told myself it would be my last tournament. I don't know
whether this determination had anything to do with the results, but at Iast lman-
aged to win.
Afterward. ltold myself that abtlity alone cannot win a tournament, Destiny
also plays a big role in ludo.
My advice, from my own experience, is not to give up. "lf you set up a target,
strive to accomplish it no matterwhat happens. Destiny will surely be on your side
some day." These are the words made famous by Jigoro Kano-sensei.
think, is a matter of all-around power, and this holds true for any other sport.
Though your feeling for judo may not be the best, you can overtake an opponent
with good judo sense by practicing twice or three tjmes as hard as he does. The
important thing is to be in possession of a fighting spirit, a never-say-die spirit.I
believe that a person in possession of such a spirit and who also has good techniques
and physical power will in the end emerge the victor. Making untiring efforts toward
the accomplishment of a goal and developing a fighting spirit, I believe, also
demand a kind of talent.
While I was still competing, I made up my mrnd to study various other sports and
to do things others didn't in an attempt to adopt new ideas rnto my judo. One of
the sports I studied was wrestling. From December 1966 to January 1967 I worked
with a group of wrestlers training for the Olympics. Dur:ing the practice sessions I
studied holds and the development of basic physical power and was able to make
use of what I learned in my own judo. Also from 1966. I began studying Russian
sambo jn earnest. ln comparing sambo with judo, I found out that. on the whole,
judo techniques were on a higher level. But I also discovered that Ihe ura nage and
iuji gatame used tn sambo were considerably more powerful and effective than
those in judo. Another thing I noted was that because the stance in sambo is wide,
the samboist is vulnerable to forward-and-back combination techniques, particu-
larly to those like tai otosht, ko-uchi gari. and o-uchi garl. Thus I was able to take
advantage of the weak points of Russian judoists when I metthem in contests. As
the saying goes, to know your enemy and to know yourself is the way to victory.
lowered my Ieft hand and heaved my opponent up from below. A beginner in judo
is often influenced greatly by his teacher, but when he runs into a problem and
doesn't know what to do. he has to find the solution himself and change his form
by his own willpower and efforts.
am very grateful to have the chance to teach the students of the judo club there and
to foster promising youths. Our school won the team honors in the All-Japan Stu-
dent Judo Tournament twice. and I have helped develop numerous students into
Judo champions. I have also had the opportunity to meet Yasuhiro Yamashita. one
of the most promising judoists in Japan today. All my hopes have been realized
since I started at the university, thanks to the organizational cooperation extended
to me by President Matsumae and other teachers. I would like to express my deep
gratitude to them.
As a teacher of judo, I hope that my students will always win. I hope they will al-
ways be confident of winning and will study the ways that they can win. ln contests
I want them to display all their power against their opponents. For this reason I urge
my students to fight each battle with all their energy and to express the spirit of
ichigo ichie, that is. wanting to fight perfectly each time for fear they wlll never have
a second chance.
But no matter how important tt is to win a bout, a judoist must realize that he is a
member of society. His period of competition is short compared to the time that
remains after his retirment. lf he learns the habit of makrng diligent efforts, develops
a never-say-die spirit, and adopts the attitude of ichigo tchie during his days as an
actrve judoist, he will be able to'put them to use when he becomes a full member
of society. He must never end up merely as some "winning machine."
I have made many friends through judo. and my colleagues will remain like
brothers to me no matter how many years elapse. The bond of our friendship has
grown strong because we have concentrated all our energy on everything we have
undertaken. As for my rivals in 1udo, because we gave our all in our bouts, lfeel a
certain type of friendship with them even today. I am no longer engaged in com-
petitive judo. but my colleagues as well as my past rivals and I are cooperating with
each other in various ways. I am confident that our friendships which were born
from judo will become stronger and stronger as the days pass.
Judo, which has been my way of life, is, among allthe Olympic events, the only
sport to have developed in Japan. Judo bears the mark of Japanese culture. and is
in fact a "sports culture" that Japan can take pride in. But there are numerous
problems, both in Japan and abroad, which must be solved in order to further spread
judo throughout the world. As a teacher of judo, it ls my intention to develop
promising judoists. At the same time. I intend to work on the various issues that
confront judo with a never-say-die spirit.
FIRST (Tokyo,1956)
N atsui Yoshimatsu Geesin k Courtine
Unclassif ied (J) (J) (Neth.) ( France)
TH lR D ( Paris, 1 961 )
Geesi n k Sone Koga Kim
U nclassif ied (Neth.) (J) (J) /c Korea)
246 Appendix
SEVENTH (Ludwigshafen, 1971
63 kg. and under Kawaguchi Nomura Susllin Sam
(J) (J) (USSR) (S. Korea)
70 kg. and under Tsuzawa M i natoya Hoetger Zajkowski
(J) (J) (E. Ger.) (Po land )
Appendix 247
ELEVENTH (Paris, 1 979)
60 Kg. and under Rey Jong Moriwaki Mariani
( France ) { Korea } (J) (ltaly)
65 Kg. and under Solodu kh in Delvingt Paiowski Sahara
( USSF ) ( France ) (Poland ) (J)
Appendix 249
f Olympic Judo Records
TOKYO (1964)
68 Kg. and under Nakatani Haenni Stepanov Bogolubov
(J) (Switz.) (USSB) (USSR)
80 Kg. and under Okano Hofmann Kim Bregman
(J) (W. Ger.) (S. Korea) (USA)
Over 80 Kg. lnokuma Rogers Kiknadze Chikviladze
(J) (Canada ) (USSR) (USSR)
Unclassified Geesink Kaminaga Glahn Brironovskis
(Neth. ) (J) (W. Ger.) (Australia)
MUNTCH (1972)
63 Kg. and under Kawaguchi Buidaa Mounier Kim
(J) (Mongolia) ( France) (Korea)
7O Kg. and under Nomura Zajkowski Novikov Hoetger
(J) (Poland) (USSR) (E. Ger.)
8O Kg. and under Sekine oh Coche Jacks
(J) (Korea) ( France) (u.K.)
93 Kg. and under Chochoshvili Starbrook Barth lshii
(USSR) (u.K.) (W. Ger.) (Brazil)
Over 93 Kg. Ruska Glahn Nishimura Onachvili
(Neth. ) (W. Ger.) (J) (USSR)
Unclassified Ruska Kusnezov Parisi Brondani
(Neth. ) (USSR) (u.K. ) (France)
63 Kg. and under Rodriguez Chang Tunosik Mariani
(Cuba) (Korea) ( Hungary) (ltaly)
70 Kg. and under Nevzorov Kuramoto Vial Taraj
(USSR) (J) { Fra nce ) (Poland)
80 Kg. and under Sonoda Dvoinikov Obadov Park
(J) (USSR) (Yugoslavia ) (Korea)
93 Kg. and under Ninomiya Harshiladze Starbrook Roethlisberger
(J) (USSR) (u.K.) (Switz.)
Over 93 Kg. Novikov Neureuther Coage Endo
(USSR) (W. Ger.) (USA) (J)
Unclassified Uemura Remfry Chochoshvili Cho
(J) (u.K.) (USSR) (Korea)
MOSCOW {1980)
6O Kg. and under Rey Rodriguez Yemish Kincses
( France) (Cuba) (USSR) (Hungary)
65 Kg. and under Solodukhin Damdin Nedkov Pawlowski
(USSR) (Mongolia) (Bulgaria) (Poland)
71 Kg. and under Gamba Adams Lehmann Davaadalai
(ltaly) (u.K.) (E. Ger.) (Mongolia)
78 Kg. and under Khabareli Ferrer Heinke Tchoullouyan
(USSR) (Cuba) (E. Ger.) ( France)
86 Kg. and under Rdethlisberger Azcuy Ultsch Yatskevich
(Switz.) (Cuba) (E. Ger.) (USSR)
95 Kg. and under Walle Khubuluri Lorenz Numan
(Belgium) (USSR) (E. Ger.) {Neth. )
Appendix 251
f Women's World Judo Championships Records
NEW YORK (1980)
48 Kg. and under Bridge Denovellis Colignon Lewis
(uK) (ltaly) ( France) (USA)
PAR|S (19821
48 Kg. and under Briggs Colignon Bink Nakahara
(u K.) ( France) (Neth. ) (J)
VIENNA (1984)
48 Kg. and under Briggs Colignon Anaya Reardon
(u.K.) ( France) (USA) (Austria )
General lndex
arm pull-over. 219 movement. See tai sabakt.'walking methods
ashiwaza (leg techniques). 49-71
atemiwaza (striking techniques). 22 nagewaza (throwing techniques), 23-96
ayuml ashi (ordinary pattern of walking). neck press. 21 5
16 newaza. See katamewaza
lndex of Judo Techniques
Arrows for combination techniques (renrakuwaza) indicate whether the technique in the main
entry is applied to (+) orfrorn (e; the technique in the subentry.
1. ASHIWAZA tsurikomi goshi hip throw),
ashi guruma (leg whirl), 94 uki goshi (rising hip throw). 93
deashi barai (forward foot sweep), 48-51 ushiro goshi (rear hip throw). 93
harai tsurikomi ashi (pulling-lift leg utsuri goshi (hip shift). 93
sweep). 94 + koshiwaza. 172
hiza guruma (knee whirl). 94
ko-soto gake (small outside hook).94 3. MA SUTEMIWAZA
ko-soto gari (small outside clip). 64-65
ko-uchi gari (small inside clip). 56-59 obitori gaeshi (belt-grab reversal), B0-81
? ippon seoi nage,1 54-55 sumi gaeshi (corner reversal), 95
+ morote seoi nage,1 56-57 tawara gaeshi (rice-bag reversal). 76-79
+ o-uchi gari,159 tomoe nage (round throw) .12-75
ko-uchi makikomi (small inner winding + ude hishigi juji garame, 1 82. 183
throw), 5B-59 ura nage (rear throw), 95
o-guruma (big whirl). 94 ? o-soto gari.173
okuri ashi barai (assisting foot sweep),
trt trQ 4. TEWAZA
o-soto gari (big outside clip), 66-67
+ harai goshi.1 64-65 ippon seoi nage (one-arm shoulder
+ o-uchi gari,162 throw),26-29
+ sasåe tsurtkomi ashi, 166-67 + ko-uchi gari,1 54-55
+ ura nage,173 + okuri eri jrme, 186, 187
o-soto guruma (big outside whirl). 94 + yoko shiho gatame, 118-79
o-uchi gaeshi (big inside clip reversal) kata guruma (shoulder whirl), 32-33
+ o-uchi gari,174 koshi guruma (hip whirl). 92
o-uchi gari (big inside clip). 60-63 morote gari (two-arm clip). 92
+ kesa gatame, 1BO morote seoi nage (two-arm shoulder
+ ko-uchi gari.159 throw), 3O-31
+ morote seoi nage, 1 58. 76 '1 + ko-uchi gari.1 56-57
+ o-soto gari,162 + o-uchi gari. 1 58, 1 76
+ o-uchi gaeshi,174 sukui nage (scoop throw), 92
+ tai otoshi. 1 60, 1 61. 1 68-69. 170-71 + uchimata. 175
+ tai otoshi, l 68-69 sumi otoshi (corner drop), 92
+ uchimata, 163 tai otoshi (body drop). 24-25
sasae tsurikomi ashi (supporting foot + o-uchi gari,'1 68-69
lifting-pull throw). 54-55 < o-uchi gari. 1 60. 1 61. 1 68-69.
+ kuzure kami shiho gatame, 181 170-71
+ o-soto gari, 166-67 . + sasae tsurikomi ashi, 170-71
+ tai otoshi,110-71 + uchimata. 177
uchimata (inner-thigh reaping throw). + ude hishigi juji gatame. 184-85
6B-71 uki otoshi (floating drop). 34-35
+ o-uchi gari, 163
+ sukui nage,175 5. YOKO SUTEMIWAZA
+ tai otoshi.177
+ tani otoshi, l BB-89' hane makikomi (springing wrap-around
throw). 96
2. KOSHIWAZA hikikoni gaeshi (back-fall reversal). 88-91
soto ma k i ko mi (outside wrap-around
hane goshi (hip spring), 46-47 throw), 96
harai goshi (hip sweep). 42-45 tani otoshi (valley drop). 8zl-87
+ o-soto gari, 164-65 < uchimata, i 88-89
ko-tsuri goshi (small lifting hip throw),93 + yoko shiho gatame. 188-€g
o-goshi (hip roll), 36-37 u kiwaza (floating throw). 82-€3
o-tsuri goshi (big lifting hip throw). 93 yoko gake (side hook). 95
sode tsu r i kom i gosh i (lifting-sleeve- pu
yoko guruma (side whirl). 96
hip throw),40-41 yoko otoshi (side drop). 95
yoko wakare (side split). 96
1. KANSETSUWAZA + yoko sankaku jrme. 199
< yoko shiho gatame,2O4
sankaku garami (lriangular entanglement) tate shiho gatame (straight four-corner
+ okuri eri jime. 200 hold). 126-29
ude garami (entangled-arm armlock), +
ude hrshigi juji gatame, 196. 197
140-41 +
ude hishigi ude gatame,2j2
+ kuzure kami shiho gatame, 201 yoko shtho gatame (side four-corner hold)
ude hishigi hara gatame (arm-taking 112-19
stomach armlock), 1 50 + ippon seoi nage, 178-79
+ jigoku jime, 203 + kesa gatame, 191
ude hishigi hiza gatame (arm-taking knee shiho gatame,
- kuzure kami 1BB-B9 204
armlock), 147 -+ tani otoshi,
ude hishigi juji gatame (arm-taking cross yoko sankaku jrme. 205
armlock). 142-45
+ kesa gatame, 195 3. SHIMEWAZA
+ kuzure kami shiho gatame, 194
? tai otosht, 184-85 gvaku juji jime (opposite cross strangle),
+ tate shiho gatame, 196, 197 135
? tomoe nage, 1 82. 1 83 hadaka jrme (naked strangle),132
ude hishigi ude gatame (arm-taking iigoku jime (hell strangle)
armlock), 146 +ude htshigi hara gatame, 203
+ tate shiho gatame, 2O2 +yoko sankaku jime, 199
ude hishigi waki gatame (arm-taking side kataha jime (single-wing strangle), 133
armlock), 148-49 + okuri eri jime, 193
+ kesa gatame, 190 kata luji jime (half cross strangle), 134-35
nami juiijime (regular cross strangle), 135
2. OSAEKOMIWAZA okuri eri jrme (collar strangle), 130-31
+ ippon seoi nage, 1 86, 1 87
kami shiho gatame (upper four-corner + kataha jime. 193
hold). 104 + kesa gatame. 206
kata gatame (shoulder hold), 103 + kesa gatame, 192
kesa gatame (sash hold), 99-1 02 + kuzure kami shrho gatame. 193
+ okuri eri jime, 192 + kuzure kami shiho gatame. 207
< okuri eri jime,206 + sankaku garami, 2OO
e o-uchi gari, 180 omote sankaku jtme (tront triangular
+ ude hishigi juji gatame, 195 strangle). 139
ude hishigi waki gatame. 190
- yoko sankaku jime (triangular strangle), 136-39
+ shiho gatame, 191 ura sankaku jrme (rear triangular strangle),
kuzure kami shiho gatame (modified upper 138
four-corner hold), 104-1 1 yoko sankaku jime (side triangular
+ okuri eri jrme, 207 strangle). 136, 137
+ okuri eri jime. 193 + jigoku jime, 199
+ sasae tsurikomi ashi, 181 + kansetsuwaza. 199
+ ude garami, 201 + kuzure kami shtho gatame, 199
+ ude hishigi juji gatame, 194 + kuzure kami shiho gatame, 198
+ yoko sankaku jime,198 + yoko shiho gatame,205